>Say "Smash is a kids game" again you fucking faggot
How do you respond?
Say "Smash is a kids game" again you fucking faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
>balding basedboy
It is a kid's game, you walking advertisement.
>How do you respond?
I broke the faggots jaw.
>Meleefags still seething about not being on EVO
Push him over because I'm 4x his size and foot taller than him, by the time he starts to struggle to stand up, I can just fall over on top of him due to the exhaustion of moving my massive flabby body and smother him to death
It's a kid's game
You would get your shit pushed in in seconds flat bitch
If he looked to his left he'd see his answer
>bald people are taller
Shut up, manlet
He'd actually look intimidating if he shaved his head.
imagine the smell
synth arms
>Having a similar, sharper vegeta hairline
Life is fucking suffering
big words for a Yea Forums poster
You’d probably collapse before your first step fatty.
I want to suck on his nipples so bad aahhh!!!
What are you gonna do hit me? Go for it tough guy, I'll have the cops on your ass so fast. Enjoy your 400 lbs of pure muscle gorilla cell mate.
Smash is a kid's game.
>guy hits me
>I call the cops
>I press charges and sue
It's good that he lifts but I think he went overboard, his body doesn't match his face or personality, it looks kinda silly, but it's better than being a dyel faggot who plays video games 24/7.
Also, Smash is a game for brainlets.
>balding? just lift bro
Even though this guy has a lot of muscle, he's nothing to worry about. Look at him, he's probably never been in a fight in his life.
>why yes, I do enjoy s oy milk how could you tell?
Enjoy being considered a pussy for the rest of your life, low testosterone beta faggot. You wouldn't last 2 days in a zombie apocalypse
Tell him he can't lift away that hairline.
>"Dude watch your language, there are kids right behind you."
>he needs glasses to see, can get stripped off easily
I’m not scared
I know the pain, brother.
The front is thinning every day and it hurts.
This desu
Muscle gain doesn't help coping with being a balding egg head.
Not even that for me. It's a fucking widow's peak and it's the only thing not receding
These are some fucking czech/yugoslavian genes. I know my old as fuck relatives were from germany or something and I must inherited this shit from them
Jillian is based as fuck
Here i cum
>tries to swing his gorilla arms at me but lacks mobility enough to reach me
>quickly roll dodge between his legs
>get up spin around and round house kick his nerd ass as he plunges face first into SD tv screen
nice newbie gains there little buddy, next time try being born over 5’6” if you want to be taken seriously
Just proves it’s all about genes. Once a soi always a soi
Raquel did nothing wrong.
He's right though, or at least Smash is no more kiddie than everything else. All video games are inherently for children, and only children trying to make vidya seem "so mature" disagree. There's nothing wrong with accepting this and continuing to play anyway
>not 6'
>How do you respond?
Smash is a kids game
smash is a faggots game and the dude you posted is a total bottom
Nah his face is too goofy
"I didn't fucking say anything you spaz."
a moderately fat man could knock out 99% of the skeleton retards on this board, this guy could genocide everyone here with one hand
>it's not onions, its a protein shake!
stop playing nintendo games exclusively manchild faggot
t. balding abomination
take a shower disgusting pig
>Zombie apocalypse
Am I back to 2009?
so smash bros is rated EC?
He just needs to shave and wear contacts
Smash is a kids game
I'll roll why not
>Calling cops for physical assault
>>>Enjoy being considered a pussy for the rest of your life
WTF I love America now
Air raid vehicle
>illegal twerk
Look over your shoulder bud
Yeah big muscles don't mean you have a) knowledge on how to use them aside from lifting and b) explosive power. Some little faggot who plays baseball as a hobby would drop this basedlet like a bag of dirt. But you keep on this fantasy that you can fix being an undesirable, balding, ugly ass faggot by lifting weights, it seems you 're really clinging to it
Lol say that to his face you frail failed male weeb.
its a party game for kids, tranny fag.
Christy doesn't seem that bad
>if I lift ill be able to beat up all my bullies!!
