All right fellas, VI got BTFO at this stage. Thoughts?
FF Ranks
Other urls found in this thread:
FF5 should be in 3rd place at least
I love FFIX and X, but VII isn't especially captivating ~6 hours in. Midgar was pretty good but everything after that has been meh.
What's with the Final Fantasy titles above the Marlboro boxes, some kind of promotion?
6 is my favorite, but what reasonable person would expect it to win a current day poll when half the posters here were not alive when it came out?
9 > 6 > 5 for my top three
If you include the MMOs, you should include Tactics. Of the visual novels IX is the best; but, I would probably vote for one of the MMOs if I had played them.
This desu. Also I love the game but it's bug ridden and poorly balanced. Stats that are useless and the best way to play is ultima factory
VI coming in 4th is understandable. The top 3 are all legitimately good games, even if people argue over their exact rankings.
What disgusts me is the fact that XV and VIII came in 5th and 6th. Really? XV and VIII better than IV and V? Or even III and XII, for that matter. VIII is one of the bottom 3 games in the series and XV is thoroughly mediocre.
7 > 6 > 10 > 9 > 1 > 12 > 3 > 5 > 15 > 4 > 8 > 2 > 13
I think this is the natural result of the classic FFs being too old for a board that is now mostly comprised of people who grew up with the PS2/GC/Xbox and N64/PSX/Dreamcast generations of games and the fact that the poll asks people to list only 3 of their favorites and those two games having a surprisingly high no. of defenders, VIII in particular.
9 is garbage
>I love FFIX
>VII isn't especially captivating ~6 hours in
You sure you played 9? because it's the single most boring slog in the franchise.
>V that low
Well that's depressing
I don't think so. It's got the best aesthetics and music imo. I value those pretty highly in a JRPG
why does ff9 have such a rabid fanbase? It's a totally mediocre RPG mechanically with one or two cool character stories but an overall awful plot. I dont get the passion over it personally.
For me it's 9 > 6 > 7 > 4 > 10 > 5 > I don't care much past that
there's a lull in 7 between Kalm and Rocket Town which is just a series of somewhat interesting events with only a loose overarching story, which the game relies on the intrigue set up in Kalm to keep the player interested in. It picks up again after Rocket town and stays engaging from then on.
I've always thought that the plot of FF9 was really cool. Personally, it shocks me that some people found the story confusing and needed the Ultamania, it all seemed relatively straightforward to me
People don't remember that every random battle had 17 seconds of loading between the moment control was taken away and the moment you can start inputting commands. Meanwhile they criticise the PS1 versions of the SNES games for having exactly 1 second of loading for the same thing.
Replace 9 with with 5 or 6 and you're good, the best of their respective era.
>OP's pic
But that's not officially recognized Holy Trinity (VI-VII-VIII). If you're trying to imply your or Yea Forums's taste is somehow more rightful or "better" than entire world's taste - you're flat-out wrong.
Yeah I dont really see it as confusing, the final boss is completely nothing and I assumed up for interpretation but that isnt a bad thing in itself. I didn't like it, but I don't think the concept is bad.
I think this was my biggest gripe. My first FF game was X since I mostly avoided the series growing up and that game has flaws for sure, but the combat is very snappy and responsive, actions are fast and I always felt in control. In 9 I felt like an attack I input may happen half a minute or more later and at that point things may have changed or I had moved on to thinking about the follow up move or whatever. It just felt "floaty" in a sense. Its a shame because I liked a few of the characters and I think the world design is very pretty.
Lucky for me I only consider Sector 5 reactor, Corel prison, Bone Village and the one-two punch of Great Glacier and Gaea's Cliff to be lulls. No wonder I find VII so replayable.
>polling a bunch of shitposting contrarians on a work day
>FFX actually places
Like clockwork.
Try holding this poll for a few weeks so we can see some actual results.
VI is a good game but it's only pushed as the best because contrarian hate over FF7 and Nintendo fanatism.
