What parts of game design need to fucking die?

What parts of game design need to fucking die?

No industry stuff like Early Access, actual in-game stuff only.

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Any and all forms of microtransactions and/or loot boxes.
The only purchasable add-ons to games should be full, proper expansion packs (ex. The Sims 1 packs, not the shitty new "stuff" packs)
There shouldn't be any content of a game locked behind any form of real money or real money equivalent purchase (meaning not even buying gems with real money then content stuff with gems), everything should be fully obtainable in-game without real money purchases or needlessly long grinds, even cosmetic-only stuff.

I'd like to add pre-order bonuses to this.

Also, I'm okay with stupidly long grinds for pointless cosmetic stuff, as long as there's an end in sight. It gives you something to do after clearing the game

In the year of our lord 2019 I dont see how tailing missions are still acceptable. Literally the STUPIDEST shit in games. I've grown on quick time events, because they can be interesting and serve a game well. Tailing missions however only serve to waste your time, and time on this earth is precious. Do I look like I want to waste time fucking stalking random npc #4?

Don't forget escort missions, especially ones where the NPC walks faster than you walk but slower than you run, so you constantly have to stop and go to stay near them.

we need less crafting that's item-generation crafting and more creative combination crafting

make crafting more about bolting things together in 3d space like attaching a small cottage to the end of my sword so I can rest in it after I beat a monster to death or something else wacky like that

>jam on screen
>depth of field
>motion blur
>chromatic aberration
>lens flares
>dynamic difficulty
>level scaling

Events where you're "supposed to lose" for story purposes.

Fuck that. If you don't want me killing someone, don't give me any control over combat. I'll take a 30 second clip of a boss beating the shit out of my team over being given the illusion that I can win.

fucking this

Can't disagree with much here.

Kek, would love that, I found that mod in Skyrim where you carry a magic bag that has a player home in it pretty comfy.

Yeha, Seath the Scaleless was frustrating for this, and that is saying something for DS, the game with the most frustrating enemy bosses.

This. All of this. So much.
All of these serve to make the game look actively worse.
I don't give a fuck they make it look "realistic" or whatever, if it makes the game look objectively worse while also draining performance and making the game run worse, they are shit post-production effects.
Also, level scaling is shit. Why even have a level system if everything fights the same at any level? If an early game enemy is as hard as a late game enemy at all times, why even bother? They added this to WoW and, fun fact, a side effect there was that characters get relatively WEAKER by leveling up. Level 111 characters are objectively stronger than 120 to an insane degree.

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Because normal rng in fights are enough.

There are no bad mechanics, only bad implementations.

Random drop chance/loot tables
Enemy HP and damage scaling from difficulty settings
Menus that are inaccessible from certain safe areas that you use on a regular basis (i.e. equipment menu inaccessible while in a shop)
Games that hide your numbers from you or do not explain them, despite encouraging you to raise your stats (Agility or Luck for dodge chance?)
Enemies with moves that aren't telegraphed beforehand that can turn the whole fight instantly

Games as a ''service''

I like unwinnable fights if there is a bonus for winning them, also if they acknowledge in the story that you did something impressive.

Also, SaGa did an unwinnable fight setup well, I thought, in the Su-zaku fight.

>Enemies with moves that aren't telegraphed beforehand that can turn the whole fight instantly
FUCK arch tempered nergigante

Buying in-game items for real world money (or fiat equivalent like gems that are bought for money) is inherently bad and should never be a thing, not even for cosmetics.
Have the items and cosmetics in-game, put them behind feats of accomplishment instead of "if you have mommy's credit card you can have this"

I like how nu-Doom has a helth and armour bar and not jam
isn't some bloom from sunlight actually quite realistic?
>Motion blur
same question, shouldn't it be realistic looking?
Isn't this a failure of creating the environment properly? Surely this is not added as a feature?
>lens flare
I like MGSV lens flares, but they had dramatic sound effects and over the top espionage tacticool feel to them, but yes, when used as if they were your eyes, they are stupid.
>dynamic difficulty
>level scaling
Aren't this basically the same thing? Although I think we should probably go for a Dark Souls choice of design, and just have each place well crafted and set in their challenge, rather than Skyrim with copypasta enemies jammed into a dungeon

i like pre order bonuses when they are cool stuffs like the megablocks crash or the L.A Noire notebook

>I don't give a fuck they make it look "realistic" or whatever
but CA, lens flare and depth of field is not how you realistically view the world at all??

Plentifully available high-speed internet makes this way too easy/lucrative a thing to not do anymore, as much as I dislike the idea of government at all being involved in the regulation of videogames I think a ban on this shit is pretty much the only way to remove it at this point.

If there was one set of mechanics I'd want dead and buried, it'd be the "crafting, shooting, looting" game "loop". you know, the one that's in all the bethesda, ubisoft, etc games these days. Shoot people so you can loot their trash and use that trash to craft more weapons so you can shoot more people so you can loot more shit, blah blah blah.

I'm fucking tired of this minecraft bullshit being shoved into literally every fucking thing nowadays. It's been going on for an entire generation now. HELP

stealth sections in non-stealth games

But what about muh gacha waifus? I wanna spend 30,000 on a mobile game so I can see a jpeg of my waifu in a santa hat!

Spoonfeed me on SaGa, always wanted to get into that series. What's a good way to do so?

This is why I'll never pick up Streets of L.A. again.

>unwinnable fight
>It's winnable
maybe it needs a new name

get rid of levels and visible stats and give me a character that changes as I practice doing things

Fable 2 did that, in a way.
Strength focus made you more muscular, Skill made you lanky and tall, and Will gave you glowing eyes/tattoos.
Being Evil made you have more ashen skin and eventually devil horns, being Good made you have more healthy skin and a halo.
Eating a ton of food made you fat and slower.

