So now that it's coming to PC can we stop pretending that it's a bad game?
So now that it's coming to PC can we stop pretending that it's a bad game?
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>So now that it's coming to PC
Should I get this for PS4? Is it actually good or is it meme good? it still uses that 15 year old joke of an engine from GTA4 right?
It’s a bad game. A PC version will only confirm it because we all know there will immediately be tons of mods to fix all the shitty issues with the controls, inventory and annoying mechanics.
It seriously has some of the worst controls ever. They are so bad it’s almost impossible to describe. Doing anything in this game feels like absolute garbage.
NO this game is shit! slow ass animations, boring story, 3rd person shooter etc. but naturally i would change my opinion if it came to the switch .
It's usual rockstar fare with a ton of added detail that will either immediately absorb or repulse you.
shit tier b8
I would honestly wait for a PC release and see if it gets better control options.
The input delay on PS4 is the worst I've ever seen in a video game.
PC version means consoleshitters can't hide behind saying "y-yyou just havent played it"
I remember all the virgins here posting how it was a bad game and that SJW politics ruined it. Then upon release, everyone here was playing it and shitposting with quotes from the game.
Yea Forums was wrong again seeing as it was actually good. Truth is, the hate it got only came from a bunch of white supremacist cucks upset that killing the KKK gave you good karma.
It is very, very, very slow paced. Even simple actions like walking upstairs to the second floor can feel annoyingly drawn out and arduous. One of the camps in the game has your room on the second floor of a building and it’s one of the most disliked camps for this reason.
I remember the first week everyone was complaining about the shitty controls and missions, but then the only people who cared enough about the game to talk about it were fanboys
Seriously though, if you are actually one of the dozen people that haven't played it yet, then you are so far out of touch that your opinion on videogames is meaningless.
I'd consider a PC variation just to mod out eating mechanics.
It's not a joke of an engine it's improved from last gen and has euphoria again
you'd need a beast pc to even run it. it would get even more hate than it does now
It really is. Simply moving around in a game hasn’t never felt so bad or sluggish. It’s beyond a stylish choice, it’s just incompetence and poor design.
Followup, can you actually aim your gun and hit anything in this game or is it so fucked like GTA5 it's better to aim your gun and then move your entire character until your enemy is in the cross hairs?
Boring game. Not because it's slow, but because mindlessly following the on-screen prompts until the mission is over is not engaging,
Damn...How will us pc bros handle these graphics...
This game seriously has the worst aiming I have ever played. I am not exaggerating. Trying to use free aim in this game is a total nightmare, even after adjusting the settings in the options. The game just can’t do it.
It's better to just use deadeye to shoot anything. Even with the sensitivity jacked up all the way it feels sluggish.
The first mod is going to patch New Austin back in for Arthur Morgan, right?
Free aim feels like total shit. Arthur aims at a snails pace and there is no aim assist aside from a slider that adjusts how long you track a target after you lock on to them, but you should probably turn that off if you're using free-aim
>"it has broken controls"
>"free aiming is close to unusable"
>recognized as one of the best games of all time
Seriously, how does this happen? Is there a single game reviewer you can trust?
The only strategy that makes sense now is wait 2 years for criticism. When games are released they only get 10/10 reviews. Then a year passes and they get 0/10 overrated af reviews. Then another years passes and you actually can get a good piece of criticism that balances both.
>Is there a single game reviewer you can trust?
The only mod I'd want is to fix what the fuck they did to dead-eye
>RDR1: DE is charged by hitting enemies, basically as it works in the max payne games
>RDR2: DE is charged by hitting enemies, but only if you have a healthy DE core. if you don't, you'll gain no DE and deplete your core every time you use it until its empty, then you can't use it until you consume an item and there's no good visual or audio cue from when you've gone from consuming the bar to the core
I know that, I just realized I'm going to get "form your own opinions" responses. I already do that, I just would like to hear criticism too.
>Implying game critics aren't dogshit
A fair amount of reviews pointed out the bad controls but still gave it a 10/10 anyway
It's flawed, but the open world is genuinely very cool and enjoyable and the story is great.
no, remove weapon bloom
Cores in general were stupid
For all the hate they get, kotaku actually talked about it
>I only rarely found Red Dead 2 to be “fun” in the way I find many other video games to be fun. The physical act of playing is rarely pleasurable on its own. It is often tiring and cumbersome, though no less thrilling for it. No in-game activity approaches the tactilely pleasing acts of firing a space-rifle in Destiny, axing a demon in God of War, or jumping on goombas in Super Mario Bros. Red Dead 2 continues Rockstar’s longstanding rejection of the notions that input response should be snappy, that control schemes should be empowering and intuitive, and that animation systems should favor player input over believable on-screen action.
