Other urls found in this thread:
>Using banned cards
It has been at 3 in the OCG for months and it is coming back at 3 in the TCG too
>Dark Hole at 3
>Trickstar field spell killed
>Monster gate at 3
>Dragonfly is back
is this OUR format
>Solemn Judgment at 3
finally some good excuse to come back to this shitty game
>3 dark hole
What? How the fuck is that fair?
>scout back at 3
>Altergeist already shit, meh at best
>Get fucking nuked anyway
It's no fucking fair.
>unlimited in OCG
Can someone explain me please why is this thing unbanned? It's literally an infinite summon bullshit card
Everyone and their mother floats, revives or has destruction protection. If anything, Dark Hole is a breath of fresh air since it doesn't target
one of the best card artwork ever
>your opponent also has the ability to play 3 dark hole
>it doesn't matter because any field worth destroying is full of destruction protection and 3 layers of floating. using dark hole or raigeki on the opponent is a plus for them half the time, and their only use it to bait out an omni-negate
It's a busted card but it belongs to a no-results Archetype so it's okay
Meant phantom knights
Not fair? Bardiche is a 1 card double negate and destruction. It was banned because it's back was broken from single-handedly carrying orcust to tier 1
It came out during the synchro era and it was already overpowered back then, that's why it got limited
What do you mean user?
Of course it's not fair, Yuto doesn't deserve this.
Synchro era was a decade ago, user
>Eclipse Wyvern got hit
Damn. I've been a bit out of the loop in this game, why did he get hit?
>Altergeist Multifaker is finally limited
>Link Sangan away for Salamangreat Almiraj so I can search for Mutlifaker anyway
oh no whatever shall i do
Shit card
So glad we don't have shitty tripfags over here
>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread
Go back to /dng/ you jealous fuck
So nobody is playing Six Sams in current year even if that piece of shit gateway is unbanned. Dealing with two or three Shi-Ens is a bit of a hassle, but is more or less "fine" because it's easier to just run them over now.
Judgment is at 3 user, and literally nobody is playing this trash. Especially now that Mystic Mine is fucking dead.
There is LITERALLY no reason to play Solemn Judgment.
Judgment is not trash, lmao. Don't use it to destroy monsters retard
More Dark World support fucking WHEN
>this game is literally at the point where everyone just laughs at Dark Hole
You can't really powercreep a degenerate card like Gateway.
Gateway is absurd even today.
If Six Sams had any kind of win condition, or a tiny consistency boost they'd be topping. Six Sam Rhongo was a thing but wasn't quite popular enough because it was a tad too fragile. Six Sam Gumblar was obviously a thing and Gateway still does all the degenerate FTKs
The OCG also has the Six Sam link, which lets you search Gateway. The only reason you currently can't QUITE pull off Six Sam is that you need to get 3 warriors on the board, so you can Isolde into Great General to search gateway and then spam Saryujas until you can draw your entire deck
How many more banlists until Stratos is completely freed?
Then how come we saw so little of Judgment in the formats where it was legal?
Stratos is getting banned again as soon as the new Evil Hero support releases so enjoy it while you can
Stratos isn't even a good effect anymore
Stratos leads to a FTK in Hero builds with the new Vision Hero support. Having it at 2 makes it even more consistent
What if i use Solemn judgment to negate it's own activation, then what negated the card?
Would it become unnegated?
Then what does it negate?
Is it consistent?
How does it work?
You cannot chain a card to itself unless you have a second copy of that card set.
I'm just happy that my boy Daigusto is out of jail
Because a bunch of our past metas have been about making unbreakable boards, now that control is strong again it does see play from time to time, specially in Salamangreat decks.
is duel link worth playing?
If you're talking about negating an opponent's judgement then you both still pay half your lifepoints but your opponent's judgement is destroyed before it can destroy your card it was originally targeting.
seriously the meta and powercreep have progressed so far that I really don't think being able to negate a spell/trap or negate a summon breaks the game at all, especially with how insanely fast the current top 32 is
nvm im a fucking idiot
It's a going first card that you side going second at this point. You want to see it first turn
Did they unban royal oppression yet?
If not then I sleep
>Complaining about FTK
Fucking just make a rule that the opposing player can't inflect Life Point damage through effects on the first turn.
There, all FTK are now gone, and if your decks shit enough that you get wiped because the guy going second got a turn you deserve to lose for not having proper negation or and defenses in place
If judgement is so great why did they decide to bring it back to 3 in the TCG? Why has it seen fuck all play at 3 in the OCG?
What the fuck does pot of greed do
Solemn Judgment is used more than Strike. Side-Decked 43 % of the time out of all the decks played for that week
>2 engage
>2 anchor
>1 multirole
>1 kagari
Can /ourqueen/ still win worlds?
Anything not worth main decking game one is trash.
At worst it's a budget option for those who can't afford hand traps like Ash
>3 engage
The Dragon Link deck.
I thought it's semi in that format?
haha epic meme, friend.
This is the Worlds format, which is happening in a few weeks
>playing duel links
>basic bitch shit, easy enough to follow
>the cards start exceeding the bible in word count
wait wut
Going +1 is overrated, try going plus when you get 2 turn killed
SEETHE more metacucks, big dick is back in town
i want to go back bros. Early yu gi oh was the shit. Now I dont even know what it is.
>so illiterate he can't even follow the heavily watered down yugioh
>Now I dont even know what it is.
*normal summons monster with 1900 atk*
*sets trap hole*
omg why this game couldnt stay like that for 20 years............................
Allows you to play with a 37 card deck.
Am I retarded?
There's still a number of UNGA BUNGA, though.
