Play Symphogear XDU

Play Symphogear XDU

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How please teach me

I already play it

Attached: 2019-04-08 00.38.42.jpg (2200x1080, 1.16M)

symphogear fightan game by arcsys fucking when

Post pole dancing.


Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 08 [A59BBCE3].mkv [00_13_44].jpg (1280x720, 138K)

This so God damn much if Granblue can do it we can do it too dammit

New season of anime is coming and I hope it won't be the last one

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what is this piece of shit
even though I love Symphogear I won't rot my brain with something like this
they should make a Symphogear action game like DMC

it's not coming bro, it's already airing

Get out.

>it's not coming bro, it's already airing
I'm living under a rock

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don't worry about it, you now got two episodes to watch back to back

I still need to sit down with the last season.

Also i want to marry Chris.

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>Played XDU from start
>Great time for my first gacha
>Dropped and gave away account after 4-6 months
>Other gachas not quite as fun, but much less taxing
I miss it, but it became too much of a chore to keep up with dailies, weeklies and such. Will return if they ever do an english version.

This definitely needs a proper game. Even a crossover wou--

Attached: bikki-haremthief.jpg (1920x1080, 882K)

>"play (game)" thread
>said game is always a fanservice shitpile with more porn than discussion and is always borderline off-topic
Like fucking clockwork.

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>not dubbed and never will be
I can't wait until I learn Jap

i would user but my phone has no more free space and i cant into weeb

it's also the last season

>symphogear dub
imagine the horror

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.06_[2019.07.13_14.48.07].jpg (1920x1080, 150K)

Idc, I just can't speak/understand Japanese enough yet to fully enjoy the show. It's like that with that a few animes I want to watch, but I'll get there.