Emulation thread

What are you emulating right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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all the snes megaten games are translated now, have fun!

Attached: Too_Late_Nintendo_2.webm (960x540, 2.59M)

>GeFuck Experience
>Mega in systray
>Internet Explorer pinned to taskbar
>Recycle bin still on desktop

Attached: 1374796030634.png (444x440, 117K)

alright, show her ass.

Marathining all the Ace Combat games, emulating 5 right now.

And it'll be the last one you emulate as well.

>>caring about people having a messy desktop
How tedious and dull.

Nothing, i have all hardware and games legit

I'm probably going to play some Aliens: Infestation later today.

Playing through this for the first time, I've played the first one on the N64 but never got to play the sequel, I'm on chapter 2 right now, good stuff so far

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I was gonna emulate aquaman:battle for atlantis just to see what was so bad about it but my controller is broken.

I'm trying to emulate dead to rights retribution on rpcs3 but I keep getting some stupid fifo error and it freezes even though many videos have shown it working properly.

whats wrong with VLC?

>whats wrong with VLC?

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playing the ps2 castlevanias atm
not very castlevania-like gameplay but i feel like lament of innocence is underrated. looking forward to curse of darkness next
also does anyone have any good crt filters for ReShade? the one i made here doesnt feel very accurate

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just started Strange Journey Redux, holy fuck this is pretty kino. Anyone know if IV and IV:A work in Citra too?

Wait, can the Raspberry Pi run Dolphin now?

so nothing eh?

Nothing's wrong with it. He's one of those mpv evangelists that hangs around on /g/

Earthbound and Mother 3. Gonna start Mother 1 today too

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>so nothing eh?

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>he watches Pluto


Attached: Mesen_2019_07_11_19_18_50_150.png (1024x960, 294K)

in your dreams it can

I want to try other emulators
Recomend new ones

Doesn't it still have that problem with artifacts or did they fix that?
t. mpvfag

Attached: 34gkavn.jpg (1600x1000, 172K)

What's the easiest way to emulate Symphony of the Night? I can't get the PSX version to work and the PSP version keeps crashing.

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It gets occasionally glitchy.

What PSX emulator are you using?

learn to use retroarch

i wasnt then you gave me the idea OP using my 8biotdo controller too

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MGS1. I was actually worried it wouldn't work at first, but holy shit its runs extremely well on my Android phone. Pic related is a screenshot of my gameplay so far.

yes I'm a filthy phoneposter don't even @ me bro

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i havent seen anything like that so maybe?

Im tire of epsx and psx fin recomend alternatives

started learning to use MAME the other day, so i've been checking out a bunch of famous arcade games i never played. ghosts n goblins is awesome

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Attached: charge of the vlc.webm (1280x720, 997K)

Recently finished Maximo (PS2) and Powerslave (Saturn) before that.

I'm almost through with Super Mario Sunshine. It was fun and a bit janky. Not nearly as difficult as people build it up to be though. Sandy birb? Lily pad? That shit was so easy. But the pachinko one was irritating and I put that off for now.

I will finish Ninja Cop for maybe the 3rd time soon on 3DS.

On PS3 I also started Crash Bandicoot 2, MGS2, Mega Man Legends, Tomba 2 & Heart of Darkness. I'm probably not going to play all of them however.

If you have autism get Mednafen, if not the Beetle PSX core in Retroarch


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epsxe. Do I need to download additional bios or something?
Right, I'll look into that.

Finished my pincab so some ACDC

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Where the fuck is barneyfag holy shit is nobody paying attention to OP pic?

I'm playing the snes translation.

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>Super Aleste and Seiken Densetsu 3
10 years ago I thought SD3 was amazing, but playing it now, its okay, feels rushed for some reason, I never managed to complete at that time, also, modern games rotted my brain to the point I'm incapable of creating a mental map, I'm worried about this.

