What the fuck this game literally has RNG recoil, how is this regarded as competitive at all?
>B-but user you can control the recoil
What the fuck this game literally has RNG recoil, how is this regarded as competitive at all?
it is not RNG, there is a patern.
It seems random to noobs who haven't learned said paterns.
>red cross hair
get good
>get good at rng
based retard
I've watched so much pro CS, it's extremely evident that the recoil can be controlled to such a degree that you can spray down 4-5 people with all headshots as long as you know how to spray transfer and control the recoil.
It's absolutely fucking nuts the shots these people hit
>he doesnt know
it's not rng retard
>playing CShitGo when R6 seige exists.
The M4A4 in particular is accurate enough to reliably tap fire a player across the entire distance of Long A on Dust2, one of the longest distances in the entire game. The AK is not accurate enough for this, showing one of the ways that it is balanced.
You'll never make it, FPSlet
Reminder that cs got btfo
lol how sad you gotta be to make same shit post every day for months, get a life fag
there is a lot people that hate cs 1.6 and csgo here, zoomer.
based and m4a4 desert strike mirage screenshot pilled
>Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we...
>>make a different game
seething quaketards
literally no defense for cs in that thread. Admit it you lost.
>hero shooters
Defend what? There's no argument to be had with someone who just spouts the same retarded shit that isn't even true.
Yes actually, all the weapons have spray patterns you can learn and control.
Wow it's almost as if CS and Quake are different games
>silvers crying about csgo again
>slow movement
>random aim
>team based
>no verticality
basically it's quake for noobs.
shit game.
>No movement
>Aim at head
>Blood splatter and the guy is still standing
>Learn to control spreay pattern
>Aim at your feet for a head shot
>shoot ground
>splash damage kills enemy
Thats how shit Quake is, you don't even have to hit the player! Just hit the area around the guy! NO SKILL!
How do I get out of Silver?
Spray patterns are retarded period. I have about 600 hours in CSGO and I'm a MG1. They routinely fuck you even if you learn them, and it's worse if you play any other game as muscle memory gets overwritten since ZERO other games use a system even similiar. Also fuck F2P fags, BR fags and fuck rage hackers.
>control the power-ups/weapons
Woah, truly Quake is the superior game
Learn to counter-strafe.
>game is so shit even the pros cheat
It's the Melee of fps
CSS works better on my potato
yes about 80% of the time, but spread always leaves a bit of rng
>every other game has randomness in the shooting mechanics so it must be better!!!!
shut the fuck up 600 hours is nothing
csniggers still defending their bad choice of fps 20 years later.
the fps community thinks your game is a joke.
>the community
you mean fortnite players
no, quake, unreal , tribes players.
and the video game community thinks fps are a joke, what's your point?
Thos games have players?
They changed that years ago it is random now
oh so like 200 persons.
Yet all these games are dead compared to CS.
terrible bait have a (you)
yeah because casuals can't into arena shooters.
The same community that buys EA lootboxes and plays fortnite?
Could be because those games have run their course or because the two audiences arent the same.
or maybe cs is dumbed garbage for retards.
>playing siege and trying to talk shit about CS
>Playing round based shooters
Or because the two games really aren't the same. Sci fi arena shooters vs slower modern day warfare?
Also why are you complaining if those "retards" aren't playing your game then?
Keep defending low skill garbage.
I can shoot all bullets out of my AK and hit the same spot. You're just bad at the game.
>playing hero shooters
>with dlc
>made by ubisoft
Defend this, CSGO nerds
If skill is so important, why aren't you engineering artificial intelligence? That requires far more skill than playing an arena shooter videogame.
>not playing CSS instead
those still exist?
no wonder you Yea Forumsniggers defend halo, et and tf2 so much. you suck at arena shooters.
lmao csniggers cant refute it.
The end.
csbabies admit your game sucks compared to quake. admit you killed skill based fps.
there is nothing else to play.
First one his aim still hadn't stabilized after the jump. The deagle takes a long time after a jump to be fully accurate. Not even gonna watch the rest because you're already BTFO, but I'll bet they're old clips from when there was an actual hitbox issue that got patched out in a matter of days after the core of the problem was found.
Stay mad and stay a scrub.
>Wow it's almost as if CS and Quake are different games
Well they aren't, faggot. They are the exact same game!
> a couple of days
and you still play a casual game.
haha i love valve games i love playing dumbed quake like hl and cs xd xd.
Why is random bullet spread a thing in the first place, and what's the point of having players memorize spray patterns to sidestep it?
dude casual strike 1.6 nostalgia xd
haha i love quake, it's soooo nostalgic even if no one is playing it haha xd
Because it's like Quake in that it's all about positioning and map control, but with much, much lower requirements of execution.
kys csnigger you ruined gaming.
