Risk of Rain

Host when?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Host when? Now?


I Hopoo so.

I would but still ip range banned so i cannot post ip

Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Sacrifice is 37%
>Permanent mountain stack of 1
>No shop
>Can spawn gilded coast portal
>Players can join whenever

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thought it might be Risky1. too bad because my toaster can't run it. my rig is dead currently so no RoR2 for me anymore.



More important question, Kanna when?

Started. Anyone can join in at any time.

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Taking suggestions since I'm stuck waiting for the cloth goods: who should I make next/ I've already started sourcing parts for bandit, enforcer, merc, and engineer. I'm unwilling to do MUL-T yet, the big bots are a major engineering challenge.

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the janitor

You wot?

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oh right, I saw that one.
did you maybe make miner?
she's my favorite.

Still going.


literally just a potted plant with spider legs



We're back. Join back in and you'll have your items.

I will eventually but I'm still in early planning stages on miner

This one is pretty doable. I will probably start picking away at his model soon to see what I can do with it

Is this still a shit fest of who can be the biggest kike?

The hebrewing has calmed down.



take your gay ERP act to


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*Commando gives Engineer a closer look, noticing a mushroom shaped bulge in his pants.* "Have you been collecting bustling fungi again, Engineer? Never seen a fungus of that size before."



Since the other lobby is full, I'll host my 16-man Risky Versus mode. It goes as follows:
- No money, all items achieved via killing enemies. 25% for tier 1, 5% for tier 2 and equipment, and 1% for tier 3.
- Perma-death, but come back as monsters to finish the remaining players
- Game goes until one person is last standing
- No mods required to join
All you need to enter is 'connect' into the console (opened by Ctrl + Alt + ~). See you there.

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>Can only get Engineer to endgame
>All other characters usually die before the end of the first loop
I love this game but I don't understand how to git gud.
>Go for the portal ASAP
Die faster this way, the bosses are really tanky with some survivors and get overwhelmed by the little shits mass spawning or take five minutes whittling away at its health bar. I've watched people play but they always seem to stumble on great items at the start which I rarely do anyway
>Farm all the items
Do great for a few maps, then the enemies come in too thick and fast to deal with because I wasted time farming items

I like Engineer but I want to play a class that isn't about scratching your ass while aimbots do the job for you.

Was silly to run this with the other modded lobby, so it's down for now.

us east when

I gotta go run errands. The floor is yours.

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Alright, I'm up. To get in, use 'connect' on the console


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Its RNG, knowing the items, and pure luck.
I've had runs where I've gotten absolute shit for items and died the 4th or 5th level. I've had others where I could steam roll everything right off the bat. I just had one playing Artificer where I had three Shaped Glass int he first level. I could one hit almost everything with M2. Didn't get a single item to increase movement speed and eventually got lasered by a Stone Titan. What are you gonna do?

Its almost like Binding of Isaac. Good RNG can save anything. Bad RNG will doom anyone.

2/16, because the one guy left.

Back to 3/16 again.



>host everytime i see one of these threads
>nobody ever joins
man fuck this meme

why do randoms always full clear all stages in ror2? I thought you were supposed to rush

please host risky 1 please

Starting to pick up boys


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You know, if I say the max is less, will it entice more people to join? 6/8.


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Come join, the weather's fine.

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More like
>I'm sure to win because my i-frames are superior and titans have zero way to catch a Merc because they lack the melee attacks of RoR1's colossi.

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it's a meme you dip


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time to bully

ror2 with randoms is awful.

as soon as they die they quit, including the host which closes the room. they dont pick monsoon. they hoard items that are better for other classes. twice already boss items spawned on each other and a random idiot picks them all up instead of one at a time with E.


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us east when

Never stand in one spot and grind for the first 2 maps. Enemies spawn way too slowly for it to be a good idea. Just look around and try to find the TP and some chests close too it. You should have enough cash to buy at least 1 item before activating it but if you aren't confident don't be afraid to go for 2. Then after the TP is over pick up what's close and get the fuck out.
DO NOT SPEND MORE THAN A MINUTE FOR JUST A SINGLE ITEM. Even if you have the money it's not worth it to hike all the way over and back for something that might just be a key.
This is really only applicable for monsoon though, if you play on rainstorm you can basically double the amount of leeway you have to work with.
Also once you hit map 3 you can afford to pick up a lot more stuff. You should be rolling in money because of the heightened enemy spawn rate so it's less of a trade off in time to pick up items.