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I've had Mr.Gimmick and Shatterhand set up for a few weeks now, maybe I'll actually play them today.
he's been slacking off lately, disappointed

Attached: barney.png (358x317, 175K)

Split your head open you fucking freak

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

It was always pretty mediocre honestly.

Fatal Frame 2

Get fucking killed

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based barneyfag

burn alive

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>tfw somehow never noticed
god damn I am retarded

Based Ronaldo.

Me neither, but I was a bit too busy taking care of /bant/ to really call attention to this one right away.
Doing this never gets any easier.

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Yeah, that never happens you retard


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You want some MAME game recommendations over there, bro?

Wait what damm how the hell didn't I notice
I think he is probably getting depressed that the show is almost over since it will leave his life with no meaning, he already lost everything else in his crusade so once the crusade is over he has nothing.



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plasma or lcd good enuf these days for the angle?

>modern games rotted my brain to the point I'm incapable of creating a mental map
Maybe you're just getting old, user.

Attached: miserablecond.jpg (1135x941, 332K)

die out

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It's the wall paper that bothers me the most.

Although if you look at the date, it was taken in 2016, so it was an obvious shill thread from the beginning.

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Ive been wanting to do this. What software/romset do you use?

I didn’t even fucking notice it until you pointed out. Jesus Christ how horrifying.

do me next!

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Once you go play on the real hardware, it's kinda hard to go back to emulation. I bought a CRT, and plugged my old consoles (ps1-2, (s)nes) on it. It's so much better playing on this than emulating on my pc.

Attached: $_86.jpg (1024x576, 94K)

I was playing Crash N-Tranced but I stopped because it sucked.

Split your head open you fucking freak

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

"Unemployed and soon to be homeless." You asked for it.

yes please i currently have-

ghosts n goblins
ghouls n ghosts
ikari warriors
jurassic park lightgun game (using mouse as lightgun on this is fun)
lode runner
mercs (this is awesome)
mortal kombat 2
operation wolf
sega rally
smash t.v
tekken 3
time crisis
time crisis 2 (doesn't work properly unfortunately, and ps2 version doesn't emulate properly either, i think i'm fked)


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i just emulate on pc with a crt. or sometimes on a crt tv with a wii. fuck the real hardware meme.


where'd you stop? i just got it on sale, 100% 1 and 2, i'm like 40% in to 3 and i remember why it's the worst one.. dunno if i'll finish it

>Not shoving the sauce in everyone's face
You're no real deal, m9

get killed

Attached: Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 11.57.41 PM.png (976x87, 25K)

I greatly disagree. Emulation is straight up better. Those old carts will be burning up and the discs will be rotting as well within 10-20 years.

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I'm currently playing Tactics ogre knights of lodis on MyBoy emulator and I'm having a problem with saving. I checked to make sure the save type was on flash 128k and it still can't save in game. Do any of you anons have any experience with this kind of stuff, what can I do to fix it?

Attached: Tactics Ogre - The Knight of Lodis_1563244016226.png (240x160, 15K)

Get cockblocked, faggot

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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 5.34.14 PM.png (686x107, 24K)

>hurr disc rot ONLY happens when you store them wrong
>hurr take better care of your shit
there, i covered the usual replies. can we all acknowledge that physical media has a limited lifespan whereas digital can be copied forevermore?

i always had issues with GBA saves until i started using john gba on my phone. just use save states.

fucking die

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LCD has good enough viewing angles now as long as you mount it in a good position to start. I'm working on getting the plunger working this weekend, I'm gonna try to DIY it because the real digital plunger stuff is expensive.
Visual Pinball, Pinmame and Pinball X are the software and there's now really a romset like with mame. You need a file to tell Visual Pinball the layout for each table and a rom to tell Pinmame how the table works.

Attached: table.jpg (3024x4032, 3.94M)

N-Tranced, not N-Sane. GBA game.

Please explain to me how disc rot happens. I've literally never seen this on any disc I own.

Sure thing. Here you go.

