So what game are we playing?
*teacher rolls this into class*
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw had a gimmick wristwatch that could be used as universal TV and VHS remote and you'd subtly cause trouble when those came in
>Well the tv isn't working, guess we just have to do some worksheets instead of playing vidya
nice job you fucking faggot
We're staring into it during a rainy midnight.
>teacher gives up at the first sign of technical trouble and movie time is ruined
>teachers rolls this into class
>what game are we playing?
Why would we be playing games? If a teacher brought one of these in it means we're watching something that's super boring.
oh boy, time to watch Amadeus
None. This just starts playing
what are some local multiplayer single screen games for 30 players?
We're watching The Land Before Time again.
Warioware! Mega Party Game$
Super Smash Bros. Melee and beyond's tournament mode
I don't remember anything about this show but this intro is still hype.
Not 30, but if you could play up to 10 players on Saturn Bomberman with two multi-taps.
>one day we had class in the media classroom for some fucking reason even though we weren't using the TV
>guy with one of those watches keeps turning on the TV
>teacher keeps turning it off while everyone jokes about how it's possessed
>eventually she just gave up and sat on her desk to talk about whatever, her back against the TV
>guy starts browsing the channels
>they have the fucking playboy channel for some reason
>spent the entire class watching playboy, everyone was going ooohhh and ahhhh and oh shit but she never turned around thinking we were fucking with her
>her priceless reaction when she finally turned around after the class was over and saw what was on the TV
School was alright sometimes.
Pretty sure there's jackbox game that supports up to 100 players
neo Yea Forums is riddled with spoiled zoomers that play fucking videogames in class. this board and generation is finished
Was the TV mounted high up on the wall or something? Why not just unplug it?
If not UT99 that I installed on every comp in the lab then Time Splitters 2 4P multi.
God damn beetle adventure racing and diddy Kong racing.
As soon as the wire goes into a hole in the wall or the podium you better believe a dumb woman school teacher isn't going to mess with it because she'll be afraid to break something
>tfw can't even think about the original without being reminded of this
dumb fucking boomers
>Ok kids I can't get the TV to work so there'll be no movie today. Instead you can do this surprise test
You're fucking dead after school
>last week of school, movie day
>teacher can't get the movie started
>almost gives up entirely
>"Did you press the DVD button?"
>Hey everybody, user fixed the TV!
I've never seen this. Fuckin thanks user
>teacher rolls tv into classroom
>the class retard always got the choice of what to watch
>was always either the railway children or some shit disney film everyone's seen a million times
>office hands you one of these
forced meme cock sucker
Thanks for making me feel depressed knowing that this was over 20 years ago.
It was a fancy media room, the TV was huge and it was socketed into the wall. I mean obviously there had to be a way to get around to the back to access the wiring but it wasn't that easy.
We're playing "What the fuck is wrong with you" followed by "Why are you so goddamn retarded"
Had a Prof use Portal to explain momentum in AP Physics, of course this was like a week before Christmas vacation so I think he had just given up. And he played on a projector not the Bill Nie tv
>play Mario Kart Double Dash on a day with no set plan
>As I win every consecutive match without trying someone remarks why I'm so good
>some girl remarks disgusted "well I mean, just look at him: it's not like has anyone to hang out with after school"
>class laughs
>Last day of school
>Computing teacher brings in some of his old consoles
>We all ditch the rest of our classes and spend the rest of the school day playing Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
That was the day user learned to hide his power level.
okay class, today we're watching a little movie called Shed 17
>that one teacher who didn’t give a fuck about what you were doing during his lessons
I was so straight laced and never got in trouble in school. Now I feel like I've wasted my youth.
Not that user but same here. Never got a referral/dentition even once.
>that one teacher that snapped and walked out of class
All because one kid slid his chair across the room to talk to someone.
Wouldn't Zoomers just play games on their phones? Do schools even use the cart TV's anymore?
i remember in middle school the english teacher got in an actual fight with a kid. got to the point where they were on the floor beating the crap out of each other. teacher must have been weak if he was on par with a kid lmao
Are you so old that you never had a computer class?
>That kid who failed class because he kept shooting the teacher with blue shells
>tfw you installed nesticle on every school computers in 1997 and played NES games in class
>that one teacher that gave up on the entire class because the 4-5 niggers in class wouldn't stop disrupting everything everyday.
What was the educational video that had this song for its intro?
Might have been UK specific
Strap in, lads.
same here, though I got thrown out off the classroom once back when I was in 5th grade during art class because I let out a really loud and smelly fart
>Went to a charter high school where you could pick a major and take courses for throughout your 4 years
>Junior year in the electronics major we had to disassemble an old Dell machine and put it into a unique case
>Put in a $60 used processor from ebay to make it able to run most Dolphin games at low resolution, put a bunch of vidya on it, put in an Xbox controller adapter
>Had my dad make a nice wooden case for it that also allowed me to fit an old flat screen monitor into the front
>Self-contained unit that came to be known as the "smash box"
>All the non-retarded kids who passed their certification tests the following year played smash and mario party during class for the entire period all year
>Had to take a community college course last year in order to graduate college last year
>Fairly cute girl in an animal crossing shirt freshly graduated from my high school is in the same class as me
>Also took Electronics
>Share some stories about our old HS teacher who was usually a total prick
>Computer project comes up
>"You built the smash box? omg that's so cool user! We played Mario Kart and Smash all the time on it last year!"
>Wanted to ask her out but thought it might be weird seeing as how I'm like 5 years older than her
It still hurts.
My school only had like ~5 black kids total.
>have to sit around in detention
>only others there are your friends
I'm not sure what they expected to happen.
This but with gypsies instead.
And that kids name was Albert Einstein
>would autisticly rotate my head according to the camera angles
>still feel the urge to do so now
Rock Band 1. Before winter break years ago, someone brought their whole kit for us to try for the first time. It was rad!
>Spanish class
>Teacher is a fat black and extremely irritable women
>Is actually based for the first half of the year, has us play easy spanish games and hands out candy sometimes
>New student transfer halfway into the year
>It's a native speaking spanish kid
>Pisses off the teacher on purpose nonstop
>Usually assigns the class group work if we act up
>Finishes the group work in literally 2 minutes after getting it
>Taunts her and says he's done
>She assigns everyone more work
Bill Nye is not boring you fucking nigger.
>high school video game club
>Year 1
>filled to the brim with people, both sides had Brawl, one for casuals, one for people who went to locals
>would just go there to hang with friends and eat pizza, sometimes play on Melee Days
>Year 2
>Smash 4 tism got to it, wasn't there to experience it
>Year 3
>Come back and place is significantly quieter, but still a lot of people, one side is using Brawl with mods so gravitate there instead of Sm4shtism
>Year 4
>6 people in the room, leave to go watch shitty youtube home movies with the former members instead
I'm going back to my school for a 5th year (I am 18), should I try to revive the vidya club or not? If it fails, I swore I'd turn it into the anime club, so that's what'll happen instead.
I remember a based teacher brought his Dreamcast with Marvel vs Capcom 2 for field day.
I was in trouble all the time but it was only because I was a little shit by nature. Why want to get in trouble? Detention, intervention, shaming, and discipline in general are not fun.
>can hear the subtle high pitch hum of the running TV just before you even set foot in the classroom
I always found that cool
>That kid who brought in Guitar Hero thinking he was top shit
The poor fool underestimated my pure concentrated rythm game autism.
>Subsitute teacher
>Actual teacher just planned to show the class a movie
Kek, I always thought it was hilarious how every time we had a substitute teacher that the actual teacher was like "I'll just put on some cartoon or movie for them, that'll keep them occupied and entertained." and it usually did the trick. The sub did jack shit except sleep or watch the movie with us. This was in high school.
It's a complicated story but in short I once went out drinking and threw up at my dorm room. This was basically the only time I ever got in trouble over anything but I went balls to the wall with it.
I get sat down and dressed down and basically you can tell they're building up to "Call your parents" and it actually becomes this weird "Dude trust me you don't want to for your own sake" discussion because I've already told them, asked them to help me get some flowers and a card to apologise to the dorm mother and basically already very clearly feel like a jackass.
They still call and oh shit, my mother fucking loses it with them because a) How did I get let out b) if I was so drunk as to be ill while underage why wasn't I kept under supervision for my own sake etc.
Weirdest disciplinary experience my whole life. I'd copped to everything before it started and the only one with a new asshole was the guy punishing me.
>That one class that was basically "man who should not be employed discusses anything he wants except the subject at the slightest provocation"
I didn't get video games or tv, I did get Mr "two hours discussing the etmyology of dandy" Dawes.
I must have seen this and The Rookie 18 times in my middle school career
>classroom in a school has playboy
>teacher doesn't just unplug the tv
>oooh and ahhh, never turns around
>nobody pointing our or talking about pornography on the tv
i feel like you're lying user
I wish I had a teacher that based when I was in school.
The absolute greatest kind of class.
I'm old enough that I'll always just associate these with 9/11. Both planes had already hit by the time I got to school (I saw the second one live on TV at home before leaving, though) but the whole schoolday was basically just watching the news on TVs like this.
>That one kid who committed suicide on school property
>I was so straight laced and never got in trouble in school. Now I feel like I've wasted my youth.
I was too but somehow I still got in trouble for the most stupidest reasons just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I had a geography teacher who moved here from Sierra Leone. The dude was an endless story and he was always loved to tell them. You ask him any question about where he grew up and he would go on a 20 minute tangent about his life. I hope he's doing well for himself these days.
I had a teacher who made us do shooters with some stupid 20,000 schofield chilli tabasco in it.
Goddamnit Dr O'connor you fucking lunatic. Getting drunk with teacher was pretty fucking hilarious though.
I would rush from class to class afraid of being late, never interacting with kids in the halls, and taking every word the teacher says as law, doing all of the legitimately useless busywork they assign.
I wish I was a little more like Bart Simpson, like how he could see past the adult's bullshit and so something that's actually worth his time.
But he's a cartoon character written by adults. Real kids aren't that smart.