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scaling and positioning done, just have to reorient bones now

how much would it cost to have you make me one too.

which class is she?


Keep that risky 2 game goin I'll be on in like 2 hours

Rex feels even easier than Engineer. Just clump a bunch of monsters into a ball with his R and spam M2. His shift feels a bit pointless though and I keep forgetting to use it.

What exactly is the point of the gold realm/portal?

stop spamming you retard,

titan fren :)

Optional boss fight and an unlock now. Sucks though, my luck is terrible and I've seen it twice in 70 hours.

I'm not willing to do the painting and sanding a second time, but I've written up a readme and drawn up a joint diagram, and zipped those up with all of my files for 3d printing here: mega.nz/#!DZ1XjYKL!lezvxW16TS5IXow0NbI83HQ1Wp_7YjAwTAKMEQLu28M

If you're serious about it, and you'd be willing to do the post processing and such yourself, I could print up the parts for you for the cost of shipping+filament+a small charge for time spent starting and stopping my printer. Shoot me an email if you're interested in something along those lines and we can figure something out.

How do into lunar items? Is there one I should always take regardless of who I'm playing or are they all situational?

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gesture of the meme'd is good always, especially with the tincture or whatever.
meteor if you need emergency dps across the whole map to charge up your topaz brooch or infusion quickly, maybe even nuke some bosses.
glass is situational and people here seem to think corpsebloom is crippling no matter what.

Still going

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>[WARNING] The ground begins to shift beneath you...
I've got this a couple times but what does it mean exactly?

Gesture is good just about always.
Don't get corpseblossom ever unless you're rex then maybe get one if you don't intend to loop.
Fire drink is ass and a waste of an equip slot, but the other drink is 10/10 if you can get at least 1 gesture and then 3 more of either gesture or fuel cell.
Brittle crown is crippling so don't get it since money is water anyways.
Transcendence is ok and stacks well on anyone but engi or rex, but honestly you'll wish you hadn't gotten it after stage 7.
Effigy of grief is real bad.
Meteor is suicidal early on, but with the ability to stay in the air for a long time it can clear the map in seconds safely.
Glass is a fun meme, but maybe don't get a bunch online because it makes the game way too easy up until it doesn't.
Getting meteor with a bunch of glass online is a guaranteed good time though ;^)

nothing but beetle type enemies will spawn.

do i need some shit installed, i get a "SendBytes no space on unreliable channel 6" error

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>RoR1 colossi
>Hitting anything ever
yeah right, maybe if an overloader spawns his 6 jellyfish directly on top of you


more like QUEUE-T

moshi moshi, MUL-T desu~

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Before loops, a colossus' stomp and clap are always something to be mindful of. Especially as a Merc. Titans are nothing to a Merc in RoR2.


Got 13 glass last time I played with huntress. Oh boi the damage

Seconding this

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Who is better robo boy REX or MUL-T?

skrrt skrrt shopping cart

fuck off carlos

aaaa ror host when

Rex shift is really situational. I use it like a dodge, rocket jump and to knock mobs off the side where applicable



This except with MUL-T

based robophile



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its down

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wtf nigga I said i was coming

Oh. A third guy joined and I assumed it was you.

Faggot get in.

How to I become a host for online quickplay? Tired of random hosts leaving when they die closing the lobby.

You have to enter Quickplay until it makes you a host

Bring it back again.


NA East fun run

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arthiccficer you fucking spaz

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No need to be rude. We all love Artificer here.

Any 2 hosts right now?

no you don't, everyone hated on her back then

She was my favorite before the buff even though she wasn't the strongest. Now that she's good I like her even more. Procs doing more damage on harder hitting attacks, her being able to hover, and her ice wall being able to block projectiles were all buffs I was hoping for her to get. 2/3 isn't bad.

>even though she wasn't the strongest
>now that she's good
waifufags need no apply, arti has always been a top tier character if you knew how to aim her M1 and didn't pick up retarded shit like syringe or glasses

what's wrong with glasses?

