Thoughts on Eden so far? What gear are you rolling for first?
Was planning on going 2/2 Top/Legs
ended up 3/1 top legs.
I'll probably just roll whatever until I get everything. It's not like any of the content we have will need the extra ilvls.
Everything for fucking ranged physical has Skillspeed, the fuck is with that shit? Going Gloves, Boots and Pants, fuck everything else.
what do you meld as a mch?
I never played one before.
It's a hell of a lot better than omega so far. Yes an argument could be made for reusing assets with titan and leviathan but honestly, the fights are just fucking great.
CRIT is worse than DH right now because early expansion, so the chest is not nearly as good as you think it is.
>Nomura Designed Character
Of fucking course, lmao.
Crit > Dhit > Det
>Titan goes fucking kart racing
Soken is going balls out with these primal theme remixes.
Holy fuck I can't wait to hear shit like Shiva and Garuda.
>none of my duty finder groups can get past the 2nd fight
What data center?
>mfw wiped three times on 2nd
>two times on 3rd
>first try on titan
At least it wasn't launch week shinryu, that is the only duty I have seen hit the time limit.
>Doing duty finder on Japanese data center
>Clear the fight on the second run every time (except for E2N which was a clear first try)
>The only time someone types during the fight is immediately after Leviathan destroys the middle of the stage and we plummet to our deaths and we type "!?" in unison
Like a fool I accidentally rolled twice on accessories despite the fact that I could just grind accessories with that ilevel from innocence. I also got the helm this week though so it's not a complete disaster.
>being a baddie
Next time go on an actual data center.
if you don't exclusively meld SkS, i'm kicking you out of my static
Who here is gonna pug eden savage?
I have no choice. Don't want to commit to a static or FC so I can drop the game whenever I feel like.
Had the same experience with Aether
It was funny too because we also had a wtf is going on when destroyed.
Only issue was titan where we wiped 3 times because of his two wheel arms mechanic.
great, looking forward to savage
getting my caster body this week, shit's sexy af and good stats
Chaos is full of frenchies so fuck that
I meant go on Aether lmao. ;)
The entire raid is a fucking meme. Every floor has death walls or fall off, fucking Titan, even the plot is meme magic.
Why would I want to have 500ms ping
One of your rings is still 440 though, so that's an upgrade
1 wipe on Eden because people couldn't couldn't dodge laser spam for shit
No wipes on void even though there were lots of deaths during delayed stack+aoe getting the stack marker killed alone
1 wipe on Leviathan because we were too slow moving when he broke the middle
2 wipes on Titan first from hand cannon knockback the second from car knockback
Not terrible for duty finder
Yeah that's why the problem was me getting 2 accessories.
helmet + boots
gloves + ring + belt
That's the optimal path before savage in 2 weeks.
>The last phase where Titan drives around the arena on his kart
FUck me, that was good
I can't believe I was able to do all 4 in one day with randoms, this is awesome.
Are these always this easy, or only this time they turned out easy? Or maybe I'm just luck?
In any case, this day so far has been great, I even got the Eden minion too.
For a first tier story raid, my old buddy titan sure flexes on casuals.
This is how early morning day 1 normal raids go. Most people doing them at this time of day are the people who stayed up or woke up at 5-8am to do it. And they recognize mechanics so they have an idea of how things work.
If you try doing this in 12 hours, it's not going to be pretty.
Nah, story ones always get blown through rapidly.
That's pretty nice. I have never raided ever in my entire life, haven't done savage even when they were not relevant. It was weird just hopping into DF and actually clearing these one after another with 0 raid experience.
Of course I recognized some mechanics too from other fights, but that's it.
how does an autist go about finding linkshells for his server
No wipe on eden
3 wipe on da bitch because people can't stack for shit
1 wipe on leviathan because heal died when he broke the middle
2 wipe on Titan and I shit you not Me and both we're the only left alive I had to down 5% by myself, did it when woth tank were dead
It was fun
Rolling for legs and Armour, got two of each, so next week should be able to get both.
You don't.
You make your own.
No wipes on Eden
1 wipes on 2nd because people scattered way too early for delayed
1 wipe on levi-tan because the 2nd floor collapse surprised our raid
5 on titan because the two white mages kept dying at the same time and we had no dps with reses. Some of those deaths weren't their fault entirely as no one had seen the fight. But most were.
>Art of War MP cost reduced from 800 to 600.
Oh thank god
>Clear E1-3 first try in duty finder
>Get E4 to around 20%, everyone except one tank and one healer get pushed off the arena
>They dance around for a bit, then the healer uses LB3
>we clear
I hope that healer got every single commendation.
How shit is our new set Mnkbros?
Pick my next tank.
Two months until we can get the weapon, and it won't even be BIS.
What went right?
How the hell did the Oracle of Darkness end up in Eden and why?
Always Paladin.
Can we agree that both levi and titan remixes are bad? Specially the titan one
I love this game music but they just feel weak.
No shit they aren't going to just hand you a free best in slot weapon without doing savage or spending 80 hours on a relic
I liked both, suck my dick. :^)
>time gated behind an 8man for 2 months
OK buddy, retard.
For it to be worth getting, it should be at the very least BiS at the moment.
>clock mechanic
>people understand the spread apart one
>brains shut down during the stack one
other than hat, I haven't seen many problems.
did it with Sigma and Alpha, why the fuck not.
>5 runs of E2
>still haven't managed to roll a chest piece
levi remix is kinda whack
titan remix is fucking hype holy shit we mario kart now
>go kart titan
what the fuck were they smoking
I dunno but I like it.
what is the clock mechanic? I didn't know what was going on but everyone just seemed to tank through all the damage
incredibly shitty bosses aside from eden prime which is decent at best
the ff8 soundtrack is pretty cool tho
Levi remix is better than his old theme but that's not saying much
I'm not sure either, I think it simply delayed the mechanics it indicated earlier, so for example if there was stack, the stack activated after the clock was over and not when the stack indicator disappeared.
