B-but i-it's f-fun!!!

>B-but i-it's f-fun!!!
Go on then, describe how you had fun in it.

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Haven't played it since I don't play weebtrash.

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Gameplay gives the user a lot of options on how to go after a encounter, the main issue with Mgs5 isn't the gameplay but the fact it was rushed to completion and the story is clearly unfinished.


Stealing from FOBs was kinda thrilling.

>buy this game a month ago
>find the gameplay boring
>annoyed by the pacing and overabundance of the cutscenes

This. The mechanics are fun and you do a lot of different stuff, but the open world gameplay is clearly shit and seems like a dead world with no soul.

>He doesn't enjoy collecting emblem pieces via copypasted outposts

ethnically cleansing blacks out of outposts was very fun

>Gameplay gives the user a lot of options on how to go after a encounter
Doing literally anything but tranqing is gimping yourself. It shouldn't be that way

>easily the best stealth game ever made because of the sheer amount of tools at your disposal
>different buddies allow you even more options, and you can choose quiet if you're drunk or something so you dont have to actually play the game
>FOB raids are great
It's just a fun fucking game, especially if you view it as a MGS spinoff and ignore the incomplete story. The entire plot is 2 sentences long, but the variety of gameplay it offer makes up for it.

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Fucking around with the loadouts and living my oper8or dream

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>gimping yourself
How? and what kinda special retard are you that you need to play at 100% optimal peak efficiency in regards to every encounter for a game to be good?

It's been a long time since I can remember a game where I can hold a guy hostage while shooting their mates, that was pretty fun.

>Doing literally anything but tranqing is gimping yourself.
good luck with FOB lol

More like what kind of special retard defends MGSV and actually calls its gameplay good without knowing what the word means?
Shit was dead on arrival, who cares

Its over glorified to the point where its shit.
Its a good game but nothing mind blowing.

>Shit was dead on arrival

uh no

I dont need to fuck with guards a bunch of different ways but it sure is fun. you sound pretty boring.

What are some tricks I should try? I feel like the game is getting routine for me

>calls gameplay bad
>refused to engage with the core components of the gameplay (FOB, different loadouts, etc)
>calls others who do wrong because ???

This game was wasted on the shitty fanbase.

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Not even. The fans enjoyed it for the gameplay but chided it for the story and state it was in on release. But for the most part, it's well enough liked. This is pretty typical Yea Forums contrarianism.


Considering EVERY metal gear solid ever has given you less points for going lethal/loud i dont see how this is even an issue. Also its not true in 5 because theyve given you more situations than ever before to use regular firearms. Ur stoopid

buddy, it was nonstop autism for years before the game even came out

>Wait in helicopter for 5 minutes
>Have the mission spoiled for you down to even details about the vehicles that are in it
>Drive to the mission area for another 5 minutes
>Locked in mission area (much freedom wow, what was the point of anything before I arrived?)
>Who's a good wallhack doggo?! You are! Hack the game for me boi!
>Fulton everything
>Spend another 5 minutes to get out of mission area
>"THAT'S WHY YOU ARE THE BEST BOSS THE ONE AND ONLY!!" (lol epical twist ahead)

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>play like shit
>complain because bad


>S rank
According to the game I play it just as intended

By not playing it

The game's a lot more fun if you run directly towards the enemy shouting 'SNAAAAAAAKE EATEEEEER" Before whomping them in the face with your bionic arm.

>I swear the gameplay is good, PLEASE just stop using any of the features available to you and entirely ignore that the game has side missions that dictate unfun ways to play unless you ignore them too PLEASE ignore half the game
Even then the world is empty and ugly
Stop defending this pile of shit thx

>the main issue with Mgs5 isn't the gameplay
It isn't metal gear solid gameplay, is the main issue.

