Thoughts about Eden? Is the WoL retarded?
Other urls found in this thread:
whats that ?
interesting, you can't report for generals outside /vg/
>early chain thread just to plug your shitty fetish
Furfags not being collectively inside a gas chamber yet is concrete proof that God doesn't exist
Bought the complete edition o and am finding ARR boring. Should I slog through 200+ hours of this or use a skip to get straight to shadowbringers?
I shoulda made my Hroth something besides gray. It's overused.
>fags ruin another race
Is nothing sacred to you degenerates? Die.
Only reason to not skip is if you enjoy the story. Personally, I think it's dogshit. If you get to level ~30 and still find the story shit, then skip.
The wheels on Titan cone from the WoL remembering the cheese wheels they were forced to retrieve before they faced Titan, the memory got mixed in and became a part of the new Titan realization
It’s really all up to you. A couple of people have said just to take your time and just go through the content. It’s what I’m doing at least.
>Tired of playing BLM after a week of being 80
>thinking of leveling sam from 60-80
how is sam so far my friends? i've heard some bitching about the removal of hagakure
If you want big numbers go for drg
>being a butthurt faggot
Do you think they'll buff NIN's potency numbers in the next patch? I hope they nuke TA.
SAM.....isn't so hot. The removal of hagakure made the job feel pretty wonky desu.
It got some decent stuff, but I feel like mechanically, it isn't as sound as it was in SB. After gear levels things out, I think mnk/sam/mch will all be pretty equal.
keep posting sexy hrothgars
What does the wine mean then?
SAM is the physical equivalent of BLM except with 2000 less dps, the hagakure change makes it play itself and is basically on the same difficulty as BLM except you can move
>Thinking they're sexy is ruining them
What's a prude soccer mom doing here?
SAM isn't as bad as some people will tell you. It lost some versatility with Hagakure, but at the same time you don't have to sacrifice your Sen for Kenki anymore, and you still get to roll in Kenki. It's still good fun.
Drunk Driving.
No, he's from Amaurot and he's finally claiming his birthright.
If you're even slightly enthused it gets way better after ARR. Skipping will probably just kill the game for you anyway if you're not feeling it, then you'll be down however many dollars. Also ARR isn't close to being 200 hours.
6.x job quests:
You're on the moon
You fight yourself in your only level 90 quest in a simulation.
Its BLM but worse.
Literally. BLM is pretty much the premier, "i'm gonna slap my cock on this things face" job.
SAM does the same thing, but has a smaller cock. MCH/MNK both have big cocks too, but they bring a slight bit of utility.
If I played BLM, I'd just round out my caster jobs in case I'm playing with retards for prog.
>divine penis is a 500 potency shield
>celestial intersection is a 250% of initialpotency shield
>scholars only instant shield comes from 60% of its stats on a 90s cd
Why did they make scholar so unfun to play bros?
Unironically based
infinitely based
It's a male Au Ra isn't it, I can feel it.
People shit on catboys, but male lizards are far worse I find.
What the fuck?
you had to get cheese and wine
>you will never rub penises with this hrothgar
What EU realm should i play on?
any as long as it's not on the Chaos data center
Terrible. You know the job sucks, when it puts out equivalent dps to jobs that actually bring something to the group. Its the most cucked job in the game technically.
holy shit this is absolute autism
What's wrong with the chaos center?
I had got a potato tank in Aurum Vale a few weeks ago that was wearing like level 15 gatherer armor. I don't know how we made it.
once male viera get released I'm going to remember this shit and I'm gonna start every thread with them as the op
i'll be faster than you, hrothfag
mark my words
I will remember this.
moogle is the unofficial server for french faggots
>being an actual faggot
Big yikes.
What's a bug chasing aids monkey doing here?
Absolute madman.
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
it's filled with frogs and in general the community is more cancerous than on Light
Is all black popular? I heard the ladies like pumas.
Contrary to popular belief sneed's feed and seed used was formerly known as chuck's feed and seed
Your gonna get tall buff manly rabbit Chads and you’re gonna damn like it.
Catbros being hated on when there's these kind of fags that actually exist
>Champions from beyond the rift, heed my call!
Posting sexy lion men.
>male viera
How many months has it been and you faggots are still seething?
Unironically based Yoshi shitting on muh everything should be for both genders fags.
This shit feels like a spongebob episode.
>Shiva fight has her summon Hraesvelgr instead of golems
I'm okay with this as well. Ideally they'll have swimmer bodies.
How do people post shit like this and then try to say that Balmung is the worst server? At least Balmung is *slightly* self aware.
the man ray episode comes to mind
Unlimited Based Works
What the fuck man.
herd u talkin shit
Why do you guys keep making these generic generals on Yea Forums? Not really bothered by it, just confused.
Man, SMN is such a fucking mess this expansion. The changes actually looked good, but the nerfs really hurt.
That pitiful fucking dot damage and all those potency nerfs, feels fucking bad. Its the hardest caster to play by far because rdm and blm are jokes, yet you get zero reward for it.
male auras, male catboys and any female healer in "cute" outfits are complete trash. They avoid doing AoEs in big pulls, never apply DoTs and if they don't die constantly to easy to avoid shit it's only because they barely participate in the combat to begin with
>AST fag blown the FUCK out
it's funny because he is raging over a level 73 casual dungeon
>male catboys
What, are there female catboys?
This is your healer tonight
Say something cute about him
we come here to talk about the game
if you go into the /vg/ thread it'll be filled with people just talking about their characters and how bad they want to fuck them
we just want to talk about the actual game
unfortunately hrothgar and waifuposters didn't get the memo and they think they can talk about what they wanna fuck here which leads to these threads getting moved or deleted
incel mentality
guy is a ticking time bomb
The actual /vg/ general is borderline unusable because everyone is too busy talking about discord drama and text fucking to talk about video games. I wish the mods cleaned it up but apparently the last time they tried the niggers ban evaded until they gave up.