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just die

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GC Resident Evil 4

I recently got a CRT to play older games on it. The only problem is it only have one video slot and I don't know if I want to have my ps2 set up or my gamecube.
PS2 would let me play PS1/PS2 games, but I have so many games for PS1/PS2 I feel too overwhelmed with how much I have to choose from.
Gamecube would let me be able to play my GB/GBA games on a TV, but I would have to reorganize the way I store my PS1/PS2 games since they take up so much space on my shelf.
What should I do?

get killed

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 5.39.56 PM.png (575x325, 29K)

it's an application to get one, I'm worried about some physio payments I may have missed

fuck off retard

>he's an Emucuck

get killed fag

Attached: Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at 10.55.04 PM.png (383x187, 31K)

where'd you get that wallpaper of gato's stage?

burn out

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 8.50.36 PM.png (833x107, 31K)

Thanks for the reply, I'll try out johngba and see if it works. I have a couple of roms the fail to save and I normally would just use the emulator save, but in TOKOL I'm actually locked out of some content because I can't save in game.

ive been emulating on my phone but got it for free on xbox live been playing on my 360 which is great using a comfy controller for a change

This, leave the emushit for the casual faggot zoomers
I only play the original Japanese games CIB on the original hardware

my man

Attached: 320px-DQII_Liquid_Metal_Slime.png (320x213, 41K)

I have games CIB that are almost 40 years old that still run just fine
The problem is you morons throw out your game boxes and cases and store them in binders and shit or just leave your carts on the shelf and let the exposed parts get dust in them

Nah, the power of current hardware alone makes it worthwhile to emulate, since you can scale everything to HD quality.
3D looks amazing on emulators, and there are useful tools such as save states and easier mod support that the original hardware will never have.
Enjoy your authentic experience. I will enjoy my enhanced experience.

fucking bleed

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BoTW at 4k60fps is comfy

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get an rca splitter so you can have more than 1 output? I mean you do know you can do that right?



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/wg/ naturally

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hang yourself

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Not even once.

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this webm is kino though

The problem with having your PS2 set up for PS1 games is that PS1 games don't really work in component, so you'd need a seperate PS1 set up with AV.

video is old, but it still applies
mpv is the best one around

lol i remember when ds emulation was horrible like that its pretty good now bar a few games.

fucking get killed

Attached: Screen Shot 2014-03-29 at 1.52.23 AM.png (695x42, 16K)

Emucucks are delusional morons and zoomers

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So is anybody going to post ops wallpaper

Have you tried an emulator that's not a complete piece of shit?

Fuck you guys, I never would have realised that was a cartoon horse's ass if you hadn't pointed it out.

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Or just buy a DS lite for ¥2,000, and a bunch of games for dirt cheap and get the best experience

Just be glad that Yea Forums is actually talking about vidya games instead of porn for once

Slit your throat, shill

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>Very old version of said emulator
>Melon DS
Sad thing is how many people will fall for this even though DS emulation has been good for years now.

i remember emulating gameboy games like pokemon gold before they even came out in the states and it played good. only 90% translated so when ur mom called shed be speaking ching chong.

fucking die

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This has nothing to do with VLC and everything to do with the person who made the video being a complete fucking retard when it comes to encoding

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this, I even remember emulating DS while the system was still being supported with no$gba

Wario ware twisted on my smartphone


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Playing Super Metroid item randomizers. Fuck suitless Maridia

Is Cemu still a BOTW emulator? Or can it finally play other games?

best girl

fucking lol
this brings me back to trying to emulate scribblenauts in like 2012, comfy feels

They seem to work fine on my CRT; is there a more subtle issue I'm not seeing?There's also the matter of room/shelf space, user.

bleed to death

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 12.45.41 AM.png (442x158, 27K)

check here if [inser game here] works

I've played all the DSes throughout the years and they all make my hands cramp up. They're not the best experience unless you have tiny hands

bleed out

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Nvidia Shield TV worth it as an emulation machine? It looks super comfy.

Attached: 2019_07_16 245.jpg (1022x573, 126K)

Every game I've thrown at Cemu has worked mostly well so far.

