Was this the final nail in the arena shooter coffin?
Was this the final nail in the arena shooter coffin?
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I really liked quake champions, but like everything else the mild incompetence of the devs and the infinite blizz shills shilling for Overwatch noone really played it.
it unironically was but the good news is syncerror will probably get fired after that disaster
doubt it, remember when he botched the Steam launch of Quake Live by adding loadouts and other retarded shit nobody wanted and didn't get fired for that?
No, Counter Strike was. I remember being 10 years old and thinking arena shooters were fucking weird and didn't understand them. Then I saw counter strike and was like "OMG it's like cops and robbers!" Felt like I was in the movie Heat playing it. Arena shooters looked so ancient after that.
Bethesda taking ID's IPs
>Counter Strike
Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we...
>slow the game down
>nerf movement
>make the game team based
>make the game round based
>remove all the pickups
>allow players to buy the weapons
>remove projectile weapons
>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck
And then the cycle always continued from card games to battle royales. In an attempt of trying to invent a product that as many people as possible can consume.
Twenty years of the series that turned skill based FPS games into crouch+shoot hitscan weapons with le epic headshots. The fortnite of its time.
Realism requires more skill.
I swear you in every arena shooter thread ever with this pasta, also hi from a guy who still plays wolf et daily in 2019
csfags are aids
QC is the only thing keeping the genre alive.
I really liked quake champions. Everyone on Yea Forums shits on it for making obvious hero shooter concessions but it's not like any of you fags were playing quake live anyway. The player numbers on both games were abysmal and yet in every quake champions thread it was always "PLAY QUAKE LIVE, THATS WHAT WE ALL DO" as the player count sat somewhere between 10-20. Half of the people on Yea Forums praising arena shooters to death are just fuckin posers who want to fit in.
QL was doing a better job of that before QC killed it.
*blocks path*
care to elaborate on how slowing the game down and making bullets random requires more skill?
I liked QC and i played since the closed alpha but the game terrible as fuck (hitreg fails, rocket splashes don't work, shit tickrate) and it took saber so long to fix their shit and add content, I don't even play QL anymore because it's nothing more then quake 3 re-release (i didn't play it back when it was based on HTML5)
The numbers don't lie, user. QC has triple the amount of players.
quake champions was blasphemous cancer. it was a false prophet
>can't run away instantly, have to be more careful about your positioning
Also bullets are not random. I can hit the same spot in a wall 100ft away with all 30 rounds of the AK.
Arena shooter fans were the final nail, they don't know what they actually want.
Although splitgate botching its premise so hard can't have helped.
QL is old as fuck, costs money to play, is unlisted on the steam store and never goes on sale
The fact that you're still comparing your shit reboot to QL means its a failure
and QL had as many players when it was F2P as QC does now, if not more
"Stop playing Quake Live!" - (c) Tim Willits
splitgate isn't an arena shooter
Both the final nail for pure arena shooters, and the final nail for copycat hero shooters as well. Both died with Quake Champions. Not that it was, or is since I wouldn't say it's dead, a total flop.
Which isn't saying much. High-production arena shooters aren't going to happen without recurrent monetization strategies that a "pure" shooter can't and shouldn't provide, that ship has sailed. Unless by some miracle of the market growing a fucking brain the practice of microtransactions is killed entirely and incentives developers to compete in a pre-Horse Armour economy, but that's a pipe dream.
Correct answer. CS started the fire, and CoD/Halo taking off on consoles dealt the final blow. Arena shooters have been dead for at least a decade and a half.
Skill based movement is cancer.
Whoever decided titanfall 2 should have that bullshit with sliding and jumping to retain speed can go fuck themselves.
>arenafags keep complaining that their genre is dead
>developers make a game in that genre
>arenafags immediately shit on it and refuse to play it
>wonder why their genre is dead
Rinse and repeat. Quake Champions, Toxxic and other, games came and went, but you purposefully refused to play any of them. You people are the reason there's no games like that on the market.
Then what the hell is it, the devs certaintly seem to consider it one.
>skill based movement is bad because I have no skill
it's as much an arena shooter as TF2 or Overwatch
There's different movement system e.g floaty quake 3 and CPMA which is smooth as fuck but also meh, there's the "game weapons" quake is quake and toxxic is just UT, there's obviously autists who don't one thing and wants a other
You've never played a single non realism game, have you?
the last nail will be when Diabotical releases and fails
Quakefags want Quake, not UT.
