For the anons who have played The New Colossus, is the SJW shit really as bad as I've seen? Is it tolerable atleast? I love the gameplay and B.J's story but it seems so forced in the new one
For the anons who have played The New Colossus, is the SJW shit really as bad as I've seen? Is it tolerable atleast...
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It´s isn´t as SJWey as people on Yea Forums try to make it seem, the problem is that the SJW-stuff is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of TNC's problems. I loved the previous 2, but TNC is just worse in every way.
I saw my brother play it, and he told me the sjw shit was annoying and the he dropped it. He now moved on to playing Metro Exodus.
irredeemable trash. new order was ok, but this one is just retarded.
play Return To Castle Wolfenstein. It's the only great one anyway.
SJW shit is there and could be annoying but I kinda phased it out. The problem I had with TNC is that the overall writing quality dropped significantly and BJ was just not at all as charismatic as he was in TNO or TOB. It was weak.
Its nowhere near as bad as people claim it is, it's just that characters are played far more exaggerated compared to TNO. That said in terms of gameplay TNC feels more fun to play due to having less bullet spongey bosses and having tweaked gunplay, it's just a shame that the levels are sometimes more linear and claustrophobic.
It's overblown, but it is there. They retcon BJ's Dad to be a piece of shit and the game opens with him smacking his Jew wife and saying the n-word. The first resistance group you meet is almost entirely black women and the leader has a short rant about white America surrendering easily to the Nazis. At the end of the game, your pregnant, topless wife kills a robot wolf and a bunch of Nazis.
That said, there is some damn good writing in the game. It's just almost always derailed by off-topic toilet humor or just plain bad dialogue. And that's just the story, there are only a few long stretches of gameplay without any cutscenes, and the level design tanked hard.
It doesn’t matter the game is inferior too Nwo in just about every way and even then return to castle wolfenstein is still the best in the series. Play them instead
Nazi nazi Nazi nazi Nazi nazi Nazi nazi Nazi nazi Nazi nazi Nazi nazi
Switch owner here that's absolutely starved for some FPS games on the Switch. I know that it's not out yet, but should I get Wolfenstein: Youngblood to sate my FPS hunger till Doom:Eternal comes?
All the early reviews of it are throwing up red flags. People are talking about bullet-sponge grunts and enemies having health bars.
the sjw shit isn't that bad, but the gameplay really tanked in the second one
shitloads of bullet sponges and there's a level in a courtroom where they throw like 20 supersoldiers at you with 0 cover or ammunition
I really enjoyed the courtroom fight, though. You had to sprint all over the place and it was one of the few really long, uninterrupted firefights of the game. I didn't play it on Uber, though. I hear that gives you an ulcer.
I'm not really surprised, it seems like the fps gameplay is just going to get worse with every iteration. I thought the trailer had some really nice 80's aesthetic though, which is probably what they're banking on to sell it to zoomers
Literally false flagging. It's how you can tell if someone actually didn't play the game. The amount of SJW shit is minimal. The thing is that Yea Forums gets triggered when a guy born in 1890 turns out to be racist and they call it SJW propaganda when said racist is a bad guy.
All the shit you see in the trailer is overblown. Like people where saying "omg BJ submits to stronk black females and communists!" and that's all BS, he trash talks everyone equally. Hell a friendly German character actually beats the shit out of the black girl
There is too much cutscene movie bullshit and forced walk n chats. They forgot they were supposed to make a game.
The biggest problem about TNC is that they barely added any new weapons. In fact I think they even took some away, didn't they?
They really need to put heavier weapons in the game. I want an actual rocket launcher, not a pistol that shoots small grenades.
They ruined it the moment they turned the Evil Nazi Tech trope into "haha it was actually JEWISH technology all along! how hypocritical of them! GOTEM!"
>see that new colossus has a demo
>should be a quick 10 GB downlo-
>50 fucking GB
>start the demo a couple of hours later
>it's a goddamn cutscene movie
>intense wheelchair get out of the labyrinth action
>more cutscenes
>thank you for playing :^)
yeah no I'm sticking with new order
It's just a shame that what they showed of the writing in Youngblood seems worse than TNC.
