GTA VI looks like THAT?

GTA VI looks like THAT?

Attached: the_world_of_cyberpunk_2077.jpg (1941x2560, 800K)

Other urls found in this thread:

me as rick ross

i don't get it
it says cyberpunk op learn to read

It says cyberpunk, I dont get it..... Are you mentally handicapped or? just cant read?

me with the pink glasses and the white hoe

gta 6 looks brown and holey

CDPR wishes

>the year is 2077
>people look and dress exactly like 58 years ago but have some stupid lines on their heads

CDPR art staff is comprised of trannies

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>Just wanted to play as a rockerboy
It's not fucking fair lads

After reveal last year I wanted to play as Trauma Team, but it was confirmed they are only background element. Shit sux. You have to play one predefined character like in Witcher and I expected much more from game based on Cyberpunk2020.

Yeah, feels like they should've just made their own cyberpunk IP if they wanna take out the individual role-playing aspects of the franchise's roots. I feel like this is almost an intentional bait and switch

4th pic doesn't even fit cyberpunk aesthetic i'm sure it's appealing to the minorities

wait is this true? Are there only 3 classes and they're the most generic ones out there??

You play the same on-rails story mode as outlaw mercenary every time so it would be strange to play it as rockerboy, media or corp. They had to remove them because they would not ft the story.

there's something about this shit that really doesn't jive with me
it just doesn't look right in general

They used to be, but now they changed stuff further and you only play as a hired merc now

Rockstar wish their games looked as good

It's no longer an RPG, mate.


Attached: Very long fingers.png (651x520, 736K)

that's retarded, they pat themselves on the back for being the RPG masters that they are, but they shove their one dimensional values down our throats, no wonder they changed from calling it an RPG to an adventure game, there's no roleplaying left.

>CDPR art staff is comprised of trannies
At least we got kahnoo reeks...

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what was up with the first trailer showing off the cop? are you not gonna be able to play as him? that's all i wanted when i saw that trailer

the games you consider RPGs im glad that it isnt one then

I wish it were GTA 6, because at least GTA have THIRD PERSON PERSPECTIVE. Cyberpunk, Outer Worlds, VtMB2, they are all the same game. First person only RPG is trash.

I want this shit to flop enough to force then to make a Witcher 4, but not so much as to make then go bankrupt.

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Yeah I liked to play as cop or corpo but u can't now, only merc

Fucking dropped, i'm sick of tired of playing the same fucking merc character in every "RPG"

Where was this confirmed?

They all look soulless desu

get motion sickness and kys

9 more fucking months...havent smoked in 4 months...i will abstain from maryjane till this comes out im getting an ounce and making pot brownies as well....its out on a Thursday so I'm taking that Friday off and ill have the weekend with this baby and a fat bag of will be godly...

Those concept art look generic, like it was some mobile game. What were they thinking?

nobody cares faggot

No straight white male V btw

And clearly BLACKED subscribers. The only non negroid male has a mask.


Shh this is my blog dude

Don’t understand why people expect roleplay. Have they not played or seen Witcher games? They aren’t RPGs.

its just assumptions

if by generic u mean it doesnt look like weebtrash then yeah you are correct

Oh I don't know, maybe because witcher didn't start as a tabletop RPG where you had to choose your class before you started

Witcher 3 was extremely cucked and bluepilled

No one played the tabletop though. They can do what they want, they’re using the lore from the tabletop as inspiration but that’s it.

It’s not like Bethesda makes “fallout” games and turns them into action shooters where people rightfully get pissed

Me the black guy with the white woman

Excuse me user, but if you take such pleasure into hazardous substances inserted into your body instead of engaging with real things, aren't you no different than your regular junkie?

I also drank a lot back in the day, but I stopped completely when I realized most of my daily pleasure was from drinking, and I had become an empty husk of a human being who needed to be drunk to enjoy things. First step was to stop drinking, then exercise, then eat more healthy. That was 3 years ago, and now I'm on my best shape ever. You should try to better yourself as well.

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Weebtrash is just as generic, shill.

there werent any brown people in the whole game

good now fuck off weebshit

Kys shill faggot.

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>brown people is what sjw is
Kill yourself.

u first weebshit

I do those things already user! really just decided to take a break for a year to see if there's a difference in how I feel, mentally.

There were, both main game and DLC. Oferi people or whatever they were called.

fuck off nigger

yeah one guy

>fuck off nigger
I'm not one, you're just deeply underage, subhuman redneck. Take the rope now, before it's too late, you might get enough IQ to realize what an unevolved monkey you are. Imagine being on 4channel in 2019 and not knowing Witcher 3 is SJW - embarrassing.

no niggers no sjw
go dilate

I also decided to stop just for a month, I was drunk and told some personal things to a former friend after barging in his house while he was with "female company" and puking in his couch. He was cool about it, but I was so ashamed I realized I couldn't even look at his face. Lost that friendship because of booze, and decide to stop for a little and the difference was actually huge, to the point I don't want to ever drink in my life. Sometimes I feel the crave, but I manage to hold it pretty well.

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Chill out and quit trying so hard.

You have 2 quest lines for 2 guys in top right corner of velen, then one in novigrad. You have the frog prince, the guardsmen and the mage from the first DLC, and that one dude at the party in blood and wine and the other guy in the fields. The main game story is you grooming someone else's child or being a cuckold, end of story depends how much you let her have her way with everything. Only guy who is againts witches and non humans is made into a lunatic, dikstra gets signed off the worst, you have a crossdresering tranny elf, blood and whine is all about muh queen and hoe. I can go on if you want.

How else are they supposed to dress idiot? It's not like fashion changed a lot in the past 30-40 years.

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sounds like insane tranny perceptions

dilate you fucking brainlet

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>muh brown people
>oh no he switched dresses
>this emotionally destabilizes me
Imagine being this frail. Why are redneck American whites so cucked and sheltered?

I can get the tranny shill pasta for you, tranny SJW abomination.
>t. no rebutal

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This was NOT 90s fashion LMAO

>rockstar finally has a competitor
we live a nice timeline

That is exactly the kind of thought pattern that made this game looks like "California with body implants", and be so heavily compared with GTAV. Realism obsession is the death of creativity, and makes up for nothing but uninteresting looking and controlling games, being such a terrible plague that it does not contain itself only on this medium. People who made the best sci-fi of their time didn't thought "wow, how would earth be realistically in the future", they just went for the direction to which would bring more beauty to their creations.

In summary:

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Hello nigger

>no distinct fashion examples after 80s
So how am I wrong again?

Poles swing even harder for sjw, since all characters wake up sharing the bed with a big strong black king

This is based on Mike Pondsmith’s tabletop rpg which set the rules and lore. It’s not like CDPR is unable to be creative, they’re sticking to the source material because it creates depth and fictional believability.

Going too far off into the creative void without any regard for realism leads to exaggerated fringe shit that weebs like.

Blade Runner was more grounded than what we’ve seen in CP2077

>all characters wake up sharing the bed with a big strong black king

Too bad 99% of gamers want nothing but total realism

No rebuttal. Frail as hell.

>no sjw
Yeah, Witcher3fags are confirmed retarded.

You first.