In my opinion they are not as useful in early game as other items, given that arti can't just spam M1 you should pick up crowbars, backup magazines and movement items on your first stages, but yeah glasses are good on every character, I start picking them once I've looped

I like glasses on Artificer since her flamethrower either always crits or never crits and hearing a ton of crit noises back to back is nice.

how do I install the visual mods? I have this resources.assetts and idk what to do with it

when is hotpoo going to fix engi's left hand stretching like a balloon animal when he lands?


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Going to sleep. Host tomorrow.

it's a ballerina land

Sniper when


Bump for not a dead game

threadly reminder that




Anyone interested in vanilla 2 monsoon? Hosting from central US



Get in here, we got shit to do

how fast am I supposed to rush? every time I only get 3 or less items per wave the first few stage bosses rape me

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So how were stickies nerfed anyways? havent played in a while

I try to keep it at -5 minutes on the first 3 stages

Drop them into your Data folder

I also have this problem. Clearing a stage is obviously a terrible idea but only allowing yourself 2 - 3 items when most of them could just be support or health is also a shit idea on most classes that aren't Engineer or Rex.

My method is to practice getting to stage 3 fast enough to get the guaranteed preon, then once you can do that consistently, slow down and start grabbing more and more chests on your next runs

Shit nice, we getting close to a releasable state?


Brittle crown and HAN-D work very well. Maksure 1 equip is the gatling that fires gold. Activate that and look at all the numbers.

3/4 for a new run


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Do you mean Mul-T?

I've gotten the rigging all the way up to the bones where I'm going to rip physics from. So I've gotta work on making a replacement for Rex's robot parts, finish up modelling and texturing Kanna's important bits, and then I should be good to post a non-physics test version. This might take about a day or 2, if there are no more complications.

is there a Yea Forums or even /vg/ Risk of Rain Discord?

fuck off and die faggot

I sure hope not

Very nice, it must have been excruciating work to get it right.
Will she get a lewd version or are you going to move on to the next survivor once she's done?

Im thinking of moving onto another survivor after this unless someone posts a really good idea or something. Either huntress, commando, or mulT. I'm thinking Commando would be the easiest, mulT would be the hardest, and huntress would be somewhere in-between. I've got ideas for all of them, but I'll do whichever people want done next.

commando into duke nukem, replace all gun sounds with voicelines for a cacophony of one-liners

God I wish I could modify the sound files

I was just thinking something basic for lewd Kanna, she lends itself to it. pbs.twimg.com/media/D2-yrGTUwAEBZQf.jpg:orig

As for your next project, one of the characters you had in mind for Commando was Mami Tomoe, right? Wouldn't Homura be a better fit considering her weapons?

Well here's one

delete your faggot post right now

Yeah, I considered that, but I was thinking about Mami's Mamis.
In other news, I think I found out how to properly orient the remaining bones, so I might be skipping the test version since I've gotten all the bones I want to work how I want them. This does mean that Kanna is likely going to come out sooner than I thought.

Everyday you dissapoint me more

Yeah, Mami's Mamis are a good argument.
But Homura was kind of the pistol girl.

Great news on Kanna. It's always great to get something to work out a lot faster than you expected.

I'm also at a point where I can start testing posing. I got 2 pose recommendations from an user while ago, one where Kanna's kneeling and one where Kanna's leaning back with one over her legs crossed over the other. I feel like there's positives to both of them, but I can't really pick between the two. What do you think would be the better pose?

Yeah I get where you're coming from.
I'm really only doing this because threads are inconsistent and Risk of Rain with Yea Forums is fun
Don't want to go on the RoR official discord... too much cancer and trannies...

Would be nice to have a place to always coordinate modded games or play in general, to supplement threads. Join if you like, just a place to coordinate.


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Do you recognize the man in the mirror at the end of a run user?
Dagger and a few pieces of glass is just silly it turns into a perpetual motion machine as soon as you kill one enemy

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As I said, everyday you dissapoint me more

>leaning back with one over her legs crossed over the other
That's an impossible choice, user. Would her legs hang down on the leaning back pose?

i said fuck off and die nigger
advertising is a bannable offense btw, you might want to delete your posts

Stop that

Legs would be going over the edge. I've got to test what size Kanna should be when she's riding Rex, so how it looks is still up in the air. Both poses allow for plenty of service, so choosing one is pretty difficult.