UTfags don't even want UT.
nah we're all pretty hyped for Diabotical actually, if that fails then yeah arenafags are the problem
feel free to screencap this if you don't believe me
Anybody got that arenafag thought process image where they shit on games for being too much like quake and then turn around and shit on other games for not being enough like quake
name the last arena shooter released in the last 15 years that looked as promising as Diabotical
protip: you can't
You know how I can tell you're a shitter?
Is it gonna be f2p? I just started playing xonotic recently and it's a blast, the weapons are way fun and has alt fire mechanics, all i know it's based off nexuiZ because the devs killed their own game so the community forked their own game version or something
I put over a hundred hours or so into quake champions but playing the same 4 maps got tiresome. the devs needed to focus more on adding new maps and less on adding new heroes.
from what I hear they FINALLY added in CTF after I had left.
>same four maps
There's like 12 of them, m8.
looks like another fucking cpma clone with 2000 view videos why will this be any different? frankly they lost me at the rail gun, why do they have to keep making the same mistakes over and over again? what problem does the rail gun even address for every single quake 3 clone to NEED it?
xonotic and its literally free
shit like longest yard and lockbox don't count as actual maps
You don't get to decide that.
quake champions was actually really fun to play, but it was mental that the only team modes they had were TDM and some dodgy CTF mode that didn't really work, with no rankings whatsoever or reason to pick different classes.
it's like they built some really good tools to build a game with, then forgot to build the actual game.
a competitive 5v5 game that takes everything good about quake but gives it a place in the team objective based landscape would've been brilliant.
>cpma clone
except it doesn't have air control retard
No, Halo killed arena shooters
This is coming from a longtime halo fan
It's a nexuiz clone actually
how? halo was never even that big on PC and arena shooters were never a thing on consoles
You have no idea how much footwork is important in cs.
this game is such a fucking joke KEK
>hitreg fails
>rocket splashes don't work
>shit tickrate
none of these things are true
looks can be decieving then i guess. what all does diabotical do differently?
QC won't die for at least a year because bethesda already pumped money into "pro league" with 20 invited players from America and Europe.
QC will die the second Diabotical drops
When you started playing? i stated i started from the CLOSED ALPHA and most of these issues were still presence on the soft launch of the game, it only took them like half a year to solve it, i only remember it remember that aniki board always made splashes null for a year until they fixed it and the hitreg fails after around half a year
oh no no no no no
has a dodge mechanic
Gee I wonder why devs are reluctant to make games for the arena shooter audience.
>5.6k dpi
what the fuck on most mouses it enter "overclock" state, and im playing with 1600dpi
I notice even these days on tox's stream morons always complaining about netcode and poor hitreg but it always connects and works like it should
the netcode feels really loose, like in source. everything connects
the exact opposite of what people are saying it does
rocket splash damage always worked correctly even during bethesda launcher days, if it didn't it was a server or packet error
that's kind of sad desu
probably because arenachads are smart enough to know good from bad and call out when something isn't right whereas non-arena brainlets will eat up any shit
That's just a wet dream, James.
Rule 1 of Quake: Everyone who praises Quake does not actually play Quake anymore
>>slow the game down
>>nerf movement
>>make the game team based
What's wrong with this?
>>make the game round based
What's wrong with this?
>>remove all the pickups
What's wrong with this?
>>allow players to buy the weapons
What's wrong with this?
>>remove projectile weapons
What are flashbangs, grenades, smokes, and molotovs?
>>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck
This one is the funniest, considering that the railgun and the lightning gun exist.
Quakefags' only purpose on this Earth is to be butthurt their 20 year old game is dead. Stay mad, retard.
Daily reminder Yea Forums.