>in 6th grade
>teacher rolls in that TV
>she says we are watching Pocahontas
>think its the Disney one
>turns out its live action
>movie has people getting their thoats cut, head scalped, and there was even a sex scene where they were going crazy under some sheets
>teacher didn't stop it at any moment
>kid for next class period at door was looking though with his mouth open at what was going on
Still have no idea why she showed that movie
I fucking loved it, I'm just glad it was generally for subjects I was shit at or not interested in. Anyone who gave a shit about pottery or woodwork must have been pissed.
What was this guy's reason again, fun things are fun if I remember correctly?
>It's interesting watching violence.
>I'm not killing humans, I'm killing monsters.
>It builds character.
>If you were in power you'd be doing the same thing to me.
pretty much
>Be me
>Friends with the weeb crowd
>I am also massive weeb
>Upperclassman gets arrested for showing a metal kunai that he owned.
Apparently someone saw him with a "knife" and they reported it to campus police. He came over and got put in handcuffs right in front of us. I remember some of us tried defending him, I mean, I didn't. But it was kind of stupid. We were all freshman for the most part though, so I guess we thought he was some cool senior in our group. Years later I came to find out he was a douchebag retard who did drugs and he is probably dead or in jail. I know he knocked up some girl and abandoned her to raise the kid I think, either that or she wanted nothing to do with him because of how bad of an influence he was. This was like 12 years ago but I still remember it clearly. Granted most schools are strict on weapons, even pens can be weapons. But bringing knives or some such onto school premises was retarded of him. I guess he didn't think he'd get caught.
Know who else had fun? Hitler.
Oh man, I bet he had some special shit. Mr Dawes either was a consumate liar or must have spent most of his 30s and 40s basically being michael palin, because when it wasn't what words mean it was discussing cultural traditions and misunderstandings of fucking bongo bongo tribes in the Amazon.
Oh and apparently don't learn how to say "I dont understand" in the language of any country you visit too well.
Haha fkkkk
and everybody clapped lurk more before you post fag
>See me after class.
>Literally never do it.
What the hell was this supposed to even be? If it's important fucking compel me I'm a child, don't give me the goddamn option of course I'll never willingly do it.
Only ever got called out on it once by our insane welsh mathematics teacher and he basically went "your handwriting is shit" which yes, yes it is.
I had a crazy bitch for a 7th grade science teacher who instead of actually teaching science just spent the entire year fearmongering about Y2K and talking about how she was prepping for it (this was the '98-'99 school year) and telling us that AIDS was a plot by the US government to kill black people.
>no teacher could ever hear this and kids would always have to tell the teachers that the tv was on but turned on slowly as the teacher was still fumbling turning the tv on and off
>years later, finally getting to that age where most middle aged teachers couldn't hear CTR TV's turn on
>my face when can still hear the sound of CTR TV's cutting on
Fucking how?
>haha yeah ill get him with those epic responses i read on r/Yea Forums
You seriously fucked up. You miss every shot you never fucking take
In one class we watched some VHS tape about the Mayans, and at the end it got really dramatic when it said their calander stops at 2012 and it could mean the end of the world.
This was in 2009, and the entire class left the room scared.
Oh shit, thanks for reminding me our history teacher who was lowkey clearly a fucking member of the IRA at some point.
Absolutely fine on any subject except the troubles, and then we spent three months learning fucking republican songs. I mean this was a English school of 11 year old kids. Hilarious in retrospect but you could tell we were all "is this paddy serious?" vibe the whole time
God, I remember my CRT TV
>*press on*
>*doodly doo!* (it had a jingle just as it fully turned on)
Funny enough, it had an alarm option, so I use it most of my middle school years, till eventually I got my first cellphone.
>VHS tape
Jesus user, how poor was your school?
>Live in Texas so have vivid memory of watching vhs tape of a slaughterhouse in ag class
>At end teacher asks us to rewind as he steps out of class
>Whole class goes from horrified to laughing historically as the reversed video looks like they are putting cows back together
Nigger I read horrible histories, cue being that insufferable smarmy cunt kid going "uuuh the gregorian calendar doesn't actually track correctly we technically passed 2012 in 2006ish"
So many deserved beatings.
Holy shit i remember we had a smash melee tournament and I was link, I ended up going to finals only to lose because I got handed a fucking madcatz controller and thought I was so good that a small handicap like that wouldn't affect me.
Winner won $100 best buy gift card. Also some idiot stole the smash bros disks from other classmates.
>anime poster ruins the day for everyone else
Almost as bad as the literal mouth breathers who took 10 minutes to string together one sentence during reading, or the tards who shouted at each other about their day.
>Why yes, I think we should go to the computer laboratory and play Dominions Play-By-EMail on our Linux partitions; but, how could you tell?
>Haha don't worry bro, I totally won't pick Ermor and rush Thaumaturgy 5 again.
Why don't you go back there, redditor?
Same here, though when I was in 10th grade the Spanish teach tried to give the entire class one after someone stole her purse. I took it home to my mom, and she called up the teacher and cussed her out.
>guy in my class opens porn on school pc
>teacher sees it and starts watching it with the entire class
Fun times
>either first year of highschool or last of middle school
>have "education for safety" class, basicaly class on how to treat wounds, injured person, recognizing alarms and shit like that
>teacher showed us parts of "survivng edged weapons" on how to recognize possible hostile behaviour, and framestoped on photos of stabwounds to tell us how to treat them
>other day some collage student who came to school to get experience with teenagers show us video of that of a guy who got pulled by the cop, start clapping and the shoots the cop, while she added commentary what part of his behaviour were suspicious
I swear I'm not making this up
>my home room was in the computer room
>1 day a week we could play flash games
>the rest of the week we had to sit around and talk, and the teacher would throw a fit if some kid touched a keyboard
>tfw you were a stupid straight laced kid
I genuinely wish I dropped out in middle school or some shit. I don't feel my life was improved at all by graduating college and doing all the "right" things. im still unhappy. i wasted my youth doing things adults wanted instead of trying to find any passion at all. now i have no passions and i dont even like video games all that much on my uncountableth playthrough of Fallout 1 right now
I was the autistic Guitar Hero guy for pretty much all of High School
>30 seconds late to class in the morning
>the solution is to have me sit in those afterschool detention shits for the next 2 hours after the school day was over
>always happened due to how far I lived, but was apparently too close for a bus
After a while I just said fuck it and stopped attending the afterschool shit.
>some VHS tape about the Mayans, and at the end it got really dramatic when it said their calander stops at 2012 and it could mean the end of the world
A series of advert/minigames solved that one apparently.
I'd say you were but that was that time our citizenship teacher taught us that hiding drugs in the toilet cistern is the most basic bitch move imaginable.
I have to assume even now there was some kind of horribly mangled "doing drugs is bad" message in there that got lost in the "Hide your stash well kids" one.
My favourite story will always be the absolute beatdown he gave some armed robbers who broke into his grans home. One of the dudes had a knife and him being the absolute mad cunt that he is smacked them upside the head with a frying pan.
If you pursued your dreams then you would have died a starving artist with nothing accomplished. Life just isn't worth living.
Jesus. I mean that'd do it. I worked briefly with a lovely south african lady and she casually mentioned spending nights locked in a bunker with her daughter so I believe it.
Do arena shooters stand a chance in this current gaming climate?
Do new players even want to invest time to get good?
Should Quake go battle royale mode?
Magic Schoolbus
I actually felt kind of bad for the teacher. It was her first semester teaching after finishing college. She was barely older than us, had absolutely no command over the class, and was way in over her head. For some reason the Spanish classes were always the worst behaved out of all the classes I took.
She didn't come back after Christmas break.
Man, our language classes were always when the absolute shitters would come out to play. German class was just filled with arseholes giving the teacher unwarranted grief.
>that teacher who got a miscarriage because a kid kicked her
Getting in trouble was a fun little rush but then you were stuck in school suspension writing the student handguide rules.
Ironically the best time was when I get expelled and placed in the out of school suspension. My teachers there fucking loved me and I just read books all day. They knew I worked late all the time and respected that so they let me come late and "stay late" which meant I could leave once the last kid left.
a big black guy just walked into my house...
Aw shit, we broke our German teacher too. I forgot about that.
We broke our German teacher too but she was such an unpleasant person she kinda deserved the shit we gave her. Whole damn class went at it.
Yeah, I feel you. I certainly don't ever regret skipping class or taking longer to talk to friends. I remember those memories a lot more vividly than any temporary punishment
Our teacher was just this young 20-something who, power to her, hammered through all the shit she got. One of the guys who gave her relentless shit started trying to hit on her for a laugh in our last ever class with her. He was shot down in such spectacular fashion I'm pretty sure he's still reeling from it to this day.
>Bouncing from room to room, hall to hall, avoiding teachers to try and sneak out the back exit
Smash Bros Melee.
Yes, we legit did this in elementary school.
A bunch of us were forced to stay behind in the library late because of truancy so we got drunk and switched around the order of a bunch of the books in the library.
It was kind of a dick move, the librarian was super nice and genuinely excited at the prospect of having a bunch of us exposed to the books.
>teacher not in
>no sub in sight
>the kid who's been in school longer than he should sitting up front
>tells everyone to sit down and shut up
>figure out what to do
>some other kid had a DVD of Borat on him
>we end up watching that for class time
>never got found out by neighboring classes or people in the hall
>I am 18
leave this place and never look back you pathetic loser
>I swore I'd turn it into the anime club
You can't leave us hanging user
It'll be great. First anime will be Gundam SEED, since it's a Catholic school.
I'm a teacher myself. Right before spring break I brought in my old GBA and let the kids try out Warioware.
My high school had a mix of those as well as ceiling-mounted projectors and Laserdisc players
Reminds me of this one time in computer class
>Be me, 14 in high school
>Be in computer class
>Teacher is fat fuck says no games or bad website
>Use the digital clock I brought to school to hack into all the computers
>Bring up the porn game channel (I hacked into the computers to make them get TV channels earlier that year)
>Everyone now has porn
>10/10 girl next to me saw me do it
>She gets horny from the porn and starts sucking me off
>Says "Oh user, you're so smart and big when it comes to your penis"
Probably the funnest day of high school
grow up son, this never happend
Not him, but I was there in his high school and I saw it, and I got a blowjob too from the teacher
Nah man, I was there. He's telling the truth.
