Can I be in elite Yea Forums club now?
Can I be in elite Yea Forums club now?
Good job user.
Proud of you dude.
welcome here
Took you long enough
Great to have you here my dude
Show us your hands
Why did you waste your time with such a shit game
How many bosses did you summon for?
No need to be negative. Maybe some day you'll manage to get that plat.
>Samefagging in order to feel good about yourself
Also, nobody actually plays (or really likes Bb) on Yea Forums. You fell for the meme.
How's everyone's day going?
That's not much of an achievent. I went in blind and managed to platinum it in 10 days, never having played a souls game before.
based retard can't even use the poster to post counter
Yes, but how many days did it take you? Over 10 it doesn’t count.
The Soul series is to Yea Forums what Yea Forums is to Yea Forums.
Based retard mad that no one likes him
Maybe 3 years ago, nerdfag.
>implying this can't be faked in three seconds
are you acting dumb on purpose?
lol just admit you fucked up and stop being salty over a game retard
They are of proper color.
I don't think I'm the one that fucked up here
Great job, user!
Keep up the good work!
Proud of ya.
who actually cares about trophies?
Congratulations user
No, because you aren't on PC
Do you need to do multiplayer stuff to Plat? I've never played the game but I finally got a PS4 so was gonna give it a shot
Welcome home dude.
No, no need to have psn+ to get platinum.
No, I don't even have PS Plus, but other players won't help you with bosses like this. NPC characters sucks balls and die quickly.
>not brown
The game...and the memes...were long...
Actually Abhorrent Beast was the only boss in the game I summoned a partner for. I was just so burnt out by that point I couldn't take it anymore.
>using an anime reaction image
Guys, I've found the manlet cuck.
I used the NPC summons like Alfred and Henrietta just so they'd distract the enemies for a bit and give me more breathing room
I remember slashing that fucker who obviously killed people and was sitting around their corpses in woods, then he turned into that furry bitch, thankfully I could run inside and attack it from time totime, then run again, pathetic tactic but he was too strong when I did it.
Now imagine the version of his that has 5 times more health and you can't cheese, that's how abhorrent beast in chalices is.
>No ellipsis
Your a big fat phoney.
The chalice dungeon version is the real deal
Copey cope Nincel
Yeah I now, later fought him as well, the worst thing is that one attack which can 1 hit you. It was really tough fight but Amygdala in cursed chalice was the worst for me.
Now imagine if instead of those shitty chalices, we’d had a proper secret level with Yharnam at the end. Maybe the stone and ring of betrothal could’ve been put to use.
Dude my kid brother platinumed that, try doing Sigma 2 on the ps3 if you want to brag.
Congrats, it was a fun platinum (minus the labryinths). I wish I could add Sekiro to the list but the final couple of bosses are a slog.
I 100%ed F-Zero GX
Can I be elite too OwO
are you black?
Yes actually. I had a friend I was close to a few years back that was super into f-zero. We were close, but extraordinary circumstances made me have to cut off my only form of communicating to her. Sometimes I still miss her bros.
bloodbornes plat has a very surprisingly high as fuck unlock percentage
That’s mango, you nigger cum slurping tranny.
Congratulations user
PC is shitty platform for gays like you.
Because it's game of generation. Everybody want maximum of content.
Not OP but what if a darkie user completed it?
such as me
Obviously you stole the psn account from a white boy who completed all the trophies
my nigger
>nigger controller
How do you afford a Ps4 online subscription on EBT?
You misspelled manga. Fuck off go to the gym or go buy some deodorant instead of browsing v to jerk off to anime girls. You fucking hormone deficient, armpit licking, loli porn watching, BBC cuckold, beta male. Oh and don't forget the onions your mother packed for you.
>paying for online
>not game sharing with a nice friend with more money than you
>longer than 10 days
What manga you reading, is that some Tanya?
I played BB a year ago and platinumed it while being NG3 or so, and I bought the DLC last month but havent played at all, will I get my shit kicked in?
