YEAH, VIDEO GAME KINO is back on the menu bros.
Lets hope they do some game references and we get Witcher 4.
YEAH, VIDEO GAME KINO is back on the menu bros.
Lets hope they do some game references and we get Witcher 4.
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Where are all the colored people
As great and as white of an actor Henry is, he really looks nothing like geralt.
Whoever he doesn't nearly bother me as much of the poopskin mutt creatures they cast for white characters that are supposed to be beautiful.
>cant even see its cock
thats literally what everyone asked for
nobody said "duurrr lemme see a horse"
Go away with your cancerous SJW trash
That's because he isn't all scared up yet.
>not showing him on top of a house or something
missed opportunity
Nah Bruv, i'm good.
Slavs don't have any debt or responsibilities towards any race or religion on this planet, especially niggers whom they've had no history with for the past 10 000 years at least. Keep your niggerification to yourselves nu-Westerners.
we will see. Geralt was a woodblock on purpose. The scene where he gets possessed on the marriage festival is quite hilarious because he's so alive for once.
No, I meant Yen
Geralt is supposed to be a pale lanky freak, not a tanned chiseled Adonis.
Although Cavil isn’t remotely as bad as casting minorities to play Slavic roles. But it’s not ok when Hollywood is “whitewashed”. At least those characters remotely resemble their counterparts
How the fuck is fringilla black
It's a horse even netflix can't fuck that up
>horse is not a black arabian
uh oh, someone get the blue checkmarks on this, this oppression of minorities CANNOT stand
Roach is always a mare
>only character whose name rhymes with gorilla
>make her black
Is Netflix, dare I said it, based and redpilled?
wow. that real life horse looks like a bideo game horse
I'm suprised the horse isnt trans or has some kind of fucking disability
Holy shit bros horses exist I can't believe it.
You /nobooks/ fags are going to know exactly what a pestilence you are when the franchise is flooded with Yea Forumsannies.
Threadly reminder that this is an adaptation of the novel series and that the video game models aren't canon.
Geralt in the books kept his swords separate, and manually exchange them from the horse when he wants to use them.
I hate netflix so fucking much...
What will he do if he suddenly comes upon a gang of brigands when going to deal with a monster? Whistle for magic horse?
Of course Roach is the easier 'actor' to cast, just take some fucking brown horse, paint it's nose and feet with a strip of white and you got it.
Are they filming in Mexico ?
kill them with bear hands
Not video games. Witcher is a book series
Kill them with his silver sword.
>what are pogroms
Slavs are trash, as their name suggest.
He keeps his silver sword on Roach in the novels, I see no silver sword on Roach.
Silver swords affect monsters more, but it's still sharp enough to kill humans too. It's not like it stops being sharp the moment it touches human flesh.
Right there my dude.
Yikes! Chav can’t afford Netflix or something?
Based perceptive poster putting shitlords down
Wait, people pay for netflix?
Not even that, silver swords (steel core with silver coating) were used in special cases like werewolfs and some magical creatures, in most cases he uses just steel one.
>what are pogroms
Between Slavs and against Turkic and Mongol filth who genocided them first and enslaved them for centuries.
What does your uneducated statement have with niggers and other races?
my wife keeps re-subscribing
>uneducated statement
Oh the irony.
If you are too stupid to argue don't do it in the first place.
He'll punch them out.
>blaming it on a woman
is there an issue?
Trailer will be full of them say FUCK YOU to racist poles,
I thought his name was Geralt.
>arguing with retarded slavs
lol no ivan, you don't get that right. I'm just here to make fun of your shit race.
>meanwhile polish fan movie in production which will end up being better than shitflix crap
>retarded nu-Westerner trying to make fun of anyone in this age
Is it Cope that i hear there user?
Did they fix fringilla or shes still black?
>implying I'm murrican
You live in a shithole Ivan, face the truth.
>where's his beard??
i'm glad i read this in Russian, this translation reads kinda bad
You pretty much are murrican since they built your society, you've taken up their governing system, and you've taken up their burden of welcoming black and Arab people with open arms and buttcheeks. Hell, your history education is amerimutt-level so you more than qualify.
>all the villains are shitskins
What did Netflix mean by this?
Who's Dara? Or Danek? I don't even remember them from the books.
Why are Americans so obsessed with casting negroes in everything
Why not asians
Who is that Toruviel? Do she does porn? She is cute
>parries your silver sword
what a shame, your sword broke
>no beard
>one sword
Can they do anything right?