What really sells this is the
>Be me
That sounds comfy as hell man. Did you have a mini tournament among classmates?
same but with reverse birthing
>tfw was that computer kid and had crippling social anxiety and teacher would ask me to fix something everytime
>I got a blowjob too from the teacher
previously mentioned by the user above...
>Teacher is a fat fuck
I just don't even know
nice dream user, tell us more
Don't be judging user's strange proclivities now. He has dreams of wide women and that's okay.
yeah I was the computer
then who was teacher?
It was you all along.
>bill nye the science guy comes on
>we get to leave early after
In secondary school teacher would eventually not give a fuck and let later year pupils hang around in empty classrooms using the stuff as long as they don't break anything.
We would play Smash every lunchtime on a buddy's Wii. Shit was fun.
My friend always picked Pikachu and would spam items, taunt constantly and run away and try to steal kills. It was pretty hilarious when he won by accident since we had a couple wannabe melee pro's left over from the days we'd do the same but play Melee on some dude's little portable TV and Gamecube he'd bring in.
In Drivers Ed we had to do this dumb project on the computer where we had to make an "All American Road Trip", and I convinced my classmates how stupid the idea was and we all played Unreal Tournament (don't remember which version but I swear to god it was installed onto every PC in the computer lab) for the entire period and the teacher didn't even care. Was one of the best days of school I can remember.
I was always deathly afraid of getting written up because I actually believed teachers when they said "It would go on your permanent record, even when you're applying for a job." So I never, ever got written up.
>"It says right here you got a referral in the 2nd grade for saying a bad word, yet you're applying to become a chemical engineer. Care to explain?"
>tfw kept coming in late to class room disrupting it every time
>didnt give a fuck
>after 10 lates I get a in school suspension for 30 minutes
>come late to that too
its not a meme
old pieces of shit cant into technology
I was the teacher I blew the kid after too
>Is lunch time
>Leave the class room and apparently the teacher had to give some papers back
>He gets a shit ton of students to come and tell to go back to his room
>Head back and see this attached to the papers he was supposed to give back to me
>Confused as to what the fuck this is
>Throw the sheet out and head back to lunch
Fuck you Mr. Stewart
saving private ryan
in the heat of the night
of mice and men
death of a salesman
What's that one really old nature show with the 3D lizard from the 90's?
>south american woman teacher or something
>would get upset if the entire class didnt greet her in the morning
>class r
>all class rooms had emergency power switches that were the size of small dinner places
>on way out when class ends
>oneone always taps it and shuts everything off
>black kids beat up the teacher again
>they don't get in trouble on account "they dindu nuthin'"
>get a new kid transferred into our class half way through
>french class
>teacher hands out timbits for people that answer a question correctly
>gets to greg
>he answers the question correctly
>teacher realizes shes out of timbits
>oh sorry greg im out
>he goes ballistic
there is another story with greg and how I pretty much saw his dad and a woman watching porn, but I dont really want to get into it
>figure a way to get around the login screen
>able to use the computer like normal
>no websites are blocked
>passwords are really easy to figure out
>log into the kids computer infront of me
>start copy pasting shit everywhere
>he freaks the fuck out
That being said, my favorite thing to do as a kid during lunch was sit with my school friends and we'd make and share shitty flash animations with flash 6 and then watch and share a bunch of flash movies and games we found online.
The death of flash hurt quite a lot. But in honesty adobe sunk it years ago and never looked back.
>that one time I farted and people thought it was a gas leak
>fire trucks called
You're telling me your fart actually smelled like natural gas?
I remember before they had mcafee to block shit and you could browse everything
good times, flash game heaven
tell us more about Greg
At school, when I was a young lad and just started, I remember this quiet older kid would go around the IT room, remove the R&M PC security, and plug his flash drive in and get a megadrive emulator running Sonic 2 or set up DOOM for all the younger kids to play during their lunch and then smug, he'd walk off smiling.
>never cause any trouble
>class next to mine is taking a test
>constant reminders to be respectful and quiet
>coming back from restroom
>stupid kid that messes with everyone decides to jump out and scare the piss out of me in the hallway
>he runs back to his classroom
>teacher from class next door is known by most kids as 'mean' (looking back she was a bitter old bitch) and immediately stomps out
>won't listen to anything I say
>yanks me by the arm to my class
>keeps talking over me when I try to tell my teacher a kid jumped out and scared me, I didn't mean to yell
>miss recess, don't get to battle friends in pokemon red or blue on playground
>have to write on countless sheets of paper that I won't cause a disturbance during testing
>movie day
>keith comes in with a 2L of pop for himself
>Laserdisc players
First time I ever saw one of these was in pre-k. Shit blew my mind at how big they were. Never knew or saw anyone with laserdisc players and I never saw laserdisc players again after I left pre-k.
>kid in charge of the controls advances scenes too fast
Fuck you David.
You're not ready for this
It was mostly the science department that had them, my school had a whole bunch of chemistry and physics videos on LD.
>kid is having a birthday party
>I really dont want to go
>jam invitation in my backpack
>later that day
>mom goes through my backpack looking for homework that I didnt do
>finds it
>makes me go
>its just a few kids there
>I just sit there quietly and watch people play some fighting game on PS1
>people start to trickle out
>just me and the kid and his mom and dad
>his mom and dad keep thanking me over and over for coming and staying
>they cut up some carrot cake
>tfw you randomly burst out laughing during a silent moment in class and can't stop and the whole class can't stop laughing because you're laughing, and even the teacher gets hit by it and quickly has to send you out of the room before she can't control her own laughter, and you keep looking in laughing and it creates secondary and tertiary waves of laughter till everyone eventually calms down
The teacher didn't even punish me. I think because the situation was so odd.
She probably thought you were a "special" student lmao.
>kid named tyler
>annoying asshat
>kid named david
>quiet with jew hair
>kid named kevin
I got several of these, but only because the teachers were idiots who believed everything the mean kids said and not ever the good kids. Nearly got suspended for physically attacking someone (which I didn't) because the new girl was a bitch and ratted on random people for shit they never did.
She ended up getting expelled but some of my buddies got the short end of the stick.
>tfw had 3 senior pranks
>me and my idiot friends filled water bottles with cow lube and spread them at random on the halls, so they looked like spilt water, but slipped like ice
>tfw everyone made a giant stink and we had to stay in the classrooms for 5 hours as the janitors scrambled to clean EVERY hall in the school
>All the seniors got up on our second floor overhang over the lobby and jumped at once, we cracked the drywall and fucked up the slab of concrete and caused the floor to droop which costed the school over 25k to fix
>Our principal tried to stop us from throwing paper in the hallway as one final "HURRAH" and someone threw a fucking full trash bin at him and split his head open
That last one wasn't as funny, but god damn we were wild as seniors. Also, someone spent the night spray painting, "CLASS OF 2005" across the school, and somehow got access to the main halls as well and spray painted that shit in there.
>remembrance day
>moment of silence
>craig looks at me
>makes me laugh
>he starts laughing
>teacher flips out
>tells principal
>makes us write 300 word essay each
>another time
>craig is about to sit down beside me
>right as he is about to sit down I stand a pencil under his ass
>he yelps and starts crying
>teacher has no Idea what happened
>Do this last day of senior year
>Bring all of my DS systems and play Mario Kart DS with a ton of people
>ratted on random people for shit they never did
This only ever happens to friendless losers who don't have their bros backing them up.
s a u c e ?
Normally I'd agree with you but my middle school teachers really were idiots and believed everything that bitch said. She only got caught because my cool math teacher caught her in the act.
>that girl that clearly liked you
>your autism got in the way
>Almost as bad as the literal mouth breathers who took 10 minutes to string together one sentence during reading,
God that shit pissed me off to no end. When I reached high school I finally decided and went "fuck it" and started reading on my own because these dipshits were too stupid. Everyone already hated me cause I wouldn't talk to them about anything.
>"user can you continue where X left off?"
>Where are you guys at?
>"Are you not paying attention?"
>No I decided to read ahead cause you're all going too slow
>"Please see me after class"
What was funny is that while the teacher scolded me for not following with the rest of the class, she said she'd overlook me basically calling the students pea-brained retards. Seriously, I don't know how the fuck you reach high school without being able to read fucking The Great Gatsby at a decent pace; drove me fucking insane.
I remember one prank at my school. Some older kids glitter bombed the entire school. It was surreal and it took over a whole week to clean.
I think they also got away with it because the teachers couldn't get a straight answer over who did it. Nobody would rat. This was when the only CCTV you had in schools was in the reception area because it cost way too much.
What the fuck? Pretty sure those are just straight up crimes.
you just described me during reading time.every studed takes turns reading part and the teacher would just say next, I'd never pay attention and when It was getting close to my turn I would have no idea where we were so I'd just start reading randomly
spot on
Fat kid. Likes to horde chocolate milks at lunch from kids who don't drink theirs
>high school
>fifth year
are you retarded? How do you fail high school
>first day of highschool
>hot black girl walks into class
>decide to frame and throw Chad under the bus
>yell out "Woah Chad, you can't say that about black people that's not cool!"
>she hears me defend her entire race from the Chad menace
>gives me her phone number and the Colonel's secret recipe
>bang her after school
shit was cash
Oh and another less epic one. They got some old engineless car wreck and somehow managed to put it right in the middle a of bypass road nearby so it was hard to reach, let alone move.
It was graffiti'd with "class of " and then the year at the time, and then just random other little bits of spray painted stuff on it. It was there for like half a year.
Fake, but it reminds me of a science teacher I had in Middle School
>Old as fuck boomer
>Pretty chill, but lazy as hell
>Would give us bullshit long textbook assignments
>That or pull out a TV for us to watch science shit
>Would go on to just sit there at his desk, never teaching anything
>Me and some of the classmates notice that he looks at his computer with interest
>Dude was looking at porn, straight up
>You could see the reflection of site color schemes us youngsters were familiar with in his glasses.
>His eyes would widen and his eyebrows would arc with each page click
>We all watch this trying our hardest not to laugh
>Every time anybody would get up for whatever reason, you could see the reflection in his glasses go back to the colors of the default wallpaper
>Dude never noticed that we noticed
>We never snitched on him cause he usually let us do whatever we wanted
Man, good times.