Driving around mother base listening to The Cure and looking at Quite's arse.

okay good luck with FOB

>Flat as fuck white ass

But the only one saying NOT to use anything itt is the op crying the game has no options
>i do everything exactly the same every time and refuse to try literally any deviations
Grow up lmao

I love all of that, I mainly meant ways of approaching missions though

Not my fault every mission has the same solution
Blame that on bad game design kiddo

games better when you dont try to stealth it otherwise it's pretty hard and turns off a lot of casuals who just want to talk about games rather than actually play them
these kinds of individuals are insufferable

I played as the cute blonde haired zoologist and made her wear a red bikini. I loved this game, except for the stupid as fuck story and characters.

More like bad brain design. I feel sorry for your parents

Don't forget to shell out real money for some insurance to have an unfair pvp advanage kek
So fun and not rightfully dead at all

Numerous options for stealth or firepower plus gear and partners. Even the weather.

Was well worth the money I paid to Gaben. Didn't like the rating system though, felt like the game wanted you to play a specific way instead of just having fun but it's not really that important.

le high test meme

>So desperate that his favorite game has been exposed as shit that he throws out random ad hominems
It's ok to like shit games but don't tell me they are good when they aren't

I have no idea what side missions you're even talking about. Even the shitty mine clearing missions don't force you to play in a specific way.

Except the payments in MGSV were done in a way so that you would only ever pay if you felt compelled to because you were enjoying the mode so much

Kojima went full asscreed with this garbage, everything has side objectives you need for 100%

except it isn't annoying like Ubisoft mission design

I like the different approaches you can use to take on the various missions throughout the game and how you can decide the time of the day when to do it.
There you go.

>curecuck s󠛡oyboy thinks testosterone is a meme

Dude you called the game shit? Thats an ad hominem bro. Sorry you spoke in a way i dont like and now that ive called you on it, i am correct. My little bitty brain is small, if i dont play every mission exactly the same how else am i gonna cry that the game has no options

Good joke except it's even more cancerous if anything.
>"Listen to all these conversations halfway through the mission"
>"Dialoge does not play because the NPC routine was interrupted? Well fuck you, start over"


The side objectives can be completely ignored but the irony here is that those optional objectives reward curious players who go out of their way to try something new

Okay now you are unironically defending p2w, we are done here. You are 100% braindead, holy shit.

MGSV is like Super Mario Odyssey; they gave you pretty much perfect controls for a stealth game (or platformer game in SMO case), but then proceeded to do nothing with it. I was a total autist on release and stealthed every main mission AND SIDE OP (including the 30 fucking tank missions) and I hated it.

not an argument

>wtf why is kojima making me sit around listening to dumb shit in a mgs game I need my 100% nowwwwwwwwwww

ok lil'zoom

>force yourself to stealth every mission for no reason other than self admitted autism
>doesnt have fun
Why do this to yourself

Correct, instead it has zero mission design.

How is it P2W you dumb idiot I bet you never even played the mode lol

>Pay real money for an advantage over real players
Hmmm I wonder why you fucking lobotomy survivor

Dude i was trying to play metal gear solid 1-3 but like i keep having to stop playing and listen to all these codec calls. And i lose points if i dont go full stealth? Wtf is this ubisoft hackfraud shit, mgs SUCKS

The best thing was that all Kojima bootlickers ignored this 100% and Instead whined over Survive's microtransactions that affect literally nobody but yourself

Nothing will beat sniping a tank squad as they're firing rounds at you

All it does it let you develop your tree faster while producing a low level FOB that makes it easier for others to rob you.

At the end of the day, it's still better than the VR missions of last gen that everybody liked.

>try something new
>by doing exactly what the 100% completion requires
Are you stupid or something? Actually doing cool shit doesn't get you any bonus points, maybe just some acknowledgement if you're lucky.

