Have you ever gone intentionally out of your way in an online game to make sure someone else had a bad time?
Have you ever gone intentionally out of your way in an online game to make sure someone else had a bad time?
Yes, people did that anytime in pvp-focused old mmos.
Yes. Griefing in EVE is the only real reason to play.
I used to when I played WoW. that was over 12 years ago. Now any time I attempt that in another game I just end up embarrassing myself.
Someone post the story of the guy that got teabagged on Xbox Live, ghosted the guy for years, then called him a loser after his wife had a miscarriage
If someone boots me in a smash ultimate arena I change my name, come back and select a stage I made that has multiple giant spinning circles which slows the game down to 1/50th it's speed and a deathbox that prevents the game from ending.
The person that made the arena has to reset his console.
I used to artificially lower my ELO in league (I was top 5%) to mid tier so I could 'carry' the game and destroy it at every moment just for the lulz
Also I tended to pull way too many monsters in MMO's just for shits and giggles.
Also I generally shittalk everybody because I'm not a zoomer and I'm used to Q1 ut2k3 shittalking
I drive backwards on crash cove in CTR, hitting as many people as I can with masks just to piss them off. And even though I don't win, I still get coins
One time in Runescape a person came to my gargoyles and told ME to hop worlds, so I actively first hit every gargoyle I could to make sure he got no kill credit and, as a result, exp.
Whenever I have a female on my team in Overwatch I throw the game, it's so funny hearing them shriek in VC getting so mad while her orbiters defend her whilst I'm hitting her back with insults that make her just resort to calling me an incel or virgin.
oh yeah and I play superweird builds in league against tryhard fags in ranked just to mess with them.
I tended to rush 20 minute no rush games in TA2 by building hyperefficient tier 1 units and swarm the sim city builders utterly when doors where open.
Also I'd generally comment on people when I'd completely dominate them in ut2k3 (I was top 10 igib worldwide)
andd generally a lot of BM.
I never cheat tho.
life's good.
da's good shit
Usually when I smurf in CSGO I'm just doing random stupid shit or using deagle/scout/etc
But if the other team starts to trash talk while I'm basically throwing, I tend to kick it into top gear and steamroll them. Put em in their place.
Of course, who the fuck has never camped a corpse in WoW in order to chain-kill the dude for hours?
Great memories.
>12 years ago
Couldn't you just ask the spirit to revive you for 10% degredation? Surely that's better than being chain killed.
And the kicker is that I was considered a newfag to WoW when I started in 2007
I intentionally throw solo queue dota games often
In PvP-focused games I've certainly killed people when I've had the advantage before, but honestly for the most part I dislike acting that way. I try to treat others online the way I'd like to be treated.
Back in Burning Crusade in WoW I got a request from a random to run them through Stormwind Stockades in really, really shitty internet shorthand. I wasted about twenty minutes of their time by feigning confusion until they sent me a grammatically perfect request with no abbreviations and a "Please". I promptly denied the request.
I should try that one day. It’s annoying when a salty faggot kicks you because he can’t beat you after intentionally targeting only you in a free for all match.
Yes. My group used to box people into a corner in COD with the riot shield but not kill them. We'd let them take our flag, then box him in the very back of the room and have all 6 of us forming a shell around him so he can't get out and they can't get in.
Then we just run the clock down.
when i want revenge in splatoon, and get assigned to a guy who squidbagged me; or just a player that I consider a "rival", I will just stay around in their team. Usually resulting in a loss for them
actually kill yourself
This. Personally I try and make whatever game community I'm part of a little better for everyone. I feel like getting bitter or angry at games just makes you miserable and not enjoy them
No, but a lot of people on the server I play on call a someone "Eggar Poop"
games that let you form parties of 7+ and join 12 man servers are the best. They would break 1 of you off the group but you'd still be in the voice chat so you could just operate against your own team and let your homies win.
Even better is when you are on the voicechat of your own team and you keep telling them how to win but then fuck it up intentionally for them as they breach a chockpoint. Apologize, then do it again 10 seconds later.