I saw this like 10 times in school.
>ywn be this much of a chad
Speaking of, why is everyone who works at a public school such an uptight faggot?
>tfw I finally stood up to bully in one class when he pushed me over the edge (he'd bully other people as well, usually worse than me, and that really pissed me off)
>actually knocked him on his ass and got in a swift kick to his stomach
>jock kid that escorted me to office basically patting me on the back telling me everyone thought that kid was a faggot etc.
>tells me to let him know if the bully tries anything again
>no punishment other than 'cooling off' in the office
>bully never fucks with me or any of those kids again
It was pretty alright.
I was about to jack off but you ruined it for me because you reminded me of that one time a friend of mine let out the foulest fart I've ever smelled and it somehow stank up the entire classroom to the point where we had to move to another one because the teacher thought someone used stink bombs, just remembering how much we laughed has me in fucking tears
>first day of high school
>cute boy in a plaid shirt, thick rim glasses and a beard walks in
>see him pull out his nintendo 3ds
>look him dead in the eye and gape my mouth open as wide as i can
>he does the same
>we rub each other's dicks while playing mario party later that night
shit was so kino!!
All the animals in that vid are probably dead by now
Rondo Duo
>that girl you liked
>your crippling autism creeped her out
>tfw friend used to punch me on the arm all the time
>didnt hurt was just annoying
>one day im already pissed off
>punches me on my arm
>I leg sweep him onto his back
>he smacks his head on the ground
>get get up with a clearly fakes smile on and a tear rolled down his face
>I tell him to fuck off
>he never did it again after that
things that never happened. i bet you threw a punch and it was immediately stopped by the bully's husky body. he looks down at your feeble attempt to oppose him as your limp arms reverberate from the shock of impacting his mighty frame. he then picks you up and tosses you into the brick wall so hard that you'll still be coping about it 10 years later on anonymous image boards
>one teacher that was addicted to triscut crackers
>every 5 minutes he get up walk across the room open a cupboard and take a few crackers
Science teachers don't give a fuck and even feel a bit sorry for pre A-level students because the shock of how science really is, is very overwhelming for most students.
I feel it's because we are taught wrong for years and years on end and we should just learn it right the first time honestly.
I had a science teacher who said such and would spend all class just rambling about this and that and then try to blow up the class by deliberately using more than the safe levels of stuff.
One time he almost blew up a safety glass shield by dropping a large chunk of potassium into water. The fucker was laughing at the kids who ran for it as it exploded.
user gib sauce of anime tiddie gorl or else
>tfw 50% chance I'd completely miss the point of a lesson
>still managed to scrape by
read the other reply you braindead trog
>Speaking of, why is everyone who works at a public school such an uptight faggot?
You have to work with six hundred know-it-all hell-spawns five days a week for an entire school year and all they want to do is torment you and make their forty-five minutes to an hour with you an absolute fucking nightmare.
Sauce was already posted you fucking retard
What happened to the black kids, Minecraft?
I get that it's the internet and everything should be taken with a grain of salt, but it did happen user. Looking back I have no idea why I didn't get any real punishment. I went to a bumfuck nowhere southern school so maybe that was it.
That teacher sounds based. I had a pretty cool one when I took Forensic science, but yeah, I get what you and he meant. There's only so many times you can teach the Scientific Method and Lab Safety before kids start getting bored of it and when you're not allowed to teach anything else, you're fucked.
well gee i cant find the sauce fellow retard
>french class mandatory till grade 9
>mfw grade 10 and never had to do it again
based tyrone
He was like "this is the safe amount of potassium the curriculum recommends me to use"
>cuts of a small piece of a large chunk of preserved potassium
Then he picks up the large chunk and drops it in and ducks down laughing.
>class in in a portable
You just made this up you fucking sociopath.
>get past computer security
>start fucking with IT admin backgrounds
>computer starts lagging
>hmmmm thats wierd
>2 minutes later
>admin comes in and tells the teacher I need to go to the principals office
>everyone looks at me
>have meeting with prinicpal
>principal says admin can leave
>says dont do it anymore
>tells me to leave
Based. My high school chemistry teacher let us make things not on the curriculum suggestions in lab. Come the day of aromatic substances someone made the smelliest shit that got the entire science building evacuated because of how bad it smelled like a porta-potty filled with rotting corpses.
>Spanish teacher's mother dies
>Almost everyone in class starts mocking her
>She didn't come in after that
I felt like shit about it despite being one of the few kids that stayed silent, I hated language lessons but no one deserves that.
>I can't find it so that makes you retarded
Brainlet logic
By 5th grade science teacher brought a deer heart to school to since we were on lessons about human organs and a animal heart is kind of similar to the human heart but yeah, an actual bleeding deer heart. It was the south and a lot of guys like to hunt down here so it was no big deal.
well our local sports team sir, of course
That's usually where we stuffed the retards
>it's a dissection class episode
low IQ
>that girl with the phat as fuck ass
>that girl with the big as fuck tits
I wish someone had the guts to pull off a senior prank in my school. Someone let off an air horn briefly but that wasn't much of anything.
Like 15 years ago someone released a bunch of bouncy rubber balls into the commons area. Several people slipped. A few people broke bones.
They threatened that the entire senior class wouldn't get a graduation ceremony if anyone pulled a prank. They did anyway and the school obviously didn't make good on their promise. Ours was fucking lame though. We put cereal and milk in one of the toilets XD!!!!!
Someone put a gigantic rock in a toilet in the middle of 9th grade, that was great. Wasn't a senior prank though, was just the weird mountain kids being themselves.
>that chubby blonde girl who had both
oh hey I watched the same documentary.
it was even funnier because we watched it in like 2014 or some shit.
>that teacher that always believed in you, knew you could do better, and gave you support
>but you end up disappointing them
I had 5 of these teachers in my last year of High School and so much shit was happening to me at the end that I dropped the ball so fucking hard. It feels fucking awful
this, kek
>just get to grade 9
>mfw those grade 11/12 girls with tits and ass
>get to high school
>that cute looking girl you remember from 5th grade looks like she's 45
puberty really did her wrong
>that girl who looked like a porn star in 6th grade who suddenly appeared and disappeared both
can't find her on social media at all, wonder what she's up to
>Had that one super nice and supportive teacher that always wins teacher of the year
>She got to teach course for college credit to seniors who had a high enough GPA and wanted to
>Ended up being a small class with about 9 people in it
>One day she tells us that the kids who have no friends or get regularly bullied have it happen to them because they're annoying as hell
>Acts nice to them because she knows that she's their only saving grace during the day
>the one teacher you always looked up to as a mentor and role model, almost fatherlike
>writes you glowing reccomendation letters, seems invested in your success
>then gets arrested for some nasty pedo shit after you graduate, never to be heard from again
Was skipping school once and drove right past the rent-a-cop, played it cool and acted like I didn't notice him following me and parked by the gym. Pretending I was rummaging through my bag as he pulled up and acted surprised when he knocked on my door. Told him I moved my car during lunch to be closer to basketball gym since I played after school. Retard bought it, later I was coming in to school stoned post lunch and him and the principal caught me and pulled me to the side and started bitching about me moving my car to the gym, can't believe that lie saved my ass later I didn't even have to come up with anything.
>tfw I was that kid in middle school who got the assign seat by the window
Fuck afternoons felt nice since most of the classrooms felt like prisons. The view of the outside world was amazing, I was too busy daydreaming to pay attention to class and every now and then a train would go by.
hey user, don't feel down. There's still time. Don't waste it
>was mean to a kid in middle school for no reason
>didn't go to your high school
>his social media presence is nonexistent so I can't apologize to him
I though like this when I was super young. Then some older kids told me that nothing before highschool matters and I completely stopped giving a fuck.
>check on one of 3 bully's social media accounts every once in a while
>one is a chad in real estate with a hot wife
>second is a dropout who had a kid at age 17 while working at mcdonalds
>other failed a suicide attempt and is mentally retarded
2 outta 3 ain't bad
>that kid who wouldn't shut the fuck up in class
>that teacher from the same class who would punish everyone instead of just him
All of my bullies are well-off and nicely adjusted except one, who died. I'm happy for them, even befriended a few.
>that kid who hated you for no reason
>implying even high school matters
People with high school stuff on resumes look like absolute dorks. It doesn't increase your ability to be hired over Retard Dale the bosses nephew. No one really gives a fuck if you failed a class in 10th grade, or were in some club or whatever. All it shows is that you're so new to the game that you think what you did as a snot-nosed brat can make up for actual experience and knowledge.
>>that teacher from the same class who would punish everyone instead of just him
Fucking every time. I've gotten more disciplines from this than anything else that I'm pretty sure this is how school shootings start.
He was probably gay
>everyone picks of fat bitch
>teacher has a vote for what movie to watch
>says she needs 100% of people to decide
>the fat bitch purposely goes against everyone else
In my experience they usually became average to below average after high school
you faggots spend your adult lives reminiscing about school because you've done absolutely nothing since, incredibly fucking sad desu
I too hate when other people reminisce the comfy parts of their past.
>everyone picks of fat bitch
I don't reminisce about High School because I did nothing then, either.
Fuck, that's sad
I will reminisce about the happy days that was yesterday if the situation calls for it.
>That one cool teacher you liked that committed suicide
>>that teacher from the same class who would punish everyone instead of just him
my science teacher did this shit all the time. i know they do it to single out kids and shame them, but it NEVER fucking worked because by the end of class all That Kid had to do was crack a few jokes to make people laugh and instead resent the teacher and act out even more. seriously, how they never caught on how stupid of a tactic it was still baffles me to this day
>Teacher said we'd have a test on a particular day
>day comes around
>previous class watched Finding Nemo on the projector
>get in class and friend sees the DVD player and projector set up
>hits play
>5 minutes later, teacher walk in
>"Well, we were gonna have a test today but I guess we're gonna watch Finding Nemo."
That teacher was based as fuck.
had a phone with an IR blaster in it a while back. Unlimited power.
