Gears 5 beta starting in 3 days

Who here /hype/?

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I only play Gears for Horde since everything else has been wank since Gears 1.

who gives a fuck about this shitty dead franchise?

DOA i call it

nope. no one gives a fuck about his garbage game.

Singleplayer will be dogshit if the utterly awful Billie Eilish-laden Kait STRONG WOMAN trailer was anything to go by, Marcus and J.D. will once again be relegated to secondary characters in an 8 hour inoffensive but overall forgettable campaign filled with cringey humour and forced sarcasm if Gears 4 was anything to go by.

Multiplayer will be more of the same with quality of life improvements and older/actually likeable playable characters, which is all I care about. Escape mite b cool. Horde could go either way

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>multiplayer eSports trash
Gears 3 was the last good multiplayer in the series and the best it would ever get.

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>same shit map design since 2
Yeah, nah.

Everything about Gears 4 was shit, Horde was the only good thing in it but even that mode wasn't safe from lootbox P2W shit.

Gears 3 multi was fucking trash, you zoomer. I bet you liked the sawed-off.

The multiplayer was fine though, the formula hasn't changed in years. Locking Horde skills behind lootboxes was inexcusable, though

>still complains about sawn-off because of how it was in the Gears 3 beta

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Ew, why is the MC such a skinny little bitch?

or skip the cutscenes and enjoy the visuals.
thats what i will do

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No one. Also that minigun on their raft seems like a good way to cut through the ropes holding up the sail.

The last monster in the webm looks really out of place

Looks fucking awful

Cant wait to only use the shotgun YAAAAS QUEEEN



Gears of War is dogshit, the multiplayer has never been good at all and plenty of other games have horde mode. Totally irrelevant franchise that only retarded spics care about. This is going to bomb hard, thankfully. Xbox just needs to die already.

looks like shit

its on pc dummie

>fortnite 2
are you alright?

That was a Hammer of Dawn beam wasn't it? Please tell me the gun is back.

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>Everything about Gears 4 was shit
Both multiplayer and Horde were great.

Multiplayer sucked, Horde was good.

It's releasing on Steam retard. you don't have to pretend to hate this game anymore.

Is there anything more pitiful?

Wow, epic OP shill. There's already countless actual versus gameplay videos available, yet you post this dog shit?

Yeah, gearfags

Just here to call you an your bullshit, retard.

You wanted to post those 3-4 hour livestream videos rather than the 2-minute trailer just released? Really?

While I agree that everything in 4 was shit compared to 3, loot boxes where far from P2W unless you where exclusively some Hordefag.

>While I agree that everything in 4 was shit compared to 3
Gameplay is basically copy/pasted, the best G3 maps were remade for 4, it has the same modes and it runs way better.
The only thing 3 still does better is the wide and fun weapon sandbox and that's it. Everything else is improved or the same in 4.

>cards are locked behind lootboxes
>the other way to get them takes ages and only gets you 3-4 cards each Horde match which takes long and is RNG to what one you want

>Gnasher was way better
>Wallbouncing and movement was waaaaaay better than the crap in 4
>Starter weapons where better
>Pickups where actually good and felt satisfying
>Skins where unlocked through in-game achievements
Only thing 4 did right for MP was make active reload a cooldown and normalize hitboxes. Game feels way worse otherwise due to appealing to the esport spics.

Funny too because there used to be a version of the gansher and wallbouncing in Gears 4 when they where making big changes in comp tuning probably over a year ago, and I actually thought 4 might surpass 3. But then they do a full 180 and give the gnasher a shit ton of range, almost on par with core tuning, and buff the Lancer to be almost on par with Core.

try a bit harder when you shill

How about the countless 10 minute escalation gameplay vids that actually show how the game plays in real time?

That's factually wrong, if you play a full standard 50-wave Horde match you get enough credits to buy between 3 (on casual) and 7 (Insane/Inconceivable) Horde packs and around 1 pack less if you play Horde frenzy (25-wave variant).
Each pack gives you 4 Horde-related skill cards, so that means you get between 12-28 cards and all the crutch ones for each class are common rarity so there's really no excuse. I have maxed out all the Green cards and most blue ones without paying a dime.

This, except I disagree on active reload cooldown. They made the Lancer have a 40 round magazine in a update over what it should've had 60 and they outright removed the Hammerburst as a loadout weapon because of whiny Gnasher bitches.

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this is the 6th gears game everyone knows how it plays

>Gnasher was way better
SOS says hi.

>Wallbouncing and movement was waaaaaay better than the crap in 4
I'll give you wallbouncing being faster, movement in general is smoother in 4.

>Starter weapons where better
Ok now you lost me, fuck off COD kid.

The pack used to give 5 Horde cards but they put in some shit weapon skins instead.

Yeah, that's why i said 4 (FOUR) genius, that doesn't contradict anything i said. They changed it to only 4 skill cards because the kids cried about not getting any skins progress when buying those Horde packs.

I wasn't trying to contradict you in that comment dumbass

This series isn't what it once was. They shouldn't keep making more of these games. The gameplay to me was good enough that it deserves to be a much more popular series that is very popular on the esports scene even but not if they continue to pump out useless sequels. I don't like this about multiplayer shooters. Companies need to find a way to stop killing their multiplayer shooters just because the next game in line has to come out.

If it were me I would just make it so that the multiplayer modes stay the same but the campaigns tell different stories with each new release. These constant sequels fragment the fanbase and kill off amazing games just because most people move on to the next one.

It's been 3 full years, is it really that constant?