>Pressing a button in Red Dead 2 rarely results in an immediate or satisfying response. Navigating Arthur through the world is less like controlling a video game character and more like giving directions to an actor.
>Almost every interaction must be performed through the same gauzy, lustrous cling-wrap. Firefights are chaotic and random, and aiming often feels wild and unmanageable. Rifles require separate trigger-pulls to fire and to chamber a new round. Enemies move quickly and melt into the world’s overwhelming visual milieux, and my resulting reliance on the heavily magnetized aim-assistance turned most fights into pop-and-fire shooting galleries. Arthur moves slowly, particularly while in settlements or indoors. It’s also possible to make him run too fast, crashing through doors and into civilians. Navigating this world is arduous, heavy, and inelegant. Even the simple act of picking an object up off the floor can require two or three moments of repositioning and waiting for an interaction prompt.
that and auto-equip weapons when getting off your horse.
That is a symptom of consoles not the game. Every single console game with aiming is shit. Fucking plebs.
If it came to PC it would be shat on even harder because the lack of good gameplay will shine even harder
sounds like you're just shit
Is there a guy at Kotaku whose decent because sometimes I see pretty well written in depth reviews from them?
Wow, this must be the only good thing they ever wrote. Hit the nail on the head
Bullshit. Play fucking fallout 4 in third person, with a controller, the aiming is totally adequate and far superior. It feels fine. Rockstar just sucks at this aspect. Most console games have aiming that is a lot better than rdr2
He doesn't know.
Just going to jerk off to the graphics. PC version will look unreal.
rockstar made the best third person shooter ever (mp3) and have only downgraded since
Why wouldn't I play it on pc like an adult? Then I don't have to worry about shitty controllers.
True, the health core is pretending it isn't just 50hp on bar and 50hp on core with the latter being more sensitive to damage, but you only go from draining the bar to draining the core if you get repeatedly shot through bad play so its not too big of a deal. Same goes with energy which I don't think I ever drained to core outside of one of the two missions that involved swimming. But dead-eyes is the only one that drains constantly even if you're playing well because you have to use it as a crutch for the outdated shooting. Also whoevers idea it was to drain them if you died in the sandbox can go to hell.
I play fallout 4 on PC, with a controller, because the aiming feels fine even with one. The point is that aiming in rdr2 is way worse than it should be even with a controller
I'll buy it if someone succesfully mods gta vehicles to it.
>waiting two years to play a game
how can pcbros be so cucked?
I liked it. Probably because i liked the first one. Who knows
The problem with this and all other journo reviews is that they all still said the game was amazing, perfect, a must play even if they happen to point out everything that makes the game a 0/10
If you just want to shoot shit probably not your game.
>two years
it came out 8 months ago
i'm saying it's gonna release along with next gen consoles in 2020 which will be two years after original release you brainlet
Expand on this
B-B-But what if some of us dont have a PS4?
The real reason why people say the aiming sucks is because the hitboxes are really small. Most console games have large hitboxes to make up for the poor console aiming, but not this one. So really, the aiming isn’t worse than average, it’s just harder to make the shots land because more precision is required
>weapon bloom
>gun degradation
>weak weapons (except headshots)
>Every single console game with aiming is shit
I don’t understand. Most console games I play, the aiming feels at least adequate. Here free aiming feels almost impossible. It’s not usually this bad.
>caring about generic console exclusive 3rd person action game #985 when there are tons of games and entire genres that are either PC exclusive or get a shitty cashgrab console port years later
Boy we pcbros really are missing out, huh...
Have you ever used a mouse before?
Because console shooters use all sorts of tricks to make up for lack of precision. From what I could tell, free aim in RDR2 didn't try to do that, coupled with the tiny hitboxes made for some sluggish shooting.
This. It would be fine if the mission structure wasn’t a series of on-rails auto-aim shooting galleries with zero freedom to flank, stealth or be creative. Freeroam is pretty great and the game has a lot going for it, but when it comes to the missions you might as well be playing Uncharted. Fuckin ghey.
I would say the input feels generally imprecise, more then average, which makes it worse even without tricks. Also doesn’t help they try to simulate disorientation with wobbly aim and a shaky camera if you get hit at all, which makes it even worse.
What kind of tricks?