Cringe, but also redpilled trailer. I hope this one takes off. Looks fun
It doesn't make sense without the context.
quakefag admit he sucks at cs.
take your meds
Yes, horrible interface, boxes and moba skills, deadly combo
>Quakefag being a retard
Wow, what a surprise. Fuck Quake, fuck Unreal, and fuck arenaniggers. That is all, have a good day.
oh look quakefags mad bc the game is dead and crying about how cs took over
fuck cs
Arenafags killed their own genre, they deserve it for being insufferable posers
(Pictured: local Quakefag attempts to play CS, fails miserably)
Half Life 2 Deathmatch is the only game for me.
is this bait or full cringe? you cant play 1.6 on high ping for example
whoever wrote that is shit at both games but just has a cool opinion because he "played quake"
the thing about the quake community is 90% of them are cheerleaders and not players. people that have the highest opinions of quake are the lowest skill in it
back to your low skill games like et, tf, goldeneye, timesplitters halo and cs Yea Forumstards.
Every day I am reminded Overwatch still gets updates, COD gets new releases, Halo is getting remastered, but Tribes was not only abandoned to die, but they came back and fucked the corpse too.
Mordhau has more skill than both in all aspects
I guess that's that. Maybe people are just more interested in talking about how the arena shooters they enjoyed in the 90s and early '00s was better than all the stuff that got popular afterwards like Counter-Strike, Halo, Call of Duty, TF2, hero shooters for like one year, and battle royales than actually playing the damn games. But it's not like Quake Champions itself is blameless. An Overwatch-tier dearth of meaningful updates and content isn't helping. Unreal Tournmanet is dead in the water too.
Honestly once MachineGames is all done with their Wolfenstein trilogy and maybe one more -blood expansion, maybe they should do a single player Quake in the same thematic feel as Quake 1, with the incongruous mix of sci-fi industrial aesthetics and medieval fantasy and eldritch horror. They did good work with the Quake anniversary episode. Just make an HD game about some dude running 900 MPH, going HUH every time he jumps, looking for keys, firing a nailgun, infiltrating castles and monster lairs to collect runes to take on elder gods. Something a little more deliberative and organized than Wolfenstein's branching-yet-ultimately-linear designs and Doom's arena shuttle antics.
Retro throwback FPSs that are single player are very visibly doing a lot better than everything rushing to be the next dead Quake inheritor. I'm honestly more interested in stuff trying to be like Quake or Duke Nukem 3D or Hexen/Heretic and there's a decent number of stuff either already released or in the pipeline.
Are you me? i don't play hl2dm anymore i used to play alot on freebuild servers, also is hl1 AG dead?
>i don't like quake. halo, cs, unreal, tribes, tf, et are better and take more skill.
>i don't like quake
>lists ut
>lists et
>No one is trying to clone UT2k4
I just downloaded this last night and gonna play with a friend. What to expect
Basically this. Over the years there have been numerous acceptable games for the arena shooter community to rally around. Instead of actually playing those games, they would rather complain about how shitty they are compared to older ones, usually quake.
If pedantic arenafags actually liked their own genre they would go and play quakeworld/q3/ut or whatever. Those games still exist. If WoW classic, runescape, cs 1.6, AoE2 or starcraft can retain an active community why can't arena shooters?
Maybe it's because people who really love arena shooters are already playing them and most of the people in these threads just LARP about them.
what else? im watching gameplay, there are "weebles" like the healing one and apparently a new gamemode called wipeout which is clan arena but with decaying spawn times. how do the games rules differ in normal game modes? is there mega/red? if there is is it the same mega/red system as quake 1 or quake 3? any new weapons? sorry, i used to keep up with every arena shooter. this map they are showing off looks nice, but im skeptical people will even play it over the inevitable "campgrounds remake #65232"
Quake3 was that nail. No story, just multiplayer.
QC was really good but it needed something for casuals or diff game modes
DM doesn't work for zoomers
> If WoW classic, runescape, cs 1.6, AoE2 or starcraft can retain an active community why can't arena shooters
All of these games are casual garbage.
There was toxxic though
>Are you me?
lmao at casuals namedropping hldm and hl2dm.
Yea Forums is dead.
onslaught mode ?
They added it after one major update but it was already dead by then
Why is it that every time theres a Quake thread there is this one manchild who spams his copypastas and talks to himself along with crying about CS? its creepy
Because it killed skill based fps.
haha its funny cause they got their shit fucked up
Splitgate was bad, that doesn't mean it's not an arena shooter.
HL2DM is better than Quake 3 or any UT.
>the thing about the quake community is 90% of them are cheerleaders and not players.
