Daily reminder liking this piece of shit is a trend and once people are able to play the remaster they are going to...

Daily reminder liking this piece of shit is a trend and once people are able to play the remaster they are going to remember how badly it fucking sucked.

Theres a reason why they never ported it for years

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The MC being a true self-insert for you was a little too much, wasn't it?

Yup, it was shit. Junctioning was retarded. Level-scaling enemies was retarded. The character designs are wack, and the young cast doesn't excuse the godawful characterisation.
"herp derp brb I need to apologize during this top-secret assassination mission"

t. Persona 5 and Dark Souls fan

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t.didn't even remember his character

I loved this game when I was 9 and I love it now. Don´t hate it if you´re too dumb to understand junctioning

Fuck you that was the best monty python skit I'd ever seen in my entire life.
>after thirty minutes of the entire party making colossal low IQ plays, Irvine has his chance to shoot
>"I got cold feet man"
I have a save in the manor for whenever I want to see that glorious mess again.

Junctioning is busted garbage thar forces you to hold onto spells. You just think your anything but a smooth brain because you get big numbers and never use spells because

It's busted garbage because the game doesn't really know how it wants to be played. Diving in like a normal person and it is a draw-heavy exercise in frustration. If you realize what card mod does, on the other hand, the game is now some sort of comedy parody of JRPGs where all the drama is broken by RENZOKUKEN.

Damn, you stupid people reveal yourselves too easily.

>being afraid of using spells
>When exploiting weakness early game makes combat a lot faster
>When getting spells is so easy

Past mid game elemental attack replaces the need for offensive spells most of the time, then you can just get around with supporting ones that are also easy to get more. Don´t even try to argue that using then will make you oh so weak, You´ll be using wall and haste at the beggining of the battle and that´s it, maybe melt. A couple charges lost won´t affect you in any significant way.

>all human, less fantasy characters
>It's shit
Every single fucking time with this fucking franchise, get the fuck over it ff8 retards, your game is a disastrous fucking mess.

Health based limit breaks were a mistake.

Oh yea forgot to mention
Fuck ff8.

I can't wait for the remaster. I broke this game so bad that nearly everything including bosses died in a few hits.

If you don't get into fights you're not building AP for GF skills, which means that you're forced to grind out tons of spells from each enemy in order to stand a chance.

You learned to play the game wrong and in the most miserable way possible.

What’s it like having crippling autism

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can you imagine actually standing around drawing magic instead of just refining it and refusing to use magic just because you have it junctioned when you can easily get more?

Leveling is bad retards because it fucks youe stat growth which is why your reccomended to use the ability to turn your enemies into cards.

>Gear crafting is fucking useless

Yea m sure you can find plenty of ultima early game assuming you havent killed or missed the few bosses that have it.

I replay it every 2 years
Now I will replay it every 2 years with HQ models

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There isn’t a single RPG that can’t be trivialized by overuse of the tools given to you

Can any sub-70 IQ people explain what was so great about this game or any Final Fantasy games in the first place? The gameplay is just generic turn based JRPG stuff, so it's not the gameplay. It must be the story, but holy shit is the story bad in all Final Fantasy games. The stories are so bad I don't think anything more needs to be said about them. So what's so great about the games? Graphics? Nope. Sound? Maybe. Characters? Holy shit no.

Except ff8 that directly encourages not playing the game :^)

based, i want to play it too

Skyrim does same thing

and Yea Forums hates Skyrim too

Replace it with 9 and we're good.

The only thing that sucks is the parts where you need to sit there and draw hundreds of spells out of an enemy. It kills the pacing and doesn't speak well of the game's enemies that they can't kill you in the time it takes to suck a hundred spells out of them.

As someone who likes breaking games I find the junction system pretty neat even though it's a bit grindy at times

> so guys the point is that this evil witch manipulating the dictator is being manipulated herself but actually she's a very good person so I couldn't kill her because she took care of all of us when we were together in the orphanage as kids and - what, you don't remember we all know each other since 15 years ago? Ah of course, GFs. Well I do remember some of it because in my garden we don't use so many GFs so of course I remember a bit but you remember nothing :)
who the fuck thought this was a good plot, let alone the time kompression "twist" and the consciousness "sent back in time" to other people?