>that one absolute cunt teacher who died
you don't have to be like this brah
Some of the people here are legitimately still in high school.
When I got to watch Finding Nemo, it was in Spanish class.
Did you watch it in Spanish?
Is the reason you found it 'comfy' because no one expects a kid to take responsibility for themselves? Schooling leaves very little time for personal development and you have very little choice in what you want to do. My fond memories from that time were spent after school, not during it.
like cmon, how can you find shit like this comfy
then again i've always been fiercely independent and hated the routine and schedule of school, which is also why i've never worked a 9-5.
I was that kid, I'm sorry. Not really.
But of course.
I've always found this shit absurd since the only reason to do it would be to encourage the rest of the class to bully the culprit, which would just cause more bad behavior from everybody. Then again no one intelligent becomes a teacher, otherwise they'd be doing what they teach for a living.
>First day of class
>Teacher has us do fun "games"
>Closing our eyes and jumping off our chairs
>It was all a ploy to look up girls' skirts
>Teacher disappears
>He was arrested after a foiled plan to run away to Mootxico with a 14 year old girl
That's where my elementary's library was.
>high school had Macbooks for the computer class
>all the computers were linked together so the teacher could look through, control, and project any desk when needed on the wall
>everyone found out how to control any Mac remotely
>people would fuck with each other all class
>close tabs, mess with projects, googled gay shit when they stood from their desk, etc.
>One time while the teacher was reviewing everyone's project on the projector someone played Isis and Nazi recruitment videos onto another kids desk
>this went on for months with all the normalfags complaining about people "hacking" their Mac
>only "stopped" because someone's entire 2 week project was deleted
>passwords added for each user so you cant access their screen without knowing it
>if you did it while on the User Select screen before they logged in it worked anyway
So much shit happened in that class, it was awesome. The class almost trampled a substitute teacher for not allowing the class to leave
>missed like 4 months of school because lol teenager
>get kicked out temporarily (could go back the next year)
>do online classes
>still graduate a trimester early
high school was a joke
did he do the ol' blindfold banana game
>High school P.E.
>gym has 2 classes in it
>2 classes 2 coaches
>Girls on 1 side of the gym
>Boys on the other
>After roll call we do lite warm ups and stretches
>Male coach always goes to the girls side while female coach goes to the male side
If this wasn't strange sounding enough, the coaches office was in the girls locker room.
>the coaches office was in the girls locker room
kek what
>everyone turns on that kid in an attempt to get him to shut the fuck up
>he just doubles down and everyone ends up hating him
Literally all you had to do to avoid snitches was to walk with like a slip of paper and say you were delivering a note to the office for a teacher.
>get expelled from multiple schools for being too awesome
>spend 2004 and most of 2005 entirely out of school
>get 1mbps internet connection and get into ragnarok, find Yea Forums, stayed in contact with school friends through myspace so we still hung out all the time, amass enormous collection of porn and music from limewire
now that was a good time, fuck school
i did go back eventually and even ended up getting a law degree, which i regret
we get it, you're an originalfag
Latin class
You dont even understand how fucked and beautiful it is comparatively
>French: We'll go to the cafe after class
>Italian: I am eating pasta
>Spanish: I ride the red bike
>Latin: My slave misbehaved and I beat him with a rod
ECCE ROMANI is the Citizen Kane of language education books
It takes place in 80 AD and starts off with a wealthy family living in the countryside and one of the childrens friends
After a little bit of play and introduction the family goes the market and buys a slave named Davus who is a recent capture from Britannia
Everything is illustrated nicely too hes heralded on the stage near-naked which a sign saying SCRIBIT ET LEGIT meaning he can read and write
They wanted a more astute one to help with the kids compared to their unruly slave Geta
It goes slow but eventually they don the togas praetextas (baller purple-bordered robes) for nobility and go to the city to witness the games
Towards the end of the first book the kids either get lost or chased in the streets separated from the adults and one of them is stabbed and theyre robbed of their money by a literal pleb
That shit led to some famous memes leading to one of the underclassmen writing a detailed handwritten fanfic about Geta burning down the villa and Davus killing him in retribution among the flames
Shit was so cash everyone picked a Latin name and we watched some sick stuff involving Rome when there was nothing to do or the teacher was sick
Latin club on the other hand was lame but wholesome as it was filled by autists who cared for the material and the memes we made
Ultimately after taking my first year of it the state govt fucked with funding and the school pressured the elderly lady who loved her job and teaching Latin and Roman culture into quitting at threat of interfering with her pension
During the sendoff the underclassmen pooled their money together and bought her a legatus helmet as a commemoration
No other language class has compared to it since then
Even to this day, I don't know why no one has brought this up. I guess because FOOTBALL, no one bats an eye.
It's your leg up into a good college. Once standardized testing starts yes it matters.
that would be 2003, i'm one of the people that found Yea Forums through their ragnarok private server's irc channel, there were a lot of people like that
lol i remember this shit, for some reason i was really good at latin despite hating the teacher (bald welsh midget who was bright red at all times) and spending half of most classes standing in the hallway since i'd inevitably offend the sheepfucker, then i'd get 80% on the exam.
When did you realize that schools were run by complete retards?
I know this feel.
I know girls I went to high school with who actually ended up in amateur porn. No, I wasn't surprised.
High School when I became teacher's aid. Used to give my teachers hell but then I understood all the shit they go through. Hell, I still feel bad for some of them, not all of them though.
>8th grade finals week
>office informs a girl that her aunt just died
>they decided to tell her at the beginning of the day right before a final, not even giving her an opportunity to go home and grieve with her family
I'm seething just thinking about it.
>teacher you knew got arrested for giving a student a blowjob
isn't it funny how its an instant give away and yet its never brought up
storytime pls
>forced to take at least one language because you're in the better half of the school year
had a languages teacher for my sign in class and she was always on my ass about not giving a shit about it
One of our coaches got in trouble for making out with a girl in a grade under us in middle school, scandalous considering we were an upright small Texas town.
She was fucking hot though I don't blame him. Girl was crazy, my basketball buddy dated her and she used to ask him to lock her in his trunk and pretend he was kidnapping and raping her.
Seeing someone get off scot free every single time he said or did something nasty or hateful, and me getting detention for letting a curse word slip.
Also got scolded by my principal once for running in the hall (I was late) and while I was being preached to, several other students ran past her and she did nothing. I didn't even get a note.
Every time we had an assembly honestly. My favorite was the one where we had cops tell us that making fake porn of people was illegal (it isn't, falls under parody law iirc.) Or when that LMFAO song "Sexy and I know it" came out and during the dress code part of our first of the year assembly played it while the teachers pranced around in booty shorts. Shame none of the hot teachers wore revealing clothes, only the "cool" male ones and old hags.
Also anything having to deal with teachers and computers gave me a fucking aneurysm.
had one with the IT fuckwits in my school where they'd left everyone's passwords unencrypted on the school email/file sharing system for god knows what reason. told them and never even got a direct thank you after they fixed it.
probably second or third grade
In adulthood the equivalent is getting stopped for a speeding ticket when you're going 5 above the limit in your shitbox and then seeing some fucker in a sports car speed past you going 20 over.
There was a coach in my school that allegedly got a blowjob from a student, but one day some friends and I were hanging out at a park smoking cigs and stuff, and he rolls up with two teenage girls, walks up to us, says "you guys shouldn't be smoking," and then they all just get back in the car and leave as fast as they can. Coaches are fucking insane and never move beyond peaking in high school.
And no one in your class beat him up?
I was always seen as a shit student and shit kid by the upper management of our school, that sentiment also ran deep with the teachers who didn't have me in class.
My senior year one of professors in one of those dual credit college courses dragged me to the side and ranted about how she was tired of defending me every day to these adults who couldn't even "get their asses to work on time and who don't know what the hell they are teaching" and that they were genuinely intimidated by the prospect of me actually being intelligent since it didn't fit their narrative.
Being a teachers aid was fucking sweet. Managed to get my old physics teacher to let me be an aid since he was the only one nice enough to do so for me. Would listen to music all day on my phone and every now and then he would demurely ask me to grade papers despite the fact that I was more than willing to help him.
My basketball coach caught me smoking because he was stepping out to smoke, he just looked at me and said "the only reason I won't whoop your ass is because I don't want you to ever mention this to anyone". Never did outside of here.
My teacher in secondary school brought his Dreamcast with Power Stone and MvC2 and hooked it up to one of these on the last day of term. Everyone sat around and had fun playing games, listening to music, eating snacks, chatting and just having a good time.
I miss Mr Stevenson and that summer of 2003. Now I’m sad.
>watching romeo & juliet in class
>friend who had the class earlier said you can see juliet's boobs for a split second
>get to class, managed to steal the remote when the teacher isn't looking
>paused it right when you can see juliet's boobs
>every horny 14 year old boy in the class is going nuts
>teacher was pissed
>ugly bitch who sat next to me ratted me out
>ended up getting detention
totally worth it though
Honestly school was such a waste of time.
Literally everything I use in my life I learned on my own or in uni.
I feel like I've literally gained nothing from sitting in that dumb place for 12 years, the fact that teachers are usually absolute retards that work there beacuse no other place wanted them doesn't help at all.
>that one teacher who straight up just got bullied by the students every day
I felt so bad for the dude. I don't even know how he could become a teacher. Guy was such a fucking dork and always got shit on by this one kid and was always nervous and so clueless
This thread reminded me that my father is still to this day wrong when they say "You're gonna think back to your high school years son and wish you had done more to socialize and enjoy your school life." What a load of horse shit. Waking up at fucking 5am five days a week, to spend six and a half hours with a bunch of drooling retards just to have each teacher give me an amount of homework that makes them think they're the only teacher I have the entire day when I have six others, all eating away at what little free time I have before needing to go to bed to get ready for school again the next day. Literally a precursor to being a wage-slave and the only positive time periods during the school clock are in between classes and lunch. Seriously, fuck compulsory education; college is what high school should have been.
One of the biggest flaws the US has is it's over reliance on college to provide a functioning white collar workforce.
>that one substitute teacher who came to class looking like a literal stripper
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Gib stories.
Shit, being a school coach sounds like a cushy Yea Forums tier job.
