Why is wind magic so underrated in vidya?
Why is wind magic so underrated in vidya?
Because it's wind.
Because to really get the most out of it, you need to be more dynamic than what button inputs can allow.
what the fuck
Don't be mean, it could happen to anyone.
She can rule the world and still finish all her homework!
fuck Hussie for ruining homestuck with the shipping fangirl bullshit
it was going so strong but the fucking shipping niggers had to intervene
>game has multiple classes dedicated to one magic school
Nice stealth thread.
Threadly reminder that Spades Slick did nothing wrong.
those are just stupid
LE was definitely planned to be future jack. the story went downhill the moment hussie decided it was too obvious and derailed everything to make LE an alien skull kid.
wind magic blows
>Homestuck will never not have gone to shit after Cascade
It still hurts.
>LE was definitely planned to be future jack
How so.
What category does lightning fall under: Fire, Air, Water, a mix, or its own element?
Air because without it that element does not have enough oomph. Let's face it, air won't kill you like lightning does.
Also ice should be a part of water.
Fire also needs air... so that argument is irrelevant
a lightning's light is mostly oxygen particles breaking and it's composed by plasma, so it's more like fire than air
flame and aqua are the specialized form of fire and water, respectively
No, I don't mean need as in physically it needs air to work, I mean that air needs lightning because without lightning air is lame.
You autist.
classes doesnt mean shit.
that's completely retarded
>the average lightning nigger
not even an element, yet thinks has any right to call actual elements lame.
>void niggers
Is the artist retarded?
Lightning is Earth obviously
>Light chads
SS has everything to do with the black queen, the felt and fucking hates time travel. Several times the presence of jack in troll session has also been described by the characters as "he's already here". Fuck, SS actually does become the leader of the felt right before Collide, then just fucking dies immediately in one of the comic's most anticlimactic deaths.
How so?