STILL no fullarts
what the fuck konami?
Vanguard's full arts are fucking amazing, cards like beelze or true king of all would looking amazing when fullart
Show me a topping Salamangreat list with the 1 Judgment. They'd much rather play more handtraps or Mystic Mine + Metaverse over it.
Even with both Gazelle and Circle getting hit, I don't see the extra Judgments in the main, because the board you end on with Salamangreat doesn't need to be THAT big. You are just gonna play extra handtraps in place of the second/third Gazelle/Circle, because those are value going first and going second, while Judgment is a dead card going second. And there are enough good handtraps to go around.
That is unironically more fun than special summoning 12 monsters and setting up break my board cancer or going for an otk. Slow paced formats have always been better in yugioh.
i might be illiterate but i can still call you a nigger.
i too like to squint my eyes and hold card 2 cm in front of eyes to read text
I donΒ΄t see anything about Anchor and Engage on the list.
That would also probably outright kill the deck.
Also where is our Kaina Maneveur Konami?
goat / trinity format nigger
>vanguards full arts are amazing
I love vanguard, but the text gets lost so easily if there isn't boarders on it.
HAT format
Vanguard is fucking trash. Get some taste.
>a dragon ruler got unbanned
Why is this card considered good?
Lose half your LP? Why would anyone ever do that
Yes, goat format is legitimately more fun than your shitty current format. Keep seething you little brainlet bitch.
Now, THATS what i call powercreep.
One single dragon ruler at 1 isnt gonna do shit. Its just there a a nice tech option for certain decks.
the only life point that matters is the last one.
and it's piss easy to put 8k damage on board, so you might as well pay the 4k
>He didn't see full power gouki extra link destroy a full power dragon ruler
>I too do not memorize the effects of a deck I paid 400$ for
LP is a resource you should use, im paying half of it so you cant take the other half.
i haven't played literally at all since blue cards ruined the game, what's happened since then
gimme the rundown
Yeah, I do, but there are times when you need to check for exact wordings and I just don't think it meshes well. Like the artwork is being intruded by the lines of text anyways. I suppose it's decent as an option and I'll take it if it's available like the reprinted g-guards and stride fodder in the revival collection for cheap, but I won't actively look them out or pay a premium.
Also the zeroth dragons in particular have those stupid hotstamps all over the place. Looks bad even on the bermuda Megiddo.
99% of the time life points in yugioh don't matter. Its so easy to put massive damage on board that having 100 life points is the same as having 8000. Most duels now are decided within the first 1-3 turns anyways.
Blue cards are still ruining the game.
White bad
Black good
Blue bad
>blue cards ruined the game
Fuck off, Nekroz format was great
Eat a dick user, nekroz and gishki were awful.
Fair enough
Same user here, on a serious note, why are people so horny to go plus? I've seen videos of people out right calling board wipes (this was 4ish years ago, so "the meta is too fast for board wipes to be good" isn't an excuse) or cards that give you major advantage over the opponent shit because "duuh you go -1"
Do you win the game by having more cards in your hand?
I get that you're meant to have more options at hand but outright disregarding things like the above examples because its -1 is on the level of superstition
>Do you win the game by having more cards in your hand?
yes, you literally and unironically do
Going plus in yugioh is extremely good. Having more cards means you can do more things because yugioh doesnt have a resource system like mana in mtg.
>Tfw my pet deck is ded
Rip Salamangreat
People were calling board wipes bad because even 4-5 years ago you could rebuild your way from a wipe like it was nothing, they were either a last ditch effort to hope they didn't have the resources to do that, or an attempt to clear the field so you could win that turn.
>terraforming to 1
>dark hole is a +1-3 for the enemy
Board wipes are for TWO things in yugioh.
pushing for the OTK if you can't OTK through a board and baiting negates
Generally you should be able to OTK through ANYTHING if your deck wants to OTK and you should not run cards purely because they bait negates.
And what's a Raigeki gonna do against decks that don't make 7 NEGATES TURN 1 99% CONSISTENCY RATE TIER 0 like Sky Striker or Salamangreat?
Absolutely nothing, because they don't give a shit about their """"board"""" being outed.
>it's another "i greentexted your opinion, so your point is invalid" post
>tfw no terminal world support
Yugioh is vidya?
I love these threads, but do the jannies delete them?
Honest thoughts on her?
1 metaverse killed the deck
Are all the cards drawn by the same guy?
Yes. One single solitary guy drew over 10,000 pieces of artwork for this card game. Only him and no one else.
Yeah my uncle at Konami draws them
All me
If you're honestly trying to justify Obelisk's effect in the TCG being + in the same game we have cards like drowning mirror force, Exciton Knight, and Evenly Matched I feel sorry for you
No. Each player draws at the start of their turn.
If you want a non meme answer
I'm guessing you only saw the threads with purple cards with an old man angrily pointing, those are all part of the "solemn" series
Nah, I was memeing, I was mainly talking about dhole a couple of years ago.
>draw 39 cards
>ABCs keep getting collateral damage even now
leave my bootleg lego dragon alone goddamnit
This card is ridiculous.
Draw two sneeds
The big advantage of solemn judgement is that the cost is half of your life points and not a fixed amount. It will never be a late game brick
Dumb phone poster.
>It will never be a late game brick
It is if your opponent already has lethal on board.
Solemn is so your opponent can't make a play.
Macaco eater
What the heck happened to the meta that a card like solemn judgement is bad?
>it is never a late game brick
>provide example of it being a late game brick
>what is powercreep
>another fucking yugioh thread on my vidya board
If your opponent has a lethal board and you arenβt already dead, a rarity has happened.
This nigga a real-life rare hunter.