Why was the one major, mandatory part of the game SO BORING AND TEDIOUS?! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
Why was the one major, mandatory part of the game SO BORING AND TEDIOUS?! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
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It wouldn't have been if they halved the amount of them and fixed the lvling scaling not being absolute balls.
Oblivion was the weakest tes game. The worst thing was how enemies scaled with your level, so there was never any actual challenge.
Only ppl for whom oblivion was their first TES game think it was better than skyrim, all things considered.
You literally only have to clear, what, two or three Oblivion gates? Every other one is completely optional.
But yes, the Oblivion gates were pretty bad considering how vital they were to the atmosphere/story.
only like 5 of them are mandatory
I liked them. Nothing like a daedra screaming at you about how your blood is forfeit to really brighten up the morning.
As a hero, you can't let a single one remain standing.
t. has never played Arena, Battlespire, or Redguard
>what is modding
>having the best quests in the series counts for nothing
>unironically liking any Elder Scrolls game before Morrowind
First time I played Oblivion and I went to Kvatch too early. That was fun.
Bro you're the Hero of Kvatch in this game, not the Hero of Cyrodiil. Let the other gates stay up, fuck those retards. If it's not Kvatch, you aren't the hero.
Same thing with Skyrim after the first one or two dragons
better do what real heroes do then and stack speed enchantments so you can just run past everything to the top of the towers and close them sigils FAST
That's the entire series, really. No point in picking out the Oblivion gates in particular.
Fuck off skyrim babby
Killing dragons in Skyrim was fun though?
the main quest closes all of them. which is retarded, because iirc, at high levels the anchor stones or whatever had better enchantments than what you could make yourself. or maybe i just never had good enchanting because i didnt want to enchant a copper ring of minor faggotry for hours on end
You're character had better of been a redguard named Usain Bolt.
The early games are shit. See .
And Oblivion or Skyrim isn't an open and shut case. It often comes down to opinions about RPG mechanics, quality of side quests, and forgiveness for poor level design. I'll give Skyrim credit for doing better than Oblivion's awful map layouts but it's hard to get past the neutered mechanics.
Nah he's right, you are an oblivionbaby. Morrowind is a better rpg than oblivion and skyrim is a better "action" rpg. Oblivion is the middle child that isn't good at anything.
For the first dozen or so times, sure. The AI is such shit that you just stand around waiting for them to land, then once they land you effortlessly shitstomp them.
The soul-absorption animation basically never gets old, I'll give you that. But that's about it. I installed dragon AI mods after literally one playthrough because I got bored of fighting them so quickly.
Obvlivion was boring almost all the time, outside muh assassins guild the whole thing seemed put together by an AI, and not a smart one
With mods, maybe. Combat in TES games has always been borderline unacceptable.
The first time yeah. Then they get stronger and stay in the air the majority of the fight while you tell at them and throw 1 dmg arrows.
I spent 400 of my 405 hours in Skyrim modding big titty brown girls and ENBs to post in/tesg/ when /vg/ was made. The game is only good for that desu
>go to Peryite and Boethiahs realms
>both just use the fucking Deadlands fire and brimstone shit
So fucking lazy
If the combat is the only thing holding Skyrim up then those are some flimsy foundations.
they were thinking that you probably ignored the main story for 50 hours and got swole as fuck, so when you actually had to start doing these you would breeze through them in 20 minutes.
At least levels MATTER in Oblivion because they certainly don't in Skyrim, that game is not an RPG. More like an action adventure game with crafting tacked on
Levels matter in Oblivion for all the wrong reasons. Enjoy your abhorrent, broken levelling system and fighting bandits in Daedric armour.
the level design of the towers was still annoying though, once you enter the gates. It's not that it was hard.
The saddest thing about Yea Forums is that Oblivion is now generally accepted as great because most people here grew up with that game. I'm sure Daggerfall oldfags were just as mad about me loving Morrowind
And I can already see some people whose first TES was Skyrim praising it as the best
The cycle never ends
>fighting bandits in Daedric armour
This happens in Skyrim as well.
Not nearly as often and not until you get to the very high levels. Even then they're boss level bandits. In Oblivion I could go to a marauder fort at level 25 and walk out with a full set of Daedric and/or Ebony.
I didnt read the thread, but have some comfy oblivion videos
How can you legitimately say that Daggerfall is bad, it's fucking rad man
Kinda. Although once you get to a high enough level you can sneak through the whole thing and then just shut the gate with out doing much of anything.
Here's another. I actually watched this entire thing in one sitting on a lazy sunday. It's pretty good, but obviously far from concise.
i enjoy the interiors, finding the entrance to the sigil tower is the annoying part.
Gameplaywise all TES games are shit and Oblivion is no exception. However what Oblivion had that Skyrim didn't is compelling quests and guilds, especially the Thieves Guild
I liked the idea behind Oblivion gates, they just needed more variety.
