Did a single person on this planet ask for this?
Did a single person on this planet ask for this?
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>tfw i love re6
people ask for switch ports all the time
I'd honestly beat your shit in if I knew where you lived you fucking waste of skin.
Ah, the good old giraffe blowjob logo
Me too user. Combat was a lot of fun. Much better than 5. What a shit game that was.
The switch? No.
5 is fine in coop
6 is literally "so bad its good"
nintentards always begging for switch ports, wouldn't hurt
fuck off
Show me a single person unironically port begging for RE6 faggots
RE5 has the best mercenaries ever, so yeah this is cool.
I did, those are good games
RE5 co-op was incredible.
>6 is literally "so bad its good"
The only good parts of 6 are the mercenaries and playing co-op with a friend so you can make fun of everything and laugh about how bad it is. That shit fucking sucked.
le 636 is bad lo
4 and 5 are sibling games and are great
6 can suck an std-ridden cock and choke on it
>look me roll on the floor like an autistic retard!! so much fun!!! XD
Yup, this is exactly what I want in my survival horror franchise. Over-the-top action.
>hehe look at me run away from the enemies so much fun
seperate the branches basic bitch.
They are fun games... what's the problem?
I would have appreciated more if it didn't took itself too seriously. 5 had still the right amount of cheese.
Some zoomers. I'd rather ports of the original 2 and 3.
Are you saying when you see retards mirthfully rolling on the floor honk-laughing you dont wish you could have fun like that? This is a retard simulator with a zombie veneer.
This game is in my Top 10 Retard Sims.
it's the best one
I honestly hope this is bait, I love RE5 but anyone who loves RE6 deserves to be beaten by their parents, the game is awful in every way and you should be ashamed of your shit taste
I would rather have 4/5's solid, responsive and satisfying GUNPLAY, thank you very much.
b-but my boomer franchise that was dead and burried before based action revitalized it
if you want "survival" autism you can go play on your Gamecube grandpa, it's almost 2020
It's my favorite after the original on DS.
How did Nintendo manage to make a console worse than the fucking wii? Switch is an embarrassing joke at this point
>game isn't exactly like it's predecessors
>INSTANT incel seething how it's the worst thing ever
Why is Yea Forumseddit so afraid of change?
I have never seen anyone say that the shooting mechanics are outright bad, just that they don't belong in an RE game, which is very debatable. What everyone shits on is the absolutely trash campaigns.
6 is one of those games where the mechanics reign supreme. It really oust how braindead casual this board is
You're right, no one wanted a survival horror RE game again.
Remake 2 and 7 sold horribly and are regarded as utter failures.
Oh wait...
Switchlets gobble any shit given to them. What else is new? I mean they only have Zelda, Mario and smash, I guess i cant blame them.
Believe it or not you need to make a good game around fundamental mechanics. DMC4 is proof of this.
That actually looks fun as heck honestly. Doing sweet flips and shooting zombies. This is 6? I only played 5 with a friend
No it's not. We guzzled DMC4's cum happily for years until the reboot came out
>6 is one of those games where the mechanics reign supreme
It's the "mandatory AAA title that nobody gives a shit about"
>Switch fags will pay $60 for something that goes for $5 during a steam sale.
DMC4 has the same problem RE6 has. The main game is shitty while the side mode is great. But for DMC4 I'd say at least a few of the parts were good, like the Credo fight.
you try making a point and fall back on memes that plague the entire series post 4. you ok retard?
literally free money
why wouldn't they
DMC4 was a huge disappointment
>tfw the Director behind RE6 was also behind the underrated gems, the Outbreak games
No, why didn't they shove 4 in there, or has already been released on the Switch?
Re4 on the switch cartridge, 5/6 d.download - $60
I don’t agree with you but i still respect your opinion user. Don’t be part of the hivemind
makes sense, since RE6 is an underrated gem also
I can't believe i forgot about outbreak! Those were great when you had good teamates! Otherwise, the AI was retarded. David is great
This looks fun at first until you realize that the only thing there is jumping/rolling on the ground trying to do cool shit. Even at the end where there was just one enemy this dude still jumped to the ground for no reason trying to make the combat look as crazy as possible.
RE0 and RE didn't even chart on the eshop. People dont want crap lazy ports
Its already on the switch store. I didnt want to buy the game for the 2nd time on a nintendo console
RE4 port for switch was released earlier this year along other RE ports iirc
the proliferation of the RE6 logo can be considered one of mankind's loftiest aspirations
keep coping lil brother
That's actually kind of reasurring. People talk so much shit but they'll buy into the thing they're trash talking anyway. Not buying a certain product sends a much louder message.
