Why is this fucking allowed? I mean I can see this shit on PS4 or XB but why Nintendo Switch exclusive?
Why is this fucking allowed? I mean I can see this shit on PS4 or XB but why Nintendo Switch exclusive?
How's 2015 treating ya, OP?
Good actually, any time before Trump is always awesome.
PS4 doesn't like Japanese shit anymore after they moved their headquarters to California, and Japanese don't give a shit about the Xbone
You can see a lewd japanese game on the censorstation4 and the murrica box, but not on the console of the company that decided to let third parties do whatever the fuck they want?
You are weird, man.
TBQH the majority of Nintendo's profits come from the US. They should follow Sony's move.
I agree to be honest. Especially for this place.
Orange man didn’t spontaneously generate in 2016
>USD to JPY exchange rate in 2015 = 100 : 12,000
>USD to JPY exhcnage rate now = 100 :10,000
>USD to Thai BHT 2015 1 : 34
>USD to Thai BHT now 1 : 30
Only Amerifats still think they are okay.
That's called selling out and bowing down to another country like a little bitch, retard.
Come on man, USA?
>being such a libtard you like the time of Anita and Zoe
I own a Switch and love Nintendo, but whoever though that games like this are a good idea for the US market should be fired.
PC release when?!
Both Switch and PC are getting it this fall.
>people shouldn’t be selling a legal product in my market
>no person in my country has tastes different to mine
Fuck off retard
>but whoever though that games like this are a good idea for the US market should be fired.
I really don't understand this retarded argument. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and telling you to buy it. How does a game you're not buying affect you in any way?
I am literally doing that to him. What now?
Also I thought this shit was already out
You understand these games are also super niche in Japan itself right.
Just let people play whatever trash they want.
Holy shit. Looks dope. Thanks OP. I didn't know about this one
Pull the trigger
fuck off faggot
LITERALLY "Stop liking what I don't like"
Not like Nintendo is publishing this shit. Compile heart obviously thinks there is a market for it.
I honestly don't understand why people are okay with this, the Switch is a kids console for children.
>because I don't like it, it should be removed for everyone
how self-centered can you get?
Yeah, Bayonetta, a Nintendo funded 2nd party game, is such a kid's game
There's never outrage for these games because they're extremely niche. Which is why Sony banning them is even more retarded since it doesn't do anything for their reputation.
I mean I would rather a kid play bayoneta than shit like uncharted or last of us.
Get some better bait retard
user. It's bait. He's only pretending to be retarded I hope
How about at least some parental controls that blocks these things? Or if a game gets even negative votes/press it gets removed?
>How about at least some parental controls that blocks these things?
There are, Nintendo made an entire phone app for parents to block adult content on Switch and monitor their kids' activity.
That sounds fucking terrible. We already have the ESRB. This problem has been solved for years. Stop being fucking retards
Verified journalists and gaming press should also be able to dictate what game can and cannot be sold. They are the watchdogs so that these things don't slip through.
There are parental controls
I would argue they shouldn't exist but they do, Nintendo put a lot of effort into making sure people know about the parental controls.
Sure but who actually turns on those things?
>I would argue they shouldn't exist but they do
They absolutely should now that games can be bought digitally, a kid shouldn't be able to buy M-rated games unsupervised on the eShop just like he shouldn't in a store.
Well that just means, you’d rather that kid not grow up to like games that aren’t glorified tv dramas.
Parents I suppose.
Kids aren't gonna get hurt by playing anime titty games though, or violent games either for that matter.
It doesn't fucking matter, a kid isn't going to get messed up by vidya no matter what it is, ratings are a scam for retarded parents.
If the majority of the profits come from the US, doesn't that mean they should ENCOURAGE more localizations like this so these titles can reach American audiences?
You're stupid. Nintendo whole point for years has been to not do the same thing that Sonys and MS do.
Pc port when?
Parental controls extend to buying games on the digital store.
No because this glorified the exploitation of women that regularly happening in Japan. Why should we try to export it here and allow it to influence people?
Nigger alert
Switch is already confirmed the new Vita, what else is new.
