This looks bad according to Yea Forums
This looks bad according to Yea Forums
I take it this game's from 1998 or earlier? If that's the case, this doesn't look all that bad.
I specifically remembered when the last trailer came out the majority of people in the thread on Yea Forums were loving the look of the game. What the fuck are you on about? It's a classic build engine game, what's not to like?
It's not out yet
this shill tactic doesn't work. everyone here likes the look of the game.
big oof
It’s Ion Maiden/Ion Fury. A game that hasn’t been released yet.
People here loved the looks of the game tho
For a second there I thought that was Tron 2.0 in the OP
this garbage board thinks the art of the ui and viewmodels isn't shit
It looks better than Duke 3D, which took a tremendous amount of work to put together.
Is the game going to have a large hud that covers the bottom of the screen like doom, blood or duke3d? I actually like those.
This looks good according to Yea Forums
The gun looks off. Also why are the stools so high. It hurts to look at and looks like a cheap recreation of a early 2000s game graphically.
This looks bad according to buttblasted trannies
hey buddy, talk shit about retro-style FPS all you want but leave the milkers alone
Imagine her soft belly pressed up against your dick
God dammit, there are so fucking many Ion Fury shill threads, and anti Ion Fury threads in reaction to the shill threads, I can't tell who the shills are anymore. This has been one of the most aggressive, and blatant shill campaigns I've ever seen on Yea Forums.
I think Ion Fury looks like it's gonna be pretty good but at this point I think I'm just gonna pirate it to spite you fucks.
The gun is supposed to look off. It’s a revolver that shoots three bullets at a time.
Yea Forums is full of capricious knee-jerk reactions and lots of anti-conformism leading to a big backlash whenever something has a largely positive reception
basically a bunch of fucking fortnite babies who hate things just because other people say they like them
the only thing you should be using Yea Forums for is leaked news, everything else on here is a complete waste of time now, we don't even get good drawfags anymore because all the newfag spergs on here scared them away with their trash attitudes
There's Tron in the OP.
The texture of it in general is odd
>Yea Forums is one person
The only people who think this is bad are people who think that the only graphics that are worth a damn are lifelike ones, which is objectively idiotic
Nobody else think the revolvers alt fire is OP? Multiple target autoaim dual fire? And it doesn't cost you anything? Maybe if it used 2x the bullets or something would be a bit more balanced. But why would I ever use primary when the alt fire is far better?
Have to give the devs some credit for working with a 256 color palette limitation as well as actually using the Build engine. That's a lot more than what some faux-retro shooters are doing.
Yes, you can switch it off or minimize it though. you can also change the size of the screen iirc.
I'm not Yea Forums then.
>I think Ion Fury looks like it's gonna be pretty good but at this point I think I'm just gonna pirate it to spite you fucks.
>female protag
>tryhard edgy noir setting
>shit generic enemies and music
>shit generic weapons
Why do you not like our game wtf?!
We do though.
>tech noir bar
I want Shelly to get as drunk as Jill and start swearing like a sailor before she passes out and I cover her with my jacket like a supreme genetleman.
Holy shit I just checked the game again because I didn't know about this. I thought it was just meant to be a safety mode for your gun or something. Playing with this auto fire really sucks. I better forget about this immediately.
>Embarassing looking back with 2018 glasses
Only if you are a complete fucking cuck. How is sexy "embarrassing" to anyone that isn't a beta male? The first design is barely even sexual.
Play on a harder difficulty and you won't want to remain stationary for even the small amount of time it takes you to get a lock.
As others have stated,the games design looks great. It’s just her shitty armor design that needs work.
She should have had a tank top with a GDF armored vest over it.
How woman are expected to be embarrassed when hot guys are in movies? Why are only attractive women embarrassing but attractive men is 100% ok?
>b-b-but it's only in beta
>they will fix everything
that shitty bartender game has nothing to do with ion fury?
>(How far we've come!)
More like how low you've sunk.
the first design is really cool and iconic imo. she is double and tripple clothed, yet extremely sexy.
it could have easily worked even with the new story of Shelly being an explosives specialist or whatever.
Something like this?
OG design dlc when? Make it an unlock for beating the game on hard.
The early demos/betas/whatever were breddy gud, but hey - its take n3 games to make a good game featuring Shelly so I guess third time is the charm.
looks badass
I was thinking more tacticool looking but that is the basic idea yes.
Why do devs do this? Don’t they realize how much free publicity you get by making an even slightly attractive female design? Look at how much porn Overwatch got simply because the females were semi attractive. But NOOOOOO, a woman wearing even regular real life clothing (like the first design) is too sexy for boys of sooi
This looks pretty bad. Looks like a Duke Nukem mod.
With games like RDR2 out there, you can't sit and lie and say this looks good anymore.
This is the second one though. First game was that godawful Bombshell game.
>This looks pretty bad. Looks like a Duke Nukem mod.
Uh, user...
>Looks like a Duke Nukem mod
I wonder why that may be.
Lol, faggot. RDR doesn’t even look good
I know what it is. Doesn't make me wrong.
>With games like RDR2 out there, you can't sit and lie and say this looks good anymore.
that would be an argument if RDR2 didn't suck lepper shit dick.
you will eventually grow out of them, little ZoomZoom and long for good and fun gameplay. I guarantee you this.
I never liked the bimbo look, she looks more fuckable now.
>The devs last spending 2 hours calling anyone who doesn’t like their Nudesigns incel
I was going to buy this game too.
stop shilling this shitty game
duke nukem was never good
people only like doom and quake
Are you going to sit and act like this DOOM .wad is going to have relatively good gameplay in 2019
I'm dead. This board goes so hard to be a contrarian.
Only if you think dyke bitches are fuckable.
Wasn't there also a mobile only game?
who said anything about fixing?
the loverboy is fucking based I missed a shit ton of secrets in the first stage, gonna play it again tonight to try and find them all.
>how to properly do CyberPunk you filthy Polaken kurwa shitters.gif
>night, rain and bright signs
please fucking stop this meme
every fucking thread...
Didn't they intentionally make the main character ugly because she's a woman?
>Anyone not covered up is a bimbo
This is what it all comes down too. Women love to call attractive women sluts and bimbos yet talk about body positivity. Feminism and liberals are a joke.
>why design no make pp big
I can't find anything about it, but I won't doubt your claim either.
Use chairs. Turns out hats the secret for like half of them.
Actually it’s
First design is barely even sexual. Women looked like that in the 90s.
>this DOOM .wad is going to have relatively good gameplay in 2019
Yes, that's a fact actually as the preview campaign has proven. Even Steam reviews are extremely positive.
>I'm dead. This board goes so hard to be a contrarian.
get off this board then and go "play" your cinematic flashy walking simulators.
I only used a chair for one vent in the office building I think it led to a ledge outside for full body armor.
