This is Dimitri "If you're a dyke, your head is going in the spike" Blaiddyd. Say something nice about him.
Fire Emblem
Can't wait to put edgy idiot down.
Can't wait to kill him and then marry Edelgard.
I heard he is the ancestor of a some guy nicknamed as Snake
Why are all faggots from the empire? What did IntSys mean by this?
Can’t wait to join him and exact justice on the Black Gaygles and the Golden Queers
I'll happily repress my sexuality and kill other homos in his name.
Someone pay the chink so i can play tonight
Possible leak (without sources) :
- Sothis is past self of Rhea, who predicted her madness in the future and asks Byleth to stop her.
- Final boss is Rhea, who transforms into a dragon. If Rhea is Byleth's wife, you can save her, but otherwise you will kill her.
- Dimitri goes crazy because Faerghus was invaded by Adrestian and fallen down. Dimitri organizes a liberation army.
- Claude wanted to stop the war between the other two empires, but couldn't due to other noble families' dissent. He regrets this.
- Hubert was a spy from Faerghus and tried to kill Edelgard, but he gets influenced by her and supports her till the end.
- Seteth dies while protecting his sister Flayn.
- Jeritza is older brother of Mercedes.
- Caspar, Ashe, and Lysithea die.
- Jeralt dies early in the game, but he appears again later in the game.
- Tomas is younger brother of Solon as well as a traitor.
Pirate copy WHEN
I like his dad.
post claudes
>not spoiling
I haven't been paying attention, what is the exact gay distribution by faction?
The king is fucking dead, have some respect, Byleth
>- Jeralt dies early in the game, but he appears again later in the game.
So he IS that pale, balding evil guy, right??
i’m rather disappointed with the amiibos functionality in this game. They were so useful before, and now just give me music and materials like non-FE amiibos.
Can't wait for him to go insane and join him in slaughtering fags
Looked more mt Thomas to me
Black Eagle has 2 lesbian and one gay option
Blue Lion has 1 lesbian option
Golden Deer has none
Neutral characters have 2 gay dads and one lesbian pope
They aren't confirmed. Without any sources. So they are just theory/guesses.
Eagles: Edel, Dorothea, Linhardt
Lions: Mercedes (but she came from the empire)
Deers: none
Other: Sothis, Rhea, Gilbert and the other dad
>he actually bought amiibo.
>- Caspar, Ashe, and Lysithea die.
Nah bro
He's slow as Claude "You're tardy to the fag-killing party" von Riegan already dealt with his homo problem already.
GoldenChads all the way.
So Claude isn't actually a secret edgelord?
We know Faerghus gets bigger and doesn't collapse because we see it expand in the map that IS didn't bother to correct.
They are most likely fake, from a Korean website. So...
>source: my ass
>Golden Deers were straight all along
That's pretty funny
Not when I buy the pass to get him in my party in order to become Dimitri's 2nd dad.
Sounds fake overall, but there's some stuff I think will be true
You better be able to get some unique interactions with Anette if you S rank her dad
>Amiibo cards
those exist?
Speaking of Spotpasses, I wish we had them in Fates. Just a bonus to have Corrin’s Mom and Hoshidan Foster Dad being playable.
>She calls you dad
The REAL leak:
timelines converge and the past students fight alongside the timeskip students for part 3. Each student has a support with themselves and other timeskip characters.
No. They are... home made to reproduce the functionality of real amiibos.
>The two Edelgards practically cat fight in their C rank over who cares for the Professor more.
Make it so.
>- Sothis is past self of Rhea, who predicted her madness in the future and asks Byleth to stop her.
Didn't the guy who spoiled bi romances say that you will romance only "adult Sothis?" So this seems legit desu.
>Casper, Ashe, and Lysithea die
>both once-shotas and the once-loli die
Silence your whore mouth, "text leaker", I will protect them with my life.
wtf is this
Great theme
I don't believe any of these fake spoilers because there's just no way Claude isn't some kind of master manipulator scheming behinds the scenes trying to fuck over the other two somehow.
A pretty big reveal if you realize what it is.
The Saints, the 10 Heroes, and some unknown crest alongside the Fire Emblem, Byleth's crest, in the middle, as the mark of the goddess.
>look up classes for 3H
>apparently Hero, Swordmaster, Paladin, Sniper and Fortress are all Advanced Classes
>stuff like Wyvern Lord, Bow Knight, Dark Knight and Falcon Knight are Master Classes
What the fuck? How the fuck are they just Advanced and not Master?
Can Ega become a Wyvern Lord?
>Didn't the guy who spoiled bi romances say that you will romance only "adult Sothis?"
Actually, the first leaks regarding Sothis being bi option did mention that Sothis that you will romance will be the grown version. So he's right about that.
No it didn't
Objectively the best house.
No it didn't
Funny how reddit kept hyping up "muh LGBT representation" for months and in the end they barely got anything and now they're crying about it. On top of that even these characters none of them are explicitly gay, they're all bi. These fags who obviously came in through Awakening and Fates need someone to tell them that this isn't a fucking dating game.
Wait is there holy blood in this game?
Are baiting at this point? The first so-called leak regarding bi option for women specifically said that you can romance ADULT Sothis.
>old enough to be your mom is a minus
do gays not like milfs or something?
2 options to 8 actually is a huge jump, if the tendency is going up then they really have no reason to complain.
>posting wrong pic
Crests are 3H's version of Holy Blood
no it didn't, try find the original source because it was never mentioned, only parroted by retards like you so other retards believe it and then they pass it on
No I'm not the first post about bi options came out in may and said nothing about that
It was, at least so-called reddit's leak did that was the one that got "passed on."
>he has a wife and child
So you can be a homewrecker in this game? Because unless said wife dies then that'd be a hilarious romance to watch unfold, especially if you're a faggot.
>Hey, let's fuck, bro
>Byleth! I'm a father!
>Yeah, that's cool with me too, daddy.
>the two fujo options are two middle aged men and a trap
I almost feel bad for them.