Wait, is this actually Resident Evil 6? And I was about to buy that game.
Compare how many QTEs are in RE4, 5 and 6 and come back and tell me its just a meme, till then keep your shaggy meemees you got from facebook to yourself
lazy DMC1 port didn't chart either
Me. RE6 is a great game and proved Yea Forums is full of hypocrites who care more about story over genuinely good gameplay.
It is fun because you can constantly be chaining together all these movement options to always be in a different position. No other game offers such dynamic movement options. When you have that mobility you're gonna want to always be using it. Feel bad for you faggots with no sense of flair
whats he supposed to be coping with? are you a fucking idiot? he just posted the re6 giraffe blowjob.
do you not know what that is because youre so new and so fucking gay that the only way you know how to "fit in" on Yea Forums is to say some dumbfuck zoomer meme word?
fuck off until the sun dies, you cataclysmic faggot
so turn the QTEs off in the options menu and quit your bitching tiny tim
re3 remake when
Found the actual retard. The webm isn't trying to suggest that's even a viable way to play the game, it's showing off the strongest point in RE6: the amount of control you have over your character. In 4 and 5, anything you can do that's remotely comparable to these maneuvers is a QTE. In 6, you're able to do this large amount of maneuvers and the only context required is for a haymaker with piss easy setup. Not that you'd do many of them with frequency or consecutively, but you have this list of ways to react to a situation in fun, dynamic ways. But yeah, let's deny there's any merit in 6 because seven year old memes told us to
If you're hating on RE6 you're more than likely some faggot normie who came from facebook that is too casual to play a real video game and has to rely on a "hardcore" "survival" """""horror""""""" game like RE2(more like Arr Eww Poo) as a crutch.
Good mechanics alone doesn't make a game good. Sure, mercs is fun but the main game is compounded by so much shit that the mechanics don't save it. I actually liked 6 on release, but now that we've had 7 and RE2 remake it's unplayable to me.
Yes, yes they do redditor. Go back to Red Dead 2 if you wanna enjoy some pretentious tripe that's only good on a surface level.
It doesn't turn them all off dingus, now I know you haven't even played the game
It plays good but mainly in mercs. The main game itself just isn't that fun to play.
wtf i played 6 and didn't like it. im not likely from Facebook you fucking idiot, i'm from here
>Feel bad for you faggots with no sense of flair
I just think that webm is a bad example of it. The flair is better when enemies actually do things to make you use it. It's like Max Payne going into bullet time when the enemies don't have guns.
So you're still gonna have to wiggle out of grips huh? like in your other sacred RE titles? you fighting a losing battle son.
the "support" cqpcom has for switch is insulting, they should be making unique shit like mercenaries 3d
Hopefully never. It was just a gaiden story Capcom used to Jew their way out of a contract and make money on minimal effort. Go straight for the CV remake.
It's dogshit as a RE game and as a single player game but it's really fun with a buddy
>co-op classics
RE5 was fun, but let's not delude ourselves.
Capcom is treating the switch terribly.
It would be cool if lost planet 1 and 2 came out for switch, and maybe an english version of that anime spinoff.
You counted the QTEs yet or are you just gonna keep baiting because you literally have nothing else? I could tolerate RE6 if none of its fans have anything to defend, but there literally is nothing worth defending
You're a retard. If good mechanics alone could save a game then there'd never be a need for people to construct cohesive games with pacing and context.
it's called arcade games
Based. Still better than 7 too.
what fucking year is it lmfao
aaaaaa gotta put my metal money into the machine at the local gambling center HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
>Over-the-top action.
Code: Veronica started the game with a video of Claire Redfield raiding an Umbrella office building like an action movie star. The only reason the gameplay wasn't like that was because the game engine they were using back then wasn't adequate enough for such sequence, but if they would remake RECV today, you would bet that would be a playable tutorial. Over the top action has been part of the franchise since RE2.
>t. I want to be told a story
Arcade games still had those things
and so does mercenaries
t. I want to play phone games on a big metal box
unironically the best third person shooter controls and combat ever.
My brother. Resident Evil 6 is unironically great. I've put hundreds of hours in the game over the console and PC versions. The game is fun as hell, even better with a friend. Three of the biggest "complaints" are solved in the options menu.
You can't pause (choose offline game).
Muh QTE's (turn them off).
I keep getting hit by my partner! (attack reaction off).
>a side mode is the entire game
When the side mode is the sole point of praise then there's something wrong
>I liked this action shooter title on release but now that two survival horror games came out I can't play it anymore.