Level progression in online multiplayer games. Why do I need to u lock the same fucking gun and attachments every game? Just guve me access to the tools, and I’ll use them how I want if the game is actually fun.

Fuck all these Pavolian dogs that need to jump through hoops so a game keeps thier attention

>Special Editions of games
>DLC, fucking all of it, just put it is your game you fucks
>Witcher/Batman senses
>Unpausable cutscenes
>Subtitles not on by default
>Correct res for monitor not on by default
>Non toggleable crouch option
>End of credits epilogues
>Notes written in cursive that is not readable and needs to hit another button to convert to printed text. Just write it legible or printed, save the time and put it into something else
>Poker, gambling, backgammon, slots, duck hunt mini games (If I want this, I would buy Poker Super Champ 2019 or whatever for a proper expereince)

>pay-to-win schemes
>gameplay removed and resold as day-one DLC/"preorder bonuses"
>political flags/slogans that aren't historical or relevant to the game's setting(Contrary to popular belief this isn't very widespread yet, but SJW getting worddropped into Deus Ex and that flag shit with A Hat in Time made me roll my eyes)

That is foolish because they are just going to have the numbers anyway, but you won't know how close you are to meeting a threshold goal for a stat.
Unless you can think of a way to 'train' something in a game without associating a number to it, the levels are always going to be there and you will simply be ignorant to where you stand in the game.

>motion blur
If you have a high framerate then motion blur should happen in your eye

I don't mind it in super waves of enemies situations. I recently looked into World War Z and heard it was pretty good, but you can only place some turrets. I would like a kino base builder where I have a certain amount of time to repair and expand before another wave of zombies come at me.


Cinematic transition into gameplay.
Cutscenes in general unless they're prerendered/animated/acted.
RNG based success.
Tacked-on multiplayer and ladder.
Anything to do with real life politics or anything that is a reference to real life current politics.
Tutorials (yes all of them, if the player can't figure out your game from its design then it's shit).
The pathological fear developers have of including backtracking.
UI animations (literally who ever praised a UI animation).
Puzzles in a non-puzzle game.
Riddles (riddles just like crossword puzzles are rote memorization).
Quest markers.
Rhythm games in a non-rhythm game.
Isometric anything.

That's it, I'm tapped out.

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>political flags/slogans that aren't historical or relevant to the game's setting
not sure what you mean here user

>SJW getting worddropped into Deus Ex
they did?

Death animations in gory games where the screen either desaturates, gets covered in red paint or just goes black really fast and you don't get to see all those cool custom animations that somebody worked real hard on.

>AI cheating to compensate for its stupidity.

If i'm playing an RTS or a TW game, then I want an AI that's playing the same fucking game.

Ugly clutteted UI. Fate/extella link had the most ugly bullshit cluttered UI I've ever seen. I can't even tell what's happening most of the time.

This is industry stuff, not game design.

That'd be fine, I'm referring to games like skyrim/fallout4/farcry/etc. Shit, it seems like every fucking game in the last decade has had to include some sort of forced crafting/looting system.

>I would like a kino base builder where I have a certain amount of time to repair and expand before another wave of zombies come at me
Sounds kinda like They Are Billions.

Japanese games like digimon cyber sleuth refusing to have proper cutscenes when they can be lazy and just slap a fucking static graphic of a character on screen when they're talking.
Forcing these people to make proper cutscenes would not only cut down on useless dialogue but also make them more meaningful. JRPGs are great but too many suffer from corner cutting shit like this.

Overworld “””””””””puzzles””””””””” like Pokémon HMs. Just lock access to the area through the fucking story. I don’t want a gimp piece of shit in my party just to remove a road block

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not bad list, a few controversial ones though, I like some isometric games and don't mind cinematic transitions.

I appreciated dead space for doing it right.

ghastly UI

Minimaps (just use your fucking brain instead of focusing most of your time on 10% of the screen)
Chance based skill checks in a game where you can save/load freely.
Powerful items being locked under a low droprate. You just know autists are going to grind for it for aeons. Instead, there needs to be a normal-tier item with a cool gimmick.

>Isn't this a failure of creating the environment properly? Surely this is not added as a feature?
No, it's an effect you get from garbage shit-tier camera lenses. And yes, it's added as a feature.

>Notes written in cursive that is not readable


>Drop chances below 5%
Holy fuck. Any developer who does this can suck my left nut. Especially when it starts going below

I understand if it would fit the narrative of the game like LA Noire or Hitman when used in extreme moderation

this, make everything 100% drop so babies like us can enjoy the game too!!

Weapon degradation. I would've loved BotW if it didn't have this shitty mechanic.

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>they did?
the latest game was entirely SJW written and was just a lazy allegory about racism.

>NPC walks faster than you walk but slower than you run
the only appropriate punishment is public flogging followed by execution by hanging

>Mm yes I sure do love tediously grinding the same fucking boss over the period of a week or maybe even months for that one drop I needed to craft 10% of a complete item!

Corridors instead of proper dungeons.

That's right casul

>Events where you're "supposed to lose" for story purposes
Especially when it's not telegraphed and you waste a shit ton of resources

Level scaling.

minimaps, fast travel, objective markers, Diablo style loot, achievements, micro objective saturation (ie Shrines, Moons, and Spirits), rpg mechanics/levelling up in non-rpgs, JRPGs, anti aliasing, motion blur, QTEs, cutscenes, Sony mobie games et al (ie Gears of War and Mass Effect), regenerating health in action/shooter games, good graphics/high production values, and devs focusing on realism instead of reality.
Also, Game Freak and nuPokemon

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They need to fuck off with this two versions of the same game bullshit. Pokemon should have been one game, generations ago. There's no need to incentize trading. Remove all the trading mandatory evolutons. Some people don't want to go through the trouble of finding someone to trade with. It's also tedious and boring having to trade all those Pokemon back and forth.