Bi options include:
>A female bishop
>A married dad
>An elderly Priest
The other options I can justify as being potentially bi. But the ones I listed? I know that we should not apply Western-Christian values onto a fantasy world, but you’d think that “Church is evil” Japanese trope to be true they had least draw more parallels with said Western Christian moral values such as discouraging homosexuality.
Stop being homosexual and romance Edelgard as male Byleth like you are supposed to
To be honest had it not heard Lingardt’s voice, I would have assumed a reverse trap. The male uniform didn’t make me think for one 2nd for a traditional trap. Maybe if he wore a girls uniform though...
No thanks. If Fate taught me anything regarding marrying a fag is that I'll have fag children. So no thanks. You can keep shit queen. Ama romance Knights instead.
You have nobody to blame but yourself Nintendo for giving the so many bi options.
I'm not interested in ever playing her route so no. Even if I was, I don't like her character at all.
>Dimitri has 3 childhood friends
>all 3 are unloyal to him
>one of them hates him now
>the only loyal person to him is a nigger he once took pity on
Please check things for yourself, here's the leak compilation and it mentions jackshit about adult Sothis
Based Rolf poster also choosing Golden Chads.
I already know who I'm going to romance if she's an option.
>Oh noooooooo I can't be a cock hungry faggot in a game about raising students to fight giant monsters and use magic to kill people oh godddddd that's so unrealistic my life is horrible
The gays ruin fucking everything they touch.
Dedue is pure.
still not the original source try going deeper
>he becomes punished not because of death
>but because his friends are terrible
>looks like a dyke
>is straight
I love when games do this.
Yea. It's kinda funny that the most loyal person to him is the same person everyone shits on for being potential back-stabber in his house (especially Ingrid that shits on Dedue's people), yet everyone but him, will betray Dimitri for another house. Irony.
She is
She's boring though
At least he has Dedue. Hopefully he doesn't get killed off or something.
The onli bi option I'm considering is Rhea and only if she is batshit insane.
I'm gonna play as a cute girl and marry another cute girl and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Looks comfy
Why would Rhea censor the crest of creation when Sothis herself has it on her chest
Can I romance the better version of Flavia?
How do you know? Besides Felix who hates Dimitri
Which Lord did you decide on and why?
Did you know who you'd pick from the start, or did it take you awhile? Did your choice ever change along the way?
>your people do the shit
>get shit on for it
>almost get killed for it
>get saved by this blonde kid with funny hair
>dedicate your life to him to the point that your personality is all about him
>you like everyone who is nice to the kid with funny hair
>you hate everyone who wants to hurt him
>wants to give his life to protect the kid with funny hair
>is the only one in the Blue Lions that won't abandon the kid with funny hair
>still gets shit on by "true" Blue Lions as someone who has no loyalty
Blue Lions don't deserve him, to be honest.
How are you going to play as a cute girl when female Byleth looks so bad?
>anyone in modern FE
>not MU-sexual
Sure you can.
The worst is we know he fails at protecting Dimitri since he loses an eye at some point.
What if Dedue dies as well? Who the fuck will Dimitri have?
I knew I was going to pick Dimitri from the start because he's a spear user. Then the members of each house were shown and I liked the ones in the Blue Lions the best. Then punished Dimitri was shown and I love the change and want to find out what happens to him. Everything just fell into place.
Only Black eagles route has had the review embargo somewhat lifted. It's suspicious all gay options are either black eagles or neutral. Males me think there are more gay options yet to be revealed in other routes.
>Who the fuck will Dimitri have?
How do we know those plot points? What did I miss?
None and that's probably the reason why he lost his way. Sensei is gone for 5 years and the people Dimitri trusts most are no longer there so there's no one to keep him in check during those years.
>Not a single reviewer chose Blue lions
What is weong with these people?
>there are more gay options yet to be revealed in other routes.
There aren't.
Who needs friends when you have murder?
No, it's just that most people choose the Black Eagle, with the rest choosing the Golden Deers, and the minority the Blue Lions.
The Embargo wasn't route specific, but just limited to the first part of the game.
He's just kidding , it's just that Ingrid and Sylvain can be recruited by other houses , Felix on th other hand states in his bio how he's displeased with Dimitri
either that or I'm also out of the loop
I'm going to protect this girl, and then I am going to marry her.
Initially Edelgard for the novelty of a female axe lord that believed,
>Some believe the crests, token of the goddess’ power, are necessary to maintain order. But they’re wrong, teacher, the crests are to blame.
Famitsu and Twitter profiles sold me more on Blue Lion's characters, then E3 really wanted me to see Dimitri's fall from grace.
I think it'll be interesting to view Edelgard as an enemy first before I go her route second, at least.
Nah, she dies mate.
Is anyone warming up to the art style the more you see it? I thought it was atrocious when the trailers first came out.
Can you fuck off, you spam that every time, in both /vg/ and Yea Forums. The person you could really consider bi would be Alois and Dorothea. Seriously, when Fates introduces the first two characters that you can romance as either gender, no one said anything about them being bi, but now it's a problem for you faggots. Why now?
I wouldn't say that BL hate Dimitri, but none of them except Dedue are loyal to him since everyone, but Dedue, can be recruited into another house.
I'm going to save her.
Nintendo’s creative pet is Edelgard. Black Eagles are being seen as the canon route.
Oh ok so it’s nothing then. Besides Felix being a bitch.
Why is there no independent route? Why do I HAVE to team up with one of these three retarded lords?
why do you lot care about the marriage and gay dating more than the actual gameplay
fire emblem has really gone to shit
Was originally gonna go with Edelgard because Axe lord but the rest of Blue Lions got revealed and Dimitri ended up growing on me. Then the time skip reveal happened and I was 100% on board.
Here’s a classic one.
Maybe both of you can be stabbed into the same spear.
Edelgard, I mean come on cute Axe wielding lord, who was the star of the initial trailer?