"Gamers" are fucking weird.
>Capcom Switch "support"
Is there any graphics comparisons of the switch versions? curious to see how did they got changed
my all time favourite is re2 then 4 then 6
3-1-remake-5-7 and remake 2 I simply cannot like because they have zero gameplay innovation and aged like trash, zero is even worse, fucking monkeys
honestly forgot about that gem, you got me there user
I just mean that the quality of the overall package is so much lower that it's hard to play now that the series is glowing again. I could put up with 5 and 6 at the time because it was the only Resi content available, but not anymore.
5 was better
and here we're back at the infinite loophole. It's an arcade experience, side game or not, it doesn't fucking matter when it's the type of experience you can jump in and out of goddamn reatrds bleach you'reselves fuck
Love Platinum but I wasn't too into Vanquish
The thing is that the game is Resident Evil 6, with those main campaigns being the focus. You can't just cut out the diseased parts of a game and then call it good. If you said "RE6 isn't that good but the mercenaries mode is dope" then you might be onto something.
I am playing through the game right now with a buddy of mine and I think you'd have to be a retard to say this is a good gam, let alone your favourite. Worst Resident Evil I've ever played.
>Both games are digital only
>both 29.99
>Capcom will release a physical Resident Evil Triple Pack at retail in North America that includes Resident Evil 4 on a cartridge, as well as Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 as download vouchers for $59.99 on October 29.
>If you want RE5 and RE6 to be just 20, you have to buy RE4 AGAIN
Are Capcom legit fucking retarded?
I was more upset when RE6 didn't have the PS Move support but RE5 did
This isn't the most optimal way to play though
All style no substance. Got it
Its not gonna have gyro aiming user
They were too lazy to implement it in RE4, 5 and 6 are sure as fuck not gonna have it
No physical releases. Yes no one asked for digital only versions.
"Me play game with multiple solutions only one solution me bored, me only play optimal way me read on internet"
Bet you're one of those retards that disliked MGSV and say the slo mo shit is needed to play because it's too much of a bother to actually get better at anything
This, the first game is the one that completely focused on horror, kinda like the difference between alien and aliens.
Fuck off, there is no optimal way. You're not running out of time unless you're an absolute shitter, so you can do all the retarded meneuvering to your heart's content. If standing around countering shit is fun for you then be my guest retard supremo.
I never played MGS V. I'd rather a game reward me for doing cool shit. I'm fine with messing around with mechanics to a certain extent but eventually there's got to be some payoff.
The optimal way is shooting once and performing a melee take down.
Well I’ve only played RE7 and like an hour of REmake 2 before I got bored so I guesss it’s cool to be able to play all the old ones(except 3) on a comfy portable system I can play in bed. Pic related.
Based user. Keep fighting the good fight. RE6 is legit good. Fuck the haters.
>6 takes itself seriously and doesn't have cheese
wtf why? they put gyro in the stupid revelations game but not here? no buy for me
>The optimal way is shooting once and performing a melee take down.
So the same shit i've been doing since 4?
Christ, user. Have some self respect. If you consider that games anything more than bullshit, you're just deluding yourself.
>were in a time where Bethesda supports Nintendo more than Capcom
Be glad when Capcom gets their head out of their ass with these shitty ass digital ports
Yeah, not my fault the devs couldn't think of a way to make all of the new moves worth while
Guaranteed they're 10 steps ahead of you my friend, not the other way around.
Not even that guy but
>RE5 releases
>Dislike it
>Didn't like the move to straight action with no move and shoot
>Didn't like most of the enemies in the late game having guns
>Bosses were shit save wesker
>Kills off Wesker and Jill isn't even Chris' partner because of politicing and blacks getting upset big muscle man chris was killing virtual blacks so gave him a black partner
>Story revolves so much around being partners and it's focused around Sheva the diversity hire that never ever ever shows up again
RE6 releases
>Move and shoot
>Evasive maneuvers for shooting enemies
>Counters, embraces the action side
And then
>People shit on 6 to praise 5, and 4 despite 4 suffering from pretending it's tense outside of regenerators and being a massive QTE fest
>But it's only a problem when 6 has QTEs
Then 7 came out and obviously was a callback to older titles despite shitting the bed in the last third of the game
>People pretend to like 6 again
I hate this shithole
Thankfully these are the last lazy ports because there's no old RE games left to port and RE7 and RE2 would be too much work
There isn't a more kino moment in this entire franchise.