Attached: fellow4channerstranny.png (900x720, 677K)

>men aren’t literally raping women on every street corner

neck yourself, you must still be a virgin to be this frail and easily triggered

At least try to properly bait next time

>man that has code not to kill humans slaughters them over calling his sorceress friend a whore
lmao imagine defending this
fucking subhuman zoomers, you don't give a shit how retarded a game is if you got some tits in front of you

There is nothing wrong with indulging yourself once in awhile. Now if you're doing something everyday or every few days, okay sure that's an addiction and that's a problem that could mentally affect you. But you know, spacing things out and having a good time and feeling a certain way here and there I don't see a problem with. I actually think that's good When I'm high I still get things done. I can still accomplish things, study or do whatever I need to do and I'm not addicted to it. Haven't smoked weed since last Friday night and don't feel the need to. But you're damn right at some point in the future I'll smoke again if I want to.

What? Could you be any more vague? What character and plot point are you referring to?

>hazardous substances inserted into your body
Reagan economics really got you huh?

>no wh*Te man in sight

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I don't know what are you talking about man. To me these character designs look cool and fresh. I don't want all cyberpunk look the same as Blade Runner, Gits or Akira.

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>blood and whine
Subtle. Also based.

How did OP type his post if he can't read?

>literally modern-day SJW liberal arts student with CYBERSCARS on their face
so fresh

It's going to be shit, isn't it?

At some point you're going with Triss somewhere in Novigrad and one of the guards calls her a whore. Geralt gets super triggered and then slaughters everyone.

>confirmed no mods
It's going to be worse than W3.


Words can't describe how disappointed I am with cdprojekt


If you live in california you just need to look outside to find a teenager like that. Colored hair may be a weird thing in the farm where you live, but in big cities it is the norm for thots with bad parental relationships.

They showed the scene with a girl and said it's the same for everyone. Enjoy the rectal reaming

One whore defending the honor of another whore, got it

I highly doubt you will be forced to gay sex in the final game, they wouldn't sink that low

No mongoloid, you’re not shared into being straight or a faggot, they were just showing you can ploughing anyone you want like in mass effect

All you guys ever do is bitch bitch bitch.
Half of you are going to buy it anyways so what's the point?

Attached: Outofthisthread.jpg (558x482, 40K)

>no TPS
>no mod support
>no choosing factions
>so much RPG elements were butchered, they don't even call it a RPG anymore
Literally a story driven open world shooter, this game is closer to Far Cry than it is with Witcher.

Will it suck? Not if you like open world shooters, but that is not my case. 2015 I was craving for this, and now I wouldn't even pirate it. The only entertainment this gave can possibly give me, is complaining about it.

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>They wouldnt fall that low
You are soo naive thinking that in this jew owned world.You CAN allways go lower in the name of the jews reptilians World Domination.

X qz me sweetie, but have ye never heard of the pirate's life?

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>this game is closer to Far Cry
It's mass effect

>j-just shut up and b-buy it!

>"our game is still first and foremost still an RPG :)" -mateusz
>meanwhile they scrubbed off all mentions of 'RPG' in their descriptions
What did they mean by this?

In a world where everyone is a pirate there would be no video games so you have to at least appreciate the people buying them, don't you?

The game will be mediocre to us experienced gamers, but they are going to make so much money with it. Mediocrity is exacrtly what sells best these days and normies will love it

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It means they have no intentions to set the tone in the industry and are just cashing in with another samey piece of shit.

Same reason the cover art is the most generic shit imaginable
Focus tested look to sell as many copies as possible, Action-adventure sells more than RPG

I don't appreciate you gullible bugmen and your pozed games one bit, cuck.

Never speak on my behalf ever again, you nigger

>Never speak on my behalf
I didn't mention homosexuals though

I for one welcome my texture replacement and hair mods in 2022

>See the character
>Looks like a thot with bad parental relationships
No I don't want to have immersive world with relatable characters in it. Where is my weird looking motherfuckers with no background and personality?

how did this game go so wrong after that first trailer?

what went wrong?


And there wouldn't be sea pirates without sea cattle, but that doesn't mean we should treat then nicely. You are all a bunch of suckers, and deserve the bad shit that comes to you. Suckers are also born from thin air, and don't matter how much we warn ye, thou shall never fucking learn. So why not take advantage? Also:

Attached: (3)1.jpg (480x300, 85K)

Did you not read one post ITT?

They were only in first expansion dicklord, a nigger in first game was evil shithead you killed at the end of the game.

Development hell

Game begins with gay sex. Enjoy few hetero options
It's literally there already and won't be changed. Mental gymnastics will ensue about why you are asking up next to a big strong black man

It appears to just be people bitching that transgender people hurt their feelings
Im not seeing any arguments of actual weight

SO what's the first thing you're going to do when you guys get the game?

Kill all normals and meatbags?
Push a rubbish bin to the ground?
Flip the finger at a camera?
Get modded so ahrd that you barely look human anymore?
Fucking die to death???

I know what I'm going to do.

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Maybe read further ahead in chain post and you'll see my reply, oh that's right you're too stupid to even do that falseflagging tranny nigger. Shitpost again and I'll get the pasta out.

No it doesn’t you monumental retard, they’re just showing off that you can shag anyone like in Mass Effect


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You can't kill people unless on mission and non-lethal gives more exp and is easier.

You're too obvious, I said try harder samefaggot.

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The only thing you'll be shagging is trannies and the melanin enriched.

This is just more bitching about trans people
Where are the actual arguments

>cashing in
>spent 5 years developing when they could’ve cashed in two years ago

If what you’re saying is true they’re batshit horrible at jewing their customers, especially since there’s no MTX involved

What about this guy?:
You just overlooked him? Oh that's right shit doesn't matter.

It says you can't join factions, but I dont see how thats a bad thing exactly
Lots of great RPGs dont have a faction system

>anime photo
Degenerate opinion discarded. Weebs are subhuman filth.

how much can you get triggered you resetera tranny

Yes I'm sure they've had a finished product for 7 years when it's painfully obvious the game has been in development hell.

Some people have bad parental relationships because their parents actually sucks. Those people look normal. And, some people have bad parental relationship because THEY suck. Those people try their best to look as weird as possible, dying their hair weird colors, piercing their own faces, making awful gigantic tattoos, painting the white part of their eyes black, and so on.

I like characters with relatable problems. What I don't like, are stupid imbecile characters that buy their problems and complain when they have to pay, the kind of character that when you are watching you go "imbecile, all that could have been avoided if you took your head out of your ass for once". Example that I managed to find in fast thought: Uhtred from The Last Kingdom series in the first season. Girls with colored hair are all like that. Believe me, I enjoy colored hair aesthetically, and that's why I give preference to girls like this, and they are all vitriolic bitches with fucked up lifes that derivates from their unbearable personalities, no exception.

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How about some actual roleplaying instead of create your own abomination

Why do you keep posting this blatantly false image? Nomad and Corpo are starting choices.

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>It says you can't join factions, but I dont see how thats a bad thing exactly
It means the faction system is even more barebones than skyrim, an 8 year old game that's regarded as the beginning of the end for modern RPGs.


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x qz me sweetie, but the right term is TRANSFAGGOTS, or how I prefer to call then, MENTALLY ILL DEGENERATES.

Be respectful to not misname then ;)

>pink car that has a giant gaping hole on it
not even subtle anymore

They're not playable though.

Being able to create your own character in a variety of ways gives more RP options, which is a good thing
Which doesnt mean it will be a bad RPG, like I said many of the best in the genre have no faction system at all


You literally start there. As a nomad, or a corpo.

Attached: ot9yGsx.jpg (545x476, 77K)

It has less features than nearly a decade old game user.