Oh dear lord, you're right, that is just Don Mheg, isn't it? Backseat gaming is one thing but this guy just takes it to the next level. Kinda hope they just kicked him and were done with it.
Nice thumbnail phoneposter. Where's the full?
See, this isn't a new player being bad or ignorant like the shield guy. This guy knows what's up and is making a point, he has no time for buffsluts or trannypadding. The true gigachad.
the gender spectrum is wider than my gaping asshole
Yeah, it feels out of place in the game currently. Mechanically, its significantly more complex than BLM or RDM, is WAY busier playing it like a piano, and you get........nothing.
A lobotomy patient could optimize RDM during progression easily. It only puts out marginally less DPS, and has the added benefit of spamming raise.
BLM, while it is mechanically simple, can be difficult to optimize DPS wise based on the actual fights themselves. However, its still easier than SMN, and its dps is so far and away it even shits on SAM.
Why the fuck does this job exist? Its stuck between a void of two jobs that do everything better.
Because it's not against the rules.
Wow. I didn't even say nigger
This is funny because Ragnaros on WoW is also a shit server.
why are there no beardless version of that hat, I want to cosplay as vivi
is this based?
>Its the hardest caster to play by far because rdm and blm are jokes, yet you get zero reward for it.
welcome to MNK life, Yoship has deemed your job to be the token "hard to master" job for its type and thus you get to put infinitely more effort into it only to be easily out-performed by another job in it's bracket, enjoy your stay
Hey, I remember running Fractaal with you a few nights ago. Then the healer quit when you read the book and we just did the dungeon without them. Good times
>why can you not report video games on the video game board
stupid smash retard
i gotchu
So, besides the ultimate golden weapons from super extreme savage bahamut, what’s the ultimate piece of gear or mount to flex on shitters
Midan weapons probably
>tfw healing titan
>have to be rezzing constantly through a 20 minute fight cause dps keep suiciding
Don’t say SHIT in pugs.
did you call someone the R word
Yes, extremely based. You can clear the primals with level 400 accessories and artifact gear and nothing else so anyone talking shit about people wearing 78 accessories is just a shitter
>with you
It's just some fag reposting it, not the actual player.
I phrased it poorly, I meant we get wine in that quest, but I don't remember seeing it in the fight, so how is the wine conveyed in the fight?
Yokai weapons, of course.
will there be a need for future job quests/role quests now that individual storylines are all wrapped up
Make it savage difficulty and make getting into endgame fights have a mandatory requirement of passing this solo quest and you've got a deal
Nothing much really.
Now you can do the old raids undersized.
Maybe the PVP set and mounts.
Hey user, why are you using a foot model mod?
That's pretty funny, sucks to be you, user
chad tier based
they could easily add a new npc for job quests and develop a story around that.
post outdated images
>that leg clipping with boot
Just do without
Why don’t you make yourself useful and report this thread Mr. back seat tranny janny.
Help cleanse the board.
It terrible there. No one talks about the game. Just avatar posting and such. It got so bad mods forced them /trash/ but it didint work.
No it isn't, just remove the DPS stance and you'll have my experience in E3N
This is still real, though.
this one didn't last long
In my experience, by far the worst tanks are those who are dressed up in "casual" clothes. Say what you will about the endless war between full plate and bikini armour, but in my experience I have never had a tank in my party in a t-shirt and jeans or otherwise rolling up looking like they're just running to the corner store that wasn't mediocre at best and an absolute dumpster fire at worst.
Frogs inhabit Chaos. Join comfy Zodiark on Light
see Yoshi loves to make harder or more annoying to play jobs have no purpose for some reason. Hes perfectly content with letting them stay where they are as well.
I think its due to the fact that SE actually doesn't know what to do with jobs like MNK and SMN. They kind of fall into that grey area between all the other jobs. Like their dps is -okay-, not great, and they provide some very minor utility, nothing that truly matters. On top of that, their kits are just fucking wonky. They feel like failures from a design perspective.
>unfortunately hrothgar and waifuposters didn't get the memo and they think they can talk about what they wanna fuck here which leads to these threads getting moved or deleted
Furfags ruin everything, as always
Usually furry shit disgust me, but I'd let a hrothgar ravage my asshole provided they have normal human penises
When does the next raid tier come out? I want to fuck Shiva.
Monk was fine in 4.2, but Yoshi didn't like that it had a high skill ceiling so he ruined it.
What the fuck kind of retard doesn't use a hand/feet mod? They're fucking jpeg blobs without it.
Are you legitimately autistic?
You're good user. Hrothgar have fat uncut cocks. It's in their lore.
>all healers except whm ruined
>all tanks except gnb and pld ruined
>mnk ruined
>smn ruined
>sam ruined
What else am I missing?
>either way i only tank when its vital to the mission accomplishment
holy based
People who wear shoes.
Eden's gate was kind of meh. I liked Eden Prime and Voidwalker but Titan and Levi were a bit too derivative. Have people datamined Titan's second form?
Good job ignoring waifufags, which take up 70% of this board.
>Black Waltz glamour
Based to the nth degree
>eden two fight
>paladin shield oath
>okay, I'll just be back here
>halfway through he turns it off
>MCH is about to get aggro
>entire party is screaming for him to put tank stance back on before the MCH gets whacked
>just turn on grit, provoke, and keep aggro
Just leave it on and make it easier for the rest of your party, jeez
Most furry shit does.