It's time to recognise as mature adults that FF7 is the best despite being the most popular
>Every FFVI that expected the game to be at #1 after a decade of shilling it online
yeah it's depressing. Although FFVII was a big turning-point in the series transition from gameplay into cinematic storytelling, FFIX is where they really just said fuck anyone interested in a traditional JRPG with exploration and combat, and it was all downhill from there. All of that has to take a back seat to narrative, minigames, and aesthetics. Maybe on Disc 3 some 30 hours into the game you can finally start to explore a bit, until then we have too much character development, ATEs, and elaborate world-changing plot points to allow the player to actually fucking play the game.
The ridiculously slow 15 second combat transitions are just emblematic of how low a priority the actual gameplay was.
Since when has this poll been going on? I'm not certain if I've voted yet.
Sector 5 is only a lull when you expect it to go the same way as the first one. Corel is a lull if you don't like Barret but it's interesting enough if you do. Bone village is like 30 seconds long. yeah great glacier can be a bit boring if you get lost.
where's FFT?
I didn't say they took long or that I even disliked them, just that they're lulls. Also the Great Glacier and Gaea's Cliff would be nothing to me individually if they weren't back to back.
>Holy Trinity (VI-VII-VIII)
t. literally no one but you
>In 9 I felt like an attack I input may happen half a minute or more later and at that point things may have changed or I had moved on to thinking about the follow up move or whatever
yes absolutely. I am a classic FF fan that started playing in the 80s with FF1, and the improvement in combat between FF9 and FF10 was dramatic due to the removal the ATB system which had become bloated and perfunctory. The combat designers clearly had lost the passion for it that they had in the early days. If you go back and play the SNES versions of FF4 and FF5, you'll find the ATB system in those games is very snappy and has a rhythm to it. For whatever reason (shorter animations? better coordination of them? I'm not sure the exact reasons) those early games rarely have that problem of forgetting what the hell actions you even have queued up. Yes you can still load up the queue and have some weird delays but it all feels more natural and manageable. In FF9 it's just awful.
Real top 3
What's awful about its plot?
Not him but Kuja's plan was needlessly complicated
>Really? XV and VIII better than IV and V
Big problem with those two games are that they're old, and in V's specific case they tend to port and localize it less so it's players pretty much actively sought out that game.
At absolute best they might rise in popularity if they ever get a VII style remake because it would work aside from losing the hype of it just being the debatably most overrated game
Acceptable Patrician choices:
Hipster-Contrarian Choices:
Pleb choices:
The best nu-Square can manage:
The fuck you I liked it choice:
ebil queen not actually bad, you actually SUPER POWERFUL MOOOONKEY FROM SPACE and now you must return.... to home planet and defeat big blue man to save the world or something, and ohhh big bad guy is your FATHER (like star wars, epic.) Also your healer wont talk or heal for huge gaps because plot, and did I mention star wars? we here at SE are sort of fans you see, its pretty epic.
not that guy, I think the plot is mediocre but not awful. But I find the character development to happen at a frustratingly glacial pace given how simple and shallow most of the arcs are.
Kuja wanted to overthrow Garland and figured the best method might be to use something Garland always feared, Gaia's Eidolons. So he hunts for the pieces that have been scattered and divided by the kingdoms since 500 years ago, that would allow him to summon Alexander, the most powerful known Eidolon on Gaia. Shouldn't be too hard to follow.
Brahne was influenced by Kuja, but he wasn't solely responsible for her actions. Zidane is not from space, he's from Terra where he was granted a soul by Garland (not his father). This is essentially what the entire plot of IX revolves around, the planets fusion.
Garnet is shocked by the death of her "mother", learning about her origins and her kingdom getting rekt like a day after she becomes queen. It's a nice touch to have her story arc be part of the gameplay.
Alright so you autistically rambled about plot points but didn't really answer their question
I know Yea Forums is underage when X is so high. Jesus.