Got all my accs and belt in one go. Feels good bros
Which one do you like the most between BRD, MCH and SMN?
WoL imparted the "shit, gotta get outta LS quick" thinking while putting him together
The yellow clock is a stack marker. Later in the fight the mechanics give one person the yellow clock and after a few seconds the regular time bombs. At that point most people shit themselves and spread out but you're supposed to actually stay on the stack, wait for it to go off THEN spread out as you have enough time.
It seems to be the leading cause of wipes.
you get a buff that when it expires the attack goes off
so if you, for example, get the fire 3 as a melee you can keep your uptime up until the buff is about to expire then get the fuck out so you don't n uke the party
accs are same ilvl as innocence ones, why would you want them aside from a ring over left side?
BRD if youre 10iq shitter
MCH if youre ADHD shitter
SMN if you hate cast times but dont want to be a fag RDM
>RDM has Levi knockback
>raid aligns as needed
>he uses displacement at the last second
>new leviathan is a result of WoL's thoughts merging his experience with Leviathan and other water elementals other
>new Titan is a result of WoL's thoughts about Titan landslides and Rainbow Road
sasuga warrior-of-light-kun
>BRD if youre 10iq shitter
Can't disagree anymore BRD is so easy now
>Hey warrior of light imagine up a Titan
>green sprout paladin on E4
Ohnono bros...
Finished it a bit ago. I got 2 body, 1 leg. I'll go for 3 body and then finish body and leg next week.
Monk/SAM/Healer gear is a fucking travesty it looks so awful. If they thinned it it'd be meh but not nearly so bad. Fending gear looks awesome. DRG/BRD gear looks neat.
Difficulty wise:
Eden was standard easy
Dragon-hugging-the-knight was hard until people understood the time mechanic.
Levi wasn't hard, just unforgiving. The middle break got us and we all laughed but it's definitely predictable - just have to look and see what levi is doing.
Titan was the hardest, but once you understand where to stand for his go-kart and for his rush one (stand in front of him, not sides) he's fine. All in all I liked it, harder than omega for sure but fun.
Check your debuffs and you will see a countdown. The first stack has a short debuff of like 10 seconds, the rest have 18-25. So you have until the debuff runs out, then the spell activates.
Uh, I was doing E3 with DRG and after Leviathan destroyed the middle platforms, I high jumped from the side to fill my gauge but it just send me straight off the stage to my death, is that normal?
Yeah you can't jump. I tried plunging as a DRK and fell off as well.
The bit at the bottom that says more changes are coming later.
Isn't it essentially the same minus foe requiem?
sasuga loldrg-kun, never fails to find a way to tank the floor
>make MNK/SAM/Healers share a set
>it's literally just a dress
For what purpose
>the First titan is hot
How can the source even compete
>It's a WAR doing top dps party
I'm ready for the shitfest.
Did I fuck up by rolling for pants?
>It's a DNC doing 5.5k DPS episode
I hate these reruns
Minus the self crit buff, a shit load of support CD, every attacks and their mothers giving refulgent proc, barrage proccing it 100% too
Basically we have way less spell to track and every remaining one were made either more flexible or straight up easy as shit
They succeed in making it braindead but it's seem the general consensus with every class
Only if you don't get your pants this week.
>people parsing Eden
It's the first day bros lmao. Let people learn mechanics before you judge.
So the strategy is to grind every boss until I win a pants token?
>savage titan phase 2 he'll engage the afterburners
absolute hype, I never was a fan of the primals aside from Ifrit and Ramuh but damn this rendition of titan is so fucking good, sick remix, fun fight, nice design..
>he immediately pulls the second the instance begins
>Chest and leg drops in first part of Eden
Did they change it so you can get any part from any tier? This is a nice QoL
Also that fucking Force your Way remix is a banger
>It's a healers carry the party episode
Tranny netflix healer detected. WARchads dont give a fuck that you are in the middle of dilating.
autists gonna autism
>join Eden group
>triple DNC dps
>immediately leave
can these fucking assholes fuck off from this class already jesus christ it's not even good go fucking play something else
Yes, let me deliberately alt tab so I can close ACT, which is always on, just because some insecure clown thinks people are judging him.
Literal autism.
I barely even see melee dps players anymore
Okay parse tranny.
What I'm talking about you fucking nigger is people posting on here going "ew my party's DPS is so low." It's the first bleeding day, chill out.
I fugged up
I thought Titan would drop helm too but he didn't
all I got this week was a ring
Not exactly. E1, 3 and 4 don't drop certain pieces.
Someone posted a pic in one of the previous thread to show what didn't drop what. IIRC, E3 and 4 don't drop belts + another different item each. E1 doesn't drop feet or hand armor, I think, not too sure.
>people talking about 3 body drops this week
Should’t they just be 1 from E4? Did I miss something?
Looks like casting gear, but the chest has 400 Skill Speed.
It's literally the healer dress
Funny because I notice WAR is by far the tank that tries to pull early the most. Is it because they think they can be better on the meter when they fuck over casters and whatnot?
every floor drops everything now
You can get a body piece from every floor, the bosses drop EIGHT tokens now.
Every part drop almost everything. I already got my 450 chestpiece.
Wrong on that one.
Well still, its nice you dont have to grind the last turn for 4 weeks specifically
Rolled on 4 chests, got a 95 or higher each time. Already set for the week.
Still need it for the weapon though and it's 7 tokens, so yeah.
>Not giving your BLM a 10 second counter to maximize their DPS
>the absolute state of RDM dps
Are we literally bottom of the DPS charts or something?