I like Doomguys original design that shows more skin over his undersigned as well. Does that make me gay according to you?
>Even Steam reviews for this game that isn't out yet say it's good
oh okay
it's not a meme, it's a philosophy.
There has been a preview of the game available for months.
I'm sorry to tell you but wanting to see attractive people has been a thing for literally thousands of years. It's why actors are attractive.
It's pretty impressive for the build engine.
It’s an FPS.
Actually agree, 1997 looks like a typical dumb soulless bimbo.
I don't care if you like it, it looks like shit.
looks like absolute dogshit but at least i'll be able to run it smoothly in 4K at 144hz
>WHAT DEVS IN 2019 DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW: This Is How Modern Women Look Like And It Is Beautiful!
why cant she ever just let them hang, christ
It’s EDuke32. Of course it looks good.
Has multiplayer and a 3rd person mode.
>Attractive = soulless
>Shitty generic armor = soul
>TFW see women look like this all the time outside and at the gym
>Real life is too sexy for cucked devs
Third-person mode usually sucks in these sorts of games.
She's literally called Bombshell. She was designed as a bimbo you limp dicked retard.
this looks like shit
>Attractive = soulless
>Shitty generic armor = soul
Uh sure.
>botox lips for no reason
>fishnet meme
>clothing sticks to body like a wet t-shirt contest
>supposed to be strong but devoid of abs
>unkempt "wild" hair looking retarded
>ends up looking like what a 12 year old would think is a "hot babe"
Also 2018 is definitely more attractive.
in the future double mastectomy is still only treatment for cancer, huh?
>For no reason
Because it's the 90s and it looks nice.
All I am getting from your shitty post is
>Yikes, it's so YIKES
>Devoid of abs
You don't know how abs work faggot. Strength doesn't give you abs.
Which one is your favorite design Yea Forums?
To be fair barbed wire was fucking terrible and everyone knows it.
This is the most tranny post I have seen today. Good job, a free shipment of so*ylent has been sent to your house.
this actually looks like complete shit
Why do people go so hard for these girls with teenage boy bodies?
There's such a small amount of ass that her cheeks fucking cave in on themselves on the left. White girls are garbage.
What is with Ion threads having Hendricsposters? Not like I'm complaining, don't get me wrong.
It pisses off the devs.
Fun fact: white males married to black females have the lowest divorce rate of the major ethinicity pairings.
everything but shit weeb shit looks good to v
That's fucking Panda from Bodybags isn't it?
>detractors are reddit/poltard tourists
I rest my case. 90's bimbo looking girls always have and will be shit.
>botox lips for no reason
has never kissed anything but a tight lipped tranny
>fishnet meme
look closer, retard
>clothing sticks to body like a wet t-shirt contest
accentuates her hot figure. perfectly sized is proof for a good sense of fashion
>supposed to be strong but devoid of abs
that's what you would like, you gay trannylover
>unkempt "wild" hair looking retarded
only applies to males
>ends up looking like what a 12 year old would think is a "hot babe"
I'm sorry to inform your parents that you are gay.
If the first image is too sexy for you then you need to kill yourself because I'm sorry to tell you but you will see far worse walking outside.
A looks fine enough in that it's not too over-the-top, but I don't hate the one we have now.
If they disregarded the "sequel" design and just reused A with a robot arm for her later games, I wouldn't mind.
A > C > G > E > D > F > B > L > K > M
it's a terminator reference you goddamn weeb
>Too over the top
Have you played the game? You are throwing grenades at spider robots while eating pizza and spouting 1 liners. Over the top is what we fucking need. That's the issue with her current shitty armor design. It isn't so much that it is SJW pandering, it's that it doesn't fit.
People only know of T2. They don't usually regard T1 as anything but a footnote.
Wow great thread, it's not like the previous 8 threads about this game we've had
It's hilarious how someone had to explain it. VN's are a cancer and so is weebshit.
Can't imagine someone who partakes in both. Uncultured moron.
>Girl wearing 2 layer of clothing
I knew feminists were actually secretly muslims that think any girl not in a Burka is a slut
>White girls are garbage.
let's not go there Treyvon Jamal Kang
What? What the fuck?
>hurr white and black are the only ethnicities
every single time
mayos are retarded and unattractive, males and females.
it's actually fucking not the themes matter in cyberpunk more than the style, it's why Deus Ex is perhaps the best cyberpunk story in any medium but is played very straight in locales, there are cities and night and rain and light but they arent giant neon signs everywhere
It is quintessentially high tech, low life and not some stupid wallpaper you looked up tagged "cyberpunk" with neon and kanji billboards, i hope cyberpunk 2077 fails so the genre isnt bogged down with more retard bright light chasing moth babies like you
I spray, you pray.
A by a country slide
The rest belongs in a 90s Witchblade comic
M is RRP - Resetera Riot Police
I love how your complaints boil down to
>This part can be seen as sexy to a male
I bet you are the fucking dev that authorized these shit changes.
Yes user, most woman are attractive to some degree.
The devs are the ones making all these threads. They should change the design if they don't want people shitting on it.
Sorry that I have actual taste. 1997 looks like Bailey Jay.
>aaaah tranny, incel, feminist, resetera, reddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Oh yes keep it coming. Every "cope" I see is like sweet ambrosia.
A is fucking perfect. I'm not a cuck so any of the sexy designs could work too but even if we are trying to appeal to shit tier commie feminists, A looks far better than M and looks far more 90s.
Is the discord dilate hour over?
>Sorry I have taste
Fuck off with your Burka fetish.
>Has to bring up his favorite tranny out of no where
>1997 looks like Bailey Jay
I'm not seeing a problem here.
>W-Why does a woman look like a woman!
It's the cliche cop action movie in game form.
>Bomb specialist/renegade cop who is still expected to do things "by the book", hence still being in the M design uniform
>The insanity of the situation essentially makes her say "Bye, book!" and go nuts on the enemies
>By the end of the game, she's off the force and so she logically switches to the A design now that she doesn't answer to anybody anymore
That's how I see it.
How are the secrets in this game? Are they the "hug every wall and spam interact button" kind or are they more "natural" in the sense that you can find them by just keeping your eyes open and exploring everywhere?
>1997 looks like Bailey Jay.
wtf i like 1997 more now
>your mind when you are twelve years old
>By the book
>Eats pizza and drinks soda mid fire fight while throwing fucking bombs out of windows
I know that, you shit breathing failed abortions.
>Hurrr Flynn's Arcade lmao I bet you don't know that it's from the movie Tron HAHA us Boomers right?!
Also there is no rule to not like both, you subhuman low iq philistine pigs. Eat shit you holier-than-though whore tripplets.
>Your mind when you are brainwashed in California colleges
Because the book is already being disregarded by this point.
Then she shouldn't have that shit armor then. No excuse.