DLC is much harder than base game, but there're scarier things in chalice dungeons.
Now post legs.
Mariusz ty kurwo, tak jesteś teraz elitarnym gracze, jebać inne gry na PS4, tylko Bloodborne się liczy
Mówię to nieironicznie oczywiście
Platinum a real game, like Skyrim™
You fool you just outed yourself
The real elite Yea Forums club doesn't play video games
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
I don’t want to be cruel OP but it’s inherently a very easy game. It’s designed to make you think that it’s hardcore but it actually holds your hand every step of the way.
Pic related....
it's not a terribly difficult plat, plus it's a great game on top of that
I kept getting lost so I quit playing for a while. I got to the part where the dude is on a gatling and didn't progress much past that cause I got too lost and it always seemed to be a dead end
Only if you did it in 10 days or less.
Damn, your dick must be huge.
reminder that this guy summoned for most of the game and used save states
Again, I don’t want to be cruel, but this is the most painfully linear game I’ve encountered in about a decade.
Why didn’t you just go straight on through whatever corridor or path you were on, that was the way you needed to go.
Or read / view any one of the 10000000 notes and specters that are left en route to basically show and tell you exactly what you need to do. Bloodborne basically has a guide built into the game lol
>save scumming for endings
Yeah no wonder it took you 10 days
You are part of the Fedora club now
It’s a respectable size.
No I didn’t summon for the bosses at all, dipshit. In lying about this it tells me that you’re impressed by what I did and want to try and minimize it. Don’t be impressed. The game is inherently easy and holds your hand every step of the way.
>obviously used a guide for the endings
Look this guys obviously an idiot but there's nothing wrong with reloading your save to watch a different ending.
you can't actually do that in Bloodborne, you need to do NG+ to get different endings
>It's a respectable size.
And you're so humble on top of it. God, you're perfect.
No you don't.
I actually still had to run NG+ to get the 3rd ending. If I’d known beforehand, and used guides like all of you people did, I would have known not to eat the umbilical cords and I could have got it in one completion. Which would have been ideal given how tedious and repetitive the gameplay is, it could have saved me the 3-4 hours it took me to do the NG+ run.
>playstation console
>muh achievements/trophies
No one cares or is impressed that you collected all the bear asses in blood borne you faggot. If you really want to do something worth feeling proud about, beat the game at BL4. Better yet, beat all the bosses at BL4.
I went in blind, that’s a fact.
I checked online about what the hidden trophies were, when I was very close to the end, so I could just finish it off entirely and then swiftly part ex it in for another game. Unfortunately, I’d already eaten the cords so had to run NG+ (took about 3-4 hours) to finish it off. If I’d used guides throughout, like all you people did, I could have saved myself the time.
What's the hardest game to get all the cheevos, multiplayer doesn't count
You can save your game data in the cloud and then do it that way to get all 3 without running through multiple times
Now get to work on all three dark souls, sekiro and nioh
La Mulana
I remember the webm of the guy he summoned recording him getting slaughtered by the beggar. And he kept saying "he one shot me and I was unprepared" despite the fact he didn't get one shot and was actively fighting him.
The guy was great, he was pushing 40 and dedicated 11 days to playing the game where he summoned and power levelled. He only did it because he didn't like the game and wanted to prove that he didn't like it. So the most retarded motivation.
tfw you can make orphan look like a retarded baby
Why do you feel the need to post this in every single Bloodborne thread?
Also, it's hard to argue it's inherently very easy when the majority of people play it find it to be difficult, and I don't know how you can say it "holds your hand" when it barely gives you a sense of direction and most of its tutorial messages are away from any enemies to learn from
Homeboy this shits a maze to me :(
this user is correct
Thank you user :^)
I didn’t say I got 1 shotted, don’t make things up for no good reason. I died in a boss battle on the first try, after having been dragged through waves of enemies in a newly explored area, had the other user shoot me with the canon to almost kill me twice and deplete my items and I left the boss with one hit left on him but died. I went back and did it second time.