You fuck up if you roll for accessories
Next week you'll be lucky if you get anything above a 60.
Dancer is the lowest DPS in the game.
>main tank has 4 stacks of vuln
>Off tank has none
Well they are going to switch eventually one way or another
>Rainbow road
You inspired me user.
Pardon not uploading an image, my IP doesn't let me do that as the prior owner abused it I guess.
you guys are sandwiched between NIN and DNC
Fuck you. I've had to run Titan multiple god-damn times to get the chest piece. Do you know how much suffering that is in duty finder?
haha nice
>explaining Eden's second bossfights clock mechanic to idiots
fuck me Yoshi what did you do
The irony of it all is that the chest piece is not even a good idea.
I don't. My group killed all 4 bosses in less than 3 tries each. Lucky me.
basically every raid is open season on brainlets until video guides start showing up
It's too late for me now. I bee-lined straight for it and only after I smacked need did I realise I probably should have gone for helmet/gloves.
Chest and Legs are your single biggest upgrades.
>clear 1/2 with no sweat
>wipe once in 3/4 just out of unfortunate timing
>all pug
Well, at least I rolled bangles and belt so I got SOMETHING out of these.
Based user saving my edit
>Eden actually links to the main story
the kino keeps coming, lads
I had no idea what was even going on, I honestly thought damage was delayed but mechanics happened when they first came out. Only at the end did I realize and shout to stack when everyone was still spreading 30 seconds early.
You don't say?
>Rolling for chestpiece on first week
The clock just delays the damage/effect. So there's no need to run away / group up when the initial attack graphics show, only when the clock runs out.
What the FUCK Eden items do I want first if I'm playing tank and going to do savage?
Who cares, most people will be full crafted in 2 weeks.
>Literally Aqua + Roxas.
Anyone has the soundtrack of E4???
pls explain the blades of antiquity - lightweight tomestones to me like I'm retarded
(I am)
You need to plan this shit out properly for Savage in 2 weeks. But I'm guessing you're a casual anyway.
You will get your weapon in 2 months, thats about it
>The armour is literally the armour out of BBS
Why is Nomura such a hack?
It operates the same as any raid. 7 blades = 1 tomestone, you need 1 of those and 10 scrips of the coming new tomestone to buy your 450 weapon
>week 1
Ring + Waist + Hands/Feet/Head
week 2
Hands/Feet/Head (2 of them you don't have or Chest piece)
>they have to hide the girl because Nomura is late again
Can't make that shit up!
You automatically get 1 each week when you clear E4. You need 7 for the tomestone that you'll need to buy a weapon.
What's up with some people autistically throwing a tantrum over someone else parsing? I don't understand why give a fuck to begin with let alone enrage.
I don't care if you parse.
But holy shit the amount of people on here who go "WAAAA MY DPS IS DOING LOW DPS" is a bit annoying.
>acc/belt week 1
I'm pretty sure more than 50% of the duties I have ever entered have hit the time limit.
Goes to show how different the game is for casuals.
So that's most likely the mount drop for savage raid right?
Parsing is autism.
Pants (PLD) or boots + something depending on which tank.
Don't do acc since crafted is always the better option, if crafted is not viable for you, what class are you playing?
For tanks going for savage this is the optimal way.
Lol no, you get chest and legs last in Savage so they should be your first picks in Normal, or at least one of them.
>Friend jokes about the WoL imagining extra random shit on the primals like sawblades and shit before we do E3
>his face when titan has a car
So I'm leveling my SCH and one of my FC buds tells me that SCH is the worst healer right now that even AST is a better SCH how true is that?
FFXIV attracts a lot of brainlets that can't figure out how to set ACT or they're mad they weren't carried through savage clears so they throw a tantrum whenever someone tries to improve themselves or gives any bit of a shit about performance.
>you don't pay my sub
Since when is expecting people to play good so bad in these threads? Is this a /vg/ safespace rule?
These aren't really raids, they're absolutely nothing like Savage.
>Go for boots, ring and necklace this week
>MCH Necklace is Crit/SS
>Innocence is Crit/Det
This is what I get for burning out from getting omicraft to 80.
What are the best pieces to aim for from Eden as a ranged physical dps?
It's janny!
this is why you roll for legs first and chest next week ;)
Yeah, I'm sure a chest/leg or 2 of either hand/feet/head wouldn't help at all considering they are automatic upgrade over rokan stuff.
the substats on the other stuff is shit compared to the crit+sps on caster Chest, it's so fucking good for BLM +400 crit and sps both
He's fucking retarded
give me the original plox
If your're going into savage you'll want crafted stuff anyways with optimal substats, mindlessly going for 450 without comparing the substats is a poor idea.
>worring about what piece you get this week
>when crafted gear is also comming in 2 weeks with the same ilv and better stats
Crafting is easier as ever right now. They are going to be really easy to make
>Get the Twinning in Ex
>Best soundtrack but scrubs always fuck up one of the mechanics and it takes longer than average
I'm poor, buy me a belt/bracelet will ya?
Wanting to see your performance is only natural. Throwing a tantrum because someone else is doing that is not. Going for hypocrite award of the year, are you?
Literally how can you fuck up Twinning/Akadaemia?
>ranged/casters always freak out on the first boss when they get marked
>set every experiment loose
Best melds for BLM?
I do that to pad my DPS with AoE, honest.
Because parsetrannies shit up every single XIV thread because instead of actually playing the game they're furiously dilating over their big high score in Simon Says.
>this was only with a DNC fluffing me
>not even during trick window and without divination
ohhhh boy anons It's coming
purple go fast rocks
>Tanking an eight man
>Other tank has less than 10K HP than I do
>Always spamming his high threat combos and never his damage or health recovery combos
>Gets high stacks of Vulnerability
>Always immediately taunts the boss back
You have no idea how much this happens.