>Interesting characters
>Fantastical world building
I dislike FF8 due the "realistic" aspects of the game.
it's the jrpg's jrpg. hits at the very core of the genre
8's world is extremely cool but suffers from overambition and poor planning; if it were fleshed out properly, it could be on the level of 7 and 9. i'd give anything to see more cities on the main continent, or getting to go to a dystopian future city on disc 4 where everything is ruled by ultimecia
Playing through the game again and got to the last save last night. The only parts where I find FFVII to dip in quality were the Kalm Flashback (gets really boring after about three playthroughs), Corel Prison, Cave of the Gi, and the worst part of the entire game - Great Glacier. But it isnt like a lot of other games were the quality dips, it fucking dips (*cough*Nocturne in Xenogears*coughs*), and most dips here are "this area could've been better, but it's fine." Only the Great Glacier I consider to be meh level design.
>hits at the very core of the genre
Only the post-FF7 JRPG genre.
Pre-FF7, the core gameplay cycle of a JRPG was:
1. (Town) Rest, gather information, buy supplies.
2. (Overworld) Explore countryside, fighting monsters and returning to home base (Town) to rest and resupply. Continue until you find the next dungeon.
3. (Dungeon) Dive into dungeon when sufficiently prepared, beat boss and gain access to new area of the overworld.
4. (Overworld) explore countryside, fighting monsters and managing resources until you find a new town.
5. Goto 1
(6.) eventually gain access to vehicles that allow easy backtracking to areas you have been before.
Initially, and even into the 90s and SNES era, sprite-acted cutscenes typically happened in moderation and didn't disrupt the gameplay cycle much. Most cutscenes were under 5 minutes and typically initiated AFTER you'd found a town and talked to a specific NPC, (not immediately upon entering, as in FF9). Elaborate cutscenes were reserved for major story events and climaxes rather than for routine character development. FFVI started pushing elaborate story events more but even in that game the balance the core gameplay cycle is more prominent than the story and major events like the Opera House happen only after several hours of gameplay.
After FF7, JRPGs increasingle became about story FIRST. People who think you're crazy for even caring about JRPG gameplay are the kind of people who like FF9. Yeah, it has great music. Unique aesthetics. For once, a great English translation. Memorable (if shallow) characters.
XI is literally the best FF game but antisocial teenagers will never know because they couldn't communicate with other people to level up and do most of the content
Post FF6 you mean. FF7 already was incredibly story heavy, in the same spirit as later 8 and 9 would be.
It's just not a fucking final fantasy game it's an MMORPG. I played it. It was OK. Then I went back to Everquest which was better and more soulful. And after that, World of Warcraft which had less soul but superior gameplay.
6 has nothing but style in its favor, the story is shit and the game-play is shit without mods, only remembered because its the first FF game to not look like it belonged on the NESs
why did you describe FF6?
Yeah I mean to say that FF7 was trend-setting game. And while FF7 is very story heavy, it really feels like they tried to balance the traditional JRPG gameplay with the new storytelling methods. Note how FF7's introduction cutscene is very brief and you get immediately to the gameplay. There's even a convenient excuse for the first phase of the game being restrictive, because the point was to make Midgar itself and the slums in particular feel that way. (Mainly though it was probably because staying in midgar allowed them to emphasize the pre-rendered environment style rather than the more mundane-looking overworld).
In Contrast, FF9 just doesn't seem to care at all. An hour into the game and you probably haven't even been in more than a tiny handful of fights. It's all cutscenes, vivi wandering around Alexandria, more cutscenes, a dungeon that might have one random encounter before a boss, more cutscenes, then some more cutscenes before another level and boss, then more cutscenes. Then finally you reach a village and immediately split up for ATEs. This pattern continues for like 20-30 hours. FF7 is slow and has a lot of cutscenes but it's not THAT bad.
FF6 was the FF9 before FF9. Both games are overrated by plebs. FF6 at least has credit for trying some unusual things (shifting protagonist, very large character roster, open-world style part 2, etc.)
with 1000+ votes now, VI regains its rightful place in the top 3.
You probably have trolls resetting their IP to fuck with the poll
X sucks major ass
the real top 3 is
Is the autist here yet?
have you played any main series games before FF7?