>Legs would be going over the edge
You just made the choice even harder. Do whichever works out best.

kanna must be spread eagle with all 4 limbs hanging off the bot

Well I've also got to redesign Rex to compliment Kanna's pose. If she's leaning back cross-legged, I might have to give her a seat so that she doesn't look especially uncomfortable. If she's kneeling, I could have her kneel up a bit so that I can expose her rear assets more obviously. Then again, I could just have her leaning forward or have a straight back for her leg-crossed pose so I can retain viewing of her rear assets. Coming down to things, I guess it might come down to how someone would want to see Kanna. I think the Kneeling pose could look more suggestive, but the Legs Crossed pose could look more seductive in a refined way or something. What do you think?

us east when

A seat wouldn't be a good idea, I think. Considering you see her from the back most of the time. The kneeling pose might be better for showing off both her breasts and ass, and it doesn't require a seat.
But the legs crossed pose is a real great pose, too. She could lean back a little and support herself with her arms instead of a seat in that pose? Though that would probably come at the cost of showing her rear.

Would it help to mention that I have her wearing porn heels? Several inches of heel on top of a platform.

They'd probably lend themselves better to the legs crossed pose, but I don't know if that really helps with a decision. They're both really good poses. Kneeling has more potential to show off her assets, while the legs crossed pose has a more refined look to it.

How are the legs gonna hang off if she's in a spread eagle pose

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Doesn't spread eagle mean that she has her legs up?

Well, I guess I should also take into account how I'll be doing poses for a character like Mul-T. I've gone over a couple of potential characters to replace it with, but I feel the best one to do is D-Walker from Metal Gear and have a metal gear girl piloting it. They're likely going to be crouching or somewhere near the kneeling pose, so maybe I should do the crossed leg for Kanna in order to have some variety. What do you think?

Yeah, maybe variety would be nice.
Just a bit of a shame that her ass won't be shown off as nicely. Pose is still good though.

stickybomb buffs W H E N

Risky die again

>tfw the game becomes boring because you can just go afk and still win

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Anyone got the female merc texture mod?



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What's wrong with cheating lunars?

how do you do that

there's no way the devs care, right?

You edit the save file. And no, they don't.

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how do you mod? lets say I want to replace artificer's helmet with a 3d model I found online, how do I edit the files myself

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If it's a model you found online, it'd be easier for me to just slap the model together than to try and teach you since I think I might not be the best teacher when it comes to something like this. Particularly because I only have a vague understanding of what I'm doing.

Guillotine rework fucking when? It's by far the worst item RoR has ever witnessed.
>do much more damage than literally any non-usable item in game while being fucking white item
>5-10 guillotines do more damage than your whole 100+ items inventory combined while having fucking literally virtually zero visual effect, zero impact, zero feel
>has zero effect on play-style
>has zero synergy with other items
>has zero synergy with other players, if you have less guillotines than any other player you might just have zero of them, they do _LITERALLY_VIRTUALLY_ABSOLUTELY_FUCKING_ nothing
>because of that best strategy is to dump all of them into single player, and then this player can just sit afk on his ass 99% of the fight, all he has to do is shoot _one_single_ bullet and he will magically do more damage than his whole team combined
>you HAVE to stack this abomination because otherwise killing green elites or any elite on monsoon takes hours

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>we lost stickies, which were actually fun and satisfying to use
>for the boring shitshow that are guillotines
How do we kill Hopoo? I think a guillotine might be perfect for this one.

Don't know why but I find Corpseblossom to be really good. It increases the healing too much, and because you're always fighting the healing won't stop. I always feel like the healing is not enough to sustain myself without it.

Try getting as far without any lunar items.

what 3d program do you use for this? also all I want is artificer with no robes (which I already installed) plus a generic girl head, something similar to zero suit Samus or whatever, nothing specific

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It's easy if you stack guillotines and fuel cells

But they didn't.

What I use is Blender, Unity, Unity Asset Bundle Extractor, and Unity Asset Studio. I also use Krita for textures and touching up normal maps. If you want to get into modding risk of rain, I'd be more than willing to give out the skeletons with proper orientations, but there's a bunch of steps to get a visual mod to work.


breaks the game super easily since you can visit the shop every level

you just scared me, it sounds like it would be a million times easier to just let you do it. can you make a robeless artificer with a generic white girl head? I think you'd be much better picking a head model than I would

And the shop is very likely to just shower you in corpseblooms and brittle crowns every time

>with a generic white girl head

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do you dislike zero suit samus, faggot

I'd be all for helmetless skins but I have some real concerns about how heads would look in RoR2s artstyle.

lmao no it isn't, those items aren't any more likely to spawn than tonic, transcendence, GotD and glass. getting to pick four free lunar items every single level is ridiculously OP

So just what I have with the shirtless artificer with an anime girl head? You want anything else on it? Or just a more bare artificer?

just anime girl head

he made a typo he wants a big tiddy artificer, please excuse him

Dangerous without gesture
You're better off without it on most surivors

I only see meteors, effigies, and corpseblooms whenever I visit the shop, either I'm just really unlucky or lunars are weighted now.

