About to pick this up
Brigette is best wife but I stopped playing before she was released
>picking up a dead game where you get mass reported and banned for not following the meta team comps exactly
you're 3 years late
you are somewhat on time since the 2-2-2 role lock will be introduced this week (2 tanks 2 dps 2 supports)
ye sure but I only play it once a month before it starts to grow on me.
absolute state of blizz balancing
don't, user.
game is dead
What are you even saying yes 2-2-2 was introduced so goatz will die but most importantly ppl that main a role won't get fucked in the ass when they have to fill in a GM game its like 2 birds with 1 stone
Got any proof of that, buddy?
>thinking 2-2-2 won't absolutely kill the game for good
I do have thoughts yes.
That's fucking stupid
holy shit is this real ? wtf is their idea of balancing
Terrible map designs make this game shit
Everything that was fun was nerfed game is dead now
Ofcourse there will be downsides to it but 2-2-2 will be a more consitent and enjoyable experience for ranked
game took a turn for the worse when they made competitive be hero limited, and died when they made quick play hero limited. Stacking heroes could lead to so much more diverse comps, and we only got to see the tracer/monkey spam as a legitimate tactic. The possibilities for an ever changing meta is almost limitless, especially with more heroes that are "counters" to other heroes. I would have absolutely loved this game if no hero limits stayed.
at this [point its harder to find posts that disprove it. The OW community has just accepted the fact that the fanbase is a meta toxic shithole which is why they rather LARP about their faggot characters then fix the dam problem.
Holy fuck this game has fallen a long way from 6x symmetra showers and fun
Sooo, what about the Defense characters like Torb, Mei, Widow, etc?
They all dps now
wait what ? you do know that there is only tank dps and support now sym torb mei n widow are in the dps role now
So i see literally nothing has changed since i quit in season 1 and it still took them this long to implement this. Kek nice game.
Fucking what?
>2-2-2 introduced
>every game will now be Hammond/DVA/Sym/Hanzo/Moira/Mercy
have fun playing vs smurfs and ragebaby throwers
then again its always like that in multiplayer these days
still better than 1 heal 1 tank every game
Holy shit the game really is dead
The same treatment that hots got
This is NOT okay.
Any amount of a hero thus any comp
One of that hero but any comp
Two of that role of three roles
Gross and dead to me
No it won't at first it will be mostly bunker (Hog Orisa dps like hanzo(great shield breaking) ashe (dynamite when they are all behind shield) Ana (can nano the pulled hog = insta kill) and mercy for dmg boosting the hanzo but yea this will slowly change as blizzard gets more breathing ground now to balance stuff
There are better (or at least comparable) fps games on Steam for free.
>play Torb on attack
>get mass shit-talked, mass reported, and temp or perma banned
Oh yeah. That is so much worse than genji/hanzo/widow/torb +2 other
You'll be wasting money for all the reasons listed ITT. Playing Arcade Mode while drunk is the only way you could milk fun out of it
>playing Blitzcrank
No it won't.
You're an idiot.
Expect an MMORPG (forced trinity meta, endless grinding to climb an imaginary ladder that's rigged from the start) disguised as a seemingly competitive FPS.
Don't do it if you value your sanity unless you're unaffected by watching retards decide your fate.
222 will be the most boring arc of overwatch yet
Meta comps will be extremely prevalent even at potato ranks
Will it? I can't think of anything more boring than SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS with fucking nothing happening. What a shit game.
>tfw overwatch faggots can't choose what map or game mode they want to play on
>litearlly every time they queue they just get something random
>can get the same map five times in a row
the only saving grace to this change will be if this only pertains to ranked play and not casual play.
if that hits casual play the game is fucked
It gets boring after a few month
Not sure what you're on about.
Shields will be an issue regardless of current or previous restrictions.
Don't see how you think 2/2/2 will fix that shit
This is retarded: this is whats going to happen
Quick play should just be quick play, competitive play should have a ban-pick draft like every other hero based game out there.
Reminder that Battleborn, even with all its problems, is still a better game than Overwatch
>>can get the same map five times in a row
Literally untrue. Why you'd even post this I have no idea.
>Months of playtime
i mean, you've got people paying £60 for the new cinematic sony game which lasts half a day and doesn't let you touch the controller
soulless ASSFAGGOTS garbage propped up solely by pan-faced gooks.
Role lock won't fix shit, in fact it will makes things worse.
OW is a hero shooter, using moba design for their character balance, they should implement moba style pick and ban phases, the game would be significantly more interesting both to play and to watch if players have to draft their team and lock into their heroes, rather then respawning as hard counters to enemy lineups, it would also expose the major issues with the game, because right now they can allow bullshit hero design to exist just because 'it gets hard countered by this other hero"
>ban-pick draft
Pls no
t. GM one trick
What do you one tirck?
Overwatch should limit the amount of healers and shield tanks to one per team.
Fuck drawn out, sponge filled fights
kill the healer first
It won't, it'll still be a shit game, but I doubt anything will top the tank meta in terms of boring bullshit.
Why wouldn't it be? The concept of "defense" was always flawed and constantly criticized. When Blizzard killed it and just called all damage-oriented characters "dps", it was widely accepted as a good thing, because it is.
That's pretty retarded when quite a few "DPS" have worse dps than other roles
it's fun as fuck if you don't play seriously but Yea Forums is going to shit on it just because it's a blizzard game
Probably because they have no concept of map design, thus defense heroes were either garbage, or not defensive.
For example Torbjorn was useless because his defensive mechanic, a Turret which should act like an area denial, didn't do jack shit because they couldn't design it correctly, it had aimbot tracking with infinite range, which meant they could never give it appropriate anti-flank damage, and because of this every single character could just solo a level 2 turret.
Now Torbjorn is just oddjob with a shotgun
Any of you niggas play on console?
I'm mid-diamond on PC and I played a few games of this on console and I'm diamond there.
What are some characters that can carry on this console? Nobody seems to have any game sense at all or use mics. Also EVERYONE is Arab.
And? They're still dps. It's up to the players to understand the different between pure dps like Tracer and utility dps like Mei.
Are you agreeing with me? Seems like you are.
Most defense heroes were either not actually defensive (e.g. Hanzo/Widow) or their kits were such fucking shit that they were eventually overhauled enough that they were no longer defensive (e.g. Torb). The map/hero design was never consistent or well-made enough that a hero could be strictly good on defense but bad on offense, so why even attempt to distinguish those roles?
Bullshit, it happened to me to get Anubis 6 times out of 8 games in an evening.
Not back to back, sure, but i ended up quitting all the Anubis games after a while.