Uninstall the game
Nobody cares, we all know BLM is Yoshi's pet class and he'll never actually balance it
incoming KH gunblade glams
There's a fuckload of knockback and lmao aoe dancing lately, SPS is looking REALLY fucking lucrative.
No, in the middle.
So he's full of shit then thanks for telling me
I care.
Bros I can't stop thinking about trannies bros.. Why..
I'm supposed to be happy with DRG that is doing tank tier dps? I mean that guy had no concept of rotation.
>Spend time between Shadowbringers end and Normal raid crafting and trying to pentameld
>Ran Shadowbringers with girl I like, we moved around on a 2 person mount, got angry if I forgot to wait for her to get on
>Neglected to do the extremes or gear up properly, still did some queues with her
>See her lapsitting in some Hrothgar's lap with Innocence accessories and his titty weapon
>His search info says something about a big knot
>ilvl 420, can't do the raid until I run something for goetia
>Look at friends list, shes a party member
>Search the hrothgar's name, Party lead.
imagine being such a brainlet you think a job that's been low tier for years finally being acceptable represents dev favoritism. blm is still garbage for prog and unwanted in ultimate.
>Titan dabbing on shitters whether he's lvl35, lvl50, lvl70, or lvl80
What a fucking chad of a primal, god damn.
yeah, these raids feel like KNOCKBACKS: THE EXPERIENCE
i miss old surecast
>gnb sfx go from a blade being scraped along an edge to a mallet
Are there any extra models that got datamined?
Eden a boss already?
So who will the endgame raid boss be?
Did 1-star food come out when Omega savage first came out? I'm not sure whatever to stockpile on food now or wait to craft better DH/Crit food.
did they actually change gnb ability sounds? won't be able to play for a couple hours still
probably something to do with the oracle of darkness
How fucking gay are you? Finally we get proper skillspeed itemization and maybe this shit game will be fun.
a fusion of bahamut, alexander and omega on a jetski
They have a lot more impact and oomph now.
Gaius and Estinien as the shock deaths to end the expansion. Zenos throws their dead bodies at you when you return.
Is DRK better than GNB? Is PLD the top tank? Should I reroll?
what should i be rolling on? i'm too lazy to figure out how to split it up each week
Shut the fuck up you pathetic cuck faggot.
For real? Haven't seen it yet
PLD > GNB > WAR > DRK for DPS.
PLD > WAR > DRK > GNB for Utility.
Save yourself, fool.
G'rha tia is the one that gunna die at the end, it how the scions will get back to the source after all
Crafted gear won't be better than raid gear, it's already been confirmed
They are all pretty equal in terms of healing. Sch and Ast just have garbage dps now. Sch is the one that feels the worst to play thats about it
It won't be better than SAVAGE gear, user.
W1 Ring+waist and then gloves/head/feet
W2 finish getting gloves, head and feet.
>make a dark knight expansion explaining the holy divine is not all that good
>fucking make PLD the best tank
Who the fuck are these developers? Seriously this is by far the biggest insult to injury Ive seen in a long time.
>Implying TBN is not the best mitigation tool in the game
t. salty WAR
are you crafting stuff?
If yes, look up substats on the E gear. If no,
There we go. I knew GNB was missing something. Those visceral heavy hitting sounds that the other tanks do.
Wish I could play right now but wagecuck life
What the fuck went through their head at this moment?
>Titan kills pugs in ARR
>Titan kills pugs in HW
>Titan kills Ultimate Raiders in SB
>"A-at least there's no way he'll come to the First."
>he comes to the First
what the fuck why is titan so mad
he literally cannot stop killing people every expac
Holy fucking based. Thank you Soken for the remix.
>Those visceral heavy hitting sounds that the other tanks do.
They do?
The only one that sounds it is WAR
>titan gokarts into the first to knock bitches off platforms again
Thank you retards for rolling only chest or legs. It was never this easy to get items.
Nah I play GNB unfortunately.
>no permadeath on titan
Its shit
dunno if i'll level my crafters in time. do substats even make a huge difference on healers?
Because listening to you whine about the DPS output is annoying. Give the shit player advice if you want it to go faster.
I don't like the new solid barrel sound effect
I'm really hoping for Man with the Machine Gun, but we have 2.0 primals taking up half the raid.
>not having an fc team of craftcucks to make you the crafted gear for prog
Substats don’t make a huge difference on anything. Just go for higher ilvl
Alright wol just imagine Titan and nothing else. Just remember him exactly as he was.
>GNB has tank stance so I let him pull
>5s countdown
>he doesn't pull and doesn't use Provoke or a ranged attack to try and take aggro from the dps
>I have to turn tank stance on and take it
It's only going to get worse from here, isn't it
Unless you're playing healer.
Has anyone made a webm of Eden Prime's big attack yet?
only HoL, the follow up explosions, and wicked talon sound better
forgot nomura was doing designs lmao.
what do eden gear substats look like for tanks? a bunch of skill speed?
The Warrior of Light has a very active imagination.
What primals will they remix in 5.2 boys?
Ifrit and Garuda. Shiva and Ramuh will be last
i'm at e2 and i got a gnb that never mitigated anything and voked the boss after he fell off like twice
shit's good and cool
Ifrit and Garuda. We're getting Mog again eventually whether you like it or not. Shiva is part 3, likely with Ramuh.
what if he was a car tho
Most of the sound effects sound weaker now, there's too much swoosh and not enough slice. Like they're swinging in the air.
The only one I had issues with was the second boss.
Got there on the third try, but i'm not convinced I actually know what the fucks going on.
Somebody explain it to me like i'm 5.
I like the new chest piece.
I think they could sound better, but I don't know how you think they sound weaker. They were barely audible before.
