Don’t be embarrassed, we won’t judge you
So how many hours did you put into it?
0. Didn't even install.
Only good part was far harbor and that’s becsuse I’m nostalgic for docks and seawater
50 then i got bored
Speak for yourself retard. I would never give bethesda money, i thought about pirating it just to try it out, but its like 40 GB and im not wasting my precious HDD space on this trash. If i want fallout i can always just play new vegas for the 500th time.
Over a thousand. The settlement stuff triggered my autism.
Your tism really came out full force user
@782 bro... i know you spent a thousand hours on fallout 4 and you're ashamed but dont take it out on me. see a therapist or something, you have scatophilia or some shit idk!
49 hours
>15h to reach the guy you are supposed to hunt down
>5h more before I gave up because the story goes to shit and the game become increasingly boring
>29h are trying to mod different things in the game but realize nothing is going to give me the will to play it again
Maybe 40 hours, can't say for sure since I pirated it though
10 hours, and that was mostly just tinkering with mods, I can never play the game due to modding autism and then I get sick of it after realising the game will never REALLY be the way I want
Around 15 hours when I realized how lacking in depth the RPG side of the game was
The collecting and settlement building didn't appeal to me so I just quit
Less than 10.
Not even Piper was enough to keep my playing.
Having lots of hours in it isn't that big of a deal because of mods.
>lacking in depth the RPG side of the game was
This killed the game.
I went from beth fanboy to hater overnight. In the past I might have looked forward to a new game but now all I expect is shit.
Elder scrolls 6 isn't even gonna be an elder scrolls game really, is it?
Probably around 30 hours or so.
F4 was a semi-decent looter shooter that was ruined when Bethesda tried making it an RPG. They should have either made it a proper RPG, or a proper looter shooter. Not this awkward mish-mash that leaves you feeling kinda disappointed in both aspects.
The funny thing is, F76 was just that, and I would probably have enjoyed it far more than F4, but then they ruined it with the whole online thing and made it totally unplayable.
Not that I wouldn't have preferred F4 to have been like New Vegas obviously, but I guess overall I'd prefer an uninteresting but functional looter shooter you can casually play while listening to a podcast or some shit to an annoying and tedious RPG that isn't actually an RPG.
i dont want to keep going at all
I've installed it about 2 or 3 times now, spent a bunch of time installing mods then each time spend around 3 or so hours playing it and then got bored. In total I'd say I spend on it around 30 or so hours.
like 3 i really didnt like it after being spoiled by new vegas
What the fuck. How?
199 Hours so far
110 hours.
I fucking hate the game.
90 hours
Hahaha same
don't remember, several hundred. I didn't buy it though because Bethesda needs to turn their shit around before I pump money into them. They clearly aren't learning from 76.
Bout three fiddy
around 350 hours i would guess
i really liked hanging around with Nora and Curie, and building unique settlements - takes a fuck load of mods to do though.
i turned starlight drive-in into a huge music venue with a stage, singers, seated arena, the diner, etc
the huge island was like a beach resort with gift shops and beach houses
i build a pier at that one sandy riverbank near the sea
and santuary i just went wild with strange architecture and tried to make it quite postapoc-sci-fi, so it turned out a bit like the town in Defiance
Based spic
1 or 2 hours. Gave it up because it just felt like a shitty Bethesda arpg with all jank and no soul.
I sat through the beginning story bit and found the butler robot then stopped. So maybe an hour? Something is off with this game and I never felt like playing it again. Having a voiced protagonist was a huge mistake.
Im about to start a new playthrough tonight though
saw the vault-tec calling guy and i shut the door in his face and turned off the game, so maybe 5 minutes
What do you do differently on a second or third playthrough?
its not like you can do different builds in this game
25 minutes
Like 300+ across 4 play throughs. This game was great, Yea Forums has shit taste.
Im going nuka world raiders and enslaving the wasteland. Also either going pure unarmed or heavy guns
You can.
Im not playing till like level 300 so can only focus on specific perk groupings
You not bothered by the lack of skills, poor writing and world building, and culled dialogue? At all?
>Like 300+ across 4 play throughs
I got 300 out of my first and didn't even play any of the DLC
500. 480 just settlement shit
You're the one with shit taste, pleb.