The ones with actual animal dicks are disgusting.
i'd rather have this thread deleted just so another one can be made, don't deny the fact that the op pic brings in degenerates
>tfw triple Xenoglossy
It hard to get rid of that "first" impression from years ago.
> become BiS for the patch cycle
> immediately stop doing any content that uses said gear, until next patch when it becomes irrelevant
It’s an odd feeling
>Players fellating BLM saying it's so much better than SMN
>All 4 Eden fights laugh at BLM
>Demi-Phoenix lets me help the healers out after party busters
I love being a SMN main.
he's obnoxious but he's not wrong. WHM was probably preoccupied with how he's going to pretend take an anal creampie in emotes
There a guide to work on gathering/crafting along side each other with current content? Would I be shooting myself in the foot to only work on gathering if I'm a gathering autist (various survival/buildan games).
>not using a foot model mod
Lmaoing at ur lief
>Get to Stormblood
>Fight Zenos and get btfo while having the whole "You're not even worth my time" spiel
>Ok cool, they want to stop wanking off your character for a bit I guess
>Fight him a second time
>They not only do that bit again, they give him a bullshit power up sword so he can further pound you into the dirt
>Except now you apparently interest him so that makes it better
Man, I like Zenos as a character, but the writing around him offends me so fucking much like shit.
Any shoes with exposed skin look like hot garbage too.
You might have to post more to convince me
If you healers need help, they are pretty shit.
Has anyone else started getting framerate issues suddenly with Shadowbringers?
9 years ago
YoshiP got fucking destroyed in this new Famitsu interview, whew.
>Interviewer mentions the 1.0 survey about new jobs, and how NIN, DRK, SAM and DNC were eventually added
>Yoshi points out BLU, interviewer jokes and says he unfortunately doesn't see BLU as a real job
>Yoshi gets a bit booty blasted and tries to explain again about how it has to be limited and all that shit
>Interview turns the tables and basically rips into Yoshida over how he intentionally refuses to give players what they're asking for
>Calls DRK out for being a bad shoe-in to force players to tank if they want that aesthetic, when Rune Fencer already existed for a greatsword tank
>Points out DNC lacks a lot of the vibe that made it so animated and visually appealing, while being forced into the ranged role for job diversity reasons
>Yoshida counters with saying XI isn't what they look at for jobs when players ask for new ones
>Interviewer basically says "What players do you think were asking for these jobs in the first place, Mister Producer?!"
>Moves on and points out the Famitsu Weekly Poll about if players like the healer changes, and how it 91% voted "No"
>Yoshi just says "Please wait for 5.05" and ends the interview
Utterly based. It's about time someone had the balls to call out YoshiP for this shit. He's been universally praised and adored by the media for far too long, it's time for him to get a reality check.
Good job but that's terrifying.
Any new crafts today?
>all 4 eden fights laugh at BLM
>BLM still has the highest parse on all tiers
whatever you need to do to cope, badblm
Yes, there’s no point in gathering unless you play the game brainlet
> Leviathan music
I'm getting some serious Metal Gear Rising vibes.
I don't completely dislike DRK changes although it's a bit braindead now, but I hate how two of the skills you learn are just upgrades to older skills, a shitty aoe and a more or less damage buff in the form of shadow simulacrum. A job not changing their rotation whatsoever after 10 levels sucks ass
>Turning it off now when there’s no downside
How much longer is this gonna go on? Fucking retards.
why is this based
he's literally lowering his damage and making the dungeon slower i thought Yea Forums hated shitty dps in dungeons
So....I can't sell mats?
>Next raid tier is going to be Ramuh, Garuda, Ifrit, Shiva
>Shiva is 3rd
>Before you fight Ifrit Ryne says something like"Ifrit the opposite of Shiva, alright WoL when ever you are ready."
>The WoL thinks of Shiva when summoning Ifrit
>This is what we summon
I would lose my mind.
>not using a foot model mod
It's like you want to pretend you're playing an N64 game.
Mind posting a source?
Furries need to fucking hang
>I-I'm hewping teh heawers.
I legitimately don’t get the appeal of these mods that make character muscles absurdly large. It looks disgusting.
ranking players by skill by the type of glamour they use:
>ungodly tier
slutglams, furry glams, "funny" glams
>bad tier
casual glams
>could be worse tier
cosplay glams
>ok tier
old event glams, seasonal glams, flavor of the month glams
>great tier
people who put effort into their glams, wearing actual combat gear that looks fasionable and functional
>elder god tier
the unglamoured.
because the devs hate NIN after they were stupid OP in ARR
Soon bros
Better then waifufags
He's a badass who doesn't need padding. He relies on his own strength to rape enemies.
No, kill yourself EOP.
You could, but...What would you buy with the proceeds, though?
How would you go about overmelding accessories? Do people expect payment etc?
Holy shit if the trannies and fags on his twitch stream saw this video now he would probably have to remove it.
Titan feels pretty Devil May Cry too.
>"lol, srry. wrong button"
By FAR the Ozma mount. It's incredibly rare and it's going to stay that way forever.
>>Points out DNC lacks a lot of the vibe that made it so animated and visually appealing, while being forced into the ranged role for job diversity reasons
DNC is the flashiest and most animated job in the game though. They have massively lengthy animations and vomit clouds of particle effects just by existing, to the point where it's hard to take gpose screenshots of DNC because you usually can't even see your character during an attack animation.
Yeah not having an 80 ring for these first ex isn't that surprising.
This dragoon is the most fun fps if you can learn the positions.
The jumps also come in clutch for a lot of bosses
>in a dungeon
he's making it slower and in fact his dps was probably shit anyway from the censored names
What about those who stick to using their job's AF for glamour? Dyed or undyed.