Worth mentioning that the only reason why I had someone there is because nobody was willing to PvP me, so instead that user joined just to try and get me killed. I’d only owned the game for 2-3 days at that point lol
What's next, tyskie or żuberek?
>using guide like all of you did
Nice projection
I should be thanking you for being so perfect.
> spectres and notes everywhere to literally show and tell you what to do
> cheese items gifted to you to kill bosses easily
> Z targeting auto aim, rendering accuracy irrelevant
> your health recovers as you attack someone lol
> can hold multiple restorative items to give you the equivalent of multiple extra lives at any point
> rolling makes you almost invisible
> you can just run past every non-boss enemy and almost never get touched
> a core game mechanic is the ability to summon 2x people to do anything remotely difficult for you
> combat boils down to just hammering R1
> range of weapons and enemy hit boxes are laughably generous
> ranged items and magic can be used to cheese many bosses
The game doesn’t hold your hand, it cups your fucking ballsack for you.
Why are you still here? Did your wife leave?
People who call out ‘projecting your own insecurities’ normally do so because they know the other person has hit the issue right on the head
Im far from perfect but thank you for your kind words, even if they may be sarcastic
I know right? Who here actually plays video games? Better just post roster threads, eceleb garbage and twitter screencaps.
Wasn’t my wife, my fiancée. Yes she did leave me 3 months ago because she was fed up with me drinking, cocaine use and partying. I’m now entirely sober and we’re back together again.
Why are you guys like this
The non-meme answer is that you can summon and have everyone do all the hard bits for you. Notice how all of the Soulslike games that don't have summoning have much lower completion rates
>but muh Sekiro
Was rock bottom as well until people found cheese strats to trivialise the game.
You're welcome. I'm only being about 30% sarcastic.
I just wanted to see some manly legs.
I don’t think you can be a % sarcastic. It’s either said truly or it isn’t.
Let's put it this way then: I was sarcastic at first but then I stopped.
I’ve recognized I’ve derailed the thread again, apologies OP.
I understand it must be hard to watch the legacy of your favorite game of all time be destroyed in front of your very eyes, so appreciate why everyone leaves.
You're so considerate too. You even care about OP's state of wellbeing.
>Doing shit in games for the trophy and not your own enjoyment
Medium core players are the worst
You're not destroying any legacy, you're one poster on a board that no one cares about, and everyone here knows your arguments are shit anyways
> destroying
I destroyed it 2 years ago. Now I’m just kicking it whilst it’s down.
Help ive been stuck in the amygdala or whatever boss in chalice for like weeks
Why does everyone on this board like to lie about how good they are at video games, especially fromsoft games
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
If I can do it, so can you, it’s really not that hard.
Maybe he's trying to do it without summoning?
Stay near the legs and don't move when she does the jump attack
what does any of that have to do with being a trophynigger?
Just like me then.
Just do the same technique that works with every other single boss:
> attack once
> back off and wait for blatantly obvious super slow build up to enemy power attack
> as it lands and misses run back in and attack some more
> rinse
> repeat
That’s basically how to beat every single boss in the game.
Nobody knows you, dude, and not even a single person on Yea Forums is going to think "You know, I really loved Bloodborne, but this insecure idiot made me realize it's horrible." You haven't made a scratch of Bloodborne's reputation, and you have serious problems if you think that you're significant enough to have "destroyed its legacy"
> spot the newfag
I don't even hunt trophies but they're basically a checklist for geting the most out of your content.
I know he's been posting about this for 2 years, point still stands. Nobody would remember this dude if he only posted once, or even if he posted it for a few weeks straight, but he posts this in nearly every Bloodborne thread
>> attack once
Wow, no wonder it took you 11 days.