Fucking lel. Mentally ill faggots blown the fuck out.

It's not an RPG. READ you fucking nigger.

Your only evidence for this is this faction system, which is just one thing
Do you have anything else to base that claim on?

How can you "be a corpo" when you can't even join their faction? All player characters experience the same story

No impact on the actual gameplay.

>you’re a triggered tranny
>goes batshit over trannies in vgs
I never understood this

The lead developers on the game have said"Our game is still first and foremost an RPG"
You are wrong

Look at this user fresh out of his cave.

I miss 2015, when I was hyped for this piece of trash "Far Cry meets Mass Effect" dumpster fire.

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Sure, the combat is shit and so is the player customization. Lets not forget player housing and player freedom.

CDPR told the media during e3 that it's classless and that they have 3 skill trees you can pick skills from. As for being a corporate, cop, rockerboy, etc. They stated that those are instead going to be background options you can pick in the character creator. So for example if you pick a corporate agent background, your character will have special interactions and options available because they are actually a low level corporate agent undercover as some street guy. Now as for how much this will actually matter in the final game, who knows. It might be very minor, but this is what they were telling people.

>lead developers
>the guy who designs quests

You just described Deus Ex. I suppose that’s also not an rpg?

That's been already debunked ITT many times.

Whats your evidence that these things are lacking other than your own opinion
Because your feelings dont matter

Because I've actually been following the game

>it’s literally a quote from the CDPR forum

thats steampunk fucking tier. What purpose does it serve other than to make you look stupid?

How old is deux ex? Nearly 20 right?

Nobody in this thread actually knows what an RPG is user
They think anything less than a fantastical literally do anything and everything imaginable isn't a real RPG

How has “player freedom” been stripped? Relative to what? Witcher? Because as far as I can tell you’ve got more freedom than you did as Geralt where you basically played a linear game

>low level corporate agent undercover as some street guy. Now as for how much this will actually matter in the final game
You can't be an actual corpo but just some merc, and that's the thing though.

No it's pretty much Geralt but with a fade cut

And still considered one of the greatest games of all time. Mechanics have been getting stripped since early 90s pen/paper RPGs. What’s your point? This game will have more rpg elements than Witcher did

>he thinks cyberpunk is utilitarian

You're just straight up wrong, you retard

My point is you're trying to argue that a jack of all trades mass marketed abortion has more tacked on features than a 20 year old classic. You're a buffoon

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The only good thing to come out of this game's design is the MC's "samurai" jacket. I could see myself wearing one of those.

Apart from that, it is just commiefornia but the clothes have some plastic pieces on it.

Evidence? Or that’s just your opinion

Looks more like Saints Row

CDPR also insisted that TW3 wasn't downgraded, right up until the very release date. Guess what? They lied.

Are you retarded? I’m saying that the game hasn’t “stripped” features compared to the standards it set with the Witcher 3 in 2015, and has only built upon player freedom.

Also of course the classic contrarian
>popular = bad

Did you expect more than ability and some additional dialogue choices as differences for classes? Did you really expect 9 separate full length campaigns, one for each class? Are you actually mentally handicapped, user?

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Graphically sure. Blame consoles for that. I’m sure no one cares about graphics as much as actual gameplay elements, and those weren’t touched

>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>Meme writing and dialogue
>Neo-Yea Forums pandering gameplay philosophy
>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
>No Verticality or flying vehicles
>No proper adaption of the PnP roles/classes
>Removal of features because they blew all their money on a reddit actor
>Constant lying and backtracking by the developers

If you purchase this """""""""""""game""""""""""""""" you're a nu-male

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Yeah they totally should have made an open world rpg where you create your own character and story out of thin air like in a pen and paper game, because we all know that's possible with modern technology. Fuckin' seething little tranny.

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Geralt is an established character that came from a series with seven books, and they managed to make it still be choice oriented. So, when they started a new project based on a tabletop RPG, everyone thought the player freedom would increase, as they advertised it to be, instead of staying the fucking same. Maybe even worse, since now the gameplay is head clicker, and the lack of TPS makes character customization useless.

It is about the expectations.

Those classes will be paid DLC.

It was before whatever dumbfuck thought it was a good idea to make it more about fashion other than the original creator ideas

Except it doesn't even have flying cars.

They have said it adds more than just a few lines of dialogues, that it can give you new ways to go about quests
Its not as barebones as you're making it out to be

It's very easy if you aren't making cinematic garbage

>purchase CP2077 you are nu-male
>but posting on Yea Forums doesn’t make you a nu-male

>it's another MOVIE GAME
Expect to see everything past 2020 to come out to be just that.

> cyberpunk 2077 should have been an overhead pixelshit indie game

Attached: image.jpg (866x900, 170K)

>white woman and ??? midget
>white woman and asian man
>white woman black man
>white woman black man

at least it'd be a game instead of a movie

>everyone thought
And you can stop right there. Your head fiction is to blame. You can shit on a company like Bethesda for progressively dumbing down their games with each release, but there’s no indication at all that CP has downgraded any choice or rpg features compared to the Witcher.

>I'm a braindead idiot who only knows extremes.

Yes, what a strong argument, that open world trash has a bunch of features.

>everything that isn't cinematic garbage is some pixelshit indie game

Attached: 1554941464132.jpg (700x700, 209K)

RPGs have always been either books or movies

except the devs themselves said the character would be more player made than geralt

Stop defending CDPReddit being lazy faggots

>I expected much more from game based on Cyberpunk2020
Why are people like you so eager to out yourself as having no idea what you're talking about? Classes in CP2020 were RP-fuel that gave you slightly different stats and abilities. No matter how you made your character, you were always a gun for hire.

>This user thinks anyone on Yea Forums has basic knowledge of anything
Point and laugh at his naivete

>white man on cover
>white man in trailers
>white man in collectors edition
>set in 2077 when whites are projected to be a minority in America

I’d understand if the Witcher was inundated with brownies but how is this a problem?

the witcher is BARELY an rpg. what people are upset about is that they took an amazing and expansive source material, and gave us a david cage style on rails game.

hows is this game cinematic garbage?

Then describe how the game could be made to be as open as a pen and paper campaign without taking the gameplay back to 1998. Now.

Attached: image.jpg (190x266, 19K)

No, they've always been play driven stories. Moviegames are a new development post 2010

watch the """""""""""""""""""demo"""""""""""""""

>and gave us a david cage style on rails game.
You are basing this on nothing you mongoloid
In terms of player freedom this game has a lot more than Witcher ever did

No SHIT it’s more player made than a fucking book character are you stupid? A fucking glass of water is more player made

>Then describe how the game could be made to be as open as a pen and paper campaign without taking the gameplay back to 1998. Now.
By having the game developer not be a bunch of lazy faggots

i did, what was cinematic about it?

>A scripted demo made to show off characters and features came across as cinematic

Describe how the game would be made with the open campaigns afforded through pen and paper gameplay in a modern context, retard. Everybody's waiting.

Attached: image.jpg (511x407, 71K)

Did you watch the 45 minute gameplay demo?

outrage culture

I can understand that frustration, but if you look at the Witcher series they’ve never made proper RPGs, it’s always been an action adventure game with a lot of narrative choices to make.

