ITT Overpowered crutches
ITT Overpowered crutches
I agree with you but most of Yea Forums won't because they're retarded and somehow think it's "balanced".
tau cannon in half life
>gigantic rocketjumps
bc all you have to do is point, aim and click. do you know how many niggers try to use the awp and not know how to actually use it?
>ak is one tap
>deagle is one tap
>scout is one tap
its not overpowered desu
>just aim for the head
Might be valid if the game didnt have RNG mechanics in aim. AWP is OP because its the only gun that shoots straight and is a one tap kill
the guns he listed are 99% accurate at your usual cs combat ranges
>miss with awp
>ak wins
It literally doesn't matter. The fact it kills so easily, even on a full hp and full armor opponent is ridiculous. The fact it makes you slow, or only gives like 100 bucks or whatever for an kill is completely irrelevant.
Killing enemies is the most important part of the game, especially in comp. Nothing kills so easily, except maybe the ak, but the awp is easier to use since it has range. The awp makes the game so unfun to play it's unreal.
CS would be so much infinitely better with the awp being as powerful as it is, and also if the shooting mechanics weren't so brain fuckingly stupid and outdated. I have literally no clue how people defend the shooting mechanics of the game, it's mind blowing. I'm not even talking about the bad webms you see reposted, the general feel of every gun, shooting them, shooting while moving (or standing) and so on, is just so fucking bad it is a physical pain to play the game at times. And the physics of the game are shitty too, movement, throwing nades, and so on.
I play csgo sometimes with friends and every time I do, I'm just reminded of how strange and bad it is.
>this bait
just full auto bro, i'm sure you'll hit someone eventually
You know, you should actually play the game instead of only reading Yea Forums bait-posts about it. You'd probably be surprised.
just flash him bro
If AWP is so good why do no teams ever run 5 awps
CTs might run 2 awps, Ts rarely if ever run more than 1
t. silver elite
>literal autist can't understand why genres are a thing
okay, guy
>miss with awp
>ak wins
True, however you cant miss with AWP above silver. It doesnt happen and by that argument even pistol beats the awp since "just have your enemy miss" is a valid argument.
Il full auto my balls to your mom
>throws a smoke and flashes into site
I almost forgot most people here are still silver to mg2 in this game.
>flanking routes
if the other man can aim better than you it doesn't matter anyways
>True, however you cant miss with AWP above silver.
yet people in top5 teams in the world miss constantly
Does nothing if enemy knows how to position. Only retards get blocked by smoke.
Only works if you know where he is and he is retarded enough not to look away/counter flash/have a friend etc
>flanking routes
Doesnt exist in certain maps
It's good but if you think it's infallible or the best weapon in the game and not outplayed by a smoke grenade or by being anywhere but where he's aiming, you're awful and the AWP is the least of your problems.
i was gonna say bullshit because i was just one step above a gold gun but i can't remember which, and i could barely maintain a 30% accuracy rating
scout has no bloom btw, the deagle and ak bloom literally cant be seen at 1080p.
Wasn't the M16 statistically the best assault rifle due to reload time?
>that ak
Easily enough to miss head on long
They do. All the fucking time.
Unless of course you mean competitively, and that's because it's a team of 5 who communicate and practice every map daily together.
This is why e-sports kills games. You could have really fun gamemodes and maps like Source, but instead you get a shitty game with a shitty community balanced around the pros and not 99.9999999999999% of the actual player base.
But it's not. It's incredibly limited. It's very powerful in it's specific niche but it's still a niche.
>>>>>>>>>>> shot 1 kill
The fact that a team uses a gun for lulz hardly makes it overpowered
And it'll always remain static 'cause the devs always have their arms elbow deep in the game's ass, so if something pops up that ruins the 'meta'? Next day update, that something gets nerfed because fuck you all devs know how to do is shit on things.
>They do. All the time!
>Can't counter it because he's worse at aiming than a literal fucking cannon that can't shoot more than once every 3 seconds.
Just say you're bad and leave. The awp is balanced through economy and risk of losing it to the other team.
>gets one shot by other things with faster fire rate in the same amount of time
Silver problems tb.h. Git gud.
It's only overpowered if you are retarded.