They usually give them gyno too and the things jiggle disgustingly.
I don't know about the phoenix but the res helps, although at that point I'd prefer a red mage, on that point where the fuck are all the red mages? A little while ago I saw them everywhere and today I had none in the 4 raids. But multiple machinists every fight??? Who the fuck plays machinist
High-class cat dick.
>that MNK gear
what were they exactly thinking?
I know that feel except I was RDM and the healers kept dying
He's one of the reasons I skipped the rest of Stormblood.
So, where are the anons claiming DRG was gonna be nerfed to the ground?
Can you at least post a source to the japanese?
>it gets better after the ARR story
I've been doing nothing but running in between NPCs for 5 hours now. I feel so stupid for believing it would get better after ARR.
Stop posting this shit every thread, fag. Nobody cares.
Stay here for longer than a week and you'll stop caring about 'degenerates.' If it takes you longer than that congratulations, you're staying where you don't belong out of retardation.
Ignore fags bitching about Hagakure. The new ability is literally the same shit but with 50 sen instead of 60
This fool made a macro just to take off other peoples buffs.
At least I don't need to sit in a cradle to get a spell off once every 30 minutes.
>It's incredibly rare
x.01 patches are always qol changes. x.05 patches are always the real balance changes.
>Chad Weebslayer
>Most likely calling other people weebs
>In a weeb game
Because by locking his own DPS in place he's making the run his own. There's a difference between being a shitter who doesn't know shit and willingly fucking the weaklings over just for amusement.
Let's seem them rates.
God I wish I were a little anime girl...
It's just recoloured healer robe, isn't it?
If Demi-Phoenix saves the healers even 1 aoe cast that's still extra damage in the fight for free.
He's an autistic yandere
Are you suggesting people actually did Eureka?
They were thinking that this will be another expansion of shit raid gear, can't wait for more asscapes and robes when ally raids comes out
I keep almost taking hate on GNB or have to toggle it off because I'm always doing 2k or more DPS than the other tank. What the fuck are they doing?
Probably any mount from outdated content, like the Pegasus or something. Or the meta-mounts for each expac like Kyuubi or Kirin.
opposite day
because there's an audience for it, sweaty
No, I'm suggesting that it's not that rare.
I don't see the problem here. Keep giving them cards, you get the seals, they choose to throw away the buff. Better yet, just use the ranged card on yourself.
The DRK af actually grew on me, kinda looked bad at first
BASED DPSchad stands for PURE DAMAGE
He doesn't need your roids
Top 10 anime comebacks
Jesus that Eden Prime ultimate attack is some good old final fantasy overkill
>Interviewer basically says "What players do you think were asking for these jobs in the first place, Mister Producer?!
People who played classic final fantasy games with the job system and want their favorite job in. Not everything goes back to 11
want to trade?
t nin
Weebshit yarnham wannabe/10
the batman mask is still really shit tho
>The music in Eden
>Leviathan and Titan
How the fuck does Soken keep doing it?
Never happening. yoshida already said they can't support anymore races with the way gear works. Seeth, dilate, cope etc etc.
D-don't worry it'll get better after the post arr patches.
>showing helmets
You do know there's someone they hire to remix their songs, right?
>swimmer bodies
So you're that one fag in the OF that keeps spamming that shit.
Soken is the best music composer they have atm.
Change my mind.
a good ass is all about its shape not its size. that shape is terrible, you can count the polygon triangles on the edges.
Whats not to get? Barafags like big muscular body types.
No one expected actual changes in 5.01, real balance patches are X.05
I can't change your mind. Because what you stated is a fact.
... it is. Do you know how few people actually bothered with Eureka? Do you know how many fewer still cleared Absolute Virtue? It's not common at all.
Fucking Model O is more common.
>He doesn't wear a helmet
Have fun getting brained by a stray blow to the head.
its true
Gyno isn't muscles
FF XI is an MMO that represented the fantasy of the classic jobs
XIV doesn't have that at all when BRD is a fucking archer that resents having to play songs that are a DPS loss
>weebshit yarnham wannabe
You'd have a point if I was melee and not blm
GNB does some big dick dps for a tank. Though PLD isn’t far behind. Even then, 2000 less is embarassing. The numbers are supposed to be within like 200.
Soken is a musical primal summoned using Uematsu's aether
Beast is fucking cute
Is Eureka possible to do solo?
I missed it and now I'm kinda sad.
Which class should I go for?
why does Undraw exist anymore lol
I am actually borderline retarded btw no bulli
And I still don’t understand how that “audience” finds it appealing in the slightest. It still looks disgusting, just like the picture you posted. And please never post that shit again, you hobgoblin.
I don't get it. Why did he go back into tank stance when the first was already going to be the MT?
can't do fates or nms solo
But isn’t that mount an achievement of autism rather than skill?
and he said they weren't adding another job mid-expansion too right?
I wanna hug that cursed prince.
This doesn't just go to FF11. The classes just don't feel all that different especially when it comes to the role archetypes. This a good thing if you're a simple player or normie that has trouble learning something newish, much less something brand spanking-new. FFXIV is very mechanically simple and people don't have to be angry about that admission.
It's like the fucking Smash-tards who think they enjoy the game because it has "deep" gameplay when its really just simple and fun for it. Outside of final destination rules they force upon themselves.
The PvP mounts are the ultimate big dick mounts. Aerodynamics/Logistics System or the gorilla, and if you got the top 100 data center mounts you are the most crazy motherfucker. PvP is just painful, and getting one of them are especially hard now that Frontlines are seperated each day.
Same goes for the fucking Seal Rock chestpiece. Looks fucking amazing, but good fucking luck getting it.