The fact that later material makes her look kind of like an arrogant, controlling imperialist tyrant who's going around conquering the other nations for their own good and to remove Crests only makes her better
Yes, but I never hated it in the first place. I get that people got used to Kozaki's and Hidari's more extravagant and detailed designs, but Three Houses' artstyle simply reminded me of the simpler style of the GBA games. Of course, I warmed up more to the designs themselves once they revealed the timeskip ones.
She’s pretty much a female Walhart.
That’s not how embargos work. Most people chose BE because they are heavily shilled, that’s all.
Think about it. These are probably some the same people that screech about how we need more female representation and people of color. Dimitri would never have a chance with them even if he somehow turned out to be the best of all three.
They are bi though, why are you spreging out? None of those characters are locked to gender specific options. All the girls on that list are romancable by guys and vice versa. So unless there's some new term in the LGBTQBBQ alphabet ,then that makes them bisexual.
>already has more porn than the male
>implying Felix doesn't have a good reason to dislike Dimitri
Reminder that Dimitri is noted as truly sincere and nice guy, but that has has darkness hidden deep inside of him.
Waifufags are known for not having high standards.
>female character has more porn than the male even when she looks like a shit
Truly a shocker.
Because Blue Lions don't have a thing to offer to Western journos.
Their leader is neither gay, nor someone who looks like one, nor is he a woman. Not to mention that he's literal Aryan and we all know that nowadays, being Aryan is seen like being a spawn of Satan in the West.
>my subjective opinion is worth more than objective standarts
>journos didn't choose Blue Lions
I know what house I'm going with first.
If Walhart desperately wanted Self Insert dick, yes
Because reviewrs who picked the houses either were waifufags that fell for Edelgard meme.
THOSE types that picked BE because it had strong female leader.
Or gays that picked GD because Claude looks like fag's dream so they fell for that.
You can romance both him and Grangel
Ovaries and a uterus would do that to a conqueror.
But he did.
He’s a vegetarian, not a gay vegan.
I'm glad fags got btfo
>went from 2 supports to 8
I'm still laughing at this. Posted the same day Claude was deconfirmed.
Then why are they still crying and throwing tantrums?
I can not wait to give that damaged boy lots of heterosexual female affection. I will make him all better with my love.
Is save scumming still going to be a thing in this game, or did the developers remove it?
God she looks hot, probably my favorite female character design from the character designer so far.
I thought we all knew that they are never happy
I can't say for all of them but I saw a few screenshots that some were mad about no units being purely gay/lesbian. Alongside one bitching that everyone should be bisexual because more choices = good and realism doesn't matter.
All the male shit are gonna be harems and cringy crap.
Because they can
Same here, broadly speaking.
At first I was leaning towards Edelgard design-wise. Had to get used to Dimitri's design first but ended up really liking it in the end, and then I discovered he's a lance wielder and I realised I finally got my wish for another Ephraim-esque MC. So yeah. Also it was never going to be Claude
To be fair, no self-insert player X NPC romance has ever been well-written, so ISIS hasn't just done that makes me scratch my head.
Because they're children.
>Blue design
>Edgy and not optimistic
>Clashes with the Heroic Red member of the group
>Wields a Lance
Is Nintendo making an English pun?
Dimitri, he seems pretty based. Also best girl is on Blue Lions.
You can poach almost all students
None of the three lords can be considered heroic
They are heroic if you join their houses and you temper their negative qualities.
Edelgard is far cry from heroic and her most loyal man is fucking Hubert who looks like he rapes babies in his sleep.
>Join black eagles
>Get best girl to return to her home nation where she belongs.
Have yo seen her timeskip design. It's what convinced me that the leaks of her being a tyrant are true.
>Blue Lions instantly give up on their plans and decide to support your cause as thanks for getting the only dyke out of their house
>like a girl in a game/show
>they are either horribly mistreated or straight up killed at some point
Is Felix Takumi of this game? Will he be just as obnoxious as him?
>Join black eagles
In Japan red is the color used by heroes and main characters. Considering that she is the most shilled character that is probably going to be picked the most, she is the main Lord of this game.
Why don't these people whine about visual novels not having gender options?
Hoshida was the most shilled path as well, yet only Takumi and Oboro are popular from it, while every Conquest character was dominating the polls.
I like to believe sees the type that would order her soldiers to rape the women on the other factions. Imagine the soldiers raping all of Byleth’s companions while she forces him to watch? She would totally do that.
>Red Emperor
>Fire Emblem
Hoshido was shilled as well. Need a reminder on how that one went and what path/characters does majority prefer instead?
Most of the people complaining are straight women.
If I can fuck the loli dragon then I will fuck the loli dragon
I've been playing FE since I was a kid and this post makes me irrationally mad. Take your paper thin personality quirk and get the fuck away from the things that I like. I honestly am OK with the LGB options among the characters but people like this make me wish the developer could just flat out throw them under the bus and ignore their squabbling
Agreed. There should be zero gay sex romances in this game. The seventh circle of hell awaits them.
More like order her soldiers to capture the women so she can rape them.
Remember she a degenerate Bisexual
You can but Reddit and Era has deemed it inappropriate so in-accordance to their laws you will not do so.
I still don't know.... do i preorder? They even dropped the price for collector's edition.
So how much censor there is this time? Something like If where they removed game mechanics?
Takumi has blue and served has Corrin’s lancer. Oboro literally has blue hair and wielded a Naganata that is practically a lance and a tragic back story. Japs just love edgy characters more.
>also has the OP named after her in Nip
Yes, yes I know. But when it comes to color coordinated members of a team red is always the leader and main character.
>So how much censor there is this time?
Zero. Localization changes now has to be approved by the developers. Treehouse basedboys don't want to risk their careers speaking to their superiors and saying what they thought of is [insert buzzword].
Wait the CE got a price drop where? I reserved mine when they announced it and I'm curious to this drop you speak of
I don't give a shit, as long as they are not trying to force her on me in the game itself like they did Shitzura. I always hated creator's pet characters, and they never once appealed to me. Edelgard looks boring. Her house isn't the better. That's the end of it for me.