>yell at zoomers all day
>never beat around the bush and tell kids like it is
>all while sitting on your ass blowing your whisle
pretty much this, aside from when they taught you functional basic skills early on like mathematics. i can't think of a single thing i learned in any school class that i use to this day aside from that. then again, most schools in the uk seem to be a battle to even teach kids anything these days with how shit the youth are.
>DC, Power Stone and MvC2
Sounds like an insanely cool teacher. I had one actually play Q3A with us students at the end of the year and he was pretty good.
Our spanish teacher was straight from the border, hardly even spoke english. Of course given the fact that we were a small white texas town we gave him shit and he had no clue. Stuck an egg in his room somewhere once and he didn't find it till it was rotten weeks later and blamed our only black kid despite him being innocent.
I would never go back to that life, I had a lot of fucking fun and got plenty of socialization but have no desire to be in a situation where I can't go piss or take a shit without raising my hand and asking permission. Worked full time my whole senior year too, was definitely fun but totally shitty looking back on it
>Set up dodgeball for the day
>No bringing team mates back into the game
>3 balls only
>Wrestling room
Our teacher was a total CapCom fanboy, but he was really cool. He’d import a lot of games by them from Japan, and also showed us how to draw Mega Man and other anime characters pretty well (He was also our art teacher)
That reminds me I had an amateur english teacher (for two days) who had never taught before. I don't think she was dumb, but she was pretty nervous and seemed like she didn't prepare well for the class (I think she was hired quickly because we had lost our previous teacher and the school couldn't find a replacement, so that might be the cause). Right in her first class she made some basic mistakes like spelling "brown" incorrectly and that class was awkward overall. Everyone thought she wasn't qualified enough for teaching and during her second class, where she was also nervous and making mistakes, some of the students started calling her dumb and how she shouldn't be there. At the end she left and we got a decent teacher, but thinking about it today makes me feel bad for having a passive attitude about that situation.
All my coaches have generally been absolute bros. Bless those barely fit for teaching fuckers.
In high school some kid brought in halo reach on the last day of school and we played it on one of those for long period
>I felt so bad for the dude. I don't even know how he could become a teacher. Guy was such a fucking dork and always got shit on by this one kid and was always nervous and so clueless
Goddamn, the shit I've seen my class do to teachers just like what you described. You can only hope that they're all dead for what they did.
>install counter-strke on our computer lab
>me and my classmates decided to hold a mini-tournament
>tfw almost half of the class got suspended because all of used the names of teachers and school admins as usernames
Anyone else share classes with a kid who had an aid follow them around who acted like they were teachers? Bonus points if they were technophobes. I couldn't do anything fun in those classes because this woman was constantly breathing down my neck despite having nothing to do with me.
I hated southern schools. I had to take extra classes after closing to make up work because i'm basically a fucking retard, anyway I get put in the special ed room, we're doing one of those you read a sentence then the next person reads the next yadda yadda One kid has a speech impediment so bad I can't understand a word he says yadda yadda I say I can't undersrand him and have no idea where we left off yadda yadda i'm forced to stand outside the remainder of class. Had another time where we're playing tug of war on candy day ( I dunno why ) and he ends up losing a rubber cap to the breaks of his wheel chair, I get called out during the movie and candy to search the unmowed lawn for a fucking rubber cap, I get back and they threw away everything I had on my desk. Every event ever had SOULJA BOY TELL E'M!!! Teachers routinely quit due to the disturbance from the black kids, it would endlessly annoy me when they would only shut u dor a second when screamed at through the fucking mega phone, only for one to start wispering and then everyone joins in until it's right back to the original volume (and yes, as I was punished with extra work because they punished everyone that was there, I started reading a giant text book whenever a teacher was getting pissed so that they knew I wasn't doing anything) fights, fights, fights, referal this, referal that, EVERY. ONE. ROUTINLY. GOT. F'S! No one was passing and the teachers were constantly screaminh at them for not trying, amd good luck trying ti ask for help when there to busy tellinh the others to shut up. The absolute worst experience I had was from this one retard, he was chewing on this pencil what seemed hours and the teacher or something told him to quit it, only to fling the pencil out of his mouth and fill my mouth with his spit.
>finals, junior year i think
>do one final, head for the next one
>fucking kid that's been kinda fucking with me all year for literally no reason (and I still don't know why to this day) flies in out of nowhere and starts shoving me into my locker, our lockers are miles apart so he's targeted me for some unknown reason.
>knocks off my glasses, have to defend myself while trying to not step on my glasses, thankfully by then I had beefed up and could hold my own
>both of us get suspended
>told multiple people came up to the principle to specifically say I literally only defended myself and this came out of nowhere without provocation
>i get to take my other exams another day, asshole kid auto fails all those classes
stupid fucker, I still don't know what bug was up his ass, he got what he deserved.
>that day dad has to pick me up for suspension
>thinking he'll fucking murder me
>in car, totally silent
>he perks up "So did you win?"
Came completely out of left field, he learned what happened and hoped that I beat his ass. He was usually very strict and this was like the first time ever that he was on my side about such a thing.
This thread makes me wish I wasn't homeschooled.
None of that made any sense, I'm from Tx where did you go to school
>That Spanish teacher that gave up on most of the class except for me and maybe one or two other people
Felt so bad for him. Didn't deserve all the niggers in class treating him like such shit. He retired the same year I had his class, he told me he was going to be a masseuse. Hope everything ended up going well for him.
I remember exposing one of the homeschooled kids I worked with to high school partying and drinking in an effort to get him laid. He succeeded but boy did he go off the deep end with drugs
No, no you should be grateful.
Classroom Jeopardy
>reading book with class
>look ahead
>the n-word is coming
bill nye is literally sesame street-tier
Haha I loved this
>movie day in Science class
>It's Contact for the millionth fucking time
Sounds like the majority of other homeschooled kids I know.
Well you only did watch Bill Nye in elementary.
No games user, today we're watching the launch of the space shuttle Challenger!
this legit happened and makes me a bit embarrassed to admit how old I am
Hahahaha. Imagine sharing a classroom with retards.
>get into class in ontario canada
>see that TV thing
>think its gona be fun times
>cable TV is on and some burning towers are on the news
>Reading book with class
>Read ahead because I'm not a retard that needs a group read aloud
>user it's your turn
>Completely lost as to where they are
>Devise an ingenious plan to spend some alone time with girl
>She works at an arts and crafts store
>Tell her I have a project and that I need supplies
>Ask her if she wants to hangout and grab something to eat on her lunch break
>Go to the store
>Spot her at the register as I walk in
>We both giggle shyly as I walk by
>Get all the stuff I need
>In line waiting to checkout with her
>The next line over opens up
>"I can take the next customer here"
>Get out of line and enter the new line
>Wait in my car until she's on break
>She's visibly upset but I can't fucking tell because I'm a stupid 16 year old boy
>We get burger king and hang for a bit
>She goes back to work without saying goodbye
>I listen to Capn' Jazz super loud on the way home
>that teacher you really liked that all the shithead kids were genuinely fucking mean too
>literally the chillest guy, basically didn't care about assignments unless you flunked hard on tests
>genuinely great teacher too
>all the retards and trailer trash would bitch and moan because they had to do the assignments while the rest of us would chit chat after he gave us the assignment
>one day teacher snapped and threw a chair out the window of a 2 story building
>for the rest of the year the shithead kids think they got some kind of leg up and would taunt him (what are you gonna do? Throw ANOTHER chair out the window?) and he couldn't do shit because he was on thin ice already
What are you doing on Yea Forums grandpa?
One of my classmate's was the kid of the teacher so they just left their gamecube in the classroom and any day it rained we would just plug that shit in and play smash. Thankfully I'm not a smashfaggot these days but it was comfy before the esports nonsense
>the fact that teachers are usually absolute retards that work there beacuse no other place wanted them doesn't help at all.
A lot of teachers just love teaching regardless of how bad the job is and its usually the teachers you wouldn't expect that love their job the most no matter how bad the kids are. I had a stone face cold as fuck strict male teacher once but you could tell he loved us to death by the little things he does like giving out candy but not just any old generic candy but the REAL good shit candy. Sometimes he'd let us get away with shit you'd usually be written up for. It was the little stuff like that made him fun while still being strict as fuck.
>actual hot girl liked me
>we would walk to the bus everyday
>one day as she was with her friend she straight up asked for a quick kiss, right on the lips
>I kissed her on the nose and ran away instead
she was a genuine 9/10 too, she had a weird history of dating dudes despite her being totally out of their league, I guess I was supposed to be next
It's so foreign to me that there are people at least 30 years old on Yea Forums.
>that girl that asked you out every day
>autism is the only reason you never gave a solid "no"
I honestly feel a little bad, but it's not like I'll ever apologize.
This is how school shooting happen nowadays. Get a student in trouble for whatever reason the student did, student comes in the next day shooting.
Reason why schools nowadays are getting soft because teachers are afrid of getting shot if they get a student into trouble.
>born in 3rd world
>tfw school had been a slightly better prison
Legit worst days of my life. Uni fucking sucks too, but not as much.
I remember watching Columbia break apart while my best friend was trying out for some baseball team, but god damn, you're an old motherfucker.
While that is untrue, you're asserting that an elementary-schooler is still on the same level as you are, mentally.
I went to public school in Mexico. Mexico has a ridiculously corrupt and militant teachers union so once you are in the union nothing besides getting publicly outed as a molester will get you fired.
>middle school math teacher
>opens class telling his life story; got deported from the states and now teaches math
>gives no fucks, very serious and stern. Takes a liking to me because I am American and shy.
>one day hands me his laptop and tells me to grade the class
>later in hs find out he was trying to groom a girl for sex
>history teacher, walked into class one day talking about how he got in a fight with his wife
>became friends with my friend group, added one of them on facebook
>became an endless source of inside jokes as he’d always post boomer tier shit about getting drunk and casual sexism
>got divorced and got in a fight with another female teacher he low key wanted to fugg
Good times
>30 years old on Yea Forums.
So like 20% of Yea Forums is foreign to you?
why was it on the news in canada?
I genuinely want melee to die as an esport so it can be comfy again.
