>New Megaman X game announced
>Its a Metroidvania
How would you feel about it?
>New Megaman X game announced
>Its a Metroidvania
How would you feel about it?
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Nothing, though I question for a second why it isn't just a ZX entry since that sort of thing is what they were about.
Skip it and wait for MM12. X series was never as interesting to me as Classic or MMZ and Metroidvania aspects would kill my interest. It'd probably be a good game considering the quality of MM11 and get a lot of praise, but it wouldn't be for me.
Honestly, since Zero had a definitive ending, all I want is more Classic or a new sub-series entirely, since I never got into Battle Network or Legends.
Another Megaman ZX?
Where is this from?
Also I want optional dungeons to play after beating the game. Dystopian futuristic land with robots and bosses and items to loot.
If it's not the third ZX game, the ones that already were Metroidvanias in the first place, I would be fucking LIVID.
April fool's desings, they made action figures based on em
Hyped. ZX was a pleasant surprise.
I would only settle if Aile, Tron Bonne, or Legends Roll is in it.
Peak designs. Cant get better than this.
The wait is killing me, but it just keeps looking better with every passing month...
bros i just played mega man 2 so should i play X now or Mega Man 3
I doubt it'll happen but I hope Capcom pulls a SEGA, or technically another Capcom since the SFxMM official seal came before Mania, and cosigns a publish on this.
It'd be a good way to do the X version of MM11 without having to do the work.
Personally I prefer Stage Select but been able to move around the Maverick Hunter base and other areas would be cool.
Nah that isn't a good idea. If they do a metroidvania type of MM game then let it be its own thing. X is better when it is level based, not the shitty X games though the good ones.
I would feel pretty HU HA HOO about it.
don't the X games require backtracking anyway?
The game turned 12 a few days ago.
Not as bad as the Legends fanbase as they're sitting on almost 20 years of cliffhanger but it feels hopeless.
For what I remember, the backtracking is optional. Just in case you want extra equipment and sub tanks.
>made figures off the design that ended up being successful
>ended up losing the license rights shortly after
thanks capcom
Depends on the game and your route, IIRC you don't need to backtrack at all in X2 if you know where to go
>you don't need to backtrack at all in X2 if you know where to go
really? what boss order do you need to do?
Are the ZX games actually good? Never really heard about it.
I like them but they rely on the transformation gimmick a bit.
The map is fucked in ZX 1 but I found the controls to be really good in both.
They have good core gameplay just need some better map design.
It's been, what, 6 years?
>10+ years in development
>restarted 3 times
holy project mismanagement batman
They have their flaws but I enjoyed them. I especially liked that in the second game you straight up get to transform into the bosses. No acquired weapon or anything, just straight up turning into the bosses, with all that entails. Some had pretty limited movesets but some were cool. And that's on top of the actual "armor" transformations that have more utility.
you just need to beat Wire Sponge before Wheel Gator (which is in weakness order) and Gator before Morph Moth.
Though you need Bubble Crab's weapon to get the SubTank in his own stage, so it's not completely backtrack free.
They guy is still making consistent updates at least on his discord
Feature creep is a hell of a drug.
He decided to add in the armors from the first 3 X games for some reason.
He's also doing it in his spare time.
>New Mega Man X game announced
>It's Mega Man X Corrupted
>Capcom hired this man
Why are you blaming Capcom for that disaster? Sentinel fucked up big time.
Thanks, I'll check it out when I get bored enough.
They're amazing. Love them more than the regular X games. Both in themes, presentation, and gameplay.
Its world is just that much more interesting, and I feel like the gameplay has more to offer too.
They're fun in the same way that X6 is fun. The core game mechanics and controls have been so refined that running around and jumping is a blast, but everything else around it is questionable. They aren't bad games like X6, but they never excel to greatness like the Zero games did.
