Kek, jump scares are literally always complete shit and no game shou....
Kek, jump scares are literally always complete shit and no game shou
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I heard a story that the sound guys recorded a subway train screeching and scraping through a tunnel for some sounds in this game. It was just such an un-godly noise they were like we have to use this.
Dead Space was so fucking good.
it's the BART. if you've ever been on one it's so fucking loud it's almost painful
>yfw you hear one of these the first time
Couldn't run away fast enough.
Name the good jump scares in Deadspace 1
Literally the first one, then you realise that's how they spawn in levels. OP is a faggot late tard as usual.
Too bad two is infinitely better in every aspect.
>the first one
>the brute that grabs you through the wall
>all 3 drag tentacles
That's all I remember.
Am I supposed to be avoiding enemies or something? cause I run out of ammo once those black normal necromorphs appear in the morgue
will AAA devs ever take a risk such as DS1 ?
you're not supposed to be playing call of duty-style bro, conserve ammo, stomp.
wtf is 'the first one'
you have to do a shitload of stomping to kill them tho and they still swipe at you even without legs
Too bad three is infinitely worse in every aspect
>Metroid-esque sci-fi horror game that borrows heavily from RE4, released while both were at their prime in the public eye.
You don't need to stomp to kill? Just shoot two limbs off.
For slashers remember, one arm one leg then stomp. Also running IS a good strategy on higher difficulties. Another tip is to use kinesis. Pick up objects and hurl them. Pro Tip:Severed limbs are especially damaging and helps conserve ammo.
Unless you're terrible at shooting/dismemberment or playing on the hardest mode which I thino you have to beat the game to unlock, there should be no real ammo issues beyond the first level. Id the morgue is overwhelming you stasis the reanimated captain and kill the infector first or kenisis the dead bodies and break them to bits so the infector can't infect them. You should be able to handle those two. You have enough ammo to murder everything baring specific sequences of infinite spawns/gauntlet runs or infectors getting out of hand. There's a few instances of running being good against specific creatures but that's more of a puzzle fight.
So bad it ended the series.
stopped reading there faggot
If you played the game, you would know.
One drops on top of you within 60 seconds of your first objective. You do not have a gun, and you have to navigate a corridor in near darkness.
If anything EA's stupid 'All our games have to sell like Battlefields or they're not worth bothering with' attitude killed it
The slasher pulling open the door at the end of the chase? I wouldn't even call that a jump scare.
Just how bad is 3? I love the first 2 so fucking much and I'm craving more. From a gameplay/atmospheric perspective how badly does 3 shit the bed?
It adds a cover system, and building mechanic. With a focus on co-op so have fun missing out on shit without a friend.
weapon crafting is based but the rest not so much
If you really liked 1 and 2 then you should still play 3. The changes just take a lot out of it.
Weapon crafting can let you make some fun combos, but eventually get so strong your guns shred any morphs in front of you trivially
If you play it on your own, you'll be constantly reminded it was made with coop in mind.
And the plot is undermined quite a bit by the badly written drama
But its still Dead Space
Guess I'll give it a go. Just what am I missing by playing alone, though?
I've heard this as well. They also recorded a decomposing goat and used the images in the main menu, but everyone knows about that.
Come the fuck on, OP. This game was. Solid 8 or 9 out of 10, but don't kid yourself, those jump scares were predictable trash.
>end of the chase
No, we are talking about the start of the chase.
There's story beats and dialogue that you won't get without Carver around of course. Pivotal cut scenes have you meeting up and splitting up again as soon as they're over. Plus here and there you'll bump into optional sections locked off with labels that tell you they're just for coop mode where all of Carver's real character stuff is.
This is objectively true, but something about the first one's charm keeps bringing me back to it as well. Maybe it's the setting.
The forced co-op dudes story, from what I remember he just goes through what Issac did in 1 kinda seeing visions and enemies, but if you are forcing yourself at least do the dlc after.
There's no jump scare there, the scene ramps up pretty steadily right in front of your eyes
Yeah, I like the setting of being on a broken ship filled with monsters, in space.
you miss all the creepy vision stuff that clarke is no longer suffering from, the 2nd player now has all that piled onto him till the dlc when it comes back to clarke as well. that's not to say there aren't some creepy moments but the bulk of it is pushed onto player 2. there's a few moments of really great stuff where both players are in the same room but seeing things differently, makes you distrust what your coop partner says. A shame theres only a handful of these apread over a very padded campaign.
no its not, fuck off
Anyone else refuse to consider the last DLC cannon?
It's the perfect ending?
Cope and seethe; if you can't see the superficial resemblance to the Prime series, then you can't be helped.
The game is RE4 by way of Metroid and Mass Effect.
Okay moon
Name one thing dead space 1 does better.
Well, shit ending for a shit game series.
I miss when Yea Forums made OC
You don't like the idea of bad guys winning?
armopshere, horror gameplay, sound effects, narrative
Dead space 2 is a better action game, not a better Horror game. It's way more fast.