Seriously bodybuilders can punch your fucking lights out easily. Saying they don't know how to fight is just a cope.
How the fuck do you get so fit, but still have the face of a scrawny 15 year old? lol
Anyway I would totally let him top me
>"hey /fit/ I just hit a deadlift PR but I still can't get a date, what gives, bros?"
Let him start the fight, press charges then get him banned from the venue. One less smash stinker.
It's a kids game. It's a fighting game. But it's not a new banjo game.
his neck is scrawny because he circuit trains, and doesn't do enough compound exercises.
>How to tell when someone has never been into a fight
And I watched my father put one through a wall during his drug dealer days. Lifting wont make you a god, user.
ewww faggots are so gross
let's see what fate has in store
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25-48 are all good
Depends on the type of fight
In kickboxing I would wipe the floor with big muscled douches who thought they were tough but it played in my favor because it was against the rules for them to grab me or otherwise overpower me.
He's a manlet and I lift more than him
People dont get how much being fat is an advantage in a fight. There was that female MMA fighter that got her ass beat in a bar by some fatass with a beer gut just because she was small and he was big.
i hate unironic faggots
Rolling for meth
Gonna have me a rollie
Smash is a kids.
"Smash is a kid's game" because he just made it impossible for me to not say that
size matters. manlets on suicide watch.
Yea against a trained kickboxer he likely won't stand much of a chance, but the rando on the street would get his ass kicked by the muscled dude. Muscles do in fact give a considerable advantage.
wrap that gamecube controller cord around his neck and end his worthless existence
"Smash is a kids game again you fucking faggot"
Is that supposed to be intimidating? Muscles like that is mostly a hindrance for the ones having them.
It's okay I'm only acting gay ironically
It's a Yea Forums thing
You look like a fag and at least my balls still work
Yeah, fuck smash and fuck jannies!
creatine muscles look so fucking funny. how's life as a blow-up doll hahaha
say it again and if he does anything he gets removed by security
Looking young despite your age is a good thing, fag.
>Seriously bodybuilders can punch your fucking lights out easily.
People actually believe this?
Give me a good ol rollerino.
Most dangerous fags I know are lanky as fuck. you have no clue non-fight-user.
fighting is about speed, brain, and using environment.
kill yourself
>you get removed for bad sportsmanship
cool, gg retard
Stop posting my husband on Yea Forums
>martial arts
>Creatine muscles
Creatine does not have an effect on the body the way you're thinking.
What you're thinking of is "bodybuilding" muscles. They tend to be softer because a lot of BB'ers only do high-rep, low-weight exercises
An old retired boxer can hit way harder than a young weight lifter. Striking is different lifting requires different conditioning. Lifting weights can help with wrestling though.
smash is a kids game you retarded basedboy faggit
Smash is a kids game you fucking smelly gyno nigger
All it would take is a rando dude who has had enough experience fighting on the streets.
>Push him over
>die of heart attack
Chill fatty
bodybuilders are just for showing, powerlifters on the other hand...
Not if you look 12! And even with a beard!
Like imagine him fucking you and you look back and only see some kid's face lmao
>Muscles do in fact give a considerable advantage.
Yes and no.
Given that he has glasses that he needs in order to fucking see, I'd say it again and if he stands up, take his glasses away and blend into the crowd.
Is this the power of soi protein? Its really cheap, even at rite aid, where a 3$ bottle of pills costs 4 times it price
Powerlifters scare the fuck out of me. Some of that shit they do isn't human.
Wow, not really giving him any credit at all are you?
>#illegal twerk
anyway it's hilarous how the murricucks keep getting sent to jail for just carrying drugs. What a messed up nazitown you nerds have made for yourself. Greets from superior Holland ,where you can do whatever the fuck you want.
big money big money
This. I'm 190 5'11 with pretty decent 1RMs. I'm about to bulk to 220 and stay there. Done with being a lightweight desu. Lifts will improve as I get bigger, can't wait.
