*blocks your path*

>*blocks your path*

What would you do in this situation?

Attached: 1552273277426.png (1345x1460, 1.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bow and arrow

Charge it with the loudest battle cry you'd ever hear, then die in the process...but at least it'd be dead as well!

how does he row ha ha

Attached: 1542150086450.png (474x467, 277K)



Build some contraption to lure a second one into the boat so he isn't lonely.

Wholesome post user :)

*pulls up shield*

Attached: tfw FUCKING INVINCIBLE.jpg (584x622, 118K)

>code your game so that animals can get into boats
>don't bother making it possible for them to get out

Attached: computer shut down.gif (320x240, 1.95M)

>do this but with a skeleton

Attached: 1534115914392.png (392x310, 9K)

What' s with the faggot minecraft increase today?

Oh, he's fucked alright.

Attached: Steve Smashes his way to Smash.webm (640x360, 1.27M)

So, is Joergen #2 inside the giant meatball or is he still at the water palace?

call him a fucking nigger
it's minecraft month

Why isn't possible to tame creepers? Would be cool to have one as pet

He’s at the water palace
Fucking faggot missed so much loot at the mansion, there’s no way he’s going back for it

Pewdiepie's playing it.

row row fight da power

>Minecraft porn


Rip woter sheep bros

This kinda tickles my amputee fetish.

what the fuck is wrong with people

futuristichub is a very special man

Damn what a retard

>this was on youtube

Attached: 1559623495378.png (297x310, 123K)

so was this

Attached: 1560045458249.webm (720x405, 2.64M)

>videos that didn't age well

do this fanbase have normal people too?

I was listening to this as this webm was playing

God I hate myself

This would be their child.

Attached: c7b.jpg (680x680, 32K)

ignore him, he cant move anyway

Someone tell me how to make a creeper farm I started playing again

I spent hours traveling around in my world and can't find any dungeons temples treasure stuff or anything where is all this shit