Kingdoms of amular 2 never ever

kingdoms of amular 2 never ever

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Wasn't there rumors of THQ Nordic doing something KOA-related back in 2018?

Good, the first one was shit.
You couldn't even be bothered to spell the title right.

Didn't this game bomb so hard it bankrupted a state or some shit?

The maid of windemere is my wife

Good, it was fucking terrible.

I want a director's cut of the first one where the world map is 1/4th of the final size, the combat values are tweaked, and so on.

I'd like to see a game done in this style but something like an actually good sequel to the original Fable would be a lot better. I like that this game basically improved upon the first Fable but Fable has a much more interesting world.

It was shit just like the Fable games it copied.

The Amalur forums were amazing when the studio went bankrupt. The admins all left and there was massive trolling going on. There was this spastic user called Bossner the warlord literally having a mental breakdown and being in tears over it all. Funny days.

Attached: amalur.jpg (1200x800, 310K)

Amalur is kinda weak.
People shouldn't compare it with fable, since all of those were great.
Yes, all of them, fuck you.

Today i shall remind you of all the games after 3

State of Rhode Island backed them with a 75m loan in exchange for the studio to relocate TO Rhode Island and offer jobs.

Rhode Island said if they don't offer enough jobs they'd have to repay per job not offered. They failed to provide the jobs, had to repay over a million the first year. The game launch was terrible and lackluster, caused the studio to go bankrupt. Rhode Island got fucked.

It's not real if i close my eyes.

This game was the definition of feeling like an offline mmo

The first one was shit though, so we're not missing out on anything.

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*main story is 30 hours long at best and the rest of the game is derivative and dull sidequests*

First one was trash why do you want a sequel?

THQ Nordic are reviving just about every franchise known to man so probably.

Good. The first was absolutely terrible.

Yeah, the company still has the rights and lots of the original staff. The setting is apparently an in-house favourite because apparently the team mapped out a fully detailed 10,000 year history of the setting over a couple of weeks of non stop brain storming and they are all very connected to it. Another thing is, apparently, barely any of that stuff made it in to the actual game which was seen as a prequel or prologue to the story they actually wanted to tell which is a fucking retarded way to go about making a game so it is no wonder it bombed when they were supposedly holding back on the "good shit" because they assumed they were going to release 5 games or something.

Game was shit. Literally a single player mmo.

My buddy worked for them. They purchased his house in Mass and went to RI and got a new house. Then when they went under they:

>Revealed to him that their lawyers hadnt allowed them to take his name off the mortgage, just pay it in his name (they were months in arrears), leaving him with two mortgages
>cancelled his health insurance without telling him (his friends wife found out at her OB appointment)
>asked that everyone stay on to work without pay

good article on the ridiculous catastrophe

I remember playing this game not knowing any better and feeling kinda retarded like i was wasting my time playing a single player MMO

Oh and the best part is Curt Schilling basically walked out of the entire mess without making a dent in his fortune.

Tell me if i remember it correctly. There was a big tits dark elf in the story telling you where to go, right?

he lost 50 million of his own money supposedly.

thats what it was going to be. But they wanted a "next gen" mmo so they got EA Partners to agree to fund the first game as an advertisement for the world building, and EA kept all the money from sales, while they used massive loans on the "wow-killer" to pay off Todd McFarlane and RA Salvatore to flesh out the world.

He's been a part of some of the biggest MLB teams in the country. He literally did all that shit and still sits on a few million which is perfect for a retiree like him.

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I'd settle for a Remaster that fixes the level scaling/locking of areas, or whatever you'd call it, and balances out the various player skills, ie Blacksmithing, Alchemy, and Gemcrafting being obscenely overpowered.

not to mention his stint at ESPN and conservative rags and appearances, but to say he lost nothing is pretty wrong

>singleplayer game
Ho be stupid somewhere else.

Pretty sure KOA was supposed to be a prequel to an MMO they were working on but because KOA was so generic without any charm it fell flat.

Seriously, generic fantasy theme with cartoony as fuck design that makes World of Warcraft look hardcore realism by comparison is not a good selling point.

Amalur is better than Fable. Amalur is the game Fable wanted to be but couldn't because of the limitations of the time. I say this as I'm currently replaying Fable for the first time since it came out. Fable is linear as fuck with little variation or choice in anything you do.

fun gameplay but the story and world bore me to tears.

When one little thing completely trivializes multiple aspects of the game then yes, it's overpowered, single player or otherwise.

They were also working on an MMO

No i am saying you are a whiny kid for complaing about things being overpowered in a single player game you are meant to enjoy by yourself.