Probably about 80 hours total across two playthroughs.
It's not a horrible game. It's just considerably worse than NV or even 3.
Mostly I just spent my time doing the settlement building stuff in places that I liked, such as Sanctuary or at the Drive In.
about 8 days and I only had automatron as dlc...
I actually liked the game...
Top kek fuck obsidian elitist niggers
Haha fuck RPGs my fellow Bethesda chad. Say, did you purchase the light wood laminate pack on the atom shop?
200 just to beat the game, all side quests, DLC and do some exploring. i didn't discover 100% of areas and i just don't care.
i have at least 1000 hours in new vegas but without proof because i had several pirated installs.
considering reinstalling new vegas with an ultrawide mod and the big fan fix collection, forgot its name. i have never felt the need to mod NV before.
200 hrs
mods make it fun.
When you realize Far Harbor is Point Look Out
693 hours
and I still want to play it
6 or 7, I tried to like it but it did not feel as good as 3/NV to play.
Probably around 80. It’s the only Fallout game that I didn’t do a second play through.
There are only costume items on that shop. Go suck more chinese micro dick, nigger
hundreds, but i still haven’t completed the quest with the pulp novel android detective guy, in other words i haven’t even started the main quest/found my son, i just mod the shit out of it. mostly run total conversions like FROST too. this is the only way to play Betheshit games, play in the sandbox and disregard the trite shit packaged with it. also my copy is pirated
bout 200 hours, just spend all my time building settlements and installing settlement mods. I didnt even get to go to the dlc area nor finish the game
After about 870 hours I have concluded that it cannot be modded into a good game.
Settlement base building is alright, but you have to literally build half of the game yourself.
didn’t do a single settlement mission either kek
263, still haven't finished nuka-world and I've hardly explored boston and south of it
a few hundreds, i don't know. modding small time shit mostly.
just let the dude play what he wants to play jesus christ
like 14, it bored me
Hard to say because Steam will still mark the game as "playing" if it crashes but 200 or so. Spent most of my time futzing with the settlement building.
I will only ever buy it if the GOTY edition is 10€ on steam
who the fuck gave F4 GOTY award?
150 hours in Fallout 1
12 hours in Fallout 2
20 hours in Fallout Tactics
0 hours in Fallout Brotherhood of Steel
300 hours in Fallout 3
2000 hours in Fallout New Vegas
50 hours in Fallout 4
0 hours in Fallout 76
Like 200 to 300 hours, I just enjoyed making build to try every weapon type and, yes, I did enjoy building settlements.
And YES, I completely ignored the trash story and quests after finishing the game once, like many have said: good grinding game but bad Fallout game
I bought it when it was on sale. I tried playing it but couldn't due to the idea of giving Bethesda money.
Over 200, I actually went to the midnight launch and waited 6 hours in line; I was first.
The second I purchased the copy I turned around to the crowd, held up the game and screamed like a retard. Then I ran out the store. Just the thought of that day makes me cringe.
based and spazpilled
Thousands of hours.
Always side with the Brotherhood, always make Ada my unofficial wife.
About 50 hours on the PC, maybe 80 hours on the PS4.
I have done two very lengthy normal playthroughs and two decent survival playthroughs.
Fallout 4 Survival (before you have a massive camp ecosystem) is one of the most enjoyable survival games I've ever played. I love the tense shootouts where a single bullet ends a fight.
For normal, I really like running around with Piper but get a little bored by the time I get to the lower/outer regions of the map. I hate synths and don't care about robots at all so the main storyline is very mediocre to me. Far Harbor is good but not as good as Point Lookout.
About 200, 25 hours was spent on making my Castle settlement though.
If anyone wants to see it I can link the video
260 hours so 200 hours less then skyrim
Still haven't beaten it. Going to get as many of the trophies as I can before finishing the first playthrough. I'm over 6.5 days on that file.
Join the Brotherhood and just revel in how mucb they're like 40K Space Marines at this point. Most fun I've had in a Bethesda RPG.
I recently got it during the sale. Its an okay game, not really Fallout, but an okay game.
Never played it. The first in depth look at it with the weapon system and the settlement system was an immediate turnoff.