The Deer are confirmed the only house with zero gays, retard. Kill yourself for daring to call the canonically straightest house queers, and submit yourself to 50 hours straight torture first as punishment for supporting an actual gay house
they don't care user. Claude is a "gay icon" to them. Just like Josh Sawyer of Obsidian. Thanks to how Deadfire ended up.
Hope you have fun at being shafted every time for nothing choosing that cunt. I bet my ass on fire that the game will give you shit outcomes on purpose if you dare to pick not-Nigger Dykes.
>people straight up stereotype Claude as being gay
>they get mad when this isn't shown to be the case
This is honestly hilarious
user, I...
Anything that BTFO out of gays is a good thing, they need to be knocked down a peg or two after their behaviors recently.
Homos lust after Claude and Raphael more than anyone else.
Because there is no explicit gay romance? They're all bi, why would you think Nintendo would allow faggot romance?
I really wanna break Edelgard after reading all these threads. Hope they give us the chance in game.
It's probably just in my country. Absolutely no one buys Nintendo games here so they have to resolve to that.
This. Fags are delusional if they think we'll get a legit fully 100% gay or lesbian character. If this were a bioware game they'd have an easy argument. But this ain't bioware.
>why would you think Nintendo would allow faggot romance?
They are used to getting pandered to by western developers.
>the kid with funny hair
>8 lgbtq romances
>Still whine
Watch IS doesn't add any next time. Even if the male ones aren't the greatest to some fags none of them seem happy about the lesbian ones either even though it's all cuties.
Bisexual means faggot in denial though
>majority of fans LGBT
>actually believing this
It's a wonder everyone is starting to hate fags now, they get a tiny bit of reps and suddenly EVERYONE WAS GAY ALL ALONG
never ever pander towards faggots
You know user, you’re alright. I ask that you don’t go to this year’s class reunion.
>IS remakes genealogy
>Let’s everybody marry anyone regardless of gender
>Homos get stuck in the second half because they only have seliph and the shitty replacement units
Would honestly be hilarious.
Well you gotta remember these people hang out in a bubble. I bet most posters there hang out exclusively on that site and maybe Reddit which is just as cucked lately. Gives them the illusion that most fans are "like them".
>hate them now
It’s a natural reaction
I will gladly die for Dimitri's reich.
Heil Dimitri
I remember some stats saying lgbtq acceptance has gone down because of them pushing way too hard and flopping dicks everywhere. Honestly I dont think it's even fags causing this but the "straight allies".
I miss the noodle hair bros.
Imagine this:
>you pick Blue Lions
>help Dimitri get healed
>he cuts his hair back to how it previously was
Would you still support him?
Change that M to an F and then the title would be perfect.
I would honestly laugh my ass off.
I guess I'll just have to break him again myself in that case.
Don't scare me like that because I will make sure that he never heals then.
D-fucking-lete that.
>the kid with funny hair
the male ones are good. it's just lacking when compared to 5 lez options. we have a trap, and two daddies. the fujos got the shitt end of the stick cause they didn't get their precious claude.
Thread's slow, I'll writefag if anyone wants to see some despair
I think there's something really fishy going on, why passively antagonize one of your biggest fanbases like that, there's probably supports locked behind a timeskip or only 3 lesbian options.
Do some good feels instead now. Like each Lord time skip should you have chosen them.
What do people see in him? He's ugly as hell.
A character (up to you) getting their memories from another timeline and asking Byleth what the hell is happening and why is he about to murder them when they were friends
Do Lorenz
>why passively antagonize one of your biggest fanbases
Gays are a gigantic minority of the fan base. The only places you see them bitch are on /r/FireEmblem which has been made the defacto LGBTQ sub since Fates, Resetera which already is a forum of fags and Gamefaqs though it's pretty split there.
Gays aren't the majority of the fan base. They aren't and won't ever be for Fire Emblem.
Do one where Mercedes heals Dimitri. With her milkers.
Please be more specific about the premise
I can try but I'm best at despair and I won't put it in the college
I'll do this one first
>No homosexuals
>Only one without hiki women
Lorenz reacting to Claude dying
>Goes on 5ch
>There's a thread for what are you not happy about in the game
>Same sex
>Delayed localization for foreigners
they should be damn fucking happy for the delay, they probably fixed a ton of shit that had nothing to do with the localization.
Do one where Petra finds out her father's killer's son is in the Black Eagles, and she cannot help but want to kill someone she always considered as a friend. (Here are some info for Petra )
Or maybe one where Leonie is scared after Jeralt's death, and wants to ask Byleth for help, but never managed to do that, only for her fears and guilt of not being able to save him breaks her.
Which house are you choosing? please don't say BE
Yet they're confirmed straight. If you support Lions or Eagles you approve of gay characters and this deserve torture and execution. Only those who choose Deer are true nonhomos.
either Blue Lions or Golden Deer
I just can’t resist Edelwaifu, sorry
I kinda want it to be delayed. I have no money to buy a switch and have to buy a new water heater.
So, I have to hold off until September.
Blue Lions of course. Going with best lord.
>Where am I?
>Sweetie, what's happening?
>We were just about to hold the celebrations for our victory over Adrestia and Faerghus...
>Byleth, w-what are you doing wearing the Blue Lions' coat of arms?
>Sweetheart, it's me, your wife!
>It's your darling Hildy!
>Byleth please, you're hurting me!
>Why is she calling you "dear"?
>Wha-why is she wearing the ring you gave me?!
>And...and why isn't it on my finger?
>No, stay away from me!
>Don't come any closer!
> could you?
>We were...going to start a family together.
>It's so cold...
> me...
This shit had to have been on purporse
>The most fag beloved house is the fagless house
>Lance user
>Chaddest post-timeskip design
>Spin to win on normal attacks
Any choice other than Blue Lions is wrong.
>Yuri, top tier cuties, loli, and milf
>Fags get twink and old men
Girl love is justice.
If possible do what with Ingrid, you already had Byleth kill her after a lifetime in marriage in the previous loop.
