The Harry Potter universe, much like Star Wars...

The Harry Potter universe, much like Star Wars, could be way better in terms of games than the shitty movies and books people read growing up. What other settings are there that deserve vidya treatment that go on ignored? Including vidya settings from deceased franchises.

Attached: 38c7f99022a27635738b34867af43794.jpg (1280x1811, 319K)

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Nagini looks kinda hot

Video games are a garbage medium who's only function either involves mimicking film or just serving as a distraction for the average vidya gamer so that they can accelerate the perceived time it will take for them to reach a natural death. This is a garbage medium.



haha is that symbolic for weinstein's pp? he fucked her for YEARS

They're making that crazy ass Harry Potter game set years before the books

this pic and the entire set is way hotter when you remember Nagini was a qt asian

Attached: nagini-voldemort.jpg (1400x700, 128K)

Source? It better not be another shitty webgame.

PLEASE let us the option to be a pureblood supremacist

Attached: malfoy.png (500x600, 493K)

This seems like such a retarded thing to explain, why couldn't she just have been Voldemort's giant pet snake? Who asked for this were-snake retardation?


shhh dont question it
just let it happen

fuck are you here for then?

And it gets better when you remember that the latest movies are not canon.

because it's 2019, retard


Donut County

When is that dope Harry Potter RPG coming out? I haven't heard anything in a while.

I think the footage is largely scrubbed from the Internet since it was a leak but I'm sure somebody here has a link
It's set in the 1800s or something.

>linking to a streamer instead of just the footage

So it's basically a singleplayer RPG? That's pretty cool. Would be nice if a competent company could handle the gameplay. I'd much rather From Soft made something like this with a lot of magic than their shitty GRRM collab.


Attached: 1511823175647.jpg (389x187, 35K)

It was the first result

Announce the fucking leaked game already.