>BISON still the godsmg that it is
>spread from running always seems to give me headshots so i never stop moving forward
How the fuck do you use the bison, it feels like a squirt gun
That's a big hand
Or a small gun
No other gun can 1 shot kill. Only deagles, auto, and scout are a 1 shot kill if you headshot.
I don't even have a problem with the idea of a one shot kill gun. My problem with the awp is that you can shoot them in the fucking toe and RNG either 90% of their life or 1HK them. Make it only kill on center mass and headshot.
>Scrub mentality
Doesn't matter how unbalanced it is, its part of the game and you're an idiot if you don't use it.
You should go back to playing overwatch, kid. This isn’t your game.
>what is AK
>what is SG
and yeah, AWP legs dont kill and there's no RNG.
Berserker is OP but it's SWAT that's *genuinely* clutch
>free armor
>no health damage till armor goes to 0
>armor can go to 150
Like ???
The problem is that it's in the game at all. Yes it is there, yes people use it, and I've used it too. That doesn't mean it's a good mechanic or something that should be in the game. The game would be better without it. Scout is a fine weapon, takes skill to use to get the headshots, and is balanced because it doesn't just loldelete everyone in a single hit on the literal easiest piece of the body to hit.
full ham auto, rush doors and hope you get the drop on them
really good when you're behind on money because you can get a couple kills before the enemy realizes you're a suicidal maniac
It is indeed a crutch. People who use the AWP are the same shitters who resort to Negev spam when they're too poor to afford one.
delete AWP and everyone just uses rifles instead
aint nobody gonna pick up a fucking scout over an AK
Yes, the AWP is a oneshot kill and in a whitebox situation should win most fights.
This is why smoke grenades, flashbangs, and teammates exist.
also bullethose for days
Based, what this man says is true. If the Awp existed in Quake it wouldn't matter because you run like a fucking bullet train in that game, but in CS you move like 3 fucking miles an hour. It's so easy to pick people off with the awp.
I mean, no offense but isn't the mp7 better if someone is sitting at the corner of doors?
>>That doesn't mean it's a good mechanic or something that should be in the game.
It has been in the game for almost 20 years!
if only there existed a mechanic to make the awper move or fuck with his vision somehow
Silver elite problems.
the most boring shit i can think of
>post a gun
>it is inferred you’re talking about CS:GO
How did this end up the de facto FPS of Yea Forums?
People who are actually good at the game don't need to.
t. Me
Awps are interesting, as they are good on a bell shaped curve. In silver they're borderline broken, and at highest level play they're fantastic. But at every level in between, they're good but not super OP.
It isn't, Siege is /ourshooter/. Counter Strike is archaic and irrelevant.
>specifically post a gun resembling the awp and proceeding to call it broken
Damn yea, it's so weird man
both siege and csgo are dogshit
siege fixes it by making every gun a full auto AWP with no recoil
>hero shooters
So? It shouldn't have been that way from the beginning.
I like csgo, I just have problems with it because the balance is fucking retarded most of the time and the fanbase is too sickly autistic to let it change or get better. The game could be SO MUCH BETTER but it never will be because these jerk off fans think it's "perfect" the way it is. Instead of letting it evolve and becoming way better.
There's a reason people like cod and bf and whatever other games more. Because the general gameplay is just better. Csgo is fun in its own way, but it could be so much better. And I'm not saying it needs to become a cod derivitive or something, just that it doesn't need to be as shitty and weird as it is. It isn't "unique" it's just bad.
>once again a literal autist who can't understand why someone else would like something that isn't CoD.
Just fucking leave, you obviously don't like the game because of it's style, so stop trying to tell others it's 'bad' because of your opinion.
You can make the same argument for Quake
People have been autistically playing virtually the same game for 20 years with barely any changes, maybe it's a concept that works
Csgo is more fun for me than siege, probably because of the awp. It's so satisfying to clutch an eco round after killing some cocky fucker who can't aim, and completely turning the tables on the enemy team.
>SWAT is good
>because of its armor
Yeah, you can take an extra hit from a Husk or fleshpound, or survive an extra second or two in a stalker/crawler gangbang, but I don't think that's realistically going to contribute to clutching a 100+ specimen wave in the same way unkillable medic healing or gunslinger run speed and absurd head damage will.
tl;dr If you're clutching with SWAT, its your skill not the perk that's doing the work.
fucking hell man, just say you like the mindless run and gun of cod and be done with it
>avoiding guns for the sake of fake "honour"
Congrats on being a retard.