Took you that long to look up all those words?
Whatever floats your boat thirsty incel.
>How do you DARE to talk about vidya?
Yea Forums isn't Smash and Cyberpunk general.
No. Build engine shits itself at higher resolutions.
Once you go black...
nice refutal, fag.
Actually only white knight beta's get this butthurt over seeing sex.
At least you are honest and finally admit you are a twitter feminist.
>W-Why do you like attractive women? If you like attractive women then you can't have sex!
what will you do next, say stuff like POWNED?
Bimbo look is for kids who haven't developed a real taste, but fine. Go for that, next thing you say is white girl with a school girl skirt and red hair is top notch design. lol
M would look best by far if it was drawn by a better artist
When was the last time anybody mentions T1 beyond meme scenes? It's always about T2 and nothing else.
>Woman shows any skin at all
You are right. Captain Marvel design is totally top tier lol
>Bimbo look is for kids
spoken like a true dick muncher. I bet you masturbate to Ellen Page
It has a good sense of exploration. They're old mapfags after all, but you can just pirate the demo
Anyone who doesn't say A is fucking delusional. Invokes western 90s sex appeal without projecting the embarrassing/horribly designs side of said sex appeal.
Do you think Chads prefer to look at ugly women?
She looks great with shades. Why'd they get rid of them? I don't care too much about the outfits, though. Wish devs would stop making it out for PC points instead of just being a design choice.
>actual capeshitfag
Not surprised. Let me show you another coincidental redhead who made an appearance in the late 90's and is about a billion times hotter than that outdated design.
I know it's hard to make out with your pea brain, but yes, it's massively different. If you can't see how this is better then maybe gouge your eyes out because they're obviously useless.
You really are a cuck. Also that design would be far too sexual for the devs considering design A was. Faggot cuck.
This is a term something only zoomers and SJWs use
This. being attractive is outdated.
The secrets are a lot more natural than classic Doom. Most of them are accessed through stuff like vents, ladders, platforms and switches rather than misaligned textures. There are a few sneaky ones though.
What half life mod is this
You are underage. Half-life was after this style.
Disregarding contrarianism and retards who think there's something wrong with Ion Maiden, do you guys have any good FPS games to play in the meantime? I've beaten DUSK and Project Warlock, while AMID Evil is something I'm saving up for later.
Isn't Hedon supposed to be good?
ok whatever you say 3DRone, this just proves that faggot spamming hate threads was just a manufactured outrage
By outdated I mean bottom of the barrel in a world with much better alternatives, even at the time it was made.
There's no reason to repeat bad decisions if you can help it.
Anyway I'm done. It was fun to see /pol/tards lose their shit over me taking a dump on their preferences.
All of them suck. I like C and E a lot since I don't go full retard over playing as a hot bitch, but I think none of them are particularly good. Especially since bimbo blonde isn't really my type. If it were up to me she'd be a gothic ojou loli, because I have very good taste.
the absolute state of infintile taste
you are so irrationally mad, it's hilarious. you are still wrong too but keep seething that you are the only one who "gets it" and everyone else is wrong. you can truly only be a buttprolapsed KurwaJunk 2077 dev for getting so emotionally invested
if you are not white and not Japanese you are automatically a turdskin and I couldn't care less from which third world shithole your inferior genetic trash crawled from :^)
Your such a seething she it’s amazing. Your only “argument” is to say that people who like th 90s designs are incel a, need to “grow up” or are /pol/. The 3 most popular no arguments you communist cunts make. Face it, no one likes her shit redesign.
Loling at the toastier itt getting mad about design A. Imagine getting triggered over common 90s attire that irl women wear.
A if you must but D is the most alpha and looks the most 90s shooter.
And yet they didn’t pick a better alternative. They picked a much worse alternative.
Level design of the demo, at least, is bad. It's not even fun to play. This coming from someone who loves classic fps games.
This one
There was a recent study showing that attractive/revealing women in movies and vidya have no negative effects on women. Devs should get off their high horse and actually give what the fans want.
You mean M. The worst design
>defending bimbos and projecting this hard
Thanks for the laugh, fag phone poster.
Good gunplay, movement and level design? Because that seems to be there
That's not M
Typical woman. Anyone more attractive you is a bimbo and a slut. I guess every girl on a college campus is one. Dilate tranny.
This thread is extremely gay. Frederik Schreiber who pushed for Shelly "BOMBSHELL" Harrison's prude redesign is a closeted homo. If you dislike feminine promiscuousness you are certified gay. If you dislike tits&ass on a woman you are a turbofaggot.
Shelly doesn't have to be a cheap, micro bikini wearing strip club bimbo hooker, but having her designed like a chastity belt wearing, frigid old maid is just as bad.
design A was perfectly balanced. Anyone saying otherwise is either a homosexual or an ironic shitposting contrarian. End of discussion.
And a non shit character design. Also M is the final design. Literally only difference is that they took off her helmet for the box art and the colors are slightly changed.
Coming from the tranny.
As an Afag, M was my second favorite, next to maybe E.
don't forget to dilate
This is coming from the sjw tranny calling people incel sand telling them to GROW UP and uses the /pol/ boogeyman for anyone who doesn’t like the new shit design. Dilate.
literal kids seething here, lol.
Butthurt roastie dev. Communism failed and trannies kill themselves.
So 3D Realms cucked out on us? I guess that means no more Shelly threads without politics, huh?
is it supposed to look blocky? if that's intentional, then yeah it looks fine.
Iirc it wasn't the devs who wrote this but some one at the games publisher
Its supposed to look like one of those 90s 2.5D shooters
Everyone in the 90s was a kid but now we grew up and eat black people cum.
Its made in an engine from the 90s, so yes
>nu-male talk
oh no no no
user, I think you should go see a doctor. M has way more armor than the final design.
Words like incel and GROW UP are unmake talk you cuck
Preorder Wrath
>Communism failed and trannies kill themselves.
I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did. Fucking hell...this is why I still come here. Never change, Yea Forums.
Is it coming out on early access or will release until its finished?
>And a non shit character design.
What, this is a FPS you fucking nigger. How your character looks is not important
Nothing confirmed, but probably an early access including the first episode. I just hope it isn't a literal demo with a paywall.
I think it's telling how many people here picked A. Like, nobody really minds sex appeal but everyone thinks the other designs are really just way too trashy for their own tastes, but nobody wants to admit it out of fear of being called a SJW sympathizer.
It's kind of like how only boomers get off to women in classic satin lingerie nowadays, everyone else just sees it more of a relic of an older age instead of something actually sexy. Nor do the 90's F.A.K.K. inspired designs get anyone off anymore. Nowadays it's all about big fucking anime titties/thighs and brown musclegirls.
It has a 3rd person mode and multiplayer
>pre-order digital product
Nyet. Game does look interesting though.