I don’t think aim assist would help this game it’s got some weird acceleration thing. Your aiming slowly then it jumps to 100%
Mainly aim assist but most console shooters let you turn it off. I don’t think the new wolfenstein games will let you turn it off but that about all I have encountered recently.
unironically bought ps4 for this. cant play more than an hour at a time, its too slow. gunplay is slower gta 5. basically gta 5 reskin on 0.25 speed with tons of fluff mechanics, some of which do feel nice. so while the game isnt all bad, its nothing "next-gen" or super innovative. I do like Arthur as a character though.
Yeah, I think this is the main problem. It feels sticky at first, so you move the analog, but then it sort of “loosens up” and the reticle zooms past.
Its the best production of any video game ever made
The game itself is average lol, takes itself far far too seriously. Best parts of the game is everything but gameplay.
I would say its worth checking out just for how impressive some things are. They really packed shit in for those consoles.
Soft lock, bullet magnetism, decreasing sensitivity as you aim closer to the target, larger hitboxes. There are lots of methods employed.
No we can stop pretending that it's not a boring game that's more interested in showing its amazing animations for every action rather than fun engaging missions.
The reticle is retardedly small for a console shooter.
Adjusting for sway and screen shake is fine with a mouse, but it's impossible with an analog stick, it's what killed the shooting for me.
Just the story isn't fullly based around shooting people. If you don't like that then prolly not your game.
The aiming is bad because it’s a weird combo of input delay + too fast acceleration.
but don't worry alot of people get shot.
>now that it's coming to PC
It was always coming to PC, you retard.
its the same on gta4/5
That's a funny way of saying the shooting mechanics and controls are fucked
They're fine if you can adapt to something that doesn't control like fortnite
shitter detected
No, I actually hate this game
90% of missions are on-rails shooting galleries bro.
not really and it is a shooter. Seems like you're bending over backwards trying to come up with reasons to shit on this game in order to compensate for something???
The hitboxes on GTA4 felt way more forgiving.
I don't know. I enjoyed this game for the first half or so but trudged through the rest just to see the story resolve. Every mission is the same. Whether you're robbing a bank or going up in a hot air balloon or riding into town for dry goods, you will inevitably be shooting 15-50 guys in the head. It gets old.
I don't know what kind of autist does the big game hunting or the cigarette card collecting.
Dude all you fucking do is shoot stuff. That is literally every mission, no matter the context in which the mission starts. It's just shooting.
>Whether you're robbing a bank or going up in a hot air balloon or riding into town for dry goods, you will inevitably be shooting 15-50 guys in the head.
That's not true
Why do I see this in every thread? You guys act like fortnite has basically controls but they are totally fine for the game that it is. And they’re far from the most rapid controls for shooters.
>muh controls
Yes it is
They are bad
>not really
umm ... ok kid
Amazing fucking writing.
Unless you're really invested in release discussion of a game why the fuck would it matter?
if you suck at video games maybe
lol cope
The controls are bad even when skill is totally taken out of the discussion. It is tedious and annoying to control, not hard.
I agree it needs more zoom
Ooohhh I get it, you’re talking about how you’re actually riding your horse and walking a lot too. My bad bro, you’re right, it’s not all shooting. Well played!
Not strictly true, but the vast majority of main story missions match that description. There is very little variety to the mission design in this game, and what little there is is frequently uninteresting.
Not saying the controls are good, but I got used to them. I personally played the game for the story and the cowboy experience, I admit the controls don't lend themselves well to the free roam gameplay.
It's a shooter open world exploration game and the missions have shooter exploration mechanics. There's also a large amount of cinematic variety in the game and they all take place at various parts of the map with different sorts of level design. Then there are the missions with incidental mechanics like timing the inputs at the end of the lenny mission to avoid going to jail and stuff like that that add to the variety, but it's pretty silly to criticize the game for being designed to rely around its core genre mechanics. This also glosses over the amount of choice you have in your loadout also.
>cinematic variety
90% of the missions are on-rails shooting galleries bro.
I stand by my point.
>shooting game has shooting in it
woah. The load out in this game is great anyway.
Yes, unlike ND, R* knows how to properly employ cinematics in its games
By the time you've reached the games mid-point, you've already selected the handful of weapons you like, you've seen all the game has to offer, and that "cinematic variety" is slim pickings.
I won't fault a game for being built around its core mechanics, but I can fault those core mechanics for getting thin. The shooting in RDR2 isn't nearly as good as the shooting in Max Payne 3, a game that came out in 2012.