Kind of like melee.
I don't understand what Epic was thinking announcing UT3 when UT2004 was still at the height of its popularity. The mod community died overnight because nobody wanted to invest time in a dead game. And then UT3 came out and it was a lame compromise between UT and 2k4 that neither game's playerbase liked. And then it was too late as the shooter genre was overtaken by the console market and arena shooters stopped being a thing, leaving UT2004 without support and UT3 without players.
Hopefully. Quake was way better than Quake 3.
>Counter Strike
Pick one.
I hope so, if this is what they must become, let them become dead instead.
>says that
>but join literally any US cs1.6 server and its full of 30 brazillians with >200 ping who for some fucking reason dont just play with their own people on their own servers
lmao csniggers can't defend their game.
It waa the best shooter ive played in awhile, not memeing
If it was polished enough and had more maps or content wouldve been great. In fact it was organically growing until the december update
It's important but easy once you understand it and 1000% dumbed down from quake still.
imagine liking cs. imagine being a casual.
Neither can Quakefags supply any valid reasons as to why is CS "casual". Quake is a party game, CS has the biggest competitive scene right now.
and csfags still can't defend the game.
have some fucking recoil control retard, it doesnt matter where the fucking crosshair is thats only a reference you think jumping and spraying like that would be accurate, fucking christ you kids are dumb as fuck
imagine defending old cs. imagine having servers for cs 1.6. imagine liking hl2dm
KYS Yea Forumsedditors.
next you will say halo was a good game.
>heres your cabinet bro
what the fuck its all messed up
>well you see, our crosshair isn't actually representative of anything so we had to guess
all he had to do was aim a little down and to the left
utfags do want ut but they keep shitting on 4 so we all went back to 2k4 unironically for the most part.
QC kinda sucks, I wish they'd add time limit duel as an official mode.
If anyone wants to play AFPS games add me on steam, I like to play just about everything desu
holy shit you're retarded dude. crouch first next time
*unavoidable telefrag out of fucking nowhere*
hehe get better kiddo
just admit cs was never good and that you casuals love unreal, tribes, hl2dm, et, tf2.
its representative of the centre of the screen which your gun will fire towards when you are in position to have proper weapon control.
Have you ever fired a gun standing? Hell I bet you couldnt even hit a target lying fucking prone with a rifle rest too.
Like jesus fuck you cant run and shoot at the same time or jump in the air and shoot at the same time I guarentee your gun isnt going to stay pointed at your target even if the focus of your view does. I should have expected to be dealing with fucking handicapped neets coming here though I supposed
quake takes more skill than arcade, rts and fighting games.
>Like jesus fuck you cant run and shoot at the same time or jump in the air and shoot at the same time
Whats the matter, moving and shooting too hard for your small brain? Imagine playing CS and trying to defend it by going for the realism route. Hold on bro let me just eat an HE nade point blank or climb a ladder with my gun out.
He's crouching still firing for two full seconds.
I still play Q1 SP maps all day
HAIL QUADDICTED and the mapping community
You're that guy who flammed me for liking ET right? like 2 weeks ago
>This one is the funniest, considering that the railgun and the lightning gun exist.
The railgun does incredibly low DPS, 60 in vq3. Way to show you don't even play the game.
i love how you csniggers still are defending a 20 year old casual game.
it's pretty telling they think hl2dm was a good game.
I don't know, am I? Do you want to play quake? I have work in 2 or 3 hours. I'm gonna make eggs first.
This offer extends to everyone else in the thread too.
Nah im at work bro but enjoy playing quake
he never actually stops to regain control and keeps firing the gun you do know that spraying an AK like that wouldnt just go back to centre once you stop moving idiot
its not realism its a game mechanic you fucking retard and you cant quite wrap your head around why its not quake
because Halo was Ult mostly a PC/MAC gaming title ever since the late 2000's, when MS approached bungie, they changed it to consoles.
there was even a Nvidia ad for it, and the PC version, THANKS TO FUCKING RANDY DICKFORD, was buggy and lacking lots of effects.
Microsoft Ditched the PC ports from 3 and onwards due to headache and to push Xbox with exclusives.