Because I'm better at them than you, faggot.
rarely. for a game like bloodborne you get pretty much all of them just by playing through the game to completion but for most games trophies consist of dumb shit like "have x money" that just requires you to grind pointlessly.
>butthurt over someone proudly showing off his trophies to discredit a videogame
Get a sense of humor
So when Trump projects how smart he is, despite thinking the Moon is part of Mars, and that windmills cause cancer, what does it mean when Trunptards take his projections and lies and fall for it?
If it's so easy, why didn't you do that against the beggar? Looks like in the webm that you got your shit pushed in, despite his blatantly obvious super slow build up to enemy power attack.
So people do know me then?
Make your mind up lol
Kudos to you for knowing about the 11th day
Top kek
I couldn’t care less about American politics
Nobody’s perfect user.
If you see his health, I didn’t do badly for my first chance and the circumstances I was put in for the fight. I easily beat him in the second battle.
Or backing up your projection claims either apparently. Just another underage
Everyone on Yea Forums and their mom has the Platinum trophy and all the Old Hunter trophies in Bloodborne already.
That doesn't make you elite.
Im probably older than every single person in this thread.
>You misspelled manga
How new are you?
>Everyone on Yea Forums and their mom has the Platinum trophy and all the Old Hunter trophies in Bloodborne already.
Not 11days-kun.
BASED he's back
get a weapon that hits over your head, stand under him, then whack him on the bonce
I couldn’t bear any more tedium. I could only rapidly press R1 for so long without getting repetitive strain injury.
Bloodborne is notoriously easy to platinum, and so are most Dark Souls games. The first can be platined in new game +1, just because Sif's soul have three uses. Call me when you platinum this motherfucker:
>S in all missions in Revengeance difficulty, which basically resumes to the fact that you have to play the game without take a punch, even on bosses. One hit and you have to restart to latest checkpoint, because you won't get an S
>Gold grade in all VR missions. Some are piss easy, but there are some absurd shit inside, like doing stuff in professional speedrunner time, requiring hundreds of attempts to find the absolutely most efficient way to do it
>beating all bosses untouched in hard or above, including the fucking Senator
based Emetposter
Git gud.
Until I get b& again
>49 threads and counting
>another one got deleted just a few hours ago, which means he's probably ban evading again
Jeez dude.
Not much of an accomplishment.
I platinum it within one month of buying it and playing it some what casually while playing other games.
Not necessary in this game.
that isn't even close to all of them, he has a million different versions of the image because people were filtering them
Thats even sadder.
> 49 threads
It’s at least 500. At the very least.
What does my age have to do with it?
He's clearly not trolling if that's what you're implying, but it is mildly amusing how persistent and insecure he is
I didn't say anything contradictory, God you're so insanely stupid. Just because some people on Yea Forums (not very many people at all, an extreme minority even in the population of people who have played Bloodborne) recognize you from incessantly posting your trophies for multiple years. It's likely that you haven't changed a single person's mind about the game, so I'm not sure how that equates to "destroying the game's legacy" in any way
The only difficult fights in that game are Armstrong and Monsoon and only because he has that annoying smoke grenade that you can barely evade
So so so many more than 49 when it first strted it was way over 3-5 times a day for about 6 months
Fuch that, after finally getting that 100% in MGS4 i don't wanna try to platinum any Metal Gear games ever again. Im fucking done.
Whether I’ve changed someone’s mind about enjoying the game or not, it’s legacy has been destroyed.
That’s just a fact.
He's a mentally ill degenerate addict that has yet recover. Why should this be surprising?
you got a weird definition of fact, 10days-kun
I'm and that's what I'm talking about, SoulsBorne are not hard to platinum, to do it you basically just need to be patient and farm crap you don't need, or get useless items you don't need.
I like From, but I wish they put more absurd skill based shit on the requirements to complete every achievement in their games. The reason to why I like Metal Gear Rising is because the achievements on it don't say "I'm autistic and have too much free time", they actually show that you have mastered the game. More games should do stuff like that, instead of "hurr find the 100 pieces of useless items through the map". Achievements should be about knowledge of the game's mechanics, an actual fucking badge that you can be proud to show on your profile.