I had fun reading the threads about hearbroken MGS babies that didn't get the memo n 2008 that Kojima hates MGS with all his heart


It's an awful MGS title and no amount of saying you had fun is gonna change thay

It's a good MGS title and no amount of saying you didn't have fun is gonna change thay

>overabundance of cutscenes
Clearly you didnt play V then

MGSV is truly a case of "bad for X game"
even as one of the worst Metal Gear games thematically and the weirdest one mechanically it's still a big pile of competent game design. I didn't like the game that much but I'm sure someone else might have.
It just wasn't more of the Metal Gear I wanted, so I dropped it around halfway.
This shit right here. You were highly inclined to accomplish these. I get that they should reward side activities well, but did they have to put that shit fucking elsewhere, like more effort into the primary mission design?
The game becomes too tedious because there's breadcrumbs everywhere. It feels like a drug addiction you're supposed to self-regulate, you just don't do it, you just go after everything or nothing, and neither provides a balanced gameplay experience.

you didn't even get to the best content. I love how dismissive "hardcore" fans get with this game over nostalgia when it's still an all around improvement in most respects in the Operations line of games. But I guess mgsfags are too busy writing fan fiction to play the games lol

I like how you approach missions, and fucking with the game engine is fun. What's so hard to get?

Considering how everyone else who beat the game with less hours than me told me I didn't miss much, I think you're obviously trolling.

>I love how dismissive "hardcore" fans get with this game over nostalgia when it's still an all around improvement in most respects in the Operations line of games.
But we didn't want more of that, we wanted more tactical stealth option, indoors sneaking, and charismatic boss fights. Eat my shit. Portable Ops and Peace Walker should have never been the mainline gameplay style.

Rising revengence is the only game that matters

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But the mission design itself in MGS V was the problem, as often is the problem in open-world games.
The improved movement and enemy behavior mechanics do not make up for the sub-par quality of the content.

Modified my gun to be very long, it was really fucking long

mad cuz bad at game?

Speak for yourself, faggot. The last thing I wanted from the series was for it to revert to the linear movie game style after this shitshow that was MGS4.

>describe how you had fun
i played it to completion a few times, and it was fun

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Fuck off retard, you don't have to go to the extreme opposite end just because you don't like one aspect. MGS4 had too many cutscenes and not enough gameplay especially past chapter 2, but the gameplay that was there was incredible. If MGS2/3 had MGS4's gameplay they'd be flawless.

So blowing up PW/PO into full console title was a great idea, right?

They have nufun.

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curious how you don't have any actual complaints about the mission design other than "it's shit".

yeah it was

Turn off the cheat engine vision in UI settings, only KO enemies by strangling them.There, 150 hours of fun.

Tell me user how do you know someone is having fun

you know it isn't because it's nu fun

>not setting enemy vision range to 200%
I feel sorry for those who had to play it on default Very Easy.

>describe how you had fun in it
I infiltrated enemy bases with a variety of approaches that the game fully supports with a variety of different loadouts.

>Xcuck still seething

lmao dilate, bitch

>a variety of approaches
People keep saying it but don't give any examples

You can only have nufun out of games like mgs5, skyrim, Persona 5, Fallout 4, botw, nugod of war, uncharted, etc.

t. only used the starting loadout

Game was multiplat user.

Also forgot to mention but rdr2 as well.

I enjoyed listening to the iPod thing while I explored

You still haven't given any examples.

git gud retard

bombardment (lethal, nonlethal, chaff to shut down enemy communication)
sniping an enemy base from nearby terrain and changing position to avoid getting caught
guns blazing (too many sub-methods here, infiltrate and go ham with LMG's, rocket launchers and grenade launchers and bombs and whatsoever, calling in air support and bombardments, roll into base in a walker gear or a tank, lace the place with mines and C4 and blow them up, blow the enemy up from nearby terrain with RPG's before going in)
the silent approach, which also has many sub-methods (put everyone to sleep, utilise decoys, use the box with posters to trick enemies, stun grenades, smoke grenades, use the dog to distract enemies into other places, stun weapons, LG mines, electrocute people by punching them, sneak in pretending to be a cargo box, way too many other methods to mention)

play the game you retarded faggot. by the time you hit africa the game will have already given you shittons of new toys to play with. but I know you got stuck in afghanistan using the Wu pistol like a faggot casual and got filtered out by yourself, fucking pathetic lmao.