It shouldn’t have had such a focus on shooting if they wanted it to feel like a realistic cowboy sim
And I would contend that the shooter mechanics themselves simply lack enough depth to keep the game interesting for 80 hours on their own. Additionally, the 'open world exploration' is basically completely avoided within the main story, and you are only really encouraged to explore the game via scavenger hunts like the cigarette cards and fossils.
Also, for a game where open world exploration is part of the focus, the cumbersome movement mechanics are a huge drawback - if I don't enjoy moving about in your game world I'm not going to fucking explore it.
Gun loadouts I will give you, but ultimately as this user says you will have experienced almost all of what the game has to offer with regards to the way the different weapons handle by around the halfway point and the length of the shooting-galleries only increases exponentially from there.
I like all the weapons. Sounds like you're trying to min/max a casual SP game lol noone cares.
The movement mechanics aren't cumbersome though. It's not a bad thing this doesn't control like some bland ubisoft nonsense
>It's a shooter open world exploration game
RDR2 has the worst controls possible for an open world shooting exploration game. The shooting sucks and the movement is slow, tedious and arduous, so it’s hard to get excited for exploring all over the map. It’s like they want you to use fast travel whenever possible because going from A to B is such a drag.
RDR2's controls are great you just can't adapt.
>The movement mechanics aren't cumbersome though
I disagree. The input delay makes Arthur cumbersome to control. I'm also not sure why you brought up a Ubisoft when I didn't mention them once, but I would like to point out that it's not and either/or situation between the RDR2 control scheme or the control scheme from some generic Ubisoft TPS.
This thread of discussion goes back to this Keep up.
cry harder
okay kid
Yahtzee had similar issues with it.
lol Kotaku shit as usual
someone got filtered
They are cumbersome. Even Bethesda games have controls that are much better suited for exploration, because the speed at which you walk with the analog is suitably brisk. Games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 have much better controls for exploring a large map. In RDR2, moving around is always too slow, delayed and annoying, like they’re actively discouraging you from wanting to move around a lot. It feels pretty shitty to need to use the x button to go any speed other than a snails walk
>it feels pretty shitty to need to use the x button to go any speed other than a snails walk
lmao stick to fortnite
I'm with you dude I love mashing the x button to make my stupid diseased cowboy go faster than a shuffle, very immersive. just like real walking
imagine being this bad at video games
>I like-da video gayme because it makes me press more buttons!!!!!111
holy cope
dilate tranny
No, even on PC it will be a bad game.
Same with GTAV
this is the mindset of your average RDR2 hater
Hey man if you like pressing buttons you can get a used keyboard on Craigslist for nothing and go apeshit. press all the keys baby
>game is bad because you press buttons
yup, not looking good for RDR2!
>lmao stick to fortnite
Or any other fucking game in the universe that doesn’t use RDR2s trash controls
I beat the game, what do you want me to say? I played it and it wasn't good. It's a limp-dick shooting gallery. I even walked around camp a few times early on, but I can only hear Arthur say "hey, Pearson" or "hello there miss Grimshaw" so many times.
It's a shooting gallery with a bunch of dumb characters and underpowered guns and bad shooting. I'm not a zoomer enough to have fast traveled but I went into that cinematic camera on the horse everytime the game would let me.
Some of those characters were good, some of the story was good. That game is boring. If it's going to have me do the same thing over and over again, it can at least be compelling.
>reeeee stop liking what I don't like reee
Also there's nothing inherently wrong with fast travel stop trying so hard to fit in
>but I went into that cinematic camera on the horse everytime the game would let me.
So you let the game play itself for you and you complain it doesn’t play well?
keep defending this corporate product dude. smash all those who may criticize it. Maybe somebody in PR will mail you a t-shirt. consume. consume.
Not surprised an rdr2 fanboy would say that. In past rockstar games fast travel wasn’t necessary. Here you do it so much because riding around is so fucking slow and boring
>the corporations maaaaaaan
take a shower hippy
bad shooting, boring horse, repeat. shoot, horse ride, repeat. I'm sorry to inform you that by hour fifteen I no longer wanted to press x twice every second everytime I rode on a horse. That didn't do it for me.
I hardly used Fast Travel myself, but it was done almost perfectly in this
just because your taste is shit doesn't make the game bad
Rockstar doesn't need your breathless defense, boomer. Defend Walmart while you're at it.
