Are you ready for that epic classic wow experience?

Are you ready for that epic classic wow experience?

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pve server my dude

I will be playing PvE because I will not allow myself to have my time stolen from me by griefers

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even then for what reason? Almost all the classes are one spell rotations

>that UI
Not classic at all.

Don't worry, there is a place for babies like you, they're called PVE servers

Also Nu-Blizz would sooner ban ganking and everything that makes widdle snowflakes like yourself cry than keep the experience as vanilla as possible by telling you to git gud and deal with the the fact you rolled on a pvp server like they used to back then.


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>that situational awareness
I bet he was stacking reckoning 10ft away lmao

>posts a webm from a pserver with bugged reckoning


My interest is legit fading off as it's taking too long to come out, i haven't played a private server in like 6 years maybe more, dunno if i should and "ruin" it for myself, or refrain and see if i still have the urge to relive vanilla when they finally shit this 10year old game out

Gonna go horde priest ov pvp server though, as i never played one before but liked the class and enjoy healing

I don't want to waste my time corpse running since I'll be doing that enough just from creep deaths. PvP still happens on PvE realms especially when people try to get you flagged, but nothing stops you from keeping yourself flagged.
I've played on pvp realms enough with friends. I can always make a new character on a pvp realm, but I'm sticking to pve

the best part is that the pservers didn't have phasing or layering and classic will

classic doesnt have phasing though

I'd rather have layering or whatever than a 10k pop mega server filled with chinks and russians that can be shut down at any time, erasing all progress.


they have yet to test the beta without it

I don't think you know what phasing is

If you don't enjoy PvP you're more than likely a bottom of the barrel mouthbreather

>removing one of the three selling points of an MMO

I hope you fucking roleplay then i guess?

Bro you deserve to die that player literally just walked up to you from max range and you didn't notice. also its a paladin, no gap closer.

If you were aware of your surroundings you coulda just poly morphed him, walked away, spammed frost bolt and killed hi m

Lineage 2 chronicle 1 best PVP and MMO ever, fight me niggers

>cruma tower
>killing ricing bots
>enemy alliance comes around
>epic battle ensues
>no clear winner
>duke it out later that night when taking Giran castle from them

gg ez

just lvld for a couple hours on northdale, game is so good, can't wait for release. i'm going alliance this time even though i was horde back in vanilla. gonna play pally too, i remember being a rogue and hating paladins, i never fought them if i could help it, very tanky