>SOS and Retro being anything but shitter filters

DESU this series hasn't been truly huge since arguably Gears 2 which faded fast due to Halo, COD and GTA far surpassing it with people actually invested in the online modes. I remember when Gears 2 was pretty messy at launch for mp and in just a month I think it wasn't even the top ten xbl game before eventually just falling off a cliff.

Ever since COD4 I think most of the audience that would have gotten behind Gears left for other games and especially COD. It is a successful franchise but not as big as it could have been.

>still complains about Sawn-off and Retro Lancer to this
God the Gears community is laughably pathetic

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If they're so good then why were they removed? Fuck off retards, you don't know what you're talking about.

Both Halo and Gears should've ended with 3. They are not good enough to become a long lasting franchises, plus people who handle them now don't really understand the essences of their respective games

How does gears even work?

Why are the locust back AGAIN?

They arent Locust, they are "The Swarm ™"
A brand new and original enemy thats just so happens to look identical sometimes due to pure coincidence.

Retro Lancer is one of my favourites, if not THE favourite weapon I love to use in Gears but having it as a starting weapon is retarded, especially now that crossplay is going to be a thing. I love shredding consoleniggers with it on 4

Basic jist of it in 4 was that they dumped all of the Locust bodies in pits once the war was over and they mutated off the imulsion to the 'Swarm'

Surely you're joking user, this can't be real

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C'mon bro you weren't really that invested in the story were you? That and at the end of 4 it's revealed the Locust queen is probably Kait's grandmomma

Memes and jokes aside

What in the everliving fuck is going on with the story? I stopped after 3 where it really did seem like it was all done and over with

So what the FUCK is it now then?

No, of couse not but thats pretty fucking retarded even for Gears

Because The Coalition are eSports obsessed Canucks who thinks going back to Gnasher only Gears of War is going to evolve the series again but puts it back into the same boring 1 gun only multiplayer that nobody who played Gears will ever give a shit about.

I want more starting weapon variety, not less which is what Gears 4 and 5 is doing. I want the Retro to still be a starting weapon with maybe slightly less damage but instead we got a shit SMG that NO ONE uses because of shit it is.

He's not joking user, that's where they're going with the story now.

Mole men, giant worms, lethal hail, flying jellyfish and lava turning people into zombies make more sense to you?

I dunno why but I'm getting weird vibes that the visual style looks like a combination of older gears games and fortnite.

Anybody else getting that?

>he's never dabbed on retards with the Enforcer
Lost count of the amount of hatemail I've gotten for using it on top of the regular hatemail I get for being a PC player 'hacking' with keyboard and mouse

>Because The Coalition are eSports obsessed Canucks who thinks going back to Gnasher only Gears of War is going to evolve the series again but puts it back into the same boring 1 gun only multiplayer that nobody who played Gears will ever give a shit about.
Complaining about the Gnasher in Gears is like complaining about the BR in Halo, only casuals and non-fans do it.

Kait used to look cute.
Why'd they have to turn her into a dyke.

This looks like a grimdark Disney game what the fuck?

>tried GoW4 multiplayer
>retro lancer is now a power weapon pick up

And just like that, it was dropped.

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I hate the Gnasher because of how much of a whiny bitches there are that want every weapon to nerfed except it.

Try the enforcer, is basically the same concept.

Quick lads, claim your Gearsfu

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That little babby piece of shit is probably the most unsatsifying weapon I've ever used in a video game in terms of recoil feel, sound and visual effects. Absolutely truly terrible, even if it was retardedly OP I still wouldn't use it because it simply disgusts me.


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It's just a game man, chill.

>Pick-up weapon
>20 round magazine instead of 30
>Bayonet charge hitbox is gutted hard

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>ever using the bayonet except to meme on someone for the last kill
>downs anyone in 5 shots or less if they're closer even without an active
Seems like a fine pickup weapon to me

It's a waste of a pick-up weapon slot for another weapon like the Gorgon pistol.

>Gears 5 has taunts
I for one think that every MP game should have a taunt button.

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>Tyro Station and the Hammer of Dawn are in
Kino's back on the menu boys

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Gears yes but Halo could have continued. Just that Master Chief's story should have ended.


Baird just invented them decades after the war.

hype levels are mild but i'll end up buying it

If I want to play the beta but want to buy it on Steam, do I still have to pre purchase the W10 store version?

I personally like the Locusts being these unstoppable killing machines that just don't stop fucking coming. Going to need a Gohan Kamehameha in order to stop these shits once and for all.

Just buy a trial of the PC games pass from the Windows Store for €1/$1 and cancel/get the refund when the beta is over

she's the only one

>pic from 1 year old trailer
yeah man, I'm sure it'll look like that at release. You know other games that had a very pretty "in game" trailer then got the game released a year later? ME:Andromeda and Anthem comes to mind

Who cares, Gears is garbage, always was.

Oh shut the fuck up, I BTFO you the last time you brought up killing Halo after 3. What does Microsoft have that could replace it, you want Halo gone, not only are you not a Halo fan but you're not even a fan of Xbox, just a transgender Sony faggot from Europe.

That went well with all the non-Chief Halo games underselling. Chief is Halo and his story is ever over, he is the Samus Aran of his universe and people already imprinted on him, it's over give it up, no one wants to play other characters unless they're are lorefags who are well known to be faggots, trannies, and furries who never really touched a Halo game in their lives, CODfags that came in late so they never played a Master Chief Halo game and know why we love him so much, and Europoors since they were never really Halo fans to begin with. Halo story without Chief suck along with their gameplay as well.