Not that they were bad games, but looking at their past no one should expect proper rpg

>No SHIT it’s more player made than a fucking book character are you stupid? A fucking glass of water is more player made
But that's the problem it's not more player made than Geralt
Outside of the limited face customisation and gender swapping it's basically just a sci-fi Geralt character

>demo the game
>it's scripted to shit
>lol it's not really a demo

By committing to that fully for once.

literally type in cyberpunk into google image and you get better cyberpunk art than this. deviantart fags and tumblrinas make better cyberpunk art than paid cdpr artists. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?

Attached: 1563008359245.png (647x644, 110K)

> impotent tranny completely humiliates himself with his mentally incapacitated argument

Attached: image.jpg (320x307, 94K)

Its a scripted demo you fucking child
its purpose is to demonstrate aspects of the game

How was Witcher 3 different from an rpg like, say, Deus Ex? Or Mass Effect 2007? Or KOTOR?


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If it's purpose is to demonstrate the game then why is it on rails?

oh no it's the sun

Your character actually has almost no effect on the story and Geralt doesn't grow as a character.

> he thinks it's possible to create an open world fps where you can weave together a story out of thin air through your own actions with 2020 hardware

Attached: image.jpg (155x199, 28K)

>If you hate this game you're a tranny
>The game itself is pandering to said trannies


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Because by scripting something you can condense it a lot more and show off more characters and features in a more concise way
If they did it the way you want it that demo would take 10 fucking hours

But how can you tell what's scripted and what's not when 90% of the demo is scripted and on rails?


Why not release it to the public?
Oh right it's because then we'd all know it's on rails Cinematic tripe

>with 2020 hardware
Yes. Keep coping mr. incompetent diversity hire.

real question, is cdpr kinda overcompensating from all the "witcher is not diverse" criticism by putting in a million negroes into cyberpunk? like 8 out 10 characters they showed so far have been black

> no argument
> desperately posts his little memes to get the last word in
Absolutely seething.

Attached: image.jpg (1045x798, 838K)

The purpose of the demo is to show off stuff you could do in the game that wouldnt be scripted, it would just happen and you can do it

But they script it in the demo for the purpose of showing it off properly and not making it a day long stream to show the same shit

And where's your argument? lol

So what you're saying is the gameplay demo in no way represents actual gameplay.

Who’s outraged tho?

>anime tranny
go back to redddit

Sorry, BLACKED subscriber, that doesn't really make sense. If whites are projected to be a minority in 2077, then white women will also be a minority, not just white men.

> niggers are the reason it's not possible to create a completely emergent story with voice acting and immersive visuals
Fuckin' tranny kike bullshit argument lmao

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well shit I guess Oblivion is scripted and on rails

Im saying it represents things you can do in the actual game, but it wasn't literally a segment from the game, because then they needed to show off as much as possible in 45 minutes
Its still all stuff that can be done in game dude

i dont know shit about cyberpunk but are all these augmentations elective or are there a lot of people getting their legs blown off and arms chopped off

How does JC Denton grow? And what effect does he have on the story aside from the ending choice, just like Geralt chooses whether Ciri is Empress or a Witcher?

If the game isn't scripted and on rails why did it seem like everything shown to us was a campaign mission?

Because a 45 demo needs some kind of framing device to give it a flow and make it enjoyable for that long, as well as showing how you can make choices during missions in the actual game

You're the tranny here, pal. You constantly get triggered when someone calls you out on your tranny faggotry, shill.
How to identify the reddit and resetera shilling tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian even though he's a contrarian shill himself
>massive hypocrite
>its popular so it must be good
>samefag mass replies (You)
>pushes for SJW agendas
>will say he hates trannies just to blend in
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts

Ah yes, those two choices in a 150 hour game. Such an RPG

You don’t understand marketing if you’re befuddled by conservative cinematic game presentations as opposed to organic ones where you risk demonstrating play incompetence and hurting product image. Bethesda games, as shit as they are, capitalize on player freedom, and yet every demo feels like a movie.

Try retracing the thread retard, the argument I made is that it isn't possible to replicate the open endedness of a pen and paper campaign as a modern video game, and all you've responded with is your helpless little flailing about trannies and niggers lmao. Fuckin' kike, go call the fuckin' mohel Hirschel he fuckin' missed a spot bitch.

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That's not my point, they were clearly showing campaign missions, are you telling me the campaign is going to be less scripted that the demos?

remember to preorder

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Yet somehow there is always white women around

You're moving goalposts all thread. lol

>it's impossible
>better not even make and attempt
Holy shit this post is gold

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It’s 2077 California. They’ve nailed the demographics if anything, especially considering that whites will legit be a minority in America by 2050. There’s a white man on the cover, trailer, and collectors edition statue. Demographics are my smallest issue with this game

> the Jew is strawmanning away from cyberpunk 2077 as fast as possible because he has no argument against it other than his little buzzwords
Get back to Comet Ping Pong bitch you've got fuckin' children to mutilate.

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GO back to facebook.

get wrecked, faggot

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Yes, and again, all the promo material is that of a white man. What’s the issue here? Is your only source material that one image with the four factions?

They were framing it as a mission to show off narrative features of the game such as choices, and it also showed off the gameplay during the rest of it
The demos choices was scripted, but it was demonstrating that in the actual literal, not the scripted demo, that all of these features you are being shown will be present and will not be scripted, and that you can make your own choices

Yes, listen to the faggot

You're fooling no one, bibi.

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>"Please stop. The 13th amendment make it illegal to own niggas like this"

every time

Fuckin' seething.

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But why is every character black?

So you're saying the choices weren't scripted, but the one choice that was shown was the ability to not take a mission. That's not much of a choice, is it?

>smug anime shit
>bad opinion
You have to go back

>homofag dev changes bio
>goes on to
>just not worry you guys!

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18 decision junctures actually, with many branching options

women: white roasties
men: poc

based cdchads

The choices were scripted, its purpose was to show that in the game however, you will be able to make those choices on your own which will change things, and that this type of thing will be present throughout the whole game

> Jews control Hollywood so that means that transvestites (the group targeting cyberpunk 2077) aren't a Jewish group too
You're fuckin' finished, Chaim, get back to retardera and come up with a new angle bitch.

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Tell me how any of those choices effect the main story

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Here's someone that doesn't quite grasp the meaning of the word "impossible"

Have you ever been to a degenerate city before? It’s niggers everywhere.

> post anime on Yea Forums
> get told to go back by an actual tranny invader

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>daily mail
Do you even know what you're posting?

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Yes I know, my point is there was only one choice shown, there's not this abundance of choices floating around. Realistically the demo does show exactly what is going to happen in the game, meaning the game has extremely linear plot progression

That is one of the many reasons why Hitler came to power you massive retard.

What? Like the geopolitical ramifications of killing Dijkstra which results in Temeria being a vassal state? Or putting Cerys into power which decreased their military might but reduces infighting and bolsters their economy?

> thedailymail is a source I don't like so that means they completely made up this book that's been verified as being published to bait out a few clicks

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Yeah, how does that effect the main plot? It doesn't, does it.

lol, why is it smug anime posters always have the gayest opinions.

trannies support this game you retarded false flagging tranny

>t. MIGAtard

> if you post an image that means you're opposed to its content
t. mentally incapacitated fuckin' monkey.

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Wait so we want this to accelerate the next uprising, correct?

>bottom left
>white woman

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Noticed this straight away too.

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I the main plot...what is “main plot” in your eyes? The political shit literally ties up the loose ends of the main story from Witcher 2

> post evidence tying Judaism to transsexuality
> 'y-you must be a kike!'
Nice try Avi go fuckin' spin your dreidel you piece of fuckin' faggot shit.