After like 30 minutes of this one of your teammates will be like "...I don't think this guy is actually on our team."
Then they TK you and get kicked.
No, but once I was grouped up with some randoms who then went of a griefing spree. I felt kinda bad, even though I didn't really participate.
I go out of my to try to spread a little bit of positivity and unsaltiness through the cesspit that is For Honor.
Listen, I don't know you and you don't know me. If you're going to come up to me for a favor that I'll see no benefit from you better show some better consideration of my time than:
>"can u rn me thr stk"
Fuck. That.
To be honest, when I used to play WoW near the end I found helping newbies to be way more fun than actually doing high-level stuff
This seems like a good place to ask, why are Ultimate players the way they are? Every arena I go into has at least one person who tries to avoid fighting by any means necessary, and I don't get why someone would load up a game with the specific intent to avoid playing it, especially in unranked matches. These same people also go into customs arenas and pick unplayable lava cages. Please just help me understand.
Yeah, some faggot during the Merasmus boss fight event in TF2 one halloween.
>Everyone trying to kill Merasmus for the achievement and shit unlock hat
>Few random teams can pull together to do it, so get it done with Yea Forums
>Later, join random games to dick around
>Some whiny faggot is trying to get everyone kicked out who isn't synching attacks to kill the boss
>Go pyro and proceed to airblast and burn him
>All the while he's stopped demanding the others get kicked and is endlessly making votes to kick me
>Keep protesting my innocence and claim I'm defending myself when he dies
>Eventually he becomes the bomb near the bottomless pit that spits out your corpse onto the main courtyard
>Immediately know what to do, blast him towards the pit
>He struggles
>He falls
>His corpse explodes from the bomb as it flies majestically out of the portal
>He rages with the force of a thousand suns and gets kicked himself for being a whiny little dick
I'm chuckling to myself remembering it.
Also joining the Yea Forums raids on Habbo about 12 years ago. I managed to block a pool for over two hours and got bored at one point, I think the mods gave up. I've been here too long.
One time in WoW I was looking for Lupos to tame him when I saw this other faggot blowing up zone chat asking everyone "Where's Lupos?". I'd been hunting for 3 hours in silence so I knew I had too get him first, so I finally do find him just as loud faggot shows up and starts begging me to stop taming him. Obviously I don't, he gets upset and starts following me around guilting me as I spam /laugh at him
I steal the name of the top player in mordhau servers and tk/grief until they i get them kicked, worked almost every time.
a)If they do something that I don't approve of
b)if they started it
That's not even trolling. You were there first and for longer.
yes, I corpsecamped a faggot for messing with my farming for a solid hour.
Of course I have, we're only human after all.
>not stealing the rapier/shield faggot's name
Use your power for good, user.
Back when I used to play TTT, I liked to always closely follow the detective or some random player who hopefully wasn't a Traitor and egg them on to killing me. Then I'd tell the admins that they wrongly killed me which always ended with them slayed, killed the next round, or just kicked.
Always fun to hear them whine and complain the entire time that it's all my fault.
A lot of autism, underage, and NEET wrapped into one game community causes this.
Eh, after I tamed him I was definitely rubbing it in the guys' face but I didn't give a fuck, I hate people who vocalize their lack of intelligence, DUR I'M STOOPID TEL ME HOW 2 WIN GAEM
Yeah. I've intentionally avoided other players to help them take down a single one that pissed me off before.
More than 20 or 30 times for sure. Of course no one is allowed to fuck with me ;)
nah man you're the bad guy here end of story. i agree with completely unnecessary
playing with ur 3-4 troll buddies in league and be on vent, then pretend to all ping and gank someone of the other team, then abandon the 'gank' and let the solo player die alone against enemy team.
then all cry 'report for feeding' and watch the butthurt howling for the next 20 minutes.
>gank for 5 hours straight every other day in hellfire penn
>have second account online on the opposite faction to hear all the tears and keep an eye on hotspots i'm not at
I don't regret a thing.