No idea, Ciri was supposed to be black at first until the major backlash
Get some better bait. This one is getting stale.
>Who's Dara? Or Danek?
Some white character that changed race, same with Istredd who is black aswell.
It's more of a race than "white" or "black"
>Ciri looks older than Yen.
He hates beards in the books.
>Yen and Geralt's lovers are black.
It wouldnt be Netflix without black-white fuckery.
Probably thugs from Renfris gang.
Oh no, it's Superman vs. the Scrotum Soldiers.
i know, i'm quoting the people who spout shit like "WHERE'S THE SCAR"
He literary only has 1 sword
Stupidest shit Ive seen.
better than dying
Okay but Istredd is a major char from Shard of Ice. But Dara and Danek don't even exist afaik
Okay that might explain it. Also, Renfri is really hot.
It's time to strap in nigga, the show ain't even started yet.
Well most people are unhappy with the casting and replacing slavic character by black people for no reason. The armors and such is also a mess so who knows how this turns out really, but im 100% sure that every single jurno will black it on racism and such
>horse is brown
I think they nailed calanthe, renfri and cahir at least
this ninja's armor made out of garbage bags??
Why the fuck did they make them look like LotR orcs?
Didn't they have a close relationship with some African country at some point.
Holy shit guys get a load of eagle eyes over here
I have no idea.
I guess that I just don't get the artistic vision of the diverse and multicultural team over yonder at Netflix.
u wot
slavs fought shitskins but that's about it
Can’t wait to play Witcher 3 at 540p and 13fps on my cucktendo shitch.
>c-cmon roach....
holy fuck wtf
where is the silver sword
>netflix show is turning out to be crappy for the most part
>not much of a surprise though
>CD project is bowing down to china
>They are now censoring their games and gwent card due to china
and where's the beard?
he carries the silver sword on the mare you fucking retarded nigger
No one cares what they do in the Chinese version of the game, though. As long as it doesn't become a universal change.
Nope. First social contact between Slavs and blacks is South Slavs as Byzantine vassals being allied with Ethiopians and warring against invading Abbasids who enslaved blacks. Second contact is being enslaved under Ottomans alongside blacks. First political/nation level contact is 20th century with Soviet Slavs training and arming blacks against the West and Yugoslavs training and arming blacks to retain sovereignty as unaligned entities during the Cold War.
We could have had Geralt slaying monsters and fucking bitches (not necessarily in that order), with a proper cast but no, that would be too easy.
Isnt Roach just whatever horse Geralt has at the moment
>nigger- and sandniggerwashing slavs
>he really looks nothing like geralt
you can thank greedy jews at cdpr for that. Netflix cast him based on the most popular entry in the series - W3 where they made Geralt look like a buff macho man to appear to the broad audience of amerimutts
>As long as it doesn't become a universal change.
This was a global change user, thats why everybody is upset.
>slavic dude named "Danek"
>it's a black guy
netflix pls...
yes but i doubt it'll like that on the show, having to get multiple horses is expensive
Not any more.
That would be too expensive. All the budget went into costumes.
Maybe they can shorten it into "Dank".
Best shit was when they cast white bald woman in Doctor Strange instead some asian guy like in the comics because racial stereotypes. Literally fucking what.
A horrible thought just occurred to me.
If those are Nilfgaardian armors, how bad will they fuck up the visual aspect of the Wild Hunt?
>implying pogroms didn't happen literally everywhere (((they))) lived
>also implying they are a bad thing
That's what Blizzard doing retard, Gwent cards in Europe looks the same as before.
I couldn't give a fuck about the color of the actors skins, the main issue for me is that the actresses for Yen and Triss seem way too young, they always seemed to be in their late 30s early 40s, but I might be wrong since it's been a while since I read the books. And also Cavill's makeup doesn't make him look like a guy who lives on the road which is something the game sucessfully rendered, while still keeping him handsome.
I heard Renfri's actress has been replaced because a bunch of reshoots were going to conflict with the filming of the next series of The Last Kingdom.
It's probably for the best, Millie Brady is too good for this shit
The Wild Hunt may not even be a thing in this season yet.
You think there will be more than one season?
>they're too embarassed to show off any other character
Netflix always plans out multiple seasons
Even if its offensively poor at least two seasons will happen
> A women
Just about the iq i would expect from a raceposter
looks too chad
so this will be a huge flop, right?