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The game’s inherent design structure is
>tranq/cqc and extract enemy
>blow up/extract/rescue target
You do this, and only this, for 100 hours.
>git gud
Diverting from said inherent structure just feels like you’re fucking off and “having fun” for the sake of it, ala going madman against the cops in GTA.

>muh sandbox
There’s no reason to do any of that when the core mechanic of the game revolves around extracting soldiers.

>OP's favorite game
>B-but i-it's f-fun!!!
Go on then, describe how you had fun in it OP.

I like how the thr AI adapted to my playstyle, making me have to work more creatively

based retard with the blanket statements
here's every fighting game ever
>locate enemy on your screen
>fight enemy
here's every GTA game
>drive around in open world
>locate missions
>do this for 200 hours
here's every souls game
>find enemies
>lock on them
>kill them
>find big enemy
>kill it
>do this until game ends
here's every chess game ever
>move your piece
>wait for opponent to move theirs
>move your peace
>do this until check mate

I'm so glad I'm not this much of a retarded smoothbrain, I'd commit suicide if I were.
>the core mechanic of the game revolves around extracting soldiers
no it doesn't you fucking sperg, you can roll and finish this entire game without extracting a single person outside of story-related ones. Feel free to come up with a real argument.

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the thing i like the most is all the fine details you never find out about until alot of hours, like soldiers who have higher combat rating will perform special moves in CQC and will pretend to surrender if you point-blank them with a gun and suddenly pull out a knife and fight you.

>in Diablo you kill dudes and collect loot
>in Mario you run forward and jump
>in Doom you shoot demons
It doesn't matter if a gameplay loop is repetitive. What matters is whether or not it's enjoyable. MGSV has plenty of issues, but the core gameplay loop of infiltration/extraction is extremely satisfying.

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They could never man that rooftop. There was too many of me and too few of them.

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>The model of gameplay for all games is bad
Mention me one single game out of all of them that doesn't follow a fixed structure of gameplay, come on, prove us wrong.

Picking up pennies in the early game by tranquing everyone is gimping you more than going full nuclear in S++ guarded lvl65+ FOBs and cashing out troops of highest quality as a reward.

Kept you waiting huh

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it's fun shootin weirdos with a rubber bullet lmg until they don't wanna get up anymore

>Boss you can't extract those kids
>No boss, they'll die. That's why you can't extract them
>Fine boss we'll develop child friendly fultons, but you gotta take these out the old fashioned way, not stop trying to fucking fulton the kids
And then I air dropped some jeeps and fultoned them that way

>Quiet redux fight where she OHK you
>Spawn with a fucking tank
Genuinely the best game ever made.

>prove you had fun!!!!!!!!

i thought it was one of the best video games of the 21st century

you should stop getting so emotional about video games. i bet you love fucking yakuza series.

>not punching her down
This is why women all over the town walk over you as they please.

Oh no I sure do hate getting stepped on.
Fucking nerd.

>the lightning
>the PMC planting the C4 on your tank killer
>the box
holy shit, there is so much shit you would absolutely never find unless you looked for it. I love this game

speedrunning missions as Super D-Walker Kart
the high quality sneaking in for example the first afghan mission, the soviet main base mission, and the subsistence levels
the 60fps and controls are just really slick and always feel sexy
making cars crash with horse shit
jacking off irl to quiet
the burger tapes
punching children in the face
box sliding everywhere
recruiting an entire base of kikongo speaking soldiers when the game was still new so any losses from invasions would backfire

It doesn't though, it's centred around FOB which makes it more worthwhile to save fultons for materiel and the occasional S+ guard you come across. If you're going to criticize the game's mechanics make sure you learn them first.

the fact that Yea Forums still argues over its greatness shows it's a classic game. yes it sucks compared to what it could've been but the gameplay there has no rival in the genre.