ITT: Yea Forums pretends they are experienced fighters and martial artists and not sedentary nerds.
Like be replaced by muslims
This. Strongfat > Bodybuilding Strength
It doesn't look as good, but you're a fucking monster.
roller up
Sorry buddy, but skills>size
Too weak to be a strongman and too fat to be a bodybuilder
Fighting is for niggers. White men shoot.
i'm a big dude 6'4, if i happen to land the first hit he'd go down but i also know if he hit me first i'd definitely hit the pavement. i have no training and never been in a fight in my life, but i know i would absolutely need to hit him first to win.
people tend to underestimate them because they are all mass but that's why you shouldn't underestimate them.just because you don't see their biceps doesn't mean he is simply fat
>It doesn't look as good
im sure half if not all Yea Forums will disagree considering how many are into HRT and are "ironic" fags
smash is a kids game
I''m not denying skills are more important in fighting, but the notion that bodybuilder muscles are "just for show" is just ignorant. They do in fact help in a fight.
agility is the most important factor in a fight, I've downed guys with 20 pounds on me cause I'm agile as fuck and also 6 feet tall so I have okay reach I dont think manlets have anything in their favor cause you can just kick em in the teeth they so small.
Also my little brother grew to be like 6'4 and heavier than me so I still had to show my dominance over him too hahaha. He didnt try to fuck with me cause he knew I could one punch him
I could take all you scrawny retards at once, pathetic Yea Forumsirgins
Smash is a kid's game. Idgaf what that cocksucker thinks.
Anthony joshua got his ass handed to him by Ruiz. Thats a prime example of body building physique versus a fat fuck. Not that im denying lifting doesn’t help. But it doesn’t help as much as you believe it to.
I'd rather be a manlet than bald
fucking black bois getting cucked by hispanics
Nice hairline you gay baby, go play your kids game for kids parties, faggot.
That's stupid
video games are for little kids
I'm unironic gay and I disagree with the statement. I much prefer strongfat bear builds than ugly shredded muscle.
"It doesn't look as good" means it's not as conventionally attractive to most people.
Fat is heavier than muscle and there's plenty of cases of muscular faggots getting btfo by twinks and fatties
Obviously fighters should lift but putting heavy things up and down doesn't make you a better fighter
I should know this because I lift
>He'd actually look intimidating if he shaved his head.
Say "smash is a kids game" and if he does hit me I can sue him for the tort of battery
99% of guys can't pull of looking bald.(not counting blacks of course)
It's a death sentence.
Meanwhile you see manlets with cute girls all the time.
that soilet unironically does look more masculine in that edit
I mean it's an improvement
Is that shooped or did he neglect his shoulders and forearms?
he unironically looks better like this
>says is a kids game
>gets punched
>articles saying videogames lead to toxic masculinity
>he gets banned from all smash events
>smash is removed from all events
>get my money for battery
>not counting blacks of course
99.9% of manlets can't get girlfriends
My statistics > your statistics
7% is enough to condemn a nation, especially one cucked as yours.
doesn't mean he looks any less like a weak soiboi, yet alone intimidating
Based big picture user saving the FGC and our nostrils.
smash is a party game, it's a fun game to play with friends, it's not supposed to be something special and you're a brainlet for thinking it is.
fuck jans
> condemn
Improve you mean, islam is based
But we need more
>99% of guys can't pull of looking bald.
You mean 99 of balding manlets.
I've know plenty of bald gorillas and they slay pussy on regular basis, more than what any fully haired manlet could hope to.
Nobody is bald in this comic so how is this relevant to our discussion hmm??????????
Why is it onions?
Niggers have the head/skull shape to pull it off most of the time.
>t. Mohammed
Like clockwork.
Piss my pants, like everyone in this thread
not an argument, kek
>I've know plenty of bald gorillas and they slay pussy on regular basis, more than what any fully haired manlet could hope to.