>DLC, fucking all of it, just put it is your game you fucks
What's wrong with post launch DLC? If there's enough there does that not justify the money?

It works in some games like ATOM where it's like part scaling, part area progression, part quest progression. It's pretty interesting desu.

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Lootboxes, There are certain cosmetics I want and certain ones I don't. Just let me pick reeeeeeeeeee

Real-time Lockouts. Just let me play reeeeeeeeeee

Underwater experience being significantly worse than the grounded experience. This one really irks me because you can just make people equally fast in both enviroments, but most don't because of REALISM or something. I'd rather take double damage underwater than be half as slow in water.

>as much as I dislike the idea of government at all being involved in the regulation of videogames
There are countries where certain videogames are literally illegal to own and they still exist and there has not been a societal collapse yet.
I think banning MTX is harmless

bullet sponges and or rpg level scaling in which enemies just have stupidly high HP

Likewise, action parts in stealth games

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I know what you mean there user, and I agree. I avoided these early access indie survival-crafters for this reason. They are truly fucking awful for this reason. I am trying to give a few a second chance, like How To Survive, but they are supremely boring really. Fallout 4 base building itself got praised and the rest of it is relatively shit, so maybe it they had taken then and made a whole game out of it with enemy waves and challenge modes it would have been better. Rimworld is supposed to do this quite well I heard.

Some is okay, but only if the item doesn’t break at the end. Performing maintenance on your gear can be immersive, but having gear be these disposable things that explode after a couple uses is stupid

Yeah but in most games it destroys any sentiment of progression.
Why even bother with stats and level systems when you're always at the right level for the challenge ?

>ADS. 99% of FPS games don't need ADS.
>Unlock based progression in multiplayer.

Not played it but it looks like a base defence game done right. I actually would like a Fallout 4 style FPS with base buildings and hordes of enemies though, just so long as it isn't the drug addicted cycle the user emntioned. Fallout 4 and They are Billions combined would be an interesting game.

>especially ones where the NPC walks faster than you walk but slower than you run
and they also stop moving if you get to far away

Compulsory quick time events/glory kills.

> TFW juggling through weapons each with 2-3 different fire types was once the norm
>TFW console babbies limited that to 2 weapons with ADS.

Thanks consoles. You ruined so many genres.

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But in Hitman it’s okay in my book because that’s you deciding to do it. To actually learn his route or get them alone. It’s not an essential mission where if you’re spotted it’s game over

activision blizzard and riot game(s)

that sounds gay as fuck, why add this in?

there are notes written in legible cursive or just nice handwriting that don't need to be over the top. Don't challenege me on penmanship, my chocolate skinned friend.

This, I hate the fallout games for this. My hunting rifle shouldn't need more hunting rifles to repair, or it should be over a long stretch of time and fixable with junk and duct tape, the shit that is strewn throughout Fallout that I have still found no use for to this day.

>especially ones where the NPC walks faster than you walk but slower than you run
Do you have a single example to back that up?

>Long animations for looting corpses when all you'll get out of it is 2 pistol bullets and $1.40
>Holding a button to activate something when just pressing it does nothing
>long animations you can't cancel out of, even if an enemy hits you
>human sized enemies that don't stagger from heavy hits
>open world games where you don't interact with the world, not enough movement options to make traversing it fun, or absolutely nothing to find if you explore
>dedicated healing roles, especially in multiplayer games

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In-game cutscenes
Cutscenes that are just multiple cutscenes back to back
"Walk slowly to advance dialogue" cutscenes

I think AC III did this shit
Had to retry 3 times to get it

>Audio logs
They're almost always done wrong and they're usually just retarded filler.

Ah you mean the other Deus Ex's about how muh cyber racism was cyberbad? I though the original was implicated somehow.

Just googled the flag thing from A Hat In Time. These people are so fucking transparantly on board with this for brownie points alone. They don't give a shit. No one has yet even proved whether being trans is even a valid thing or a delusion like thinking you are Napoleon.

The overemphasis on superficial graphics in games in general, voicework in RPGs.

Well for lack of better phrasing, stuff like the first Genichiro fight in Sekiro. Or various bosses in the Trails series. You’re MEANT to lose it, but it’s possible to beat them. Leading to an alternate cutscene or a bonus reward.

The dawnstar daedra quest in skyrim

Pointless animations like holding down x to trigger a small button pressing animation to open a door instead of just clicking x and the door just opens. Can't stand this shit and most games do it now.

Great example of this is Spec-Ops: The Line where your just mowing waves of enemies and then you have to all sudden stop and spend 2 minutes listening to some dialogue.......yeah its a no from me..

Better than written journals where the writer actually writes "wait, what was that?! Oh my god they're coming in through th-" *text cuts off, rest of the page is spattered with blood*.

Makes more sense for audio logs. It would keep recording while the poor person got disemboweled. But you don't keep fucking writing.

>micro objective saturation
You mean like collect one of every animal skin in RDR2? I hate that shit, I play games like that for kino Western action and stories, why not move the mini game team to another game and make a proper poker game, drop the collecting butterflies shit altogether and concentrate on the story.

>anti aliasing
isn't that jsut to make it look smoother? I don't mind games lookign good so long as they play good too.

>devs focusing on realism instead of reality
how do you mean??