>T. only plays on normal and hard
>Huntsman from TF2
"No guys, I swear the hitbox is okay, yeah so I didn't hit your head but got a headshot, but thats okay
>medic, just chilling doing my job
>everyone stops killing things properly and dudes build up
>panic sets in and everyone fucking splits ruining my healing chances
>they all start dying and the one dude i'm healing is too retarded to keep himself from taking dmg
>end up spending 15 minutes trying to kill everything by myself
fuck fleshpounds, but also medics are the most broken for the heals
If its not balanced why would they leave it in the game?
Watch me solo the 6 man patty on HoE as Zerker because my team died in two seconds.
not in Pavlov. That bolt action is annoying as fuck if you have to work it manually
I literally said it doesn't need to be like cod, do you people have any reading comprehension at all?
I used those games as examples, not examples of what the game should be. What I am saying is that the awp is a stupid weapon and shouldnt be in the game and that the shooting mechanics of cs are extremely outdated and overall very bad regardless of age. The game could be better if these things were fixed but the fanbase won't ever let that happen.
I know the game isn't for me, I still play it from time to time and enjoy it occasionally. The game could just be better.
Aren't these the same people who work on TF2? There's your answer if so.
>weapon is overpowered but only has one shot
Is that a racism I see? >=0
>the shooting mechanics of cs are extremely outdated and overall very bad regardless of age.
What would you suggest? Because a modern ironsight approach would kill the game the moment it was introduced.
Can you imagine the uproar of awpshitters? Also then the game would only have like 2 viable guns.
dad said i get to have perfect defense and pressure and you arent allowed to dodge any of it so just fucking die you coward
>>Csgo is fun in its own way
You're absolutely right, I thought I liked counter-strike too, but after every revision they all had the same "problems" and I realized its not a game for me.
How would it kill the game immediately? I don't think modern game iron sighting would be good for the game either but it would certainly be way better than what it is now.
PUBG has great shooting. Bullets have travel time, there's recoil, and so on, and also has iron sighting. It is arguably harder than most games shooting mechanics (compared to something like cod or whatever). I think it could work for csgo with some tweaking.
>the game could be better because I and other shitters who can't aim specifically get mad about the AWP
it's been like this since before 1.6 dude, they aren't gonna change, and anything you might suggest is probably some shit design from another genre that doesn't match.
No one ever uses 70% of the guns anyways. This is the design that autists want and will probably stick with for another game or two, a slower and more mechanical game play loop.
You can disagree with the AWP and not shit on the shooting mechanics. Those mechanics are a genre themselves, and the AWP shits on those mechanics completely
It's overpowered in a 1v1 situation, but CS is not a 1v1 situation. If an awp whore gets you and you didn't have a teammate right next to you to shoot them down while they were between shots, making them waste all that money for ONE (1) kill, then the awp isn't what put your team at a loss. It was your rampant stupidity you filthy fucking casual.
The AWP has always seemed so contrary to the core gameplay I've never really understood it.
>the awp shits on those mechanics
>still has to follow the rules of the gun mechanics like every other gun
>PUBG has great shooting
not in close quarters it fucking doesnt
>it's another "the med is the last person alive and he's gonna circle the map while chucking grenades at himself and collecting ammo" episode
>dudes spin around eachother in a room because of lag and bad hit detection
>pull out melees and start jumping and kissing
>one of them finally dies after his opponent freezes into T-POSE and kills him with lag
laughed and never launched another drop again
Should I just kill myself at that point?
It feels like a waste of 6 waves to just start all over again.
Nah, it's always best to try to finish. It just makes me wonder what's the point, like what not go six man medic, stay close together, and do the same thing.
I mean, this happens and is a problem when the team is ass and leaves half the zeds to the med, so I guess good teamwork is really all that is required in the end
The work perfectly fine in cqc as far as I can tell. I've never had any seriously bad standout problems with cqc fighting in pubg. Outside of maybe lag or something out of my control at the time like a server disconnect or something.