Keep coping bald boy
gib gf
Being bald = ugly subhuman
>bunch of fat basement dwellers criticize someone who actually takes care of their body
Everytime. Like clockwork. Never change Yea Forums
>Thinking I'm going to argument with some goatfucker
>onions head
>buff body
what is this enigma?
Being a manlet = uglier subhuman
>takes care of their body
Beta dorks with muscles are usually roiders.
Because you can’t, lol.
>Resorting to shitty articles to cope with being the lowest life form.
Will they ever learn!?
It's what happens when you bully nerds in high school.
>I-It's roids!
I molest his muscled tits.
Manlets should be put in a zoo, it'd be fun to throw bread crumbs at them and watch them fight over them
>Says islam improves things
>While living in a non islamic country
There you have it, now shoo shoo you smelly inbred.
It's over for him right?
Cope more.
They have to know their place.
Here's what balding does to Chad.
Now imagine the average guy.
It literally kills your dating life forever
ok sure
Just shave your head.
Now post yourself, shorty
Still looks like shit 9 times out of 10
Nigga I'll pop dem tiddies with a thumb tack.
Just don't go bald or shave your head and stop living in denial when you get to that point on the right.
>Here's what balding does to Chad.
You mean manlets.
All a Chad needs to do is grow a stylish beard and hit the gym, then boom, he is game again.
It's still 100% better than leaving that shit on your head and looking like more of a fool.
>Fat is heavier than muscle
Uh... No it's not. Muscle is more dense than fat. What you mean is that a fat guy who can move is heavier than a non fat muscular guy.
That is because the fatty has both fat and muscle, otherwise he could in fact not move his body around.
Honestly the smash community could benefit from proper exercise and basic showering like this guy.
is it mexico city?
>tfw got my mom's beautiful eyes and my dad's thick veiny cock
>but also got my mom's autism and my dad's baldness
Even if you think you look ok shaved head because le get ripped and tan, women still hate you. Because what men think looks good isn't the same as what women think look good. That "chad" above with the long hair is what women think look good. A skinny lanklet femboi with long girlish hair. Short/no hair is hyper masculine and a turn off to women. Look how many men have shaved heads and still get regularly fawned over. I can only think of 1, maybe 2. The Rock and Vin Diesel. If these guys weren't famous movie stars with tons of money, do you think they'd still be considered attractive? What if they worked at some shitty wage slave job? Would any woman even feel anything for them? The obvious answer is nope. Being bald is literally a death sentence. Your body just hasn't caught up to it yet.
>my dad's thick veiny cock
Care to share with us how you got access to this information?
>women still hate you
I love how Yea Forumsirgins always scream that all women hate everything that /virgins themselves find bad or "unacceptable".
FACE >>> hairline > height >>>>> everything else
i can smell the unwashed Yea Forums safe space bubble you live in from here lmfao
pls hot criminal gf
ok reroll :)
wait what
How in the world is Christie 20? She looks way older than that.
The irony is I'm not a virgin, nor am I single. I am bald but I wasn't when I met my girl. She hates it, but she'll never admit it. In other words, I got lucky and if I fuck this up then I won't stand a chance with another woman. If you're bald and single, RIP.
Face>>>Height>>>Body shape>>>Hair
You're just comically delusional.
What? That's not true. Shorter men are more prone to baldness.
You'd probably get your ass kicked by that mealdrinkboy.
Dude stop you derailed the thread
for me it's victoria
>big arms means you can fight
come on user.
Go shoot up your school, elliot
I'm small too but if I were a policeman I'd abuse my right for violence and instantly hook him with my elbow. That would fuck him up so hard haha. Then again I have wide shoulders, so people dont fuck with me that easily.
I disagree. Working arms/chest to the max and just cruising on everything else is aesthetic as fuck
22, 33, 55, 66 and 88 will never be rolled here because moot killed the dubs. Should be removed.
