Itt: bossfights
Itt: bossfights
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Not all of them, umbrella definitely joins your side halfway through the game.
only to get back at the guy in the tan shirt (the leader), after that he betrays you right at the end
wow that guy in the background is actually recording with a camera phone
It's Green and Orange you have to watch out for. Cane and Pipe can be talked down.
Nah umbrella seems to be more of a star scream type. Blue is the noble demon who is really friendly and only fights honorably.
they look like pimps
>ice earth wind fire
What's the element of the umbrella guy?
>WOW tattoo
Take out the blue one first. He heals anyone that goes under 20% HP. Red one will go into a frenzy mode if the green one does so keep that in mind.
Darkness, he’s the second in command who is stronger than he appears and has a secret agenda
>they dont know about the secret white one that appears at the very end
>group of 5 black gentlemen has a shadow-user but not a light-user
yo das raycis
You retards the white one is Tans secret form, he uses it when the other four are defeated
Nice facebook meme you fucking normalfag
No it’s greens secret form, see how he’s the only one wearing yellow underneath
But do they GATTAI?
>change date on console
>they die of cardiac arrest
>Beat boss with 1 hp left
>Forgot about the dog that drops out of his pants
>No time to heal
>You're not leafing here alive!
>sandwich on bathroom floor
>That outfit
Straight busta
That's not a boss fight, that's the MC.
>boss 1: red, easiest as he is the oldest
>boss 2: green, powerful but young and experienced
>boss 3: black, secretly loses on purpose
>boss 4: blue, the actual most powerful, have to lose this fight but black "saves you" at the last moment and teams up with you to defeat tan
>final 5: tan, the ring leader
>TRUE final boss: after defeating tan, black turns on you when you are most vulnerable
I got it from reddit retard
I really like the green one.
>Big Baldy and Big Nig
>Have to defeat the boss before an NPC dies, also you can accidently harm the NPC.
I always got the vibe that it's a RPG boss due to how the soldiers are lined up making them seem like the protags.
why didnt he just put the burger on top of the potato
>boss cloaks himself at the start of the battle
Psycho mantis?
Why are you posting screenshots from Ryu Ga Gotoku 6
It was unironically way funnier than "hurr boss fights irl lol! it's funny cause irl doesnt have bosses!"
>air line on the masks intake not connected to anything
>Light and Darkness
he's vulnerable to carrots and handjobs
it wasn't, you're just a cringy jojo fag
go back
everyone dies in part 6
>Mobile Suit Gundam in the setting of 08th MS Team
he’s a raider you retard
wow bro you sure showed me spoiling a series i already finished
your thread is garbage and none of the posts are funny
pucci wins at the end of part 6 thats why part 7 is the way it is
Have you even read the manga or are you a redditor animeonly?
You sound like you really need to have sex.
I agree user
Ah shit, here we go again.
>being this mad weebs have a better sense of humor than you
manga is boring as fuck and it's unironically for losers imo
Thanks for spoiling me, a completely unrelated user, for absolutely no reason.
Fuck you.
four riders of the apocalypse lol
it's weebshit, user. you should be able to figure out every single event 3 episodes ahead.
It would be narcissistic as fuck but I'd love it if Nagoshi was made into a secret boss in one of his games
>A DUD??!
Hey buddy, you got the wrong door. The leather store is two blocks down.
Based cavalo arialdo
Hes doing his part to raise birth rates.
Are you?
>Objective: Survive
>Boss has an obvious weakpoint
Why do devs do this?
>stir me up
like with a spoon?
Now I want to see some Mystery investigation game where you find out that the horse is both intelligent and the main antagonist
>boss can change gravity
I think they mean provoke him. He's weak to taunt effects.
Okay I'll make sure to not flip off fishes with big ass foreheads
> Flexile sentry
face me
tell me more about the state of skull jersey
>the early game joke bosses
>they hit Ginyu/ranger poses when the fight starts
>come back later and push your shit in
dilate normalcuck
I bet that thing only flies for 10 minutes or so
>black woman wearing a fucking bucket on her head
Are you going to cry about it faggot? Every one of you retarded JoJoniggers need to go back to wherever you came from
Probably. But hey, progress is progress.
>part 9 JoJo main villians
You have to go through all his minions to reach him
>The violence has escalated.
