ITT: Yea Forums Images that aged like fine wine

ITT: Yea Forums Images that aged like fine wine.

Attached: lol.jpg (640x777, 75K)

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>story-driven game
codeword for 'movie'

Attached: 1305997933561.jpg (620x890, 251K)

>i'm not racist but seeing black people in video games triggers me to no end

>game hasn't been out for even a year and people are already talking about it "aging like wine"
is this your brain on zoomzoom and wouldn't that mean that the game's aged like shit if it's already old in your eyes?

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Millennials and Zoomers chase trens like madmen.
Something that happened three months ago is nostalgic to those people.

When you're 16, a year is a long time.

Yeah, guess Fromsoft got tired of making failures

Reminder that Yea Forums will never NOT be mad about RDR2's success and thats glorious.

Attached: 1546775835034.png (700x913, 80K)

Don't worry
When the PC version comes around, people will start undermining the game's success and start shitting on it because they couldn't keep it exclusive to the 24fps shitbox

>literally copying a botw meme


Attached: 1541348412272.png (572x572, 374K)

>I'm not a cuck, but I literally can't get hard unless I see a black man with a white woman

>twitter screencap
Fuck off.


>game reviews well
>Yea Forums: "reviews aren't a sign of quality"
>game sells well
>Yea Forums: "sales aren't a sign of quality"
>game inspires and influences other games and developers all around the world
>Yea Forums:...

How do you argue when even the developers of your favorite games are saying RDR2 inspires they somehow?

Perception of time usually only gets extremely fast when you start getting into your senior years user, from your twenties to middle ages it's still a fairly long period.
Not as long as the endless summers of youth, but still.

One last job and we're out of Yea Forums, right?

Why are all incels so low IQ? Something like 1/3 of cowboys were black after then civil war. They were literally just ranch hands

fuck off shill

GO WOKE MAKE $2000000000

Irony, there are more Chinese immigrants involved with Wild West yet no significant Chinese chars in RDR2. Blacks people really weren't in west.

>Yea Forums image
>twitter screencap

Attached: 1517782247159.jpg (640x360, 56K)

They have never made a single failure.

>Blacks people really weren't in west.

Nah man 30 to 40 is fast as fuck

th-that's just propaganda, please ignore that while I offer no counter source.