Minh Le and Jess Cliffe should be hanged for creating this casual game that killed good multiplayer fps.
csfags desperate to defend their shitty gambling simulator
>Have you ever fired a gun standing? Hell I bet you couldnt even hit a target lying fucking prone with a rifle rest too.
>Like jesus fuck you cant run and shoot at the same time or jump in the air and shoot at the same time I guarentee your gun isnt going to stay pointed at your target even if the focus of your view does. I should have expected to be dealing with fucking handicapped neets coming here though I supposed
You're ridiculous.
Not that user, But Fucking Sweeney and Cliff gave the biggest fuck you to the Community when they made Unreal Championship Exclusive to Consoles.
also the Garbage that was Unreal 2: The Awakening
>Have you ever fired a gun standing? Hell I bet you couldnt even hit a target lying fucking prone with a rifle rest too.
>Like jesus fuck you cant run and shoot at the same time
Have you never watched any three-gun matches?
because you cant figure out how one game works, jesus it must be embarassing to watch you play anything that isnt quake. probably worse than dsp or mike matei
Yea Forumstards can't admit they enjoyed the casual garbage that cs 1.6 is.
anyone else look like they play quake?
I mean you can immediately tell if someone plays or has played quake just by their face
Does this game have bots?
lets play 1.6 right now im sure you will smoke me because you spend your time playing high skill games and they will totally translate over to counter strike, come on im itching to play some inferno now
HUH? How could you tell?
>lets play 1.6 right now im sure you will smoke me because you spend your time playing high skill games and they will totally translate over to counter strike, come on im itching to play some inferno now
UT3 sucked dick.
I made my eggs but nobody added me. Lets duel anons.
funny way of saying youre actually shitty at viddy
mad cuz true
>can't admit cs is inferior to quake
DBT is just boring to look at, another uninspired Quake 3 Arena clone with a coat of paint and lacking all the things that give quake games their character.
>make a game f2p but lock out f2p players from practice mode
whos stupid idea was this?
I want to fuck Officer Montoya.
bro just play me instead of posting your reddit faces, you must be a god if youre really good at quake
This is so sad
It's yet ANOTHER Quake clone with yet ANOTHER Overwatch coatpaint
It's not even funny anymore, just sad. It's like watching a child execution.
footwork is important for cs players because aim isn't.
shut up you redditspacing nigger, you don't even play AFPS.
>slow movement
>random aim
>team based
>no verticality
basically it's quake for noobs.
Just like UT2k3 is more difficult than quake
i've only been playing for 2 years, I'm sure you've been dueling for like a decade or more huh
see cscucks
ut3 sucked. shit engine, pop-in, SLOW, shit movement. it was a huge step back from ut2k3. also no good mods.
>Waaawawawawawah don't talk i anger and sad
Fuck you sissyboy and fuck your Diabetecal
Not quite that long, I'm sure it won't matter, just add me and lets play.
the reason your game is casual
Bro you just posted cringe
and no one refuted it
>evil doesn't play anymore
>agent not invited to "pro league"
it's dead
>crouch first
this shows the delusion of csbabbies. The crosshairs are supposed to tell you where the bullets could possibly land. When the player moves, the crosshairs grow, when the player is still, it shrinks. Having some hidden mechanic where ACKYUALLY don't trust the crosshairs at all is fucking stupid game design. Shooters that are miles better than CS ever will be:
I tried playing fortnite and it had that same faggot bloom recoil and immediately uninstalled the game.
Arena shooters will make a comeback after people realize this fucking battle royale "loot for 9 minutes to have a 1 minute firefight that kills half your squad and dooms you to failure" is a boring fucking formula.
Give me intense action for the duration of the match.
Counterstrike fags are pathetic. The Smashbros of shooters.
Sounds like fun
cs is 20 years old
how many of those years have you spent seething?
of course zoomers are the ones defending team based games like cs, et, overwatch and tf2.
Reminder that nu-quake was BTFO by Doom engine
refute the posts
Quake was long dead when QC was released and even so it managed to bring more players than any other arena shooter in the last 8 years and remains the most played today. It shows people were already tired of the same Quake 3 Arena clones and things like the champions aspect with the added lore and nice visual direction bring some fresh blood to the series and made many come back, the execution isn't perfect but that doesn't stop the game from being fun at all.
still happy playing a superior game
I like cod
>Played by 20 retards at much who never manage to get a regular populated server going.