>Still no Silver sword hanging from Roach
>Why not asians
They're already everywhere you utter yellow fever faggot
They did that because the master in the comics was a Tibetan monk?
Ching Chongs don't like that.
I don't think there is any objective way to tell with Netflix, since they do not release stats.
I guess that the media and blue checkmark brigade will love it, like they loved Sense8, from the tranny brothers.
Lada Lumos is the cosplayer.
Imagine being that your name, kek.
It's a normal slavic name, what's the problem, mate? Anyway, here's the link.
It's a name of a classic , you fagget.
>It's a normal slavic name
I know, but if I had that name I'm gonna go crazy people making fun of me.
Oh for fuck's sake.
Some people have no respect.
>b-but Americans!
Henry Cavil can not play the character of Geralt.
He has the range to be hunky fantasy man that twat-burgers will lust after, and that will attract viewers.
But the man is basically the Modern-day equivalent of Kevin Sorbo and the suspension of disbelief required when characters scream "Freak" at him would be quite large.
He doesn't even have a big gnarly scar or cat eyes.
I feel they need to make him an anti-hero and they will absolutely shit all over that idea and make him a hero.
The first thing the writers probably did is sit down and go
>Lets throw this polish bullshit in the trash and try to make a Game of Thrones fanfic about Jon Snow going off on a heroic adventure.
His whole name is Ser Danek Memmes the Redditeur, don't dab on him
I honestly remember reading that Netflix straight up ordered two season from the get-go
So it's two seasons of shitposting minimum.
well fuck
>americans want to see big strong white men
Based i guess
God, i want to go back before release of the first game. Middle Europe only witcher cons etc... Even post first game was fine, it all went to shit when they started marketing Witcher 2 to west.
Countries that didnt have colonies or slaves just get forced into the same bullshit if they happen to have a population with white skin.
And netflix has been spreading its poz to everything these last few years so its not surprising at all
I remember waiting in line to get the first game on a CD. There was a queue around the block, all waiting to get into that one tiny store that sold only games and music on CDs and tapes. We got tiny copper Witcher's amulets with every CD as a gift.
It was raining and I was happy and young.
>did not play gwent in years
>decided to check it out
>all cards and decks i liked are gone and changed beyong recognition
>nobody even seems to be playing it anymore
What happened?
Yeah, it was promoted really hard in local game magazines.
>choosing all the wrong references to make the characters more dark
>just get forced into the same bullshit
Visegrad Group exists for a reason as do other federations. nu-Westerners can only try pushing their white guilt dogshit in fictional and entertainment products, but if they try to export their dogshit into our regions they get a big fat middle finger since historical and cultural differences are an indestructible wall.
Before posting do a 3 min research
Right? Game magazines? I remember that. That used to be a thing. I remember there was one magazine, it had a monthly short story section and they'd publish these amazing stories about a group of professional freelance beta-testers working in a futuristic setting, breaking full immersion virtual reality games. I loved that series as a kid.
Now I work as a head QA in a vidya company and I wish I was dead.
>be a Witcher
>ride a gayass horse
>not some placated half-bull half-bear monster with armor and spikes adorning it
The author is a hack.
Looks nice.
>you begged
Holy fuck, do these niggers dont evne know basic marketing language?
Fuck off with your dumb anime/manga shit
>literally be superhuman
>have the ability to placate monsters as your battle support
>don't utilize it
>excuse: anime/manga
Your IQ just dropped 200 points into negative.
>triss is black
>yennifer is Indian
>nilfgaardian armor was made to look like a penis glans helmet with scrotum armor
I’m going to say no thanks and cancel my subscription
>sjw trash
>another garbage netflix series
fuck off shill
>yes let's make yen someone who looks 15 that also happens to be of a really different skin color hmm good choice
Henry Cavill is unironically too handsome for the role and ciri needs a better makeup artist because she looks older than both
> this Ciri
> muh dick
if this also manages to piss of all the pathetic /pol/fags out there at the same time this will be the greatest
>Owned by the west economically
>Owned by the US militarily because muh Russia
Yeah, we'll see how long that will last. Good luck though, even you guys don't deserve what's coming.
>white hair
Into the trash it goes.
> he really looks nothing like geralt.
no depiction of geralt really looks like he is described.