Go back into the shed.
I wish Titan was more like Alexander :(
GNBs are gonna have the largest amount of shitters because its the new class.
Have they ever balanced/nerfed crafting abilities? The fact there is a very easy 100% HQ sequence right now stands out a bit to me.
The maiming set is probably the best one, I can't wait for a dyeable version.
I was able to first try E2 like 4 hours ago in pugs but now all the retards are awake and I can't even get a clear in for my goodies
Clock means mechanics are delayed and you can see your timer in debuff bar. Stack marker is also delayed, so don't move out before the explosion.
"Man wouldn't it be rad if Titan had a drivers license?"
Does anyone else think they'll mix up the order for savage and put Eden Prime last
Will the reset in 15 min also affect the reward from eden?
>tfw Titan will come back for 6.0
>tfw Titan will come back for 7.0
>tfw we finally complete our quest and go to see Hydaelyn
>Hydaelyn's crystal opens up to accept us inside so we can end our journey
>tfw Titan is inside
Why is the raid such a joke compared to the Primals? At least with the primals you had to learn the mechanics of the fight with the raid you just walk in there and one shot it without even seeing the boss once.
No, eat shit
5.0 was the only time they've changed them that i can remember
i wouldn't expect them to change shit around much, crafting has gotten easier each expansion
Whats the best way to min max getting raid gear now?
you're comparing normal mode raid to extreme raid.
Nah, it's independent from today's daily reset.
all i recall is absorbing light, not radiating darkness :^)
>implying youll clear week 1, let alone day 1
Only last boss needed 3 wipes. 1st one was on the first try, 2 and 3 2 wipes. Doing right after servers goes online seems like a correct choice.
that's the daily reset, eden resets early tuesday with the weekly
caster is finally good.
Show ultimate clears cuck
>We'll have to kill ice mommy again
I have crafters all maxed out, so I'm not worried.
based retarded wowfugee
This is supposed to be easier than Extremes.
Based retard
>that guy who pretends to be afk to compete with fewer rolls
I can't wait to show her the new tricks I learnt on MCH.
E2s is going to have 5 delayed mechanics happening at once and the delayed order will be different than the order they appear so everyone has to call out their timers
soken dabbing all over that Dissidia composer
Do you like new GNB sounds?
>tries to brag about how skilled he is for thinking extremes and normal raids are easy
>he doesn't know all content is supposed to be easy excluding bad statics in savage and ultimate
They couldn't even add some Perception or hell, even Vitality to sweeten the deal? It's less than 1 GP per 10 item levels.
Mog isn't an elemental dunkass.
why are people unable to grasp mechanics after four wipes? how fucking retarded can you be
>Why aren't any fuckin TREES growing
>Shit, lets summon Sephirot and kill him
>Oh cool, look at all these trees.
>Bad news, fucker of Light, the elements aren't balancing properly, shits fucked
>We need some balance, Summon Sophia for us to give us some fuckin Equilibrium
Only fated circle and cartridge spender+continuation combo
The rest are a downgrade desu
I'm not bragging you fucking cocksucker I'm just saying I thought this was a fucking raid yet it's way easier than two bosses previous
What should I level next?
it has higher meld caps and you can use materia 7s in there
>Heh, I'll show XIVbabs with my superior WoW skills...
dumb fuck
Any one with Fishing at 80? Is it worth it to have a retainer as a Fisher this expansion or should I just make this one a Botanist?
Blue Mage
based wowfugee
Based retard who doesn't understand what savage and normal modes are
I understood all the mechanics on the 2nd boss instantly the first time they were used. They were extremely obvious to me and I can't imagine how slow someone's brain would have to be to not get it. And yet, everyone else in my group went full retard even after I explained it to them. Stuff like this just fuels my already massive superiority complex.
he wants you to be as mad as he is
>why is the story mode raid for retards easy?????????
FFXIVfags sure are proud of their cutting edge content that is literally raid finder tier easy
>Sophia is summoned by our memories
>WoL has only been thinking of Sophia's tits.
>She becomes Lakshmi huge, and her chest is even skimpier this time.
Uninstall faggot
based wow cuckold
dungeons or HoH for 60-70 on GNB?
>Ramuh (Savage)
No, I refuse.
Dungeons and them only
What? No we won't. The four elements are Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. We have to kill Ifrit and Garuda again, that's all.
>stay at a house placard for an hour just in case it pops
>click one more time for the hell of it
>it purchases
bros what am i supposed to do now. what do i even do with a house
>literally admitting to being a BfA tranny
Opinion discarded. You are the lowest common denominator. Fucking club penguin raids would be better than your complete dogshit game.
This is literally LFR you dumb nigger
Can't wait for the WoWfugee horde to get their shit pushed in 14 days from now
That's true but it still hurts seeing how I have to basically get two or three Overmelds before right side Gathering gets an upgrade. Crafting is basically an upgrade immediately.
savage will have it
FFXIV is the highest rated PC and PS4 game of 2019. How does this make you feel?
dont play GNB they should objectively be removed from the game. Paladin is the man's choice. If you don't play PLD you will be auto kicked from any FC worth their salt. PLD is so good that the expansion should be renamed Lightbringers instead of Shadowbringers. This is straight up a paladin expansion.
Why are you fags so sensitive? I was not even trying to imply that I'm some skilled player or anything. It was fun to learn the Primal fights and I was expecting a similar experience but instead they're just giant loot pinatas and knowing the mechanics barely matters.
ice and lightning as elements exist in ffxiv, we've got shiva and ramuh to deal with too
My PLD is actually already at 80, I want to try the new meme job.
It was a KH crossover in disguise all along!
based wowfugee
hey guys I just got my licence
You know these are the easy mode right? Are you retarded or just new?
They're calling you stupid because theres been two entire expansions worth of precedents for this.