There's also the fact that said german girl joined your group early on in the game and that she choked the shit out of Grace after being talked down to.
>muh SJW
What I hate about BJ's Father is that BJ didn't reflected negatively on his childhood in TNO and TOB but then Wolf 2 comes around and suddenly his childhood was a fucking nightmare.
It has a load of interactive flashback scenes where BJ's dad is a racist and abusive and in the game he teams up with a draft-dodging communist who dresses like a priest, among other worthless degenerates.
What do you think??
TNO is still the better game by a county mile.
Yes, but BJ also tells off the draft-dodging commies for being cowards and waiting until they're ghetto is being burned to the ground to give a fucking damn about fighting the Nazis. Another one of the few scenes in the game with good writing.
In case any of you are curious, the DLC is over-priced. The football player one has some great run'n'gun moments but it's all about killing this cartoonishly racist and Southern Nazi. The female spy one is basically all stealth and pretty fucking boring, until the final level where they force you to fight a broom closet full of big, fuck-off robots and your armor stat is capped at 40. The army captain one I barely remember aside from you were stuck with the extendo-leg upgrade, which fucking sucks.
I'm at the halfway point in TNO where BJ gets his head cut off and I've barely encountered any references to communism, what is with those kinds of video essays?
That's a genuine complaint right there, especially since you never really saw of heard BJ's dad in TNO. And also what they did to Wyatt, it feels like they really wrote TNC more around Fergus.
he should have put a bullet in their worthless brains for allowing the nazis to win without lifting a finger and move on to the next level of killing nazis.
Teaming up with seditious cowards that hid in bunkers long enough to last out the real freedom fighters isn't good writing.
The Communism stuff all comes up near the end of the game, you're almost to it. As for Wyatt/Fergus, I disagree. I feel like Wyatt has a much, much better arc than Fergus in this game, though Fergus gives you the better gun.
Dude, he's not the Punisher. BJ will gut Nazis all day long, because he's kind of unhinged, but executing a resistance group he entered the ghetto specifically to find just comes off as Chaotic Evil levels of fucking stupid.
when a nigger discussed the frailty of a man's balls and how they should not be used as a badassery imput next I saw a pregnant half nude woman drentched in blood going akimbo against nazis I knew I was not the audience anymore
I bet it would come off as evil to you, you worthless marxist faggot
I'm nearly at the end? Feels a bit weird that they would give the option for one of 3 new tools at that point.
Also I dont know, from what I've seen of Wyatt he seems more trippy. It could be that I missed some side quests or interactions, I know there was an entertaining one with him and Set Roth near the start.
Even then it's not like BJ is entirely psychotic, he held a soldier up at gunpoint just to steal his ride and that was that. He doesn't entirely go around killing everyone.
Look, user, I know Communism doesn't work. I think everyone knows that by now. But it would starve most if not all of these spineless "lmao i can't adult so let me watch kid shows and movies and bitch about how videogames don't let me escape anxiety anymore" faggots to death. That's gotta be a little enticing, right?
You're basically at the exact halfway point right now, but the back half of the game has a shit ton of cutscenes that are gonna chew up a bunch of time. The passives on your upgrade are way more important than the actual active ability of it, by the way.
>BJ will gut Nazis all day long, because he's kind of unhinged,
I'm surprised more people don't pick up on this. Killing anybody, even commies and nazis, is more of a necessary evil, which is why most games usually have their heroes take a somewhat neutral stance towards murder, like it's incidental or just happens between story events (think Uncharted). There's usually a purpose to it beyond just killing. BJ doesn't really need a purpose though (though he usually does have one). Killing nazi soldiers is purpose enough. So you end up with a very Tarantinoesque vibe where you'll have nazi soldiers talking about their families with a few messed up things thrown in (evil society and all) then have an unstoppable murder machine bust in and brutally murder them while talking about how great murdering nazis is. Yeah, he's kinda justified, but they're still people.
I actually dunno how to measure the amount of SJWness in the game, for there simply are much bigger problems with the game.
Laughable story.
Laughable characters.
Laughable enemies.
Dull locations.