It's like Sony and Nintendo switched places between the Wii U and the Switch in regards to censorship, and yet the Snoyggers still find reasons to act like Sony are still the based ones and that censorship is suddenly good because their big daddy Sony is doing it.
Japan has one of the lowest rates of rape in the world.
You can’t exploit a drawing
I'm really ashamed to say that I know quite a few people irl that will actually purchase and play this.
Can you idiots stop being racist?
I’m proud to say that I know quite a few people il that will actually purchase and play this
looks pretty good
I think it looks like shit, at this point just go all the way and make it actual porn.
>I can see this shit on PS4
do not kid yourself, this is 2019. we're way past the "panty quest 34-and-a-half for the PSVita"
I feel like a broken record asking this about every Switch game, but have they said anything about gyro aiming?
They already exists
Nintendo is very active in reminding you
Parental controls exists and are easy to use
These games are not meant to get off to. Japanese humor is very provactive and pervy and many games sell from interacting with fictional girls.
Responsible parents
If you’re parents are too lazy or too irresponsible to not use this feature it’s their fault
>I think it looks like shit,
well i think you are a faggot with bad taste
No: Go fuck yourself
Absolutely rent free
Can't wait for him to win never year you i can see your kind seethe for another 4 years
It's not worth bringing this up because they will just cry muh reported rates
>Sure but who actually turns on those things?
OH my god I can actually see you dying from a car crash from not using seatbelts!
Why not? Not a single living being is hurt by it… seriously if you want to say those retarded statement and get a pat on the back for it you literally came to the worst possible place on the internet!
I would argue using parental controls is bad parenting, the idea that the wrong kind of media will mess a kid up is absurd.
Sure, as soon niggers stop behaving like animals.
Why its their money and their choice besides is not a gacha grindfest or freemiun scam, it is just a honest to god videogame, Have you tried to play one of those?
Obama and Trump's presidencies really drove home for me how the founding fathers were correct in only allowing property owners the vote.
>US version
I'm a little disturbed. What did they take out?
>I can see this shit on PS4
Imagine being this delusional
did you have a stroke, incel?
Those numbers are from their infallible UN overlords. Why should they doubt them.
Since when has beams of light generated revenue?
>another thread that is a call for outrage
guaranteed replies
Its really not. The controls and jumping is complete ass.
Because sjws are the masters of selective reasoning.
I'd say it ultimately depends on what your kid is seeing (aka, being responsible and scouting the thing ahead of time). If I had a kid, I'd trust they would know the difference between media and real life so I wouldn't mind what they play. But maybe keeping the borderline pornographic games away from them until they're older seems fine.
I don't know, I was brought up to be able to appreciate whatever I wanted as a kid. I'm fine outside of being a 4channer so I don't doubt a kid being able to play/watch whatever would hurt either.
What video game are they from?
News flash: the Switch is the PS Vita 2.0.
This gayme
Because it's a shit game nobody cares about.
It's the same reason the Kung Fu Panda series could add a gay couple without anybody making a single article about it, unlike Arthur which got a ton of outrage when it added a gay couple. It's not worth it.
As hidden skins in metal wolf chaos xd
You can raise your kid however the fuck you please.
As long as they can read write and be productive members of society
They’re kids can have no idea what intercourse is well into their early 20’s
Can you try to stop ruining everything? Racism exist because you are all a piece of shit who try to destroy everything we have and transform it into soulless nigger shit.
How is your brain tumor?
It's nice that it's coming but it looked looked really bad when it first came out on Vita. I'm fairly sure it only got recommended to anyone because it was one of the very few last Vita exclusives.
Never thought I would have to pull this shit out again, but after leagues of retarded shit SJWs say its time to pull it out of retirement
Yeah but will the port be good? Compile games on PC are notorious for having the most absolute barebones ports you can imagine.
Even simple things like rendering the game on different resolutions is alien to them.
>shitty VN
Leave it to you retards to hype dog shit
Treason: The Game
But it's a third person shooter?
What's there to be outraged about ? i don't see a problem with it.
you try being less of a pearl clutching nigger?