I learned pretty quickly when he had a spell in waiting where we're supposed to stack on the single targeted person then he throws out a targeted AoE on four people.
The single stack hits first, and when people run the fuck away because they think the 4 targeted AoEs are going to hit, it hurts more.
But I see why there is going to be retards for a while.
Tanaka was a hack all along and Yoshida doesn't get paid enough to work 4 jobs.
Open up your inventory lad, we got 6 elements
Ifrit, Shiva, and Ramuh will be the genderswapped versions from world of Final Fantasy
Is this for HoH? Seems pretty good since I have the arm bonus.
I don't see a lot of stuff this expansion that you can use with fish. Espresso, Shakshouka and Baked Megapiranha seem to be the best food for Crit/DH so far but only the latter actually use fish.
We never killed her the first time! That said, I am expecting something emotional for Shiva.
Ifrit, Ramuh, and Garuda are probably also a given. The only question is what are the other bosses going to be?
I wasn't expecting Eden to be the first fucking boss of the Raid, complete with Eternal Breath.
There is gonna be a hard mode in two weeks, it has always been like this
just like stormblood was the MNK expansion?
my group wiped more to titan before the clear than we did innocence ex
For (You)
Are these the best raids in FFXIV at the moment?
>Those primal remixes
>Final boss turns into a car
There wasn't a single mechanic that felt like shitty busywork.
Redpill me on why Dark Knight is currently the worst class in the game
Easily the best normal modes, I feel.
>people crying about how DRG is OP and will for sure get a nerf
>DRG gets a buff instead
You understand it's normal mode right, you absolute neanderthal wowplayer.
Wait till nodes come out before you overmeld them. I stuck with just putting old 100% retrieval 6s and 5s on to hit max gp.
Leviathan was the weakest link for me.
Yeah, I was expecting normal mode, not easy mode. I suppose it's my fault though, I should have tempered my expectations given the playerbase this game has.
It's qol not buff.
It's not a buff really it was more to fix their incredibly awkward Disembowel timer that really had no business being that short.
I'm hoping Sephirot would appear as his OG Majin look because of his growth and tree themeing, but if you add him in you would have to add in the rest of the triad.
>WoL I want you imagine Titan just as he is
>But what if he had a go kart and cannons?
>dad walks in
>he didn't listen to Urianger's lecture
It wasn't much of a buff. Just brought its shit in line with other DPS (30s timers)
I think playing Healer just makes me angry and jaded.
seriously go back to azeroth. that game is more up your speed. don't care if you go to private servers or retail just go back.
WoL truly is an Ascian at heart, it's the same shit as the Ascian guy who created the griffin
>Ramuh is literally just a giant beard.
>Foxy Grandpa Savage
kek, you're right
>ending on that zinger of a cliff hanger
Fuck you Urianger.
That is not cool.
Striking gear looks like pure shit so pretty much just going to roll random pieces until I get my ass in order and decide what to level to 80 next.
Oh yeah I've only used Grade VI and V so far in Crafting and Gathering.
Is it just me or has XIV posters become more insufferable lately?
>die because healers don't heal through AoE
>wait for raise
>healers don't heal me up
>get killed by AoE
fuck's sake
>Whoopie cushion breaker
Fuck you faggots for complaining they were literally perfect before. The only thing they needed to do was increase the explosion sound.
>"Cut that out."
>Focus on making a primal.
>Accidentally summon Zantetsuken
Thanks I remember I could cheese some stuff like that but it don't apply here I guess
I'm a WoWfag.
Welcome to heal. Where you have to know what everyone is doing and only see other people fucking up royally.
I kinda forget but when do we fight titan gabu mode?.
Was it SB or HW?.
Can we finally create our mystery niggas robe
You WoW shitposters are insufferable.
Yoshi is absolute MADMAN
>attacking before getting healed
Screenshot your UI layout, Yea Forums. I wanna see.
This theme is so fucking good bros
protip: you're immune to all damage for 10 seconds after rezzing until you jump or press any spell/ability/weaponskill
Not even talking about WoW
>Queue up 40 minutes before reset
>Get in 20 minutes before reset
>Finish 10 minutes after reset
>The daily bonus from before the reset wasnt taken and instead the daily bonus after the reset was triggered
HW. Titan only shows up in HoH (both as a boss [kinda] and as a summon) and UWU in Stormblood.
>I am expecting something emotional for Shiva.
What if it's just Ysayle? No Shiva-ness aside from her moveset.
> How does this make you feel?
infested with wowniggers
I love my nigga titan.
He should be in every expansion.
>It's a "die anyways because a particular aoe arbitrarily pierces rez immunity" episode
Thank god that shit barely exists outside of Savage.
They need to make Tornado Kick just a straightforward OGCD with a 60s recast
this move has been useless for too long
So are the new Primal fights in Eden fun? Or are Titan and Leviathan the same as they were in ARR?
WoL SURE has wild imagination.
>Eden Ifrit
I hope Garuda will be LEWD as fuck.
Very, if anything they show how far the battle team has come since designing the ARR fights.
That's how it's worked since 2.0 my dude.
It does suck though.
When do we get new tomestome gear? 24 man release?
Have you learned the difference between Normal and Savage raids yet, retard? Why can you not stop posting? Is your ego that damaged?
they're the same in name only
Leviathan is kinda gay.
Titan like always is awesome can't wait to wipe in savage playing go karts.
savage = 2 weeks
nier raid = patch 5.1
alongside savage in two weeks
The WoL watched too much digimon.
They're both "dodge the AoEs". Not bad but pretty generic. Only the 2nd fight was interesting.
