What's your favorite Monster Hunter weapon?

What's your favorite Monster Hunter weapon?

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switch axe followed by hunting horn
not that they're particularly good, especially in world


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What the fuck is a muffit of tea?

gieus yer laptope reporting in


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why are they all from limmy's show? Not that's a bad thing.

Describe your favorite weapon with a single image

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steel heavier than feathers

Lance and LBG.

But I have to admit that LBG is all I need, my kill times are shorter, Lance is good too and necessary for certain monsters that LBG isn't very good at, both weapons are fun to use.

Hammer for silly unga bunga fun.

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Gunlance chad reporting in

Probably switch axe, followed by lance and recently hbg. With lance I feel like a God, switch axe I feel suicidal, and hbg I feel like a bully.

i really like this picture.

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Please say something nice about her.

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4U demo days were magical


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I need that pic with all the gu styles

easy one

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Weapons that I like:
Weapons that I sort of like, depending on the game/build/situation:
Weapons that are just kind of unfun or shitty:

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The lance, forever and always

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>4/5 of my most used weapons are in your "unfun or shitty" tier
i feel personally attacked

She makes video game food that makes me hungry.

Gib back cute MHG Meowstress

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>Unfun or shitty

Your opinion is shit

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Don't ever show this to your parents or they'll finally realize you're gay.

So is the Drachen armor actually viable for builds outside of anything involving Insect Glaives?

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haha, o-of course not


I just can't help it.

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Playing naked is viable in MH so I don't see why even the shittiest armor couldn't be.

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i use the sandals of Hermes


You know I see more frequently posts about how good hunting horn is than actual fucking hunting horns in-game on hunts.

1.Longsword 18%
2.Bow 15%
3.Greatsword 10%
4.Charge Blade 10%
5.Dual Blades 9%
6.Insect-Glaive 7%
7.Heavy Bowgun 7%
8.Hammer 5%
9.Switch Axe 5%
10. Light Bowgun 4%
11. Sword and Shield 3%
12.Lance 3%
13.Gunlance 3%
14:Hunting Horn 1%

how come I cant understand any of these memes

watch the sketches and you'll get it

the DB image for example:

Weapon tier lists anyone?

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My favourite > your favourite.

depends on which one you want. There is one for general play and one for speedrunning Arch tempered monsters.


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I tried a few others in World but nothing else clicks for me


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Why is GS so high?

Because if there is a ledge GS melts monsters with aerials.


Because it does retardedly high damage and can absolutely shit on a monster in the right conditions. And TA is all about resetting a gorillion times to get those right conditions

Until World my favourite weapon was hammer, but the slope shit put me off too hard.

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I still cant understand it

Charge Blade of course...why would I use anything else.


It can ko
It can defend
It can DPS
It can do it all

Not only that but you can play it four different ways and it's truly the hardest weapon to play. You need a high IQ to use Charge Blade.

Anyway I gotta go fags and hunt some monsters with my charge blade while my girlfriend sucks my dick. I try to see if I can kill the monster before I get off, with my amazing skills I do it everytime.

Later homos

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Alright. You're gonna have to explain to me how Limmy killing the jester is related to GS.

>You need a high IQ to use Charge Blade.
>You need a high IQ to use Charge Blade.
>You need a high IQ to use Charge Blade.
>You need a high IQ to use Charge Blade.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You need a high IQ to use Charge Blade.
>spamming SAED is high IQ

Depends on the game obviously. But if you mean every game then GS is probably the best overall. I don't think there's a single game where it isn't one of the best weapons.

>start replaying MHW, this time on PC
>start off using LS
>get a few hunts in before I start wanting to use all weapons
MH was simpler and more fun when I had tunnel vision about what weapons were "best".

Temporal mantle cheese lets you melt monsters while phasing through all their attacks which is completely broken. Even without that they're still really good just because it does way too much damage.

If you're taking the time to spam SAED then you're not maximizing damage with the Charge Blade. Guess it does need a high IQ because you failed to understand that.

1. Wyvern Ignition Impact (Only weapon able to solo ATKT P1) Without TA Rules nothing can match it's aerial DPS

2. Glutton. Best TA. Nothing comes close under TA rules.

3. Kjar Ice CB. Completely busted. No other weapon in Monster Hunter history has ever dealt more damage in a single hit.

4. Anja Bow. The KING of the bows. No bow will ever surpass it's damage

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What are some cool weapons from the series not in World. I know about the boomerang and that crazy magnet axe, anything else?

What's it like have clinical autism?

I don't blame you. I actually hate what they did with Hammer in World. They actually dumbed down the weapon by giving it more moves because Big Bang is way too strong.
4U's hammer was way better. I'll take a small, well balanced moveset that requires me to use everything rather than a larger moveset where I should only ever be using two attacks and everything else isn't worth using.


Its fun to melt the minds of lesser life forms using my intelligence

I agree, more is less. This applies to many weapons apparently, like GS, LS, gunlance, SnS and surely even more that I cannot think of right now.

having the most fun with switch axe and gunlance, though IG and LS are probably my most used

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GS is a better weapon solo than in multiplayer because sleepbombing doesn't get interrupted and the monster doesn't frantically jump around. This also extends to the usage of Palicos since they are effectively another target for Monster AI. One Palico gear piece in the game is the jester hat, hence the player removing the Palico from his party.

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So the pictures make sense but only very tangentially. That's not a good recipe for a meme image.

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It's okay if you don't get it.

does anyone have the ludicrously high resolution version of this?

Drachen is the tryhard meta set for every weapon outside of bowguns and gunlance.

kill jester

It's okay if your images still need improving. I'm telling you that nobody will get what you're trying to convey just from seeing the picture.