I connected with my local melee scene. Its so cancer man
>why was it on the news in canada?
Were you even alive at the time? 9/11 literally changed the world.
Why are you doing this to me user?
what a long animal
It's called news, and 9/11 was pretty big news, fucking retard
>about to fall asleep
>start to think about that one girl that liked you
Melee came out 18 years ago. Let it rest.
>that teacher that clearly liked you
No way fag, she's like 50+
Jokes on you, my autism has made sure nobody ever starts liking me in the first place.
Which? when I was 16? when I was 22? or when I was 25?
just fucking kill me
Why wouldn't it be? Are you retarded or just like 10?
Its the only smash game that feels really good to me. It feels so smooth. Even without any advanced tech shit that frankly made the game less fun. I just like running around
>About to fall asleep
>Have an entire conversation inside yourself where you finally tell her that you've loved her all this time
it was just some yankees, I'm really surprised our president even cared to retaliate.
>girl likes me
>starts taking pictures of me without permission
He didn't have a choice when Bush invoked the NATO shared defense pact.
My computer science teacher would bring in his Commodore 64 and show some of the stuff on it. Then he'd kick our asses on super dogfight. Apparently only one kid got even close to beating him, but none did.
Also brought in an Xbox to play Halo multiplayer
>girl clearly liked you
>start dating
>her autism gets in the way
we had someone do this near my school. funny thing was they never attended the school to begin with
turns out the guy and the accomplice who helped him out are both facing felonies
What did people even do in detention? Detention was a thing in my country.
>get a gf in 8th grade
>dumped after a month
>rejected by 3 others throughout highschool
>still single
I am but an empty husk of a man I once were
And it was on TV, now stop being a faggot
I bet you thought that was clever.
this, but 2nd grade
I had a substitute science teacher who was old as fuck but the chillest guy ever. He would talk about how nice the staples were in class and talked about his trip to egypt and his potato shaped rock
On mole day one year he literally brought in a mole and exploded it in front of the classroom. There's a video of it somewhere
you get paid little to watch over hundreds of rowdy kids and not only are those kids little shits, most of them will go off and live much better lives than you.
>brought in a mole and exploded it in front of the classroom
If I had to come to school an hour early, goof off with the people there. If it was after school hours were out, goof off because people usually knew eachother. The first eventually led to a program where you could come in two hours early and do your classes quicker so you could leave likewise early, so that was nice.
>TFW watching Full Metal Jacket in 11th Grade History class
Based as fuck!
find and post it please
Reminder that Yea Forums is over 15 years old. I was in my lower 20s once...
>that kid who started drinking coffee at an early age and always had foul as fuck farts
>he farted so much you could instantly tell who the farter was due to smell recognition alone
Fuck you Jonathan you nasty piece of shit
He put a mole in a beaker and literally set it on fire. Wish I was there
>on mole day
user, do you... do you mean groundhog day?
Either do your homework/classwork or if you didn't have any of those, whoever was in charge of detention will give you some work of their own you have to finish and if you didn't, it was another day's of detention where you have to finished both the previous work and the new day's works.
No, no, I was talking about Bush. Idk why we would try and retaliate when the attack was against the human equivalent of a virulent infection.
I asked "why", I didn't say it wasn't. The people that live up north are barely human, so it's hardly news.
>"user, you're one of the smartest kids in the class. If only you tried, just once."
I mean mole day, it was a chemistry term, idk the specifics. could've been groundhog day for all i know
literally me (except it wasn't true, I was dumb, too)
My teacher didn't play games...she played porn and the whole class started to masturbate. I came several times.
The fuck is a mole? Literally the only thing on google is the shit on your skin
>substitute teacher comes in for english class
>we were supposed to watch a speech or some shit and answer questions about it
>we're a minute into the speech when the teacher goes "alright enough of this, want to see something interesting?"
>we fucking watch videos of people getting caned in Singapore and he starts talking about the fucking punishment system there and how most of these people never walk the same ever again
that was a good day
Paper football, simple as
every single fucking parent-teacher conference
mole day is a chem term, it's basically a unit conversion to convert amounts of elements to something more realistic since it's not feasible to weigh individual atoms etc.
>the other kids think you're smart
>just because you wear glasses
>Most of them keep asking you for answers.
>All dudes catholic high school
>Some religious class or something
>Teacher does the whole “using protection is wrong” thing
>Student asks if it’s okay to have premarital sex without protection
>Teacher says it’s still wrong but better than using protection
>In an “oh shit” moment I stand up and ask if he seriously just told a class full of high school dudes that’s it’s okay to have unprotected sex
>Teacher says “we’ll yes if it’s a safe day”
>I tell him “do you think the girls these teenage guys are dating are fucking knowledgeable or responsible enough to be tracking their cycles that accurately?”
>Everyone turns and looks at me with horrified expressions
And that’s how everyone somehow got the idea that I was experienced with girls.
>tfw best student in ESL English class by far because all of my vidya was in English
>teacher stops picking me to give others a chance
>have fucking nothing to do except for writing tests
As a result my grammar is top tier but I have almost zero talking practice
>fall asleep immediately
based southern brother
pretend the c*lifornians are y*nkees itt
t. failed high school chemistry
Blog time. One of our assignments in secondary school (uk) was to make a movie trailer for our favourite movie. Mine was armageddon with bruce willis. Made the best damn flash animatiom ever seen on this planet. Half way through my flash file became corrupt. Had to make the second half of the trailer in a secons flash file. I made it so the second trailer had white space until the first one ended. When it came to presenting our assignments i stood ready at the keyboard. As the first file finished i quickly alt-tabbed to the second flash file. Went without a hitch. Got straight As. Not even mad.
Blog end.
*in this img
Awww yea
My homie went to a ivy league factory HS and made a 2200 on his SAT, failed everything in highschool (and college sadly)
> ivy league
I used to have a book of facts as a kid, I read it and memorised most of it. When a teacher would as a trivial question, I would always be able to understand. All the kids thought I was smart too.
But when it came to actual knowledge skills like maths or chemistry, I was hopeless.
>The fuck is a mole?
I loled.
Texas annoys me solely because people assume that the entire South is just Texas. I'm not a Texan.
>My favorite was the one where we had cops tell us that making fake porn of people was illegal (it isn't, falls under parody law iirc.
Why do cops constantly lie about laws? Like I get lying about it in a confrontation but why lie to kids, was stacies dad a cop and the computer club made a deepfake of her?
>mfw I was sent to a school for people with "behavioral problems" because I was a huge piece of shit back in 8th grade
>the entire student body consisted of stoners, delinquents, and autists
>despite this, it was somehow pretty chill
>classes were only 2.5 hours a day
>mfw there was one kid who was a chris chan level turbosperg
I kinda miss it, there was never a dull moment.
>read ahead and see n-word
>purposely read more than one paragraph to possibly get kid I don't like the n-word paragraph
>for a econ project we had to make a MUSIC VIDEO about a econ terms
>one group made a video where it started as that part from the That's So Raven intro where it zooms into her eye and the whole video was them beating the shit out of an old TV with a dollar sign taped to it with a sledgehammer and baseball bat
>They got a D
it was unironically one of the funniest things I've seen, the video editing was perfect
>those kids who would insult you or yell at you if you messed up during sports in recess/gym class
fair enough but it's still better than anywhere outside the south so I don't mind the association. Southern Appalachy here btw
>that kid who just went fucking snap one day and tried to beat up the homeroom teacher and the head teacher
>he never came to school again
>>those kids who would insult you or yell at you if you messed up during
>I killed them and fed them to there parents
>Had a girl approach me during gym class
>She had brought two of her friends with her for support due to her shyness
>It was like straight out of an anime, she was fidgeting with her index fingers while scraping one foot, looking down
>Her friends asked me if I wanted to go out with anonette
>Don't even remember what I said, think I just mumbled something and walked away
In retrospective I kind of want to apologize for that
Also had a really big and fat girl give me a love note in front of everyone and I didn't know how to respond so I kind of just threw it on the ground and acted like nothing happened
They called them "bungalows" where I grew up. Our schools were so damn overcrowded that like half the classrooms were these fucking things.
>tfw the autistic kid got more attention from the girls than you did
>terry fox run day
>basically fuck around all day
that brings back so many good memories
does anyone remember that old computer game where you collected like giant diamonds, i cant fucking remember it and its killing me
>playing cross country canada
>That one kid who had the most grating voice that made you want to strangle them
Honestly if you have a teacher that allows movies that that with violence and sex, you know that teacher is based.
My history teachers I had in high school were based as fuck.
Showed us
>Saving Private Ryan
>Full Metal Jacket
>Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
>Schindler's List
>Pearl Harbor
>Master and Commander
>Apocalypse Now
>We Were Soldiers
Good times.
>If only you tried, just once."
But I did.....
fucking zack
Treasure Mountain?
>It's so foreign to me that there are people at least 30 years old on Yea Forums.
Why did it turn out like this
Why didn't I just try and make an effort
As a britbong.. wtf is this?
If we did something bad, they would just herd us into a class room full of bad dooers and do more bad
>britbong logic at its best (you're welcome, Australia)
>tfw had the body to play defensive line
>hated sports
>rather be playing CS:S and battlefield 2
darn no, it was a 3d game, i just remember playing it all the time in preschool and loving it
That's just them coping with their inadequacy. In the same way someone will say, "wow at least I don't play this game all day" after they lose in an online game.
because you are a frogposter
it's like a red card in football
Cause he talked to them probably
>they would just herd us into a class room full of bad dooers and do more bad
Half the reason for doing it really.
Because if you tried and failed you would have failed, isn't it better to just barely coast by on natural talent? That way you can never fail
>be deathly afraid of getting one of these
>still went late to my first class everyday because i couldnt get up from bed
The only game I got to play in school was Caesar 3. I was a little shit and did not appreciate.
you revealed your power level to the normies
Was that the only VHS tape in the fucking school or something?
>that one kid who had such a horrible speech impediment that NO ONE could understand what the fuck he was ever saying, not even the teachers
>sometimes you can hear him mumble some shit like calling the teacher a bitch and some other undecipherable non sense
we were lucky he didn't shoot up the school
I was his dick, I'm the one that got blown.