I just ignore DS3 entirely
The first game was fantastic
The second was fun but was more of an action game with a ton of set pieces and the occasional shock value moment thrown in that felt try hard (the school and the necromorphed babies)
The third game was a fucking turd that EA clearly shat out hoping to appeal to the CoD audience while forgetting the original fans
The exact pattern Mass Effect followed, funnily enough.
if you meant atmosphere you must be on something
>>horror gameplay
The scariest thing one did was introduce the divider
>>sound effects
You are stupid
Nice opinion.
I think the most telling problem with DS2 is that between DS1's 3D map and its "lol follow this blue line lmao" indicator, it decided to cut the former and embrace the latter. The level design felt like I was being dragged by the nose through an amusement park, where in DS1 it at least had the veneer of a large, explorable environment.
DS1 was Alien. A claustrophobic horror game that liked to make you jump and the monster(s) were fresh and because of that they were pretty frightening.
DS2 was Aliens. You knew the deal with the monsters by now, but at this point it was an exciting action experience instead. Still good, but for different reasons.
DS3 is just a mistake.
I should really play it. I bought it for my PC a couple months ago but haven't started it yet, probably going to do a horror games month in October and catch up.
they need more horror games like system shock 2 and F.E.A.R.
from what I remember, the red lights come on and they tell you run while the only monster you know of is on the other side of the glass. THEN as you turn to the door a Necro bursts from the wall next to it, urging you to frantically run away while more and more pop out
i liked being in more open maps with some side areas. 2 was very locked down. even basic stuff like the hydroponics deck being approachable from 2 different directions at the start was neat. The mining decks could be visited in an out of sequence order even if there was only 1 way to end the level. Medical let you pick which wing to explore first.
either use a controller or get the mod that fixes the fps/aim acceleration issues. the pc ports run fairly well otherwise. I tried playing ds1 a while back without vsync and having like 300+ fps breaks the game in random ways. animations and triggers for scripted stuff don't happen or happens way too fast and stuff dsyncs. doors wouldn't work right.
>Bigass tentacle bursts out a wall and gradually drags me back to its hole
>wait why can I aim my gun
>panic and desperately blast everything ignoring the obvious weak points and die horribly
Subverted my expectations it did
Dropped twice because of the boring setting and unsatisfying shooting, maybe one day I will finish it.
Not the same user but the game is hardly like prime, I would compare it to system shock 2
>linear level design
>not first person
>no scanning/exploration at all
>no meaningful upgrades after Stasis
The reason I compare it to Prime over System Shock is the 3D map (a superficial similarity, granted) and the fact that it lacks just about all RPG/immersive sim elements of a proper Shock title. The only similarity really is the derelict ship theme, which Prime and other IPs touch on anyway, and possibly some of the enemy designs.
I love the way he goes ERHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH when he smashes a crate with his foot. Anyone else like this?
That's why I emphasized its similarity to RE4 first and foremost, with elements inspired by Metroid.
>tfw having the force gun equipped
Fuck me.
That part in 2 where it happens again but it was actually not real was cool
Gee I wonder if they used the noises for the tram system... hmmm
such as? the space theme? lol
I think it's the fact that both lifted so liberally from Alien in their environment designs.
They actually used it when you open an airlock dumbass
It's pretty cool how much Dead Space was inspired by Resident Evil. It even followed the same progression down into the trash as 4/5/6.
W-w-will it come back with an amazing remake like Resident Evil 2 did?
For me the story end the events are pretty much the same since in both games you get ordered around by a voice to go and do things and that the story is told through audio logs and text logs, both games also have no cutscenes other than the ending. Although it doesn't have as much rpg elements as system shock 2 you can argue that the power node system is just a weak rpg element. Other than the 3d map I don't really see anything close to prime. Prime is about exploring and finding secrets to upgrade yourself. Also the progression of the game is hardly the same.
I'll concede these. I do honestly think it's more RE4 than either of these, and I'm probably only linking it to Metroid more than Shock due to me having played the former more, so it's more in my head.
Fucking Yea Forumsirgin contrarians right on cue. B-but muh Dead Space didn't use jump scares. B-but they were not jumpy. B-but they were not even good and were the worse part of the game, despite being 90% of the encounters. You niggers won't admit that Dead Space is literally the jumpiest fucking game and is kino because of it.
Kek, I always chuckle when he does that, also breaks the tension a fair bit.
>you now remember watching YOUR MOM HATES DEADSPACE 2 videos in anticipation for Deadspace 2
I'm currently playing this on PC. Are the mouse controls meant to terrible?
Even with the sensitivity turned up all the way, it's slow as hell
What weapons did you pick? First time I played the game I ran out of ammo early on because I took the shitty ass flamethrower. Line gun is way better.
>Ds3 was a mistake.
So Alien 3.
You could've followed on your comparaison.
That campaign was retarded. Were they trying to market this game to minors as a way to stick it to their parents?
Less weapons the better because regular enemiy drops only drop the ammo you are using. In DS1 don't use the pulse rifle either (But it's fucking amazing in 2)
Kill me.
>But its still Dead Space
Only until you land on the ice planet. It gets worse by the minute and the "boss" fight is the lowest point by far.
I'd actually recommend playing it in Co-Op just to get it through faster and play the extra missions.