Seething boomer. Go play with your dead game now before it rots
seeits quake for retards
name a popular shooter right now that isn't shit
rising storm 2
welcome back cs/quake autist
It's fine to hate csgo, but not if your only reason is the spray patterns are difficult to control. It's not random you just suck and will never get better.
>he thinks i'm the only quakefag that hates this shitty game.
PLEASE, post EXCLUSIVELY at thread where you PLAYED THE GAME AT LEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE. You goddamn piece of shit retarded autist.
CSS/CS 1.x/condition zero/etc to me was a more arcade style of game where you could go in and blast for a few hours without really thinking about it, you'd naturally get better over time. but in csgo with very specific spray patterns you have to dedicate time to understanding them for each weapon, which to me isnt very arcadey. if I wanted to take time to understand arbitrary mechanics to min/max i'd be playing a jrpg
that said im not really sure i "hate" CSGO, but more wish I could play it without having spray patterns. for some reason it really makes me not want to play at all.
>Hero shooter from jewbisoft
You're killing the gaming industry nigger faggot
singleplayer games
>Having to pick up weapons in world along with power ups
>The one guy who gets rail gun first wins
Yah amazing alright
They are not really RNG at all except desert eagle and SMGs.
Well, i still think they are a bit dumb. i want to aim at the head not aim at the feet
I have over 3000 hours in the game and I never bothered to learn the patterns past like 10 bullets anyways. Seriously I've been Global Elite in the past and played on a team in a paid ladder and my spray control has always been terrible. You can get away with tap firing for headshots or just become an awper and never spray anything again.
>Only mg1 at 600 hrs
Wow just uninstall and play a game that doesn't require a fast reaction time infact go play some breathe of the wild pls and ty
Bro, you dont NEED to learn the whole spray, 99% of the time you only need to know the spray of the first 1~8, which is literally just draggin your mouse down. With time you start to naturally understanding the rest of the spray, but VERY rarely you will use a spray with 20 bullets or more. When you miss those first bullets the best decision you can make is NOT to keep spraying, you hide for cover and use grenades/call for your teammates help.
>this entire post
sunken cost
>Caring what kiddies think of your grandfathered timeless fps
It's time to grow up user you can't stay a young incel forever
>Posting fake news
Make v great again lul
Post proof then faggot instead of talking out your ass
Oh wait you can't
Too bad so sad
Not him, but he's 100% right, the deagle is the best weapon cost/effectively. You can buy it in the pistol round and it's just 1 shot headshot, BUT her standing accuracy it's almost one of the, if not the slower weapon to regain accuracy after shooting/crouching/jumping.
>mad cuz bad lmao
>just theorycraft those smoke throws and angles
Counter shit is fighting "game" tier
You're probably trolling but if you put me 1v1 against someone who has never played the game before they will NEVER kill me. The skill gap and ceiling is that big.
Then why aren't you good at it? :^)
600 hours it's almost NOTHING and MG1 is a newbie rank.
>Those instances are rare, it took years to make a decent 4 minutes compilation, there is a bunch of other clips that aren't bad enough to be included, this is the worst of the worst. Four of those are from 2019, a big chunk from 2016-2018 (see sources/dates below).
>CSGO received major hitbox updates through the years, bomb plant isn't as broken.
>Just a fun little compilation.
But I guess you're too illiterate to even read the video description, zoomers like you can only communicate in memes.
oh look the quakefag still cant let go of the fact that csgo is still alive and well while quake died for more than a decade even when they tried to resurrect it with champions
>Being so bad at the game you blame it and not yourself
I came here just to laugh at you goodbye
>that recording
This is peak "competition" in this game. Nobody takes it seriously except retards who got memed into spending thousands of hours on the original series that started the trend of catering to casuals.
its not rng
its the only fps without rng
keep defending casual strike, bro.
keep having nostalgia for cs 1.6 and thinking you are retro gamer.
>being a Ubidrone
What's wrong with a red crosshair? Genuinely curious
>what is tick rate
based retard
I played Day of Infamy a while ago but I stopped because the playerbase was dwindling. Anything like it that has a larger playerbase?
>play comp. today
>some rus-whores on new accs with haxes
>got t*rkoids in my team
>they don't even try
>stat dissing them
>they vote to kick me
>it fails
>match lost
>same comp but other players
>those fucks aren't even trying
>start calling them turkfaggots and drop flashes under them
>they keep screeching at me (voip muted so I don't obther)
>another vote
>it passes
>managed to blow one's head with MAG-7 before I goet kicked
>7 day suspension
Griefing those subhumans has never been a bigger fun.
