What game are you playing, user? Are you having fun?
What game are you playing, user? Are you having fun?
>What game are you playing, user?
None. Too depressed to play anything.
>Are you having fun?
No. Like I said, depressed.
What's wrong, user?
Everything, basically. My room is starting to feel like the walls are closing in on me, but there's nothing for me outside it either. Trying to motivate myself to stick to a diet, but having trouble figuring out why the hell I should bother. It just seems pointless to do anything at all. I feel like I don't belong in this world and will never feel right here. Maybe I'll go over to /x/ and see about traveling to another dimension or something, because I just don't see the point of Earth.
Thanks for talking to me, though. I appreciate the concern.
Same here. Tried playing some Mario Maker 2 levels and building courses, but I was not having fun and that "distraction" only lasted 30 minutes. Time for a depression nap.
Everyone needs someone to talk too. It can be hard to find a point in doing things but in the end you're the one who has to find it. Getting on a diet can be helpful for improving your mindset, so even if you don't see a point in it initially you could still try it out. It all depends on you though.
cities skylines for maximum comfy points
I wish I could get into city builders. Late level always gives me paranoia
> What game are you playing, user?
Considering leaving my gf of 4 years.
> Are you having fun?
I hope you are able to get out of your slump user I love you
Slay the Spire
I'm too brainlet to make progress in the early ascensions.
do a flip faggot
Finishing the Stronghold military campaign, comfy as fuck
How is that video games? When the car mechanic asks you what’s wrong do you say you’re hungry?
I started playing ToonTown and PSO with some friends I used to play with before I had to start focusing on college.
I'm having fun with both, but the discord for ToonTown is full of people who talk more about gender and sexuality more than the actual game, so we ended up leaving it and now just play on ephinea more often.
Im having a lot more fun with the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer than I expected. I also didnt think id be able to find a match on my old ass PS3
I never understood why people identify as “trans” considering the fact most complain about people dead-making them. If they trans, shouldn’t they’re solely identify themselves as the new gender and dismiss the old gender completely? Which just brings out the argument of why do they want trans characters? If they’re mtf shouldn’t they play as female? If they’re ftm shouldn’t they play as male?
I got the DLCs for Borderlands TPS and I recently finished a Doppleganger playthrough. Currently I'm doing a Bareness playthrough and I'm attempting to get every challenge, especially those you can only do once during the story.
I'm sure anyone here would shit on me for playing it, but I'm still enjoying myself.
I wouldn't make fun of someone having so much fun, good for you. I can only muster that energy for games from my fav series these days.
>What game are you playing, user?
Hollow Knight and Caves of Qud.
>Are you having fun?
Considering the circumstances, sure. My life is kind of going to shit but CoQ is so fucking good.
I'm just a bit bothered by the fact that they did things like officially make the main NPC of the game Pansexual and they plan on adding LGBT cosmetics to the game like shirts with the flag patterns on it. Why would things like that matter in a kids game about cartoon animals throwing pies at robots? Seriously, I do not see the point in this.
>I never understood why people identify as “trans” considering the fact most complain about people dead-making them. If they trans, shouldn’t they’re solely identify themselves as the new gender and dismiss the old gender completely?
I have trouble understanding that myself. I can understand thinking you're supposed to be the other sex and wanting to make that happen. I don't get wanting to specifically identify as trans. I mean, if you're really trans, you'd consider your birth gender a flaw, a mistake, something you want to correct. Not something you still want to drag around with you even when you no longer have to. It's like wanting to get laser eye surgery but still call yourself nearsighted and identify as "someone who needed to get their eyes fixed" instead of "someone who has perfect vision now".
You find normalized lgbt political and they don't, it's pretty simple.
You know the way vegans wont shut up about being vegan? Its the same shit. They fall into a special category now and they want everyone to know. Now they arent that loser who got dumped after a girl used him for their minimization fetish and didnt graduate art school they are special
Any tips on how to stop playing?
I have an exam in 10 days.
Gonna play Dark Souls 3. Enjoyed the prior two, first one particularly so, looking forward to it
Then why was this not a thing years ago? It just seems like a weird and forced way for the creators to not look homophobic and bigoted to me.
Been playing Hollow Knight. I think it's a great game but I'm sort of at a point were I'm to shit to progress further and I don't know if I have the patience and motivation to get better.
Write out a todo list for each day and follow through on it. Writing down times that you do everything can also help and it's really satisfying to cross out all the things you need to do.
>Then why was this not a thing years ago?
Because attitudes and beliefs change massively over the years. Lgbt is more accepted and normalized than ever, are things supposed to never change? You're talking about optional cosmetics that anyone can ignore if it doesn't appeal to them, to get bothered about this and feel it's forced is a bit much.
Zoomers everyone. The instant something requires any effort, they slum back to their mobile games or gacha bullshit.
Go play candy crush
Not really, I've been putting plenty of time into this game even when it required effort, I'm just getting kind of bored now.
>to get bothered about this and feel it's forced is a bit much
I will agree with this to an extent and I see where you are coming from. If this only extended to the game itself and not the community, I'd be fine with it. The problem I have and the reason I'm not playing as much is because of the reaction the community of the game had to these changes. The community both in-game and in the discord saw this and began to focus on it rather than the actual game. It became hard to talk to anyone in the discord because of the amount of people talking about their sexuality and gender identity in the chat that was for the game. This made it hard to find to use it in any way since their voice chat had the same problem and so we just kinda backed off a bit. I'm not trying to blame the creators for this problem since it's out of their control, but I still thought it was a weird addition to a game like ToonTown.
I appreciate that. Thanks. Hope you have a good day.
I just hacked my switch so you tell me. What should I play?
Echo Night. Great game, I really enjoy the atmosphere, I think that's what I enjoy most about it
Finished Plague Knight. Fuck me what an infuriating control scheme and physics.
Was it worth it for pic related? Yes because mona best girl but I can't see me ever replaying this dlc.