Too generic "you are the chosen one" trash where you're supposedly some goldy magic wielding sword swinging bad ass, but because you don't earn any of that it feels boring as fuck.

I played it and I thought it was too generic fantasy and I haven't touched it since, in fact I still have my copy only because I borrowed it from a friend and he refused to accept it back. Maybe he bought it expecting a God of War sort of thing by its cover or something.

Forgive me wanting to partake in some of the game's content and mechanics but if I do I make the entire game unfun as a result.

The duty of having fun is yours. You decide no to have fun with it,not the mechanics.

Being literally invincible and not having to worry about anything is not fun.

2-3 things being the end all beat all of a game makes that game rather boring, especially in an RPG.

>The duty of having fun is yours. You decide no to have fun with it,not the mechanics.

That is not how human psychology works, user.

kek I didn't know about it being a MMO advertisement until this thread, no wonder it felt so boring and off.
t. borrower user

its a pretty fucking sordid story.

>Schilling’s harshest critic in the online exchange was Bill Mrochek, the vice president of online services, whose wife required a bone marrow transplant at the time their healthcare disappeared. “Are you going to admit that your stupid hubris, pride, and arrogance would not allow you to accept that we failed — and help shut it down with dignity?” he asked Schilling.

More please.

The story was terrible trash but I had a ton of fun with the gameplay. I got to be a greatsword/chakram wielding spellblade that had actual strong earth based attacks that had a real impact to them. I can't say that about any other game I've played. The gem slotting and crafting of weapons made like every single drop irrelevant though. The game was a mess, but a fun to play mess.

Its like they had a board meeting and went

"Okay lets make an MMO, but before hand we should make a game that sets up the setting, whats popular for fantasy and MMOs right now"

"Uhh, skyrim is popular"
"And WOW is the most popular MMO"

And then they proceeded to make a single player MMO with the graphics of WOW and boring ass world of skyrim.

Amalur came out a few months after Skyrim, you can't really imply that they took inspiration from Skyrim.

Dont play piss easy baby difficulty then
Prove it. I bet you dont even have a degree in psychology.

it's a boring ass game with good voice acting and nice visuals/atmosphere
played the shit for like 40 hours and barely moved anywhere in the main storyline

>Dont play piss easy baby difficulty then
m8, Amalur is notoriously easy even on the hardest setting.

Good, the game was really trash

They tried to sell your main character as some badass magic dude, but the graphics and gameplay made it so fucking lame, like they were trying to be edgy, yet whismicle at the same time.

Like Reckoning Mode, it felt like a fucking poor man's devil trigger because the games combat was so fucking shitty.

boring troll

>barely moved anywhere in the main storyline
Try doing the main quest, then. If you bumrush the main quest then it's not that long of a game. The meat and potatoes comes from the side quests and general exploration.

Wasn't the first game just a fable knockoff?

it was the most generic trash ever, and they hired a 'fantasy writer' to write the story. any kid could've come up with that

didn't Grant Kirkhope of all people make the music for this?

Nah not really.
>i dont know how to argue so i'll just call him a troll LUL


Kirkhope does a lot of music for a lot of games, people just recognize him as the banjo kazooie composer but his range of styles is pretty impressive

>Nah not really.
Okay, yeah, you're just shitposting at this point. Next you'll try telling me Skyrim didn't sell like hotcakes.

>Generic "We want the LOTR/Warcraft fan" trash
No thanks

And Todd McFarlane was the art director.

And amalur is a bland, boring wasteland without any redeeming qualities.
The Fable series has style and humour.
Both are easy but fable makes no excuses for it, it's just made to be fun.
Don't compare them.

Sworn to war?

Don't let nostalgia blind you. I still enjoy Fable but the truth is Amalur is an expanded upon Fable.

The game had quite a few big names attached to it, right?
It isn't really shocking that the studio was fucked when they were blowing that much money on their first game.

Amalur was so fucking boring and brain dead easy I literally fell asleep playing it on more than one occasion

>Capeshit art direction
This makes a lot more sense now.

Capeshit style doesn't work in fantasy, if everything is epic all the time, then nothing is interesting, its all over the top bullshit and thus boring as fuck.

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What the actual fuck
How did I miss this

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I played both recently.
Amalur is a large hollow feeling game, i'd sooner compare it to an elder scrolls game.
Fable was linear, story driven and character driven.
It had style and humour, and fun characters.
Amalur was bland, i liked some designs in it but it's really not the same as a fable game.
Compare it to WoW or the elder scrolls.

This was literally the most magical video game ever made. And it is comfy as FUCK.