Wire Sponge
Wheel Gator
Flame Stag
Magna Centipede
Crystal Snail
Overdrive Ostrich
Bubble Crab
Morph Moth
Keep in mind this is a speedrun route and getting an arm upgrade and the sub tank/heart tank from Bubble Crab stage is quite tricky
I want a Megaman X game that plays similar to Furi but a metroidvvania would be good to
As long as the gameplay and level design are good I have nothing to worry about
I mean it's not like I can't go back and play X1, X2, and X4
Hyped as shit. ZX was great but fuck the story and general direction of it. A ZX style game divorced from that would be amazing.
which mega man game has the best wily levels? which x game has the best sigma levels?
To the average unaware fan this sounds easy peasy. To those that actually keep track of Corrupted, you'll realize that they redrew all of the sprites to animate more like the PS1 games rather than simply reusing the SNES sprites, on top of Zero having entirely new animations to match this set up, so they have to redraw all of the old armors for everything.
I wouldn't care
Honestly my dudes megaman has always been a bit of metroid and castlevania to some degree, except it isn't really an interconnected world and you actually CAN beat the game without collecting all the power-ups.
You can still pick what area you want to do, and you need to complete some to efficiently complete others.
Megaman is like if the vania half of the portmanteau referred to the original castlevanias instead of sotn and the genre was more of a hybrid of the two
>New Megaman X game announced
>fanmade game still looks 10x times better
One will be released and the other one will be stuck in dev hell due to feature creep
If you're going to break conventions then why not pull a Sonic Generations?
>Timeline gets fucked up by the Sigma virus infecting a time machine built by some scientist late in the X timeline (probably between X8 and the Elf Wars)
>Rock, X, MMZ-era Zero, and Volnutt get brought together and dropped into various locations from their games
>Each stage is designed like a level corresponding to the character you play as despite being a location from another game
>Examples: Zero jumping and slashing his way through Quick Man's stage; Rock jumping around a stage based on a Legends dungeon; Volnutt traversing an airship to get to a third-person shootout with Storm Eagle
>All the supporting characters like Roll, Alia, Ciel, & Roll Casket run shops and can be used as operators
>Protoman is a recurring boss; Sigma infects the timeline and infects him either when he's Break Man or before Mega Man 5 so he's legitimately the villain instead of a fake-out
>Quint also plays a role, but is brought back to his senses after a boss fight and gives his Jackhammer to Rock as a weapon
>Bass, X-era Zero, and Tron Bonne can be unlockables or DLC characters for Classic, X/Zero, and Legends levels respectively
>DLC Expansion with levels based on the Battle Network series including a playable EXE
Fantastic idea, user. Too bad Capcom would never go for it.
thats just artwork nothing been announced
Anyone here play Mega Man Maker?
Gayest post of the week
Are the stages just huge or is it essentially open world? Traversing this shit seems like it would become a pain.
Weren't those the designs for the cancelled MMO? Also, I'm still mad about it.
Open world like Metroid.
Think there might be a teleporter system though so that helps.
He's designing it stage by stage so we'll see how it goes.
Why do people call them "metroidvanias" when SotN added nothing to the definition of the genre? It makes sense to denote a specific style of castlevania, but as a genre name it's fucking stupid.
>It makes sense to denote a specific style of castlevania
those are junkfoodvanias
SOTN added RPG-style character building beyond what Metroid allowed you to do.
Yes but RPG stats are not intrinsic to the genre. Plenty of games defined as metroidvanias don't have them.
I would be insanely pissed off. Metroid has never been good and super 4 was the last good castlevania
oh fuck off rondo of blood and bloodlines were great
SoTN and Super Metroid are the most iconic games in that genre, ergo.
The same way I felt about ZX and ZX Advent.
Which was "Neat".
So what? The second name is pointless and awkward. FPS for a long time were called Doomlikes, not "Wolfendooms." Roguelikes are not named "Fargoalrogues." At the very least, Metroidlike makes more sense before it gets a proper genre name.
That would be fun, 8 bosses and sigma would be boring
It doesn't need to make sense. It sounds nice and people just adopted the term because everyone used it.
You mean these in OP picture about the anniversary?
I bet you are as autistic as the ones who complain about "Rogue-like".
>Sentinel fucked up big time
wrong company, moron. i think youre thinking of different figures
lost the license to OP designs?