As a Samurai, what shit should I be picking up from Eden first?
Bard songs have been a core component of their rotation for almost three years now
If Eden was the first sin eater and started the Flood, was there an equivalent entity on the 13th for the Flood of Darkness there?
You don't know what gyno is.
Very cute.
Probably, yes.
Apocalypse bro
because the other tank has no intentions of engaging first and probably doesn't even realize that the OT shouldn't have stance applied
>jiggly, floppy tits on a male
>not gyno
>Laugh at BLM
>When we have swiftcast, triplecast, umbral soul, aetherial manipulation, Between The Lines and fucking Xenoglossy
Maybe if you're a garbage BLM who doesn't know how to use buttons, I get by pretty fine and don't need a bird healing people to be useful.
you seem like you'd be cool
>Big hooks takes extra long animation wise just to waste the Patience timer.
I sure hope my fellow gunchads are using the superior gunblade model and not the ugly ass Tit Ex one...
AV is a 24 man tier fight if even. Ozma is the only thing in BA that even requires more than 2 brain cells, and thats being generous. AV is literally a tankbuster, some tethers and standing out of AoE.
So is Tenacity still shit unless you're going for early Savage clears?
There are still some fags doing clogs
Not sure how long it will take to lvl up though
Soken is honestly hit or miss for me. Sometimes he’ll compose something amazing and other times he will compose something completely out of place with terrible zoomer tier lyrics. He’s decent but far from the best for me.
Also unpopular opinion but outside a few map themes, shb has essentially the worst soundtrack so far.
MNK got completely ruined by SAM existing. In HW MNK was the selfish melee dps and it just didn't do enough damage, rather than buffing the damage it did in SB they tried forcing party buffs on to the class. Now it and SAM and DRG will forever be in this autistic power struggle due to the differences in party buffs and dps. MNK destroyed SAM in SB with the TK rotation bringing it too close to SAMs damage and now DRG is fucking them both by being too strong.
There is stats for BA.
Ozma is rare.
So what's Elidibus gonna do? Recruit some WoLs from another shard and hope the exact same outcome doesn't happen?
How do you get them anyways, the only PvP duty that ever pops for me is training, ranked is just fucked.
unironically that is mostly psuedogynocemastia due to just being a fat faggot
It's always shit
Of course. I wanna make a delinquent glamor with it.
Pic related is by far the coolest I've found, but I didn't know there was a fucking club. Where do you get that?
You’re not alone, I’m a barafag and I don’t like it either. The mod that makes roegadyns and hrothgar hairier is nice tho.
Will I get banned if I ask whats the best overlay in party finder?
Newb Red Mage here, is that like a three-spell version of Doublecast?
It's for fat gay people with no social skills.
>Actually believing this dumbshit
The entire expansion is rushed, and those columns were REMOVED when 5.0 dropped you idiot.
That datamine is from the BENCHMARK. It loses all credibility because if you check now those columns are completely gone.
Again Seeth, Dilate, Cope. At most you'll get a male viera NPC that's an edited Elezen model, like the lupin.
Right but as the guy said, its due to having little interest in Eureka itself, not the difficulty of BA encounters. You stating its hard doesn't mean its hard. If there was a raid with one mechanic but it was locked behind an achievement to catch 100,000 fish does that mean its hard content?
It's like swiftcast but triple
Why are bard songs a targeted attack and not just a buff or hell even an aoe attack
Posting raw KINO
PVP, I think its only 3k wolf marks. That one you posted is pretty nice too.
Yoshi already basically confirmed they're in, just not an exact date yet
Pecs do jiggle, you silly lanklet.
yes but it's exclusive for BLM. RDM is super mobile by default so they don't need shit like that
>First time in Eden
>Boss dies first pull
>Force Your Way roll drops
>Win it
This was a good day.
That seems to be his current plan. It's like he never learned from how that failed to work the last time.
>he said they weren't adding another job mid-expansion too right?
You can hardly call BLU a job tbf. It is really obvious how every they cut every corner they could get away with when making it.
>The expansion is rushed because Yoshi didnt add what I wanted to the game!
>This same excuse again
BLU is not an actual job, it is a literal mini game. So no, that does not set a precedent as BLU's release did not take as many resources as NIN's release.
seething BLM
>No space between his ears
>pvp currency
I haven't touched pvp, how bad is it?
don't ask don't tell policy
personally I like rainbowmage because it looks the closest to matching the in-game font and hud.
DRG has a bigger gap between it and MNK than MNK has between it and SAM for pDPS, but litany is still leagues better than brotherhood because it works on any comp and the eye can be given to anyone which still gives it a guaranteed raid spot
Nobody said it was hard in absolute, it was said that it was rare.
>Added shitty PVP gear for GNB/DNC
>No primal or allagan weapons
Fuck off
>Keep coaching people through Titan
>Rolling single digits on the eden minion every time
kagerou or w/e is pretty clean as well
Given the state of BLU, if they actually do add a race mid expansion, it will have every single armor slot limited like Viera and Hroth head slots.
>soot black
fix it
Keep your literal faggotry and seething over the fact that females exist over in the containment.
>getting this fucking mad about the possibility a race you don't like getting added.
Doesn't taste so good now does it?
Howl alone hrothgar. Howl alone.
Hmm, with the things happening in First. Cid's sitting this expansion out eh?
This was never funny.
It's less janky than it was years ago but still pretty janky. You can literally earn enough marks to buy in 2 matches if you use the roulette.
The expansion is rushed because more than half of the leveling gear is re-skinned, the same with an entire dungeons worth of bosses.