>also does anyone have any good crt filters for ReShade? the one i made here doesnt feel very accurate

Looks like one of the better CRT filters I've seen, but it seems to be more like a PC monitor than a TV. If you want it to be accurate you'd need to make it interlaced if it's for PS2 games, looks like your filter has way too many lines visible at once which makes it look like a PC monitor.

die in pain

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someone post the sauce already

drown in your own blood

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I have never seen a CRT with component, I've never bothered checking online for a high end one. I'm just using my Sony that I've had for over 20 years, it's only got S video and AV on it so I play component systems on an LCD I have.
Im lucky in Canada that huge apartments are dirt cheap, my friend in Japan can't even fit a game shelf in their room (theyre in a bachelor) I think that's why games are so cheap in Japan, it's hard to collect because of a lack of space so they constantly buy and sell games
You can use a 3DS those are cheap too, ¥5000 usually at BookOff

Finished it a few days ago. Still fucking amazing.
You made a great mistake!

Attached: DQ3 SNES.jpg (1280x1184, 69K)

die out

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fucking die

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It was a smart choice for the cemu devs to focus on BoTW first, it's the most demanding game on the system so getting it to work means that most of the effort of getting other things working is already mostly done.

Virtua Fighter 5 on RPCS3. Works surprisingly well.

The CRT I own has a component video slot surprisingly; I think it's from 2007-2008 since its one of those flat-screen CRTs.

I got a new 3ds XL when it came out and it had the same problem. Those grip cases help but it's still less comfortable than using a dualshock or 360 controller with an emulator. I pretty much only use my 3DS these days to decrypt games so i can copy them to my computer and play them with Citra.


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I've got a flat screen too, but that one has almost no space to plug stuff in. One S video and one AV the Sony one at least has a couple of AV plugs.
I use the flat screen for my VCR though, it looks nice on that
Well I'm only 6'1 so I never had problems holding portables, I prefer the Game Boy Advance or game Boy colour over the DSlite or DSi still though

execute yourself

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get killed

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fucking die

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when are you going to accept that you're a brony yourself and you just bump this thread to keep it alive?

Pokemon Prism. It's still emulation even if it's on the 3ds via Virtual Console right?

Attached: latest[1].jpg (640x640, 383K)

dude we get it, your gay ex bf used to peg you wearing a barney suit while the whole room was decked out in mlp shit and it was the best thing ever but now he's gone and your hella mad. sucks. either that you you have ABSOLUTELY nothing of importance to do with your time here on earth. like nothing at all.

execute yourself fag

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.57.27 PM.png (416x41, 16K)

of course. emulation is not limited to any platform like the pc.

Seething radeonigger

Your life needs to end

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Chapter 2 might make you want to quit, but don't.
It's arguably the worst chapter in the whole game, but everything after that point is great.

>Maybe you're just getting old, user.
No I'm not, my brain is working fine.

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just play the xbox version lad

It works really good and they update old games

Thanks user, I'm planning to play through to the end

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Nicely timed screenshot. Really sets off the background and leads the eye inward.

>No I'm, my brain is working fine.
I think you forgot to type a word there, user. Are you sure you still have all of your faculties? You seem to be slipping.

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Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2019.07.16 - (1920x1080, 3.63M)

Split your head open you fucking freak

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

sick gaslighting bro

There's supposedly rumors of Nvidia releasing a new one this year so not sure if I should wait or buy the old one.

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get fucking killed

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burn alive

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bleed to death

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thats why i emulate on my Wii

Emulate Suikoden 2 right now.

Attached: suikoden 2.jpg (800x783, 139K)

fucking get killed

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.57.27 PM.png (416x41, 16K)

It all depends on the hardware in question. Retroarch can emulate 8 and 16 bit hardware with lower latency than the real consoles. If you're concerned about accuracy, you shouldn't be when you're looking at hardware that old.