Like I said, pubg mechanics would have to beh tweaked a bit for csgo but would be better.
As far as Last Man Standing is concerned:
>Medic is easiest because they are maximum defense/healing, but they'll take forever to actually kill everything
>Berzerker is a good balance of 'hard to kill' and 'can dish out damage'. Good job if they do it quick, if they lame it out with excessive kiting that's a poor showing.
>Gunslingers are unholy shitwreckers in the right hands. Maximum offense with run speed bonuses to keep the kiting game alive. If you can't clutch with one, you need to work on your git gud.
>Firebugs would be amazing clutchers, except big zeds exist. Also they probably fucked everything up and got everyone else killed in the first place.
>SWAT , Support, and Commando are a very honest clutch. If they play it smart and safe they can eke things out, but if they get unlucky it's game over. Props if they pull it off, no shame if they don't.
>Demos and Sharps get swarmed dead. Special exemption for the rare M14 Sharp that is probably a KF1 vet and can pull some crazy shit off.
>Survivalist gets kicked voted.
i know nobody plays mordhau anymore, but fucking hell is bloodlust the crutchiest crutch to ever crutch.
I find it really hard to find good teammates, no one is patient enough to just watch a way until zeds come. They 'HAVE' to shoot the enemy.
Then we get buttfucked by a bunch of DUWAL WEELD slashers and spiders, the end.
>he isn't an ironsights chad
Okay, will aiming down the sight slow your movement?
Yes? Great, already fucked up counter-strafing and dumbed the game down
Man of culture.
still shit taste in vidya
Who says it has to? Also walking is already in csgo and slows you down and doesn't let you do the strafing and all that shit either. I don't see how having usable shooting mechanical is "dumbing the game down".
>mfw people say this is better than siege
>Also walking is already in csgo and slows you down and doesn't let you do the strafing and all that shit either.
yeah, because you're not accurate while walking and people dont tend to walk while firing
which brings me to the second question - are you 100% accurate when ADSing while moving allowing you to run&gun?
Are we gonna introduce leaning which gives a huge peeker's advantage?
That looks hilarious at full speed, but if you pause between each shot you can clearly see they're missing
The only one that looks like it hits is the last one but they're dead the next frame, the last shot prob never fired in the server.
You just don't get it.
It's better because
>Casual No-Movement 1HK Hitscan Automatic Weapon Turd #1 is better than Casual No-Movement 1HK Hitscan Automatic Weapon Turd #2
nice game
... You took screenshots of far AFTER he shot, during recoil.
Are CSGO players genuinely delusional?
keep posting webms before the huge fucking hit detection patch that was like 2 years ago
I remember when CSS had the economy beta and these things were constantly 16 grand and yet still every fucker saved up for them.
Also gotta love them $1 nvgs
>20 years later
>people are still bitching about the AWP
I like how every time someone posts a webm of siege, it's to do with the third worlders with 200 ping or consolefags playing with a controller, rather than any actual flaw of the game itself. Meanwhile, when someone posts a CSGO webm it's shit like shooting a completely stationary enemy in the head and doing 0 damage.
>siege has such a shit netcode that allows this
fucking hell
I took pictures when the ammo changed numbers.
Seems pretty fair to me, I don't play much CS, is there lag on the HUD?
>falsely accused crutches
Yeah shitters, it's balanced
>>Thunder God Cid
>>Ninja Monks
>>Hamedo in story missions
>>Low Faith high Brave
Suicidal used to be the easiest difficulty because it was populated with level 25s that were more interested in actually getting to the boss and beating them rather than grubbing for exp by invading every single lane and tagging zeds with bullets.
Prestiging seemed to fuck that up a bit, since now you have a preponderance of people forever stuck in the shitty 21-24 grind.
If this is your first time seeing this happen, then you must be new to video games. It sometimes happened to me back in CS1.6 and Source, as well as a bunch of other shooters
>Using holo on the P90 as Rook
You deserve it.
Also, the kill cam shows the server's recreation of what happened, not the actual clip. That's why she falls faster in the replay than in the gameplay segment.
Nothing wrong with holo.
Only red dot is a red flag.