How fucking old and/or Mexican are you OP?
I feel like I watched "Donald in Mathmagic Land" way too many times in elementary school
>be in music class
>some kid was making fun of me, forget exactly what it was about
>point at him and tell him to knock it off
>music teacher freaks, thinking I'm making a gun gesture with my fingers and threatening to kill him (this was soon after Columbine)
>get dragged into principal's office and given two days of in-school suspension
>had never gotten in trouble in school up until that point
>parents got pissed at me and took away my video games for the rest of the year
Fuck you, Miss Bux.
>literature class
>reading old plays
>get to romantic part
>"alright user, you and your crush take over"
literally worse than erotic scenes in vidya gaems with your parents watching
>high school was almost entirely niggers, spics and trailer trash/wiggers
>spent freshman and sophmore year in shittily vented trailers because the school was over capacity by like 2x the amount of students
>could barely relate to anyone, somehow found some friends to have after high school
>that one homeschooled autistic extrovert gets bullied by fucking everyone
>the only decent looking white girls were taken except one shy nerdy, who turned out to have social anxiety/retardation so bad it makes /r9k/ look like casanovas
>at least 3 of the people i knew wanted her, plus me
Fuck high school
Jesus christ this brings back memories I wish I forgot...
>that girl who got caught with a broom handle up her vag
>"Can you speak up user?"
how about you call one someone else you fucking geezer
>be out somewhere with friends
>someone asks what school we go to
>we tell them
>heh crimeridge eh?
just because one person took a few shots like 10 years ago
>>that girl who got caught with a broom handle up her vag
wtf i thought only my weird ass elementary catholic school had those
>tfw i was caught trying to shove a chair into a girl's ass
its not my fault that her ass was huge
>that girl with the cutest laugh
>waould always annoy the fuck out of me
>eventually I started making her laugh and stuff by making fun of her jamaican accent
>autism kicks in
>stop talking to her
>those kids who would insult you or yell at you if you messed up during anything
>that 1 girl who would sigh very loudly so everyone can hear because you had a question and didn't understand something
>that 1 guy who doesn't want to learn anything or knows everything and just there waiting for time to leave and gets upset at anyone who holds the class for even a second
>tfw can't learn anything in a classroom full of people anymore
>>tfw i was caught trying blow a load on the teacher.
Bitch could of let me finish!
>that one kid who cheated off everyone
>he wants to try it with me
>I purposly get the answers wrong
>we both fail the assignment
>I tell teacher what happened
>she gives me a 100%
I only knew half the answers
>insult a guy for fucking up during sports
>guys insults you for fucking up during sports
>you were a group of friends just messing with the teacher
>have nervous breakdowns because of autism and physical disability
>i told them i just needed help writing because of my cerebral palsy and that it hurts to write or print
>how are you going to write formal letters or sign checks properly if you can't write? Do it anyway
>literally lock kids up in a psych ward style isolation room for hours at a time
>do nothing to help the problem
>fight tooth and nail to prevent an IEP
what the fuck was their problem?
my sides this is probably real
>tfw everyone thinks your super smart because youre ugly and dont talk to anyone
>youre actually just as retarded as everyone else
>in gym class
>theres on girl in our class for whatever reason
>playing volley ball
>im not paying attention as usual
>she bumps into me and my hand touches her ass
I shoved a floor lamp up a black guys ass once...good times.
Oh hey it’s the stuff I learned in history class a good decade ago.
>everyone things you are an idiot because you are ugly and dont talk to anyone
>they are correct
>that kid who had an occupational therapist in 3rd grade and got diagnosed as a sperg years later
>that kid who was also you
I feel like my parents thought I was retarded or something because even back then it felt unnecessary.
One time I got in trouble for spitting sunflower seed shells in a teachers class and got one of these and I shit you not I went to the office and the principal ripped it up and said "fuck that guy sunflower seeds are delicious"
>That teacher that pokes and prods a student until they snap and the teacher gleefully sends them to the office to fill out this form for the 30th fucking time in 2 weeks.
This is how fucking shootings start.
>that 1 teacher that leaves the answer sheet out open on their desk
Don't mind me, just pirating these answers.
>dream about oneitis from years ago
>she asks me out
>say no because I don't want to lose my wizard powers
What does this dream mean? I've had it at least 10 times.
>Had to see a therapist at 9 years old because parents and pediatrician though you were depressed
>Therapist drives you to the 7/11 across the street to buy you snacks
>Parents afraid he was a pedophile
>Stop seeing therapist
>Have weird memories of possibly peeing in his trash can
>It might be false memories mixed together with that time Kevin peed on you when you tried to help him beat the Fire Temple in OoT
Feels bad man.
>tfw teacher shows how all assignments and exams are weighted towards final mark
>could basically skip most of the day too day shit as long as I just pass the final
>min maxing IRL
one of the best things about being an adult today is that if there's some kid being an asshole you can immediately shut him up by telling him to go in a die school shooting, or be another teen suicide.
man these kids think they're hotshit but i've been shitposting for longer than they've been alive and its so easy to break them, especially the thug ones.
Alright anons strap in
>in 12th grade
>meet two really cool girls
>become best friends immediately
>one girl was super chill and liked a bunch of the same music as me but we didnt have any feelings for each other looking back on it
>other girl phew
>easily a 9/10 and she was super into legend of zelda like I was at the time
>let's call them A and S
>A was the 9/10 and S was music chick
>every morning A and S would beg me to sit with them and eventually it became a routine
>winter time A would warm her hands up on my upper arm and talk about how good I smelled and shit
>A would bring not only her own DS but an extra so we could both play LoZ spirit tracks together
>S would join in as well but I didnt care either way as long as A and me would be joking and smiling at each other
>I would sneak into A's homeroom during announcements instead of my own just to spend time with her
>she would call me a certain Disney character name everytime I walked into the room
>end of the year is coming up soon
>talk about how all three of us are gonna miss each other
>let A borrow a copy of Minish Cap for gba and dont ask for it back so I have a reason to message her outside of high school in case we break apart
>a week or so before school is over
>talking about everyone's parents
>A says "I'd introduce user to my parents I think they'd really like him"
>S and another girl both awed at this statement
>I felt flattered but had no idea how to flirt or ask somebody out only having two girlfriends before this
>one irl one online
>I said aww thanks and shrugged it off
>A had music quotes written in her notepad of sorts
>wrote one by the red hot chili peppers because I was big into them and she wanted me to add something to it
>privately divided by a world so undecided and theres nowhere to go
>she was in love with the quote
>couldnt see why at the time
>last day of school and I hugged both A and S and told them I would miss them both severely
Continue anons?
The best thing about being an adult is you can bully kids easy? You know you could do more with your day than despise your lost youth
these things made me fucking deaf holy fuck the high frequency noise killed me
I was the same until my last two years where I stopped doing homework because they gave far to much and I wasn't bothered to do it.
I never did the detentions they gave me though.
I'll just continue before someone asks so I can get it out quick.
I hit the character limit
>see this thread
>remember how deathly bored I was in shool
I would literally stare at the ceiling and try to count the holes in the cropped ceiling
She sat on my lap during downtime after class and talked to me even though we were assigned seats on opposite sides of the room and It didn't register to me that she was interested .. 14 year old me was dense
>she bumps into me and my hand touches her ass
>ou know you could do more with your day than despise your lost youth
the only lost youth i despise are the ones in parkland. kids today are the worst and they deserve everything coming at them.
Space Jam in French was one of the only VHS we had
Drumline was the only DVD we had
ok fags post your favorite class trips
>Toronto zoo
>royal ontario museum
>petticoat creek before the jews started restricting how man cans of pop we could take
>Algonquin park in the winter
>red card
Got ya.
>thats why we did it
Hell yeah, some of my best times were in detention
T. Still got grade A in most subjects across gsce and in college.
Moral of the story, do the fuck you wan. If you're galaxy brained you'll prevail. If you're shitter, tribute your darwin award to me.
Some middle of nowhere bumfuck camping trip during the height of hormonal teenager season.
>he got to go on class trips
6 flags was probably the only place my schools would let us go to but I guess its something.
>tfw skipped prom to stay home and play 2142
>those times when we could order books
>friend always got captain underpants and other cool stuff
>parents would never give me money for it
>school had junior high and high school students in the same building
>had last period of lunch with high schoolers while I was in 8th grade for some reason
>those seniors that were really nice to me and let me sit at their table
>I would just sit their and be quiet because I was awkward
>that one girl that was so friendly and would always make me laugh
>that girl was fucking murdered
>she didn't get a page in the yearbook but the kid who killed himself did
Kino thread, can't believe it stayed up all day
>they agreed and A started to cry
>I held it in being manly and everything pffft
>A said "user you have to get ahold of us outside of school and we can all hang out!!"
>the only one I wanted to hang out with was A but S being there too wasnt a bad thing to me because I was genuinely best friends with both of them
>fast forward two months
>A had to move to shitsville like 300 miles away because her family did
>I was sad as fuck
>before i go on let me say i was in love with her and didnt even realize it at the time I'll go into more detail later
>make a Facebook
>she finds me on it and is ecstatic
>we talked everyday for a few months
>about music loz games and other similar interests
>shes finally coming back soon to visit family
>makes plans for S and me to meet up with her
>supposed to meet at the mall
>waiting inside and my stomach is fucking twisted didnt know why
>I see her
>she sees me
>runs up and hugs me the hardest I've ever been hugged
>"I missed you guys so much"
>S was there with her and I barely even noticed I was so happy
>we spend the day talking about life plans playing arcade games and going to music stores and video game places
>nearing the end of the day
>"oh hey user remember that minish cap game you let me borrow I have it right here"
>tell her "oh I almost forgot about that thing" "you should keep it for a while so I have a reason to ask you for it back one day because we're definitely gonna see each other again"
>the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life spread across her face
>Okay user :)
>She goes back to shitsville
>grow apart a little because that's just what happens
>i start dating somebody else that lives in my town
>gets real jealous of my friendship with S and A
>have to stop talking to them because of this
>didnt realize it at the time but she was a massive cunt
>A came back in town but I wasnt allowed to go see her