It balances out with how bland Oblivion's environments and dungeons were
and Skyrim does stupid shit like making the fighters guild the werewolf guild. Not to mention making being a werewolf a minor optional perk instead of a permanent change to gameplay.
Oblivion's dungeons were better than Skyrim's too. Skyrim dungeons are literally a straight line with an exit back into the man world convienetly located at the end of almost every dungeon.
you have to play a grand total of 3
Fuck off
Is there a mod that fixes this?
TES games in general are pretty bad, and generally get pruned with every new release (just look at old archived Daggerfall community discussions on Morrowind). Mods definitely help, I'd say the least broken vanilla experience is III because at least it's most broken in favor of the player. IV is the most broken against the player vanilla due to the horrific level scaling that not only ruins enemies, but loot too, the game is only balanced at level 1. V only really had smithing as the major game breaker, and it was tame compared to III's potions and magic. The real issue with Skyrim was its fundamental mechanics need much more of an overhaul than previous games, and featured even more pruning. To be clear my favorite is Oblivion, which wasn't my first, and I would never argue its the best.
What are the best mods to fix the leveling system? I hated the way you had to micro manage attributes.
Do people still play dungeon mods for Oblivion? I was thinking of making one since I prefer how this game plays modded over the others but I feel like everyone's just playing Skyrim like always.
>5 hours
Even if half of them were filled with Draugr, most Skyrim dungeons had a story, a gimmick or were at least interesting to look at. Every Oblivion dungeon had the exact same layout and none of them were satisfying to clear out. Don't somehow argue that backtracking your way out of a dungeon, having killed everything in it, set off all the traps and looted every chest, is meant to be fun gameplay, because it isn't. Skyrim had the right idea.
>Hero of Kvatch
>The big swinging dick of a place whose only inhabitants are those little dinosaur things.
Realistic Leveling or Oblivion XP. For more stuff: pastebin.com
Leveling in Skyrim was actually worse. You eventually were fighting dozens of draugr death lords in every cave
>IV is the most broken against the player vanilla due to the horrific level scaling that not only ruins enemies, but loot too, the game is only balanced at level 1.
It's not inherently broken against the player, you just need to know how to game it. If all of your major skills are useless shit you never use, the game suddenly becomes easy as fuck because you barely level up even though your combat skills are off the charts powerful.
Awesome thank you
but you're literally the Champion of Cyrodiil in TES IV
Morrowind is the best elder scrolls game out-of-the-box. The story and lore are way better than the other two and although the combat is very shit it's bad in all of them and no one plays this stuff for the fighting anyway.
No, that's a title bestowed upon you by the Order of the Dragon. The main character of Oblivion is known as the Hero of Kvatch. Compare this to the main character of Skyrim; he or she will probably carry lots of titles in their various guilds and alignments, but ultimately they are still the Dragonborn.
>Morrowind is the best elder scrolls game out-of-the-box.
Yes, I love swinging a sword and not hitting anything because everything is a dice roll.
With enough alchemy fuckery you could make far better shit, but IIRC it did have exclusive enchantment, notably chameleon.
Based. Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion.
>not until you get to the very high levels
Levelling up in Skyrim is also much faster than Morrowind or Oblivion
lmao at the snail iq op, maybe you should play witcher 3 instead so you don't have to undestand words
so all the mediocre end up looking good
Morrowind had retarded gameplay and you could easily break it with a great story.
Oblivion had a meh main story, memorable side quests and gameplay.
Skyrim has unmemorable stories with dumbed down gameplay.
>and you could easily break it with a great story
This. I'd add
Morrowind > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Oblivion > Arena
If you leveled efficiently in Oblivion would enemies still be op?
>memorable gameplay
Yeah, carefully waving axe made out of foam in front of my face is really memorable.
Why should your character be able to do anything right at the start? He can't kill shit effectively because he doesn't know how to use a sword.
What part of the oblivion gameplay was in any way better than the one in Skyrim?
Spell altar was probably the one and only feature that was a plus and even that was mostly just giving your projectile spells different stats.
Probably how it was an actual RPG with actual character stats that did more than simply let you unlock perks
The ability to swing your weapon at an enemy and see them fly into orbit was super fun.
>todd game
>not having hamfisted main quests
>not shitting all over the lore and gameplay to appeal to normals
Yeah but could you do with the stats? Non of it was as impactful as the crazy shit you could do in Morrowind.
Sure it was still that way in Skyrim but the perk system actually gave some more utility and possibilities like shield dash, evasive roll etc. It gave some more options for different play styles.
The virgin trophy vs the chad achievement
I played until lvl 60 and did everything you could possibly do on skyrim and never once saw a single bandit wearing daedric armor, steel plate was the highest they wore and i think i saw 1 with ebony armor once
I constantly saw them with glass and even dragonscale armor
don't shitpost with richad chadkins, thank you.
Well beats me, i saw glass a few times but never dragonscale