Would you mind if I increased the bust like how wants?

I suppose I would like a big tiddy robeless anime head artificer (and huntress if possible)


Preferred hairstyle/haircolor?

I don't care about her, but feel free to explain how my tastes justify shitting on RoR artstyle with generic helmless human bimbo head on unknown hostile planet.

haircolor that matches armor. and anything except ponytails, but I'm not too picky

based user

>fantasy game
>wants realistic artstyle approved heads

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Not that user, but incase the heads don't look good in RoR2s style, can you make a big tiddy version with the vanilla helmets?

>without gesture
and gesture is ridiculously easy to get because you can choose from 16 lunar items per loop, even more with the random pods around (for free if you cheat)
I'm not telling you to stop cheating and that it's wrong, just that it makes the game way more easy
I mean shit, you have over 20 worthwhile lunars in your screenshot

Yep. I'll do the big tiddy one regardless. The plan was to make the updated shirtless artificer with a bigger bust with both helmet and helmetless options.

Do you guys rush the teleporter on the first loop on Monsoon? I usually scour the whole map for items before going for the teleporter, but if I get a bad roll on items I often find myself dying before making it through stage 4.
What should I prioritize?

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Nice strawmanning, as expected of jojofaggot.

a tip I've followed for a while not is stick around if you see a good multishop item or green chest, rush otherwise and get the closest items before next stage
do this until stage 4, the stay there and farm for a while

>Don't shit on RoR artstyle
Implying a vomit clown covered in tons of objects is any better than what that user wants.

That's great. Do you have plans to give Huntress the same treatment?

You should try to stay on pace to grab the preon accumulator from the third stage. Head for the teleporter each stage, get what items are in the general area and leave. Once you reach stage 4, if you've got some good items you should be fine grinding for the gold chest.

After I'm done with slapping Kanna on Rex, I'll do either Commando, Huntress, or MulT next. Commando would be the easiest, Huntress would be a bit harder considering there's a lot more I can do with her, and MulT would be the hardest.

if you do mami or homu for commando please do madoka for huntress

Alright, thanks

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When's bandit coming. Lads... Please...


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Huntress has a laundry list of potential characters I could do. I could do a hunter from monster hunter (I'm partial to a femodogaron hunter), shantae, kerillian, and I might be able to use huntress to make a longer haired character like satsuki. Of course someone like satsuki doesn't have the right weapons, but huntress seems the most versatile for female characters so I'd be more open to try with her.

What is it, bro? I mean he's a beloved character of course he'll be in.

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what are your ideas for commando? and do you have a github or something, how will I get the busty arti if this thread dies

As nice as Satsuki would be, you should probably stick to characters with the right weapons for now.

I would honestly be fine with them axing commando and replacing him with bandit considering how boring he is

don't do kerrilian, going by vermintide thatll bring the worst out of people

This is my mega folder
Use it for mod updates. if it's broken I'll move it to the broken folder and try to update it, but as I mod more characters, the more work it'll be to update each mod specifically. As for my ideas for commando it's characters like;
Rally Vincent (Gunsmith Cats), Patricia Wagon (Mighty Switch Force), Regina (Dino Crisis), Ryouna (Senran Kagura), Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue), Mami Tomoe (Madoka), Konoko (Oni), Kei (Dirty Pair), Jill Valentine (Resident Evil), Cammy White (Street Fighter), Sister of Battle (Warhammer 40k)

>Heaven Cracker
>Ancient Scepter
>Snake Eyes
>Shattered Mirror

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Y-yeah user, our beloved Bandit will definitely make it in

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Ive only ever played ror2 single player.

Is multi better?