His shot missed because there is a cooldown on the accuracy of the deagle after moving. It's a long cooldown. That "pro" fucked up. There's literally nothing wrong about that clip.
t. Silver
Nothing except maybe it blends in too much. That isn't an issue if you put an outline on your crosshair though. Bright colours pop more against the background. I use yellow a lot.
It's fine if you like the game but cs has the most retarded gun mechanics of any current competitive fps.
not him but you also get those kinds of players in higher ranks as well
.t struggling solo queue smfc
How do I unsubscribe from your blog?
Sounds like an EU problem to me. In NA you just get people that say you suck and trash talk you when you're carrying them.
It's because you're shit at it and cant bother taking 10 mins to learn it
more like your shit and you blame the game for it
Ah yes, goyim. You better wait for the cooldown, such accurate shots aren't allowed in quick succession because casuals would get very mad and stop playing our game, oi vey! Point blank and dead center on his head? I don't think so, gentile!
"people" will unironically defend this lmao
not even going to watch but someone said something that sounded like that deagle clip is in it where the dude tries to spam a gun literally after landing a jump which has the longest reset time for inaccuracy in the game
learn how to play faggot
At what point do they just say fuck it and turn CS into a turn-based RPG? It would be just as "skillful" and just as boring to watch as it is now.
It's fucking looney toons
in order to get so goddamn good at this bullshit you need to control the recoil as well as predict where its going next is such a bullshit entry for a videogame the repeating 30 round format is the only reason I play this shit
If you could one-shot people with the machine-gun in quake they'd have to do something similarly retarded to it to make the game competitive.
>s-stop pointing out the truth about my shitty game!
Harder to see, imagine aiming at someone on the wall on the left of OP's pic. The best colors are horribly tacky ones that stand out, like neon green or purple, or even a maxed out white. White/green might be hard to see on a snow map, so I think purple would stand out in most scenarios. Too bad purple is a shit color
Ah, okay. I used a red crosshair for like a month, but then I switched to just a simple blue dot recently. Gotta say I'm a fan of the dot.
Judging by how BOTH of them are just SPAMMING the deagle, the is a very low rank match. They have NO idea what they're doing. You're fucking retarded if you think that clip helps your argument in any way.
use the dynamic crosshair. Jump. Marvel at how fucking long it takes for your crosshair to go small again. He shot when he was still innacurate from the box jump.
I imagined the anime girl saying this and got a big ol' boner
Well. I guess i got to agree with the DE one though. That weapon is retarded.
Im not the tards saying the game is RNG, i defend CSGO but i really think that aspect of desert eagle is fucking retarded
Since you've never played counter strike in your life I don't understand why you hate it so much. Did your bully play it a lot or something faggot?
>recoil is so shit that, if you learn how to aim in csgo you forget how to aim in any other fps, or at least get a couple of bad aim habits
> some people wanted to troll players by constant spray and pray and did way better than expected because of long time broken hitboxes
>faggots tell you when you have to buy which equipment because thats "teamplay"
>look at my 200$ knife skin
Theres so many better multiplayer fps out there, this game is only surviving because its built on a legacy called 1.6
The rail gun is just fine. Hell, the lightning gun is hitscan and pros can't even break 60% accuracy against opponents with brain cells and there's no bullshit RNG lowering the skill ceiling on that thing. There is literally no defense for RNG mechanics affecting gunplay unless you have a monetary investment in a game or you're a shit-eating casual.
It's how you balance the best weapon for your cash in the game. Guns having different weaknesses is interesting.
>t-there's a p-pattern I t-tell you! a p-pattern
what's the pattern then, genius?
What is it about Counter Strike that triggers zoomer so much? Is it because that was the "hardcore" FPS when they were growing up and they sucked at it?
I'm sorry, maybe I was just having "a bad day" and my enemy was having "a good day" right?
Even if I hadn't, you can't even muster a defense for this garbage game because even you know deep down how shit it is.
Its a risk/reward weapon. The deagle is a handcannon but you can't be very mobile with it. Theres plenty of SMGs and pistols with low damage and a low skill ceiling that allow you to run and gun if you want.
>moving while aiming
Looks good to me. Game is operating as expected.
Counter-Strike was never hardcore, in fact 1.6 had an even lower skill ceiling than GO. It's not far off from trash like Overwatch so it's no wonder the series is still very popular. Casuals flock to RNG mechanics like flies to shit.
noob get good also no the recoil is not rng you can control it by not holding in the mouse button but clicking the mouse button
you moved.