>Pokemon should have been one game, generations ago
Never understood why they ever did this. I had Yellow when I was a kid and my brothers had Red and Blue, but all I could see was I got Pikachu and they got one of the three main niggas. Are there any substantial differences?

asscreed takes this to an extreme

>no fun allowed
gta online takes this to an extreme

>theme park mmos
give us emergent gameplay

>real actors in games
bruh just give us a good game instead of wasting your budget on hollywood man

Health regeneration. Or rather, gameplay designed around rapid health generation kicking in when you haven't taken damage for a few seconds

how else will you get normies to buy your expensive open world cyberpunk game if neo isn't in it

>UI animations bad
laughs in persona 5

Pokemon was three games with minor differences simply so they could sell you the game three times. Gamefreak are mega jews, it's why despite printing money they put no effort into improving their games.

happened a few times in the early ass creed games

RPGs designed around having an infinite amount of time. They're all the same lazy, carbon copies of one another. You interact with each npc once, turn in something to them (or the other 90% that do nothing), and watch as they repeat the same line and walking pattern for the rest of the time you play the game.
I just assume at this point it'll never happen because creating a living world that you can interact with over and over in multiple ways, during a repeatable cycle (Groundhog's Day style), to open different dialogue and quests from npcs, open new areas, and have creative ways of finishing the game based on how you designed your character/decisions made throughout is too much for modern day devs and companies.
Just make another shit game with npcs that wander the same 2 minute path for 10 years like everyone else.

>anti aliasing
likely talking about post-processing methods
>anti-aliasing: OFF / FXAA

absolute cancer

The worst one I can think of is the lack of time-optimisation. What I mean by this is every aspect of the game being slowed down to the point where it either subconsciously or consciously starts sabotaging the game experience. Loading screens are the most easily recognisable example of this,but even something like an insufficient menu cursor speed gets annoying really quickly. I think devs just don't think to test these things because they become blind to it during development.

Sometimes yes, often no. Hearts of Stone for Witcher 3 was kino of the highest order, and Blood and Wine was great too althoguh not as good story wise. I felt I was playing the first half of Witcher 4 with those two DLC. But a good chunk of them are abused as ways to fix stuff in your game and finish the thing off, like Mass Effect 3. I would say that 95% are crap and I would be happy for it to just stop.

I then think that I would never have gotten Artorias if that were the case, my favourite boss of all time, but then if we get into that loop then we have to ask ourselves if we should have had 2 DLC for Dark Souls, and 4 DLC for Witcher, and 9 DLC for Skyrim. If we miss out on some good ones, at least the devs will be on their next project by then and can carry the ideas across from there.

Also I hate how it is delivered. I buy the game and have to buy the DLC and it is astronomically more expensive purchased separately. Or I have to wiat 12 to 18 months for all the DLC, then I can buy a game of the year edition and miss out on hte friendly memes at the office when my colleagues ask if I too am enjoying the game they are all playing.

bloom is amazing when not overdone

Higher difficulties that just buff enemy stats instead of changing AI/level design to be more challenging. Stuff like how enemies had flying bases in Botw and how some boss enemies were moved around to actually change the experience. Re7 did the higher difficulty thing very well.

I'm working on an RPG like this

Invisible walls, holy shit did I get pissed off getting to the Great Khan encampment in the quarry

>destroy joystick to QTE
>mash key to QTE
Fuck off.


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It's less consoles, more CoD.

Oh god, slow menus/inventory screens are hell. It's such a small detail but really matters when you are 10+ hours into a game.

>>ADS. 99% of FPS games don't need ADS.
I don't really play FPS games, can you redpill me on why ADS is shit?

World of Final Fantasy was a game I loved but God I HATED how like fifteen fights you were just meant to lose. One you could actually win for different dialogue but still, just... make it a fucking cutscene before I waste items.

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how anyone can seriously go to a stadium to watch virgin korean kids high five each other other winning a round of starcraft is fucking beyond me. LAN parties look like fun though, I would do that because I would get to play.

>all of your post
Hmmmmmm, which game could you be refering to.... pardnah?! ;)

>In-game cutscenes
where else would they be in a vidya? ;)

>all of skyrim

grinding in jrpgs.
it's the developer thinking: how can we prolong this game for 30 hours even though we don't have enough story, missions or interesting mechanics to suffice?

The game was already hyped by normies. His inclusion wasn't needed at all.

This is why Dead Space was so kino, It did all the annoying shit I hate in vidya right.

You know something is wrong when entering/exiting menus isn't near-instantaneous. A lot of older games feel more natural being emulated at 200% speed because of shit like fade-ins and the menu interface sliding into place and dumb shit like that.

The most kino method is the character naturally gets stronger throughout the story. Like his fighting style changes or you learn new moves or mechanics. Rather than a stat upgrade involving increasing numbers at all


>bruh just give us a good game instead of wasting your budget on hollywood man
I liked how they got rid of cringy snake for Chadfer Sutherland in Phantom Pain. Even though he had three lines, I was isntantly more impressed with Snek. But yes I agree.

But I still don't understand how making the game not look like ass is bad??

on disk dlc

Witcher 3 did it well, Ithat is how sunsets in Central europe during Spring/Summer really look afterall.

>WAAAAH jaggies make my game not look like a movie
And, some games still only include FXAA option at which point you might as well just blind yourself in order to get rid of the scary evil jaggies.
Lots of console games include it with no option to turn it off so that is just wasted performance.
>>devs focusing on realism instead of reality
realism is Red Dead Redemption 2
reality is Breath of the Wild

which ones and why?

>not sure what you mean here user
A Hat in Time had a transflag on the wall of a level for no reason beyond political activism and shit-stirring.

Mankind Divided had a really hamfisted false-allegory mechanical apartheid story, which the devs should be free to do, but they had a strawman character use "social justice warriors" on the in-game TV and it managed to be out-of-place even under that narrative.

I'm not saying games can't be political, just that they should be for storytelling purposes and not just to nurture a grudge.

