[Spoiler] lol[/spoiler]
[Spoiler] lol[/spoiler]
>Chinese people built railroads
>dude haha imagine if there were Asian people in RDR lmao how absurd would that be?
Are faggots implying there were zero black cowboys and/or outlaws during this time? Next nibbas will say that North Korea is a country of peace
how cucked do you have to be to not play a game if it does not have a nigger in it
nice one OP
GUN was ahead of it's time
I don't recall many black cowboys. I wouldn't call Lenny or Charles cowboys either
why just niggers though? fuck niggers
>>Chinese people built railroads
Just because a minority was part of a project which was mainly filled with whites doesn't mean they deserve any sort of credit for being there.
>hey look at the one black guy building!! we wuz builders n shit!!!
The exaggeration of minoritys in pre 1970 America is fucking astonishing.
because there are all ready tons of spics and hicks in game I bet
None of them were really cowboys
Just because you wear a hat and some boots with sours doesn't make you a cowboy
None of them were cattle herders of any kind.
>inb4 Reddit spacing
Indian cowboy representation when?
>Blacks weren't put through any hard labor, they were actually well fed and taken care of while the whites slaved in the fields and were whipped by the jews
this is you user
next time just select it and ctrl s
also there were black people in the west at that time
good thing that applies to literally noone
>screenshotting your own epic gamerbro tweet
lol indeed
What about Nat Love or Jesse Stahl?
>Black cowboys in the American West accounted for up to 25 percent of workers in the range-cattle industry from the 1860s to 1880s, estimated to be between 6,000 and 9,000 workers.
Please stop obsessively reposting this
I mean that is half true though
>attack helicopter memes in 2019
user it's probably 2% true at best
user, the Chinese built the railroad system of the U.S. They were refugees from a rebellion caused by a man who thought he was Jesus Christ's brother which by the time it was put down, left 30 million people dead.
>Next nibbas will say that North Korea is a country of peace
north korea acts the way any rational country would do to defend itself from a massive superpower that's been actively trying to rape it since the 50s
By oppressing their own people?
>believing the shit intelligence agencies tell you
The right is getting better at comedy and it is making me nervous
>there where no black outlaws
who legitimately thinks this?
I remember how prerelease Yea Forums was losing their absolute shit about black cowboys.
I wrote a full multi paragraphed post about how the livestock quarantine zones and newly freed slave caste led to a huge boom of African American cowboy workers and how retarded all this autistic snowflake screeching was. I was told to dilate. I thought facts didn't care about feelings, /pol/?
I'm perfectly aware blacks picked cotton to fuel'd the southern economy.
doesn't mean they built any other part of the US
Says the guy who spends the majority of his time on a site that spams the same fucking memes for years straight
>Not believing the escapees and photographic proof
Isn't there a shitload of chinese people in RDR2?
Do you really think it was literally only cotton that they worked on?user pls
next you'll tell me you believe in the holocaust
liberals and low iq people in general live in extremes. If something wasn't completely white, then it was half or majority black. If it was completely white it was racist and has to be erased from history books.
Like that sucker punch samurai game. I'm a weeb living in japan for nearly 10 years with a degree in international relations, focus on asian and japanese studies and talked to thousands of japanese. No one acknowledges any legimitate female samurai beyond myths and legends but here comes the white savior liberals who look at said legends and want to rewrite history as them being the norm and respected.
>Just because a minority was part of a project which was mainly filled with whites doesn't mean they deserve any sort of credit for being there.
but this doesn't mean they didn't exist
What if I told you I think it wasn't as bad as it was said to be
I meant the characters from rdr2
What a butthurt fag. Charles and Lenny were alright.
he specifically said cowboys. like how can your vision be so awful?
>If something wasn't completely white, then it was half or majority black. If it was completely white it was racist and has to be erased from history books.
user you realize Yea Forums does this as well with blacks right? Also any terrible shit whites did in America gets ignored constantly. No one really remembers when the CIA shipped tons of cocaine in America or the Iran-Contra shit
>"cowboys" as the media depicts them would have been primarily Mexican and black
>literally all white
>any attempt to make a Mexican or black cowboy is seen as diversity pandering
My bad user
>game baits /pol/ and SJWs with implied political themes
>actual games has no politics whatsoever
>free advertising from both sides
Every fucking time lol
Charles, Lenny, and Sadie were the weakest characters because they were forced in for political messages. The drinking mission with Lenny feels tacked on, as if they were wrapping up production and said "oh wait you dont do shit with Lenny uhhhh lets give him development as a fun friend suddenly."