> imagine letting the existence of non-whites trigger you 24/7 every day of your life
that must be such a miserable existence. i almost feel sorry for you
>mfw both The Witcher and His Dark Materials will be ruined by diversity casting.
I suppose in a way it's a nice way of knowing not to care, it just reveals that whoever's making the show is either clueless or has no respect for the material, which means they won't give a shit about anything else, either. It's like a big sign post telling you the show will suck dick in more areas than one. They only recently revealed they've cast a tall actress to play Moraine in WoT, despite her short height being relevant to her character, which is all the information you need to know it's going to be a fucking disaster.
Meanwhile you see something like Chernobyl or Dark with accurate casting and you know they have to be worth a try, because whoever's in charge is actually making something for the purposes of artistic value. Turns out they're both great, what a shock.
It's such a fucking shame, though. So many squandered opportunities for good adaptations, all they had to do was be made 8 years ago or not placed in the hands of entire teams of creative staff who don't have a single quality work on their collective resume.
>Owned by the west economically
Is that why half of Western and Central Europe is being bought up by Russian oligarchs and other Slavs? We bring Western money out of Western countries and into our own, even if you stopped with the gibs we can figure it out perfectly fine as we already have throughout history. In fact i'd like the West to stop sending gibs so people here can finally focus on self-determination and local development.
>Owned by the US militarily because muh Russia
USA's military projection has considerably weakened in the past 20 years. They are less and less active in foreign lands. Some Slavic nations asked for them to come as a military presence, they didn't force it.
>Good luck though, even you guys don't deserve what's coming.
Pic related.
When it comes to Slavs warring among themselves I don't give a fuck so long as it's Slavs remaining as a result.
When it comes to the nu-West trying to push its white guilt and SJW politics with regards to black people and Muslims, our history and culture is a total barrier on all fronts.
USA only managed its cultural dickering with Estonia for whatever fucking reason, and Finland to an extent.
>accurate casting
Forgot the woman scientist user?
My favorite was The Knick featuring a black doctor.
>placing a character who didn't exist in history makes historical sense
These dumbfaggots sure went out of their way, ironically in tandem with the Soviet way of covering up the disaster, to justify their fucking diversity quota which requires them to bullshit select social groups into material.
Thanks for the entertainment user.
Are the witcher games' stories directly intertwined? As in, does 3 take after 2 take after 1?
yes but the 1st one is sorta soft-retconned, its never mentioned again in 2 or 3
He's so handsome
Yes, they're technically direct sequels but desu they're mostly standalone experiences.
this is not true, both games make direct references to events from the first game but the story of 1 doesn't have anything to do with 2 and 3s story.
Ah. I apparently got 1 at some point on gog, and was thinking about picking up 2 and 3 eventually, been looking for a new RPG to play. Is 1 worth playing then evne if it has no real relevance?
No, every game had different writers.
As another user already pointed out, stick to your chinese cartoons weeb.
No hay problema amigo.
Hell yes 1 is worth playing, the atmosphere of that game is impeccable and writing is very good too even if it's mostly from the books. Witcher 1's OST is also probably my favorite of all time.
It's true though.
When it comes to racial politics and the Church of Privilege and Guilt, 2/3rds of Europe with all the Slavs included are detached from the retardation going on in the nu-West. We don't feel shit towards it because we are historically detached from it. Militarily, the nu-West is more likely to war among itself than to attack Slavs anymore, and Slavs will just stand by on the side and observe the entertainment this time. The only problem we face now is expunging whatever Muslims and their invading colonist rapechildren remain in our regions, and there's 4 billion of us all over Eurasia and Africa slowly working towards that goal now since that's how many people Muslims savaged and attacked throughout history, and of course the Chinese problem. Putin isn't helping with the Muslim problem, he still plays a dual-politics with them without any coherency apparent.
The West is not in our eyes anymore beyond extracting economic benefits.
Not video games, you fucking mong.
I am playing Blood and Wine at the moment and I saw that only 25% started the DLC.
My contempt for gamers continues unabated.
This is quintessential vidya nigga.
Bruh the regular game is like 100+ hours
I personally got to the point where I have to look for Vernon, took a break, and didn't come back. Not because I was bored, but because shit man that game is long. I wanted to play something else and just never went back.
>even the horse is a nigger
Pretty sure Roach is canonically a white mare in the books.
I love Netflix too.
Damn, user. Good shit.
>shitty books
>shitty game
>shitty netflix
>shitty actor
This will be, I daresay, most shitty.