Oh thank God, I was nervous since I saw the Eden leaks. The music just remixes (not that I would complain for a remix of Titan's theme) or new?
parse fags are annoying as fuck in casual content
so are people who want a countdown
its fucking casual content, when Im doing this shit I dont expect anyone to be good
fuck your parse
fuck your countdown
and fuck AST cards especially
im pulling the moment that waiting barrier for everyone to load in is done
try hards get fucked
He already is!
He's gonna come back for us in 6.0! I'm telling you!
Every fight in the game is "dodge the aoes" when you're being reductionist, doesn't stop them from being fun.
>Garuda is very lustful and suggestive towards wol
>makes Alisaie jealous
levi always had two heads, you're just remembering wrong
the wol is perfectly fine, they don't have brain damage from being repeated hit on the head by monsters
>Nidhogg fused with Ysayle
Have you ever played Mario Kart?
Naw it's the shit, you can queue 10m before and get super fast queues even as dps.
Remixes, but they might as well be new songs with how different they are.
What the fuck do you do about Unholy Darkness in E2? The rest of the fight is easy, but I have no idea what to do with that 1hitKO bullshit.
Fuck you cancerous faggot pulling without countdown.
>Sound effects for certain gunbreaker actions have been adjusted.
They made solid barrel sound like shit and I can't tell if they improved any of the other sounds. Fucking WHY, that pakew sound for solid barrel was so fucking rad.
Light aether is one hell of a drug.
>minfilia dies
>both thancred and ryne become bearable characters
i hate how the majority of their screen time was spent brooding over that bitch. good fucking riddance
>not being a shitter means you're a tryhard
I, for one, welcome our retarded wowfugees.
fuck your cards, fuck your opener
if its not savage, extreme or ultimate I dont give a flying fuck about your dps or cards
get over yourself
>all that movement during titan
I'd tell BLMs to get ready to go back into the shed for savage, but they've always been in it.
Alright faggots everyone in this thread is getting pissed off about DRK. Is DRK bad? Is it struggling with endgame content compared to other classes? What is the meta right now? Seriously I dont want to get to 80 on a class just to have to bench because its unplayable in a 24 man.
>giving a fuck about casual content
go away tranny
Isn't that just a stack marker?
wait there's no white scrip off hands for crafters or am i missing something?
all the tanks are fine
Someone has to roll for it user.
There's more foghts than elements, retard.
One of the girls is gonna say something about Moogles, fucking up a summoning.
Nigga hardly anyone's talking shit about DRK except one dude.
Don't be retarded user.
I can't imagine how the fuck BLMs are doing a lot of the SHB fights. The amount of movement would drive me fucking insane if I had to stand still.
It's fine if you just want to clear things, but it became boring.
t. Metaslave Parsetranny
ranged dps are the niggers of xiv
no, just mainhands and clothes for now
they usually get added in a later patch but scrip gear isn't all that great anyway
Fucking, Is it?
I need a new fucking server, everyone I played with kept running away from the fuckers with unholy darkness.
There's no glaring issue among the tanks
Their new AoE spell looks cool
oh shit thanks
Funny how Thancred telling WoL to imagine something easy to beat but
> will not work right?
Reminds me of HW Thancred when he always commented WoL actions by slightly breaking 4th wall
>WOL hate choosing between the head or the tail of Leviathan
>Add an additionnal head to fully focus one part of the body instead
>casual content means be a retarded instant pull shitter
Go back
I'm only up to Titania, the first lightwarden we expelled all the light energy, the second one we just absorbed it. Are we fucked?
>t. Metaslave Parsetranny
>not giving a fuck about peoples parses make that poster a metaslave parsetranny
you okay? you have brain damage?
you should stop posting retard
The nu-Titan fight is amazing, can't wait for Savage.
you underestimate how nublm can cast while moving without a care
Yea, people are just being retarded because sometimes stack marker is delayed, so they run away when they see it gone.
I'm starting the game as a SCH. I've never healed in a mmo before. Anything I should know / pay attention to?
my opener!!!
uninstall my dude before you start transitioning
>Play MCH
>mfw watching the melee slowly dip slower on the meter as I sprint around the arena how I please and maintain perfect uptime
I'm only left wondering how all those dumbfuck BRDs I've partied with have somehow messed up mechanics when they have it this easy
Can't wait for all the BLM tears.
Can you even get a full power Shoha out in any of these fights?
Fuck this underwhelming ability.
I hope you're not one of fags who keep crying in chat about others.
I wish I could press a button and delete every character with the title
You can't start as a SCH. Are you using a jump potion?
>tfw Tanks constantly move out of peoples ground AoEs
Why, it's like they do this shit on purpose.
>They pull one pack, then stop, start doing rotation abilities not just AoE.
>Then decide nah lets get another pack and fuck up everyone's ground AoE.
It was always like this since SB, honestly ranged shouldn't do more dps than melees with that effort.
You get a lot of oh shit buttons, use them in-between DPSing
You won’t need to worry much now but for futures sake know that SCH has no real tools to burst a tank up to max HP repeatedly. SCH is the proactive healer. Keep shields up, plan your cooldowns and learn all the cool tricks like Aldoing yourself pre dungeon pull and then deploying off yourself for another free OGCD heal.
Check out FFXIVmomos new video on ShB Scholar to see what it’s like.
Wow. I didn't even say nigger. How's the new raid?
Everyone in the duty finder on elemental are Japanese, so there's no point.
It's a really good feeling being a tank and not doing what youre describing while knowing I never have to worry about shit tanks doing that since I will always be my tank.
On the other hand, I have to deal with healers not doing their job or thinking they can do a better job at tanking than me.
So I guess it goes both ways.
No, I just unlocked the job after getting to 30. Leveling the normal way.
Alright, thanks for the advice, I'll check it out..
