It's too realistic

It's too realistic.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2.jpg (300x168, 17K)

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Isn’t that what you want? Immersion?

It's a great game but it can be really frustrating with its delayed controls and long ass animations. I just wanna put the shit on my horse not wait 5 seconds for your lazy ass to walk to the appropriate side and throw it on.

>cant run in camp
>the laws what you did in the middle of a dense forest with no one around for miles
>hamfisted progressive agenda
Yeah It’s peepee poopoo desu

Other games aren't realistic enough

Realism isn’t the problem, it’s the half-baked why they try to incorporate it into the game and how it makes everything needlessly drawn out and slow despite not adding much to the experience.

>It's a great game


Everyone agrees that it’s one of the best games ever made though

It's poorly designed.

Yeah user, i'm sure your opinion matters.

Yes. It will be around and praised long after you die

Yes that's the problem lol

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Evreryone except input delay experts.

eat shit you fucking retard, it's not too realistic. aside from the art, production (how the game looks and sounds) the gameplay design is utter shit.

nothing is realistic about this shit, there ARE some features that add to the realism (nothing wrong with that), but the rest is just poor creativity on how the game should play. and by poor creativity, i mean a dip shit left his ever lasting thumb print on this otherwise beautiful game. only he dipped his thumb into some shit before leaving his print.

well done, who ever you fuckwad.

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by shills

>can refill your cores by sleeping
>food is never necessary to eat
What’s the point of survival mechanics if they are barely even necessary? Shit sucks

Nu/Onions infused vidya developers should be shot.

all you reddit plebs that are easily entertained love this shit like a monkey with a fucking flash light, gameplay wise this game is beyond obnoxiously irritating.

I remember hating the same thing in GTA IV
It added nothing to the gameplay to fumble around in tight spaces for no reason besides "realistic" controls.
The same thing didn't bother GTA V or even RDR so much, so I don't get why it's in RDR 2 and GTA IV

Because there are situations where you cannot sleep? Also you become skeleton mode if you don’t eat

Never played this gay cowboy shit

This game is the ultimate pleb filter

It’s a mega casual game masquerading as one with depth. There is nothing complex or difficult about any of these mechanics. They are basic, poorly implemented, boring and annoying.


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>have to hold a button to interact with anything

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gameplay is shit, it's shit-tier design only radiates so much because of how much fun the game is and how great it looks. there is fun to be had, i play it regularly, but it's also one of the worst games i've ever played in terms of gameplay.

its so fucking easy, you can easily just reck shit by going through the motions....its the ultimate pleb-game.

imagine smooth character controls for maximum fluidity and control, imagine free aim with smooth controls for quick adjustments and precision. now imagine having a shoot out in saint denis or anywhere, with the same headshot meta (go for the head or chip away at the body) but with great controls for both movement and free aim?

these fuck wits and dumb shits who developed this shit, literally were given a gem studded platform to manipulate from their art and production teams.....and the dip shits fucked it all up like the fucking boneheads that they are.

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todays update was a 2 pieces of clothing. a corny looking hat and some whole leg chaps.

not a fan of the whole leg chaps, shit looks literally homosexual as fuck, but these new ones are the best looking ones as of yet.

It's the envy of the industry. Maybe these other peasant tier games will eventually catch up

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chaps have a purpose but bdsm homos ruined it

this game is too good

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Deny it all you want, you act like a retard when you suggest this game is too complex for plebs. There is absolutely no depth or complexity to any of these poorly thought out mechanics. It is a very simple game that thinks pointless, extra busy work is the same thing as depth

It's too realistic in the graphics department as well. Red Dead 1 was incredibly stylized, and it's held up because of it, this game is gonna age like shit.

It's part of the fun. I always play it without auto aim, that makes every encounter potentially dangerous since Arthur can die like a fly.

yeah man, i can't get myself to buy or purchase them. all i see is homo cowboy. my character does wear the military shin chaps and the ones with leather wrapped around em. wish they would let us buy the dark brown ones in single player.