>all those episodes
>only a few of them were good
A shame.
You forgot shitskins.
Nope. I'm simply not a dumb racist.
I think that LD&R was still head and shoulders above the usual Netflix fare. Even with basedboy writes like Scalzi.
I would watch the shit out of Secret War series.
So you're a smart racist then.
Nothing racist about skin having the color of doodoo, unless you want to say nature is racist in which case you can only be intelligent by being so.
No such thing, dumbo.
Don't reply to me, racist.
>taken their government system
France is not American.
Let's ask Vietnam for a statement on that claim.
How are you able to spot things like this?
It's just easier to censor the images than to appeal to the commitee.
what was her motivation for this scene
>non-whites in medieval Poland
Americans believe that there were black people over here in medieval europe user, i wouldnt waste my time with him.
>Americans believe
Did I wake up in some bizzaro world where all this social justice bullshit didn't crawl out of a gutter in europe?
Unsurprising since Americans get most of their knowledge from the media.
*knock knock knock*
if that bizarro world is called "planet earth" then yes
>Third-wave feminism is an iteration of the feminist movement that began in the early 1990s United States
>third-wave feminists embraced individualism and diversity and sought to redefine what it meant to be a feminist.
>The third wave saw the emergence of new feminist currents and theories, such as intersectionality, sex positivity, vegetarian ecofeminism, transfeminism, and postmodern feminism.
I miss Eccleston and Tennant
At least they were fun to watch and writing, while still shit, was better
Yes, feminism is a product of marxism, where did marxism come from again? Hmm, we're also dealing with Antifa, where did Antifa come from again?
>one sword
Is the two swords a game addition?
Whites are truly cucked
Yes and no
He has two swords but he keeps the one he's not using on his horse, in its sheath
You can see the pommel of the second sword in that pic too.
W1 seemed decently accurate.
He usually kept the silver sword on roach innit? Good chance it's on the other side of the saddle, or since he's fairly unscarred this is an early scene.
Just saying there's plenty of other shit to be mad about without needing to shit your pants over something that could easily just not be shown yet.
You're gonna live long enough to see every single white character in media blackwashed and you're gonna be trained to love it.
It's a horse, nice!
They are coming for you for exactly this reason.
>imagine letting the existence of anons who let the existence of non-whites trigger them trigger you 24/7 every day of your life
chill out dude. it's just the internet. it's not serious business.
It's called clown world for a reason. Everything is inverted.
From the moment I heard this was in development at Netflix, I KNEW that Istredd would be black. That's what happens when you have white leftist American women responsible for the writing, because god forbid black men are something other than sex objects. Making Fringilla, Triss, and Yen not white though, that's bold.
It's called clown world because progressives are doing the dumbest shit and it's being paraded around like it's the gospel.
"They" will get thrown into the same ditch where Nazis were thrown in because in Eastern Europe and every other ex-Commie country, since the 90's, it is taken as common sense that Communists and Nazis should share the same ditch where they can hug each other's corpses.
but it was entirely the guy who made the books was pissed at them and sold the rest of the series rights to Netflix to kill it
Hollywood isn't America. But yeah, they ignore Asians in particular in casting except when it's to appeal to the Chinese market in big budget action films; even then there are limits - Steve Yeun in The Walking Dead is the first major (possibly first ever) time an Asian man has sex with a white woman on screen on a Western production. And don't forget latinos, they're relegated to sassy girlfriend and male comic relief, or partner or friend to the lead police officer/agent.
Hollywood is basically trying to virtue signal, and it rings as hollow and exploitative (and ultimately showcasing their own racism) as it ever has.
Pretty much every movie and television show is some diversity multiculti pandering garbage. Even pic related is cucked as fuck. Every single white person in the movie is either a drunkard, inbred, literally retarded, a hick, a pervert, or just plain stupid. Meanwhile the main character effortlessly outsmarts everyone like a Loony Tunes character and makes every white character look even dumber. But people think it's based or some shit because he gets called a nigger sometimes.
They are patient. Most of the United States was similar in sentiment to you at one point.
Die in a fire if you think that's the reason people love Blazing Saddles.
The only ones screeching for a revolution in the US are the communists who fucked it up in the first place.
False Equivalence.
United States didn't directly experience Applied Communism for 40 years and longer where it had full power and its ugly face reared up. An organism can only develop antibodies after surviving direct infection with a virus.