First shot you're moving so you missed
Second shot was interp you were dead. On his screen you never even fired. Is that retarded? Maybe but that's the way it is so laggy fags can't racecar you.
Are you retarded?
The deagle is the equivalent of the machine gun though, you can start with it every round. if you could one shot kill with a machine-gun headshot quake would be trash.
I prefer the risk/reward of getting good at a video game instead of relying on a random number generator to feed me artificial highs and lows like CSGO.
So I'm right that you sucked at it?
Are you?
You're ignoring facts and game mechanics so whatever I say you will dismiss. You're as bad as flat earthers get a grip.
>there is a bunch of other clips that aren't bad enough to be include
Because they're not bad enough to include in his already 4.5 minute long video. Who the fuck wants to watch more than that? The point is the fucking same. Crowbcat has standards.
You can get good by using skillful movement to optimize your aim. If every gun had the exact same accuracy and exact same mobility, there'd be a loss of skill in the game. Just because its skill you dont like, that doesnt mean its not skill. Timing your shots according to your movement is just as skillful as aiming them.
>if you raised the skill ceiling, there would be a loss of skill
Valve cuck logic
Why do you dick lickers always do this? You can slap a skill curve on anything, it doesn't make it good. Or are you going to tell me SMW speedrunning is hardcore because you can't personally beat the world's best time?
Thats not raising the skill ceiling nigger, thats lowering it. You should be lobotomized if you havent been already.
>Recoil memory = skill
Fucking kek.
>I don't have an argument but I'm going to pretend like I do and not say it because I know I'll get BTFO again
Well said, drone.
oh shit you called him a cuck! you won the argument
If you cant do it as well as other people then yes, it's skill. I bet pattern memorization in chess isnt a skill either.
>putting a cap on what skilled players are capable of raises the skill ceiling
Valve cuck logic redux
No argument here, only facts and Valve cucks getting BTFO by them.
You started replying to me, shitter. I just asked a question earlier>Is it because that was the "hardcore" FPS when they were growing up and they sucked at it?
You answered the first part, which was that it was that "hardcore" game (note the quotes) and so I figured the second part of the question was an affirmative.
>I keep forgetting where the center of my screen is
You haven't posted a single fact on this website in your life just dumbass opinions
Why in the actuall hell is CSGay popular?
>Barebones multiplayer only FPS
>Player is faster than you
>He wins, you die, wait 3/4 minutes
>Player is worse than you
>You win he dies and you are searching around the map for the last few guys
>No way to SV_Pure the ugly gamebanna skins away that make the guns look like toys
Nice game gotards
Aw, valve cuck is getting angered by all the inconvenient truth bombs! Fake news! My nova rank h-has to mean s-something!
The amount of seething boomers is fucking insane, once you spend five minutes within the game it becomes obvious that there are recoil patterns and your weapon starts firing RNG bullets if you spam it like a retard.
If boomers can't figure this shit out just move on to a different game, it's honestly hilarious watching you retards call things that you don't understand stupid.
Absolutely based
Every shot has RNG spread, even the AWP veers to the right slightly from reset.
The reasons you dislike it ARE the reasons we like it. It's about being faster and smarter than your opponents. It's a twitch shooter. I'll admit when the game first got weapon skins I thought they were retarded but now I just sell what I don't want and get free money from a F2P game.
Rainbow is unironically head and shoulders better than CSGay
They are both shit though
Competitive multiplayer is peak cringe
What are you, 17?
There is fuck all variety besides sub machine gun and assault rifle point and click, what is there to like? call of duty has more variety than this shit
>bro he was walking
yeah and?
It's not about the variety it's about the simplicity.
You know absolutely nothing about this game stop posting
>Someone was better than me and told me I suck, multiplayer games are soo toxic! thats why I only play singleplayer shit
lmao okay, i know now why Yea Forums has been brainwashed into hating multiplayer games now. you cucks hate competition and hate challenge
He's crouching here though, did you even play the game?
That doesn't count.
Call of duty has both and does the latter better
Get good
That was spectator, so interp wasn't the issue. He actually shot and missed and our entire team went ape shit over it. Also, if you watch the clip he is crabwalking just like in the other one I posted. You guys are insane.
I definitely disagree with you. Call of duty has shit like grenade launchers and kill streaks that kill the enemy for you it is way less simplistic.
you can't either lol
he said popular
Is there a reason Valve made the shooting this way?
I once hit every shot I was aiming for during a match but most of the times it feels like everyone but me has infinite health.
CS is so nuanced while in quake there's only strafejump. This is exactly why one game is popular while other is abandoned.