Axl isn't even a bad character, he just had a shitty introduction. He was fun as fuck to play as in X8. I don't mind the trio thing they have going on at all.
played both can confirm
No, this was.
X7 and X8 is quite old already. There must be people with nostalgia over Axl.
Also, he is fine. His young and energetic personality contrast well with the rest of the trio.
Thats so fucking sick.
RIP rockman online, died prematurely ;_;
He's the brat of the trio. It's funny how he reacts to everything compared to X and Zero.
Cringe because X is supposed to be linear
I wouldn't call Megaman games linear since you can choose the order of the stages.
>How would you feel about it?
I'd skip it and wait for MM 12. X series is mostly trash and a metroidvania would be a downgrade.
Cool, I guess
the same freaks that like bass
>Wily: "Zero! You are my creation! Why are you siding with my most hated enemy?!"
>Zero: "bcuz ur a faget"
Me, I found him to be the most fun to play as in X8
Because SotN was a PSN game.
Bassfags were Dynamofags, not Axlfags.
At least it's not Vilefags.
might still play it
probably wouldn't buy it
he's perfectly fine in X8
it's an absolute shame X7 so much as exists though
Isn't that literally just what Megaman ZX and that Megaman Corrupted game that will never come out are?
Holy shit taste, you should be ashamed.
It went amazing with MMBN, why would i feel bad about it.
Capcom did make that strider game.
If it was like that I would like it.
They just need to make every character more unique with new moves, they should speak with Itsuno to make every character cooler.
If I can play as Zero the entire time then I will buy this shit instantly.
You should be able to select the stage, but every stage is a big metroidvania complex with secrets and shit.
It's time to put some effort on megaman x, every character needs more abilities that get expanded on defeating bosses.
Which BN/SF game had the worst random encounter rate?
They aren't especially good at being "metroidvania" but the basic Megaman parts are about as good as usual.
Because they're just both early examples of great games in this genre. Calling them "Metroid-like" would blow. I'm not doing that.
Pretty nice Zero design
>inb4 the creator dies randomly and all his work is lost
Metroid games and Igavanias aren't even that similar
Me, you tasteless faggot.
How would HideofBeast feel about it?
>mfw that madman did a minimalist speedrun of fucking X6
Id sooner crush my balls with a press
Fucking amazing. What has he been upto, recently? Does he use a proper mic now atleast?
ZX was one of his favs so maybe he'd like it.
He was playing Mario Maker levels few years ago youtube.com
If it's anything like ZX I'd be very happy.
ZX and ZX advent are my favorite megaman games of all time after the battle network series
play them kiddo
>JKB streams his programming
>Police and firetruck sirens are heard almost every stream
It could actually happen. I wouldn't be surprised if he lives in a shitty neighborhood.
SF2 easily.
Metroid is the most cancerous piece of shit of all time.
Castlevania was a fun and challenging series until it became a shitty “mash Y to win” backtracking simulator like Metroid.
Megaman X is at least one billion times a better game than Super Metroid. I’d be pissed off if it went the same route.
Yeah I thought so, I was going through that game right now and holy fuck the encounters are a pain in the ass. I do like how they merged wave roads more with the real world levels instead of just being over them. I can see a few things it took from the anime (or did the anime take it from them?) such as megaman being visible to people sometimes and the extremely futuristic city map.
Eyyy, I'm on Star Force 2 rn too for my Star Force 4 memorial playthrough. What part are you at so far? I would be at Whazzap, but I'm going through all the side missions.
Still relatively early in, at the ski resort scenario. Only just started the other day.
I know a lot of purists would be upset about the MM level/boss progression being messed with, but it's doable, and imo it would be ideal. I mean, why not? It means a bigger game. More cool environments to explore with the air dash and other collectable armor abilities. Yeah it would be too good to be true.
Starforce 4 memorial?
>or did the anime take it from them?
The anime came out during the first game's launch window, the second game was definitely influenced by the anime.
Concept art for the cancelled Starforce 4 got shown off about a week or two ago.
language is made by popular usage, you don't have a choice but to use known words if you want to communicate effectively
>new megaman game announced
>its cancelled
I'm lost, what is the deal with Zero's helmet and the pic? Spoonfeed me.