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CDPRtranny is ran by trannies, go back

all women are white, just different degrees of tan

Trannies like ice cream. Should I stop eating ice cream?

You know the main story? You haven't described how those choices alter he story yet, you just said "It happens". Well, and then what? Does anything develop out of your decisions or not?

How does this happen when they are 13% of the population

That person is an Art Director, hardly a fucking CEO running the company

>white man
mutts aren't white

b-b-but cdpr w-were supposed to be BASED?!

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This will be goty and sell 15 million copies. Trannies will be seething

Because black people don't live outside of cities.

Yes because it's made with bigger semen probably at this point.

slavs arent white either

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Meryl fucking Streep

Exceptionally ignorant post even by Yea Forums standards, bravo user

And don't samefag you little dipshit


Just like how they're claiming to have sold 20 million Witcher 3 copies when it's probably less than half that.

redirecting budget for cutscenes to story and choices

This thread is honestly fascinating, there's so much double think going on
Yea Forums simultaneously believes that the game is being developed by trannies and pandering too them, and that trannies all hate this game and everything about it

Blonde and blue-eyed is white, sorry. Brown-eyed and dark-haired mutts need not apply. I don't care if they're Slav, German, or Meds. If you've got brown eyes you can fuck off.

Blacks are almost exclusively clustered into cities because of poverty. Whites disproportionately make up rich suburbs. Hence the demographics being such as they are.

Oh look, a thread about video games, surely Yea Forums can stay on topic and stop shilling for their fetish for atleast one da-

Oh. Holy fuck you guys are pathetic.I am convinced this board thinks about trannies more than trannies do

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>I can't tell who's shitposting or not
Lurk more faggot


That's... that's how it worked in the pen and paper.

It’s clearly a polish looking protag. Even looks like the head of CDPR. Hardly a “white” American.


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All Yea Forums knows about 2077 is that there is a possibility that a trans person is minutely involved with it
From then on, every opinion of the game is based on this non-knowledge

>Cyberpunk and CDPR threads have evolved into people furiously shouting tranny at each other while getting ass blasted over a game that isn't even out yet
I love it

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*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077

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dilate tranny

Not even close

>Right now, your life as a junior executive is anything but easy. There are guys underneath you who'd kill for a shot at your job. There are guys over you who'd kill to keep you out of their jobs. And they're not kidding about the killing - every up and comer in the Corporation has his own crew of Solos and Netrunners to cover his pet projects. Sabotage? Constantly. Bribery? Routine. Blackmail? Common. Promotion by assassination? Always a possibility. The stakes are that high - one slip and you could be out on the Street with the rest of the hobos.
>And the projects your supervisors give you! Some are pretty straightforward; design a new productivity schedule for the Corporation's medical subsidiary. Some are pretty raw - send a "black operations" team into the City to spread a designer plague so the Marketing team can clean up selling the vaccine. Last week, you led a mixed team of Solos, 'Runners and Techies on a headhunting run to kidnap a researcher from a rival company. The week before, your project was to steal plans for a new suborbital shuttle from the EuroSpace Agency (so that the Aerospace Division could copy the design and sell it to the Soviets).
>You told yourself you joined the Corporation to make it better place - work from the inside, you said. But now you're not sure. Your ideals are a little tarnished and things are getting pretty bleak. But you can't worry about ethics now. You've got a report due in an hour, and it looks like that guy in Sales is planning to ice your database for good. You're gonna ice him first.

So have I. Where did you see it?

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>t. false flagging tranny

trannies love this game or else why would cdpr cater to them?

You know, one of the handful of actual articles released about the game.

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this is art

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That's great, Greg, but the other players did completely different characters and I'm not having the campaign be completely about you. If it makes you feel better, you can be undercover or having recently been reshuffled and thus need to take side jobs, okay?

The game has most of the things you are claiming it doesn't
do you perhaps have a learning disability

And what, record 5 trillion lines of dialogue to account for every player choice and divergent story path? Yeah, if you do that then you're fuckin' left with some Detroit: Beyond Human tier bullshit, I.E. a fuckin' movie. The only way to do what you're talking about is to go back to text which doesn't sell to shitskins and therefore isn't financially viable. Period.

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Truth is... they were both trannies from the start

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>any sort of variation is impossible
Uh oh, somebody doesn't know what an RPG is

Should be Fe(Male), not girl(male

So nothing essentially because the game isn't out and thus all you have is how you interpret a disparate number of articles about a game still ind development.

>any sort of variation is impossible
>what is the rpg genre

They have said your choices and character impact things and that there is variation
you fucking window licker

Oh so now official interviews aren't real

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Everyone below this post that says the words tranny or trannies is admitting they themselves are mentally ill men in dresses and they should be mocked for doing so

Yes I'm sure getting a prompt 30 hours into the game in some random conversation is peak RPG these days

Dilate tranny


No retard but do account for a generally bigger amount of outcomes and paths

>they've said that there is impact and variation
>I will assume that this is one line of dialogue in the whole game, nothing more

literally elder scrolls

yes? or just do VA. or how about don't hire celebs and instead hire regular VAs


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> do account for more branching paths than this game that nobody's played yet
Fuckin' retard.

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Oh you like semantics, have a good one

Greg, I told you what the premise of the campaign was. You said you weren't going to do this again, not after you stormed out of my Warhammer game being pissed you couldn't be a Marienburg merchant prince with a huge merchant guild behind you when you were told it was going to be set around a Tilean mercenary company trying to escape from the Border Princes. Every time any of us try and set up a campaign, you instantly demand to make a character outside of the premise and demand it all revolves around it. I'm giving you another chance, now change the background or run your own damn campaign.

And you don't know that you don't turn up with a character that doesn't fit the general theme or style of the campaign or demand that the GM reworks the whole thing to appeal to them over the other players. If you want to run a corpo-only campaign where you play a death squad/junior executives, that sounds great. But you were told what the premise was and everyone else managed to make characters that fit it.. This is why you got thrown out of that other group, remember?

But elder scrolls is trash, did that change? Is elder scrolls now a good series when compared to modern trash?

>game comes out
>it's pretty good and most everyone enjoys it, even the eternal contrarians on Yea Forums
>months pass
>Yea Forums suddenly thinks its complete shit and nitpicks it to death
>years pass
>Yea Forums goes back to liking it and calling it soulful
this has happened hundreds of times before

Are you retarded?

So you agree that it will be much more then?
Thats good, you're learning to not be retarded

Awesome, can't wait for my 300gb game full of dialogue options I'm never even going to hear bro. You're a fuckin' moronic tranny who doesn't know shit about games or computers lmao.

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From the stuff I've read, the gameplay seems pretty decent, as was what I saw in the demo. But until the game is released, we don't know for sure. Now, your subjective interpretation of the articles makes you scream "IT'S SHIT" which leads me to suspect that it's more an issue with you.


What cutscenes? Greg, seriously, last warning or you can get out my house and don't bother coming back next week.

> game isn't out and nobody's played it

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Nice argument

elder scrolls is modern trash, but peak modern trash

>Yea Forums wants this game to have as much freedom and roleplay options as possible
>but not allow people to play as trans
Is this the epic gamer logic iv heard tales of?

GTAVI will have enjoyable 3rd person gameplay and jokes poking fun at the whole political spectrum while making a shitzillion dollars.