7>9>10>everything else
Something's not right... since when did Yea Forums have such patrician taste?
Worse, everyone I know that refuses to play IX says, "Nah, looks way too childish to be a Final Fantasy title." Makes me fucking furious.
That's a weird looking Chocobo.
VI > V > IX > VII > IV > X = XII > II > I > III > VIII > XIII > XV
XIV and XI are both good MMOs with different strengths and weaknesses. XI has better gameplay and community, XIV has better music and aesthetic. XIII-2 is actually fucking great, but doesn't get a fair shot because XIII is pretty mediocre and unliked. X-2 is really cool, but I don't care for much of the music.
I love the story in XIV but ranking from a purely gameplay perspective I think it's even weaker with less strategic options than XIII. It baffles me how many people seem to be completely oblivious to how braindead it is and how little agency you actually have in combat.
Probably good thing they don't play it then because the characters actually are obnoxiously childish and probably even worse than they imagine it will be.
Good taste user.
Did you really expect anything other than 7 to take the top spot?
I'm just glad VIII isn't in the top 3
you fucking retards how could only 8 people have voted for X-2 it might literally have the best combat out of all of them
>top 3 at ALL
the villain is literally LITERALLY
I don't understand why 13 gets shit on so hard when a lot of the main complaints it has the far more beloved 10 does them too.
ffx was cringe shovelware and ruined the franchise.
What's your point?
Ps1 was the golden era. Dont @me
that takes me back
>camera pans wildly around your characters as they load in
>ATB bars appear
>ATBs slooooowly load
>enemy team is a single imp
Final Fantasy IX.
X-2 has the best combat system by far, but I can see people hating the game being laid out as short missions rather than a long story, people hating how silly parts of the story get, and certain completionists hating how stupid the 100% requirements are to the point that you can block yourself from getting the perfect ending just by picking one mid-way choice wrong on a blind run.
I get your point but for as linear as X was, it still
>allowed you to interact with NPC's
>love him or hate him, had Tidus ask surrogate to know what the hell this world is all about and what anything even means. "I'm the pulse le falcie lol"
>Allowed control of multiple party members
>paths branched off a bit more (not much, but still)
>More likeable characters and less tryhard "we are dramatic troubled people"
ffx was zoomers' first ff, that's why it gets a free pass on being garbage.
Why did you keep posting MY fucking poll? I made this poll on the weekend and it wasn't fucking manipulated to shit.
What the fucking fuck did you do OP? You fucking killed it. You ruined everything.
For context this is what it was before OP ruined it.
7, 8, 10, 9, 6, 4, 12
I continued to share it for more votes. Why are you even mad, you should THANK me instead.
Now it's fucking fake, unless you yourself are the person who frauded the XV votes.
I didn't manipulate shit, I shared it here on Yea Forums. Get over yourself.
There's no way XV jumps up by 50-60 votes purely through normal Yea Forums. Fuck off retard
I'm a FF6/FF9 faggot, I don't give a fuck about 15. My last reply to (you).
because X still had good too it despite being linear.
Nice try Barry
>in TOP3
You're must be kidding!
Fuck your shitty poll, here's a real list
>Marry her right fucking now tier
>Excellent taste tier
>Not a bad choice tier
>You could do worse tier
>All the good ones were taken tier
>Oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing tier
Who did this pol?
Absolutely based
VIII was amazing when you didnt have to put up with the shit english translation. Also most complaints I read about it are because people were either too dumb to understand the game systems or straight up didnt read the informations given to them.
VI is a legitimate milestone in gaming and storytelling. Even without nostalgia the game moved me like hardly any medium was ever able to.
You can remove IX from that list and put Shadowbringers on #3.
Nah VII is good despite popularity, but it's not best.
FFX is not the third best FF.
In fact it might be the third worst FF.
Very good list, almost perfect. I would only replace Rikku and Ashe.
>good despite popularity
Why is this board so full of pretentious snobbish cunts who can't like something because too many people like it?