This is why people who say the controls are ideal for Mercs are retarded. It just lets you style without any reward, the enemies will never put pressure on you to keep the flow of attack/mobilty up. On vet, pro and NHL difficulty in the campaigns that shit is essential and really shows you how the mechanics come into their own
>Get image swapped
I don't even know who that 3d pig is
Fuck you, she's cute
made your post look more professional anyway fucking weeb.
I'm going to act like I'm better than the developers but I'm allowed to criticise them
>Implying I give a shit about what some triggied normoid thinks
That's cute retard
>The optimal way is shooting once and performing a melee take down.
Actually the optimal way (in Mercs at least) is to wait for the enemy to attack and kill them instantly with a counter, with the occasional headshot to keep the combo going. That's it. People who say Mercs is some high level DMC John Woo shit don't know what the fuck they're talking about. The wacky rolls and dodges are for the hard difficulties in the campaign.
Because I definitely wasn’t telling people they were over reacting at 6 back at release. I’m definitely just riding some internet bandwagon.
why october 29th exactly?
Wouldn't shock me
5 is better than 4.
Is RE6 as bad as people make it out to be? I've played every mainline title except for 6. I also enjoyed 0 which gets a lot of hate here too.
My bad, forgot you could counter last second. I'm a little clumsy with timing so I always went for the headshots and melee. But yeah the rolls don't really do much. They didn't really help me much on professional either outside of the odd moment.
I like how you're undermining mercenaries to appeal to the extreme of the campaigns. Again though, there is no optimal mercenaries when you're not in danger of running out of time so you faggots need to save it. The campaigns might have been worth replaying if they weren't hours long apiece. You're not going to ease anyone into the game with your mindset. As it stands i'll just take my short bursts of mercs.
If you've played all the mainline titles you may as well give it a go. It's frequently on sale and if you've got an Xbox 360 or PS3 lying around you can get a copy dirt cheap for one of those systems as well. There's fun to be add but I don't think it's consistently strong by any means. It's actually kind of a mess. I think they tried to do too much.
I do too, bought it 3 times already (360, PC, X1) but I would never buy that shit on Switch
I don't think "the side mode is the good part!" is much of a sell on the game either
I'm not selling it to you am I bitch.
You're the one who brought up getting people into the game
I don't want your money
Now that the companies are doing mildly unpopular games from last gen, what's stopping S-E from porting FFXIII series? I'm curious about Lightning's Returns.
God I hate Debrah she's a fucking bitch. Ada I hate too. Her dialogue was beyond cringe and also she's a schizophrenic.I like the game but it would have been way better without her existing.
>Capcom announces a new Switch port basically every month
>Switch owners still not happy
What's the issue exactly ? I don't understand
Yes. No one with taste asked for them though as no one with taste likes RE5 or RE6.
They're a bit pricey but you would have to be stupid to not wait for the inevitable sale. Now, where's DMC4SE...?
>Lazy ports
>Cost more than they were on PS4/X1
Most other big publishers are at least putting out new games on the Switch. I legitimately don't think there's a single modern Capcom game on the Switch except Mega Man 11, unless you count the Beat-em-Up Bundle which is a bunch of 90s arcade games.
Charging $20 for Devil May Cry 1 when you can get that exact version of DMC1 plus DMC3SE and a game so bad it's funny to give it a quick look for
No one who concerns themselves with idiosyncrasies of "taste" maybe. Keep pretending you're in good company.
>all old games
>Cost more than the other versions
>Too lazy to add shit like HD Rumble or gyro
>Too cheap to shell out for physical versions
>triple pack for $60
>have to pay $60 for RE4 on cartridge and still have to be saddled with the two worst RE games in the process
Konami currently has more new games on the Switch than Capcom, and Konami doesn't even make games anymore
6's good mechanics are horribly squandered by near uniformly terrible game design, it's not even allowed to be actually good at the one good thing it has going for it. How does that possibly make for a good game?
The story campaigns bar Leon's were absolute trainwreck, but the multiplayer on the other hand was hella fun to play
you gotta believe
>What's the issue exactly ?
the switch is shit
>Its the Switch's fault for Capcom's laziness
Remember that time they added Left 4 Dead 2 characters to Resident Evil 6?
You know what. As much as I hate RE5 and RE6, At least they had decent production that didn't look like it asked for last generation's fetishes and made it into a game like RE7 and RE2make being one of the blandest games ever.
>still have to be saddled with the two worst RE games in the process
But it doesn't come with RE0 and CV
Yeah, it comes with RE5 and RE6. 0 is third worst and CV is mid tier.