>tfw no faefu to perform cunnilingus on and get rewarded with juicy sweet nectarine pee

this user knows what's up

all those people getting banned

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>all the contrarians ITT
Wew lad

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>THQ bought the rights to the franchise
>rehired shitloads of the original devs
>shitloads of people at the company that bought the IP love the game
>never ever
Are you sure?

Why are chakrams so rare in games?

Attached: 1450473406787.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

we'll have to wait for a remaster to be announced to be sure

just play Warframe, literally any weapon you can think of is in that game

But does it have horsecock?

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>that webm

And the fingers are still attached! Thank you very much!

Cyberpunk very well might have that, probably. Maybe, I don't know. I hope you can get hooves just to increase kicking and/or jumping power, assuming you want to beat the fucking shit out of every meatbag and chrome boy/bitch


More like Schilling the game.

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How did they manage to perfect the class system?
Hybrids are actually viable without being gimped

Attached: Amalur Classes.png (495x449, 478K)

well it's par the course thanks to WoW autism determining the aesthetic of fantasy for a good 10+ years

Thought the exact same fucking thing lmao

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>learning the arcane arts to zap rats

T.rat apologist

That's just the starting sorcery class, each class milestone has a different picture for it.

>that last one
Now we're talking.

Attached: Sorcery_Line_Big.jpg (7385x2048, 2.81M)

shame Schilling's studio failed.

The Destinies class system
3 Types with Might, Finesse and Sorcery and any combination of the 3, including all 3.
>Might/Finesse allows you to slice through, stab or crush enemies with whatever weapon you find whether it be STR or DEX, combining speed AND strength
>Sorcery/Finesse makes you extremely dangerous by allowing you to do sneaky tricks in tandem with magic
>Might/Sorcery gives you control over the battefield with versatility from being able to use magic while being an unbreakable wall
>Might/Finesse/Sorcery is a jack of all trades that isn't as strong as the single or dual classes, but benefits from being able to adapt to any situation and exploit any weaknesses an enemy might have.
Do you have the pics for the other destiny lines?

Probably because it bankrupted a state.

They're all here.

Attached: Might-Sorcery_Hybrid_Line_Big_Complete.jpg (6771x2048, 2.5M)

Rhode Island couldn't handle another one

Terrible as the story is you somehow managed to be stupid enough too make me defend it. That is literally the opposite of what happens. Amalur's main gimmick is that you do not have a destiny. You're the only person unchosen.

They made a game so easy and easily broken that it didn't matter what you put points in.

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Because you're a clueless zoomer.

I wonder if some of the staff ended up working on Andromeda considering how similar the levelling systems are.

redpill me on kingdoms of amalur
no long essays

Large, mostly open world with tons of side quests and interesting lore. Lost of viable playstyles, from warrior/rogue/mage to any combination of those three. Weapons from swords, hammers, bows, daggers and then more unique ones like chakrams, faeblades (Illidan glaives), and wands (magic pistols, basically). Nice artsyle, good music, fluid gameplay.

>apparently the team mapped out a fully detailed 10,000 year history of the setting over a couple of weeks of non stop brain storming and they are all very connected to it
They are connected to the ramblings of R.A. Salvatore, who wrote all that?


this gmae was actually fun, unlike morronwind or skyrimjob.

this and 2 worlds 2 and darksiders 2 were the only decent action rpgs released in the past DECADE.

isometric RPGS haven't been good since IWD 2.

which side is the contrarian one, lad?

amalur may have been padded out the fucking ass, and its later side quests were fucking aids but i enjoyed the first half of the game

because they are dumb weapons unless they home, ricochet and return to you, in which case they are still fucking dumb.


I fail to see anything dumb about any of that.

stinky "open-world" pseudo-rpg which plays too much like fable, heavily infringes on the bethesda-brand prefab dungeon heaven, implements professions and general crafting in one of the lamest ways possible and has virtually no interesting quest mechanics; most culminations result in you either killing the bad or killing everyone else

defo an essay bud
0/10 wouldnt read

>THQ Nordic acquired all Project Copernicus assets
My pipe dream is that they release a remastered version of Amalur with modding tools and then a sequel reusing the Copernicus setting/assets.

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>THQ comes back soon to reveal new projects or abbandoned ones
yes please i need a sequel

Why would you need that for dude?

>rise of nations 2 never ever

>journey to put as many elves in the ground as possible because they just revive if other people try
it was alright

It was nothing special but good enough for me to enjoy. I'd like to see an improved sequel.

I liked Reckoning. It reminded me of a grittier Fable. Not a bad thing. Wasn't great, but enjoyed it.

About as much as I enjoyed Fable