>getting 100% in the game does absolutely nothing
>casual game has needlessly long grind for mediocre rewards
What was Ubisoft's plan with this? Why did it feel like their was gonna be microtransactions?

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Just recently in both Red Dead 2 and Yakuza Kiwami

Cinematic games

I still am not getting your gripe here man, games don't have to look like a movie, but if there in an option in the menus to add a smoother look, why not use it? Is it just performance or is there an aesthetic issue with it? Cos I understand perfomrance

>realism and reality
So the part wher eyou wait for Arthur to pic up speed as he wlaks for example? Or the fact that he has to slip a rifle into a saddle rather than just auto switching weapons? I can understand the frustration here.

I get the gripe here, yeah really frustrates me when trans shit comes in and the like cos there is no evidence for it, ye they act like it is so damn obvious this is the way the world works and anyone who isn't on board is a monster. You know they are scared it might not be real because if they acted like it was obvious and you were skeptical, they would likely just talk it out with you and discuss it if were another topic, but they absoltuely go HAM on people that diasgree and it ruins every interaction with them on what might be a decent covnersation. As for its inclusion as a hidden flag, that is just scoring brownie points and should be condemned with absolute zero tolerance.

Confession: I actually rather liked Dear Ester and enjoyed much of Telltale's games catalogue.

>forced RPG elements
If I wanted an RPG, I'd play an RPG. Stop padding games out with this shit.

>points of no return happening without prior warning
What's wrong will warning the player that they'll never ever return to that area before they actually leave it?

Action parts in stealth games can be alright if the action mechanics are decent enough to accommodate it. If it's something like the Bathhouse in Chaos Theory or the Comm Tower in MGS1 however, it belongs in the trash.

Oh I was just being shitty. But personally I like minimaps, sequels aren’t all bad, and I love when a game has tons of pointless mini games. Whether it be gambling, sports stuff like golf, or car races or whatever

open world

Because ADS was introduced as a way to slow down the aim, since controllers are absolute shit for aiming on an FPS. Compare FPSs like unreal, quake or tribes, where staying in motion is vital for survival so you adapt by running, aiming fast and jumping around, with running, spotting an enemy and then being forced to use ADS because the game itself is centered around this mechanic by also making the guns shoot like spray cans unless you're in ADS mode.

I would say it's inherently shit. It's just unsuited for most games, because most games aren't milsims, milsimslite or pseudo-realistic games like Battlefield.

>If I wanted an RPG, I'd play an RPG. Stop padding games out with this shit.
Just picked up Prey and nearly cried out of frustraion. No... I do not want to pick between a scientist and an engineer or some shit, this is a sci-fi shooter, I want action-orientated dead space.

>What's wrong will warning the player that they'll never ever return to that area before they actually leave it?
I really love Enderal and when the final mission has this warning before starting, I instantly wanted to donate to the project again. It is so refreshing.

I used to think the issues Yea Forums had with it was contraian snobbery, but after turning them off I am more immersed and equally lost as the world is clearly not made for it at the same time, so I am having issues with them these days

Of course there ae good ones, but the temptation to retcon stupid shit and overstretch the popular stuff until it is broken, or at its worst, make 7 games with prequels and interquels that completely change the tone or point of the original. Worst still is if 2 does well, then of course it has to be a trilogy, a la Mass Effect.

>mini games
you are wrong user

keep baiting nigga

mandatory unfair boss fights when combat is optional 90% of the time (vtmb, deus ex hr)

Every WoW escort mission ever.

No, its game design you drooling retard.

>having game changing shit being awarded via gambling or ordering early, and cosmetic shit being only attainable via spending real world money
>not direct in-game impact

>making the guns shoot like spray cans unless you're in ADS mode
the little I have played of them has been plagued by this. I understand now user.

I would only play an FPS that was realistic if it were all round realistic and ADS would be a good choice, but yeah, for arena matches or high octane FPS games I can understand this is terrible.

This post gave me cancer

overcinametic gameplay like:
The Order
God of War 2018
Last of Us

unoptimized games:
everything over 30 gb disk space
needing thing like i7 for minimum e.t.c.

shitty "story" games":
anything David Cage

agenda driven/ "politcal" crap:
self explanatory

all ways gets things wrong, not much of point in making them anyway besides being quick (possible) cashgrabs.

remasters of games from this decade:
self explanatory

"mini" consoles
self explanatory

indie games that are more style over substance:
most of them fall under this

over the shoulder view:
always was bad but still gets used

they should have stopped this along time ago

As a long running fan of the Yakuza games, my stance on this isn’t gonna change. God forbid when I pay full price for a game they decide to include MORE content. I’d never wanna remove completely optional minigames

Sandboxes. I never liked them but I didn't mind their existence until it claimed Zelda. Now that it's infecting things I actually like it can fuck off.

Shitty stealth
Now don't get me wrong, I love a good stealth section. But that's the problem, it has to be good.

There is nothing in this world that makes me more upset than games when you can kill an enemy from behind and it's okay, but if you kill an enemy from the front, even though they are dead and no one else saw you or heard you, too bad you failed start over.
Hell, throw "All enemies going on alert if one sees you" on there too.

Shit is awful.

You are a genuine fucking retard and you should probably get off Yea Forums and actually go play video games for a change.


Early access and everything else. You know. Exactly why you said "uhhh not EA"

which part user, the valid criticisms of e-sports and Skyrim, or the cheeky but lighthearted replies to peoples comments?

100% agree with the list user, good choices.

>God forbid when I pay full price for a game they decide to include MORE content
is this an /s post? as for optional, sure there might be some merit to that, put I would rather the money they spend developing some of these go into the script or the weapon variety or something else that takes up that time and money.

Quick time events, I really dislike them.

Content padding, having the "biggest" world doesn't matter, having the most filled world does.

