What ever happened to this? Did they successfully hunt all of the bullies?

What ever happened to this? Did they successfully hunt all of the bullies?

Attached: bullyhunters.0.jpg (1200x800, 67K)


It was just an ad campaign for shitty headphones.

Yeah they're all gone desu

Name the bully

Attached: 1153113709584.gif (189x126, 1.24M)

I still bully these faggots in every game

I thought it was a money laundering scheme.

I am a bully!

It's honestly impressive how little effort the people that made it put in. Like you think at the bare minimum they would learn how the game works or what map it was on.

They became feminazi bullies instead

Just a fun little newzoid that ZombiUnicorn managed to get a guy kicked from a panel at Vidcon for asking her to say "Now this is what it's all about"


Has anyone had a longer time span of hilarious griefing than her? She was the one who famously refused to crush a can for Jay Owen, too.

Calling BullyHunter210 to this thread.

who? and what does that quote mean?
griefing about what? who the fuck is Jay Owen?
You faggots are dangerously obsessed with some e-celebs' lives

Cunts where begging for more budget for their shitty marketing campaign and got nothing but shit.
At least one of the girls got "promoted" to HR because of the brand damage caused.

source: my ass

Name the bully

Attached: Chad.png (382x380, 154K)

>zombiwhale goes from fighting bullies to painting her tits on twitch for incel bucks while still crying about muh sogy knees

Attached: 1551373502914.png (369x614, 79K)

It was a scam that the organizers are trying to subtly make everyone forget about

didn't they cut the stream earlier than intended cause of the backlash?

My wife!

This thread is a bullyzone. Your all going down

Have Sex

Man, bully hunters was fucking hilarious.
The whole CS:GO thing was great, loved the stream.
Too bad it failed instantly.

That brief 5 minute period when it opened up for real and it was just bully hunters shitposting at those who called upon their help