Insurgency, Insurgency: Sandstorm or Rising Storm
There is RNG to the pattern you fucking silver shit, why do you think pros only full auto up close?
Now try to recreate that in game 5 times on the same spot.
>Those instances are rare, it took years to make a decent 4 minutes compilation.
CSGO might be shit but you crowbdrones are retarded as fuck.
>shoot someone with an awp
>they hide after peaking
>bullet hole is behind where they were
This happens fucking several times a day, how can csgo be so consistently shit?
>all my friends are GEs
>only play because they're cool guys and fun to play with
>they all seperate into different games because of how trash CSGO is and how tired they are of its constant bullshit
At least I don't need to play this shit game anymore.
git gud
I hide when I peak too because the acid makes me paranoid. Or did you mean peek, maybe? Bullet decals are client side they mean nothing.
maybe youll stop being shit if you watch this
Git gud
exact same happened to me but they were all LEMS
i still play on alt accs with cheats because the game is free now tho
You're assuming everyone replying to you on an anonymous imageboard is the same person, you stupid faggot. You also dodged my question, probably because it struck a nerve.
God this game is such a piece of shit
Genuine question: Why cheat? Everyone has a different reason I want to hear yours
I want to ruin the game for the subhuman animals that play and enjoy it
You said you cheat now because the game is free. Do you pay for your cheats or are they free to download?
What you described in this post is demonstrably not how the game works. Its objectively false.
pay sadly, idk any good free cheats anymore
You are a fucking retard, jesus christ
Well insulting you won't get me anywhere. I implore you to consider playing legitimately. Have a nice day.
>game requires watching youtube videos for pixel perfect smoke throws and hours of analyzing recoil patterns
wow. fun.
>game requires you to put in time and effort to succeed
Are you implying that is something bad?
But quakeautist said it's casual?
It's by far the most complete, fun, skillful and complex 5v5 shooter, that's why.
>any other game
>play the game
>easy to understand the mechanics and improve
>naturally get better just by playing the game because the gameplay is consistent and designed around being fun and balanced
Counter-Strike was always shit
CSGO mechanics and fundamentals are extremely easy to learn and improve, in fact mastering the basics will get you very far. But the game is very deep and has such complexity that it will require much more than having mastered the basics to reach the top and stay there.
True, but so was quake
There's a reason you tards can't break out of silver. Bullets always have a bit of RNG applied to them no matter what. Not even the awp hits the same spot twice.
Anyone who defends CSGO should post proof of their rank desu.
>play a silly casual game nobody takes seriously
>shots go where I aim them
>being this butthurt that you're not good at CS
>"good at" a slot machine
>climb out of gold nova solo queueing and riding on players who know smokes and strats
>all of my frags are from just being faster or playing like a tool with XM and auto
Am I a piece of shit?
Your turn.
Not really, you are cheesing though and you will reach a point where it stops working.
That's useless. Are you going to listen to me more because I dig up my old hard drive and post my 3 year old Global Elite?
>pulls random screenshot from google
>replies to a 30 minute old posts
>talks about nerves being struck
Try reversing it you retard.
good job, you can import an image into paint and badly crop it.
Thread ended here
>post proof
*posts proof*
>wtf that's not proof
Did you miss the part where the guy moves, and there's a bullet hole in the wall right behind where he was?
>doesn't even know how to post basic irrefutable proof
as expected of csfags.
>Crosshair was on target but it doesn't matter because you moved lmao
what a fucking outdated piece of shit game
I played CS a lot, but still have no idea how to use deagle. It seems too unreliable.
>Play aim a lot
>Go into game
>Shit on everyone at my rank
Im afraid OW will ban me soon because every fuck keeps reporting me
>Dont jump with it
>Only shoot in quick succession if crouched
>Switching to knife after every shot nulls bloom faster than waiting
>always be still, take a while to stop before firing
You can now kill with deag. Best way is to rush and hold a spot you know fags will run from to one deag. Like if you get long spawn at dust, just run to long, stop and deag the first CT that peaks long doors, then pull back because next shot is RNG
should have just read the description for the TLDR since it explains what your looking
Reminder to play the actually competitive team shooter, where you reticle will tell you EXACTLY where you shot will land 100% and it is 100% your fault only if you miss, rather than RNG.
What if I missed the first shot?
>playing ubishit
You need to go back.
gitgud and fall back. Either you one shot them with a HS or fuck off at medium/long range. If theyre on your face then crouch and spam like a shitter you are
Are all weapons railguns here?
What do you mean by that, hitscan? Yeah
Ok, thanks.
Haven't you played quake?
No, extremely low RPM weapons are not practical for tactical infantry combat