Mistral gave me a bigger headache, because of the fucking dwarf gekkos jumping on you. They give almost no damage, but that is enough to lose the "no hit" achievement. Just like Monsoon, she can be cheesed by using her own weapon against her though.
Armstrong is nightmare fuel.
You’re really scraping the barrel if you’re using this against me.
I’m 33 years old, I want to stop a partying lifestyle, that’s not completely unusual in a developed western country. At least I’m doing something about it.
It kinda is. The game is only tedious if you farm for hours and get to Forbidden Woods at BL90 or something. Most people would have already finished the game at that level and you were not even halfway through.
In so far as Yea Forums is concerned anyway, albeit in its prime I saw references to it on YouTube videos and other Yea Forums boards.
I can’t remember the details anymore, only that I was at around 170 when it ended.
nah, Yea Forums still loves Bloodborne, you're just the funny shitposter who shows up to annoy us occasionally.
>plat’d the game 2 years ago now
>still no platinum theme
>easiest souls game
>easiest platinum
Go do 3 and seikero and then we'll talk
Yea Forums, a board full of contrarians, still generally loves Bloodborne
Dark Souls 3 is even easier than BB, it just takes a shitload of grinding to plat
People literally thought you were in NG+ when you wanted to PVP at Forbidden Woods and wondered why they couldn't get into your game. If you would have explored the world more instead of farming Amelia over and over again you might have found those more hidden locations without resorting to a guide.
I respectfully disagree with your lie.
That's because the general population thought it was shit
just go forward lol
Good memory on the Amelia kills
that's not true either
The difficulty below Revengeance is actually harder. On Revengeance you get to oneshot most things too.
Gonna use your thread to ask something OP, is that ok with you? Alright so, are the PS4 versions of the jak games good? I heard they had some bugs but got fixed but not 100%. If the bugs are minor and they play mostly fine I'll get them but I haven't been able to find a good answer to if the games are fixed. Any help?
It is painfully linear.
horseshit you found all three umbilicals without a guide
>getting achievements is elite
Then why did 60% of people who bought the game not make it past the third boss?
This. OP is a retarded faggot that played a garbage """"game"""" if you can even call it that
because it's a difficult game
The general population hasn't played it, but it's widely popular with any gaming publication or forum
I don't know, apparently the game is "inherently very easy," so I'm not sure why that would be. It's not like the game is known for its difficulty or anything, hmm...
they aren't hard to find at all
the game is so linear its practically impossible to miss them if you aren't blind....
It’s not difficult. I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
It's literally not
Arianna's, Iosefka's, and the Abandoned Workshop's are all well off the beaten path. The only that's handed to you in the course of the main story is the one from Mergo's Wet Nurse.
clearly it is, or more people would have gotten past the third boss.
Try playing a good game instead.
>Arianna's, Iosefka's, and the Abandoned Workshop's are all well off the beaten path.
Found them all in my first playthrough going in blind.....
Maybe you're just....bad at paying attention? I dunno.
Abandoned workshop is genuinely hard to miss.
Not him but it’s hardly a huge world if you’re dedicated enough to explore it
Yeah I also remember you needing around 80 hours to get your plat which is pretty average actually, especially using a guide for all the secret stuff.
maybe you're just a liar who used a guide
>I found it easy, therefore it is inherently easy and everybody who finds it difficult, which happens to be the vast majority of people who have played the game, is wrong
I really don't understand how you think this is a decent argument
If the game was better they would have stuck with it.
Look at seikero or ds1
>played the game 8 hours a day
>wowwwwwww why was this game so easy to plat
It’s not.
Sekiro, the game where only 65% of players got past the FIRST boss? Dark Souls, the game where only 60% of players reached Lordran?
Here is his character before he went for Rom.