Every single one of the build engine trilogy has that shit
The only times when you want to activate the 3rd person view is to make some weird jump and even then is less optimal than playing it normally. Do you even play these games?
Yet A is too much for SJWs, amazing.
Yes. It’s why I know you can play in 3rd person.
Can we at least wait for the game to come out before making this threads daily. They really isn't anything to talk about.
Devs are making these threads, it’s pretty obvious. Wish they would be open about it and do an AMA. 8ch still gets AMAs yer we don’t.
Why would you play in 3rd person though
Loving the cucks calling sexiness immature. Look at fucking Greek and classical art.
Not after THQ got called out for it
Outside of the sperg bitching about the main character not looking like some bimbo, I rather have these threads than another smash or cyberpunk thread.
because Yea Forums is literally outrage central with flamboyant womish kids who are pumped up on sugar drinks. The only thing we get here is a constant bombardment of whiny kids venting their sexual frustration. Fuck this place, and fuck moot for recreating pol again. That's the magnet which attracted the whole idiocy.
OP here. I'm in their discord channel, I could ask them for an AMA.
whats the point of playing a woman if you cant even see her tits and ass have other reasons
>frogposter is a baiting faggot as usual
Go away
I don't need them getting shit from game journalist. They aren't as big as THQ and would Probably get crushed. they've taken enough shit for Iron Maiden already
>Go away frogposters!
>that one music track that has like 3 seconds of a Duke 3D track thrown in
Yeah I heard it.
God bless Hendricsposting.
>that girls has a teenage boy body
you have the big gay
>ctrl + f
Son, I am disappoint
i cant read
gross not even brown, or asian, or both
Just played through the demo, had zero issues with the readability. Boomers need not apply.
A, M and E are the only good ones.
My nigga
I prefer the one on the bottom just because I like girls in military body armor
How does every design look the same-ish except the one they chose as the final design?
It is obvious they got pressured into it or shamed into it and caved.
Either way it is spineless.
I say this as a gay man so if you think I just want cheesecake you can miss me with that straight shit.
Muslims to the left of me, Chinese to the right. There is no hope in me getting any attractive looking females ever again.
>A police officer wearing a bunch of armor while gunning down hundreds of niggas is bad
Retard. You guys know that porn is free, right? You don't have to go into these threads if you wanna jerk off.
E and B. Mix those two together and you'd be onto a real winner.
Chinese? I dunno about that one. While they do censor some things, Tencent owned games have some sexy ass skimpy chicks.
Yeah it does
What's this UWU
>Not after THQ got called out for it
And nothing happened because THQ went like *shrugs shoulders*.
They just ignored the professionally offended Twitter bubble and LO AND BEHOLD the lynch mob moved to the next best thing to devour, like a swarm of locusts. These bored parasites only thrive if you let them and cow tow in like GOG, wallowing like a pig in eternal regret
>Yea Forums was peachy world peace paradise where nothing bad, sad, evil, rude, sarcastic or ironic was ever posted before MUH POL BOOGERMAN POL BOOGERMAN IS LITERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING THAT IS WRONG IN THIS WORLD
You are so fucking new, you accidentally discovered Reddit through Youtube comments and then they redirected you here. Just admit it.
Not any more. China is now censoring sex
A, E, M.
Mein niggers too.
>You guys know that porn is free, right? You don't have to go into these threads if you wanna jerk off.
what kind of nonsensical, relativizing pseudo-argument is that? you are definitely low iq.
You could jump out of a window too but why would you do that?
>Me only like design that make dick big. If design not skimpy me no like
You're like one of those kids in high school that thought "Personal Jesus" was an original Marilyn Manson song.
Yum yum yum
3D Realms cum
I'm surprised that autist hasn't already started shilling his shitty duke3d mod yet
the only thing that matters is that the game is fun, and it is
Well, that sparked an odd nostalgia.
I agree as a non male. First designed looked cooler and more 90s. Anyone getting triggered over seeing sexy people has serious issues.
>Everyone except the devs hates this new armor
>J-Just one autistic!
It plays like total shit and the gameplay is boring as fuck. I played the demo yesterday and was bored to tears, today I set up BDBE and had so much fun I couldn't stop playing
The difference is staggering.
Brutal Doom Black Edition.
>Brutal DOOM
Well there's your problem. You are a faggot zoomer. Brutal Doom is shit. Reloading and kill animation shit only hurt DOOM and slow down the gameplay.
Power armor is for pussies.
Literally why can't she look like this? Have her show off her arms with her a low cut or midriff. Somehow it's fine for Duke but sexist if Shelly did it. Equality = sexism to modern libtards.
I just fell for bate
Or Shelly is an actual cop and this is a prequel game before she starts dressing sexy? God I hate low IQ faggots like you that just parrot shit you see on Yea Forums. Grow a fucking brain already.
It's 2019. If there is ever a new Duke game he is going to be redesigned as a regular looking dude in a police vest.
That shit screams "I'm an effeminate geek and I'm scared of women".
But he wasn't a police. What did he do for a living, anyway?
what the fuck are you talking about? everyone yesterday were saying they were hyped for it?
apparently he was army and then became a neet who spends all his time at the gym
truly /our guy/
>It's why actors are attractive.
some ape shit right there
Is she Italian?
how does that revolver even work
It's three-barreled.
is she all natural?
>first the shill was just posting trailers without any context
>now posting controversial bait OPs
I'll be pirating this one
I wonder if she's unshaven down stairs as well
>An actual cop
>There weren't a ton of cops in movies and shit that worse normal clothes
Low IQ zoomer. Also "realism" isn't an excuse when the game is trying to be unrealistic.
redhead muff unironically the best kind
Realistic within the game's universe, moron. The EDF aren't running around in their underwear so why would Shelly?
>Realistic within the games universe
Lol, no. She fights cultists without armor, she spouts one liners and doesn't care about proper procedure. She laughs while killing people.
>So why should shelly
Because she's the MC. I know you are underage and haven't played very many older videogames but random's wear armor while the MC is almost always more revealing whether male or female.
Nice headcanon. Her current outfit is one of the better designs, next to A and E.
>inb4 "ur a dev lol"
>One of the best designs
I bet you like Captain Marvels redesign too cuck.
Pretty much everyone agrees that A is far better. The only reason she isn't A is because the devs are cucked SJWs and they even admitted that. You are defending cucked redesigns.
>Nice headcannon
Look at what people are actually voting for. Everyone wants A by a mile.
>Lol, no. She fights cultists without armor, she spouts one liners and doesn't care about proper procedure. She laughs while killing people.
Very low IQ argument. What does laughing while killing people have to do with not wearing armor? Why would you take off your armor during an invasion? Just kill yourself you parroting faggot. You can't think for yourself.