Barely any new songs, remixes out the ass, two races one of which has only FOUR hairstyles both TIED to faces.
5.0 is twice as rushed as 3.0, the only real quality it has over it is the story and music. Nothing else.
Don't bother trying so hard for the minion. If history is any indication, it'll drop in savage too and you'll be letting them hit the floor before all is said and done.
He basically admitted on the moon that his plan has gone up in flames. Right now the only plan he has is hope Zenos just destroys all the problematic elements on the source and send some warriors of light to harass the scions on the first to keep them out of the way
Okay but the context was so the guy could "flex on shitters". You're not cool or hardcore for subjecting yourself to Eureka. A real suggestion would have just been one of the mounts that require you collect all the extreme mounts, or maybe the 2000 mentor roulette mount at least.
Well I will never clear ultimates and maybe savages with pugs so yeah. But most people in game care about rarity. And in Yea Forums often you can see how people shitting at Mr Fatty grey parse for ultimates. So you're not only need clear but 100 parse to impress others. And even so I'm sure someone will call out your 100 parse for mistakes since it is Yea Forums
Ravel is better
Delete Viera and Hrothgar. Moon Cats already fill the slut Barbie forest nigger archetype.
Replace with Miqittens and give more customization options to the rest of the races.
what mod is that
that one is good too and more updated. rainbowmage still works but hasn't been updated in years so you have to manually add stuff like the job icons for gnb/dnc
We're not going to get the rest of the elements done in one tier, we'll probably do two next tier, have some more Void shenanigans, then wrap up in the third tier with the remaining two, more void shenanigans and the tweest that the Oracle of Darkness is Ultimecia bodyjacking people like Minfilia was, leading to her as the final boss.
Oh dear, the scary user is threatening because he's mad that a fictional male is getting attention for being sexy and never you. Whatever will I do.
The only one mad are you delusional Male vieraniggers.
The dev team has already explained why it's unlikely, yet you still seethe and complain like autistic children.
Grow the fuck up already.
I don't post on the official forums, no.
Just like we got our official addon support in HW? Just like we could summon primals to fight in the overworld? Just like player housing would never degrade? We're inevitably going to get male bunnies, it's just a matter of time.
Literally everyone I meet in Crystal's PF raging like a toddler over silly Ex primal mistakes is from Diabolos. Did a WoW streamer start playing on that server or something?
the only good gunblade is the starting one because it is garlean
>the only real quality it has over it is the 9% of the game
>the game is rushed because they didn't add more glamour faggotry
neck yourself retard
yes because this time WoL became WoD
Did you..not notice the leveling gear for all expansions is reskinned except for one or two?
Viera aren't slut barbie forest niggers.
You're whore of a mother that cursed this world with your existence by fermenting you in her bitch womb for 9 months is a slut barbie forest nigger.
You son of a slut barbie forest nigger.
>Get an instant cast that isn't garbage, various skills to either stall for time or be able to quickly move, mitigating the biggest downside BLM has
>While SMNs got their pets lobotimized into glorified spells but they have a demi-Louisoix that heals so they can pretend their utility outweighs their weaknesses
>"S-Seething blackie..."
This but keep Hrothgar and Viera, add more customization, and hang all the pedophiles.
I don't do crafter/gatherer shit so I have to resort to budget black
Garleans are shit though.
They probably won't add another race for 4 years. So it'll be customization improvements and graphical overhauls until then.
that's always been diabolos and malboro. I'm glad they left primal.
they never said no, so that gives them hope.
it's explicitly not garlean I thought
>Delete Viera
I'm not giving up my Uimet retainer so you can live out your paedophilic ERP fantasies
How much spell speed do I need to meld for BLM?
Just send retainers out on quick explorations. What else are you spending your ventures on?
I wholeheartedly agree
Well now you're just contradicting yourself. I'd have more respect for people who actually completed Eureka and the Baldesion Arsenal than someone who autistically pounded out a hundred EX primal runs. Proto-Ozma is rare and interesting and not something easily accessible and spammable.
can hrothgar posters go to /vg/ already? we want to talk about the video game. the reason we have threads here is to talk about the video game. if you want to talk about mods and how bad you wanna suck dick, do it there. if you want to talk about the video game you can stay. WE LEFT FOR A REASON, YOU ABSOLUTE CUMBRAINS
Imagine all the effort the fat gay kids put into modding and taking pics for their hrothgar was used to go to the gym, and become what they like.
>more than half of the leveling gear is re-skinned
THEY DO THIS EVERY EXPANSION. ITS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS ONE. Theres plenty of new songs, and the music this expansion is being praised as the best so far, remixes included. The only thing I'll agree with is that they probably should have just made one full race instead of two.
seethe cope dilate
all of it
>Not rushed.
>New races can't even wear most helms and might get some added during the course of the expansion.
That's the epitome of rushed.
Giving him attention is why he won't fuck off.
Protip for Machinist, you can fit 6 heat blasts in a single hypercharge window. But you have to get gud at skill queuing like how WoW has spell window queuing.
>implying you cant do both
brd or mch?
i have a tank already and i wish to join the horde of ranged shitters already stinking up the place
>Highlander STILL can't grow eyebrows
>and seething over the fact that females exist over in the containment
fags aren't incels
shoo shoo
discord tranny
need sources
Why in the balls would Warriors of Light even listen to him? Unless their worlds are also getting flooded by the Light they would still be treating Ascians as public enemy number 1.
Should we count the amount of unique dungeon gear per expansion? You won't like what you'll find out if you do.
2388 is 2.30 GCD with Titania weapon
You need to meld everything into spell speed except one hands slot
2514 is 2.29 GCD (new earring).
Where's the fucking drop table?