It's precisely a result of being patient with Communist excuses for decades that we learned we should never have been patient in the first place with a Commie opening their mouth. Now they can live out their ideas with the worms.
I didn't say that's why people love the movie. They love it because it's funny. I said people think it's based or redpilled or whatever gay internet term you want to use to mean "not leftist propaganda" because they say nigger 67 times in it.
You're probably American so that's why you misunderstood me.
Yes and it only took hundreds of millions of deaths
>With San Diego Comic Con looming on the horizon and more and more images being ebbed out into the world of Netflix’s The Witcher it is fair to say that anticipation is bubbling away nicely like a cauldron of Tawny Owl potion however with the buzz also comes a shadow of doubt especially amidst rumours that no one is happy with what they have already filmed.
>The test footage of Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia released back in October last year was met with, let’s say a ‘mixed’ reaction. Most of the negative feedback revolves around Cavill’s looks so I won’t go into them here as they can be dismissed as fans not being able to reconcile the character they can picture in their head with the real world interpretation but what I will say is - that’s a bad wig. Luckily for us, though this was just a test shoot in the early days of pre-production, now around nine months later surely the creative team have ironed out the kinks … surely.
>Well, all reports suggest that dodgy wigs are the least of The Witcher’s problems. The footage that will eventually make up the first episode has been shot but putting it together into a story has proven near impossible, a source from Netflix told ScreenCrunch that four different directors have been brought in to try their hand at slaying the beast. It has even gotten to the point where certain ‘Super’-stars are directly contacting the certain departments such as the editors to try and rope together a passable viewing experience. We won’t mention who but it shouldn’t be an impossible mission to figure out.
>>The first episode of any series is a total minefield, especially when taking on beloved source material and with the added pressure that a project like this that could be the next “Game of Thrones” we are worried that they are trying too hard to appease the wrong people. GoT wasn’t a hit until it was, the books existed in dark corners of nerdy bedrooms before becoming so mainstream your mum is a fan. (Just to be clear that is not intended as an urban diss). The Witcher already has a solid fan base and whilst appealing to fan bases and bowing to their demands isn’t a sure-fire way to make a great story (we’re looking at you Sonic movie) it would be wise to get the fans on board and allow a more casual audience to join in the monster hunting in their own time.
The issue with the sonic movie is they didn't pay attention t fans at all.
>sonic's arms are blue
easiest way to tell they don't care about the fans of the series at all.
he loses silver sword pretty quickly in the books
he doesnt care, as he doesnt want to be witcher any more anyway
It would never have been able to last for over 4 decades on papers if it didn't nationalize the immense land and capital left by the deceased from the great war which served as a sustenance treasury. The more dead the more wealth to take into the treasury to play off as economic progress on papers, that's every Communist regime in history.
Why are mares so god damn sexy?
actually for the majority of the saga geralt doesn't have a silver sword at all, at one point in the baptism of fire geralt decides that his group should take a detour because they might encounter rare monsters that need to be dealt with by silver
It's amazing that people expected quality after this
Your children might think differently, hell youths in Japan don't even know what a swastika means anymore
Everyone in that game was fuckugly so I doubt it was a deliberate choice.
Netflix has nothing to do with that. Henry Calvill had to have his moustache by contract during M:I movie and Warner bros wanted to do reshoots because they hired Joss Whedon to make the movie more marvel type.
sounds accurate for a slav universe
>dude the communists made us invade half the planet and take out foreign loans to fund every single overseas expenditure that resulted in a 14 figure debt that continues to grow as i type this
should I mod witcher 1 with combat rebalance or nah?
>Your children might think differently
They won't. History books and documentation will always exist now.
>hell youths in Japan don't even know what a swastika means anymore
Last I remember Buddhism was still very relevant in Japan in combination with Shinto. It's hard for Asians to forget what the Swastika has meant to them for 3000 years and more because of a 2 decades old European regime which Westerners are eager to reward with the cultural appropriation over the symbol. Clockwise is used by plenty of ancient Buddhist sects just to throw the direction meme out of the way.
if you played it before on vanilla then sure, doesn't make a huge difference though
Yeah just go ahead and start lobbying for your military spending to be more than a third world country any time there. It's not our faults we have to police the world when you guys are spending all your money of african aliens
no amount of mods will make tw1 combat "good"
it's a story based series, treat it as one
Japanese kids aren't being educated about WW2, that's what I was saying smartass
>It's not our faults we have to police the world
uhh, remind me who stirs shit in the middle east?
who killed gaddafi? because it sure as shit wasnt the swedes
just trying to make the game the best experience it can be.