>boss is protected by minions
>Warglaive of Azzinoth
Fucking kekked
Red is classy as fuck
>Deacons of the Deep
After the tank is down to 10% hp the crew comes out
that fight was kinda kino
Zoomer thread, yikes.
All of them look great except green to me. I don't know what it is but I just think green's outfit is a bit too much.
>The Boss is optional, but has a piece of armor you need to craft the best gear in the game
not going to look it up but i would be $10 this is some faggotry about knife violence in uk
Huh, thats pretty impressive. She must have practiced that routine quite a bit.
What's up with that anyway? Everyone's too scared to shoot over there?
The UK Drill movement is fucking hilarious. Everyone acting tough running around with kitchen knives instead of actually doing shit.
That's so fucking cool.
posing in front of gay ass wing murals for instagram decades before it was even a thing
Thats what people told the Wright brothers when they made their first flight and now look where we are
>Worf's gay brother
Dishonorable and Fed pilled.
Why did you post President Shinra?
*throws paintball*
This is a new screen from Death Stranding?
The Cerebral Palsy Crew.
sbrverse is unrelated to 6verse
About to kill four men...
Is bright gaudy shit looked highly upon in africa? Only real decent looking set up is the tan suit man
>that scene in the capeshit movie where the hero is trying to blend in but their reflexes kick in when someone tests them and it reveals them
I'd wager she's got some sort of emitter in her hands and times turning it on/off very well with the stage-provided beam turning on/off
>final boss is mother nature
firearms are much more difficult to get a hold of than a simple knife, hence why violent crime tends to involve them.
Sick chops
>enter DLC area
>common minion enemies wreck your shit
>can't even get to the first boss
black and red suits are astonishingly well tailored. even most old gentry in england don't wear well fitting suits anymore. i'll also argue that the black suit looks really good and only just a little gauche. red suit would be better if it was a dark purple or burgundy but these guys obviously aren't striving for subtlety
Based ff4 poster
You mean reality?
Would help if I uploaded the webm with much better resolution.
How did Raimi get away with this?
>he comes up to you and asks for your wallet and all the valuables in your car afterwards
would you deny this man?
>Folding Screen Monkeys
>the mini boss with completely different mechanics from the rest of the game
you cock sucker
...wasn't that assassins creed 2?
>You've obtained the Tow Rope
>Boss is immune to both fire and water damage
>Ace Combat wingmen.jpg
how does a tree thing make so much fucking blood appear
Well yeah, doesn't stop the low iq shooters on this side.
Is London just that much more strict than the USA?
>boss uses status moves against you
>get into a room full of mooks
>oh boy looks like I'm going to fight them
>vid related
Welcome to my humble estate [CHARNAME]
To tell you the truth, I'm amazed you went this far…
*teleport behind you*
But now your all out of luck.
*boss music start playing*
the mitochondria is the power plant of the cell
>entire stage is the boss
he punched out all of his blood
It was actually funny as fuck
>having a gay furry husbando
>having a gay furry husbando from a shitty kids movie
well, you can't exactly just waltz into tesco and pick up a shotgun for £50.
they need to do actual background checks and know exactly what you need a gun for, on top of you needing a license.
most people in this country can go their whole lives without coming into contact with a real gun
also why are you singling out london?
>tfw you will never be this dedicated to someone
who the hell cares
what is this gorilla person and why does this person have so much gay porn of it stuck on their wall
Did this just turn into a cringe thread?
Damn Yea Forums you crazy.
>the ancient evil awakened
>turns out it wasn't very strong in the first place it was just sealed away because people were freaked out by it
>bloodborne: old hunters
The snake eating the dude makes me hard.
>The retired hero and MC's Uncle/adoptive father that you must defeat before leaving the starting area
Kino as fuck
character from sing, it was made around the same time as zootpia, its a shit movie
That was a normal amount of blood...?
The human body houses at least 8 pints I think. That's a whole gallon! On a bad day, you could have hypertension, and even more blood in your body! If you ever see someone with high blood pressure get cut, stare at it! People with hemoglobin inconsistencies can bleed for hours and hours, they can actually die from small wounds if left untreated! You'd be surprised how much blood you find lying around!