>What does not acting like a police officer in any way have to do with her dressing like a proper police officer
Funny that you are calling anyone else low IQ. I guess Duke should have been in complete realistic armor then retard.
I agree that A is better. I just think M is good too.
>Captain Mahhval
Miss me with that cape shit.
>preferring something else = hating the current design
Nice logic
>listening to Marilyn Manson in the first place
lmaoing@your life, Elmo Rimsmith
>What does not acting like a police officer in any way have to do with her dressing like a proper police officer
>If you laugh while killing people blowing up your town you should remove your armor
You are so amazingly dumb that I don't even have to try.
>Miss me with that cape shit
I would but it's not my fault the cucked devs based her on YAAAAS QUEEEN
Its mostly one autist who has a hate boner for the game because he thinks it's been SJWified.
Carol is literally the worst Marvel of any variety.
Her most interesting aspect was being in a coma.
God you're fucking stupid. Legitimately retarded. She does have armor, it's literally her regular outfit. Stop confusing game mechanics for context. Spouting oneliners has nothing to do with anything. While we don't know the full story of the game just yet, 'proper procedure' is thrown out the window because the villain is launching a full-scale take over and Shelly seems to be the only one around still.
Doomguy, all the Quake protagonists, the heroes of Hexen, the Secruity Officer, etc all wear their profession attire. The exceptions are characters who aren't working for a workforce, like Duke, Lo Wang, Caleb, and Corvus.
>If you aren't trying to be realistic and instead trying to look like a 90s game, why are you complaining that her design doesn't look like something from the 90s or the rest of the game?
If you don't think this is sexy in its own right, you are nothing more than a brainless caveman.
*Perturbator starts playing
>Doomguy, all the Quake protagonists, the heroes of Hexen, the Secruity Officer, etc all wear their profession
Yeah, but they look good and not realistic in any way. They also aren't covered to head to toe generally and aren't padded Nu-armor shit.
>Marvel movies invented non-revealing outfits
I never mentioned the 90s. It seems I fried your tiny brain so hard that you're making up arguments against yourself now. Fucking destroyed. Get lost.
Do you have an argument or are you just going to spout stupid shit like this all night?
I'm all for letting something to imagination, but this is ridiculous.
Holy shit you are a retard shill. Shelly doesn't look like that at all. Also that isn't 90s you dumb fuck
>Flynn's arcade
Are these guys seriously looking for another lawsuit
There was lots of revealing "clothing" in Ghost in the Shell.
I did though. This game is supposed to be a love letter to the 90s yet they updated her design to fit with feminist standards.
Oh look everyone. The devs found the thread. Notice a bunch of cucked posts suddenly defending the design that pretty much everyone agreed was shit only a while ago?
arcade from tron and terminators dance club bar
is he even allowed to do that?
Okay great, I'm glad you are arguing with yourself now.
>Gets destroyed in every argument so hard that he has to cry like this
Stay butthurt, nigger. I can't help that you're clinically autistic and want to blame everything on the latest normalfag movie.
Yes, and? My point is this isn't anything new.
>being neo/v/ and thinking Yea Forums is one person
Lurk more.
fuck off
A is my favorite but my second favorite depends on who draws M
You going to defend your shit SJW redesign even after it was proven that the devs are shit SJWs and didn't want her armor to look 90s.
Look at these shit devs.
All you can do to defend your game is make shitty insults. M is fucking shit.
B reminds me to the posters I used to fap to in the late 90s. Fuck, I miss that era.
C and D
>STILL this mad he got BTFO at every turn
It's okay little baby. Take your nap.
Everyone hates your shitty SJW redesign. It's shit, doesn't fit and was done for virtue signalling purposes. You can't argue.
>If you make a police lady wearing armor you become SJW
>The guy who made that one statement wasn't even really part of the dev team
What is this twisted logic? I just want to play video games.
>ignore everything someone says
>"HURRRRR DEVS LOL" because he can't imagine that people might like anything in addition to sexy outfits
I just think the level design is bad and the main character sucks. But other than that, could be ok.
>Suddenly devs going full damage control in the thread
Fucking lol.
She is not supposed to look realistic, she is supposed to look like a female duke.
Thanks for the bump.
Incels and SJWs should just fucking marry already because they're similar in every fucking aspect I can think of
Armor is for pussies
I don't care if she looks realistic. She looks cool as is. I would have preferred something more like design A, but whatever. Get fucked, fagmo. Go cry about it on /r9k/. Anything other than A, E, and M either looks retarded or like a trashy whore because they couldn't even design a good skimpy outfit.
>acquires your Duke clone Retro throwback shooter
>(How far we've come!)
Oh well. No buy.
desu i dont take anyone seriously when they use the term "sjw" anymore
>She looks cool
Only if you are a zoomer that thinks modern marvel armor looks good
>Picks up used body armor of a dead pigcop anyways
>Thread suddenly floods in with onions boois
>this shit again
Can you do anything other than parrot your already-countered arguments? How retarded are you?
Thanks for the free bumps and advertisement, /pol/cucks.
Fuck off to your swampy shithole, stormnigger
No where was it countered cuck. Generic modern padding is what modern Nu-armor looks like. You see this same stupid padding shit in all modern redesigns
>Liking classic 90s designs is so problematic it means you are a nazi now
>that image
you do always complain about stuff though
like uh... ITT
Thanks for the bump, parrot.
This is what confuses me. See pic related? In the eyes of the devs this is apparently highly problematic and sexist. You can even see Sarah Connor's nipples and then we have retards like come with the rhetoric of OHMYGAWD! JUST WATCH PORN IF YOU WANT TO MASTURBATE *cracks open a matcha flavoured onions drink for lunch.
The fucking milkers and pantyshots including candid ass and fluffy bush of Sigourney Weaver at the end of Alien 1 didn't harm her character of being a badass bitch in the slightest.
I seriously fucking hope that if we ever get a sequel that the prude faggot who decided to burqua her up gets outvoted and they actually give her a character redesign and personality that is worthy of the gameplay.
>Thread goes on for hours with everyone (Except 1 literal SJW) agreeing that the armor looks bad and that the alternatives look better
>Suddenly 20 posts from people here to defend the armor
And people try to pretend Yea Forums isn't shill central.
>posts Gaylo
Thank you for showing your new.
It's just a skintight bodysuit. THIS is what you were talking about? Holy shit. Who fucking cares?
>The point
>Your head
>things that never happened
What's the maximum time permitted for a videogame company to hold an IP and do fuckall with it? IIRC, if they didn't do anything with it after a number of years, they're obligated to sell it.
>Thread goes on for hours with everyone (Except 1 literal SJW) agreeing that the armor looks bad and that the alternatives look better
>ignores the multiple posters earlier ITT that said M was one of their preferred designs so that he can justify his narrative
Sick argument, faggot.
>It's just a skintight bodysuit
Holy fucking shit you are a retard. No it isn't.