This, getting enemies in Deus Ex before they got to the control panel or in MGS before they got on the radio was part of the fun. Especially went downing them as they were on the radio was even worse as they were interupted.

no bully other anons, user.

lol, I wasn't tried to offer some coded message if that's what you mean?

Let me guess, it's the Indie part that struck a nerve? Or the remake one?

flavor of the month

more like flavor of the week, we've already gone through 4 pok'e-waifus this month

1. Releasing games completely unfinished/buggy, requiring dlc & patches to complete/fix. Finish the fucking game before you fucking sell it, and only ask for more if you offer extra.
2. "Day 1 patch"/mandatory downloads that's 10GB+. If you can't fit everything on the damned BluRay then you're doing it wrong. If that patch is to fix bugs and shit then you're an awful developer and should be drug out into the middle of the street & shot. If it's garbage data designed exclusively to use-up HDD space to necessitate the player to delete info from a competitors' title so you can try and sell even more DLC since your game is easier to access, you deserve to be set on fire in front of your family/children. If it's to censor content already on the damned game then seek help, your testosterone is dangerously low.
3. In-game advertising. Seriously, fuck you. I paid to play this game, not have unrelated bullshit shoved in my face.
4. Microtransactions up the wazoo. I get it: You can't make a profit on the game by only selling it for $60. That's your fault for sucking at setting a budget and sticking to it, faggot.
5. Random "loot boxes" in games that allow you to use your real money directly/to gain "in-game credits". Call it what you want, but it's the same as a lotto scratch-off ticket. And that's gambling. I want to just play a good game, not gamble for extra shit (unless it's a in-game casino that ONLY uses in-game currency & not real money - see the Dragon Quest titles for this)
6. Writing designed to push real-life political agendas in a single-dimensional narrative. Sure, games like MGS was heavy-handed in its politicking, but it also let the player to consider the information and think for themselves to come to their own conclusions, often with the lead character deciding they don't care about that shit - they just want to deal with the immediate threat then grab a beer. If your politicking is blatantly 1-sided, you deserve to be dropped into a pit of lye.

Halo is pretty much responsible for the two weapons only thing
CoD may have "invented" that but Halo is what popularized it in the world of console shooters

Saints Row 2 wouldn’t be remembered nearly as fondly as it is, if not for all the minigames and stuff in the game

Absolutely based post, especially the last one.

Perhaps, but they are clearly being made into a true feature, rather than padding out content, in which case they are hardly "mini" at all.

this has been fixed as of Sun and Moon, once you get access to the HM needed to progress you just use your phone and a pokemon comes along and clears the obstacle for you, in surf's case you ride the pokemon you called

Dead Rising series mate

How little have you play games to not think of any examples?

Those fucking quests where all it entails is talking to one guy, then walking across the map to talk to another guy
Fallout NV was fucking riddeled with this shit. That game had way to many "optimal" ways to complete quests, where what you do is just fucking talk to this guy or this guy.

speaking of Bethesda
Broken games on release are just horrible
I remember how butt fuck broken skyrim was on release. It was mind boggling just how fucked the game actually was.


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Lack of manual saves.

Diablo loot

Two-weapon limits in FPSes. Go back to letting me carry the whole goddamn arsenal, and design the encounters with that in mind.

Open world

Are you defending the practice then? How much are you getting paid? Or does user lick boots for free?

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"He's" also a janny tranny. Of course "he" does it for free. "He" does a lot of things for free.

>No industry stuff

Go ask on /vr/, you'll get more mileage than from me.

I liked the one in .hack//g.u. where the mc loses his shit and cheats a win because he's frightened and embarrassed after all his big talk. Good scene.

Retards, you have to consider that """micro transactions"""" as a whole are fine, just that when GAMBLING (fifa points and that shit) comes into play, your redditalarm goes off, and rightly so. Saying microtransactions as a whole are bad just outs you as a redditor, look how games like DMC5 and their red orbs handle microtransactions
if I was a janny I would have gotten that ass banned


fuck off brainlet, gaming was better before microtransactions, and would be far better off without them if they fucked off.

can you honestly tell me there's a problem with how dmc5 handles red orbs?

Not really. MT's are designed to nickel & dime the player in a manner that's easy to lose track of the actual money spent (how many people actually keep an accountant log next to their controller/keyboard). If it's in-game currency only that's fine, it means the player has to play the game to earn those extras (like earning Halos in Bayonetta). But the moment they add real-money usage to MT's is the moment you know that the publishers are just trying to squeeze every last penny they can out of the player, and hiding the amount spent behind a plethora of small expenses is just straight-up deceit.

>easy to lose track of the actual money spent
Not at all, though this is definitely the case in most situations it is not inherently by design of microtransactions
I've said it before but dmc4 and 5 are definitely good examples
only when things like gachashit and fifa get involved does it become bad, and that's because of the rng aspect mainly.

>>jam on screen


Yeah. I already paid for the game. Those red orbs are to buy things existing already in the game code. There is straight-up no reason beyond greed to try to coerce the player into spending even more money to buy what's already on the disc copy I bought.
You might as well defend the same company for trying to hide half the cast of SFxT behind an additional $20 paywall, even though they were already on the damned disc and easy to unlock if the console of choice was hacked/using a save modder. Not to mention, of course, the way the game handled Red Or... I mean Gems.

“cinematic” videogames. im playing a game not watching a movie tlou can fuck right off

Nigger, instead of turning your brain off the second microtransactions get brought up, think clearly.
There is a clear distinction betweem
>opening the game
>having shit like UT players in fifa locked behind thousands of hours of grinding matches (not an exaggeration)
>opening the game
>having the choice to play the game normally, or skip like 4 hours of grinding for a few dollars

Using dmc3 as an example, there definitely was red orb grinding in that game and it took MUCH more time than4 and 5, if I were to give you the option to pay 5$ to skip that grinding, would dmc3 be a worse game? no, thinking that microtransactions are inherently bad is nonsense, its all in execution.