Cyberpunk will be a Borderlands clone full of fagmo libtard virtue signaling and sell quite a bit less than GTA.

actually trannies hate this game because CDPR made a "assume my gender" joke on twitter

also only allowed to play a straight white male

essential gta5 mods for blind run?

Not a samefag, no. Please explain what in my post was incorrect. Maybe the guy running my games was just playing it wrong on purpose for no reason. Seriously, I'm all ears.

Think about GTA V heist missions where different outcomes go out of your choices, but this time with more focus on RPG elements rather than action. For example, you have a mission about "the heist against some corporation", an event that unites all factions into one story event. For all factions the mission is on the same place, the said corporation HQ.

>faction 1, FIXERS, an organization of people who will take by force
Obviously, the mission will be action oriented, go from point A to B shooting others.

>faction 2, SOLOS
They want to take it by force as well, but since they are by themselves, they will have to fight both against the factions defending it, as well as the ones against it, by beginning the mission trough another route

>faction 3, law enforcement
The characters in this organization will have as mission to defend the corporation against ALL the other ones.

>faction 4, NETRUNNERS
Those will try to get the assets of the organization by trying to stealth their way inside the building in the middle of battle, to reach access to their data.

>faction 5, CORPORATES
Those will try do defend but not trough combat, but by managing security hiring and bribing members of the other factions to double cross their factions prior to the mission. Pacifist route if so chose, they could also control an android remotely trough VR so the player can shoot people if they want.

>faction 6, ROCKERBOYS
Those will try to take down the money by convincing members of factions to give then the money from the heist, through relating with characters with charisma, be it through sex, or dealing with interpersonal drama. They could for example, at the same time, convince one guy from fixers to give her the money, a person from the corporation to decrease the security, and so on. They could choose to engage in combat, but most of the quests in this faction are pacifist ones.

And done, you just put quest exclusive quests in between. Not that hard.

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>We have gotten to the point where zoomers are referencing RP options in GTA V

Where's the Asian women? Hispanic women? Black women? Mediterranean women? Nope, only white women with black/asian guys. Try harder shill.

Have sex

and without classes you would be able to do all of these if you specced into different skills, this is just pointless and arbitrary padding

>I'm too poor to afford storage space
if you don't have at least 3tb of storage minimum, you're doing it wrong.

Yes because being able to do EVERYTHING and having no restrictions on gameplay has always yielded the most high quality gameplay

>/pol/tards shook after arguments destroyed

Attached: XanQOEz.gif (320x180, 3.15M)

that's up to skill point balance

>black woman
Bug, the hacker bitch, one of the main NPCs and shown off in the latest E3 trailer
>Hispanic and Asian women
Plenty of minorities roaming the streets in the 48 minute demo
I don’t know how to tell

Any other paranoid points?

You're kidding, right? You think restriction is bad, but you think they're capable of balancing skill pints?

in 2077, the mental illness that causes tans people would have been fixed.

I wish GTA6 could be that interesting. Its just going to be somewhere in modern or not-long-ago America doing very similar shit to previous games. I bet you instantly fail a mission if you go 10 seconds off their yellow line

>they're just all dresses
>but later they become pants

lmao retard what do you want fucking space suits or Logan's Run kinda shit

Attached: film__4396-logan-s-run--hi_res-494790cf.jpg (970x546, 152K)

restrictions are arbitrary, skill points are more immersive sim, whether they are capable of balancing them or not, we're gonna find out

give one example of clothing that is completely unique, fresh, and belongs in cyberpunk

Restrictions in the case of roleplay are not arbitrary

they wanna roleplay as a white guy that goes around town shooting black NPCs for a montage video, that way they can share it on /pol/--shit wait, I mean share it on Yea Forums

Something that's not literally the latest fad

I doubt you CDPR dicksuckers have ever played Tenchu 2, but if you did, just think about the missions that integrated themselves, is basically the same thing. For example, the first shared event, the atack on the lord's castle:

>Rikimaru goes through the lower levels to save the Lord whatever, his mission is more classic format
>Ayame goes through the mid levels to save the Lord's wife, and later in a full stealth mission to secure the princess
>Somethingmaru goes through the roofs to fight the leaders of the coup attempt
All at the same event, but through different lenses.

That's a cute thought, but usually the jack of all trades stuff makes up for broken gameplay and little focus on some mechanics. It is impossible to go full pacifist on TES for example, and some skills on it are straight up useless, because nobody never thought someone would use that as their first option to evolve.

With classes you have forced dev focus on some gameplay elements, and it manages to make the game a lot more interesting to replay, as it changes the mission format completely. Restraining is not wrong, it only makes the world more interesting and believable, like for example when Morrowind factions forced you to prove your loyalty.

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>You will never be Priss who instead of getting augmented fights using a hard suit

if you are locked into a class forever, then yes they are, with an extra of being an obvious lazy padding, and it's not like they've not done that also with the origin stories, just on a smaller scale

>being locked into your character after creation is arbitrary
Do you even know what an RPG is?

You’re insane not see the modern trend. Pure degeneracy will be our future.

I'm sorry man, you're not locked into a class(role) in CP2020, you can still spec into whichever role you want

>everyone is excited about footage of a game everyone assumed was vaporware
>demo revealed gets more positive attention than all the big conference garbage that quickly loses spotlight
>Yea Forums is flooded with sun and bladerunner memes.
>newfags fall for the inorganic spam threads when marketers have been shilling for and against games here for over a decade.
>even after the 2016 election

Bladerunner is not cyberpunk

>black guy named Tom

Where in that image were all the classes promised?

Yeah I know, your argument was that being in a faction would restrict gameplay and that it was arbitrary, when that's literally what RPGs are about. Jack of all trades player characters are just bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator crowd pleasers.

at least people are actually gonna play it, unlike Mankind Divided, the hype is too big even for Yea Forums

Class exclusive abilities and progression is what makes tabletop games interesting, user. A good game that does this right is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, where the game progression changes aggressively depending on your class. In one you don't need to worry about getting blood because you can make anyone go to a corner with you just by flirting while at the same time any NPC can rekt your shit in a fight, in the other you are so repugnant people get agressive on sight, but your fighting abilities are better, and so on. Did this make the game restrictive? Yes at some point, you can't be a jack of all trades, but it also made replaying it extremely more interesting as different options open up for different classes.

Cyberpunk2077 is not based on Elder Scrolls, the idea come from a tabletop game. So why choosing the Skyrim route of "I can do what I want lmao", instead of making good content based on the tabletop format? That's my complaint.

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>it's literally nothing

great post 10/10 thoughtful complaints

So the factions are:
>anarcho capitalists

In the advertising. Nice try though.

dilate shill
People expect something more original than contemporary LA street fashion. Maybe in your shitty part of europe this is unique and unheard of for people to dress like that and have colorful hair but here it's common and this game looks like absolutely nothing changed fashion-wise for half a century.

>literally arguing every game should be skyrim where you can spec into everything and no character is special in anyway because you can be heavy armour weilding necromancer who wields dual axes

Kill yourself, nigger.

Well said senpai.

Everyone walking around naked but they have metal bodies.

>your shitty part of europe

whoa wow are you saying that just like our style now is based off of historical contemporaries that even further in the future that fashion may be based out off of it's own equivalent contemporary

woooowww colored hair is so european


>necromancers need to wear light armor and wield staffs!
deep systems there

it is. jfc, have you read neuromancer or ANYthing by William Gibson or Philip k. Dick?


it's like trying to feed a five year old

You've never played a TRPG in your life and it's painfully obvious.

