Updated to remove Tetris Effect. Why has PS4 been losing so many exclusives lately? Digimon Cybersleuth, Earth Defense Force 5, and now Tetris Effect. At least EDF5 and Tetris Effect are quality games so more people can enjoy them, I guess. But there are fewer reasons to purchase a PS4 these days..
Yea Forums's Official Ranking of Significant PS4 Exclusives
>Last Guardian
>God Tier
>Lost Legacy above Uncharted 4
>Days Gone above Spiderman
>Driveclub that high
Fuck off
Modern Sony doesn't care about niche games or 3rd party exclusives. Everything that isn't a cinematic over-the-shoulder open world "game" will be lost to PC. It's time to move on.
I'd rather play Spider-man than literally anything else on PS4, get fucked.
>No Ape Escape 4
Not out yet. Gotta wait for the PS5 bro
where the fuck is persona 5
They are 3rd party and this gen publishers want/need the extra revenue the days of 3rd party exclusives are almost dead because of the increase in development costs.
Stop reposting your retarded list, there's nothing official about it. Get fucked tardo
either you're max level autistic or this is bait
Platform exclusive, close enough.
Why include wipeout collection but not other ports like resogun? Where are the vr games? Why include fucking castlevania.
The ps4 only has ONE good game, and ita xomming to switch next year
op is a fag
>People taking the bait
Persona 5 is hot trash, play a real jrpg
Bloodborne is literally the only one I would like to play... but will never buy a console.
Including Castlevania seems like a huge reach.
Also I haven't played GR2 but I thought Yea Forums loved it, I'm surprised to see it in mid.
>walking demo with 0 substance
>that high
On the PS3 so no exclusive
OP is a fag with his shitty list but TLG is dope
i haven't played p5 i'm just wondering why it ain't there
fair enough
I will add Persona 5 The Royal when it comes out
>re released/remasters
Oh I am laffin
Makes sense. Seeing a lot less second party and third party exclusives, everybody just wants to make their own studios now I guess