Holy shit.
Careful, people on Yea Forums are usually underaged or NEETs, which means more time than money, they don't mind grinding shit out for hours, but if there's something that expedites it and requires money suddenly the mind numbing grinding is a problem, and suddenly they feel like they're getting ripped off

Not that guy, but I 100% disagree. Those features are never added as an afterthought. Even if it’s just to reduce grind instead of locking characters or something. The grind suddenly becomes artificial now that they want you to spend money to skip it

But red orbs are existent in literally every dmc game, so this is not an argument, it is 100% an afterthought in dmc5's case.

So the grinding isn't shitty game design until someone can voluntarily spend their own hard earned money to skip it, gotcha.
That sounds incredibly stupid, it's like the new DoA that gives you like 2 fighters, and bitching the game is P2W when someone buys the game and has the fighter that counters yours.
Suddenly they have an easier was of defeating your character because they paid money and you did not, and suddenly it's a bad thing.
Or if you're going to go "DAT R FREE VS PAID" think Rainbow Six Siege, where you can buy the shitty 2 operator version and grind like crazy for the rest because you only paid like 10$ or get all the ops if you buy all the passes and shit.
There's some give and take to everything pal, these companies don't run on pixie dust and no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy extra shit

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That’s not what I’m saying. The ability to buy them with real money is new. I’m saying that the value of the red orbs is skewed by that even existing. Can we prove that without the real cash shop, we’d need the same amount of red orbs for upgrades? The cost of abilities could have been inflated. Other games do it, so I automatically assume that companies aren’t going to make an exception

>Air Hike costs 20k in DMC3
>Costs 20k in DMCV
Oops, looks like now you either admit you're wrong or present proof of your claim that contradicts mine

>Oh shit my games only 30 mins long and the deadlines coming up.. oh I know! I'll make the player go over most of the game again but slightly different or collecting some stupid shit to progress the story in all the areas he's already played through.

>Wow I just doubled the games playtime from a couple of minutes work, I should do this with all my games


Checkpoints and other restrictive save systems. If a game has to create challenge through inconvenience then its gameplay is just designed like shit. Or coders are just stupid apes who can't implement proper save system.
Unskippable cutscenes.
PREMIUM options in dialogues. Red/blue answer in Ass Effect, skill checks etc. Either make every option have some significant outcome or only use dialogues as info dumps. I'm ok with skill checks if the option it provides isn't just better than all the others. FTL is the only game where it was fine due to its random nature.
Regeneration and weapons limit in FPS.
""""Immersive"""" HUDs aka feces on the screen instead of healthbar.
Also, more of a writing thing but STOP this fucking "oh no you almost reached you destination but floor/bridge/helicopter collapsed under you feet just when we took control away from you!" bullshit to pad the game with some fucking sewer level.

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Metriodvaina style gameplay
It’s rarely done right and is usually just padding

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>Checkpoints and other restrictive save systems. If a game has to create challenge through inconvenience then its gameplay is just designed like shit.
On the other hand if there's no consequence for dying you're literally just slamming your head against a wall until it cracks.
No one will ever be more afraid of dying to something than if that something makes you waste an hour.
Granted it should be a difficulty option so scrubs can beat the game but every game should have this system if it's meant to be tense in any way, ESPECIALLY horror titles
Resident Evil Revelations 2 DLC that had a set amount of lives and deleted your save when you ran out was KINO

Snipers in team-based games.
Having a dude sit in complete and total safety who can easily OHK enemies, where the only realiable counter is to have your own sniper dealing with them, fucking sucks ass.

>People think sniping from the entire map away is some super skilled endeavor
>INSTANTLY chimp out the moment someone pumps them with a shotgun, when that guy had to weave through his entire team to get to him

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hey everyone we got a communist
shut up commie

FOVs below 90 in PC FPS games.

>unskippable cutscenes
>locked difficulty levels
>"immersive" slow and exaggerated animations for simple actions
>hiding numbers/mechanics from the player
>shitty Ubisoft open worlds with a gorillion copy-pasted chores filling the map
>Batman combat
>shitty puzzles breaking the pace in action games

Controller support unless it's some basic 2D shit with fixed camera.

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Open World for no reason. 99% of the time the world is repetitive as fuck. Oh your world is 100km x 100km? Is there anything to do in it? Yeah you can do the same mission in 2000 different places, isn't that fun?

>fighting game has tons of freeze frames / a lengthy cinematic before an attack
>you can’t buffer your inputs during it and instead need to manually time them as soon as it ends
I despise this so much.

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Probably game overs. I know it's for the most part dead, but I still need see it on occasion. At this point it's just a time waster. Games aren't so short anymore that we need to do this.

Locking dialogue and lore behind having to buy specific cards to scan on your 3ds.
I really hope New Horizons stops this.

I like the way Skies of Arcadia did it. It gives you a choice to fight or give up. Like an idiot I fought Ramirez, but at least I was given the option to do so or not.

>2 weapons with varied weapons so you have to strategize between ammo and using a weapon slot for a beefier general use weapon vs plasma pistol/headshot capable stuff
>a few ranged weapons can zoom a little bit
sure its not like doom or whatever, but its nothing like what cod did with every weapon being either ADS or spraying bullets out of the barrel at a right angle, and you liking the games isn't going to change that

this, if you ever play tf2 with people who aren't hot garbage it becomes painfully obvious how out of place the sniper is. faggot can instakill anyone from a distance by default which is a luxury no class has with the exception of random crits which are rare as fuck and in his prime positioning no class can contest him besides another sniper. In a game where everyone has shotguns, slow ass projectiles, and weak hitscan peaguns the sniper has zero damage drop-off and an outrageous effective range which simply doesn't belong in the game. fuck sniper, double fuck him ever since valve listened to the crybabies that play him and gutted the only other class weapon that could contest his faggotry at a distance.