Play female highlander you cuck
Why? Eureka isn't a testament to skill. Its a testament to how much boring shit you can slog through. When I see someone on it I don't think they're amazing at the game, I just see someone who has a lot of free time.
Don't lie. You can't leave the /hroth/ thread without hitting that update button every minute.
Virgins mad fabolous Hrothgar males are going to impregnate all of their race's women
>discord tranny
but he posted a male character
BRD for ease, MCH for spam
Isn't that a tad unfair considering the first patch for SHB isnt even out yet?
cant wait to get that eden savage tank armor FINALLY now buttcapes
I wanna fuck y'shtola
>impregnating women
>Actually thinking they will improve customization options
No because SB was already cutting down on designs.
I have it on auto refresh. Gives me ample time to do some curls while jerking off at the same time.
Anyone notice how the DF is becoming more and more filled with cancerous WoWfugees? I just got out of a Ghmlyt Dark where some boosted WoWfugee was complaining about the sprout healer watching cutscenes. Me and the SAM told the guy to fuck off back to WoW. When are these clowns going to fuck off back to their?
it looks like it the most
Everyone does
>no source
uhhhh mods
And clearing Ex primals a mind numbing amount of times is impressive? Proto-Ozma is at least Savage level content.
no, they're just lazy as fuck. hrothgar and viera are more of an afterthought made just to please trannies like you
It's literally not happening, and there's no proof that it will ever happen. You're purely delusional if you think it is.
>Just like we got our official addon support in HW?
>Just like we could summon primals to fight in the overworld?
Literally not a thing, HoH doesn't count.
>Just like player housing would never degrade?
That is literally an automated switch.
You really fucking think they're going to MODEL TWO NEW GENDERS, which is essentially ANOTHER RACE? you actually think they'll put in that much effort when no one will play them?
>B-BUT 6.0/7.0/8.0
More gear will be in by then and with each expansion their work triples. The time for Male viera or female hrothgar to be added in was NOW. You honestly think they're just 'waiting' to add them? you realize the more you wait the less likely your chances get because that's MORE gear they need to refit and TEST.
God you people are so fucking stupid, it's a wonder you can even use a computer. When the literal producer of a game spells out to you why something isn't added, and why it WILL MOST LIKELY NOT BE ADDED, that isn't a "maybe in the future" it's a no.
Nowhere in Yoshida's address did he say he was willing to work on adding them.
>Proto-Ozma is at least Savage level content
I don't.
excluding the source WoL, every other echo user was manipulated by the asciens. there's a good reason why Hydaelyn favours source WoL and his co workers
Y'all fuckers didn't even do Eureka, did you.
Trials give shit exp why do people keep running them
I think he talks about ultimates since it is content unreachable for pugs.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
wait your turn
>Aerodynamics System (white ADS)
100 wins wins in Shatter.
>The mecha gorilla
100 wins in Rival Wings.
>The Logistics System (black ADS)
200 wins in any frontline while staying member of the same grand company. You can be put into other companies, but if you are Immortal Flames and decide to change grand company outside of PvP, you'll start from scratch with that grand company. (Reminder: Rival Wings are not frontlines).
>Commander's Field Coat
100 wins in Seal Rock.
I believe they also added a yellow ADS which was 100 wins in any frontline.
This happens every expansion, half will fuck off when they step into savage and it's not the same as WoW. The other half will fuck off in a month or two during the mid-patch lull.
They'll fuck off once WoW Classic comes out. But then return once the nostalgia wears off and the community ends up being a shitshow bag of retail players and private server players.
They will. Screenshot this.
its bad that their underwear is the same as roegadyn and hyur too
The only Savage level thing about BA was getting enough people together for long enough to get through it. Mechanics are simple and DPS checks are negligible.
catman talks about it a decent amount I thought, there are differences between cat-gunblades and garlean ones, the garleans consider the cats to be more primitive
>Proto-Ozma is at least Savage level content.
Hrothgar and Viera are anti-tranny races.
>tfw no black ADS
user, they make stupid amounts of money from Fantasias. They'd be dumb not to add new races. They can use existing skeletons for new races, as lazy as it'd be. It's going to happen. The summoning primals in the overworld thing was a promise coming from 1.0 to 2.0 by the way.
The kid from the warring triad listened. Even the Warriors of Darkness who slew an ascian listened.
They may not blindly trust him, but if he can weave a good enough story, they may listen.
I did. Very first time I went to BA, with a learning group, I got to ozma, and let me tell you, it is not savage level. The mechanics are very simple, since they are very slightly modified versions of normal ozma. It's just the fact that it doesn't forgive and the number of retards who stikk can't handle an acceleration bomb is still impressively high.
Can someone post the Yea Forums argument chart I don't remember what to respond to being called a tranny.
He's not wrong.
>one retarded SAM in a raid of 55 other people doesn't move when he gets the aoe marker
>wipes the entire raid unless the RNG reraise buff procs on more than a handful of people
What's a good class for people with depression
is there anything more cuter than a lalafell with freckles
Are you telling me all those aggressive autists are from WoW? Isn't savages/EX itself attracts people with competitive MLG pro mindset?And where competitive mind + random there is DOTA and typical """"teamwork""""" behavior like "bake me cake you shitters"
>lightweight tomestone
>can't trade it in for anything yet
I know we're seven weeks away from even having enough blade to trade for it, but this is a bit odd.
dark knight
I know what he said, but the 60-62 look the most like garlean gunblades so theyre the best ones
>they don't have time to model every new piece of gear
>at the same time, they're recycling old gear sets like mad
also cool redditpsacing, faggot
The boggest hurdles with BA tend to be the eureka and BA specific stuff. How you gotta enter the dungeon in an unweildy way, all the special buffs you need, no standard revives if you die, losing half a level if you fail, forcing you to grind before trying again
Without all that BA would be much more accessible
>what the fuck why are you talking about video games
I had two RDMs in my Titan clear
Where is that one from?