In the traditional fire emblem fashion, I will play the blue team naturally.
damn, water heaters can be expensive. You could look for a used switch maybe?
>being a milf is a negative
>loli who is 1000 years old is a negative
as always Reddit has shit taste
Damn you user. Damn you.
Hypothetical "bad" route BE Byleth having to put down his waifu Edelgard after she finally goes too far
Looking around ebay but, I find it too dubious to buy something from there.
Looked around the pawn shops in my area but, no dice.
>Comfy FE threads in Yea Forums
>/feg/gots doesn't talk about their shitty little gacha game as much anymore
Can we stay like this forever?
Yeah, not happening. We've seen the timeskip map once due to bad marketing and Faerghus actually expands.
Also, Sothis talks like an old woman in Japanese. She won't be a younger version of someone else.
Black Eagles.
Reddit is absolutely seething about manaketes now. Anyone who likes a Manakete aside from Adult Nowi gets reamed by them. What the fuck happened?
I'm lancerfag, so the choice is obvious.
But I'll go with Deers as 2nd if Claude is as kike as Yea Forums memes him to be.
I hate you, and I love you despairanon.
If the price we had to pay for feh fags to fuck off was inviting actual fags bitch and moan I think I weant to go back.
I'll do them all in order. Not gonna lie though, I am looking forward to becoming Edelgard's empress consort.
Teach me your ways.
damn, that sucks. Wish you the best of luck with that water heater at least. Hopefully someone will pawn their switch or something
No they aren't?
just wait a couple of weeks until all the most diehard fans have beaten the game and are done talking about gameplay. that's when the 12 year olds come out of the woodwork spamming their shit about X character's feet or how could you possibly like character Y and the threads are dead again.
it's a cycle. the good threads unfortunately can't stick around forever. just treat it like a sand mandala and move on.
>Adult Nowi
think you mean Adult Tiki. yea if you like any of the dragon lolis you are a pedo in their eyes no matter the reason.
call me crazy but i legit think Sothis is the main girl and Edelgar isnt as good intentions as it seems, heck her outfit is red and has horn and has the biggest country of the group
>golden chads
>when their main is a fruitloop faggot and its the easiest path
>you are a pedo in their eyes no matter the reason.
not a pedo, but surely a low test faggot
>looks like a dyke
>is straight
So I guess she doesn't look like a dyke then, does she?
They all look like they're in need of a moderating influence, so I wouldn't be surprised if whoever you pick becomes the good guy while the other two go nuts.
The one that uses a LANCE. Not fan of bow users in this game. They're either hit or huge miss.
>and its the easiest path
That's Black Eagles though. According to supposed nip reviewers, when it comes to map complexity it goes:
>Golden Deers > Blue Lions >>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>> Black Eagles
Edelgard's last thoughts as she is either:
>eaten alive by rats
>tossed overboard during a battle at sea
>stabbed in the gut by a smiling MByleth
I just want to enjoy my dragon lolis in peace is that too much to ask for
>I am having...problem
>I am Black Eagle because my people fight Edelgard people in past
>My being here is sign of submission
>That I do not mind
>But in fight, my father died
>And Caspar is son of man who did it
>I just learned a few days ago, from one of Golden Deers
>Their proof was true, I know this
>Until now, I have seen Caspar as friend
>He make us smile and laugh
> I want to grasp his neck until he stop breath!
>It only fair, yes?!
>His family take away my family, so I must be repaid!
>His carefree smile now make me see red!
>His high laugh now like nails on chalkboard!
>I no know what to do teacher!
>Blood must be repaid, but if I take the payment, Edelgard not be happy...
>Empire may attack my people!
>Join another house?
>No, that is treason, empire never allow it
>Wait, I know what will work!
>On next mission, you put me and Caspar together yes?
>Then far away from others, I take revenge and blame on enemies!
>Blood is repaid and my people not suffer for it!
>Is brilliant plan, no?
>I so glad you agree to help me
>Actually professor....
>This first time I see you care about students' problems in months since arrival
>Well, I just glad I have solution now
>Thank you very much teacher!
Blue Lions easily
Thank you
Black Eagles is the only correct choice
No source but a
>My friend from Japan told me
Take it with a grain of salt.
> Hey, remember when we used to play doctor?
Their also the same people who don't like when people sexualize MHA or any anime characters that is younger then 18.
Just how flexible is this new tutoring system? Will units who don’t have a natural proficiency in a weapon have a difficult time learning it? Is there merit in focusing a unit on a weapon type they might not prefer?
>Blue lions = Conquest
>Black Eagles = Birthright
>Golden deer = Revelations
We all agree on this, right?
>Lance user > axe user >>>>>>> archer
Archers are useful, but they need to be babied until they start being decent. And I'm not fan of an archer as one of the main lords.
>ESL writefag
It's mostly "straight" women who've made up some tumblr sexuality for themselves who do that kind of shit. Most gay people I've met IRL are pretty chill.
The sub doesn't like it when you sexualize any female character. Claude is all fair though.
is Caspar the son of the dude who killed Petras father?
Holy shit you have no clue do you?
Petra is an ESL
That's why I said "supposed."
Hopefully, though I fear siding with Edelgard will lead to her not trying to conquer the whole continent back into the Empire
petra herself is esl you double nigger
Either Blue or Golden.
False. Anyone with taste wants Dimidick
So WE were Loptur all along, I see...
English Second Language
>everyone bullies Dimitri when Three Houses was first revealed
>not practically everyone wants his one eyed dick
How the fuck did you manage to find an order user
I will pick BE first because they look as the most boring house, and I want to get them out of my way as fast as possible.
Overall, Dimitri clicks with me the most because of my lance autism.
I'm iffy about Claude because I don't dig bows in FE, but I have hopes for his character the most.
>Not using the term “one eyes monster” for your shitpost.
You had one job user.
Now I'm imagining Nia in the Blue Lions
>How stupendous!