So does final fantasy 2 and people say its the worst final fantasy game meanwhile 8 gets a pass despite being infinitely more shit.

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You are a faggot.

game is piss easy and almost every GF has a way to refine magic so you don't need to draw it manually, there's like a handful of spells in the game that are actually worth drawing directly from an enemy

FF4 = best snes ff
FF8 = best ps1 ff
FF10 = best ps2 ff
there is no best ps3 or p4 ff

*spend 30 minutes playing cards

I replay it every couple of years so, whatever.

so basically, if I'm understanding OP correctly, it bothers him that people like this game so he has to make a daily thread about it

Wouldn't OP's energy be better off shitting on a game like Gone Home? At least FF8 clearly had passion behind it. Great music, interesting setting, tons of crazy jap story lore shit to talk with other fans about until the wee hours of the night(late night FF threads are pretty great), a flawed albeit interesting system that makes it stand out from other jrpgs to the point where it still makes people like OP and seethe.

I don't know. I'm not really a big fan of Final Fantasy VIII. I prefer V, VI, VII, IX, X, basically all of them that aren't XIII and on and FFII, but to me it is clearly not the garbage game they say it is. It's a fine game. It's just not for you.

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>Dont draw spells for 3 hours and hit like a wet noodle
>meanwhile enemies smack your shit up
Kys ff8cuck

>extremely shit
>zoomer love novel

3 > 1 > 5 > 7 = 9 > 2 > dog shit > 8

get good

lol mad as fuck

>the best
yawn. at least you like based 5.

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No that's V
Wrong, that's XII

Just play cards, dummy.

The only people who play like that are min-maxing autists. You can very much play FF8 normally and not be punished for it. The problems happen when you try to power level without understanding the systems of the game.

>Prefering 1 and 3 over 5, 7 and 9.
Enjoy grinding do we now?

I've always liked it despite it's nonsensical story. Squall is best boy

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The older games are dangerous and fun and filled with well thought out enemies. 5 is fun but to grindy and rapid fire/ninja/spellblade are the only proper way to kill end game bosses. 7s super bosses need to be cheesed and its end game is boring. 9 is to fucking slow but good.

>Wouldn't OP's energy be better off shitting on a game like Gone Home?
Or maybe make threads about games you LIKE instead of ones you don't. Does shitting on something and arguing with people all day really make your life better?

Why did they shoot a sorceress into the moon instead of into the sun?

>Level-scaling enemies was retarded.
Serious question: have you played the game?

clearly, yes.

really if you're going to shit on a game on Yea Forums its probably better to do one that doesn't have anything going for it at all. If you hate FF8 to the point where you even hate its music you're just a giant no taste fag. This game has lots of love put into it.

The sun would destroy the prison structure and Adel would bullshit her way back to Earth because magic powers.

Nah, VIII was my VII and I like it, and will still like it when I play it later this year. You can do and say nothing to stop me

>getting baited this hard

jesus christ

I never bothered with the refine skills because I thought the conversion rate was going to be shit. Like 5 scales for 1 water or something bad like that

>Squall is best boy

and yet that moment is when Squall's character went downhill and never recovered

8 doesn't get a pass anywhere on the net. All people ever do is talk about how poor of an FF game it is.

>regular threads critizicing FFVIII
>meanwhile, the disaster known as FFXIII is never, ever mentioned

They might not be all masterpieces, but critizicing games from the golden age of Square Enix while not even mentioning the absolute ass raping all their franchises have suffered since their fusion with Enix and still being suffered today is retardation of the highest order.

Hell, Yea Forums will easily defend FFXIII over FFVIII for some reason. It makes no fucking sense to me, but perhaps I'm just a nostalgiafag.

Reminder if you hate this game you're under the influence of Spoony and Reddit.

I don't think people consider FF13 a Final Fantasy game.

even if you disliked FF8 long before discovering either of them?