>costs almost 1/3 max money
>slow as shit and slower while zoomed
>reduced vision while zoomed
>miss and you're dead versus any decent player
>can be flashed easier because of reduced vision
>just smoke them off lol
get good you fucking podbot
>even the hibana doesnt know what the fuck happened and starts running up the stairs to fight
The P90 needs the ACOG and extended barrel
Fuck this faggot gun
what's the point of using the acog as a new player that doesn't know angles?
cs is a trash game competitive wise and fun wise so who gives a fuck
Lmao cry harder you little bitch
Every gun in the Titanfall games (not talking about Apex legends here at all) is pretty balanced. Infact, one of the best guns in the game was the re45 automatic handgun. I had over 1100 kills with it in tf2 and probably about the same in tf1.
The CAR wasn't op at a or a crutch. I don't think there was any gun in either game desu that was a crutch or op besides the prepatch Devotion in tf2 but that didn't last too long. Every gun was just about the feeling and how much you personally liked to use it.
If you want to talk about a crutch thing in Titanfall talk about the Tone mech because it was fucking broken OP and only shitters used it. If you were good you could easily out play it but it was still an extremely easy and extremely damaging Titan.
The P90 needs to be the MP5 instead.
The only reason you should ever use not an acog is if you are really bad at recoil control or you're a close quarters/faster operator. As a new player, it helps with aiming a lot even in a straight gunfight because it's easier to get a good shot on your opponent.
>awp bad
>tube bad
>shotty bad
what the hell am i even left with cry baby ?
they are also crying to nerf it "omg you git one shotted on your whole body! it's not fair!!"
i only find it annoying that it requires you to be constantly reloading, the bolt isn't really an issue with enough coordination, i do it on my right hand in one swipe, barely costs me a second
Flank, dummy
why did you even bother to make this post?
You know that's not what the post is referring to.
Do you think you're tricking others into agreeing with you?
>As a new player, it helps with aiming a lot even in a straight gunfight because it's easier to get a good shot on your opponent.
acog tends to make you tunnelvision, it only helps if you know exactly where your opponent is (which for a new player is like 5% of the time)
if you're ADSing reactively you already fucked up
I just don't like it, not fun
It's not "avoiding" it, it's that I don't need it at all because it's a weapon for scrubs. I can achieve the same result from across the map with an AK, M4, Deagle, AUG, and SSG. Hell, even a P90 and USP-S.
>just play around the gun, use single use items or hope other guy is a retarded, tunnel visioning chicken or 1v3
Nice, youre conceding that AWP is OP
>ak, which is arguably the most OP gun in the game
>deagle, which is a great gun overall, and cheap af
>scout, which is a deagle with a scope
>tec9, which is also one of the most op guns in the game
but no, the AWP, which requires good skill to use while completely immobile and has practically zero mobility is the most OP because OP can't fucking jiggle peak, air strafe, or use some fucking utility.
what is this, 2016
I feel like you contested the wrong part of my post.
Its like i called you a big idiot and you said you're not big.
>Most expensive weapon in the game has the least ammo and worst rounds per second, but has the highest kill potential
I'm a MAC10 & Grenades memer, and I still laugh at how retarded people are when they complain about why money kills them.
the tec9 can one shot a player with armor and you have full accuracy while moving, and it is $500
Git gud kiddo
yes, but +3
>what the hell am i even left with cry baby ?
glocks against full armor
Killcam used to be bugged and P90 does peanut damage.
>playing MP
>hear the lock on sound
Pros are so out of touch with core mechanics, it's astonishing.
tl;dw if you jump with deagle you can't hit side of barn for 2 seconds. Tradeoff for being super accurate 1shot $700 pistol.
7 seconds elapse between him jumping & the first shot hitting. You are delusional.
Because he keeps firing, so the spread keeps increasing instead of reseting.
Always talk about shit you don't know.
>LUL silver elites detected
Meanwhile people get 3, 4 and 5 pieces all the time in pro play with it
>Because he keeps firing, so the spread keeps increasing instead of reseting.
This isn't how CSGO works. Jump dispersion is separate from recoil. You don't know the mechanics of your own game, delusional retard.
just don't play csgo, what's the problem?
it's a shit rng game
play a chad game, like tf2
Doesn’t a crutch fail to be overpowered at higher skill levels? I always understood that crutches help bad players but hinder more competent ones.