>Gunbreaker actually sounds like you're slashing and shooting now
Thank god
Recitation + Emergency + Adlo for 50K health is pretty nice
you should've just told him you were black
Am I going to have to fight the older Titan's to fight the new one? Every time I tried doing the older content the Queue's never fucking pop, I couldn't even get the latest Shinryu to pop.
>Bunch of fart noises
Ryne doesn't know what a Moogle is. The 4 unknown fights are gonna be story stuff, just like Voidwalker.
Nigga you fought Titan as part of the MSQ
none im just getting crafted
>Using Eden Prime on the first set of raids
What the fuck are they gonna do now?
no one in the history of ever has ever done extreme primals through duty finder
I know this question is going to get a lot of hate but, when's the new BLU content coming out? I actually enjoy doing the content.
Queue for mentor roulette and ye shall know despair
We'll probably have to fight full power Eden later on again, plus the Oracle of Darkness stuff.
Nope. The only purpose is to use it for phase changes but even the phase change in Eden Prime stuns you so it makes the skill useless.
Even at full power it does a measly 500 potency. Gekko/Kasha+Kaiten does 705 potency and you don't have to sacrifice auto attacks or stand still. I'm expecting buffs or a rework for 5.05 or 5.1
>I enjoy BLU
>green text
are you playing with literal children? It's no wonder you got suspended if that's the company you keep.
5.1 is level cap increase and more spells added
Oracle of Darkness. AKA Ultimecia
It's your typical Yea Forums memer from xiv threads
>have to wait until 5.2 to continue
Aaaah fuck I hate this. I really wished this was voiced, though. I know raids are never voiced, but this is pretty much a continuation of the MSQ.
I mean grinding the same primals over and over again wasn't great, but the all BLU dungeon runs were awesome
>he has a baddie crown
Fuck you saying? In JP we always DF EX primals.
>Not just hiding the crown and using the roulette for extra tomes and to help sprouts
Crown changed to watering can when?
i did susano ex once on aether
>Doing my daily expert, 1st boss of twinning, run out to lala in anticapation of his multi leaps, get the circle on me
>AST fucking rescues me into the monk and him
>killed me almost wiped and when I went wtf "you weren't in aoe range..."
some people in this game deserve to be gassed.
>WoWfugee tide comes
>suddenly both Yea Forums and /xivg/ constantly get people posting GM logs or pics from inside Mordion
I fucking love it, you practically filter yourselves.
probably because you haven't played it anytime recently
at minimum 1/3rd of your gcds are instant cast now and you have your movement mechanics ontop of it
>Why yes I do play Brapbraker. How could you tell?
I did Titan, Shiva, Ravana, and Thordan EX on DF
Pretty much
The first tier of Alexander is a sleep fest and Omegas was okay.
We don't know yet. 5.1 is a common guess, but nothing is confirmed. For all we know, there could be nothing new until 5.5.
How hard is it to just not say nigger/nigga? Do you really have to be told that in general public, online and offline people generally don't take kindly to it?
You're seriously fucking retarded.
Can you read? I didn't say any N word.
>All 6 primals
But what if we're only fighting the Light (Dark) Elements? That would mean only Garuda.
They said on the last live letter that 5.1 is when BLU gets level cap increase and new stuff.
Just a reminder in 5.4 Yoshi is going to troll the fuck out of US players spamming "Rinoa is Ultimecia" by having Rynn turn into ultimecia and fighting her in final fight she'll get better
i want to see heads roll, execute, past life
100 white birds 99 fall out the sky
The watering can thing is all I want.
You got me there, I haven't played it since 2.5.
Fair enough then.
I liked these bosses a lot, can't wait for the next wing, it'll be in a month or so right?
The story is great.
>they're still too afraid to make the Raids a part of the MSQ so they have to make up some bullshit about keeping things a secret to they have an excuse to not bring it up during the MSQ
Yeah because continuing to keep secrets from our closest companions is a good idea, Urianger.
Really? I can't find when they said that.
Most people that report others for offensive language don't do it because they are offended by the word. They do it because they know the person can get in trouble for using the word and they may not like their attitude, playstyle, or the person in question.
t. Got multiple people suspended because they were early pullers and I hated them for it so I baited them into using a bad word and made a GM ticket pretend sob story about how the word offended me so much I may unsub
>>Always spamming his high threat combos and never his damage or health recovery combos
Every combo is a high threat combo now.
How the fuck. How do you become a 'mentor' and not know how doom works.
You're a faggot
Had some absolute morons in fight 2 that cannot comprehend the mechanics and run out to their doom with the stack or run out with delayed bombs and kill the stack.
Your first paragraph is truth. Your second one is bad bait.
Savage mode which is usually pretty hard, then 5.1 Ishgard Restoration + more MSQ + NieR 24 man raid, then the next wing.
Walking on tiles to remove doom is sort of not used that often.
There's like 3 different doom ways. Some of them are esuna, some are overheal, some are mechanic based.
Next time don't early pull faggot.
If only, GMs will bow down to long time players if they threaten to unsub because of an incident.
Why is there so many people who ragequit and cry in chat in EU?
>some guy shit talking everyone
>he dies
>start making excuses and explaining his retarded death
I got a bitch/trannybitch yelled at because she called me fat for AFK dancing next to "her spot." It was weird.
Get the fuck off my data center. Your kind is not welcome here.
>the Brazilian server on the spic DC
>"your kind"
Sure, but he's probably had to do that dungeon dozens of times, like everyone else. It's not a hard thing to remember.
What the fuck are you talking about?
We are doing just fine on light.
Behemoth is literally the Brazilian server.
You know, if it has been literal years since you went last there, you can forget this stuff.
>not wanting to play with retards who cry about saying nigger and get suspended for it
I dont get it.
primal is the spic dc
Tell me about Light DC. Do you have late night PF?
Congrats on your cut throat autism no one capable of clearing cares.