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>Still thinking smoking is cool

You 13 or something

Smoking is undeniably bad though

>hey kids it's cool to not smoke smoking is for dopes with no hopes
oh cool so it's 2005 again
i remember when this was all happening and the big thing was 'any movie with smoking will be rated R!' and that never fucking happened

can't wait to relive this all AGAIN when they start linking disease to vaping and have to lobby against that

Smoking isn't cool, but if a person who's already cool smokes, it makes them cooler.

What is it with numales/nufemales forcing their views and opinions on fictional characters?



Not even kids these days find smoking cool
Well they don't find smoking nicotine cool at least.

It’s just weird that they’re making such a big deal about smoking, in a game that encourages you to chop up people into a bloody pulp so you can buy gold skins for your sick ass guns.

I still don't get how or why this was talked about in the first place. Did someone notice there wasn't a single cigarette being shown during all the previews and proceeded to ask? Did the devs feel the need to mention it in the first place? What the fuck is going on?

I don't see why people are talking about all this "m-muh smoking influences children!" shit when talking about an M rated game.
But, it is aimed at consoleniggers, who are all manchildren anyways, so I guess I understand it.

It's about those retarded looking vape boxes or whatever the fuck

While I do agree smoking is bad, I take issue with the fact someone is trying hard to censor it in such a ridiculous game where a bunch of birds will tear you to shreds in a single second if you're not near a light source

fictional characters don't have views so who knows what the fuck you're even whining about.

But aren't you killing evil hostile aliens? So it doesn't really conflict with morality anyway.

Well censoring gore in a Gears game would be weird but I dont think removing cigarettes makes a difference

With all the stress Marcus and the other guys are under i'm surprised they don't smoke more.

thats what i said when i beheaded that sandperson but they still got mad at me

Why of fucking course.

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Are you retarded? It's like when a liberal writes media where a homophobic character is secretly gay, it's very pathetic and cringe.

Why do women have to taint everything they touch?

Smoking is something that people normally do, and there is no moral issue with it outside of exposing people to second hand smoke. He doesn't want to encourage it, which he feels like he is doing by putting it in his games and making it look cool. Murder is not something people do normally (unless it's animals or bugs but those barely count) and is pretty widely understood to be illegal and wrong so putting it into a game isn't going to have the same effect or at least he feels that way.

It's pretty simple really.

Of course what? Smoking is retarded

Why do you people care. You can rot your teeth and insides all you want without it being in the game.

In multiplayer you cut up humans

Not talking about censoring, just how much of a non sequitor it is for a game like Gears to suddenly care about smoking. It’s like if GTA suddenly put up serious “Don’t do drugs” billboards. Its retarded.

The lack of characters who smoke it no imposing beliefs on a character.

>In multiplayer you cut up humans
Humans that are trying to kill you I assume?

>In multiplayer you cut up humans
Yeah, while playing as the obvious bad guys.

>Smoking is retarded
Under normal circumstances I'd agree with you, but when you're at fucking war and likely to die anyways who the fuck cares about the negative health benefits of smoking?
Like this is such a retarded "white fucktard" controversy to whine about smoking in a fucking game about going to war with alien bugmen monsters.

>you have been banned from all boards for the following reason

>replying to off-topic garbage

How ass blasted are the mods? Maybe try working hard and cleaning your board up

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every fucking time

Wouldn't it make more sense for someone in a war NOT to fuck up their own health so they can keep fighting?

Spoken like a true white kid who knows nothing about war.
No, that doesn't make sense, no one who's at war WANTS to be fighting aside from the fucking crazy people, most of them are scared out of their fucking minds and smoke because it keeps them from focusing on the smell of their own shit and their likely imminent death.

>no one who's at war WANTS to be fighting aside from the fucking crazy people
Except they made the choice to fight. I am well aware that no one wants to face death daily, but when you sign up for the military you do so understanding that you will. So if your going to go to war and fuck up your body just to relax and end up making yourself useless later down the line anyway what's the point?

>Except they made the choice to fight.
Uhh no, especially in the case of Gears of War.
They were drafted.
Jesus christ dude, I get that you're sheltered but surely you're not also this stupid.
Are you a fucking woman or something?

t. Private jewish doctor

you know it takes years and years of chain smoking to begin seeing negative effects right?
you know what the soldiers on both sides in both world wars did during their down time? it wasn't fucking scrabble.

Fucking rations used to come with cigarettes until the end of the Vietnam war, that dumbfuck clearly has no idea what he's even talking about.
Must be some retarded zoomer or something.

Cigarettes are pretty bad, yea. Anyone who smokes is beyond stupid, and rude to boot. Smokers should all be shot to make this world a better place.

Germans were given methamphetamine in WW1 to help them fight user. Smoking for that short period wouldn't damage your psychical health enough on the balance of how it might help some to calm down.

The other user's argument makes sense. But the "dude weed lmaos" ITT can fuck off.

Smoking is morally worse than killing evil aliens mate, your argument is shit

You misunderstand, I'M the user arguing that there's nothing wrong with smoking in a war setting since it's a form of stress relief for soldiers who are facing potential death.

Cigarettes dont calm you down lmao.
How big of a retard are you? And cigs absolutely have a negative effect on short term health.

And when this failed, he cooked up an unverifiable sob story. Rod Fergusson is a true Microsoft developer. No wonder Gears of Intersectional Feminism 5 looks so bad.

>And cigs absolutely have a negative effect on short term health.
So does getting shot, who gives a fuck?

Pointless virtue-signalling. Smoking IS retarded gutter trash behavior, but I can't remember a character or moment in the Gears franchise where smoking even happened. This whole story is just a pointless attempt to earn good boy points

It's a metaphor for migrants.

Smoking is actually really gross and smelling it as you walk by people is disgusting. Fuck smokers for real no joke.

>cigarettes dont calm you down
What the absolute fuck are you on about
Nicotine is proven to both be a muscle relaxant, and reduce anxiety.
Also has the benefits of suppressing appetite, and can also kick-start a bad case of constipation.
Tobacco is incredibly useful in war, for both morale and practical reasons.

It can decrease shaking of the hands in soldiers using sniper rifles

>Not even kids these days find smoking cool
>they don't find smoking nicotine cool
if only you knew

Because it's much more likely that a kid sees someone smoking and wants to try it than a kid seeing someone murdering another person with a chainsaw bayonet and wants to try it.

when i was a kid i always wanted to go to a war but i never cared for cigarretes or alcohol

Remove Smokers!

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One is a lot easier to do than the other.

Killing is fun, smoking isn't.

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