>no! no! no! stop disagreeing with me!!!!!
pathetic lmao
>love to give my cowboy a bath and dress him up and feed him peaches out of a can
Why not just fucking play with dolls
Whoever decided on these horse controls is a dumbass, pressing X so much feels like shit. It’s like they tried to make it as annoying as possible
What will having this game on PC really do? Only top of the line PCs can run it because Rockstar can’t optimize or compress shit (GTA V is 80 gigabytes WHY????) and as for modding, the most people can do is take out stupid features, add more to the survival mechanics, or make nude mods. You can’t enhance the game’s good parts and it’s certainly difficult to fix its bad parts. What’s the fucking point?
You haven't offered anything besides "nu-uh!" Grow up big baby. I'm not mad that you think RDR2 is a perfect pure angel-baby of software, but can you give me an inch of breathing room for a dissenting opinion?
and dilate
As unrealistic as it is, BOTW solved horse controls. Just add more to it for realism without making it annoying and you’re golden.
>Inb4 nintendie
I’ve played and loved both games.
So the complaint is you can't pay attention to HUD?
Weirdly enough I never used the horse in that game and loved it. I would climb to high places and glide.
This is assuming Rockstar won’t issue full game bans for mods, or worse.
And you just say it's bad because you don't like them lol
if you want a hugbox go to redd*t
No BotW made it too uninvolved, because the horses followed the path with no input whatsoever. RDR1 is still the best example because you had to tap every few gallops in a rhythm to maintain speed. Still input, but not as annoying or stupid as the mashing in 2
I liked using the horse to travel across map, but if I was gonna stay in one area I just stayed off. If I could add one feature to horses in BOTW, just let me couch lance for maximum mount and blade aesthetic.
I’ve never played RDR1 but I’ll take your word for it.
okay retard
you want a big stinky cowboy bug. maybe when it's on PC you can mod in kissing, like in Bully. I don't even mind the animation priority in the controls, but the shooting is sub-par, and that's all there is to do. It also totally wrecks the narrative which, while only slightly above average, is the games best quality.
>ah, you're a good man, really, Arthur.
no he's not. He kills 20 people on his way to the barbershop.
lol if it bothers you that much then don't do it but I'll be over here not having autism :)
It has one thing to offer that isn't sub-par in its main story but that story is rendered totally worthless by what the game has you do, even in the story.
Rockstar hasn't been impressive since GTA IV.
okay if you say so
just waiting for someone to make vampire mods when it gets to PC so I can live out my WoD 19th century grimdark fantasies honestly
not everyone wants to spend/give money for a game on release day retard
imagine the mods, imagine the different kinds of private servers that actually fix the retarded issues RDO is having that could just be fixed or removed. its like a beautiful dream.
fuck kotaku though I understand this criticism I liked this aspect of the game. for some reason it immersed me
GTA 4 was a massive step down you buffoon. God fucking x360 kids are insufferable. Kill yourself.
honestly there should have only ever been a health core and a stamina core, the dead eye core was a waste of time.
>>Almost every interaction must be performed through the same gauzy, lustrous cling-wrap. Firefights are chaotic and random, and aiming often feels wild and unmanageable. Rifles require separate trigger-pulls to fire and to chamber a new round. Enemies move quickly and melt into the world’s overwhelming visual milieux, and my resulting reliance on the heavily magnetized aim-assistance turned most fights into pop-and-fire shooting galleries. Arthur moves slowly, particularly while in settlements or indoors. It’s also possible to make him run too fast, crashing through doors and into civilians. Navigating this world is arduous, heavy, and inelegant. Even the simple act of picking an object up off the floor can require two or three moments of repositioning and waiting for an interaction prompt.
I don't even understand these retarded criticisms.
Rifles requiring an extra button pull for lever pulling is just a different feeling, not inherently bad. Tons of simulation games do it, and it feels amazing in RDR2. I don't get how "aiming" can even be "chaotic", and I played with free aim on. And then he complains about his reliance on auto aim... like, nigger, the game literally has like 4 auto aim modes and individual options you can configure.
It's Kotaku, they only care about word count. You can tell the haters are really getting desperate having to resort to these measures.
loel, I bought my gtx 1060 maybe 3 years ago for only 360 euros 2 months after release and its STILL 250 euros? fuckkk bitcoinsss
Fuck Americans.
ill just torrent it from fitgirl's repack and get bored after 2 hours of rockstarshite, then uninstall it.
I sadly bought part 1 on ps4 or ps3 for 8 dollars and also uninstalled it after being bored for 4 hours straight, so I think rockstar still owes me something.
>still the only actual game in the red dead series
That was the right word to use
The aiming sucks, morons. It’s pathetic how you guys try to pretend the aiming in this game isn’t significantly worse than almost any other console shooter.
>You can tell the haters are really getting desperate having to resort to these measures.