>he thinks tf2 is any better
Hey, what's a good FPS game now a days? I liked more arcadey stuff like TF2, Halo, CoD, etc. I played Overwatch for a while but got tired of it quickly. Seems like there isn't a decent "go to" game anymore. The oversaturation of the genre destroyed it.
getting one shot from across the map isn't a fun mechanic in at any level of competitive play in fps games
>Rng mechanics
You're not only wrong you're retarded
it is better gameplay-wise
it's far worse support-wise which makes me fucking seethe not gonna lie
I'm talking about spread, not recoil. Those are complete separate thing. Each bullet fired adds to spread, independently of recoil.
Good job outing yourself.
I feel happiness that you wasted all your time to shitpost like an autistic retard
Silver brains lmao
>I'm talking about spread, not recoil. Those are complete separate thing.
No they aren't. The game's dispersion value is referred to as recoil in the files. You're delusional.
t. Silver 3
If you you play at any sort of decent rank it's a big risk reward type of weapon. It's very expensive and can easily cripple your team for a few rounds if you buy one then immediately lose it to the enemy team. It also puts greater emphasis on proper grenade usage which adds a lot more strategy to the game.
Now you're talking out of your ass because weapons variables have "InaccuracyFire" which is how much spread a bullet fired adds to the current spread.
this is fucking ridiculous, how do people actually play this shit competitively?
>Defending a hero shooter designed by jewbisoft
People like you are the reason God left us long ago
by playing it after the hit detection fix that happened fucking ages ago
based retard
git gud
It's a game for people who aren't good enough for Quake. That's basically all it is.
People who need to stop moving in order to shoot, because they are bad at FPS
People who need guns to be inaccurate, because randomness allows inferior players to occasionally win
People who need guns to one-hit-kill, because it allows inferior players to occasionally win
People who need guns to be sprayable and hitscan, because it's easier than slow-shooting projectiles
These are the people who play Counter-Strike
when did it happen?
Also shooters are games for people too shit at MOBAs
>Pubg, the Arma copycat with arcade af shooting is better
Humanity isn't worthwhile at all something come kill us all pls
Why don't we see people doing that all the time then?
Honest question, not those other posters, but that sounds like a pretty OP thing. Is it the follow up slowness that makes it weak?
2-3 years ago? There's still some issues but that fixed like 90% of the bullshit
arma is good at many things but gameplay mechanics aint one of those
>hops a fence
>clips through world
If you arr assassin you get an easy deflect because you literally only have time to dodge and not block after getting hit with the shield
>Imagine being such a pathetic faggot that you actively saved an old csgo clip pre patch in a vain attempt to shit on a game someone enjoys
Thank God immortality hasn't been obtained
Siege and squad fags are such loud faggots whom are easily ass hurt
Actually the scout and AWP both have built in inaccuracy, which I guess is supposed to make people aim for the "middle" of the head ? I don't really understand why you wouldn't apply this to just the AWP, considering you don't need to headshot anyone with it. The Scout should beat the AWP in this department by having nearly perfect accuracy, so even a glancing shot on someones head will hit and kill them. Instead of that though, the scout can just randomly miss your target because you weren't perfectly centered on their head, making it garbage.
A pretty good chunk of these clips are post that patch.
Based, CS:GO blows
>I know more about a game that I've never played than you do
Find a rope thick enough to hold your body weight and hang yourself
>dude is standing totally still
>crosshair is on the enemies fucking chin
>not even magdumping at full speed
>no a single bullet lands
>from 10 feet away
>enemy has an even less accurate gun
>is moving
>in a straight line
>just shooting while running
>hits the player with like every bullet but the glock sucks cock so it takes 10 bullets
>kills him
This is exactly why I fucking hate CS
>someone posts a gottem of Siege
>it's always through the killcam
I guess it's a question of "do I want to be able to kill in a different timeline" or "do I want to be able to kill someone when the game decides the bullet will fire straight"
all the things you call good are also gameplay mechanics though.
Yeah, it's not like siege has any bugs
>clientside debris is still a thing
>shields are so fucked operators need to be deleted from the game while they figure out how to fix it
>your head being visible to the opponent around the corner without you seeing him
Fuck any shitter who plays this absolute cancer operator.