This is what sci-fi skin tight looks like you dumb tranny
If Sarah had access to good armor she would've worn it. Also, this is a prequel game. She starts dressing skimpy and stuff in the sequel. Use your brain before posting please.
You fucking retards. We can see the time stamps. You devs/SJWs raided in the last 20 minutes. It's obvious. 1 guy said they liked the new design and 50 people called him a faggot.
Oni was a good game and Marathon 2 was pretty fucking advanced for its time. Fucking sad to see what happened to Bungie
>Halo wasn't always like that
>you had any point to begin with other than that you follow Halo like a tasteless cunt
Wow. I didn't realize anime was real or that a skintight bodysuit could ONLY be made out of shiny latex. You sure showed me.
>still can't scroll up
>Everyone said they liked A more. Now suddenly you retards flood in. It's waaaaay too fucking obvious.
They all are fucking awful, although a mix of A plus E would bvery cool
>Were real
This is what skintight looks like IRL you faggot
>ITT 2016niggers ruin everything with their whining AGAIN
>liking A more = M is shit
>a lot of the Aposters said they liked M too
Dumb fucking cunt.
>Tech noir
>Some faggot holding a revolver while surrounded by neon red
Christ the IQ on this individual must be zero.
>Coming from the literal shill spamming the thread suddenly and obviously to make a million posts defending the shit armor that everyone agrees is shit
I play games for the gameplay because I'm not a story or graphicscuck. Shit, I still play MUDs to this very day. Consider yourselves dabbed on, faggots.
This is what Shelly should look like. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking cuck.
>Doesn't get the reference
>M being 3rd or 4th place is tantamount to hating it
>Still can't read
>20 posts can't come from one or two people who are tired of the incessant faggotry of electioncunts
>no augs
>no urban decay
>no social upheaval
>just rain and neon at night
just reminds me of the beginning of shadowrun, nice
all of the sexy ones look unironically awful except maybe A. M is ok but boring.
Try playing the game.
>If Sarah had access to good armor she would've worn it.
She did, yet she decided to go with that outfit. Watch the movie again.
>Also, this is a prequel game.
Fair enough.
>She starts dressing skimpy and stuff in the sequel.
Use your brain before posting please.
Word of advice; don't take the stuff posted here too personal. This is 1-2-3-4Ching-Chong from Hong Kong, not Reddit. The people here might say nigger and shitpost a lot, but beneath all the turd flinging and profanity you will find constructive criticism and brutal honesty like nowhere else on the internet - which a smart person would always take into consideration.
You fucking nigger faggot.
>Since was posted there was only 1 user actually defending the armor 5 hours ago calling people incels and shitlords but got laughed at
>4.5 hours later suddenly
>in the span of a little over 10 minutes.More posts defending the armor in 10 minutes than in the entire thread before this
Yep. We are being raided by shills.
>Unironically awful
Cuck. I guess you think Lara croft and Quake look bad then.
Half of the post to are saying hte old designs suck.
This. Why do SJW's browse Yea Forums? They have so many other places to go.
Yet they are saying A is the best by far and no one is defending the new armor except one exposed tranny.
Lara is appropriately dressed but still sexy. Those designs are pure fetish fuel. Some of them even have a whip for fuck's sake.
In every videogame thread (something rare on Yea Forums), there's always that autistic tard that has come to spread his mental diarrhea and shove down everyone's throats. Ignore him
What do you mean where? Just google it. She wears a low cut top in the sequel. And where in the movie does she gain access to good practical armor?
Did you even read the posts? No, I'm sure you didn't.
Nigger, a solid third of those posts are me because I just got done
>actually playing video games
and wanted to check the thread. But once again, it was a ton of whiny fags bitching with the usual, nonsensical electionfag garbage. A and E were better options. M is okay. The others are all garbage, and none of the really skimpy designs actually looked good. Get some fucking taste.
Imagine being this autistic over a build engine game LMAO.
>But still sexy
>Appropriately dressed
E, A and K are arguably less sexy than Lara. Also I can tell how much of a faggot you are if "Fetish fuel" is somehow bad. These designs aren't even that "bad" compared to Quake's.
part of my life mission is drawn early 90's female hero action like that
>Get found out
>There is nothing wrong with my shilling!
>the person who's defending the new armor has been agreeing that A is better the WHOLE TIME
Christ, man. Go back to school. You are genuinely incapable of basic literacy.
>A solid 3rd
Even if you admit to being an autistic tranny that still means more faggots all at the same time decided to dilate at the same time than during the entire thread before.
>why men like hot girl body
what kind of question is that
Thanks for the free bump.
The old designs are terribly designed, that's why, they're made without and thought put into them. They're shitty and trashy, not even hot.
>ur a tranny
Good argument
Dilate tranny. The new armor is shit. It was done because of SJW virtue signalling reasons and doesn't fit the 90s aesthetic. It's based on shit modern redesigns.
>Terribly designed
No they aren't. They just trigger you. That is what many 90s designs looked like.
>Look at all of these faggot posts happening all at the same time when before everyone was agreeing that the SJW redesign was shit
No, they're just bad. You are correct that many 90s designs we like that but they aren't around anymore for a reason: they sucked. The good 90s designs persist while the bad ones died off.
No they didn't or else we would have more sexy females in vidya. But NOOO I guess any sexy design is bad to you you stupid zoomer. I guess Quake, Duke, ect are badly designed.
>They are bad
>I hate sex and can't stand attractive women so they are bad
E looks best.
>no augs
>no urban decay
>no social upheaval
all of these are actually in the game and big topics. are you nuts or do you feel extra funny today?
She should look like a combination of
and A. She should show off her arms and a bit of her tits/ass but still wearing clothes.
>I guess Quake, Duke, ect are badly designed
Evidently not since they're still around.
>still can't conjure up supporting evidence for "everyone was agreeing that the SJW redesign was shit"
Yeah. The thread already has plenty of evidence to contradict that, and once you bothered to fucking read it and find out that you're wrong, you had to resort to "hurrr tranny/dev/sjw." So, thanks for proving my initial point
>Still around
Except they were SJWed up. Their designs look nothing like that you faggot.
Sexy is fine but poor designs are not. Joanna Dark and Cate Archer are well designed, and sexy, old Bombshell was not.
Already did. No one was defending the shit new design and many anons were shitting on it until you and your dilate squad showed up.
Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, which really wouldn't surprise me, the point is
>not everyone agrees with you, you stupid faggot
>If something is a revealing woman then you can't criticize it or else you're an SJW
What the fug
>poor design
Actually explain why it's poor faggot. If it's poor than Duke and Quake are poor as well.
>All these sexy designs are BAD
>Can't explain why
>Trying to defend the shit ugly SJWed redesign
>already proved that multiple posts earlier ITT didn't happen
>She wears a low cut top in the sequel
What sequel?