>Foolishness Dante... Foolishness.
oh, forgot the only thing that made me laugh
>gorilla talks like a black guy
>his father is also a gorilla
>father gorilla is in jail
he concet it to my vagiena
>animal sidekick is a bigger threat than the boss
I bet you don't even last 10 min in bed
You're right. That statue is made of confiscated knives. I'd make a joke about statues and loicences, but the absolute state of modern day UK is funny enough.
>red is the cha build
>you fight him in his news station live with hundreds of thousands of eyes on you, he can summon unique camera type enemies
>you can spare him because he's tired of working for bad guys and lying for all day, just wants to retire
>green is a two healthbars type of guy
>fight takes place in an area full of traps
>if you damage him he goes rage mode and seeks you out, can potentially fall into his own traps then
>depending on which healthbar you deplete first he lets you go peacefully or fucks you over by disabling shops or something
>tan is a wannabe leader, fights you 3 times throughout the game
>gets new tricks in his arsenal each time, like guncane, explosive hat, smoke bombs, calling in goons, splitting your team
>never lets you go, fights to the end even if you try to spare him
>blue is a super hardhitting tank
>if you hang back and deal damage over distance he uses actual fuck off magic to rain shit on you
>can be convinced to not fight, depending on your choices
>black is leader
>uses technology and tries to poison you before the fight
>also his black magic allows him to teleport around area, heal, slow down time and summon ghosts of other bosses
>can't spare him, he's literally the second most evil being in the world
>woman is the decoy octopus kind
>actual leader mastermind, not even red-blue know it tho
>watches you in various points in the game blending into the crowd or g-man style
>completely magic based, during her fight entire cities get fire rain'd and quaked
>after you defeat her she tries to go back in time and delete the entire world, but mc jumps into her causing her to delete him and herself at the beginning of the story
Keep trying hard to fit in here,I'm sure you will one day
Johnny Yong Boss
nice >:]
>I walk into the area
>I yell "You're on borrowed time, buddy"
More like pic related.
shit man, now i want a game about magic mafia
Undeniably based
>Flock off, feather-face
read the manga you useless fucking wannabes, the anime sucks fucking cock, it literally ruined tons of shit, just off the top of my head there's the ENTIRE thing about koichi's villains in part 4 being changed to small from the beginning ruining the visual aspect of his character growth
and they're never animating part 7, arguably the best part
jotaro and his daughter die at the end of part 6__________________________
The Toddganoffs
>Do you understand now?
>Do you see that the truth is they don't want to change this?
>They don't want a hero.
>They just want a martyr, a statue to raise.
Work out, get plenty of rest
You know, eat your green vegetables
Who is this guy and why is he everywhere
from what i remember. theres a scene with Monster names on a whiteboard where "SCP" employees are betting on which monsters kill the campers. and the Tree is listed as The Rape Tree.
>pucci created sbr
you retard
>instead of actually doing shit
I wouldn't go to London right now m8, there's knife deaths practically every day now
cave story... my nigga
The Wright brothers weren't the ones to invent the airplane tho, they didn't do shit
>dog has a little hat and sword too
>Hobo Chang, reconnaissance and wet work
>Professor Kangz, strategy and hand to hand combat
>Percival Button, espionage and information gathering
>Randall Shootz, runner
>Darnell Felony, book maker and kung fu master
>*click click cluck*, slave trader
>Techno Viking, vodka procurement
>Razer Ling, hacker
>game surprises you with a rhythm based fight
shave ex
Lil nig in the back there is either the protagonist, a party member or the secret boss.
ya such a fukin ho
I love it
>peace was never an option
Yes they did you dumbass BR monkey.
>Activate weapon effect
>Timestop; also activates super attack
>Single massive punch that ends the timestop and does highest single damage value in the game
the recurring tutorial boss
>the nigfinity gauntlet
>character in the background the entire game
>is the real big bad pulling the strings
what is his end goal bros
>>Techno Viking, vodka procurement
He's German though.
to kill all the bovines
the absolute state of Yea Forums humor
Already done
>the chad stride
Imagine fucking the girl in that while she wears it
Imagine orgasming inside her while those dead kawaii eyes hold your stare and you hear gentle moans under them
eugh i went to university with this faggote
>reddit thread
who said it was for him?
bitch where
Mama a minha rola, gringo obeso arrombado
>Boss is invulnerable for most of the fight
what the FUCK is her problem
Good thread thanks OP
Who among these four has the sexiest legs, what do you think?