Meh, let them battle it out with the Sinobugs and Coreadogs if they are so eager. Their younger generation is so fucking placated and soi'd that it doesn't make a difference whether they are taught or not.
>Slavs don't have any debt or responsibilities towards any race
You spent centuries fucking with Central Asians/Siberians. During your commie years Kazakhs were forcefully moved to other parts of the Union and until the collapse were a minority in their own country.
>uhh, remind me who stirs shit in the middle east?
You remember when the UK forced Eisenhower to destabilize the middle east because they wanted oil?
I diregard any faggot that says this shit, your opinion isn't even worth hearing out.
>You spent centuries fucking with Central Asians/Siberians.
Correction for you there ignoramus.
Central Asians, mainly Turkic and Mongol alliance, has been fucking with Slavs for over a millennia. It wasn't the Slavs who invaded Siberia and Central Asia first, it wast the Mongols and 3 big Turkic tribes who pulled the firs knife and inflicted over 240 million casualties all across Eurasia which includes the spread of the Black Plague in the equation with Crimea as an example where Mongols utilized one of the first instances of biological warfare by using catapults to throw infected bodies into cities and help its spread.
Kazakhs can only blame their fucking eager alliance with the Mongols as well as adopting the invading Muslim religion for their treatment, reparation one might say.
So again, you have no argument.
is it still britbongs in 2019?
are britbongs stirring shit with Iran right now?
>Hey big brother, c... can you please attack these people... they're hurting our profits
>Big BRO! We need you over here, these gys are totally bad and you should kill them!
>Yeah we kinda took over this area and these people are captialist now we swear, well the communists are coming and we don't want to deal with it anymore, can you kill them for us?
god anglos are such faggots
Something looks off about him. Like the costume/wig are cheap. Maybe it's because his facial hair folicles are obviously not white, so his white hair looks super fake.
It's just an extremely cheap budget show.
Haha no i'm gonna say NIGGER all i want
Yeah but, superman?
They surely could have found someone more fitting
This. I bet most of the budget went into the animation of monsters. I wonder what kind of fucked up cgi quality we'll see.
>Picture of horse
perception 10
cutie marilka
Ameryka była, jest i będzie błędem. Nie szanuje.
>Give pajeet purple contacts
>Yep that seems good
Who fucking did this? NOT MY YEN
>netflix original series
but it's not netflix original, it's not a netflix original at all.
Netflix is at that point in its life that any and all new content has to be shoved in your face. They haven't seen much growth in the last year
which episodes?
Where are the women of color? Where is the horse cock?
Here's your first look at Yen
gonna need a download link
That horrible tat ruins it.
The Witcher 3 is dog shit. It has a gay ass predictable story with a combat system that is bland and repetitive and an alchemy system that is incredibly boring to use. The game just is not fun to play
>those saggy tits
Very good catch Anonymous, proud of you.
I hope that post improved your sense of self-worth.
You mean Haiti.
I daree u TO show me How's geralt is supposed TO look
>Not african
you just know she has a bunch of tramp stamps that she hides from geralt with magic
Henry looks so fucking stupid as Geralt.
Why are you posting a washed up coal burner?
dont talk about yen like that
>Kazakhs can only blame their fucking eager alliance with the Mongols
They were conquered just like everyone else you dipshit. Even your revered Alexander Nevsky became a blood brother to the Khan and slaughtered his own people for them.
>says slavs dont associate themselves with other races
>points out NIGGERS specifically
Good one white American boy. Stop LARPing you're shit at it.
SJW Witcher.
i mean reality kind of speaks against you since they chose money and allowed jewflix to do this show. the reproduction of capital erodes ethnocentrism.
Why does Geralt look nothing like Geralt?
>Nah Bruv, i'm good.
yeah true. You too busy trying to keep up with your TV license monthly payments to worry about Netflix.
Go away
He should be scared up from the start due to the side effects of following the witcher ritual. But you wouldn't know this unless you read the books, which the producers clearly haven't
This fucking user gots it
they did it because it was either that or get the film banned in China, and capeshit makes tons of money there, so they just cast that chick
can a black guy be "pale"?
>>triss is black
holy shit you're joking right?....right?
>Geralt is supposed to be a pale lanky freak, not a tanned chiseled Adonis.