The delusion of nostalgia fags is unmeasurable.
Titanfall2 shits on both
>posting cheaters
Stopped watching at the frag at 1:02. "Pros" don't cheat lul
>I guarentee your gun isnt going to stay pointed at your target even if the focus of your view does
And yet this is exactly what happens in CSGO, leading to stupid shit like having to aim at the ground to hit a guy in the chest.
Loading screen tip of csgo: jumping makes you inaccurate as fuck
People abandoned arena shooters for CS and then COD and Halo, later people moved into the class based shooter trend with TF2, Overwatch and others, after that survival games became the trend and finally BR games, there is no reason why another trend wouldn't appear before people decides to go back to arena shooters, it's a wet dream.
Battle Royale games could mitigate a lot of the tedium of looting if everyone dropped with a submachine gun, or a machine pistol, with three mags. But make it so that you can't loot more rounds for it. So you either have to hold on to it for later, or use it and hope you get something better.
They could also make it so that you can't loot more magazines from other players for this weapon. If they wanted to have an inworld reason for this, just say the gun is biometrically locked - or have an extended magazine thats integrated into the gun so that it can't be reloaded. That or they need to stop having such massive wide open maps, and have smaller games of 50 people that are confined to a single location, like say Rozhok in PUBG. That way you would get the entirety of the experience in a single condense match.
>Muh cod with robots
Fucking zoomer games
not him but CS doesn't have bloom recoil, it has predictable spray patters that can be learned at taken advantage of or ignored completely
>When the player moves, the crosshairs grow, when the player is still, it shrinks
Right, CS does that but the crosshair is more so you know where to point and first shot accuracy
Why did this happen to every single genre that required skill bros? It's not only FPS it's everything. How come everyone become so braindead and soulless fuck, fuck fuck.
people like you are why that series is dead
Im a zoom who got into arena FPS' with quake champions. I loved the game so I played the rest of quake and now I even make maps for Quake 1.
I still play Quake Champions a little bit.
This. If a new arena shooter ever takes off it needs to be part of a singleplayer release. NUDOOM failed at this by trying to have halo's multuplayer when they should have just copied the original. Doom eternal is probably going to have shit multiplayer as well.
what the fuck is wrong with /vr/? why they defend casual strike?
Don't forget it's just fucking Doom deathmatch with different skins. No advanced movement whatsoever because Zandronum can't fucking handle it.
>this is the real reason Yea Forums doesn't play xonotic
ut2k4 was only good cus it was battlefield lite
actual TDM and DM was ruined with the same bullet spongey giant models and shit netcode that happened to source
When i played boiler for my first time today it was really weird there's alot of maps where it's like two levels with a pod and stairs and everything is linear as fuck so u can knock people out with the red projectile weapon
csniggers are mad
>tfw no UT99 or UT2k4 with steamworks support
>no having to hunt down maps or files off of a bajillion fansites and hoping the game properly installs them
>can easily share mods and mutators with friends
>seemless moded ut fun multiplayer
but the original has even less hitscan weapons and projectiles inherit your momentum
Yeah, it's just shitty sprites as well. Not even 3D models.
I like quake/warsow weapons.
gog galaxy got the multiplayer working again though
If you unironically like maps like Lockbox, Vale and LY you are a filthy nigger. Simple as that.
csfags will never recover after this.
>Lockbox, Vale
Some of the best maps in the game. Sorry you hate fun.
Why does quakecon held in some gaylord place?
This one, this one has a chance, at least it will attract the OW players.
Gameplay looks top notch as well, reminds me of warsow.
I was hyped about Diabotical until I saw the footage, it looks like absolute shit.
The team don't really have a clue. They're trying to make something casual enough to appeal to retards, but they have no retards on the QA team to understand what shitters want. It's literally this image in game form.
I fucking loved titanfall, the wall running and mech combat is great, it's just the slide jump I take issue with, it adds nothing to the game.
csfags didnt refute anything.
fuck off stouty
Those Epic fucks should have made UT2004 remaster instead of keeping UT4 in alpha forever to focus on le epic zoomer streamer game.