Sadie is just grr womanz is stronk and Charles is untouchable black/red token who has to be the moral jesus of the game so much it prevents him from having any character other than "holier than thou, i am perfect because minority characters cannot be flawed"
Charles and Sadie actually become much better characters in the epilogue because they are being used to show off politics, but to support John as a friend. The only time in the game you feel any connection among characters because they are allowed to behave like humans instead of soiboy action figures
citation needed
If yoy are such an expert on female samurai not existing then give me some paraphrased translations on Yasuke's experiences in Sengoku era Japan, and some of the theories Japanese historians have postulated that he did after the war. There's jack shiton him in Western sources so I want some more info on how they think he went back to Africa and introduced to his former tribe Japanese customs such as the kimono.
Happening right now with Cyberpunk, Outer Worlds, and FFXII.
Low IQ snowflakes are so easily manipulated.
also happened with Far Cry 5 and Wolfenstein 2
you're telling me it wasn't?
read a fuckin book or look at archived pictures dingus
They don't play video games. They just have to know they're in there.
I don't defend Yea Forums or America or anyone else, but it's clear which side is worse and does it far more often to the point of ruining entertainment and other industries if not entire nations.
Those who go around parading America as the best country and infallible are ridiculous, but sitting here and pretending America is conversely 100% bad and no other country does or has ever done things equally if not worse is equally if not more retarded. And in this day and age, these kind of people far outnumber the super patriots.
t. One Angry Incel
There actually were black cowboys, dipshit. Cowboys back then were minimum wage workers that barely made shit. A lot of former slaves ended up being cowboys.
Blazing Saddles
A history book. Outlaw cowboys, which is what Hollywood popularized, were criminals not beloved white heroes protecting the people from government tyranny and Indians. Naturally that meant most of them were from the fringes of society i.e. minorities
>if youre such an expert on women samurai not existing then tell me about this one black guy who is now a meme and talked about purely because he was a black guy in japan and (intelligible esl gibberish)
>What are former slaves that went West looking for work
>What are Vaqueros
Great counter argument.
Tell me how Charles shooting a guy over a buffalo is better character development than smiling after not seeing his buddy for years and helping said buddy build a house.
Tell me how drinking with Lenny out of the blue is more earned and worthwhile than drinking with Charles and Uncle after building the house?
>And in this day and age, these kind of people far outnumber the super patriots.
>Trump won
They're just not online in the same circles you subject yourself to
Yes you dumb baboon that was just the majority of it. They worked on Sugar cane,Rice,ships building, and some were even stone masons. Are you so daft you think whites would use slaves for only one fucking thing?
>I don't defend Yea Forums or America or anyone else, but it's clear which side is worse and does it far more often to the point of ruining entertainment and other industries if not entire nations.
Didn't conservatives start the ESRB ratings and censorship?
the far cry 5 one was funny though
Seething wh*toid. Just know that this son of /int/ was the one to cause you to be incensed. Also I'm doing security in a corporate building so I'm trying to shitpost discreetly. I really like reading up on Yasuke because I enjoy his crazy story.
he's a chink himself
what are you even talking about seriously.
but if you want to go with this tough black meme who enslaved who again?
There absolutely were black cowboys, but actual real cowboys were the absolute shittiest of menial labor workers, not cool, slick gunslingers like movies romanticized the term to mean.
Yes, there's an entire Chinatown in St. Denise, and the gunsmith there is Chinese.
Jews actually enslaved the blacks
Barbary Slave Trade.
Now back to your shed, cuckboi.
im jewish
shit film made by a fat jew
Yasuke nigger, learn to read. And the BLACK ROMAN BVLLS enslaved the wh*toids, of course. If you stopped depending on your monkey to read back to you what the squiggly lines on the screen say, maybe you would have gone on to be a pig farmer.
Writings from Jacob Rader Marcus say historically 75 percent of the slave owners in the South had Jewish ancestry but he was a jew himself so idk
Why should you have any credit for what other whites ever made anyway? You're detracting from the value of their efforts.
um the game already came out so were there many black cowboys
All i know is that the world, and Yea Forums, would be a far better place if we just exterminated the anglo rats for good.
They was also predominantly Hispanic, and most cowboy terms, like 'lasso' and 'rodeo' are Latino in origin.
because black cowboys were actually quite common, silly
>chinese government sends a few peasants to the frontier to mine gold for them
>White businessmen hire them to help build railroad tracks.
>150 years later gooks who came here after world war 2 claim to have been slaves like niggers
Nobody would throw a fit if they were called sheperds instead of cowboys. But for some reason, americans have this deluded view on what a cowboy do and is.
they were barely any blacks in america st the time, it was before they bread like rats
Chinks on the railroads weren't a minority. They were illiterate immigrants who could barely speak English and worked for cheap, so of course they were hired en masse. They weren't much different than modern-day contractors hiring a swarm of Mexicans.
>they were barely any blacks in america st the time
user they accounted for more than 25 percent of ranch hands alone in the old west
Shut the fuck up it is not what i was taugh in kreml
Any sources for those claims user? Or are you speaking out your ass again.