People were bitching about the aim since day 1
lol what are you talking about it aims like any other console shooter.
If you can't tell if you'd enjoy a game or get a feel for the gameplay issues or flaws from a YouTube video of someone literally playing a game then unironically kill yourself.
Imagine spending all day every day playing video games and still being such a useless sack of shit that you can't get a grasp of the intricacies of a game by watching the movement and mechanics of a video.
No it doesn’t, it’s so much worse.
lol no it isn't
it isn't just bad. it's mind boggingly numb and dreadful.
it is everything wrong with modern western devs taking themselves and the trash they produce WAY too seriously.
Auto-aim movie game with muh fluid animations ruining any of the shit that makes it fun 70% of the time
Unless PC niggers can mod it to play like GTASA it's still gonna be mediocre and forgotten in a few months
milieu is an uncountable. It's plural in itself, you pleb.
Arthur is incredibly sluggish, even at max sensitivity. Also free aim comes with no aim-assist, something mandatory for a TPS on console.
zoomer can't cope
Why do you guys just straight up fucking lie like this. I don’t understand it. It honestly sounds like you haven’t played any other console shooters if you think they all have as shitty aiming as this. Even rockstars own max payne was superior. Destiny, borderlands, fallout 4, just go down the list, so many games with decent aiming and not this crap. You guys are just straight up liars
Rockstar games are ALWAYS given a free pass by shill reviewers for their controls and game design, it is fucking wild.
Destiny and borderlands aren't even TPS, brainlet.
What the fuck does the aiming have to do with arthur? You can adjust sensitivity and acceleration in the options.
>free aim comes with no aim assist
But there's an option for that dumbass.
Main issue is the delayed input combined with the too rapid acceleration, which somehow makes the aiming feel both sticky and all over the place, even after adjustment.
no, it's still shit
Those aren't third person my man.
I never had this problem unless I played in First Person, which does have input delay on aiming. And playing PC FPS for 20 years I think I'd notice input delay. So I guess check your monitor.
Fine, just look at fallout 4 in TPS. If you dont admit that the aiming in that game is far superior, you either haven’t played it or lying.
lol Fallout 4 plays like bethshit you no taste shitter
I played it on an Xbox X. Bought the console for it and halo mcc
Which is funny because in the time period killing KKK members would not help your status in society.
How fast arthur moves his arm. At max accel and max sens is way too slow. And no, the "aim assist" in the options is just a slider that changes how long and how rigidly your aim tracks a person after you lock onto them
The gunplay was done by id which is why it blows rdr2 out of the fucking water even in third person.
>At max accel and max sens is way too slow
that's because the accel values are inverted for whatever dumbfuck reason and Rockstar never tells you about it. Max acceleration is actually 0 acceleration.
Wrong, the KKK was dead until it's revival in 1915
How can you be immersed by gameplay that removes control from you 100% of the time? Unless Arthur Morgan has cerebral palsy I don't see how that makes sense.
...why the fuck would they do that?
>The gunplay was done by id
lol ok
Don't know but it fucked me up too.
Borderlands has a third person option and max payne 3 is third person
i hope that its coming to PC
Rockstar might just remake RDR1 as a add on to fill the PC audience in what happens next
i mean the entire map sans Mexico is already in the game
funny enough I have no issue playing any of them on controller ;)
I played through the game once and haven’t picked it back up since then. There is 0 replay value and the online is full of faggots. The story isn’t bad at all but it’s certainly a one-trick pony this time around
Literally the same Rockstar autist in every thread defending the game as fortnite lives rent free in his head.
A remaster would be greatly preferred. Rdr1 has a unique visual style that's entirely absent from 2, a remake would completely remove that.
The acceleration is absolutely terrible regardless of how you set it. In other games it is more fluid and consistent.
just get an xbone
i want a remaster too but the code is still a mess
a remake is the best we can get
Xbox got a remaster tho
its not a remaster, the Xbone is still running the original Xbox 360 game
>Yea Forums actually complaining that a game has too much fluff, too much story, and too many mechanics that make the game slightly more difficult
>the mechanics that make the game SLIGHTLY more difficult require you to eat something once every 5 real time hours, and other realistic mechanics like upkeep on your guns so they don't degrade that take 2 seconds to do much like real life
What the fuck happened to this site?
we're complaining that the game is bad and fucking stupid.