>OP makes an obvious baitpost thread to talk shit about metroidvania
>Doesnt know that metroidvania X games exist
>games which are actually pretty good and well liked
OP you shitposting aussie faggot i swear to god
Oh also, ZXA is better than ZX. A bit more cluttered, but better nonetheless
Give Zero his tits back
>Not liking his new inverted nipples
Ah, that was recent.
thought it was old news.
>long hair
>lightbulb tits
>rounded body(in the first game)
>became male because retarded hippie gaijin still somehow assumed en masse that he was male and the creators simply went with it
You belong here, OP
When the fuck are they making Command Mission 2? The entire design of that game was amazing. It also had the best girl of the series.
Do you have proof?
Cause I think he was always male.
Inafune chose the hair because he was aiming for a wild look.
You'll probably get monkey's pawed and have it be a mobile game if the rumors about a mobile megaman X game using the Command mission design are substantial.
What rumors are you talking about? Please don't bring my hopes down even lower than they are about the future of the X series.
Yeah, I only started Sunday myself.
What is this?
If they actually added fuckable robot girls and datingsim shit I guarantee the X series would sell a ton and be GOTY
In the off chance you are not trolling. That pic is for modding a flash game where you can modify the looks of a character giving a blowjob. Super deepthroat
Incredibly happy. I don't understand how it has never happened.
I like they are the only subseries with a genuinely positive atmosphere and it feels like the world has improved a lot and will keep improving.
They have flaws but they are exceptionally good games. Also with some of the best soundtracks where every track actually feels like its own lively world.
There's this guy who runs a megaman news blog rockman corner. Protodude, he is (or was I haven't kept up) hinting that capcom was working on some sort of mobile games for X and possibly BN.
He was being cryptic as fuck about it but he showed off what looked like new official art of command mission X.
The Megaman 11 team has been confirmed to be working on something, and I think it's been explicitly stated not to be a mobile project.
>I think it's been explicitly stated not to be a mobile project.
That implies it's a mobile title.
I'd be pissed. Metroidvanias suck with their shit backtracking.
Or disregard that, I'm sleepy and can't read.
Do reploid chicks actually have vaginas?
Yeah the 11 team is working on somethign separate from the mobile title we are discussing.
Not sure how legit this image is but it's what makes me think of mobile command mission game.
that is mega man x corrupted made for jkbgames, a fanmade mega man x game, its a metroidvania, i wait for this almost 10 years
In your fanfictions, they probably do.
of course not
Only time will tell, I suppose. Command Mission's battle system wouldn't be too hard to implement on a mobile device, some action trigger input methods aside.
i don't think so, but reploid can fall in love with humans
Would be cool.
Only if you make one for them. Imagine that, making a vagina for your reploid daughter so she can get fucked by another man.
the combat in this game feels good as fuck.
They're made to mimic humans, it's apparently not weird for reploids and humans to have a relationship, sex is a huge part of human life and culture, and reploids (including X and Zero) apparently have their own form of genetic code, you tell me user
Depends how waifufag you are. I think they’re pretty bad in comparison to Z but they’re okay in a vacuum
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it user?
They generally don't reach Mega Man Zero's sheer heights (especially 2 and 4) but I liked both games about as well as I did Z3 or Z2. Elemental weaknesses basically don't matter and often are an impediment when trying to not injure the biometals before acquiring them in ZX1, and they're tied instead to Model H (Harpuia, thunder), Model L (Leviathan, ice), and Model F (Fefnir, fire) which type their charge-attacks as their element. Half the fun of it is the novelty of getting to play as the Four Guardians from the Zero series and the other half of it is a pretty competent Zero-type game. Only disappointment is that Model ZX doesn't actually combine the features of Model X and Model Z like it should on paper, it just turns you into MMZ-era Zero.
Well, I'm out.
>Never even heard of Mega Man ZX before this thread
>Google it
>Looks fun as fuck
>DS only
Well fuck me...
It barely uses the touch-screen and only does so as an on/off switch for one or two Biometal features, emulate it bruv.