The Black hole extraction was way too cheap. The cost needed to be really prohibitive. Made it comically easy to steal nukes

One day I started playing this game at 10am, and it was 10pm before I realized I hadn't eaten.

yeah I refuse to develop it whenever I start a new playthrough

>He doesn't plant explosives on the other side of the base as a diversion, and then run in guns blazing and shoot everyone while they're investigating.

>Fulton every living soul to max out mother base
>you know what happens
>start purging all of the kikongo niggers
>manually have to go through the list of all 1400 troops to get them all
>strict no niggers policy
>dread seeing the elite troops screen at the end of every mission because it might show that another nigger has joined up
>then I have to go through all 1400 again
>mfw 13% of the troops cause 50% of all vocal chord parasite infections
Can't wait until Kojima redpills me some more and has me kill the homo demons in DS.

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You can sort your troops by language afaik.

Fuck. With how much menu shit there is with mother base, I had no idea.

sneaking into bases and fucking with soldiers for 50 hours or something
trying to do missions in weird / stupid ways
in conclusion, this is how I had fun with TPP. the end

I've never played FOBs so I wouldn't know, but is there any sort of interaction the friendly NPC's have with the host of the FOB? or do they just act like typical NPC's out on patrol in the main game?
would be cool if you could somehow mod the ability to deploy DD soldiers to the main game to follow you around.

Having fun is not so hard nigger
Just go around and steal some soldiers

Also chilling with your d-pupper and listening some sweet tunes.

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>Unlocked a top tier female soldier with good stats
>Play through the entire rest of the game as her
>Masturbate constantly
Truly the best game ever made.

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I should have never put nogs and female POWs in the same brig. No matter how cheap the Miller Burgers are there's no way we could feed them all.

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oh yeah I forgot, blasting Final Countdown and firing machine guns until Snake starts yelling. that was probably an hour or so right there.

I wish you could do more fun stuff with buddies in the field.
>first get Quiet as a buddy
>when you sneak up on her she freaks out and gives you a prompt that she spotted an enemy
>aims at you when no enemies are around
>just have fun sneaking up on her with the squirt gun
>she gets high affection
>now no longer reacts to BiBo at all
>just sits there looking through her scope intently
>doesn't react to shit any more
>find out later that this was meant to symbolize that she still hates and wants to kill BiBo for being the reason she was turned into a Skull but now that she loves him she doesn't want to kill him any more
Sad. I wish you could do more than pet the dog too. Maybe play fetch with him, rather than order him to fulton peope

>over 4 billion people in the brig
You've managed to Fulton the entire world population in the 1980s.

All for revenge. The online brig counter fucks up sometimes, I suppose it desyncs with online servers or something and gives you these crazy numbers for a short while.

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>moves goalposts when he gets BTFO
yeah I chimped out when I bothered responding to you

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By complaining about it and shouting "Kojima is a hack fraud" from the top of my lungs because it's merely "''''officially'''' LARP Big Boss: the game".

>punching children in the face
not only that but they're also niggers
kojima is a fucking god, I love his political warzone shit. hope he does alot of that in DS

Game was fun, I played game.

>tfw this literally made Stefanie take better care of her feet
>mfw Kojima's fetishism actually gives women new insecurities they never even knew they had

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didn't she say on stream that her feet look alot better than they did in the game?

Yeah, she said that they look dirty and she started taking better care of them after Kojima had her do a high res scan of her soles. Kek.

kojima is so fucking based, I wonder if he directed his people from behind the scenes to scan her soles or if he personally attended the whole thing

I guarantee he was the first person to see the scans and fap to them.

>tfw mgsv is still played in both FOV and MGO3 at ps4

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