Oh lord
Proof that being a curl monkey can't make your face look good
Lmao wat
>i can lift weights so i'm not a manchild
you're close, but you need to stop playing video games first.
you're already a fatass why do you want to be obese
>She hates it, but she'll never admit it
so you have a shitty relationship and you're projecting your insecurities on other anons in order to cope because you're dating a shallow cunt. thanks for confirming my suspicions bro
once you move on and realize it's not nearly as big a deal as you make of it, you'll be a happier man. i promise. be more confident
Once I got lifted around by a drunk friend while some girls watched smirking. Never felt so humiliated in my entire life, I felt like chopping my dick off afterwards.
Rollan because I just lost my gf to deportation issues. Fuck Trump.
why does this faggot need to ruin every thread, why do NPCs love "rolling" for jerk off fantasies?
plz be good
>if I fuck this up then I won't stand a chance with another woman.
If she hates it you already lost, its just a matter of time, embrace cuckoldry or leave with some dignity.
>There was that female MMA fighter that got her ass beat in a bar by some fatass with a beer gut just because she was small and he was big.
She got beat because she's a woman
good riddance
holy shit what a beta face
30 and still not balding or receding hairline am i in the clear?
>Hair doesn't matter
Just stop coping already baldy.
And a /fit/cuck too lmao
come on!
damn i bet they all fuck black guys
Yes. The guys who bald before being old all experience hairline recession in early 20s the latest. If you're 30 with your original hair, you're clear.
Gimme white trash hoe plz
Smash is 3D chess compared to fgcuck games with a single flat stage.
What, you never seen for fathers erect penis during midnight wrestling matches?
>This autist has a bunch of shitty articles ready to go
You're the one coping here and its hillarious. Try leaving your basement sometime and will see how the world wasn't made for skinny manlets.
This. women are pathetic in all ways except making babies and dinner and even then half of them fail.
pls no bond, i don't have money
>it's a home gym episode
he would never say faggot
I'm like 14% body fat % bruv lol
lets go
He looks like a manchild who lifts weights due to insecurity.
When I told my little sibling that there are adults who play Smash competitively, she burgest into laughter.
I wouldn't get my ass kicked because I'd put six rounds in him. I can say what I please.
Nice blog internet bad ass, want a medal?
cope more fat ass
oh boi
>american freudian slip
How can I get a bf (bear friend) like this
What did you just say about me you fat little fuckers?
balding faggots lmao
>tell him it's a kids game because it is
>handle the beating passively
>have him arrested for assault
>sue him blind
why u post a vid where the skilled guy lost to say skill>size lol
he got hit twice and had to babbyquit after having done no damage
>virgin glasses
>weak-ass beard
Smash is a kid's game except melee
hello there
he looks ridiculous
>smash is a children and mentally ill trannies' game
>tries to hit me but I'm too fast
>slip behind him and knock him out
Dex > str
>Thinks some shitty nitpicky edit makes a good argument.
You're seriously the most autistic manlet I've ever seen, having a full head of hair doesn't automatically makes you a model, if you think that women cares about hair more than height you've probably never had any significant experience with women. Just stop embarrassing yourself already and go be a manlet somewhere please.
>this is what DEXfags actually believe
How do I unlock toothpick neck mode?
cherry picky*
Linda is adorable in every way.
Suicide if Russell.
>mad, bald,and insecure
I pity you, hope you eventually make it, champ
"Smash is a kids game"
big muscle guys don't scare me, they're extremely easy to fuck up
You talkin shit about bald men?
>all that compensating
I honestly feel bad for them
Yea Forums told me all women around the world only like sixteen-year-old feminine boys with hair to their asses. Would Yea Forums ever lie?
I already did, thats why I don't have a bunch of crappy articles and cringe edits saved. Keep your cope mechanism while I get the real deal, because you're clearly never going to make it.
>Hey brother, wanna play some Splatoon?
here we go again
>implying this dude doesn't have the squeakiest mickey mouse voice
seething 20y/o baldboy
Smash is a kids' game. It's E10 so crying about a kid friendly character is retarded
Reminder it doesn't matter how tall or buff you are or if you have a full head of hair if you're fucking ugly as shit
You do know a lot of bald men are very popular with women, right?
Henry Rollins