Literal zero skill required flowchart trash.
Let's not kid ourselves: I stopped playing Siege on and off years ago, and I finally uninstalled the piece of shit this season. CS:GO and Siege are both bad games, with different shitty flavors of bad.
arma pretends to be realistic, when in reality it just has absolutely shit controls and physics
Basically yeah
I'd kill for an arma with Squad's non-shitty combat / menus
Yeah, despite its flaws, there are some fun things in ARMA, but it's garbage parts are a constant pain and ruin it. If it solved those and made it actually controllable, then it'd be top fucking tier. And I'm not complaining about planes and the such, that shit is fine to have a high skill ceiling. Having your entire camera have a seizure because you tried to move 1 inch on a non flat surface is just retarded, and getting almost stuck in the most retarded polygons ever imagined.
It's so close to being amazing, but it just falls short hard. But I don't see another showing up because all those vehicles and other parts are legitimately complex and in depth, even if it feels like it was made in the 00s
is there even such thing as "overpowered" in pve games
like what defines it as overpowered when fighting ai who can't speak out about the fairness of being able to fight back
>The fact it kills so easily, even on a full hp and full armor opponent is ridiculous
Yea, one at a time. Its fire rate is still attrocious.
If two guys with godlike aim peek an awper at the same time, the awper is screwed.
/tfg/ here, good bait my [RDDT]
I think it's deemed overpowered if it trivializes harder difficulties in comparison to other classes.
Because they already patched the gun. Also it took a great amount of skill to do the micro sidesteps between each shot to make tec-9 accurate. There were simply better options. Like that CZ automatic pistol.
>Because they already patched the gun.
I don't get what this means. It still one shot head shots and has good first shot accuracy right? What is micro stepping and the like, why is the auto pistol better?
>significantly reduced accuracy when firing rapidly
so I guess if you don't nail the first shot you're fucked
>not the cz
sg and aug 99 in 1 hit so many times.
it also doesn't inflict damage upon yourself when shooting at your feet
>good first shot accuracy
Yeah, if you are standing perfectly still at one place. Which never fucking happens with tec9. Its terrorist gun. T are always on the move, they have bomb to plant.
Pistols biggest advantage is cheap cost and high speed movement. Tec9 is simply bad now. Before patch you could move and shoot with decent accuracy. Now its practically useless.
>micro stepping
You press forward key. Then the game accelerates you until you hit maximum walking speed. If you let go of the key, it takes like a second before you actually stop. During this one second your guns are innacurate. Thats why pros when they need to stop and shoot fast press key in opposite direction to stop to 0 speed faster.
Before patch good players could rapidly advance and do this technique to shoot extremly precise shots. Now the guns recoil is so bad that even this technique doesnt help at all. You need to stand still to hit anything in distance with tec9.
Tldr on eco rounds your best bet as T is CZ. You can easily kill two CTs with full armor in 3 seconds with it, you just need extreme trigger discipline with it to not instantly run out of ammo. Just aim at their neck and click. ~5 bullets and one of them will end up in head = sure kill.
>this buttblasted brainlet sniper main is still going on about how soldier is OP even after being proven wrong multiple times
It's in Modern Warfare, faggetti spaghetti
Ree'ing and seething
I remember when the AWP was universally referred to as the Noob Canon and banned on every server. Not surprising zoomers love it.
that was the autosnipers though
It was both.
>let him hit you once to trick him into actually committing an attack
helpful but this goth asshole has things too good
It was the most powerful sniper rifle in Black Ops.
see, this is a super helpful and informative post
Thank you
But it sounds like for shitting up casual, the tech9 could still be good for cheap camping
>shoulder peek
>guy shoots 80% of the time
>go in and frag him
Was that so hard lmao
>reskin of vanilla sniper rifle
If you think the AWP is OP you never got even remotely "decent" at CS.
Last weekend at a LAN event in Toronto my team fucked over a main team on T side Inferno by buying Mac-10s every round and pushing the fuck out of them. We got 10 rounds and the only reason we didn't get more was because they had to double stack porch every remaining round to counter our brackets control.
