What have my fellow musicians been up to? You have learned how to play simple vidya songs haven't you?
What have my fellow musicians been up to? You have learned how to play simple vidya songs haven't you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw can play but lost all motivation to do it
What's a good vidya song to play on guitar?
>tfw still feel like a total retard on guitar after on and off play for a few years
>motivation to keep playing is fading again and so is my motivation to play vidya
I swear ill be good one day. Also what do you play user?
zeldas lullaby is easy and fun if you're used to just using your fingers and not a pick.
>moved into my mom's house for college a few weeks ago
>acoustic guitar string broke on like day 2
>have been too busy moving in/lazy to restring it
>want to play something but cant
feels bad man, might give it to a friend and spot him a couple bucks to do it. i can play pretty well outside of that tho, been doing it consistently for like 3 yrs now
Well keep it up user, self satisfaction from nailing a hard tab above your skill level is well worth the effort.
user it takes 5 minutes to restring a guitar. Who taught you how to do it?
I make decent money playing anime and videogame tunes on the streets of fancy european towns
my job is making music for vidya
That sounds like a comfy life. How do i git gud enough to play competently in front of other people?
I want to learn an instrument more than anything. Wheres a good place to start?
Which instrument specifically do you want to learn? imo string instruments have been the easiest to just pick up and play but it still takes shit loads of practice and training your fingers to not be retarded.
Anyone here play the banjo? How different is it from regular guitars, i want to learn it.
Just practice, really. Start with stuff old people would like to listen, rather than vidya right off the bat.
If you have like 5+ songs you play decently you can start busking a bit to lose the stage fright. It is tough at the start but you make friends/acquaintances pretty quick out there, making things easier on the nerves.
Anything. I love music too much to still be so unskilled at it. Lately it's been getting hard to just listen to music without some weird yearning in my gut.
Play the triangle then
I'd suggest acoustic guitar. You don't need to learn how to read classical sheet music and it's fun to just fuck around on. Get a decent one and learn the scales all up and down the guitar, drill yourself going up and down the scales to build speed, memory and finger dexterity and then start to experiment. Memorizing songs is for monkeys and not fun at the start, it's better to build a foundation first then move onto copying tabs.
>Memorizing songs is for monkeys
Don't bully, please
Why thanks for asking. I play the piano on a daily basis since last december. I can already play some songs from FFIX like Terra or Rose of May. Currently working on Aurora's theme from Child of Lihgt. This is like a game by itself (a bit grindy though).
read the second part. Anyone can copy tabs without actually understanding how everything flows together. It's not fun grinding out the same patterns over and over unless you have a good foundation.
I play drums.
No matter what you pick, the road to playing songs you like at a satisfying level takes a fair amount of work. Do not get discouraged early. Every hour of practice is an hour closer to getting decent.
With that said, keyboards and flutes are moderately easy to get a hang of the basics imo. If you wanna focus on melodies anyway, otherwise you can try guitar and be playing wonderwall within the week
I started playing guitar by memorizing songs and I had fun doing it
I've actually been exploring the dorian mode for the past 2 hours. Just experimenting with a chord progression going from i to IV of course but i've thrown in a little VI V descent and it sounds kind of nice but also when i improv with lydian it sounds kind of wack sometimes. Maybe i'm playing the right notes at the wrong time but it seemed like i was playing the wrong ones most of the time. If i focused on the pentatonic box and just inserted the sharp 6th degree of dorian here and there it sounded alright but still more bluesy. I'm trying to sound like santana help
>tfw been playing guitar for 6 years and I didn't understand shit
what the fuck have I been doing
I'd still say learning basic chords and all the scales is waaaay better and more interesting for learning. It doesn't feel like a grind when i know i've learned something new just from teaching myself through scales like the pentatonic scale. However i will say learning songs does help too just personally wasn't as fun until i was actually able to play them well just by building up my muscle memory experimenting.
It's mostly in the way you talk. It's easy concepts but it's obscured by terminology. "diatonic chords" and "chromatic" and "perfect fifths" the point is if you play the minor scale and you "sharpen" the "6th scale degree" you're playing the dorian scale and voila you should sound like santana if you solo with those notes over the root chord of your scale. (minor chord if you didn't know)
>You can't learn music theory
Is it going to play wonderwall?
No, it's going to play who let the dogs out unplugged.
>Wonderwall without capo on 2nd fret
i wasn't taught lol, i had to learn it myself a while back when i lived alone, fucked it up a couple of times so i always take forever out of being careful
Just take out the plug, put the end in, thread it though the hole at the top and twist. It's simple as hell.