Depends on the people you're with

Yeah, that's what I thought for that
That may have been part of the reason why I initially considered kerillian.

absolutely not unless you're playing with good people or communicating properly
I've played with several Yea Forumsirgins and holy fuck you guys suck ass

Odogaron armor would be neat.
without the muzzle and the cockblock bow on her ass

Yeah, I know. I'm just asking...

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no interest in madoka? she'd go well with mami if you do her

I am interested in doing madoka, but I'll probably do a strawpoll of the characters to see who I should make and if someone has a matching series, I'll just do the two characters.

>knowing how to play the game
full doubt

will you do big tiddy helmetless artificer after kanna or is she postponed until the others are done?

I'll work on the artificer in between bouts of doing Kanna. I've been doing the Kanna one for a while now and I have to do something else in order to keep motivation.

how long have you been working on kanna now?

A couple of weeks. I've mostly been figuring out what the rotational offset from transferring my blender files to unity mesh files is. It seems that it's -90 degrees along the z axis of the normal of the bone. So instead of randomly picking any bone and rotating randomly hoping that I get it right each time, I now know I need to rotate each individual bone in a specific way. This should cut down the amount of time I spend on the rigs significantly, in fact I just finished up adapting Rex's rig in a fraction of the time it would have taken me if I just did things randomly.

doing them one by one sounds awful did you do the previous mods that way?

It was even worse before since I didn't know how to rotate the bones then.

how did you even do it without rotating bones?

Well I did know how to rotate the bones, I just didn't know HOW to rotate the bones. As in which direction to go. Since the bones didn't rotate the same way in the blender viewport as it would in unity's editor. But now I do know what I'm doing. So that's a good thing.

what will they even do with MUL-T's scepter?
give him a third weapon?

Let him shoot both at once

>ramming speed
>charge pierces through all enemies, each enemy hit creates an instance of the grenade cluster

>it's still useless as an attack method because you don't want to come in range of anything past the first 3 levels

Attached: 1410092444113.gif (640x480, 1.2M)

but then how do i switch use items?

Attached: 0btR08J.png (696x720, 239K)

>turrets are now always mobile
>their AI is lemurian

Attached: eddy.gif (360x288, 1.31M)

>her R is Apocalypse Now-tier napalm now

same as usual

>artifact for fake items to replace normal items randomly or come from fake chests
>pick up false scepter as engineer
>this happens

>pick up syringe
>massive attack speed buff, slowly turns into a debuff, each new syringe turns it back into a buff but it's never as good as the first

>Get around to playing this again to try the patch
Rex is really good, but the thing I love the most is the expanded music tracks.
The one that plays in the Contact Light Survivor's Camp map is incredible, I assumed it would be the final map theme when the instagram teaser was posted, but this makes me think Chris was just trolling us and that the final soundtrack is going to surpass the original. Can't wait.

I wish I didn't have to idle for several minutes to hear the good parts. Is there a mod for the regular music to keep playing even during the teleporter event?

That is the downside. Its almost a consolation prize for getting behind in a run, but a really nice one.

Attached: 9b9fc88217cab41f931c93464b6640b031f6bb06.png (2912x3848, 719K)

Attached: 1554400725775.png (756x1292, 305K)

Those are some toned legs for someone who hovers all the time

>can't manage to out-dps monsoon to reach the point where elites get shat out of the portals
>can't ever find a fucking gold statue
three achievements left unfinished is good enough for me I guess.
it'll be along time until september.

Same. The Elites are just a matter of time, but the gold portals are rare and have to coincide when you're having an amazing run at the same time, or early when you're Engineer/REX

Of course. Exactly because she hovers all the time she takes great care to keep her legs in shape.

>same template trash for months on end
>same spammed images to bump your trash threads for months on end
>no discussion, rampant gay meta shit in every thread
the fact our that our threads are deleted while this trash gets to sit on Yea Forums's catalog for months on end is very telling

>our trash
Can you be more specific?

Firstly, some of us are trying to get discussions going.
Secondly, I bet you didn't give a shit when smash garbage had ten threads at once littering the board.

Well she does an excellent job. I want to massage those hamstrings after a tough workout.

gold shrines have a very small chance of spawning solo if you didn't know

I really dislike how RNG heavy that achievement is.

Well that's dumb but it is still early access.

Is the 10+ player RoR2 server gonna be up today?

You could host it yourself.
Gotta find a good time for people to be awake, however.