why do you say it
Why do you say it
cuz it was ezpz
because i want to tell other players how much better i am than them
It's funny and makes little kids and numales seethe.
But you don't like if it people make you mad so why would you make other people mad? That's hypocrisy
I don't. If they're assholes, I just teabag in-game and call them "free" if they have a problem.
exactly this
>adult who weighs 130 pounds is shit talking in chat
>destroy him
>”ggez lmao”
>letting people on the internet bother you
>actually getting mad online
dude just have fun and call someone retarded
just don't lose ggezpz
When someone says gg ez to me I don't get mad, I think about how I made it easy for him and try to not do that next time. I say gg ez mostly for my team or if someone is shit talking me the entire match and I defeat him. I don't target and shit talk a single person so there's no hypocrisy at play. Why are you getting mad over a tiny phrase?
maybe you should've put up a better fight so it wasn't so ez
How would they make me mad if i'm always winning
>not disabling ingame chat
lmao enjoy typing to yourself, ggezfaggots
I hate everyone in online games, the actual message is
gg ez 1v[number of players in the enemy team]
so you shit on your teammates and your enemies
I don't use chat at all. But if I did I'd say it purely to piss people off that take vidya too seriously.
>GG ez is censored in Overwatch
If four letters make you mad you need help.
Reminder that the best response to it is active kindness. Point out something they did well or something their teammate did well. Either they'll double down and look like more of an asshole or they'll simmer down.
I don't shit talk unless like the guy on the bottom of the scoreboard is giving me grief then I'll put him in his place.
This is basically as based as it gets
It is funny
This, I have myself a good chuckle thinking that you fags are typing to no one
i say it to faggets and cunts only tho, to nice or neutral people i just GG, sometimes say WP to a enemy that i think was the better of them.
I don't even think about it. I'm more concerned with my own experience in relation to me.
I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me
I don't because winning pubs isn't very meaningful outside of how much fun I had doing it.
>"Say your middle initial twice along with the second and last letter of your last name."
Okay... I guess.
>final round after enemy comebacks 9 rounds in a row
>we clutch last one
They were absolutely seething
No, hypocrisy would be if I believed nobody should ever be made mad, but still intentionally made other people mad myself.
Deriving pleasure from other people's suffering while not wanting to suffer myself is just a simple consequence of egocentricism, it's nothing unusual and you're allowed to dislike it without ascribing some fallacy of logic to it.
I say it so I can see the funny wordfiltered phrases blizzard provided.
It also allows me to gloat superiority over the enemy team without any justification for them to get mad about it.
no one fucking cares you faggot
I say GG back unironically and move on
The thread asked.
inflicting psychological damage to the weakest link on the enemy team will have an exponential knock-on effect leading to their team destabilizing, increasing your chances to win
its usually some idiot rager and triggering them doesnt take much
unfortunately this tactic will be used against your team as well
usually the ones who utilize such tactics are prone to becoming affected by it the most
i spam bg even if i win