Questionable upgrades (charge is only a worthy one).
A weird variety of weapons.
All the same side missions.
Overall: A MOTHERFUCKING circus. As I remember TNC was given to another studio, and this explains a lot about why TNC is so inferior compared to TNO.
The so called sjw trash was that they had black people and women doing badass things. However, the gameplay feels worse, a huge step down from the first one
But he does talk about a punishment his father gave him in the first one during the sewer level
Huh, are you that retarded or just pretending
its obnoxious but there really isn't a lot of it
the cringy scenes are more the ones where they try to be emotional or cool
overall the game feels like it was made by a B team considering how much worse the writing and level design is
The New Order had the Hospital level where it felt kino as fuck
The New Colossus is never as artistically driven
>but should I get Wolfenstein: Youngblood
According to the previews it's a linear looter shooter with a Wolfenstein theme.
Yeah, he says he swam somewhere his dad told him not to and got punished. It's really far south of "my father ruthlessly beat my perfect Jewish mother and forced me to shoot my own dog".
How the fuck are they gonna build Hitler up as a worthwhile villain in Wolf 3? I can understand they're portrayal of him in this game, but there's no other villains left and you can't expect me to be scared of someone who pisses all over themselves.
These are the people who think BotW is sjw propaganda because link can dress like a girl.
super deathshead: revengeance: not a shitty boss final boss this time we promise
It's not awful but it's annoying. You got nigger woman who's painful to look at and annoying at shit. You got the traitor aryan fatty daughter who loves black cock and was written to be pretty annoying. There's that stupid scene with your pregnant girlfriend getting naked in battle just for the sake of it
The bigger issue is that The New Colossus sucks ass because the level design is atrocious. They pad out the content by giving you assassination "side missions" which just re-use old levels
No, he said he disobeyed his father (very vague) then was told to go into the red tide I believe, he said it felt like his skin was on fire. So all we know was a severe punishment for a vague transgression
>it was a fake hitler to fool assassins all along
Wow, that was hard
The cutscenes are pretty neat sometimes but you're better off just tuning them out because they're boring story wise but nice to look at.
Gameplay is great actually, been doing 100% run and have only experienced two bugs so far that seemed small. The weapon upgrades are really fun to see the weapon change rather than just a stat change.
Solid game, meh story.
>Nazis do bad stuff to minorities
>black people had a hard time in America even before the Nazis took over and the named representative of the black nationalist group is resentful of this just like J in TNO was
>American socialist groups that were active in the US before WW1 are still around, or at least one dude is still alive, and barely gets any time to talk about proletariat uprisings or whatever before BJ calls him a faggot for wasting his time in trying to reach him
Honestly there's a lot of indulgence in the story to complain about but there's a lot that's overblown just to be some kind of heroin-cum-lightning rod for /pol/ and your related personality types looking to complain about anything with a woman or black people. Otherwise it's basically just a more manic and less somber New Order. You still got BJ monologuing to himself in a harsh, pained whisper and all them other shits.
It's not perfect, it has a lot of quality of life improvements over its predecessors like guns are stronger, enemies don't soak up hits as much, weapons are consolidated to accommodate free dual wielding, BJ moves a lot faster, you can pick up ammo without needing to mash the pick-up button repeatedly, etc. Level design is all over the place from pretty cool and on par with TNO/TOB's best stages, to obtuse and boring. But I'd still recommend it.
Who here is looking forward to killing more white male Nazis while playing as one of two strong, independent women?
I'm only buying Youngblood if one of BJ's daughters is a lesbian and she seduces a female Nazi officer.
The franchise needs like a decade long nap, hopefully Sweden will have collapsed by then.
First half is amazing Empire Strikes Back Blazko comming to terms with his own dead masterpiece.
Then a big amazing scene, and then the game goes to literal trash. It's such a pity.
The SJW shit is just the icing on the shit cake, the game is a downgrade in virtually all departments.
they won't because he's going to die toward the end of youngblood. the primary antagonist in wolf 3 is horton boone.
Well I know that the end credits have legit antifa imagery in it. Protraying them as heroic.
Why would sweden collapse