Should I buy her 3rd game user? I heard the 3rd one is terrible.
Should I buy her 3rd game user? I heard the 3rd one is terrible
And which chucklefuck did you hear that from? 3rd is a masterpiece but only if you gave a shit about 1-2 and the rest of hte series
Give me the rundown on her, started chapter 1 in Zero no Kiseki and she suddenly appeared yet i know shit about her, other than that she's a filthy fucking bracer god i hate bracers so fucking much
You heard wrong, 3rd is rather different in style but it's still good and it closes up some loose ends from SC. It also has the best combat of the three games but that's not really saying much.
>Starting with Crossbell
No user i didn't start with Crossbell
I started with Coldsteel
even worse
Why do you ruin my thread with a black dick?
Calvard when?
2035, maybe
How's the localization?
Just as good as the last two, ha ha.
>woooooow I skipped half the games in the series and I don't know what's going on bugged story mechanics
Where did you get the idea that i was complaining about the story?
True, you didn't, but since you started with CS it's obvious you don't care about story anyhway
You sure love making assumptions don't you
Considering you play the story backwards it's not a far-fetched assumption to make. Why the fuck would you do that?
who is this semen demon
A mix of limited gaming options due to my fucked up PC and a freshly acquired PS3 at the time, got Coldsteel together with Atelier Shallie for my JRPG fix without looking up much about them, enjoyed what i played so naturally so i kept going regardless of the botched order. Of course today i can easily emulate any of the PSP games but i'd figure i'd still do Crossbell first since the combat is closer to Coldsteel making it a smoother transition as i go down further
>any anime girl is a semen demon
kill yourself, nigger.
Sorry, I'm just a sucker for thigh highs
The 3rd is great. Some people didn't like it all taking place in one big dungeon and reusing a lot of areas. It has some great additional character development, the best combat of the trilogy, and my personal favorite OST in the entire franchise. There are also some really great moments like Kevin's stigma reveal. If you already played FC/SC you absolutely should play it.
It's pretty good. If you're crunched for time you can just turbo mode through the dungeons. If you want to continue onto the crossbell games (the best arc) you should play it.