Calls someone a zoomer when you can't greentext properly?
seecs is a joke.
well I mean no shit, I wasn't picking a side. His argument was just formatted badly
people who played cs 1.6 over quake and unreal should be shot.
I like how everyone is talking in past tense when they mention a game in the thread, even current games like quake champions
it's doubly funny since they have never played any of them
>Dude you never played a quake game, stop shitting on cs.
>I like how everyone is talking in past tense when they mention a game in the thread, even current games like quake champions
And now you know why arena shooters are very nearly dead.
Yeah because subhumans that played et, cs, cod , halo and tf2 instead.
how do you fix grenade launchers in arena shooters?
they're always like a last ditch weapon or something you spam when you have too much ammo for it
as an offensive weapon it sucks because the nades have to arc and are slow and then they sit on the ground waiting to explode
you can't make it do more damage than a rocket launcher because then people just sit somewhere and spam it into a room to get free easy kills
fuck casuals.
Nah cancelling Unreal Tournament 4 was
I thought UT4 was just put on the backburner, they actually cancelled it?
UT4 is fine movement and combat wise, but the maps fucking suck, they're consolized bullshit with tons of chokepoints and narrow paths so all you can do during an encounter is dodge jump or slide through doorways
deck 17 is way more open and requires actual aiming
im fine with it being an area denial tool.
Don't want someone coming through that doorway? launch a couple grenades near its entrance.
>haha ebic let's ignore cs flaws
embarrassing valve drones
>high ttk=high skill
hurr durr duhhhh
sorlag not being mai waifu
The mortar in DUSK operates like that, you can choose to detonate with alt-fire. It still sucks though.
I actually rather liked QC a lot and invested way too much time into it. But these days there's hardly any aussie players left which kinda suck and I don't wanna have to wait around 20 minutes to find a match. Shame, I miss my sorgie
Turok Rage Wars fixed that back in 1999.
>one of the best weapons in the game
>alt fire explodes immediately
Better stop breathing because trannies do that, too.
Nah arena shooters were already dead in mid 2000s.
quake live had good run from 2009-2014, weekly sunday cups and some other tournaments.
Then the players like fazz and cooller changed game and zoot stopped casting sunday cups.
No, this was.
I click on these threads solely so I can savor the seethe from buttmad Quake "players" who don't even play "their" game or any of its derivatives. Quake is fun but it could never have the lasting impact that CS has. That's been obvious for fifteen years.
zoot, rapha, and syncerror ruined everything. used to be a game man guys, not its for pork holsters
It's not the player experience that killed Quake and arena shooters, it's esports and specifically live esports broadcasting. FFA arena games simply move too fast and have too many things going on at once to make a good live broadcasting and viewing experience. CS works well because it's slow enough paced that the casters have room to talk, it's easy for viewers to keep up with, and action is usually concentrated in one area at a time so the camera crews can almost always capture the important moments.
Play your daily matches then and recruit a friend. It's your fault the genre is dead.
fuck off casuals, cs is indefensible. stick to cod and halo.
stick to your dad bro, rapha's sweet hair cut is legend
Cliffy B trying to bring back arena shooters with that shitty Overwatch ripoff was honestly sad to watch. Why can't boomers let the past die? It's 2019, nobody wants to play arena shooters.
>Wolf ET daily
I got RTCW, how do I join a server in current year?
cod clone
RtCW/ET is older than CoD and they're nothing alike.
>team based shooter
>not casual
ok etfags
like 90% of quake "players" don't even play the games
>stick to cod and halo
Get with the times old man, kids today are playing Fortnite and Apex. Halo is practically boomer tier.
ive been playing since it was pre f2p. these things are true
>Name the game Mordhau
>Not have any Mordhau mechanics
sure thing champ
dilate cstranny
>having to do what you did once more than once != higher skill
the combat is far more involved in high ttk. someone with a more reliable mechanical skill would win every time and fights dont devolve into who clicks who first. of course then you have games like quake 2 which try to throw that all away with a high damage hitscan sniper which i dare say makes quake 2+ not high ttk. and then of course you have quake 1 where the lightning gun does 30 DAMAGE FOR EVERY FUCKING CELL making it also a very very low ttk. what was that one autistic arena weeb game where you ran around with swords and shit its probably higher ttk than most games of that nature i can think of, i bet its very skill oriented