Can you share this stage? Also how does the name change anything?
blow up bodies of downed allies in ET with nades when you dont want them revived.
>mfw I used to join matches with 2 simple goals:
>parry that dumb heavy's fsmash every time
>destroy that fucking coward hiding in the corner
Invading starting areas in soulsborne games with endgame gear is always fun
The name change would make them not recognize you as the guy they just kicked
I ninja salvage on EVE to dab on mad carebear, there's no better feeling
I don't understand doing this. Mostly because I hate it when people grief me in games, so I try not to do the same to others.
I thought getting kicked locked you out of the arena. I'm pretty sure MH does this when you get kicked from random rooms.
I do it to people who deserve it, but its risky. Sometimes it doesn't work out and they're only getting smugger and more dicking over your failure to feed them some humble pie.
When it works it feels amazing though.
Back when games had friendly fire I'd always teamkill an annoying player. Now that it's extremely rare to see friendly fire, i just mute them
>Flying the helicopter with missiles in GTAV
>Some asshole keets trying to shoot me down in his
>Kill him every time, he keeps sending my voice chats that I can't hear because I forgot my headphones were still plugged in. To this day I can only guess what he was saying.
>Eventually kill him so much he needs to get all his friends to act as a fucking deathsquad against me, and glitch into my house to destroy the cars in the garage
>Jokes on them, I had a hacker give me billions during that first wave of hackers a month in, so it meant nothing.
Yeah, I got fucked over in the end, but it took a team of fuckers using an exploit and the asshole started it.
I thought you don't get coins unless you're on the last lap, unless they fixed that.
Some people are surprisingly stubborn.
GTA Online has some great griefing potential. Or had, I haven't played in years.
>get cargobob
>fly it to the police impound
>pick up the priciest looking car there
>fly to the bay and drop it
>technically you didn't destroy it, so the insurance defaulted to the owner instead
>saw a guy just sitting in his car afk
>pick it up and get as high as possible, waiting for him to return
>he does
>panics and jumps to his death immediately
>drop the car in the ocean
My favourite though:
>flying cargobob
>armour van event
>high speed chase with three people trying to shoot out the back and grab the money
>swoop down and snatch it like a fat, slow eagle
>now three people are laughing their asses off on the mic and trying to chase me and my prize to the wilderness
>ended up like wacky racers, only I was the pidgeon.
It started out as a troll attempt though, but it seemed like everyone had fun on that one so I can't complain.
>gets destroyed instead
every time. kid leave me in my corner. you suck shit at the game
I made twink builds specificially to invade in the undead parish and lower blighttown
No, you can join again unless you get blocked.
Nope. As much as I like to pretend to be a dick, I have never been able to intentionally grief in games. I'm usually the loser that helps noobs with no gain to myself.
I triple cart the hunt on purpose if people wakeup a monster I put to sleep
I understand. I like helping random lower HR players in Monster Hunter sometimes. It makes me feel extra helpful.
Unless it's a LS player. Fuck those niggers. Worst weapon for the worst players (very few exceptions). I feel like cumming every time my attacks trip them before I get tripped.
>playing left 4 dead 2 a few years ago
>guy playing as coach is howling and screaming on voice chat for some reason, either to be an annoying prick or because he's a sperg
>can't play for shit
>the other two people playing besides me tell him to shut up
>he doesn't, keeps howling through the entire campaign
>start shooting at him sporadically, once or twice
>he yells "HEY" or something and i stop, rinse and repeat
>during the finale before rescue arrives, i start shooting at him again
>don't stop when he says HEY
>low health, so he gets incapped
>he screams even louder
>other two people get tired of his shit and join in
>three people shooting him to death with assault rifles while he escalates to the point of nearly breaking his fucking mic
>the minute he dies, he leaves the game
That's the only one I can remember, besides letting cheap passing motherfuckers die in Toontown back in the day.
I feel the same way, but getting back at annoying cunts when you can is satisfying as hell.
Yeah. I post spoilers all the time
Like in attack on Titan Sasha dies
Post more faggot.
You are like baby.