>I simply can't believe it's taken this long for him to be disposed of
>Come now professor, put that away, we can speak like civilized gentlemen
>I was to be the leader of the Alliance before he swooped in you know
>Now that he's gone, authority rests with me
>Rest assured we will surrender unconditionally to Faerghus
>Dimitri may be in a bit of a rough spot right now, but he's a good man at heart
>I've no doubt he'll be reasonable with his demands
>I likewise don't doubt Claude would've dragged us into ruin, unwilling to accept that his carefully laid plans amounted to nothing
>Though truth be told, I may have reacted similarly were you Edelgard's representative instead of Dimitri's
>The Empire is simply brutish with its defeated enemies, no?
>Before you go, I simply must apologize for all the trouble Claude put you through.
>His underhanded ambition has cost countless lives
>How fitting a schemer like him should die in open combat with no more bodies to hide behind
>You must be on your way, I understand
>I hope our future dealings are under far more pleasant circumstances
I'm more talking about ResetEra and twitter who are still triggred that characters like Shantae are 15.
damn, thanks bro!
You retarded fucking idiot. Stop repeating shit you don’t understand.
>Blue Lions route involves disposing of Edelgarde and Claude and replacing them with the more peaceful Ferdinand and Lorentz to restore justice to the continent.
How can other housefags compete?
Why bother even playing through the Black Eagles route if it seems boring to you? You can read up on what happens in the story or watch it on Youtube. That route looks to be the most boring to me as well. I can't imagine making myself play it.
That... seems totally feasible to me. The arrogant jerk that has no luck with women turns out to be the reasonable one as befitting of a true noble.
Male "Father Fucker" Byleth
Male "Mother Cucker" Byleth
Male "Getting Dirty with Daddy" Byleth
Male "The Patriarch-Pounding Professor" Byleth
Male "Below 43? Too young for me" Byleth
Male "The Homo Homewrecker" Byleth
Male "If he has a child, it's gonna get wild" Byleth
Male "If he has a son, we're gonna have some fun" Byleth
Male "If he has a daughter, that just makes him hotter" Byleth
Male "A trap is fine too" Byleth
I don't think I've seen a single yurifag/dyke legitimately upset about the lesbian options. Most I've seen is some prudes not liking that Sothis is a loli or a couple wishes for other dyke options, but they basically got the jackpot when it came to options. Like 99% of the complaints are about the homo options.
You just know they're going to pull some sonic adventure 2 shit
That's because all the bullying was good for him.
user, everything you said is the opposite of what it is.
I think it's more nobody seems happy about it. You just hear nothing. Crickets. Just an endless screeching from gays.
I don't like missing the game's content, even if I'm huge fan of it.
Ega is cute. CUTE!
Dimitri, the prime example that bullying is in fact a good thing.
>I'd hoped it wouldn't come to this
>I believed you would only do what was necessary
>I was prepared for a lot of unpleasant acts in your name
>But this...
>This goes too far Edelgard
>These are children who've already lost their parents to the war
>You would take their lives as well?
>They need not be the seeds of rebellion if you would stop torching every village in Faerghus!
>This isn't conquest of a lost territory, it's genocide!
>Wha-you WANT that?!
>You'll condemn millions to the sword for a slight that happened centuries ago?
>I won't allow this!
>We have already been wed; the empire will be stabilized under my leadership
>Your role in this war is over Edelgard
>Lay down your weapon and you can still walk away from this
>...I see
>I thought not
>I did not want to do this...
>But you leave me no choice
>I will tell them you fell to brigands capitalizing off the chaos
>That way no one has to be the scapegoat that would incite further violence
>Farewell, my love
what a fucking bro, holy fuck
thanks despairanon
>yfw it's bingo night at the monastery
Ugly hag
>can't fuck Dimitri as male Byleth
Why did /pol/tards latch onto him when he has queers in his house the only house without any queers is the Golden Chads
What about Leonie reacting after Jeralt death?
>When you pissed off your silent protagonist husband so much he actually talks back to you.
Because the said meme is Kazuhira meme and Dimitri resembles him in more ways than just one.
Byleth really is an old man
>Blonde hair
>Blue eye
>”Kill every last one of them”
>MGSV meme
>hurrr durr /pol/tards
writefag BEGONE
He only has one, but she’s from the Empire and not a native of Faerghus.
How will Byleth's supports work if he/she never talks? Will we actually get to pick dialogue options in the supports?
Yet youre going to happy romance, arent you? Youre a hippo crite user
Well aren't you a smart boy. Want a pat on the head? Maybe a treat? Goood booooy.
Metal gear memes and the fact that despite how edgy he goes he's still the most morally correct one and thus closest to being the good guy of the game.
For the same reason why that entire meme started with Kazuhira even though he's not racist!
>aryan + mad = perfect candidate for anti-left memes
It doesn't have a thing to do with a character in question, just the way he is and the way he looks. Now stop asking dumb questions, newfag.
got one for Claude
Thank you for the obligation chocolates Ms Edelgard. Could you leave them on my desk? I’m rather busy grading these papers and what not.
>It-it isn't true right?!
>Captain Jeralt's just fine isn't he?!
>Come on, he's the strongest knight in history, he can't be gone!
>He...he lives through everything without
>Oh...oh goddess...
>No no no no no no no...
>He was my idol!
>He was everything I aspired to be!
>What am I even doing here?
>I wanted to become a mercenary when I saw firsthand how incredible he was saving my village
>Even now, I'm nothing compared to him!
>If even he can be killed, then I'll die for sure!
>I-I don't want to die...
>All the money my village collected for me to come here has been wasted!
>I'VE been nothing but a waste my whole life!
>I'm sorry professor, but I...
>I just need to be alone for a while...
oh I don't play shit games so i wouldn't know sorry
>mannuela has a complex marriage
Shit i might got het for this what straight fags feel like when they homo a relationship?
It's kinda funny when you think about it.
>Recruited Sylvain remarks on being the last surviving Blue Lion
Nice one, based user
You are going to teach your cute Emperor how to swim, right?
Anyone else notice a ton of tumblr artists on Pixiv now? What's up with that?