It's literally easy to control and the keybindings are only overwhelming if that's what you got to first. I played the campaign through on veteran difficulty without realising there were stances other than standing, crouched and prone. Literally all you need to know for vehicles is
>f swaps weapons/ammo type
>wasd to move
>n switches to night vision/thermals
>g is countermeasures
>t sets distance
This is even easier considering you'll only be either a driver or gunner. If it's still too hard, mouse wheel opens a menu for you to choose what to do.
When did you last play? 2013? Cameras having seizures, getting trapped in polygons? You're off your head mate.
The only time you'll get trapped is if you're playing some custom map shat out it an hour by someone, or you decide to try rock climbing on props.
Your silver is showing
>not playing custom gamemodes
>You could have really fun gamemodes and maps like Source
what do you mean "could"
you DO
t. source gaymur
It's not really overpowered. I'm not very good at the game, but people's problem with it is that they think it's not interactive because it kills so fast. Which isn't true, it feels that way because they are bad at the game and have this idea that they're kind of ok at the game, and the existence of the awp breaks that.
I stopped playing GO near enough release, but the fact AWP pro players are still so impressive should say something.
>cheap camping
If your enemy is so bad he didnt check all corners, any weapon which isnt glock will do the job.
On side note the meta in csgo is so stale. The devs dont even bother giving players reason to try other weapons than the holy trinity AK - AWP - CZ. Sometimes you will see people using UMP or freshly meme mp5 but if you decided you want to lose the round, CZ is cheaper as often outright better than any SMG will ever be. Also AUG sees some play, but if you want to camp scoped its better to do with awp.
People who play hbg should be locked in lobbies with triplecarters desu
Mac10 owns the rush
ITT: Buttblasted Redditors that don't understand how to mouse1
Pic related
>tfw have to play against so many blatant hackers I destroy any legit player in my rank
>GOtards can't refute it so they just shit out "hurrr u sliver"
I thought it was the ACE-23
There's nothing to refute, that's a part of the game. I can't deny it's a crazy gun if you're good but against other good players you're not even guaranteed one kill. Also it's zoomers that worship pro AWPers, big boys respect IGLs and entries.
that's not bf4 user
>GOers will die defending their free to play, rng based arcade shooter
Oops I misread the image filename
Isn't it that SG553 is better in almost every way than AK?
My favorite servers in 1.6 were the ones that disabled AWPs/autos. They just aren't really fun to play against. And that's not even to say that I don't know how to play against them, they just slow the game down too much.
why are you posting if all you did was pub?
>literally a long range dismember-er
SG is way slover and Ts dont really need the scope. Say youre at dust short, youd rather peek fast and take a pick off site
>the 'i cuck snipers who dont want to aim for the head' perk
Saying I had favorite servers doesn't mean all I did was pub.
All the fucking shit players ITT that don't realise the AWP is actually pretty under-powered in CS atm.
Was there really anything OP in that game? Stopping power was stupid but I dunno about OP
This faggot
I almost always negev + smoke/fire/flash or decoy and usually go pretty decently since people are that retarded in casual
>When did you last play? 2013? Cameras having seizures, getting trapped in polygons? You're off your head mate.
>The only time you'll get trapped is if you're playing some custom map shat out it an hour by someone, or you decide to try rock climbing on props.
ARMA 3, 2019
It might be accurate if all the soldiers are shit faced drunk
I have basic normie-tier knowledge of how weapons work, is it possible to make a gun like this, if not, why?
Also MOBAS are games for people too shit at RTS.
please explain
i'm being genuine here
>The only time you'll get trapped is if you're playing some custom map shat out it an hour by someone, or you decide to try rock climbing on props.
literally played the fucking official single player campaign a while back and bam, stuck inside a cliff
Also RTS are for people too shit a shooters
too shit at grand strategy*
Not really, it did have guns that outperformed others. Even though i loved the mini uzi, the p90 did everything it did with a 18 bullet-larger magazine, making it the superior choice.
gaming is either super-casual shit like fortnite or phone games, or super intense try-hard shit like R6S or FPP PUBG
RIP to the days of gaming where games would be balanced around casual fun AND skill
now it's either one or the other, no balance
This was an old glitch that was fixed long time ago. The hitboxes wouldn't follow the model of the character and that's what would happen. It was something so rare that took a while to even be noticed by pro players. Also, CS:GO is very sensitive to ping and tickrate.