>And where in the movie does she gain access to good practical armor?
I'm not even going to address this. Just watch the movie again.
No, trannies don't agree with me and they suddenly flooded the thread.
When are you going to start explaining any of your "arguments"? You guys are just spouting
Not an argument. People were shitting on it without a problem until you and your trannies came in.
Why do you keep bringing up Ranger? He was pretty armored up.
Now post a woman that looks like
>continually proving he has no argument
>people disagreeing about M being shit early in the thread isn't an argument against "EVERYONE believes M is shit"
>being this illiterate
That's not even a video game character.
>People disagree about M being shit
Everyone agrees A was better or some of the other designs except 1 user that was laughed at.
see pic
That's rude!
>STILL not being able to distinguish "X is better than Y" from "Y is shit because X is better"
Another illiterate homo
Design A looks better than M
The reason she was changed was for feminist reasons
The new armor doesn't like a shooter from the 90s or fit the 90s aesthetic
The new armor looks bad
How come everyone has to be sexy and revealing? Why can't we have one game with an armored police girl?
Wow, they censored the Heavy Metal girl in Quake 3? Fucking SJWs.
Yeah, and?
Explain why.
>The new armor doesn't like a shooter from the 90s or fit the 90s aesthetic
>partially subjective
Oh my god, why isn't she wearing a low cut top? Where are her titties? I'm tired of this SJW trash. What shit design. It's like people are scared to make women sexy.
Because I love sucking cock
>Denying SJW redesigns of quake and other videogames
We can't even get a woman that looks like Crash
muh graphix
Her armor doesn't look like that at all.
Reminder that design A was too sexual for the devs. Fuck off tranny
>Dev says they changed her to be more feminist friendly then covered her head to toe
>W-Why are you complaining about SJW redesigns!
So what you're saying is that kind of armor is okay on a man but not on a woman?
Yep, Knew you couldn't argue.I bet you wish you could ban me like you ban people on the steam forums.
Cool, now tell me which "dev" member said that. Should be easy.
Devs never said that, though.
It's not the same kind of armor you faggot. Though the SJW devs do think that revealing clothes is ok on a man but not a woman.
Cope and kneel, dog
They're both full-body uniforms with a helmet.
Publisher at 3D realms did. Also the devs ban people just for complaining about the shit new design. I bet you really wish you could ban me.
Bottom looks soulless
One looks like something from the 90s while the other is the generic padded shit you only see in Nu-games. Also this game is supposed to be the female version of Duke and was marketed as such,
Yeah, what's their name and what did they do on the DEV team? That is, if they were on the dev team.
>Joanna Dark and Cate Archer are well designed, and sexy, old Bombshell was not.
Old Bombshell A is a great design and not better nor worse than Joanna's and Cate's.
Pic related was Rare's official render of Joanna Dark. Cate Archer wore mini-skirts throughout both games as she pleased and a SKINTIGHT 60s full body latex suit.
That didn't cheapen their iconic appearance nor did it turn them into sluts.
You're such a fucking faggot that you put your profile private, Skele. Eat a dick
Do you have an actual argument?
>Also this game is supposed to be the female version of Duke and was marketed as such,
Well, let's see
>build engine game
>near-future setting
>protagonist kills shit while spouting one liners
>is female
Yep, that's a female Duke Nukem all right.
>Also this game is supposed to be the female version of Duke and was marketed as such
More like marketed as a third-rate knock-off because they can't use Duke.
imagine having the ability to classically sketch characters and make some bomb ass vintage art only to be drawing ugly ass run of the mill digitally shaded tumblr shit after like 20 years of "growth"
That's not me you stupid cuck
>Do you have an actual argument
Do you?
No it's not. Duke was in your face and his sexuality was a major part of his character
For starters that's literally not the devs. Secondly the devs told the 3DRealms guy to fuck off. Lastly, they banned idiots like (you) green skeleton for obvious shitposting.
Thanks for the free bumps, skele.
Post an argument as to why her current design doesn't look like it's from the 90s.
What I'm trying to get at is that former Bombshell A design is just as iconic looking as Joanna's and Cate's. It's just a different take on an entirely different character.
>Says he doesn't like the design
A seems to have the most personality and is sex without being silly
K and E are also pretty good
M is boring, like even putting aside their autistic aversion to fanservice it's just not interesting to look at, it uses a dull color palette and it's just a painfully generic suit of standard police riot gear that would be fine if the character was just a nameless NPC that has hundreds of clones but if the character is a MC or PC it's extremely lacking in distinctiveness.
Where did he say that?
Because it doesn't. Duke, Doomguy, ect, ect are all supposed to look cool and tough by not having any practical armor. According to the fucking blog post the 90s was "Sexy" so they changed it.
If all they said was something along the lines of, 'I don't really like the current design' and not 'FUCKING SJW BULLSHIT 0/10 WILL NOT BUY LEAVING A SHIT REVIEW THEN REFUNDED' then they wouldn't have gotten banned.
see where they banned him for complaining
No you said
>Says he doesn't like the design
So where did he comment on the design? Quote it.
He didn't say that. Also you are a fucking faggot tranny for justifying banning just because they complain
basicaly "male power fantasy".
Because its also the fault of men.
The real issue is that this DOES flow both ways, but not in sexy. Male objectification is not being sexy, its being seen as a tool for exploitation or work. Basically asking men to do stuff for you, is like grabbing a girls ass.
It does. Here, she looks like an EDF soldier from DNF.
>It hurts me that they'd invoke anne lewis from Robocop for their politically motivated nonsense
Refering to the new design that was done for political reasons.
I dont really like the pistol that much
in fact I didnt really like any of the guns, I dont see the appeal of the game besides the seeker grenades
>but I don't hate the one we have now.
I do, doesn't mesh with the retro style at all.
You mean a game not completed in the 90s. Also she isn't supposed to look like a generic soldier.
Why? the pistol is actually good unlike Duke's Doomguy, etc and the shotgun is one of the best I've used in any FPS.
That's all you have to say.
imo. Only ones with character in their design.
You've got Oni, Gears of War and Doom 3.
>You mean a game not completed in the 90s
Yeah, the same game Bombshell was created for but not finished in the 90s. Checkmate, retard.
Not made in the 90s, that's a generic soldier. She was redesigned specifically to appeal to modern feminists, dilate.
That's not a comment on design. He was commenting on politics, which the OP said the change wasn't about. He was banned for bringing politics into things which is blatant shitposting. It's ironic that the poster got so mad about SJWs pushing their agendas when he can't stop doing it himself.
>It's the cliche cop action movie in game form.
The one with sun glasses and bulging biceps?
Because the final design looks like some shitty down to earth crap.
Not big enough.