Yeah, Kirk Hamilton makes the site's best content. Still not worth browsing just for him though... underutilized
The best part of the repair mechanic is it gives you a full screen view of you handling your weapon model and in 4k all the little decorations look gorgeous
Nobody thinks the mechanics are difficult, they just suck
lol pathetic
The horse brushing is garbage, feels like that fucking brush icon appears every 5 minutes. It even tends to appear right after brushing the horse
because you find adapting to them too difficult :)
Slowing down your reticle once it gets close to a target, for instance.
I’m sorry but the aiming is bad, the game was clearly designed with aim assist in mind.
why would you torture yourself trying to use free aim on a console. KBMspergs are hilarious
If anything, the musket heavy loadout favors controller.
Just because the control scheme doesn't give you superhuman precision and movement with a mouse at 10 speed doesn't mean it's bad. It just plays different.
Because it’s a viable option in other games
It's as viable in RDR2 as well lol.
Its called steam reviews. The only way how to tell if game is disaster, bad, good, superb or if nobody even bothered to buy it.
No, it is not. The aiming is noticeably shit compared to most other third person shooters on console.
? I just disabled acceleration. I don't know what you mean
okay kid
fake news lying dishonest shitposting rockstarnigger.
>mom watch me pull off this wicked 360 noscope on the computer AI
How can a console game have some of the best graphics ever? That is incredible.
The reticle is too wobbly and sensitive no matter how you adjust it.
oh that's just done on purpose lmao get used to it
that just happens if you're out of stamina
I enjoyed it up until the camp moved to the forest up north.
>gang is splitting up
>arthur is fucking dying
>everyone mad
Stopped playing there, was too depressive, but looking forward to the pc port.
cool I didn't know that
I haven’t seen anyone bring this up, but a big reason why the aiming doesn’t feel great is because most of the time, you are shooting from surprisingly far away at rather small targets. In most games you are probably going to be a bit closer to the enemies while shooting. RDR2 tends to put you in situations where you need to fire at humans from behind cover a fair distance anyway. Add in the shaky cam effect, the bouncing reticle when shot at, and the fact that shooting anywhere else than the head is pretty ineffective, and you have some pretty annoying aiming. Most other games give you more mobility so you feel better about running closer and taking shots.
lol git gud
This. I like westerns tho so it absorbed me.
Soundtrack has been released a few days ago.
I would like to see a video of you taking on a lot of enemies with 100% free aim and no dead eye. I bet it would look a lot sloppier than you’d like to admit
any torrent?
>wahhh the controls are bad wahh why doesn't it auto aim for me wahhh
when did gamers become such babies? go back to your tablet games.
Hope they will use slav magic to make it able to run on toasters.
They need the online money and as many players as possible, no reason to restrict it to the 1% hardcore gaymer crowd.
lol okay
>muh aim assist
git gud you pleb
what? I like RDR2 but i don't think anyone's whining for more auto aim
>all those PC exclusive games
God you are a dumbass, the game does aim for you, the problem is that it was designed for this. Jesus christ. And yes the game has bad controls even if you ignore the shooting and look at how you move around and interact.
Babies? Or people who know the game could be so much better than it is?
tablet generation.
You can just turn off auto aim and the game works just fine you know. It's a crutch for controller, not for the game design, but I gues auto aim is only bad if R* does it huh
you have to be 18 years old to post on Yea Forums
Dunno, I'm streaming it.
Having to hold a direction and release L1 on the second item wheel is clunky as hell, and feels weird even after dozens of hours. I don’t understand how people can defend awful design decisions like that. I simply do not believe you if you tell me you were able to flawlessly use items from the item wheel every time. I guarantee in your playthrough, if you admit it, you actually made a ton of mistakes or the game didn’t do exactly what you intended due to the weird interface and input.
You speak like someone who used auto aim the whole game. Free aim in this game sucks
No, it happens whenever you get shot at, however the effect is heavily reduced when you use cover, which is just another shitty mechanic made to slow the game into a shitty Whac-A-Mole simulator.
>inb4 lol git gud
Game is piss easy, just a fucking slog to play.
>no House Building song
>Yea Forums is too retarded to be able to process holding a button to open a menu
not everyone has a mushy smooth brain like you user
You can literally see Arthur's hand shaking up and down in your epik kill cam webm.
It's a polarizing game, you either love it or hate it. It's clunky in a number of ways but you'd be surprised how well you can adapt to all of it. Some people hate that shit beyond reproach, but I had a fucking blast and still boot the game up regularly despite playing since launch. Monster Hunter's the only other game I'm like that with. It's worth a shot if you get physical, I'd say. It could end up really making your day, and if it doesn't work out you can just take it back to Gaystop.
you mean when he's running and not aiming? yeah that's normal I think
It wasn't meant as proof of anything by the way.