Emulate it bro.
Only had minor touchscreen stuff and would probably work fine on your PC.
You know, it didn't even cross my mind to emulate it. Sometimes I forget how much of a brainlet I am.
Never used a DS emulator I'm assuming the mouse takes the place of the touch screen?
>I'm assuming the mouse takes the place of the touch screen?
Yes, DS screen wasn't multi touch IIRC so your mouse basically becomes a stylus.
While you're at it you can find a rom of the Zero collection too if you're in the mood the whole series.
BN7 is basically never ever, series is over.
Starforce 4 and Legends 3 were considered for development and both canceled about a decade ago.
As much as I wish for it ZX3 is dead as the series sold too poorly.
God please no.
I hate metroid vanias because I get lost all the time so seeing X put into one would suck.
Save the metroidvanias for the ZX series please.
Remember that time Luna fucking died?
Well considering they can be converted into Data I wonder whether perfect digital cloning is possible in those series.
We saw those bunch of Omega Xis knock offs, what made them all so buggy again?
I'm not a fan of the characters using guns instead of busters.
Axl always had guns instead of a buster, so that just a general comment?
The X and Zero in OP both still have Busters.
Zero used a shitty little peashooter in the Zero games.
This isn't Reddit faggot, GTFO with your shit taste
Those designs are trash but a good joke.
>having faith in the series that only has three good games out of eight
Definitely leave that to ZX.
>Mega Man X introduces 5 females in two games
>Series dies
I feel we were robbed yet spared. If hypothetical later games had not improved we'd complain of life support by waifus.
Yeah that I do wonder about.
X still had his buster so I guess they wanted to redesign and retcon stuff a bunch for no real reason.
The artstyle eventually grew on me but the necessity of the Zero series redesigns is still a mystery to me.
They're defining games/series in the genre and SOTN adds both RPG elements and wildly different gameplay and level design to Super Metroid. It was also inspired more by LTTP than Metroid itself.
Zero using a gun was real confusing too, with arm-busters still being a thing for several characters (including X) and, apparently, hand-busters like Zero's taking ammunition which he only bypasses by using the Z-Saber as a battery. There's Omega, too, where he's still using a handgun from being a palette-swap of Zero even though all his buster effects are themed after the old games where he actually had an arm-buster. I guess they just didn't want to violate their image of Zero being a swordsman, or tying it into his niche in the Zero games as a weapon-master.
I always liked to believe the redesigns were there to make the zero series stand out from the normal X series.
Plus it looks much cooler which fits since it was more for hardcore fans
Play X after 4
You need to cleanse your pallet of 2 and get an idea of what a good megaman game looks like
It could make sense storyline wise. Have X and co. face some threat they cannot defeat with their normal bodies or even their special armors, so they have to do some body modifications. You could even use this as to why X looks completely different in MMZ.
Robots, changing body parts, consciousness, yada yada. It's a game plot right there, if a little bit cliche.
He got it off Milan's corpse and used the Z-saber to charge it. Not bad considering it's far more versatile.
Why do you torment me with such great ideas that will never happen, user?
Seriously though, this sounds like it could be incredible.
Ahhhhh nice. As for the proposed DLC characters, they should probably be bosses first?
The Never-est of the Never Evers
I'm honestly surprised Capcom hasn't picked up Mega Maker yet.
Speaking of which I started playing pic related today. I thought it was gonna be a simple sprite-swap but no, it's a legit, fleshed out MMX game with armor upgrades and everything. I still can't fucking believe this actually exists.
Is this a mod on steam workshop?
Did they fix it?
I played it at release (I think) for the sonic hacking contest and it was buggy as heck. The collision detection/physics were way off.
It's a ROM hack, so probably.
It plays (mostly) fine now, I only had collision issues when wall jumping in Oil Ocean so far, and that was only like two times.
user zero replaces Tails if you’re wondering, and the buster upgrade is a disappointment
so Mega Man ZX? I enjoyed them.
>zero replaces Tails
What the fuck, how? There's no options menu, how do you access this?
Unironically speaking, a lack of souls.