I think that it's a mistake to imply that the aesthetics of the Bladerunner film itself are the de facto version of Cyberpunk Aesthetics.

The actual material draws from a lot of inspirations from low-tech to post-apocalyptic.

They still wanna make a profit, not a

>2077 threads on Yea Forums

Attached: 1562523910768m.jpg (1024x819, 89K)

bladerunner is based on Sprawl.

BIG black guys and delicious white women
i hope im going to see some RAW content from this game :)

Hey Mateusz your lack of English skills is showing because you completely misunderstood that post. That, or you're a fucking brainlet. Probably both.

Attached: you.jpg (645x729, 57K)

Sprawl, the triumvirate of Gibson's work?

What do they have to do with Phillip K Dick's terrible pile of shit novella Do Androids Dream?

Still waiting on an answer that isn't just:

"I want someting dibberent."

But I guess all I'm gonna get from a poster like you is insults that I have to live on Yea Forums to understand and Wojaks. 10/10 bro

It's not "deep systems", it's "makes fucking sense". Why the fuck would some pasty necromancer who spent years studying to raise the dead be a musclebound macho chad who can wear 80lbs of armour and know how to efficiently wield two axes while shitting out necromancy spells?

The reason games used to gate you off from certain options was because it gave your choices at character creation some meaning. If you made a smart charismatic man you'd have to find smart and cunning ways out of problems. If you made a beefy dude with 2 INT and 1 CHA then you hulk smash your way through everything because that's all your character knows. The whole point of this is to add replayability. One go around you make dumb hulk smash guy and play the game and see what options you get. Next you play smart, charismatic dude and see how you can solve your problems. And you can keep making unique characters which each have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. What you are suggesting is literally just let anyone be anything so they can consume your video game in one big bite with no actual thought and have 0 reason to replay it because why the fuck would you play a game where you spent your first playthrough seeing everything?

You don't need to be top chef to know that food tastes like shit. Same here, you don't need to be a fucking game designer full of original ideas to know that what you're being served is shit. Also I'm not spending time to come up with something original , it's not my job and I'm not getting paid for it, unlike CDPR.

Post should read:

"It's not "deep systems", it's "the stereotype I have in my mind"."

Have you?
Neuromancer had a dilapidated Turkey as one of the settings and Count Zero literally starts off in an indian shithole and a mexican beachtown.
Neuromancer also had rastafarian redneck mercs/gangbangers.
Cyberpunk is not neon, rain, and pollution.

somebody shop the blacked hand there


>I'm gonna sit here and shitpost about clothes not looking the way I want.
>But I won't offer any alternatives to solve my complaint.
>That's not MY problem, it's THEIR problem.
Okay, well I'm just gonna mock you relentlessly as long as you persist.

B-But bro I saw Bladerunner once and that's totally what Cyberpunk looks like now and forever, bro.

Shut the fuck up nigger. Your waifu isn't real and having one doesn't make you like Ryan Gosling.

>basing an entire conclusive opinion about a game on one advert
Oh so why didn’t you base it on the game cover instead?

Based retard

You can get the white women, they are trash anyways.

I just want some sweet and tender asian ladies to make cute hapa babies.

Can't wait for the game to come out and have it be universally praised except for random shitposters on an anonymous chinese anime forum

No yeah you're right. Fuck it. Let's just "streamline" RPGs some more. There's no fun in making a character and making yourself play that character in a certain way to make the game interesting or engaging or immersive or lock you out from content your character is not suited for or any of that gay shit. Nah fuck it. Why can't 1 INT barbarian warrior fucking hack a computer? Maybe when he was wandering the wastelands looking for bears to wrestle and deer to rape, kill and eat he also happened to be an avid /g/ poster despite his crippling 40 IQ.

Why even force people to play the video game? Let's just make movies instead and let people WATCH the RPG video game happen. If making your character means fucking nothing then why even bother having RPG elements? Why bother having a video game? Just make one long animated movie or a TV series.

cyberpunk 2077 is literally the anti-gamer game

keep going with the tortanic memes of every new release beyond nintendo and weabshit being bad. I'm sure it will stop the critical acclaim, massive sales revenue and awards like it did for GTAV and RDR2.

I'm another user, and I gotta say, you are only embarrassing yourself with your snarky remarks to serious posts, user.

Truly says a lot about the people who shill Far Cry in the City 2077.

Attached: D4-nUeeUEAMqdzo.jpg (935x859, 126K)

Not sure how you're making this comparison. Neuromancer and Blade Runner are very different. Neuromancer doesn't have megabuildings or flying cars. It's much more visceral and street-level, at least while they're on earth. Blade Runner is fantastical and dreamlike. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep isn't Cyberpunk either, despite what fedora-tippers want you to believe.

>Why can't 1 int barbarian warrior fucking hack a computer?

With the right implant he can, retard. It's cyberpunk, keep up.

You have zero reading comprehension. I never said they don't look they way I want, I just said they look unimaginative and not original and we have current day clothes and fashion that looks like that, so it's hard to believe people will dress exactly the same in 50 years. And your only rebuke is to be "hurr then come up with something better", which only proves you have no counter argument to my complaint. Why would I offer alternatives to solve my complaint? I'm not game dev being paid to come up with that stuff. If you don't like the food in restaurant do you go to their kitchen and prepare your own? The only person being mocked here is you and your poor shilling.

90% of the meme threads will be gone after the first week of release because the marketing teams won't be paid to post them anymore. It happens with every new release that threatens the status quo of garbage coming from the main publishers.

500 posts 80 posters
next time don't reply to the shilling tranny

I can't wait for the release and all the shitposting opportunities from cdprshills meltdown. It will be more fun than this crappy game.

>it looks like shit
>but that's not not the way I want them to look
>why should I offer alternatives
>i'm just here to complain about something that isn't really not what I want anyways
>if you ask me to come up with a solution to my complaint you're a shill




>It will be more fun than this crappy game.

the worldbuildings is based on spawl, the aesthetic is what we were talking about.
and that you think the novella is a "pile of shit" is telling.

It's literally in the game's description on GOG.

No amount of technology is going to take an absolute retard and make him be able to hack a computer. In all the cyberpunk shit I've seen people who actually hack things and shit actually know what they're doing. The big dudes usually just get implants that help them be big and hit dudes harder.

Like every big game nowadays, this is what is going to happen:

>released, everyone gobbling on it's dick as if it were the second coming of christ
>people who criticize it are immediately labeled as contrarians, or "users of console Y"
>a few months go by, and the hyper consuming nerdy fanfaggots moves on to something else or the shills are paid to shill another project, whatever you believe
>now without the rabid corporate dicksuckers on the topic, the discussion gets more rational, and the glaring mistakes are shown to the common public
>now the game is seen as flawed

Red Dead Redemption 2, Mario Odissey, Last Guardian, nu-God of War, I have seen this pattern repeat itself so many fucking times it is not even funny. It only goes to show that you shouldn't listen to people's opinion in regards to games before it is released on in the first months of it's lifetime.

Attached: 1223428.png (621x538, 534K)

Telling of what?

I'm not your designated style of Cyberpunk drone? Sorry to go against the grain, but that story was a crock of shit full of plot holes.

Game descriptions, official interviews, trailers, social media posts and gameplay demos aren't real unless they back up the narrative that CDPR are the best indie game developer known to man.