It’s needlessly convoluted and almost no other game makes such retarded decisions.
Once again, if you tell me you were able to use the second item wheel flawlessly every time, I simply do not believe you. I guarantee you had several if not many instances of not being able to equip an item when you intended
It's a controller shooter lole
I don't remember any such instance past the 3 hour mark. I adapted to it pretty quickly. I can't even give the excuse that I'm used to controllers, because I literally bought a ps4 for RDR2 and my last console was a ps2. So idk. Maybe you're actually retarded or something.
>needlessly convoluted
lol shut the fuck up
Also it's not like you need to be in a hurry in the menu, the game literally slows down to a crawl to give you time. Are you a game journalist or something?
These are children who still complain they can't wrap their heads around the horse inventory system, what do you think
>cerebral palsy
Well I mean "lumbago".
>How can you be immersed by gameplay that removes control from you 100% of the time?
What do you think life is, dude?
turn down your settings holy fuck
it's generally a solid 30, it dipped when I took the picture. Otherwise you're stuck at a 30 cap if you want grass like in that pic.
sorry to hear about your debilitating condition, user
we're all dying, user.
Keep pretending that the controls of everything aren’t clunky as fuck and almost every other game doesn’t have a smoother and more intuitive interface. The fact you are defending it by saying g the game “gives you time” really says it all. I’m fucking equipping an item, it shouldn’t require holding and pressing multiple buttons at once like I’m inputting a cheat code. Every other developer has figured this out except for rockstar.
You know exactly what I'm referring to, faggot. But since you're willingly being retarded, here's the snippet.
>inb4 dude that's recoil
keep pretending it's bad because it doesn't control like fortnite, lil'zoom
lol he's not even aiming there take your meds.
Oh no no no no
holy cope
>b-b-but the metacritic!
lol cope
>coping this hard
>can we stop pretending that it's a bad game?
now the pretending will only begin, considering that the holy cow is not exclusive anymore.
now this is cope
Why do you need to cope this much? It's incredible.
>Why do you need to cope this much? It's incredible.
im just waiting for a custom MP mod to happen, rockstar can't make good multiplayer for shit
I own an Xbone (that I got for free) and I'm not getting it until it comes out on PC.
You'd have to be retarded to buy any game on consoles when there's a PC version or when a PC version is likely, unless it's a game you really want to play on the go (via Switch).
It's not a 10/10 but I'd give it a 9/10, VERY largely on behalf of the excellent story telling.
But that's the thing, it always comes down to personal preference. I'm fine with cutscene-heavy games with lots of dialogue and stale gameplay, as long as the story is well written.
If, however, you are only in it for the gameplay, RDR2 is most likely not your cup of tea.
You'd have to be pretty poor to wait this long tho
Nah, I just don't like to play games on shit platforms with garbage performance and paid online.
>game is not realistic
>game is too realistic
The absolute state of Yea Forums
>inb4 >Yea Forums is one person
I don't care, suck my nuts
and I don't like waiting 2 years to play a game everyone's gotten bored of already lol
>dude having your character shake up and down like a spastic is soooo realistic
Suck my cock, choke on it faggot.
That's nice, you can enjoy your shit performance and shitty paid online, I'll avoid it since I can afford to.
Why are you trying to sell a Rockstar game as something not pushed towards casual audiences first and foremost? Nobody thinks these mechanics are difficult, just that they add comparatively little positives compared to how tedious they are. The same can be said about the vast majority of the fluff.
Having to get down, preferably behind cover, to take a shot IS realistic.
Running around, getting shot from all directions, while somehow shooting straight isn't.
the shooting sucks because the mobility sucks. it's pointless to run around and get in the thick of things because your mobility is so bad, you're basically just exposing yourself to death. this forces you to use the boring ass cover system. shooters are more fun when you can run around, try to avoid fire and fire back, occassionally taking cover behind objects. not doing it as a first option
taking cover is more fun when you are in a more open area and choosing the cover yourself organically. these missions are so on rails that it feels like cover is always conveniently there for you in prechosen spots.
Best open world in any game and a terrific story. Controls will likely be fixed with the PC version.
No pc port = no outdated, downgraded graphics like in Witcher 3
No. It sucked on consoles and it will suck a little less on PC, but the major problems are not tied to performance.
pcnigger here, RDR2 is ass
not only is it an empty open world shitter, the vehicles are shit and the story is filler + SJWism
i liked it from what i played. its just a different kind of game thats more realistic, thats why its slow