He was only pale lanky freak when he was using his potions.
Geralt was fucking attractive to lots of females even in books.
>Isnt Roach just whatever horse Geralt has at the moment
Yes and Dandelion even mentions that the last Roach was a different breed and the new one looks better. Geralt tells him that he calls all his horses "Roach".
why so many niggers?
>triss actor is hot but not triss
thats your logic fuckwit
But marxism and antifa did come from europe
roach sucks
and humanity came from africa what are you saying
If you read the reply chain a europoor tried to blame Socialism on the US.
good on him
>using europoor or americuck
nice tribalism
will be guttertrash full of niggers
actually it came from the sea famalam
But that's not even true
true you got me i must concede
Fight your own wars and maybe I wont call you what you are.
you do you americunts like shoving niggers in every story that doesnt include them?
are guys that cucked?
that's the stirrup retard
im certainly not European big boi
Do you think I care? That just makes you a nigger or some nigger derivative.
again, no
try to guess where this whitey comes from
>not european
An alternate universe?
nice effort
Must be a bitch trying to find a specific color/breed of horse for tv/movies if it isn't all white or all black
is that a fucking poo in loo
Yup, gotta get those curry bux
why is burguerland so cucked?
niggers don't fit the setting and shoehorning them in for the sake of your political agenda is racist
Just look at who's making (a bunch of fucking literally whos) the show, they're throwing money at it and hoping it will stick because of the name.
>all white characters in modern media gets replaced with shitskins
>Mulan live action movie coming out
>100% chinese actors
how the fuck do they keep getting away with it
Breakaway civilization, I hope you're ready for the boogaloo
>Fringilla Nigo
>Triss Meribrown
As time wears on the 'out of africa' theory gets increasingly less likely.
If it weren't for the current political climate where you have to be as anti-white as possible, it would already be the case that the out of africa theory is completely discarded. The evidence simply doesn't support it anymore.
>Not Fringorilla Niggo
It's literally the opposite. CDPR went full retard with TW3, yet Netflix somehow managed it somewhat fine. So it makes TW3fags whine it's not muh buff bearded man.
what the fuck were they thinking? These are literally the only 3 women that matter besides Ciri, and they fucked it up
>Netflix somehow managed it somewhat fine
>added niggers to replace white characters
They're anti-white racists; that is what they were thinking.
I'm fucking talking about Geralt and literally nothing else.
I'd stirrup Roach's insides if you catch what I'm trying to explain to you in this post.
>Netflix somehow managed it somewhat fine
>TW1 NPCs mention Geralt as an ugly fucker
>Books claim he's an ugly fucker
>Cast a turbochad because TW3 made him into grandaddy husbando
Niggerflix fucked up too.
>"The worst monsters are the ones we create" - Netflix
Pretty on the nose.
Where are you going to get an ugly but not absolutely repulsive actor who can also actually act?
Far from perfect but not terrible. Shame about everything else they're doing.
He doesn't look much like a "turbochad" to me, can't say I'm an expert at that though.
Can't wait for them to ruin all racial subtleties with the non-humans and hamfist their political views because they're more interested in creating propaganda than telling an actual story.
I fully expect to see:
>humans (only ever white) being racist to elves/dwarves/whatever (mostly cast as mixed/brown people) for literally no reason but because lmao white people are racist.
>Books claim he's an ugly fucker
no it didnt. the only one in the books who calls geralt ugly is himself at one point, and thats because he is a sulky bitch
i wanna see him fuck the black chicks
black queens dominate white "men" in bed and its fucking hot
>Where are you going to get an ugly but not absolutely repulsive actor who can also actually act?
Are you retarded? The acting industry is full of far less traditionally handsome actors than Cavil that can act.
lmao europoor
>they do a better job at casting a horse that looks like Roach than they do with some of the main and supporting characters
>mass bans rolling out for racism
better watch out, we've got a new safe space inbound
Well, if you say so. Again, I'm certainly not an expert. Looks average to me.
Regardless, still better than the fucking TW3 one. Or that Mads Mikkelsen's cosplay that retards actually consider good.
Daniel Craig's an ugly motherfucker and he can act.
Both look much better than Cavill, you just have shit taste.
...Did you think it was subtle in the games?
>Both look much better than Cavill
You mean closer to the image you have in your head inspired by the third game. Which is in no way better.
This post was written by a scribble of a person.