I got a classic guitar thinking it was acoustic because I'm retarded, I also bought acoustic lesson books with it, the basics are the same right? Apparently I need some footsep thing to play it.
The basics are the same and you don't, only boomers use that shit
The only peripheral that has helped me and has a lot of uses is a guitar clip. Just google guitar scales specifically pentatonic and grind that shit out, up and down over and over and then once you have it down move onto the next scale, then chords, then copy songs. That's what i do/did to git better.
I have a banjo, mostly play the clawhammer/strumming style instead of the finger picking/bluegrass.
IMO banjo is really easy to learn:
>chords are simple (the open strings are a G chord)
>old time/folk banjo songs are simple to learn/play
>standard banjo is 5 strings, one less to manage than guitar (the 5th string is a drone so it's even simpler)
upvoted :)
i feel you dude, just takes time yknow
are you aware that your post number ends with five (5) repeating digits of the zero kind?
I'm more of an FL Studio hobbyist myself. I've listened to too much vidya songs and now all my stuff sounds like it's for vidya.
Fuck vidya.
Learn real instruments
As opposed to what, a made-up one? That said, learning an instrument is good for your composition and arrangement skills, yeah. I just wish cool instruments didn't cost so much. Don't really feel like a harmonica or such.
no, so you can broaden your genres besides chiptune or whatever videogame music you are stuck with
Been playing ukulele for about a year. Don't know how I nailed learning 'The Smiths - This Charming Man,' but I love playing 'Ukulele de Chocobo' despite IX being one of the FF's I've never touched.
It's not about genre, it's about structure. For some reason I can't grasp it. Rather, I can, but absolutely can't implement it. Feels like having a learning disability.
Based digits in a shit thread
My flute is wasting away unused since I failed the fuck out of my college classes
Sounds like you have more time to learn the flute now
It's a shit thread because you're too low IQ to play something so instead you post shrek memes.
i still want to make a metal cover of this someday
I play alto saxophone. It's a super easy instrument, basically a vertical piano. Very fun for playing by ear
So you like blowing on things, user-kun? ;)
really? i heard its super hard to play and you need to have a lot of breath
used to play guitar, but stopped playing it when I started to get bad carpal tunnel from playing it. am currently learning piano with a teacher and enjoying it a lot (and no carpal tunnel pain thank god). hoping to play neat renditions of ace combat OST songs once i get good.
wtf did you play on guitar? just black metal? you won't get carpal tunnel if you have a good technique
unironically yeah, big gay.
I'm just gonna rant here because I want to and have no idea where else I'd talk about this, but fuck saxophone too. High ass upfront cost. I have a used, shit-tier student horn (Bundy II) from high school and that will run you $200-300 and you'll want to get that inspected for faulty valves too.
Cue me wanting an upgrade, and holy fuck. Mid-tier used student level horn? $5-600 for a yamaha. Anything decent is $1k on up.
Saxophone is fun, saxophone is easy, but it comes with a price. And god help you if you don't have a cheap repair shop near you. I bring mine to an old dude that used to build them, now he repairs them for fun, and that runs me $40 for upkeep.
meant for
Super hard? Nah dude. It's one of the easiest. Think of a piano but with 1/5th of the keys. You just hold buttons down for notes in descending order from higher to lower notes. To play a higher range of those same notes, you use the same inputs but you press a thumb key too. If you can use a keyboard you can play a saxophone. Breath endurance is not too hard to learn over time, and its 100% easier than the endurance you'll need to learn for stringed instruments for example. ie get some thick ass calluses on your left hand which fucking hurt as you're trying to hold all the strings down.
>get some thick ass calluses on your left hand which fucking hurt as you're trying to hold all the strings down
I learned how to play Eight Melodies on the piano and then gave up when I tried something admittedly out of my difficulty range. Getting back into it is retardedly hard.
I'm a instrumentalist, but I wanna be a vidya music composer. I just don't know where to really start.
>bought guitar a while ago
>haven't played it in almost 6 months ago
just like my videogames
Open Your Heart from SA1
you get calluses on your finger tips fairly quickly when playing stringed instruments. It feels like armor over your fingers so it doesn't hurt when you mash on brass strings and slide up and down as such, think of rope burn and slaming your finger down on piano wire as to why you feel pain.
Never gonna make it. Why did you even buy it? Some fantasy where you impress a thot or something?
it was cheap from some boomers in a yard sale
post pic
i'm too fucking lazy it, it's probably a piece of shit it has no brands or anything to see the maker, I got it for 5 bucks
show us
>he doesn't have pics of his guitarfu