>Is BoTW good?
Is BoTW good?
It's okay. 7/10 it looks nice for a cartoonish 3D game, the story lacks, and some game mechanics can use refinement. It's not a very "Zelda" Zelda game. In that no dungeons, many weapons that break, open world. But yeah, it's okay. Most people on here will suck its dick or toss it in the garbage though.
it was alright but the sequel will be far better, no shrines/towers is already an improvement
Deeply flawed but probably game of the decade anyways. I'm not going to do a long write up for this thread; so, if you want a summary of its merits, feel free to watch any review. If you want a breakdown of its flaws, watch the MathewOsmosis video
>It's not a very "Zelda" Zelda game
t. zoomer who thinks Zelda means Ocarina of Time
I started with LttP, but okay
I really couldn’t get into it. Exploration didn’t feel that rewarding and there didn’t seem to be a way to tell what enemies were a threat before they one shotted you. I actually liked the weapon durability thing since breaking a weapon off in something’s ass was fun, but it did make finding new ones feel like even less of a reward.
Because "expresses interest" means "I want it to be that exactly"
this, I had so much fun with the game
This is what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping the durability system is way better and the master sword is not idiotically breakable. Even if just through a questline or some shit.
I actually liked the weapon durability, am I retarded?
I want the durability system gone.
That would be better, but I will settle for vastly improved.
I mean no I just think it was tedious and unnecessary.
>expecting they'll get rid of two extremely well received features
I always have more weapons than I need, cycling through them feels fun too, idk maybe they could do away with it
what's wrong with towers? I get the shrines tho
It ain't bad
they'll still exist mechanically but be reworked into proper ruins or whatever since the game looks like it has an underground focus this time around, tower maps will be actual physical maps instead of a download for the Sheikah slate
wasn't fond of giant neon orange/blue lines sticking up in the sky and ruining the view
That's what makes it unnecessary and tedious. At the start it is tedious and by the end you have so many of the same weapon that the whole "diverse weapons" thing loses any meaning. I'd prefer unbreakable weapons that serve a specific purpose or can damage certain enemies better than others, and couple that with a very limited inventory. Like 4 or 5 weapons max. That's how you encourage using different weapons. The Master Sword could just do decently well across the board and when received could be a handy staple of any loadout.
>If you want a breakdown of its flaws, watch the MathewOsmosis
You're joking right? He basically jerked the game off and then did a few token criticisms to try to not come off like a complete fanboy.
is the sheikah slate still around? maybe they could do away with it and have scopes and maps and physical features of it instead
Just because a game is well-received doesn't mean every single feature in it is well-received.
I'd also like to believe that Nintendo is way more honest/self-critical about their own work than hack journalists are.
it wasn't in the trailer and the one shot we get of Hyrule didn't have any Sheikah tech in it
I wanna see Nero-esque Link. Got like a magic arm and shit. Possibly a slightly older Link too since this is the same Link.
There's also the fact that you're unlikely to be running around without a full inventory of weapons so shrines that try to reward you with more weapons are just disappointing.
Fucking retards on this board
I didn't have a problem with it either. For me the problem was the lack of variety, it feels like a small amount of content stretched across a huge open world.
Its a fun game that's impossible to talk about on Yea Forums. Fun game but I'm sick of seeing the same bait threads over and over again. Its always metacritic scores and sales with these faggots. Hopefully Botw2 fixes alot of my issues with the game.
meant to (you) OP. apologies, user.
this is true, running around the map exploring while getting heaps of mediocre weapons from every chest needs to be fixed in the sequel
its a pretty standard open world game
combat is shit, theres very few enemy types
exploration feels lack luster since you only find shrines which contain 1/4 of an upgrade
but its made by nintendo so 10/10 goty
Replace shrines with caves and ancient tombs.
>cycling through them feels fun too
Shills really will say anything for this game huh?
>Replace shrines with caves and ancient tombs.
I wonder if we'll get a Zelda game at some point where the Divine Beasts are created for the first time.
are you retarded user?
>cycling through them feels fun too
>cycling through them feels fun too
>cycling through them feels fun too
that means yes for a schizo I guess
I mean I can only hope they do what I said up there about loadouts. Its a good way to get people to use different weapons. The problem is that it could still end up having a meta loadout. I'd still like it as they won't have to reward weapons at all.
the ass is good
Sorry wrong dude, meant for this user here
Ocarina is literally babys first Zelda.
Stay in school kid. Yea Forums is for adults.
that's more like TP, most zoomers don't like OOT because e-celebs complain about it
I hope they get rid of the stamina wheel too. Or at least make it so Link gets more than a few seconds of running out of it.
>t. zoomer who thinks Zelda means Ocarina of Time
yeah, every zelda game besides OOT and MM were open world
fuck you