Yet her designs were all sexy you stupid nigger. Also her current game is supposed to look like it's from the 90s. Also THE DESIGN IS FUCKING SHIT
I was thinking of Dirty Harry, actually.
Green Skeleton BTFO
>He was commenting on politics
You mean about how they CHANGED HER DESIGN because of politics? So it's ok for the cucked devs to change her design on politics but not for someone to comment on that fact? Holy shit KYS tranny
>so much bitching about design with shitty arguments that don't make sense and continually get refuted
>barely anyone mentions the way Bombshell was already designed
>any of the old designs that were revealing were good and not just some generic, trashy whore
If you're gonna bitch, do it right next time. A, E, and fucking M were the only good designs on that sheet, and A was clearly the best. The best skimpy outfit they could have given her would be pic related, female Duke.
Lol, no. See
then she shouldn't have the retarded helmet and body armor. She should wear a suit or a mini dress or something. For that "formal" juxtaposition.
I think armored up females looks sexy. My dong loves women in armor while also enjoying two redheads eating each other out. I actually have taste, so I can't imagine many of you can relate.
Has anyone shown that guy is an actual dev yet?
A followed closely by E
M is complete ass. It's generic and boring and doesn't fit the aesthetic of the game or the 90s.
Yeah, brunettes > redheads, especially when they're pale as fuck with bright blue eyes. Otherwise, you my nigga.
So you're saying you've got porn of two redhead armored ladies eating each other out?
A. The nigger lips ruin B through G. K and L are okay; tied for second being A. M is a man.
b-b-b-but muh 90s feelung
>You mean about how they CHANGED HER DESIGN because of politics?
>...not for the the sake of avoiding "sexualization" or being "progressive", but because we felt it simply didn't make for a terribly interesting character.
Where does it say that?
In the post commenting about how embarassing the 90s designs were because they were too sexy and how they changed it
Fair enough.
I disagree. Could be better, but I think it's alright.
>game being made on an old engine HAS to emulate designs of that era
Where is that written?
It's amazing that people don't realize that A - L were designed when Bombshell was just Duke's sidekick and not an on-the-clock EDF soldier. The old designs don't work in the current game's context.
Wasn't a dev. This has been debunked for months. Next.
By the way it was the fucking VP of 3D realms. This fucking high up and the sooi is there
It was the VP. Even more important than a Dev because they have MORE SAY
she would basically wear something like this.
And DOOMguy is a marine yet he shows off arms and abs. The new designs would 100% work. I guess all the sexy police in older movies wouldn't work then right? Main characters are supposed to be visually different than generic grunts.
And yet the devs distanced themselves from that comment. Again, this was all debunked months ago. We should've moved past this by now but you guys just can't let go that some dumb 3dRealms nigger said some faggy shit and has nothing to do with the actual development.
sorry wouldn't have kept pushing it, but it took a while to find a good example
Nah, it's fine.
>They distanced themselves
How? By keeping the shit design? By banning people who complain about the shit SJW motivated design?
Nothing was debunked faggot.
Who cares?
His abs are not present in his actual in-game sprite.
>Who cares
The SJW devs. Arms can be sexy on a woman See the pictures posted.
>His abs are not present in his actual in-game sprite.
you mean the thing you rarely ever see?
It's good design though.
The in game sprite only looked like that because the sprite count was too low. As soon as they could update it they showed off his abs
How is that relevant?
>Generic Nu-armor that is dull and muted
Consider yourself owned you dumb parroting faggot.
I bet you like the Halo redesigns too then faggot or the Robo cop and Marvel redesigns as well. Adding shitty padded armor is the craze right now for people scared of sexuality
>caring about anything their fucking coffeeguy says
>If you like this then you must like that
>L-LOL I banned you and cucks were ok with it
The devs are hardcore seething ITT that they can't ban people who hate their shit redesigns.
How is it not?
The box art/opening is the thing most people see. If you show a sexy guy on the boxart, and a not so sexy guy in game. The box art is clearly more important.
So you would judge the box art design.
This goalpost moving is getting ridiculous.
>no abs in Doom 2, Final, 64, 3, D44M, or Eternal
His abs have no been visiable in a Doom game. Now Quake 3 yes, and an alternate skin in Quake Champions with an added 'Ab Armor' joke to hide his abs because at this point in time the devs are aware of all the jokes people make about it.
>Got so brainblasted that he doesn't even know what he's tying anymore
Fucking destroyed.
They look very fucking similar and are following the same trend.
Boring argument. Not even an argument. Thanks for bumping this thread past 500 replies. See you in the next one where you keep this game at page 1 at all times.
Read the steam blog written by the fucking VP
>B-But Bethesda shit didn't have abs
Of course not. I guess you would defend those shit designs too.
>Lose argument
>Can only fall back on "I owned you by banning you sexists in steam and will continue to shill my game!"
>in-game sprite
BASED. Still feels a little like the composer held back and didn't go all balls to the walls, but the potential is definitely there. Possibly budget/time restraints?
I miss characteristic ambient music in modern games so much. Not ambient sound, actual AMBIENT MUSIC that accompanies the gameplay. When was the last time you heard game music that stuck in your mind? For me it was Deus Ex Mankind Divided.
Just listen to this, it's pure EAR KINO:
it's so simple, yet so memorable and soulful. I can throw it onto my mp3 player and work out or listen to it while driving my car.
How did I lose the argument? I proved it wasn't a dev that made that SJW comment and I proved that the devs distances themselves from it. You got owned, dude. Thanks for keep the thread at page 1 for all that time though.
This was going one of her designs for DN4
>doom 2, 64, final, and 3 are Bethesda shit
Pic related is 'Bethesda shit' by the way.
>in game sprite which you never see
>main fucking menu screen and box art
>It wasn't the dev, it was a VP so that doesn't mean anything
Also the devs didn't distance themselves from it since they kept the same cucked design and ban people who complain.
Thank god this shit thread is almost dead.
that looks kinda shit, arm hair is decent
He shows abs in 64 faggot
>Get destroyed so hard that the only argument he can muster is "It's bad because I said so."
LMAO. Get owned like the nigger you are.
It's bad because it doesn't fit the design and is clearly SJW covered up shit. It's dull and generic.
You keeping tell yourself that sweetie and then ban anyone who actually says otherwise.
Nonsense. Another will rise up to take its place.
No he doesn't retard. Also that image is not even the game's boxart.
It's good because it's practical, fits the universe, and because I said so (your argument).
>Read the steam blog written by the fucking VP
Is that something different from the devblog? Because the devblogs are mostly technical stuff.
>It's good because it's practical
>90s FPS
>90s FPS
I didn't realize it's still the 90s.
Prove that the VP influenced the development of the game and what he did. Else your argument goes poof.
The game is specifically marketing itself as a 90s style FPS
He's the VP, of course he did you nigger
What law states that a 90s inspired game must not have practical armor? I'm waiting.