Wouldn't the inbetween of softcore and hardcore be Firmcore?
But to get the play and reach level 170, it isn’t.
It was also more like 60 hours fyi
Mmmmmmm nope, I played blind. The game is so painfully linear its impossible for the average person to be able to miss things......
Wow this is amazing dude, have you got any more of these pics?
t. 10 days user
Getting the platinum in Dark Souls 3 is a nightmare because of the broken covenants, that farming was so stupid.
>You’re really scraping the barrel if you’re using this against me.
you can fish for sympathy points on reddit, degenerate druggo
you'll never recover
tick tock
FYI, this person isn’t me:
If you played blind you wouldn't have savescummed for 2 of the ending trophies.
Achievments aren't an indicator of anything
Sounds like an Australian or a Britbong lmao.
I’ve literally never in my life posted on Reddit.
Articles like these are exactly why I don’t want to take drugs anymore.
It’s not me.
I did go in blind though, I checked the requirements for the hidden trophies when I was near the end. If I could have done all 3 endings in one go I would have.
Interesting point btw, I figured out saving in the cloud myself to get multiple endings.
I’m English, that’s my son’s name.
Bro you are such a beta lmao
> bro
This is you minutes before you got killed by the beggar.
At least that supports my story that I didn’t make an open invitation for PvP
they're the only stats we have for most games
>Password : manutd12
This guy is a fucking comedic genius. Yea Forums keep in mind you're arguing souls games with a Manchester United fan.
nice op. i got 100% in both a few months back as well.
>Quote from zoomer with smashed in pussy
Yeah, and you conveniently knew to save to cloud before eating the umbilical cords, sure.
The fact that you were actively posting about your playthrough while you were doing it casts further doubt on your playing blind claim.
What does my football team choice matter?
Lol what a bad ass I was
>you were in my fucking way the whole time
And even back then you were a lying piece of shit.
and yet, after over a year, youre still shitposting about your save scum trophy list on a taiwanese basket weaving forum
How incredibly fucking sad.
I’m going to sleep everyone, catch you again tomorrow
2 years now
He was (you were?). I didn’t know what was going on initially at all - either way, I’m sure you didn’t beat every boss first time
I like trophies because they make me feel like I accomplished something in my pathetic life.
I like masturbating on top of my trophies because it makes me feel good and warm inside
once an addict, always an addict
tick tock, druggo
Yes, so it's fair to say that at least 10% of players buy the game and don't play it, and 20% don't play it for at least 15 minutes, and roughly more than half don't even finish it. You should take those numbers seriously before assuming a game is too hard. People are just more open with their money than with their time.
>get 100% in BB
>make a low level twink to protect people from invasions and complete their own games
Bloodborne swirls and churns unending
Well I certainly wasn't overleveled as fuck, talked shit throughout the thread and got called out with
Just recently finished the game too. The atmosphere and art direction was stellar. Gonna do another run and check out arcane, but should I do str/arc or skll/arc?
not this faggot again. can we ignore this retard from soulsborne threads?
I like Str/Arcane because of Tonitrus/Boomhammer/Amy Claw and you can build the Burial Blade for it, but if you want to use the Blades of Mercy I'd say go Skill/Dex.
Welcome home.
Okay now beat Mario 3
What was the worst part and why was it Defiled
It’s because the trophies for plat are literally just seeing all the content. No stupid shit like max a covenant or get all sorceries. I’m sad they went back to that in DS3.
That and people who got this game knew what they were getting into. I know this game is touted as selling the PS4 but normies steered clear.
Defiled wasn't nearly as obnoxious as the Loran shit with Loran Darkbeast. God help you if you run into HIM on defiled settings.
The chalice system gets some hate but its a damn fine multiplayer experience.
>why was it Defiled
Because random generated dungeons are only fun if they're fast and simple. Chalice dungeons not only require farming items to progress but then they decide to halve your health. I can tolerate a lot of shit but I felt like kicking whoever designed that in the face.