>girl wearing it
El perro loco de Pamplona.
ha ha jojo funny :)
If he's here, then who is with Mrs. Lwaxana Troi?
This one is more like a recurring ambush bossfight throughout the game until you get the necessary weapon to vanquish this fuck
>the boss you defeated helps you to defeat the main villain
Mexican John Dorian
then hide it and move on faggot
thanks for the bump ;)
He looks like he likes men's wasteholes
Yeah well the Wright brothers didn't invent the jet engine.
>boss can counter every attack
Why did they need 4 guys to take him down
Serves him right for being a sith lord
Insert OUT, AM I here
why would you go to a porn con?
damn input-reading AI
Bosses team up to fight you
>Monsieur Shade
DSP was controlling the police.
>Smough and Smough
Riot police work like that, they form a line of shields who protect the arresting officers who drag guys back through the shield line
>waits until he looks away to strike
Typical leftist
>This and the Goblin Glider
Put it all together.
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
>forgive me master, I'm going to have to go all out.. Just this once
You always imagine who watches that cuck shit and you are proven right everytime.
>Honhon, you're approching me?
god you must have been waiting so long to be able to post this
To fight Kiryu.
>Hon hon
Okay, i smiled i little.
Berserker masterrace
Love fat joe, RIP big pun
Cliffy B.'s E3 posse from the late 90's.
Demon-possessed democrap faggot was lucky he didn't get his s o i dick sucking face smashed in.
Brilliant and underrated
>ahhh gentlemen, we've been expecting you
Need to have fun like the Boston police did in the 70's. The block off side streets and follow the mob with mounted officers on horseback. Get too close to the horses, they'll rear them back and kick you in the face, or you eat the end of their 4 foot baton. They would just herd the mob through the streets at a slow walk for the horses, and since the side streets are all blocked off they just end up moving the crowd in circles for a few hours until they were too tired to fight back, then they went in and arrested anyone that still wanted to fight.
>starting hub area
>quest requires you 5 fox pelts
>it's midgame but ok
>suddenly challenged by lv 80 fox monk
>Boston Dynamics, ca. 1900
I was thinking 'there is no way they follow up with the normalfag dilate meme' and I was proven wrong.
>"I just want to look cute for my friends."
>boss is a seductress
Watch out! If you touch the ground her dress covers, you're done for!
The Boys shouldn't really have brought the guns, but past that point it wasn't them that continued the confrontation. The dumbass who lost should have thought "oh two guys with guns, I shouldn't let this last too long let alone try to fucking brain them with a bat like the genius that I am".
There's a limit to how long a 'fight or flight' decision should take, he was a retard for refusing to give and then making it worse, and the two guys were honestly not doing anything wrong (once they'd made it clear they weren't going to use the guns without reason, bringing them out early was pretty dumb).
>tfw saw this irl
It's actually pretty kino. Too shame the Mayor of London is too much of a pussy to display it.
Jojofags are unfunny and they know it
is there a video or article explaining how it was build?
its pretty good
big F for a big nigga+
yea there's this sign next to it
>boss fight is a 2 v 1
>Second stage
>Armour starts spreading out away from his body
>Starts using it as a weapon
chrono nigger
The Give You Force
What advantage do the nets give
>enemy test chalice dungeon
Better than your brain dead moe garbage
We need...more see...
No one counts Golbez.
The tiny nets are a death sentence
special cutscene if you lose, changes depending on which one deals the final blow
>the real boss is the nigga down controlling the girl with telekinetic power.
>Nicholas Bell, the middle child
>Accomplished Gunsmith, turns any fight into a bullet-hell nightmare
>Amadeus Bell, the oldest child
>Master of Brass Style, strong in body and wizened through years of combat experience
>Joshua Bell, the youngest child
>Unconventional Tactician, a scrappy style and desire to prove himself belies a dangerous and cunning mind
>Together, they are...
>The Bell Boys!
kojima does it so why the fuck not
>boss shows up in the last act after being fatally wounded before
>Billy The Exterminator : Netflix Remake
>absolute statue of modern day UK
Rubicante, he purposely shows them off to you
Man that is funny