Emulate Xenoblade on Dolphin. So what the best team?


die in pain

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I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash


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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-12-06 at 2.21.21 PM.png (551x104, 25K)

>emulate on Wii
>get to play retro games on CRT as God intended

Attached: just a normal pepe.gif (600x800, 170K)


I'd like to slice your fucking face off

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Starlight Glimmer pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 6.38.26 PM.png (507x158, 36K)

I've playing Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns on my computer. Just upgraded my house, but I still can't decide who to marry

Attached: SoSToT - 16-07-2019.png (1200x1440, 1.43M)

Same. When does it stop being boring?

just die

Attached: Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 12.07.31 AM.png (1220x127, 49K)

too much of a pain in the ass. i'm not keeping a big ugly crt tv around and a dozen old consoles and games just so i can jerk myself off over having an "authentic experience" playing castlevania or whatever.

No. If you're using composite cables you're doing it wrong. Get yourself a CRT that supports scart or component and use those cables. Raspberry Pi 4 is much faster than a Wii and that will give you better performance on 5th gen games.

Seek help faggot. Nobody gives a shit and he posted that image just to spite you you mentally ill retard.

burn to death

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Attached: chrysxx3.jpg (867x648, 255K)

you deserve to die

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fucking bleed

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>get a filter list somewhere
>didn't know that it included barneyfag folder
>now I can enjoy a thread being bumped and not dealing with his faggotry

Attached: my sides.jpg (493x500, 207K)

execute yourself

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-11-01 at 8.29.04 PM.png (972x57, 21K)

literally nothing, just autists
I've used vlc forever and never had a problem with it

Yes, occasionally.
I've used VLC for years and seen glitches like this maybe twice, so...

When does Dragon Quest stop being boring?

demon's souls, i own it but i made the mistake of giving my brother my ps3

Attached: Screenshot_65.png (1917x1080, 2.32M)

>No makemvk
just why?


Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 5.34.14 PM.png (686x107, 24K)

raspberry pis are for HDMI input though.

>keeps a screenshot about ponies around for 6 years, waiting for a chance to post it
That's fucking sad man

> thinking they might’ve put in some hidden adult humor

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Are there translations yet for the JAP SNES Goemon games?

seriously, what's nvidia's fucking problem?

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And now we've just been derailed into Barneyfag posting.
Can someone please report this thread if we aren't going to have discussion anymore? I've been IP banned and can't do shit about it.

do you think we will get netplay for yuzu soon ?

I really want to play some SMM2

Nigger get a hdmi to component cable on Amazon. They've got a 3.5 mm jack that can be used for RCA if you hate your eyes and want the image quality to be as bad as a Wii.


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what are some good GBA games?

Which settings can I adjust for Retroarch if I'm experiencing slow downs? I'm playing SotN for psx.

Check the latency options in the quick menu, also if you're using the Beetle PSX core try Beetle PSX HW instead, or vice versa

based user

Where is the joke Dobson
Do people just have an obsession with impersonating Barneyfag?

Does the Emuparadise extension not work anymore? I installed it but it doesn't seem to work.

Tower of Druaga

Attached: rastan-karnov-druaga.jpg (482x528, 125K)

Persona 2 is psp, digimon adventure, pokemon fire red, and wwe HTCP.

Just tested and it's still working for me. I'm using Waterfox if it makes any difference

Source on wallpaper?

neck yourself faggot.

Attached: 1563008090584.gif (380x186, 1.08M)

Can you give me a brief rundown on ps3 emulation, How well does demons souls run? what emulator do you use?

That's your shitty video file. I don't see artifacts like that outside badly encoded anime.

>Rainbow Dash background
I can see her cutie mark on the left side of the emulation window. Slit your throat.

I'd like to slice your fucking face off

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Starlight Glimmer pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

I'd like to slice your fucking face off

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Spike pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Here's your rundown, bro:

>he can distinguish pony content from other shit
it is you who needs to slit his own throat, barneyfag.

tfw when I was a kid I thought it was street fighter ken

peak autism. seek help