Yes it is. 'Tech Noir' and 'Post-cyberpunk' are bullshit, made-up genres.

Being this stupid must be a real burden to people around you, especially your parents. I bet your mother regrets not aborting you and your father thinks that you're his biggest disappointment. Luckily you'll soon join the 40%.

>cannot be a corponigger
>HAVE to be a street thug
This killed a lot of interest I had in the game

it's all these things, from south American body farms to the tokyo megaplex, to deep space mining operations.


>You don't need to be top chef to know that food tastes like shit
Yeah, you could also be a fucking smoker who has corrupted his tastebuds and is unable to taste anything at all.

>Oh no, he's got me cornered!
>I know!

"Tranny, shill, suicide, abortion, 40%!"

Like some sort of incel incantation, let me laugh even harder at you:


Attached: FWmWUFSFH48P94tnEAEnCo.jpg (940x529, 122K)

of your bad taste.

Whatever you say, bud.

what is daggerfall, alex

That is no overman, that is zarathustras fool.

polack shills are really retarded
get back to cleaning my toilet

Attached: polandball_toilet.jpg (735x467, 78K)

look at the cover art, it literally looks like saints row. not even the biggest cdpr shills can deny that. there also wasn't a single tranny in neuromancer or akira, don't let trannies tell you that they are cyberpunk

Daggerfall? You mean that ancient game that I've never heard of?

top left is based mommy fascism
bottom right is neat too
top right gives heavy egirl orbiter vibes, kinda s o y
bottom left is just uninspired looking, doesnt help that it's black man white woman

>It's very easy
Go on....

The future the white man chose.

Attached: mutt-football-flag-burning.png (900x466, 387K)

>get called out
>y-you're POLISH



Attached: 485e213f227eeda3a16653991de30c95.jpg (2048x1025, 153K)

That woman in the bottom left is what happens when one of your distant ancestors was black. You never fully rid yourself of the roid genes

Pretty much garbage. You don't seriously think that game was an rpg do you?

>being this triggered

It's like Saints Row but they're not joking.

hey faggot this isn't reddit turn down the capslock

>CDPRshills are that easy to piss off

Why does the dude in the top left look like a midget but for everyone else it's obvious that it's just a composition?

he's white

Because the proportions are wrong and him and the woman.

>pissed off




Attached: 38-ZxB3U.gif (570x415, 392K)

Give up man, you can't win with shitposters and only make yourself look worse.

>9 months until this game utterly melt this place
clock's ticking, better enjoy the shitposting while it lasts

Attached: 1403622778920.jpg (320x322, 22K)

The one who starts screaming like raging faggot first is the one who lost. That is not me, this is just the rules.

Chill, shill. There will be other threads where you won't get BTFO

dilate and kys retard
your game will suck and cdpr are lying frauds that can't make good RPG

Attached: cdpr_lies_more.jpg (755x840, 163K)

>tfw just realised I'm arguing against some tranny who hates RPG archetypes because it gives them PTSD flashbacks to the time the bus driver called them sir
Why is Yea Forums full of trannies? Can we raid /r9k/, /soc/ and /lgbt/? I'm sure that's where this cancer is coming from.

Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas make your character appear out of thin air, with only extremely little deciding why your character exists, then there's modding.

It's just hypocrites and bastards. Welcome to Yea Forums

>being like the most successful game of all time that in all likelihood everyone here owns a copy or two of and enjoyed is some how a bad thing
I can't wait for this to come out and to disregard what people here think of it.

>look worse
>on Yea Forums
whatever you say newfriend it's anonymous



Witcher 1, 2 and 3 were all fantastic and I loved each one of them.

>post pic with "Cyberpunk_2077_Definitive_Edition+Day_One_patch [GOG]" in the torrent list, with the comment "fuck the corporations"
>512 posts, 105 images
We have glorious days ahead of us.

Attached: 1534857153018.jpg (640x360, 69K)

It's just weird. Do you think he's dedicated to breaking down RPG archetypes because if RPG characters can just do anything then they can do anything too? Like pass for a woman?

RPGs have been dead for 20 years.

The way you treat an RPG "archtype " is ridiculous. Let me guess, if you played CP2020 and picked Cop, rather than treating it as a starting point for a set of skills and abilities, you'd arrest the other players for breaking the law because 'I R COP', or if you were playing a Police campaign, you'd rage if people picked other classes to get the bonuses because 'WE'RE COPS".

Sometimes I wish cdprdrones weren't that easy to trigger.

Red dead 2 is boring cinema though. And this is coming from a big rockstar fan. Mario and GoW give the player fun control. Red dead tries to hold your hand A to Z

No dude, it's because everybody and their dog knows that Witcher 3 wasn't actually and RPG so they think it's cool to come on here and shit on RPGs and shill for CDPR because they know it'll piss people off.

Why do I keep coming here?

That's not how anyone who actually plays a tabletop RPG actually uses classes, you know. Maybe when you're just starting out, sure, but no GM worth his salt is going to rage if you use a class (IF your system you're playing even has classes; many don't or offer a 'build your own' option) if it doesn't adhere to the stereotypical idea of a class, right?

idk it's just /pol/ with waifus desu

Well it would be nice to arrest people for breaking the law as the cops, yes. It's a ROLE PLAYING game for fuck sake. If you play Balder's Gate you can't make a paladin and then just go "lol now I'm taking points in dark magic because y not XD". I bet you're the kind of faggot who has never played DnD but would instantly jump to Chaotic Neutral because it lets you be a "lol so randumb" murder hobo who shanks people in the kidneys for no reason. And then gets butthurt when the rest of the party ties your faggot arse to a tree and wanders off.

They are very good games. They form an almost perfect trilogy

>I will state the game is bad by misrepresenting everything and screaming that it's bad because it doesn't let me do anything I imagine despite never promising it.
>When people respond with confusion or laughter at my retardation, THEY are triggered and so I win.

Man, I get a great game next year and the mongoloid parade while I wait. S'great.

>saying the n word is /pol/

>spend time bashing a game on a picture forum
>instead of playing good games
I will never understand this

Witcher 3 has level ups and shit but it's not an RPG, you're right. It's the specific story of a specific guy. Cyberpunk 2077 could be more than that with actual role playing elements.

>played all the good games
>devs keep shitting out bad games
>go on the internet and complain
it's a vicious cycle

>despite never promising it

Attached: cdpr_promise.png (591x334, 93K)

No, but I'd play a 'fighter' who's actually a travelling merchant who knows how to fight because he trained in a city guard before his father sent him off on a caravan to build new trade relationships and while not particularly interested in fighting, knows how to handle himself and I'd buy a load of extra class skills in diplomacy and other aspects in order to be the party face.

And you're completely misunderstanding what I'm talking about. You seriously think that if your character uses the Cop archtype, he has to be law enforcement, and not someone, for example, who's ex law enforcement and using his skills or contacts for criminal means, for example. Or perhaps someone who never was law enforcement but has skills that fit the archtype, like say a corporate born man who got dumped out after his ID was purged by a server meltdown and got a bad skillsoft which made him hallucinate that he's a detective.

But it's not going to be, that's why we're here.

Yep, and thus far they're delivering on that.


Dilate and cope, tranny.

No, you're here to shitpost, make shit up and twist things to stretching point while screaming Tortanic.

Remember when they said they weren't going to make an action adventure game?


Yes because there's nothing wrong at all with the gaming industry and CDPR are infallible.