I'm going to teach her the traditional old style way of swimming while chained up and surrounded by rats. Her prize for completing this assignment is a crest. She has no control on when she gets to stop either.
If by teaching you're referring to tossing her to drown? Then, yes.
Oh you still here? Did you have any questions about today’s lecture? I’ll be happy to cover any topics about the maneuvers we covered today.
I'll teach her the feeling of being impaled on my sword. And that's not a sexual innuendo, I'm going to literally kill her.
We need some hope to balance out all the despair
Ah makes sense. Thanks Pablo.
Jesus. Is she trying to beat Azura in terms of blandness?
oh she will learn to swim, but swim in the bodies of her comrades
I know absolutely nothing about 3H, what the fuck is peoples problem with her?
Those dislike are giving me Alm vibes for some reason.
Suddenly ... I want to murder Claude in the most painful way possible.
Salty that she's the "main" lord.
Creators pet. She’s the Azura for 3 Houses.
>Guess that's it huh?
>Goddess, I barely recognize him now
>I knew he was always dealing with some heavy stuff, but what could have pushed him this far?
>Don't feel regret for my sake teach, you did what you had to do
>In the back of my mind, I knew this was coming the minute I joined the Black Eagles
>It's just, kind of hard to grasp you know?
>My earliest memories are of the four of us playing together
>And now...I'm the only one left
>To be honest, the group hadn't really been a thing anymore even back at school
>Dimitri never really let anyone get close after what happened to his parents
>Felix cared more about his swordsmanship than friends
>And Ingrid totally absorbed in trying to be the perfect knight.
>I guess that's why I even accepted your offer to switch in the first place
>The Blue Lions didn't feel like home anymore
>I'm alright, I promise
>Bernadetta and I are real happy together!
>We can help rebuild Faer-sorry, the "Northern Territory" back to its old glory
>Don't you worry about a thing teach
>I'll always cherish the memories of my friends
>That includes you and all my buddies in the Black Eagles!
I'm just memeing because I'm going to pick Blue Lions.
Mad they can't gay marry Claude or Dimitri.
Just play female.
Honestly I thought Claude was very gay and was going edelgard because poster girl, after E3 I decided to go golden chads because of Hilda, (love serra since 7) and now that Claude is no homo, feels good to be a golden chad, will enjoy destroying those black trannies with help from the lionbros
bros...we're being watched in secret. Isn't that lewd?
Thank you user for the bitter-sweetness. Sometimes a hopespot for a better tomorrow is what we need.
Do Ashe after killing his adopted father.
Oh user im gonna and pretend im not, like always
>Resetera actually fell for that garbage-tier photoshop
Thanks for revealing your profile, you bigot
>Empire is the oldest and most prestigious of the three factions
>but has the most crestlets, and doesn't have a Major Crest, while Blue Lions and Golden Deers both have one, with Deers even having a freak with a Major and Minor Crest
Did Edelgard just cull most of the Crest people in her House or what
Fake and gay.
How do I make some
You do good work, despairanon. Can't wait to be disappointed when the actual game turns out to be nowhere near as grim.
>Yea Forums once again claims a real screenshot is fake
is there a difficulty above lunatic
Wew lad
>Ywn have Edelgard and Dorothea service you under your desk while you grade papers and then kiss-swap your cum
Yes, that's why her house has the least crests but the units with top percentile in their stat.
Only way i know to play FE
Lmao armors are gonna be pure garbage this game.
Why is plot unimportant a minus
Fire emblem awakening ruined the franchise with this anime cuckoldry
What is Genealogy
why is that?
3H will get a mode equivalent to FEH's Abyssal difficulty
Insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Only interactions will be on Sundays.
>No, you didn' didn't kill him did you...?
>No...oh Goddess NO!
>It wasn't supposed to be like this!
>I was going to talk him down, get him to see reason!
>Isn't that the whole reason they sent us out to deal with him in the first place?!
>You monster, why'd you do it?!
>Why'd you take away my only family?!
>Get off me Dimitri!
>He murdered my dad!
>It's not okay, it'll never be okay!
>I hate you, all of you!
>I though you were my friends, not a pack of killers!
>Just look at him, he doesn't even care!
>He's not even trying to make things better!
>Wait and see, he'll get all of your families killed too!
>He'll be the death of us all!
On your knees, user.
Not anime waifu cuckoldry
i dont own a phone what the fuck is that
>>Wait and see, he'll fuck all of your dads, too!
And he'll get away with it.
Here's an example.
Keep in mind that there are waves of unstoppable reinforcements and losing 1 unit means you must restart the map
>Main character’s wife literally gets kidnapped by the villain and made into his wife
Yeah, no anime cuckoldry there.
It's literally anime, made waifus a thing and the cuckoldry is basically one of the most important parts of the whole story
Perfectly reasonable reaction. But he will understand in time.
Make me, false empress.
this is Abyssal, enemies in the hardest dif have +4 stats over yours, in abyssal they get +8 plus some 99 hp most of the time, and some nasty skills, so you have to cheese them
Mercedes with Edelgard confronting her about “betraying the empire”
>Stand armor in front of group of physical enemies to tank
>Lol you are dead they all had helmsplitter
Why is the a problem when it comes to support conversations though?
Do Alois/Gilbert rejecting Byleth's advances and calling him out trying to make a move while they deal with the loss of their family
It’s about those Valentine obligation chocolate you gave me right? I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything for white day 5 years ago. I understand your frustrations, but I just want to let you know, I will always care about you.... as my student.
Thats a cute ingrid
if i buy a copy used does IS still get my money?
I'm assuming whoever originally made that image is probably a fag/fujo that's upset that the "MLM representation" isn't as good as the girls get. First, 5 > 3, that's simple math, then on top of that, gay girls get several plot important characters to represent them, gay guys get only minor side characters. Gay girls have multiple "unproblematic" options, gay guys only get the one, since age gaps are bad for some reason, I dunno.