If you're making a jrpg with some stat mechanics that aren't straightforward then you should fucking add a more in depth guide in the game explaining that shit
I'm tired of starting a game, getting halfway through it, and then looking on a wiki to see I've been leveling my characters completely wrong

Hunger meters in general, or stamina meters in games that would be fine without.

>not starting the game with the wiki open and minmaxing from the start
baka gaijin fat american pig, this is what happens when your school system falls apart and a >100iq is thought of as genius level

>ctrl f "cover system"
>0 replies
v, you disappoint me even more.

>any military fps where you get winded from sprinting 50 feet
all they make you do in the military is run around with big fuckoff backpacks, this is bullshit

I'm just saying all that wiki information should be available to read in the game
You shouldn't need a community to put it together

>games costing $60 technically has in-game impact because you literally cannot play unless you spend $60 on the game
>therefore criticizing the cost of AAA games and suggesting that it be lowered to $40 is technically discussion about game design
This is what you sound like. Fuck off, retard.

ADS slowing your movementspeed to a crawl

>Poker, gambling, backgammon, slots, duck hunt mini games
shut up , done properly this shit is great
Fable 1 with its bar minigames trying to hustle those hero dolls
Fallout New Vegas, listening to some music and playing blackjack
Red Dead REdempetion, lose, get angry and start a fucking brawl
Dead Rising 2, fucking strip poker fuck ye, except for that fucking timer, oh shit my daughter is a zombie now

Unskippable cutscenes

Fucking borderlands 2

What the fuck is the jam on screen even supposed to represent? Do devs actually think that the second people get heavily injured their entire face explodes like a ketchup packet, or do they think people are so retarded that they wouldn't even notice their health dropping?

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What's the point of motion blur? What does it actually add to a game? What's the point of it's existence?

Escort missions aren't something bad when they are done properly. See SCII WoL (yes, SCII is bad, but mechanically it's fun). The mission where you have to escort civilians to the dropships during a Zerg invasion. Instead of a bunch of defenseless dudes, you escort armed transporters that move and shoot. And in later stages they get additional escort in the form of allied NPC marines. Not to mention you can build defenses in key locations to make your life easier. It's more how you construct escort missions. Sadly a crushing majority of them are horrible.

>muh immersion
same thing with rain drops hitting you directly on your pupil and then rolling off like you're looking through a window, because thats exactly what idiot game devs who never go outside think its like I guess
I'd kill for a game to just have some kind of red/bloodshot eyes type overlay creep in from the sides, and for rain to blur your screen super hard and make you blink once every few seconds like when a raindrop actually hits you in the eyelash, but its never gonna happen

shoot em up sections in non shoot em up games

>Boss is at the beginning of the game and does nothing but spam the same exact move over and over again
>They heal multiple times throughout the fight and have insane damage resistance to everything
>Think the fight is supposed to be a mandatory loss so I let him kill me
>MRW it was actually a boss you're supposed to kill
Try to guess the boss.

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Dead rising does this to an extent.

>Menus that are inaccessible from certain safe areas that you use on a regular basis (i.e. equipment menu inaccessible while in a shop)
What kind of game does this?

fuck off EA, nobody's taking your bullshit anymore

>you can dodge literally every attack from a boss and constantly deal damage, but the boss’ self-healing is so strong that you cannot possibly deal enough damage to kill it

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That casket is terrible.
It doesn't save any work being made due to the bends in the wood, the wings being angled makes it so that the bearers are all stepping out of sync and the wood is just weak, not to mention SIX FUCKING PINS. Jesus shit, how long do you want it to take to lock the casket?

dont worry dude, i got your reference

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>please someone god ask me why I know so much about caskets I just want attention FUCK PLEASE

Covering up poor framerate and poor texture detail.

Which is why the PS2 used it by the bucket-load for games ported down from the Gamecube back in the day.

Quest pointers, damage numbers, damage indicators, minimaps with every information ever, HUD on top of things all the time. No problem with healthbars now and then but fuck games that don't let you disable the HUD and are made to be played entirely with that in mind.
At times, AAA games feel like you're playing the HUD only and the game itself is just a subtle background you shouldn't pay attention to.

>Bought Assault Spy in summer sale
>pretty fun game
>suddenly insta-death stealth section near the end
It wasn't very long, but still.

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This nigger is right.

Pretty sure you don't need to make sure your escort is keeping up with you in Yakuza

Pretty sure you don't need to make sure your escort is keeping up with you in Yakuza

characters in game telling me where to go/what to do

fuck off, let me figure this shit out on my own,

You dont like NRS fighting games do you?

>hard mode
>it's actually wasting time by spending almost an hour dodging enemy attacks while inflicting minimal damage

>Inconsistent/no hitstun
If the optimal way to play the game is to not play it properly using the mechanics and combos it gives you then that is bad game design

>odometers, gas meters, mileage and GPS need to go
>I'm tired of being able to drive and know where I'm going and how my car is doing
That's how dumb you sound.

cute characters

> GPS is the same as instant "bullet hit!" notification.
I guess you should pay attention to retard marker next time.

enemy stats scaling to your level

like whats the point of getting stronger if it takes roughly the same amount of time to kill a bad guy because his stats are scaled in relation to yours?

just get rid of enemy scaling entirely and rely on introducing new bad guys, its sucks having to fight the same grunt from the beginning of the game but with more hp and atk slapped onto it