I mean graphics wise
no one but retarded zoomers, Axl needs to be killed off in the intro of X9
axl, shes a semon demon. dont see why there isnt more art of her
"The Mavericks are a club I'd PREFER to be left out of!"
Have Capcom collaborated with Inti Creates on anything after they went their separate ways?
Seems like Gunvolt and Copen are the new X and Zero for that particular company.
I don't think so.
Gameplay-wise they're my favorite Megaman games. It's like they took the movement/combat of the GBA Zero series and made it better.
>series is over
It ends on a sequel hook.
Welp looks like X Corrupted is going to get that C&D soon
I wouldn't call Lan and Mayl fucking, having a child, and settling down a sequel hook.
If it's X Corrupted FINALLY being finished, then my dick would grow 3 sizes that day.
FUCK I love Crystal Raffler's theme SO DAMN MUCH!
quick Yea Forums, whats the least humanoid, sexy reploid
Uhhh Split Mushroom.
>since I never got into Battle Network or Legends
Holy fucking shit, that's understandable, as they're both very different and not for everybody.
This. The gameplay isn't even that much different.
They're basically Z5 and Z6 with Metroidvania elements. The bosses aren't as good and the maps are a little uninspired, but if you liked the Zero formula and want more games like them, they're pretty great. You Switch between different forms like Shantae, which is both cool and a little annoying.
new x and zero look legit
>x series was never interesting
100% respond rate
Megaman Zero has metroidvania aspects you absolute retard.
why is axle even a thing?
axl is a dude... dude
I mean, isn't Corrupted kind of going for that kind of style in between the actual Maverick stages? It could probably work.
Patch and Megaman Jr still leaves room for continuation.
The have ports for refueling.
Just give it a new protagonist.
Sol Titanion from Zero 4
>bn collection comes out
>at the end of bn6:
>MegaMan Battle Network
literally the only suitable answer in this thread, shame its development is taking so long i've been following it since 2010
i wouldnt go that far considering they still post updates youtube.com
Depends on how they handle the metroidvania elements. MMZX already tried that but it didn't really do anything interesting with the concept. Metroid has a sense of isolation, discovery and rewards exploration and SotN has a lot of unique assets, powers that open new paths, crazy ass sequence breaking (a lot of it was unintended though) and the inverted castle gimmick. ZX just feels like one of those indie games in that regard that has no idea what to bring to the table besides "metroidvanias are cool right? so lets do that". Even the peaceful areas in ZX felt weak compared to the cities in Legends.
tl;dr They need to justify this approach with shit that actually plays with the strengths of that type of game.
I want it so bad, but it's probably gonna get C/D'ed if it hasn't already.
Honestly, if Capcom wanted to they'd have done it by now.
But the reality is that it's the most well known MMX fangame in the works and has been in development for almost 10 years now with the developer posting updates on his channel even earlier than the ones that are up right now.
Capcom is incredibly lax with fangames (See Megaman X Street Fighter, Megaman Unlimited and a million other Classic Megaman fangames) and seems to only issue C&Ds when the developer wants money for their game (See Shanghai.exe).
Spikes better not be an instant kill in that scenario.
The music is lame as fuck.
It just doesn't capture the awesomeness of X1-X3 soundtracks.
Also the camera is pulled back too much and the pixel art looks meh.
That super saiyan aura looks so terrible.
It's because of Vampire Killer on the MSX and Simon's Quest on NES you retarded millennial.
I wish these kinds of maps did transitions better. The first Zero can get away with that shit because 90% of the world is probably desert anyway but going from a forest to a city junkyard feels unnatrural.
Zero was supposed to be the protagonist of Mega Man X initially so he's full of shit.
They introduced Iris, Alia(they made her hot as fuck in X8) and that pretty much destroyed the series.
Well not really, the series got destroyed by going full-on animu and using that godawful Mega Man 8 engine as well as having terrible sprites in the PSX era but...
>flat Zero
If another game ever happens I just wish he'd go back to his curved saber or at least make it an option.
i'd prefer a mon collecting rpg like smt/pokemon instead
I hope they do.
I want to marry a cute reploid girl and start a family with her!