>your image

look at the fucking filename. As I said, it's okay if you don't get it.

SnS uses every attack it has all for different situations outside of two, including the new ones in Iceborne.


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This never gets old

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I don't get it either. Seems like random pictures or some kind of autistic inside joke

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>can't say your as a generalization
It's okay if you don't get it.

>getting upset over not getting it
>no u

every time

Alright? I guess I'm upset now because you said so.

Never played a Monster Hunter game before. Is it too late to get in to MH World?

Yes. Just play the superior PSP games.

There's a festival coming up so online will get an activity spike again

>27k playing on pc right now
>65k pc 24-hopur peak
nah you're fine, I run into new players literally all the time doing SOS stuff

Ignore this retard Like he said it's a really great time to get carried

Also ignore the contrarians, mhw is peak MH gameplay.

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Bow + Gunlance

I've only played 1 game for a couple of hours and liked the gunlance

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Do not start with world
Emulate FU on PPSSPP

I don't understand the pictures

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what do you fags think of knockoffs like Dauntless or God Eater?

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Haven't played dauntless but the others are okay

The clutch claw actually kind of reminds me of the demon hand from toukiden 2

Dauntless has to be one of the most JUST'd knockoff out there besides chink knock-offs.

It was made to capitalize on the MH drought when XX was never localized, but then MHW got announced. By the time it entered early access, MHW released and it all time peaks on playerbase, sales, and ratings. By the time Dauntless released on Epic, MHW got released on PC. By the time Dauntless left early access, MHW: Iceborne got announced

moral of the story: Don't advertise as a "series killer" of any form. It never ends well.

God Eater is alright if you want extra anime on your MH game

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None of the not-MH's have ever seemed appealing enough to play when I could just play more MH.

This, I'd rather spend more time on a MH game that I already have hundreds of hours on.

It's kind of nice if you're feeling burnt out on MH as a whole and just want something a bit different.

God Eater does a lot of things differently from MH, so it's alright. Haven't played Dauntless and the gameplay doesn't look alluring at all.

Gotta go with hammer. It's simple, and it's insanely fun to bring it down on a monster and bring them down.

>it's a 'retard with open mic broadcasts the sound of him watching youtube tutorials and characters speaking in english' episode

What hunting horns do i use?
It seems like atk L is best horn and the only other good songs are all wind negated and earplugs L.

>It seems like atk L is best horn and the only other good songs are all wind negated and earplugs L.
Correct. Luna horns, KT Sleep (bazel if you don't have it and want the same songs), Jho, they're all good.

>Server side hitboxes

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I actually pity them quite abit desu
MHW absolutely kills what little hype they gathered for a not-mh-made-by-western-guys
It doesn't even have an innovation that draws people in like animu grills and story in GE or setting advantage like Toukiden, it has nothing but fortnite graphics

God Eater is the best out of not-MH
Alisa Illinichina Amiella's underboobs is legendary

+ abysmal performance on all consoles

I don't even follow that shit lmao
quick rundown?
>server side shitboxes
sounds like a mess

Alisa's a boring basic bitch and the only thing more overrated than her underboob is predator styles

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>4% of players
>35% of /mhg/

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I generally hate HH players, but the ones in /mhg/ are okay.

well for a general filled with cocksuckers, they sure are good at blowing too

Game is basically still in development and since everything's tied to the servers they often lag when a lot people are playing. Which of course means wonky hitboxes as well.

hasn't it been like 4 years

The game is about killing giant dinosaurs with oversized weapons and you want to play support, just playing songs in the background?

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because you're supposed to hit them with the horn instead of standing in the corner, dummy

Whoa nigger assuming how people play is the highest form of attack there is
Do you think i haven't been TOOTing on monster's heads while songs is secondary or even tertiary since FU days? nigger.

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>just playing songs in the background
Any HH player who just toots in the background instead of tooting on monster's head is a certified nigger who deserve hunting Plesioth for all eternity

But that's not how you doot.

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>play support

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>sitting in a corner instead of bonking every monster on the head before tooting in their face
user stop being shit

Depends on the Monster Hunter game.
World: GS
GU: Valor Hammer
4U: Lance
3U: Gunlance

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Make stories 2 and don't make it rockpaper scissors/chance battle system


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>join SOS
>it's a french guy
>he dies twice before I join and dies for the third time literally a second after I leave the camp
every fucking time

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D E S O L E...

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nigga I can't even win at Mariokart while my gf sucks my dick

>No Lagiacrus
Well, not surprising. But the rest are in lads.

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Charge Blade with SAED glitch (was back for the IB beta for some reason and even worked with Savage Axe mode)

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Wait never mind here he is

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What if they made the glitch an official move? not the first time that happened

the two bottom middle, is that gogmaz and astalos?


Dont see a whole lot of charge blade love, only true chads can dump the damage while guard pointing all the incoming hits.

That would be beyond retarded. If it was on AED though and only when charged up that would make sense and actually be pretty cool.

No. It’s Gore’s icon on his side and Valstrax, but ripped and a little faded out. Actual flagships only.

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Cookie packaging that capcomis now selling. It’s of the flagships.

It would be nice to have the follow through rather than reverting though thats probably the point.


With the way phials worked in the beta(so possibly in full IB) you couldn't really abuse it as hard as before. The SAED instantly eats up all phials now so your follow-up AED is empty (and Savage Axe mode ends). You can still spam SAED to AED axe slams though.

No it worked exactly the same, SAED always used up all phials, the big deal with the glitch is you can instantly go from SAED into recharging phials to keep doing it which is too much to give SAED when it already is what it is. The only difference is SA mode needs phials present to be active so if you wanted extra damage you'd just reactivate it.

What's a good MH to start with if I only have Sony consoles?


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