>Hrothgar mods
Have sex
No that's what drives you TO depression.
hrothgay faggotry isn't videogames
Gotta pad shit out as much as possible
>mentally ill healer makes a mistake
>spends the rest of the duty crying and feeling sorry for himself and saying he should just kill himself while the party has to sit through his meltdown
Do not do that.
I can't even find parties for BA outside discord. People FEARS BA.
>emet-selch poster is the bigot
Go away new fag
>Get full-plate armor + helmet tank in dungeon
>It's a 45 minutes min. run
Useless piece of shit
I feel your pain, user. 160 wins, but then the grand companies became severely skewed due to bots mid Stormblood. Everyone worth a damn joined Maelstrom, thus I was on the "losing team" almost every single time and I do not want to change grand company and start over.
I'll survive with my white ADS. I prefer it anyway.
not all of them are from WoW but a good portion of them are.
Why are futas always played by insufferable faggots?
>tfw cutscene skipper
>reached the part in msq where you join a Grand Company
>start to feel bad for skipping
>want to go back to play through my first mmo properly
should I make a new character at this point and play through up to where I am? I feel bad missing out on the story.
with hrothgars :3
You can rewatch those cutscenes in the inn.
does anyone have that old image of the tranny healer having a meltdown and someone says {hello!} {darkness} at the end
t.greylet getting styled on my shisui glams
my favorite part is he has the gall to call the group unorganized
you can watch the cutscenes again in the inn
For the fags that aren't aware, there is a hrothgar general on /trash/. You can jerk off together and rub muscles over there.
>15 minute Titan fight
Is this what they call respecting the content?
>Furry head, hands, and ankles
>Human body for everything else
>Probably even has human penis
fucking dropped
Dark Knight.
Just watch the cutscenes at the inn, you haven't missed much yet
>get modded clownsuit femra
>dungeon takes 8mins
male midlander bros...
You arent missing a lot if you skipped to that point.
which Titan
>4 faces
Why does this warrant an entire general
>People literally running, sprinting, using disengages to kill themselves with the stacker clock
>no matter how many times you tell them what they're doing wrong, they still do it
>RDM is so retarded he kills himself again and then disconnects
Who the fuck are these clowns? I hate people. Where the fuck can I find a good raiding guild or static?
Most gold parsers and world first raiders unironically play half naked cats and au ra in slutglams.
>Probably even has human penis
>liking animal dicks
You're at the early story still where dialogue is the same in the review journal as in the actual cutscenes. Later on there may be some that change depending on what quests you've completed, and they'll always assume you didn't do them if you watch them from the journal.
leviathan and titan were pretty boring songs
RV Car Titan
Titan and Eden were the most telegraphed and easy fights. Levi was dumb wipe once to learn about the falling center platform.
same reason how /trash/ had a miqote/aura general and it was nothing but the same 20 people circlejerking their characters for 500+ replies
there's a mod that adds a dog dick
>liking animal genitalia
Dog fuckers get out
>All these Hros without horns
Is this a good indicator on who is and isn't a faggot?
>First run of Leviathan
>Ninja has a meltdown cause our tank hit an 8 second countdown instead of 10
>Refuses to do anything or accept his raise because he didn't get optimal mudra timing
>finish Eden
>boy I wonder if anons had as much of a hard time as I did
>ERP posting
Guess I'll wait for a 2am thread.
Could I go into Eden duty finder as a SCH at 431 item level? I'm afraid to fuck people up. It would be my first current raid content.
You're absolutely lying if you didnt get knocked off by Titan's vroom fists or vroom car since they are the opposite of what your instincts tell you
that's fucking stupid.
Playing a hrothgar in the first place is a good indicator of that.
I make sure to parse just for situations like these, and I upload those logs to dab on those niglets.
>everyone scatters as soon as the spread markers come down
>die to stack
minimum is 425
you'll be fine it's only normal mode.
Cute Hroth.
I love my Lalafell.
If I could have a horn on a non-disgusting face I would.
leviathan was made by eden from our memories, inb4 thancred acts like a dumbass, tries to recreate minfiallia with the help of eden and only manage to procreate some kind of eldricth horror
You can just hide and reset mudra what are you talking about?
>titan unzips car
Leviathan gave me a headache
Kouya are you here?
>white/black two tone
You're the only faggot here
Where is this from?
eh, 95% of tanks are so fucking stupid they pull without countdown, id accept a 8s one
>Install Viera Pantalettes nice ass mod
>Can't stop fapping to my Viera
Don't do it bros
I just want better hairstyles with this face and I'll be full on Ronso.
>half paint face
At least the other hrothgar have a modicum of self awareness.
Alright user, it was cute at first, but you can stop shitposting now.
activate Windows, poorfag
>dumb furfaggot linking threads together
You're just justifying the threads getting deleted dumbass.
Pup please get back to work
>unsheathes fidget spinnders
literally everyone did this
why are scholars always angry
Level 70 Dark Knight quest journal entry. Interestingly, the level 80 one changes depending on whether or not you have the Soul Crystal equipped.
Me too
Not based
I'm glad Dadmont is still fine, I am.
loss of Bane
Im glad yoshi released the hrothgar race, so now all the gay niggers will be cointained in that race, i can avoid them easier now
I didn't, get styled on shitter
died to just about every other mechanic though
>Not liking animal dicks
Human dicks are good too. Why do people limit themselves?
Wait a second
That cat...