Before I do this I want to say thanks for giving ideas for so many different characters, most I had no idea what to write
I don't do gayshit. Did Claude rejecting Manleth once and didn't like it at all, not even in the collage
I know we're married now and all, but is this really necessary?
No, unless you also get the season pass/DLC, but if you buy it from Gamestop, you're supporting Gamestop's whole wretched business model.
you can pirate switch games even on latest fw update if you switch is old enough
Yeah I get why they are mad at it being uneven but why is plot important unimportant relevant?
Punished Dimitri's wedding but, he has mental break down at the reception. Ruining his house's brief relief in war time.
Why would IS get your money from buying a copy from someone else who bought it elsewhere?
You are going to purchase my DLC to make me recruitable right Teach? Don’t forget my EXP grind and Gold farm maps. ;^)
linhardt is 16 strange how that isnt problematic to them faggots. he isn't "close" to byleths age like they say
I guess it's normal to fuck your students you meet at 16 5 years later
good thing switch is easy to hack
I love Teach!
Because some people don't want to romance one of the literally who side characters and want to romance someone who actually matters to the plot?
>Gays are pedos
Nothing new my man
>Byleth's student uniform shows off his ankles
>Empress Edelgard!
>Teacher, wait, I want to hear what she has to say
>...It's strange to be back in my homeland again, though I can't fathom why you'd ask me that
>I have committed no treason!
>I emigrated when Adrestia and Faerghus were at peace
>That attitude is exactly why I left in the first place!
>You're consumed by this "us or them" mentality
>If my family didn't dedicate every waking second to furthering the Empire's glory, we were seen as sloths at best and traitors at worst
>I couldn't bear to live like that, trapped by the crown's cruel and oppressive standards
>In Faerghus, I may have been destitute and poor, but I was free
>Free to live my life the way I wanted to
>I'm not some outlier Edelgard
>Countless Imperial citizens feel the same as I did
>The more you tighten your iron grip, the more people will slip through your fingers
>When you lose this war, and freedom and justice reign supreme, I hope you'll realize you have no one to blame but yourself.
>Waifuing someone based on plot relevance
Legitimately who does this?
I'll get it off Ebay then or Amazon if i have to, game looks fun but not a fan of the whole shenanigans with the gay stuff.
Damn, i got mine this year sadly.
i mean they could from Amazon or something for all i know.
uggo anna
Aren't a lot of the romance-able students underage when you first meet them? Funny they aren't talking about that.
Muh q/u/een
What are the odds that I can emulate this.
Weedman made switches cost nearly $700.
Wait, what direction are you talking? Pissed they put gay stuff in at all or weren't even with the men and women?
Her maps better be better than the ones in Fates, those were basically counterproductive.
Based mommy!
Are we getting a 4th route?
imagine siding with this bootleg Daenerys
Of course not they stopped caring now there's a timeskip even though you meet them and "groom" them before that.
Now they attack sothis and call you a pedo xd fbi jail even though she literally talks like a granny with her speech pattern
Is this a thing people really do? Does some one like Gregor become a bad character because he's plot unimportant
Unless you pirate, or steal the copy directly from their warehouse or something, then they've already gotten their money from the physical game since Amazon/x gamestore purchased that copy from them to resell it to interested buyers
Yes, spanish reviewer said there were up to four routes. But we still don't know if it's really Edelgard's second route or a neutral one.
Yes we dont know exactly what it is though
lolibaba is patrician tier
The fuck are you talking about? Even with tax it's only like $450 in weedland.
>uggo anna
Well now “Professor”, I guess I’ll withdraw your faculty discount from you then.
You don't need to remind me, though it feels like there's more art of Edgelord and Femlyth
Why is she holding the arrow like that
yurifags are latched onto Edelgard like a tumour. Unfortunate.
I love them all.
You disappoint me.
Nah, I've never liked her.
Well duh, she's one of the main characters, a fucking lord.
Catherine IS the BEST Fire Emblem wife! Give ME cute knight wife!
It's that or no art at all, buddy
It's not like them not being into her would somehow increase the number of Male Byleth/Edelgard art
Do one about Sothis saying good bye to Byleth while conserving her condescending personality even to the last moment.
I'll take nothing over /y/ or /u/ shit
latter, and the fact the men are gross as shit.
I'd take Rhajat 3 over that
I don't understand this reasoning, literally 90% of the cast in every Fire Emblem game is unimportant to the plot
>gayest looking leader doesn't allow fags
B&RP Claude.
I find it funny how they demonize it but are still supporting it by buying the game.
Edgelord will be eating out Femlyth's pussy in my playthrough and there's nothing you can do to stop me
What do you mean goodbye? Like, him dying? That'll only work if he's dying after mutually killing the 3 united lords, my Sothis has made it clear Byleth isn't getting out of this until she's done with him
Literally what happened
Got impregnated then miscarried after a crest experiment
I saw a rumor that its an evil route.
But I bet it's another Black Eagle route because Edel is the main waifu.
Avatars are self-insert shit. Fujos are the ones really fussing here and they're hetero women, aka they're not satisfied with any old random dudes, they want the ones with status, and noble bloodlines and money and importance, same as ever.
probably a "build your own kingdom" route
would be interesting compared to cucking it for one of your students.
Dissapearing after done everything they should have do. I don't think she's going to be around forever if Byleth survives.
She's 19 before the timeskip though.
So we all agree Byleth is the prize in Three Houses, right?
Based and SQpilled.
Catherine IS the BEST prize! (She is! She is!)
H-hot Pregnant with Byleth's kid right?
Ok, I'll wait until next thread hits like 150 posts and do that first thing. Don't want to writefag for a doomed thread
>autismo that doesn't understand how emotions work or fat landwhale with huge head is their biggest prize
I suddenly pity all three houses.
No. Hubert's.
I find it funny how you demonize the gay relationships but still support them by buying the game.
I love male Byleth. His design is great and I love his deadpan expression.
>Dislikes: Arrogant nobles, herself
Dorothea had to fuck her way to the top, and into the Academy didn't she?