Why aren't you learning Japanese in order to play untranslated and uncensored Japanese video games?
Why aren't you learning Japanese in order to play untranslated and uncensored Japanese video games?
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kanji are bullshit
Oh, but I am.
I started learning in 2002. I've been playing untranslated jp games longer than a lot of you have been alive.
>kanji book I got told me to remember 母 as a pair of mommy tits
I did, and I regret it. VNs are shallow and the stories are definitely not worthwhile. Any actually interactive video game with decent story will be translated and localized.
If you don't love to read in your native language, definitely don't bother learning another to read mindless filler your brain would skip over in English.
Huh, weird. Why did they adopt a word for semen from Germans of all people?
I'm trying but I'm very unfocused in how I am learning
/g/ here, don't bother learning Japanese. Deep learning AI will become a god japanese to english translator in the future.
yeah, don't learn anything because thing will happen in 2180 AD
I'm not a pedophile.
You're a faggot.
loli is the future.
>completely altering the character's personality
what's even the point
I don't remember this scene from RDR2
visual novels are baby japanese.
there's enough works with her standard personality already, putting a dark spin on things can be fun.
Because I'm not a pedophile who gets off to underage cartoon girls
Because I'm an idiot that barely has a grasp on the English language let alone another one. Thankfully there are people translating games and VN's all the time so I wait for that.
Translating obscure VNs is a non-priority. Either you learn the language or you learn how to write an AI that can translate the language. You have to take control if you want to see the results.
translations are bad, i'm more interested in learning to play unraped versions of translated games than to play untranslated games.
me on the right
>mfw bought Galaxy book and preordered Ryuusei WA
>Ys IX, P5R and Yakuza next
Comfy times soon after the lackluster first half of 2019. Only thing good I had was Eve Rebirth Terror.
>tfw still no 13 Sentinels and Anonymous;Code
did you play robotics;notes dash?
realistically how hard is Japanese to learn? I hear both that it's not that hard and that it's one of the most difficult languages out there. I was thinking about maybe spending a semester there but I only know about 4 words. Not native English btw, mid Europe.
Any tips on reading katakana/hiragana naturally? I'm still going character by character sounding it out. I know them all but am still so slow to read.
Hmm yeah DaSH is pretty good too. I still have 3 more routes to go though.
Even if this happened within our lifetime, the theoretical limitation of just basic information transfer between the languages makes even "perfect" translation pretty poor.
If you gave me the choice between an ideal AI translation, and the original text in Japanese, I'd take the original every time. Too much nuance is lost.
Because they're not games so I don't give a shit
I wish
The question should be, "Why aren't you playing untranslated and uncensored japanese video games in order to learn japanese?"
Those of you who are waiting for the moment you can leave localizations behind, that moment is now.
did you play the 13 sentinels demo?
Me with the yellow backpack on the right
There's a basic level of competency you have to achieve before you can actually understand the shit you're reading, though. Past that point, it's plain sailing all the way to fluency, but you can't just skip from beginner to intermediate.
i actually play video games. most japanese games come translated in english. the only shit that doesn't is your pedo visual novels, which aren't even video games.
I'm lazy and I don't have any use for the language except for hentai games or anime. Mostly because I'm lazy and can't be bothered.
Yes but it's so god damn complicated that I'll probably need to replay it again in the main game.
I just press enter and skip all the text, I only care for the 2D tiddies you nerd lmao
they don't come translated, they come "localized"
i hope you know what that means
What type of game is this anyway? All the trailers show is people walking.
It's a pure adventure game, all you do is move around and pick options in dialogues.
The choices are so straightforward enough (in the demo at least) that it's like a visual novel though.
>basic level of competency you have to achieve before you can actually understand the shit you're reading
what do you guys think this point is? I started reading basic stuff like pic like a month after I went through grammar and kanji.
Sounds like a game designed specifically for the japanese audience. Is this really coming to the west? Nobody likes reading here.
This game looks very cute and funny
I've seen people trying to read shit after a month or two, it's painful. If it's real babby shit then maybe you'll be alright.
When all Japanese games are drawn by Homare and/or Oda Non, I will. Fuck this toddler sameface bullshit.
I've seen people not read shit after half a month of learning and it's even more painful.
We all start somewhere, read pretty much anything with furigana, have a dictionary at hand and make the effort.
>There's a basic level of competency you have to achieve before you can actually understand the shit you're reading
Obviously you won't understand anything at first, that's normal, but each day you'll understand a little more. The only thing one might need to actually study is the kana so you can actually read stuff, but that takes a day (and then actually reading stuff often so that they'll stick)
Removed in the PS4 version.
>Un(affirmative grunt)! This child, the wind spirit, Mute, says so?
I'm still learning so please tell me how wrong I am.
This is how Japanese people think you look when you tell them you're learning Japanese.
I heard this guy suicide.
We can only hope.
というの here means "is called".
Look at this article to understand.
Also a beginnet here, where did you get Mute from?
Uh huh.
Anyway, I can't think of anything that's worth playing that hasn't already been localized.
Because I don't have that much free time. Gotta work to feed myself. Then I use what little time left to entertain myself.
I lucked out and learned Japanese and English at the same time. I don't think I would've ever bothered learning it the hard way.
why bother when i can just look up the cgs
I guess. I feel like there's a decent group of VN readers in the west though, but maybe not a lot if limited to PS4?
Nowadays people are actively doing ネガキャン against PS4 too so it's indeed quite troubling.
One of the more recent hit would be Raging Loop, only just taken up by PQube.
>I can't think of anything that's worth playing that hasn't already been localized.
This statement is so fucking dumb. If it hasn't been localized, you've probably never even heard of it, dude.
uncensored, as in "still has the important scenes intact"
Hence the "I can't think of anything" part.
There might be something, but I'm not aware of it.
>Raging Loop
>A visual novel
No thanks.
Boy I've got a ways to go. Thanks.
I don't think so.
>learning my third language and going smoothly
>monolingual nip brainlet wants to talk shit
I'd have more reasons to laugh at him t.b.h.
A small cat
There’s nothing I want to play that hasn’t been translated and the stuff that I might want to play have translated scripts floating around.
However I’m still intrested in learning regardless
After opening the boarders they send envoys to other countries to learn form them. Most medical stuff came from germany, that's why many old doctors in japan still speak german.
I can smell her C from here
Her おまん子
you failed
Why indeed
Make it chibi
and lewd however you say it
Just to elaborate on what said, you can use と言う to quote but it is usually used for this with the past form と言った.
that's a クンニ
it's a very refreshing smell
I'm not autistic
My brothers
yeah, you're just a loser
まんこ is best tiny
Shoujo Ramune
>my favorite novel is: "ヤンデレ女神に愛され過ぎる性活 ~四六時中あなたを見守って参りました。全ての欲望を満たします。愛の証で孕ませてください~" how did you know?
>not recognizing her from the hentai
I didn't even get that far, turns out my ability to remember symbols is fucked.
just as a reminder, there are people with an iq below 90 successfully learning nihongo
Will I go straight to jail if I translate this?
>using katakana for a native japanese word
I love this
Oh dear god no
unless said AI translates literally all VNs/other games it's still useless
like the vast majority of gay VNs are and probably will remain untranslated, and only like one of the ones actually translated isn't fucked up/generic/shitty translation.
Do you know if there's a hanzhí for that word?
I didn’t know it was anything outside of a hentai but SR is quite good