And you are cringy fat virgin loser, you opinion is worthless

>its too realistic
>bullet time
>going full speed into a tree and skidding the ground but staying alive
>swimming for too long means you will drown
>getting shot hundreds of times is okay if you have some steaks and some drugs
i dont know op, hows it realistic

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suspension of disbelief

>suspending disbelief
>in a rootin tootin point and shootin cowboy game

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whats the issue

the issue is you aren't making enough noise, user
we need some smoke and some money so we can get outta here

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come on john, dont you go doubting me
you just need a little faith, john
you were always like a son to me, dont doubt me now

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None of the “realism” aspects bother me at all. That’s literally not the issue with this game. It’s more that the game is a schizophrenic mishmash of realism and fucking bullshit.
What’s realistic about not being able to run at the camps for example? Nothing, that’s what.

tap x


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Also for all the tiniest of “realistic” details they went out of their way to put in, for their painstaking attention to immersion and detail, they couldn’t figure out a way to ditch the faggot minimap or make it so checking the big map didn’t involve going into the menus. Pathetic.

they literally did both of those user

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hold start to open the map without pausing

There it is again, classic ignorance while blaming the game for your own stupidity.

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I’m talking about utilizing the in-game world to get rid of the necessity of the minimap/map; like all the “park your horse on this exact yellow spot on the map” shit and maybe using the roadsigns for navigation (ala FC2) instead of waypoints, etc.
This I did not know. Thank you. But they still should have done what FC2 and Metro Exodus did and had a real-time, in-game map instead.

But not consistent at all so it is incredibly frustrating.

It is, yeah.

>utilizing the in game world
>characters during story missions will literally tell you to take left or right turns
>all of the landscapes are different enough for you to find where you are
>there are literal signs all over intersections and shit
>can even take a train or stagecoach if your retarded

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I am one of those autistis that actually likes the focus on realism.
My problem with this game is that it plays itself. It constantly struggles the control away from you. It's cutscenes after cutscenes and button prompts after button prompts which is a shame because the shooting mechanics are actually quite decent thanks to the insane production value. Another thing is it's extremely linear despite the fact that it's an open world game even the side missions are insanely railroaded.

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I already play with the minimap and hud disabled. I get it you fuckin dick. You can’t tell me this game is designed to be played like that. It isn’t. And you only have someone with you to give you directions like 15% of the time. Wtf are you talking about?


I really wanted to enjoy it but just couldn't thanks to the controls. It just feels so tedious, I see why people like it but it's not for me.


people dont walk like skating

anyone wanna play rdr2 ps4?

This game had the comfiest fucking songs

psn name?

So antiRDR2 are not only wrong but their take is completely irrelevant to the future of this industry? Oh man

i still to this day can't figure why I loved the first one so damn much and replayed it multiple times but I have almost no urge to play 2 again


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yup, only plebs really enjoyed it because they didn't play the first part

Except they increased the reload speed to hypersonic levels because playtesters couldn’t handle it, and birds/squirrels will never be found in trees.

Because doing anything in 2 feels slow, awkward and cumbersome.

lesause its my friends acc though

First game were I couldn't stomach the ryona. Made me question myself. Felt too real.

been using it for ps plus when he gets off

the hell are you talking about

>Riding back to camp
>Hearing voices of the gang
>"I just don't want anymore people to die, Dutch"
Goddamit, Hosea didn't deserve it.

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>not knowing what ryona is

Hello nufren

no idiot where was ryona in the game


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>Rockstar game
>where's the ryona guys?

This must be bait

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the fuck are you talking about just give a damn example

Having to gawk at a dollar bill on a table for three seconds while a little bar fills up before I can pick it up isn't realistic at all.

Use your imagination lol

did you reply to the wrong thread and just rolled with it

I'd rather my Arthur be scrawny than chubby mcfatfuck.

looking at animations while you're tweedling your thumbs for them to be over is not realism

it's just a shit game

I like animations

So anyone who likes something you don't like is a shill?

Yes, I bet you just love watching the same animal skinning animation for the 100000th time.
Or maybe you have the memory of a goldfish.

nah fuck that i park my horse on the body to skip the animation
i aint got time for that shit

Just don't kill the same animals for 100000th time lmao it's easy

>go hunting
>shoot medium/ large animal
>whistle for horse
>climb up on horse
>position horse carefully over cadaver
>step off of horse
>skinning animation commences, horse gets the fuck out the way/ isn't in the cutscene

sure user

You can go to the map without opening menu you retarded idiot

I now have fun wandering the world killing everyone wearing a coat

Still should be real time and in-game, like the journal. Keep up. The thread is about realism.